THIS EDITION OF BUILDERS FRAMEWORK IS SPONSORED BY: THE ENGINEERING GROUPE Builders FRAMEWORK Volume 7, Issue 7 INSIDE Crab Feast …………...Page 3 Advertising …………...Page 4 Summer fun ideas …………....Page 6 Member News …………....Page 7 Industry Investors …………..Page 8 NAHB News …………Page 10 American Trivia …………Page 11 Greenways Initiative Trail …………Page 12 Look us up on Facebook and ‘like’ us today! A publication of the Fredericksburg Area Builders Association JULY 2012 Drafted by Thomas Jefferson between June 11 and June 28, 1776, the Declaration of Independence is at once the nation's most cherished symbol of liberty and Jefferson's most enduring monument. Here, in exalted and unforgettable phrases, Jefferson expressed the convictions in the minds and hearts of the American people. The political philosophy of the Declaration was not new; its ideals of individual liberty had already been expressed by John Locke and the Continental philosophers. What Jefferson did was to summarize this philosophy in "self-evident truths" and set forth a list of grievances against the King in order to justify before the world the breaking of ties between the colonies and the mother country. We invite you to read a transcription of the complete text of the Declaration. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMERICA! Childress Homes P.O. Box 5446, Fredericksburg, VA 22403 Contact: Jesse Childress 540-286-2345 Email: Website: Bowling, Franklin & Co. 1207 Charles Street Fredericksburg, VA 22401 Contact: Harry Dickinson 540-373-8973 Email: Website: Page 2 - Builders FRAMEWORK Fredericksburg Area Builders Association 2012 Officers & Board of Directors JULY 2012 From the President’s Pen … OFFICERS President Danna Middleton The Charleston Company First Vice President Timothy Thompson Thompson Building Corporation Second Vice President Jeff Hall J Hall Homes Associate Vice President Eddie Payne Mid South Building Supply Treasurer Guy Miller-Richards C&F Mortgage Corporation Secretary Lindy Ely Sear Commercial Sales Immediate Past President Glen Raymond Goglia Homes Executive Vice President Bea Phelps FABA ELECTED DIRECTORS Sean Halsey, Builder Director Halsey Home Corporation Chris Kohlhaas,Builder Director Fredericksburg Custom Homes Dave Phelps, Builder Director IPD Homes Dan Sandoval, Builder Director Republic Home Builders Mike King, Associate Director Ray’s Siding Lewis Taylor, Associate Director Lewis Appraisal Services LLC Bruce Reese, Associate Director The Engineering Groupe Lisa Wescoat, Associate Director NSWC Federal Credit Union FABA STAFF Bea Phelps Executive Vice President Ann Mitchell Administrative Assistant Builders Framework is published monthly by the Fredericksburg Area Builders Association for its members. Fredericksburg Area Builders Association 3006 Lafayette Boulevard Fredericksburg, VA 22408 540-898-2730 FAX: 540-898-2974 Online: E-mail: Fredericksburg Area Builders Association About the association The Fredericksburg Area Builders Association, chartered in 1968 and incorporated in 1980, represents thousands of people whose livelihoods are directly tied to the building and building-related industries. FABA, a tax-exempt trade association, is affiliated with the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) and the Home Builders Association of Virginia (HBAV). With its main purpose to create and maintain a favorable climate for the growth and development of the building industry, the Fredericksburg Area Builders Association seeks to develop and maintain high professional business standards with the ultimate goal of providing home ownership to all individuals and families in our area. Centrally located between Washington, D.C., the nation’s capital, and Richmond, Virginia, the state capital, FABA serves the historic Fredericksburg, VA area including the surrounding counties of Spotsylvania, Stafford, King George, Caroline, and Orange. Builders FRAMEWORK - Page 3 JULY 2012 MEMBERS OF THE MONTH CHILDRESS HOMES P.O. Box 5446 Fredericksburg, VA 22403 Phone: 540-286-2345 Email: Contact: Jessie Childress BOWLING, FRANKLIN & CO. 1207 Charles Street Fredericksburg, VA 22401 Phone: 540-373-8973 Email: Contact: Harry Dickinson ATTENTION BUILDERS: NOTICE OF FEE INCREASE FROM STAFFORD COUNTY Click HERE to view the new fee schedule. These will go ‘live’ July 1 when the additional technology fee will be imposed on all applications and fees collected in the Departments of Planning & Zoning and Public Works. Not only will the 2.75% be collected at the first submission but will also be collected for any moneys collected on applications for revisions and 3rd review fees and all permits. Any questions can be directed to: Andrea K. Hornung, AICP (w) 540-658-8668 (f) 540-658-6824 The new fee schedule can also be found on the FABA website in the Members Only section THANK YOU DOMINION VIRGINIA POWER AND SEARS FOR SPONSORING THIS YEARS CRAB FEAST! KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS FRIDAY, JULY 13, 2012 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM If crabs aren’t your thing, no worries - the menu will also include barbeque, hot dogs, potato salad, baked beans, coleslaw and more! Registration forms are available at Page 4 - Builders FRAMEWORK JULY 2012 FABA IS PROUD TO HIGHLIGHT THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE BUILDING INDUSTRY IN THE FORMATION OF THIS GREAT COUNTRY The history of the construction industry dates back to the early days of civilization, when people would trade their strength and ability to build crude structures for something else of value. As time went on, the first skilled artisans began to barter their services or accept money as payment for their construction work. The history of the construction industry over the past 200 years has been rapidly changing, in large part due to the technological advances starting with the Industrial Revolution and the explosive growth of the global population. Construction Industry growth has been stunted in recent years due to the global economic downturn, but it stands to reason that it will increase again in the near future. The history of the construction industry was changed with the creation of factories and improvements in metal working in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. These improvements meant there was less work that had to be done by hand, rapidly increasing the rate at which buildings could be completed. Architectural advancements also played a role in this boom. With the creation of new materials like steel and concrete, the history of the construction industry received altered again. Concrete is a material cheap enough to be used for virtually any type of project and is strong and durable. Steel provides the strength needed for the interior of large scale building projects, with concrete providing much of the outside support that was too costly to do using brick or other older materials. Another momentous event in the history of the construction industry occurred after World War II, when the American interstate highway system was created. This allowed for easier access to cities and the creation of suburbs, which led to a housing boom. Using generic designs and cheaper materials, houses began to be built at a furious rate around the country. The home building market has continued to grow over time, with home builders specializing in the building of certain types of houses doing business across the nation. The home building market took a beating in the late part of the first decade of the 21st century, when the home loan market collapsed on the weight of millions of defaulted loans, but is in the process of slowly recovering. Article from Interesting tidbit about the 4th of July : Both John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, two founding fathers of the U.S. and the only two men who signed the Declaration of Independence to become President died on the same day……. JULY 4, 1826 Get those Parade of Homes entries into FABA early and save on the entry fees. It’s not too late to get a discount on your entry: June 2 through July 31st $750 first entry ($600 each add’l) After August 1st all entries $1050 The new FABA website will display all 2012 Parade of Homes entries for a full year. Company name, contact information and details of entry will be provided with links to your company website. Builders FRAMEWORK - Page 5 JULY 2012 Interesting tidbit about the 4th of July : The Liberty Bell sounded from the tower of Independence Hall on July 8, 1776, summoning citizens to gather for the first public reading of the Declaration of Independence by Colonel John Nixon On September 8, 1892 a Bostonbased youth magazine "The Youth's Companion" published a 22-word recitation for school children to use during planned activities the following month to commemorate the 400th anniversary of Columbus' discovery of America. Under the title "The Pledge to the Flag", the composition was the earliest version of what we now know as the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. “WHATS IN IT FOR ME” CONTEST MAY Newsletter All of the members below found the compass on Pg 8 located in the Childress Agency logo! CONGRATULATIONS TO THE ENGINEERING GROUPE FOR SUBMITTING THE WINNING ENTRY Page 6 - Builders FRAMEWORK JULY 2012 FABA congratulates Robert B. Payne Inc. for an awesome accomplishment! Bob Thompson recognized for ethical leadership The president of Fredericksburg-area heating and air company Robert B. Payne Inc. received an ethical business award Friday from the Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce and Rappahannock Rotary Club. Bob Thompson won the first Ethical, CharacterDriven Citizen of the Year Award. The award, which will be given annually, was presented during a workshop on ethics and leadership at the Fredericksburg Country Club. Thompson, grandson of company founder Robert B. Payne, was recognized for “his honesty, commitment to doing the right thing for the right reason, his efforts to build goodwill in the community and his concern for the needs of others.” By Bill Freehling on June 1st, 2012 1:24 pm TO SOME OF OUR MEMBER BANKS FOR SUPERIOR AND EXCELLENT BAUER FINANCIAL 1ST QUARTER RATINGS: BauerFinancial, Inc. has been analyzing and reporting on the financial condition of the nation’s banking industry since 1983. Each bank and credit union is required to file a detailed financial report with federal regulators four times a year. BauerFinancial obtains this data in its raw form from the government. The quarterly data is subjected to a thorough analysis and is compared with historical data for consistency. Upon completion of the analysis, a star-rating is assigned based on a scale of zero to five stars with five stars being the strongest. FOUR STARS FIVE STARS Builders FRAMEWORK - Page 7 JULY 2012 Member News & Notes WELCOME NEW MEMBERS AARONAL HOMES INC. Mr. Hank Osleger P.O. Box 9070 Fredericksburg, VA 22403 540-368-1999 Email: Website: LAW OFFICE OF BARRY W. CLARK Mr. Barry Clark 104 Westwood Office Park Fredericksburg, VA 22401 540-374-9174 Email: Website: ORLEANS HOMES Mr. Paul Luck 711 Moorefield Park Dr Richmond, VA 23236 804-323-3100 Email: Website: UNION MORTGAGE GROUP Mr. Glen Lanford 10131 Jefferson Davis Hwy Fredericksburg, VA 22407 540-834-1215 Email: Website: VULCAN MATERIALS Mr. Todd Helton P.O. Box 6250 Springfield, VA 22151 703-813-5067 Email: Website: Quote of the Month “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” Abraham Lincoln JULY CALENDAR JULY 4 FABA Office Closed HAPPY FORTH OF JULY! JULY 13 CRAB FEAST Knights of Pythias 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm Interesting tidbit about the 4th of July : The names of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were withheld from the public for more than 6 months to protect the signers. If independence had not been achieved, the treasonable act of the signers would have, by law, resulted in their deaths……….wow - huge risk, huge reward! THANKS FOR RENEWING Page 8 - Builders FRAMEWORK JULY 2012 THANKS TO ALL OF OUR ADVERTISING SPONSORS Scott Hine and John Hayden P. O. Box 7267 Fredericksburg, VA 22404 888.300.3333 P.O. BOX 867 SPOTSYLVANIA, VA 22553 MAKING QUALITY HOMES AFFORDABLE WWW.SPEARBUILDERS.NET 540-368-9003/888-539-6904 “We work hard to make your job easier” 234 Industrial Ct. Fredericksburg, VA. 22408 540-710-0800 Fax 540-710-0844 Toll free 888-658-7663 Gerald Childress, President Spotsylvania, VA 22553 540-507-8238 Warren G. Cox, President 604 William Street Fredericksburg, VA 22401 Email: Website: (540) 373-1531/ 800-363-1838 Ferguson Bath, Kitchen & Lighting Gallery 10702 Spotsylvania Ave Fredericksburg, VA 22408 (P) 540-898-5511 2362 Plank Road Fredericksburg, VA 22401 540-371-8005 Cabinets, countertops, appliances & more! Eddie Payne, Sales Rep 11001 Houser Drive, Ste 1 Fredericksburg, VA 22408 (540) 735-1864 Specializing in Siding, Windows, and Cabinets HALSEY HOME CORPORATION RESIDENTIAL LAND DIVISION Anthony J. Sala 1201 Central Park Blvd. Fredericksburg, VA 22401 540-786-1480 Advertise in Builders Framework Full page ad ½ page ad ¼ page ad Bus. card sized ad $150 $100 $ 75 $ 50 Call the FABA office 540-898-2730 191 Kirkley Place, Fredericksburg, VA 22406 Phone: 540-623-4687 Email: Builders FRAMEWORK - Page 9 JULY 2012 Builders Learn How to Comply with OSHA Regulations with Updated Handbook from NAHB June 4, 2012 - Safe work practices of small building companies play an important part in reducing injuries and fatalities in the residential construction industry. BuilderBooks, the publishing arm of the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) recently released the third edition of its Jobsite Safety Handbook which explains what builders can do to comply with OSHA requirements. The Jobsite Safety Handbook, a comprehensive guide written in both English and Spanish, describes how the residential construction industry can comply with OSHA regulations, while focusing on the most common hazards found on jobsites. The handbook covers the key safety issues residential builders and trade contractors need to focus on to reduce accidents and injuries. It identifies safe work practices and related OSHA regulations that have an impact on the most hazardous activities in the construction industry. Included in the handbook is a series of general safety tips which are designed to provide examples of common best practices for residential construction safety that can be incorporated into a company’s safety and health program. “Utilizing safe work practices on a jobsite is of the utmost importance to our members,” said NAHB Chairman Barry Rutenberg, a home builder from Gainesville, Fla. “The Jobsite Safety Handbook covers key safety issues and provides concise tips for complying with OSHA regulations, and preventing jobsite hazards.” With clear illustrations and color photographs, the Jobsite Safety Handbook includes new and updated information on topics such as: • Fall protection for roofing work and around openings • Hearing and respiratory protection • Working in confined spaces • First aid • Hazardous materials • Housekeeping and general site safety • Employer duties, including training and protective equipment The handbook highlights the minimum safe work practices and regulations designed to prevent major hazards and causes of fatalities occurring in the residential construction industry. It should be used only as a companion to the actual regulations and as a general guide to safety practices. For more information and resources on construction safety, OSHA compliance and other safety guidelines, visit Jobsite Safety Handbook, Third Edition is available for purchase at or by calling 800-223-2665. Soft-cover/95pages, $12.50 retail, $11.00 NAHB member, ISBN 978-0-86718-681-9. Interesting tidbit about the 4th of July : The first Independence Day celebration west of the Mississippi occurred at Independence Creek and was celebrated by Lewis and Clark in 1805 Page 10 - Builders FRAMEWORK JULY 2012 AN AWESOME SIGN OF THE TIMES! THINGS ARE LOOKING UP FOR OUR BUILDERS! FIRST 25 LOTS SOLD AT COLONIAL FORGE The first 25 finished lots at Augustine Homes’ new Colonial Forge subdivision in Stafford County were sold last month to two different homebuilders. The Drees Co. bought 13 of the lots, and Beazer Homes Corp. purchased the other 12. The price was $147,500 per lot, according to deeds filed last month in Stafford Circuit Court. Augustine plans to build homes itself in future sections of the subdivision, which will include a mix of singlefamily homes and townhouses. Drees, Beazer and Augustine are all building model homes at Colonial Forge. According to their websites, the Drees homes there start at $354,900, and the Beazer homes at $372,990. The subdivision, which could someday include as many as 538 homes, is off Courthouse Road next to Colonial Forge High School. A road is being built through the neighborhood connecting Courthouse Road and Kellogg Mill Road. Not far from Colonial Forge off Courthouse Road, Newland Real Estate Group and North America Sekisui House have started the extensive site work at the Embrey Mill subdivision, which could include as many as 1,800 homes. The first finished lots are expected to be ready for builder home models starting early next year. The Embrey Mill project will extend Mine Road as a four-lane divided road all the way between Garrisonville and Courthouse roads. Embrey Mill Road will also be extended to intersect with the new portion of Mine Road. The Virginia Department of Transportation is making plans to handle the increased traffic in the area. VDOT is now designing a reconstructed interchange off Interstate 95, and also plans to widen Courthouse Road to four lanes between I-95 and Ramoth Church Road. There is no construction schedule or timeline for either project. By Bill Freehling on June 6th, 2012 2:01 pm NEXT PHASE OF WHITEHALL BEING PLANNED Northern Virginia-based homebuilder Basheer & Edgemoore is making plans to develop the remainder of the Whitehall subdivision in Spotsylvania County. Whitehall is off Herndon Road not far from Brock Road Elementary School. Basheer & Edgemoore has built and sold 24 of the 26 planned homes in the first section of the development. The company is now asking the county to rezone 167 acres of the property from rural (RU) to residential (R-1) to allow for 84 singlefamily detached homes on at least 1-acre lots. Basheer & Edgemoore would then use another 800 acres at Whitehall for two homes on very large properties. A public hearing regarding the rezoning is scheduled in front of the Spotsylvania Planning Commission on June 20. By Bill Freehling on June 6th, 2012 12:35 pm GARRETT DEVELOPING SUBDIVISION OFF GARRISONVILLE Stafford County-based Garrett Development Corp. is developing a 25-home subdivision just north of Garrisonville Road in North Stafford. W.C. Spratt Inc. started site work a couple of weeks ago at the West Hampton Village subdivision, which is walking distance to Kate Waller Barrett Elementary School and adjacent to Garrett’s Stafford Commerce Park office complex. NVR Inc., through subsidiary Ryan Homes, will purchase the 25 lots over time, said Garrett Development President Andy Garrett. He said lots could be ready by late August. Garrett Development purchased the 15-acre property last month from Stafford Commerce Park LLC for $1 million, according to county property records. Virginia Commerce Bank is financing the site work. By Bill Freehling on June 6th, 2012 3:00 pm Builders FRAMEWORK - Page 11 JULY 2012 How about a little Trivia to test your knowledge of American History? This test was created by Teacher Created Resources Inc. and is given to students in the 5th grade. Let’s see how well you do and answer the ultimate question……...“are you smarter than a 5th grader?” Good luck - the answers will be printed in next months edition of Builders Framework 1. “We the People of the United States” are the first seven words to what important document? 2. Who was the first American to walk on the moon? 3. Name two Americans to appear on U.S. coins who were not presidents. 4. What is the only state that borders only one other state? 5. How are the fifty stars on the U.S. flag arranged? 6. What were the two capital cities before Washington, D.C.? 7. How tall is the Washington Memorial? 8. Who wrote “The Star-Spangled Banner”? 9. In which hand does Miss Liberty hold her torch? 10. In what state would Washington, D.C., be found? 11. What do we call a government in which the people elect their leaders? 12. What famous words appear on the Great Seal of the United States? 13. What is the only “island” state that is not an island? 14. Who flew the first airplane? 15. Who killed President Lincoln? Page 12 - Builders FRAMEWORK JULY 2012 Interesting tidbit about the 4th of July : The representatives of the Second Continental Congress actually signed the declaration of independence on August 2, 1776. KEEP THAT MIND SHARP! “Who” is looking at you…………..? Another FABA Member recognition Congratulations Pohanka! Area Auto Dealership Groups among top in nation Several automotive dealership groups with a presence in the Fredericksburg area, including one that’s locally based, are among the top revenue generators in the country. Fredericksburg-based Rosner Automotive Group placed 92nd on WardsAuto’s recently published Mega Dealer 100 list of the top U.S. dealer groups by 2011 revenue. Rosner owns local Toyota, Scion, Nissan, Volvo and Mercedes-Benz dealerships as well as a collision center and large used-car operation. The company had revenue of about $261.6 million in 2011, according to the WardsAuto list. Pohanka Automotive Group placed 33rd on the list with 2011 revenue of $901.7 million. Pohanka is based in Maryland and operates throughout the Washington area, including Honda, Nissan and Hyundai dealerships in the Fredericksburg area. Do Business With a Member! It’s Good Business Richmond-based used-car dealership CarMax Inc. placed third on the list with 2011 revenue of $8.7 billion. Florida-based AutoNation Inc. topped the list with 2011 revenue of $13.8 billion. Northern Virginiabased Sheehy Auto Stores, Jim Koons Automotive Group and Rosenthal Automotive also made the Wards list. By Bill Freehling on June 9th, 2012 6:45 am
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