freelance craft individual membership

The first five years of the
Nearly five years ago colleagues from across the UK broadcast sector
came together to discuss an issue that was troubling us all. The industry
had become capital intensive and technologically complex; and the move
to fully digital production was doing nothing to reverse this trend.
A huge proliferation of bespoke products and solutions, all with differing
technical standards and workflows, was creating a business model that
producers and broadcasters could no longer afford and was in no one’s
best interest.
And so in May 2010 three UK broadcasters, ITV, Channel 4 and the BBC
formed the Digital Production Partnership. The aims were simple: to
smooth and accelerate the move to end-to-end digital; with more benefit,
less pain and less cost – for everyone.
The DPP immediately attracted support from the whole broadcast sector.
This quickly became the partnership’s unique characteristic: it brought
together people who would never normally meet. At DPP events
producers, post producers, manufacturers, suppliers, service providers
and broadcasters were to be found sharing perspectives and offering
solutions to the emerging challenges of working with digital media.
And in the years that followed, those people made end-to-end digital a
3 The Next Stage
International Interoperability
Ultra High Definition
DPP Workflow Group
Common standards
Compliance and Testing
..and more
It’s core to the purpose of the DPP to reduce complexity and increase
interoperability across the whole industry – everywhere. There’s rapidly
growing interest in the adoption of the AS-11 DPP standard in other
territories, and for international exchange. DPP Ltd has membership for
broadcasters and companies from around the world, and has formed
partnerships with key organisations for the adoption of international DPP
standards. We have also formed a new International Interoperability
Ultra High Definition (UHD) is coming even faster than anyone expected.
In 2015 the DPP will be defining a new common standard for the
delivery of UHD programmes. We’ll also be creating guidance on best
practice workflows for UHD. Our new Workflow Group will involve
post production members directly in providing industry guidance on all
key new workflows.
The DPP has identified considerable industry concern around
appropriate business models for network connectivity. We have a
major report coming later in 2015.
We’ve followed the implementation of file delivery with important work on
digital archiving. A definitive guide and common digital archive
standards are coming this summer. There’s plenty more standards work
coming too: HD commercials, interstitials and promos; news
exchange; and programme acquisition.
And then there’s the DPP’s Compliance Programme and Test Lab –
supported by the BBC’s world-renowned R&D department. This vital
service provides quality assurance for everyone working with our
4 The DPP & You
Membership & Governance
The DPP believes we need an industry where digital content can be
shaped, moved, exploited and distributed as easily as possible. That
releases time and budget to make the best content, and create the best
customer experiences. Common standards and workflows can free us to
compete around what really matters: quality, excellence and value.
And that’s why we want you to be a Member of the DPP. Only together
can we identify the right areas in which to intervene – and the ones to
leave alone. Only together can we gain a rich enough understanding to
implement the right changes, for the right people, in the right way.
On the next page we describe the benefits you will get as a Freelance
Craft Individual Member of the DPP. But the biggest benefit of all is the
chance to lend your voice.
And how do you know you’ll be listened to? The DPP is owned and run
by the BBC, ITV and Channel 4. A senior executive from each sits on the
DPP Ltd Board, along with the Managing Director. The Board sets
strategy and direction, and holds the MD to account for delivering the
DPP’s mission to release the benefits of digital for everyone. The MD
leads a Delivery Group made up of two representatives from each Board
member broadcaster. And this Delivery Group initiates the work streams
that do the work of the DPP.
As a Freelance Craft Individual you will be part of the conversation as
colleagues from across the industry shape our use of digital; and you will
have the knowledge and information you require to enhance your profile.
5 Membership
Benefits & Opportunities
The BBC, ITV and Channel 4 are committed to providing continued
financial support to the partnership. But as the DPP looks to its next
phase of work it needs contributions from its Members to achieve the
reach and impact required to be successful. The DPP is recognised for
its work on behalf of the whole industry – and now the whole industry can
make it even more effective.
The benefits we offer in return for your membership fee are as follows:
Consultation on all DPP work streams relevant to the Post sector
Membership of the DPP Post Production Forum
The opportunity to contribute to the DPP’s new Workflow Group
Free access to Interoperability workshops
Free attendance at DPP events
Free access to the full versions of all DPP publications
The opportunity to contribute to the DPP’s roadmap
Access to ‘DPP Member’ logos and other relevant marketing and
information materials
Opportunities to grow your personal networks with industry
By committing to three years of Membership, you can get additional
benefits as a Foundation Member:
Membership of the Foundation Members Forum
The cost of Membership frozen for 3 years
We hope you’ll join us to shape the work of the DPP for the years ahead.
6 DPP Membership
How much does it cost?
Who do I contact?
For full access to all these Freelance Craft Individual benefits the
Membership Fee is £100 per annum.
Exclusively for Foundation Members this fee will be frozen for three
We’re sure you’ll agree this will deliver an excellent return on investment.
To become a DPP Member, please contact us at: