AZELLA Placement Test Materials Worksheet SY 14-15

AZELLA Placement Test Materials Worksheet SY 14-15
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AZELLA District Test
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Use this worksheet to calculate the AZELLA Placement Test materials needed for school year 2014 - 2015.
Step 1: Inventory all AZELLA Placement Test materials currently on hand at the district and at all school
sites. Enter total inventory quantities in the "Current Inventory" column.
Step 2: Determine the total number of AZELLA Placement Tests administered in the district for school year
2013 - 2014. Enter the total number of AZELLA Placement Tests administered in the "Number of
Tests Administered in 2013 - 2014" column.
Step 3: For scorable materials, the form will automatically calculate a Placement Order that can be entered
into PearsonAccess. For nonscorable materials, if there is a need for additional materials enter the
additional amount in "Requested Additional" column and fill out "Justification for Additional Materials"
column as to why the material is needed. Email this back to
Scorable Materials are NOT reusable and each student
Number of Tests
being tested will need one for their stage.
Administered in 2013-2014
Current Inventory
SY 2014-2015
Placement Order
Kindergarten - Student Response Sheet
Student Stickers, Happy Faces (90 per pack)
Student Stickers, Superstar (60 per pack)
Stage II - Test Book with Speaking - Placement
Stage III - Answer Document - Placement
Stage IV - Answer Document - Placement
Stage V - Answer Document - Placement
Nonscorable Materials are reusable and do not require
one for each student who will take the test.
Laminated Activity Card
Kindergarten Placement Test - Test Book
(one per qualified Kindergarten Test Administrator)
Stage II - Test Admin. Directions - Placement
(one per school)
Stage II - Listening CD - Placement
(one per school)
Stage III - V - Test Admin. Directions - Placement
(one per school)
Stage III - Test Book with Speaking - Placement
(five per school)
Stage III - Listening CD - Placement
(one per school)
Stage IV - Test Book with Speaking - Placement
(five per school)
Stage IV - Listening CD - Placement
(one per school)
Stage V - Test Book with Speaking - Placement
(five per school)
Stage V - Listening CD - Placement
(one per school)
DVD Speaking Demonstration Stage II - V
(one per school)
Justification for Additional Materials