2015 ACNP Travel Award Program Eligibility & Deadlines Eligibility Any scientist worldwide is eligible to apply for an ACNP Travel Award as long as they are no more than 5 years beyond final training and meet one of the below training/post training limits. Junior applicants are at a level less than assistant professor including psychiatric residents. Senior level applicants are assistant professors, or associate professors without an RO1. Applicants in the MD or MD/PhD Student Trainee category are current degree candidates still in a predoctoral program. The American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP) annually selects distinguished young scientists in the field of neuropsychopharmacology to be a part of our Travel Award program. These awards offer an opportunity to attend an outstanding scientific program in clinical and basic research on brain-behavior-drug interactions; become aware of the most recent, and often unpublished, advances in psychopharmacology; and meet and interact with internationally distinguished researchers and scientists. The ACNP Council and Education & Training Committee are encouraging applications from residents who have an active research interest. Specific travel awardee benefits include: Applications for the ACNP Travel Awards must be submitted by April 30, 2015 Please visit the ACNP website at www.acnp.org/annualmeetin g/travelawards.aspx for specific guidelines and applications requirements. An ACNP member mentor for the meeting Meeting registration for award recipient and accompanying other Up to five nights lodging and round trip coach air fare to attend the ACNP meeting in Hollywood, Florida December 6-10, 2015 $100 ground transportation stipend A daily stipend of $50 for meals and other annual meeting expenses incurred for up to six days Two opportunities to present a poster including a reception attended by mentors, committee chairs, and ACNP leadership An automatic invitation to attend four (4) additional ACNP annual meetings with reduced registration fee, and the opportunity to present a poster at each meeting without the need of an ACNP member sponsor The opportunity to be selected to make a research presentation to the meeting attendees To submit an application, please visit acnp.societyconference.com. Select the orange ‘Login’ button. You may already have a user account from previous ACNP activity. If so, login using your email address. If not, choose “Not a current user? Create new user account”. Please contact the ACNP Executive Office with questions. acnp@acnp.org or 615.324.2360
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