UNSW Diploma of Professional Practice Placement Awards The Awards have been established to assist Diploma of Professional Practice students who have chosen to undertake an unpaid placement as part of either DIPP1310 or DIPP1311 courses. Each Award will have a value of $2,000 payable in two instalments. The first instalment will be paid during the placement. The second instalment will be paid on submission of the final placement assessment and evaluations. The first Awards will be made in November 2013 to 5 DPP students. Who can Apply? The awards are open to students enrolled in the Diploma of Professional Practice who have completed Introduction to the Workplace (DIPP1112). Students must be completing an unpaid placement as part of either Professional Experience 1 (DIPP1310) or Professional Practice 2 (DIPP1311). The placement will be for 140 – 160 hours and can be carried out with an approved organisation either in Australia or overseas, but must be unpaid. UNSW will also provide public liability to cover award recipients during their placement How to Apply? Complete the application form on the following page including a written statement (maximum 300 words) identifying how the award will assist with your placement to dpp@unsw.edu.au. Applicants will be assessed primarily on the basis of this statement and consideration will also be given to academic results in the Diploma of Professional Practice. Closing Date: 30th November 2013. Conditions of Award Satisfactory completion of an unpaid placement whilst enrolled in either Professional Experience 1 (DIPP1310) or Professional Practice 2 (DIPP1311) Submission of satisfactory final assessment and evaluations UNSW Diploma of Professional Practice Placement Awards Application Form Name Student ID DPP Courses completed DPP Course enrolled in Summer 2013/14 Placement details: Employer Dates Hours per week Supervisor’s name Statement: Identify how the award will assist you in this placement (max 300 words) 2 3 4
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