TRESPASS INFORMATION The Stafford County Sheriff’s Office is compiling a list of all the Notice of No Trespassing sent out by the communities in Stafford County. To assist us in keeping this list up to date we are requesting the following steps be followed by each community when a property management/HOA sends out a certified Notice No Trespassing letter to the offender and the return receipt has been received. 1. Please make copies of the Criminal Activity Report or Field Interview, the Notice of No Trespassing, the certified receipt. 2. Send all the documents to: o Lisa Logan o Crime Prevention o Stafford County Sheriff’s Office o P.O. Box 189 o Stafford, VA 22555 or fax to 540-658-4039 Please notify our office of any changes or updates to you No Trespass List. Please feel free to contact me with any questions at (540) 658-4030 or by email Lisa Logan Administrative Specialist Crime Prevention Unit Stafford County Sheriff's Office (540) 658-4030 _______________________ PROPERTY NAME _______________________ Address RE: NOTICE NO TRESPASSING _________________ _________________ _________________ Dear _____________; You are hereby advised that I, __________________________________ am lawfully in charge of the common areas and community property within the ________________________Community located in Stafford County, Virginia __________; said property, its curtilage and surrounding lands being our property. This letter will serve to notify you, ________________, that you are NOT authorized to enter, go upon or remain on the premises of this property, its curtilage and surrounding lands being our property, at any time for any reason. Any prior permission, either expressed, implied or of any other nature whatsoever, whether granted by any other person or myself is hereby revoked. Your presence on the aforementioned property at any time or for any reason without the express written permission of the undersigned property owner shall be deemed to be Trespassing, a criminal offense, in violation of 18.2-119 of the Code of Virginia, a Class 1 misdemeanor, (copy of which is attached hereto) punishable by twelve (12) months in jail and/or fine up to $2,500.00. Any violation of this notice will be prosecuted to the fullest extent permissible by law. _____________________________ _____________________________ Date
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