For office use only: UBTLC: Request form for Enhanced Test Scoring Job # UBTLC has developed a number of standard scannable answer sheets easily printed on a laser printer to use in courses for testing and assessment. Upon request, these templates can be modified to meet specialized needs for each course. For assistance or information, contact Carol Tutzauer, UBTLC, or (716) 645-3901. To submit a job, you will need 4 things: (1) this job submission form, (2) answer keys as required (see instructions in this form), (3) completed student answer sheets, and (4) a student data file (.xls or .csv) with fields StudentID, and Lastname,Firstname (either separate or as a single field, as HUB provides). Jobs can be submitted in person to the UBTLC office (212 Capen Hall, inside Silverman Library, North Campus). Alternatively, you can scan all the materials to one or more PDF files and email with student data file to Because of UB email limitations, divide into multiple pdf files of no more than 50 pages for each file, and email in separate emails. Instructor: ________________________________________________________________________________ Campus address: _________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________ Submitted by: ___________________________________________ Date submitted: ____________________ Email contact(s): ____________________________________________________________________________ Department: ________________ Course / section: ____________________ Approx. no. students: _______ No. questions: _____ Multiple answers: No Yes If yes, score as: OR (any is correct) AND (all required) Test versions: 1 2 3 4 (maximum of 4 test versions / answer keys, designated versions A to D) For single versions STEP 1: Include, with completed student answer sheets, a copy of the test answer sheet labeled ANSWER KEY with the correct answers bubbled in. STEP 2 (optional): If you also have sets of items that map to learning outcomes, indicate the test item numbers for each outcome: Outcome 1: ________________________________ Outcome 4: ________________________________ Outcome 2: ________________________________ Outcome 5: ________________________________ Outcome 3: ________________________________ Outcome 6: ________________________________ STEP 3: Complete page 4, where you can specify additional outcomes (in excess of 6, if required), select grade scale options, and provide any ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS. For multiple versions There are 2 methods for handling the scoring and reporting of multiple test versions / answer keys, with subsequent pages of this form relevant to the Overall Method or the Separate Method, as explained below: Separate Method: Each version is scored separately, with a report generated separately for each test version. This is appropriate if different test versions have different content or sets of questions (for example, “parallel” forms). In this case, each version will have a separate item analysis, summary statistics, and frequency distribution. Complete page 2 of this form, entitled Separate Method. Overall Method: Scores all versions together, with reports covering all students. This is appropriate if the various versions have the same questions, but are simply arranged differently on each version. The program generates a single item analysis, summary statistics, and frequency distribution. Complete page 3 of this form, entitled Overall Method. UBTLC 1 Last revised: 2014-10-31 Separate Method (multiple test versions only) Complete this page ONLY if you have multiple test versions AND you wish to treat each version as a separate test, where item analyses and other summary information will be reported separately for each version. This method is appropriate if different test versions have different content or sets of questions, OR if response options for questions are ordered differently across versions. The program generates multiple item analyses, summary statistics, and frequency distributions for each respective version. Student forms must be sorted by version in order to generate item analyses. STEP 1: For each version of the test, include a copy of the test answer sheet with the correct answers bubbled in. Each version should be labeled: KEY x, where x = A, B, C, up to D (4 maximum). STEP 2 (optional): If you also have sets of items that map to learning outcomes, indicate the test item numbers for each outcome for each version. Specify additional outcomes (>6) on page 4. Version 1(A) Outcome 1: ________________________________ Outcome 4: ________________________________ Outcome 2: ________________________________ Outcome 5: ________________________________ Outcome 3: ________________________________ Outcome 6: ________________________________ Version 2(B) Outcome 1: ________________________________ Outcome 4: ________________________________ Outcome 2: ________________________________ Outcome 5: ________________________________ Outcome 3: ________________________________ Outcome 6: ________________________________ Version 3(C) Outcome 1: ________________________________ Outcome 4: ________________________________ Outcome 2: ________________________________ Outcome 5: ________________________________ Outcome 3: ________________________________ Outcome 6: ________________________________ Version 4(D) Outcome 1: ________________________________ Outcome 4: ________________________________ Outcome 2: ________________________________ Outcome 5: ________________________________ Outcome 3: ________________________________ Outcome 6: ________________________________ STEP 4: Complete page 4, where you can specify additional outcomes (in excess of 6, if required), select grade scale options, and provide any ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS. UBTLC 2 Last revised: 2014-10-31 Overall Method (multiple test versions only) Complete this page ONLY if you have multiple test versions AND you wish to have responses tabulated into a single item analysis and summary report. Use this method if the various versions have the same questions with the same ordered options, but questions are ordered differently across versions. The program generates a single item analysis, summary statistics, and frequency distribution. STEP 1: Include, with completed student answer sheets, a copy of the test answer sheet labeled MASTER KEY A with the correct answers bubbled in for that version. STEP 2 (optional): If you also have sets of items that map to learning outcomes, indicate the test item numbers for each outcome on MASTER KEY A. Specify additional outcomes (>6) on page 4. Outcome 1: ______________________________ Outcome 4: _________________________________ Outcome 2: ______________________________ Outcome 5: _________________________________ Outcome 3: ______________________________ Outcome 6: _________________________________ STEP 3: Now, indicate the correspondence between the test items across the various versions, by entering the question designation (e.g., M1 = Master question 1) in the order they appear on that version. (V1 = Master) Questions designated in order they appear on exam version V1 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 M12 M13 M14 M15 M16 M17 M18 M19 M20 M21 M22 M23 M24 M25 V2 V3 V4 V1 M26 M27 M28 M29 M30 M31 M32 M33 M34 M35 M36 M37 M38 M39 M40 M41 M42 M43 M44 M45 M46 M47 M48 M49 M50 V2 V3 V4 V1 M51 M52 M53 M54 M55 M56 M57 M58 M59 M60 M61 M62 M63 M64 M65 M66 M67 M68 M69 M70 M71 M72 M73 M74 M75 V2 V3 V4 V1 M76 M77 M78 M79 M80 M81 M82 M83 M84 M85 M86 M87 M88 M89 M90 M91 M92 M93 M94 M95 M96 M97 M98 M99 M10 0 V2 V3 V4 , STEP 4: Complete page 4, where you can specify additional outcomes (in excess of 6, if required), select grade scale options, and provide any ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS. UBTLC 3 Last revised: 2014-10-31 Additional information or instructions Use this page to supply any additional learning outcomes with item mappings or additional instructions. ADDITIONAL OUTCOMES (over 6, optional): If you have more than 6 learning outcomes to assess, specify those additional outcomes and item mappings here. GRADING SCALE: Overall test: Traditional is the default Traditional A B C D F (90-100%) (80-90%) (70-80%) (60-70%) (< 60%) UB Intermediate Optional Pass/Fail A AB+ B B- (93-100%) (90-93%) (87-90%) (83-87%) (80-83%) ... D+ (67-70%) D (60-67% F (< 60%) P (70-100%) F (< 70%) Mastery (70-100%) Outcomes (optional): Mastery is the default Traditional UB Intermediate Benchmark Specify _____% (60% is default) Optional Pass/Fail Mastery Benchmark Specify _____% (70% is default) Exceed-Met-Unmet (75%-50%-0%) ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS: Please note any additional instructions, requirements, or clarifications here. We cannot guarantee that we will be able to fulfill your request, but we will attempt to do so within our capabilities and workload demands at the time of your job submission. UBTLC 4 Last revised: 2014-10-31
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