Document Version: 2.2 Date Published: 22/04/2015 A PRODUCT GUIDE FOR FILE-‐BASED PHOTO SENSITIVE EPILEPSY TESTING Photo Sensitive Epilepsy (PSE) affects around one in four thousand people, with the age group of seven to twenty years old five times more likely to be susceptible than the rest. It is triggered by visual stimuli that overload the brain temporarily and cause a seizure. The triggers are commonly flashes or repeating changes between dark and light (such as stroboscopic effects or flash photography), some geometric patterns, and certain colours such as deeply saturated red. Ofcom publishes guidance to TV broadcasters and producers on how to avoid causing PSE events, and analytical tools are available to test video images before transmission. Pioneering work by Professor Graham Harding in collaboration with Cambridge Research Systems in the late 1990s developed the Harding FPA Flash and Pattern Analyser, which for many years was the de facto industry standard. This is now licensed to other manufacturers for inclusion in their Quality Check (QC) products and, in addition, alternative tools are now available on the market. The Digital Production Partnership mandates the PSE testing of file-‐based delivered programmes, together with a consistent approach to measurement. The aim is to provide producers with a guide to available products that will automatically identify any PSE failures in file-‐based content that would require re-‐work before delivery to the broadcasters. As a result we have tested many of the currently available devices from the various manufactures. The following list contains products that competently perform PSE testing in the context of file-‐based QC. This list is not exhaustive and will be updated as other products are made available and tested. It does not represent a DPP recommendation or endorsement. Manufacturers are invited to submit appropriate candidate products for testing. Product List The DPP has tested the products listed in the table below. The PSE algorithm version is noted, and provided the same PSE algorithm is used, subsequent product versions will be acceptable. For convenience, known product versions using these algorithms are listed. If you have any queries about this, please contact Company Product Version(s) PSE Algorithm Version Comments Cambridge Research Systems Harding FPA Desktop v.3.5 or later FPA v3.4 Cerify v7.8.0 or later FPA v3.4 Cerify uses a licensed Cambridge Research Systems algorithm. Aurora v.3.6 or later with HardingFPA option FPA v3.4 Aurora uses a licensed Cambridge Research Systems algorithm if you have the HardingFPA option. Aurora v5.1.331 or later ProVersion Tektronix PSE v5.1 Newer versions of Aurora use a Tektronix PSE algorithm unless the HardingFPA option has been added. Baton v4.2 -‐ v5.4 Interra PSE v1.0 Earlier versions of Baton do not have a sensitivity option. Baton v5.5 or later Interra PSE v1.0 (low sensitivity) The latest versions of Baton have two sensitivity options for the Spatial Patterning test. Either option is acceptable; the low sensitivity is the same algorithm as used in previous versions of Baton. Harding FPA Server v.3.0.0 or later Harding FPA UK Digital v.0110 or later Tektronix Interra Interra PSE v1.0 (high sensitivity) 1 Document Version: 2.2 Date Published: 22/04/2015 Vidcheck Vidchecker v4.5 or to v6.1 Vidcheck PSE v4.5 Vidcheck’s newer PSE v5.0 algorithm improves its Spatial Patterning testing to reduce false positives. Both old and new versions are acceptable. Vidcheck PSE v5.0 Celsoft PSE v1.5 FPA v3.4 Pulsar uses a licensed Cambridge Research Systems algorithm. Vidfixer v4.5 to v6.1 Vidapps-‐PSE v1.0 or later Vidchecker v6.2 or later Vidfixer v6.2 or later Cel-‐Soft PSE-‐Check v2.410 or later Reel-‐Check Solo v1.410 or later Reel-‐Check SE v3.410 or later Venera Pulsar v4.3 and higher Further Information Information for companies wishing to have their products tested for competency is available at DOCUMENT VERSION CONTROL NOTES DATE VERSION # NOTES AUTHOR APPROVER 15/10/2013 1.0 Carol Owens Kevin Burrows 12/11/2014 1.1 Lisa Kelso Kevin Burrows 24/11/2014 1.2 Lisa Kelso Kevin Burrows 02/12/2014 1.3 Lisa Kelso Kevin Burrows 08/01/2015 1.4 Charlotte Webber Kevin Burrows 09/01/2015 1.5 Charlotte Webber Kevin Burrows 23/01/2015 2.0 Charlotte Webber Kevin Burrows 19/02/2015 22/04/2015 2.1 ‘A Product Guide for file-‐based Photo Sensitive Epilepsy Testing’ first published on the DPP website Header note added confirming inconsistence and Venera Pulsar added to product list. Updated product versions and algorithm version information added. (Vidcheck) Updated product versions and algorithm version information added. (Interra) Updated product versions and algorithm version information added. (Tektronix and Cel-‐Soft) Updated product versions. (Cambridge Research Systems) Updated product versions (Vidcheck) and explanatory notes around algorithm versions. Updated product version and PSE algorithms version (Digimetrics) Melissa Nicholson Rowan de Pomerai Melissa Nicholson Rowan de Pomerai 2.2 Tektronix and Digimetrics rows merged, providing Tektronix with 3 device options. 2
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