LANE SPECIFICATIONS of the CANDLEPIN GAME The game of CANDLEPINS is governed by and sanctioned by the International Candlepin Bowling Association (I C B A). Candlepins shall be played with sanctioned pins, ten in number, with regulation balls upon sanctioned lanes constructed or altered as defined in the following specifications. All the dimensions used herein, are U.S. STANDARD feet and inches. 33 INTERNATIONAL CANDLEPIN BOWLING ASSOCIATION LANE & EQUIPMENT INSPECTION PROCEDURES Lane and Equipment Standards and Specifications: The By-‐ Laws of the ICBA shall set all standards and specification of all bowling lanes and equipment used in Candlepin Bowling Lane Inspections: The Board of Directors shall, from time to time, establish a schedule for the inspection of all bowling lanes that are members of the ICBA to be insured that they are in compliance with all specification and standards for bowling lanes of the ICBA Any new member of a State or Provincial Association of the ICBA must be inspected with in thirty (30) days from the date a membership application and accompanying, refundable, deposit is received. After inspection, if any lanes are found to be not in compliance with ICBA lane specifications, a new member may have the opportunity to correct any specification not in compliance by September 1 of the New Year following the initial inspection or decide not to become a member. Any new member deciding not to become a member shall be entitled to a refund of the membership deposit, less the cost of the lane inspection. Cost of Lane Inspection: Each State or Provincial Association shall have the right to establish their own fee structure to be charged to members for lane inspections and a payment fee to be paid to their lane inspector for lane inspections or act in any manner therefore. If, however, a lane inspector is called on to assist with lane inspections in another area other than his/her “home” area, the fee structure of the inspectors “Home” area shall be used. Each State or Provincial Association shall be responsible for paying the appropriate lane inspector for inspection work done within thirty (30) days from receipt of inspection reports. Re-‐inspections fees for work done to correct any items found not in compliance with ICBA specifications during the initial inspection shall be charged at the same fee the initial inspection was done. Lane Inspectors: The Board of Directors of the ICBA shall appoint individuals to serve as lane inspectors. Lane inspectors shall represent each area of the ICBA or as much as possible. These Lane inspectors shall be called upon to assist other lanes inspectors with inspections in other areas other than those specifically assigned to them, as needed. Lane Inspectors of the ICBA must attend a certification class sponsored by the ICBA, to be trained on specification of lanes and the procedures of lane inspections. After completing this class, each participant who has successfully completed he class shall receive a letter from the 34 President of the ICBA stating that the person is a “Certified ICBA Lane Inspector”. Only “Certified ICBA Lane Inspectors” shall be allowed to inspect ICBA member bowling lanes. A List of all “Certified ICBA Lane Inspectors” shall be kept on file at the ICBA Office and available to all members. Inspection Schedule: All inspections of bowling lanes, as set forth by the Board of the Directors of the ICBA, must be completed by September 1 of the year as set forth in the schedule established by the Board of Directors. Any lanes found not be in compliance with all standards and specifications as set forth by the ICBA, shall have until September 1 of the year immediately following the inspection, to correct any items not in compliance. If any lanes are not corrected by the following September 1, as indicated, that member shall not be considered a member in good standing. The Board of Directors of the ICBA shall direct any member not in good standing to forfeit membership in the ICBA and the appropriate State or Provincial bowling association or act in any manner there to. New Members must have lanes inspected as outlined in section “Lanes Inspections” listed above. Inspection Reports: The ICBA shall provide a lane inspection report to be used by al “Certified Lane Inspectors. This report shall consist of the name of the bowling center being inspected, date of inspection, all areas to be inspected as outlined by the specifications as set forth by the ICBA and any other information deemed necessary by the Board of Directors of the ICBA or any of its assigns. The lane Inspection Report shall consist of four pages to be distributed as follows: 1. White Copy – Sent to Local State or Provincial Association. 2. Pink Copy – Retained by bowling center being inspected 3. Yellow Copy – Retained by Lanes Inspector for his/her records. 4. Green Copy – Sent to local State or Provincial Association along with White copy. State of Provincial Association will then forward it on to the ICBA office. Lane Builders & Re-‐surfacers: Any vendor whose usual business is the building, installing, repairing or refinishing of candlepin bowling lanes, may receive a “Work Inspection” waiver if that vendor signs a statement with the ICBA that they agree to perform all work in accordance with the ICBA Lens Specification Standards. Failure to comply with this agreement will result in the loss of this waiver. The “Waiver of Inspection” agreement means that members of the ICBA will not require re-‐ inspection of any corrective work done to correct any items not in compliance with ICGBA specifications. Vendors performing corrective work under the “Waiver of Inspection” agreement must send a letter to the appropriate State or Provincial Association to which the member bowling center 35 belongs, indicating that corrective work has been completed in accordance with all ICBA specifications. No re-‐inspection by the “Certified ICBA Lane Inspector” will be required. A list of all vendors who have received a “Waiver if Inspection” will be on file at the ICBA office and available to all members. All Vendors performing any work in ICBA bowling lanes must be aware of all lanes and equipment specifications as set forth by the ICBA. Members are responsible for insuring that all work performed on bowling lanes, whether by professional vendors hired persons or ownership, be done in compliance with all ICBA standards and specifications. Records: All scoring records, as recognized by the ICBA, shall be accomplished on lanes that are in full compliance of all ICBA lanes and equipment. Inspections of lanes and equipment on which potential scoring records have been accomplished, must be conducted in a timely manner, compliant with the ICBA “Requirement For Recognition” outline. Any potential scoring records, not accomplished on fully sanctioned lanes and with fully compliant equipment, cannot be recognize as an ICBA record. Responsibilities: is it the responsibility of all members and anyone performing work on bowling lanes and equipment or using any equipment candlepin bowling to be aware of the specification and standards as set forth by the ICBA. It is the responsibility of all members to know if anyone performing work on bowling lanes or equipment knows the specifications as set forth by the ICBA. 36 CANDLEPINS SPECIFICATIONS WHEN MANUFACTURED The weight of the pin shall not exceed 2 lbs 8 oz. Maximum. Dimensions shown here were taken from the former World Bowling Council (1961) drawing. These specifications were reaffirmed by the ICBA in 1990. Record scores may be attained on wood or plastic coated wood pins used prior to the current sanctioned plastic pin. (see diagram on next page) CANDLEPIN BALL SPECFICATIONS WHEN MANUFACTURED SIZE: A new Candlepin Ball shall be manufactured NEW to the size of 4.500 inches diameter, with a tolerance of pus or minus .005, (5 thousandths of an inch) i.e. 4.505 or 4.495 inches. If the ball is manufactured outside of the tolerances stated, it will be considered illegal. WEIGHT: The new ball must NOT be manufactured in excess of 2 lbs. 7 ounces. Over this weight will be considered illegal. All balls shall be equally balanced from its core to its circumference to maintain it’s equal distribution of weight. Any ball out of round or weighted to one side to act as a roll directive for hooking, will be considered illegal. MATERIAL: Wood and a composition of rubber and plastics can be used in the making of candlepin balls. New materials may be introduced if approved by the sanctioning body of the ICBA. 4.495 Min to 4.505 Max 37 38 PIN PLATES, TAIL PLANKS AND SIDE WALL PANELS PIN PLATE Pin plates are standardized with a depression drop from the lane surface to the plate of ¼ of an inch minimum to ½ of an inch maximum. The following standard materials to be used, of any thickness are, FIBER, STEEL, PHENOLIC BOARD, SYNTHETIC TEN PIN DECKS OR THE POLYETHYLENE SANCTIONED UNIT (see Diagram on page 7). Plates of material may not be convexed (crowned) but may be concaved with a depression of 1/16th of an inch maximum. TAIL PLANK (END PLANK) All tail planks were and are still made from 1 ¾ inch hardwood from the top of the plate down past the top edge of the pinsetter turntable. The tail plank or just the top edge of the plank may be covered with ½ inch minimum recommended thickness by 1 ¾ inch wide of FIBER, POLYETHYLENE, PHENOLIC or as incorporated in the POLYETHYLENE SANCTIONED UNIT. SIDE WALL PANELS The dimensions between kickbacks can be 57 inches t 59 inches with candlepin lanes and 60 ¼ inches on a ten pin conversion. Side wall panels, (blisters), may be built out. Distance between finished surfaces may not be less than 56 inches, top to bottom, the entire length of the pit area, or to the pit curtain. Material used as a cover on the panel may be of FIBER, POLYETHYLENE (any thickness) or SANCTIONED RUBBER, with a maximum rebound factor of 75%. RECOMMENDATION: the 1 ½ inch space shown below the blister in PIT DATAIL, provides for easy removal of gutter ends. 39 40 copy diagram 41 GUTTER ENDS RELATED TO SECTION “A” –From the early 50’s to the early 70’s gutter ends were made of hardwood. Gutter ends were installed with a depth of ¾ “ at the seven / ten pin line and slopped gradually to meet the main gutters, sloping 5 to 6 feet up the lane. These gutters are still sanctionable by today’s standards. RELATED TO SECTION “B” – During the 70’s the rules were altered for scoring which allowed the gutter ends to be raised parallel along the length of the plate, with the use of an adaptor slopping to meet the main gutters. They are installed by this procedure today, in many occasions using the accepted material POLYETHYLENE. Gutter ends are to be no higher and level with the plate. Depression ¾” , tolerance of minus 1/8”. 42 Put picture here 3 pages of diagrams, check content out with Bob 43 MISCELLANEOUS SPECIFICATIONS RUBBER STOPS The use of rubber stops on the approaches is grand-fathered if they existed before July 1st 1966. This is providing they are on the approach side of the foul line and are flush with the floor. APPROACHES, MATERIALS AND LENGTH Approaches of hardwood preferably maple, extending from the foul line, shall be unobstructed, level, on less than 14 feet in length and not less than the width of the lane. Depression from wear, existing before the foul-line, should not exceed ¼ inch. FOUL LIGHT DETECTORS The detector must report the moment the bowler breaks the beam on the approach side of the foul-line. They are to be installed as to have a sound or light detector at the unit itself or at the masking unit. HAND MOISTENERS Industry standards do not permit wet dishes or sponges on the ball returns. Personal towels (dry or most) are permitted and there placement is left t the discretion of the establishment. PIT CURTAIN No portion of the pit curtain shall be located less than 14 inches from the back side of the tail plank, free to swing from the top to the base and be made of non ridged material. LANE BEDS Candlepin beds (lanes) built in place NEW are to be made preferably of all maple or the heads a minimum of 20 feet of said material. The width is 41 inches minimum to 42 inches maximum. Level to within 1/16 of an inch, side to side, with a depression of no more than 1/16 of an inch. Ten pin lane beds of maple and pine are acceptable when installed USED or CONVERTED to candlepin specifications. Other surfaces acceptable are synthetic lane beds, synthetic overlays or plastic film passed by the ABC and ICBA. PIN LOCATION 10 pins shall be spotted on a 36 inch equilateral triangle, 12 inches apart from center to center and are known by the numbers as shown. This arrangement is located in the center of the lanes with the # 1 pin facing the bowler. 44 7 8 9 10 4 5 6 2 3 1 INTERNATIONAL CANDLEPIN BOWLING ASSOCIATION PRODUCT/MATERIALS TESTING As the governing body of the Candlepin game and it is the responsibility of the International Candlepin Bowling Association to maintain the integrity of the game while always seeking opportunities for improvement. Those improvements may be in the form of conditions, scoring, maintenance and in particular materials used throughout the playing area. Balls, pins and any other devices also come under ICBA supervision. Pit Details 1990 as amended govern the playing area of all Candlepin member centers unless “Grandfathered” because the physical conditions of the pit area cannot be adjusted to conform to current ICBA specifications. Pin Details as shown on drawing dated October 3, 1990 and known as “All Plastic Candle Pin” are the specifications for a regulation pin when manufactured. Requesting permission to test any new material, equipment or idea is an option of all ICBA members and others. A formal request in writing should be addressed to the Chairman of the Standardization Committee. He/she in turn is required to bring the request to the next ICBA Board of Directors meeting for study, continuation, approval or rejection. The request should include and agree to a: 1. Full explanation of what is to be tested. 2. How and where the test is to be conducted. 3. Total cost of test, if known. 4. How and why it will benefit the game. 5. If it will demean the game in any way. 6. State the willingness to conduct the test under the watchful eye of 7. ICBA. Run the test for six (6) months minimum, longer if required. 8. Provide records of: a. Bowlers last years averages. b. Bowlers averages during or after test is complete. 9. Provide bowler comments of different skill levels if available. 10. Agree to pay the full cost of the test. 45 a. The board in its wisdom “may” reimburse all documented expenses. (They shall be the sole judge). 11. ICBA Board of Directors shall receive a full explanation one month prior to the board's regular meeting. Such report shall be distributed to all members by the Managing Director. 12. Provide a disclaimer to be signed by the manufacturer or supplier or tester and the owners of the test site that ICBA and its Board of Directors will in no way be held responsible for any damage, consequences or loss of income. 13. Agree that no state/provincial or ICBA records may be submitted for recognition from test lanes. REVIEWING ANY PROPOSAL – BEFORE AND AFTER 1. Is the proposed change/test for the betterment of the game? 2. What is the reason for the test? 3. a. Is it to improve scores? b. Is it to create more excitement? c. Is it to create more profit? Is the proposed change or product going to be a required alteration to all ICBA sanctioned centers? 4. 5. If the proposed change is to be required: a. What will be the cost per lane? b. In what time frame must the change/s be accomplished? Other questions pertaining to the request. Other questions will come up from time to time concerning procedure and policy of testing. Such questions should be directed to the Executive Director for clarification/s and/or addressed to the Board of Directors with copies mailed to the chairman of the Standardization Committee, the President and the Executive Director. 46 MANUFACTURER/SUPPLIER APPLICATION Date In order to cooperate with the states and provinces of ME, NH, MA, N.B. and N.S. bowling proprietor association, the International Candlepin Bowling Association, Inc. (ICBA) and the industry in general in its efforts to standardize, maintain standardization requirements and the game itself, I/We petition the _to be an authorized concern to build Candlepin bowling lanes, to repair and/or resurface lanes, sell, rent, or lease bowling supplies such as balls, pins, shoes, pinsetters and finishes used on approaches, lanes and pit area etc. In appreciation of this authorization I/We agree to do only regulation work as per the Official Candlepin Bowling Rules and Regulations book and other specifications now and as supplied from time to time by the International Candlepin Bowling Association, Inc. When work concerning standardization is done or completed I/We will notify The for inspection placing our seal (where applicable) on the lanes stating that work has been completed is accordance with all current Rules and Regulations of the and or ICBA. I//We as suppliers, agree to offer for sale to _ member centers, equipment and supplies which have been approved where required by any ICBA rules, regulation or specification. It is understood by us that our authorization from the and/or ICBA may be suspended or rescinded if the work I/We do or supplies used or sold do not meet the specifications as outlines above. Please Print As a Builder/Supplier/Other Name of Business Address City Signed_ The above application was approved/not approved by the Board of Directors of the on . By _Title_ 47 Zip_ Date State/Province DISCLAIMER As a test site of a product, material, device or anything unspecified, supplied or installed for test purposes by , of _, I/We of _of _. AGREE THAT THE International Candlepin Bowling Association, Inc. (ICBA) as a trade association, its employees, its members and its Board of Directors shall in no manner be held responsible for any damages, consequences or loss of income associated with a permission to test granted by letter from ICBA dated . For Tel ( BY Title_ Date DISCLAIMER As a of a product, material, 48 _) device or anything unspecified, supplied or installed for test purposed at , of , I/We of agree that the International Candlepin Bowling Association, Inc. (ICBA) as a trade association, its employees, its member and its Board of Directors shall in no manner be held responsible for any damages, consequences, injury of loss of income associated with a permission to test granted by letter from ICBA dated . For_ Tel ( BY Title_ Date For use with: Manufacturers, Supplies, Installers and others. 49 ) Subject: Plastic Sidewalls At ICBA’s annual meeting July 29, 1992, part of the discussion centered on plastic sidewalls as tested at Ryan Family Amusement Center, Malden, Massachusetts from January 1, 1992. The specifications as voted are known as Gar-Dur Plastic. It’s material and contents are known as U H M W P, 100% virgin material, intrinsic visocisty 24 & up with molecular weight of 4.2 million and up and a Rockwell Hardness of 67 using the shore D scale. With a vote taken, plastic material (as specified above) of any size and thickness may be applied to sidewalls in the pit area. Further, any plastic product meeting or exceeding the previously mentioned material made of virgin product may be used. Members are cautioned that at the present time there are only two sources for approved plastic. 50 Garland Manufacturing Co. P.O. Box 538 Saco, Maine 04072-0538 USA Charles Garland (207) 283-3693 FAX (207) 283-4834 Plastic Supply Inc. 340 County Road Westbrook, Maine 04092 Terry Webber (207) 775-7778 FAX (207) 775-6044 51 Caution – Prior to purchasing and/or installing any other plastic be sure that it has been sanctioned. It must meet or exceed the above-mentioned specifications. Have the manufacturer or supplier of the material send a letter to ICBA at 3 Arrowhead Drive, Bow, NH 03304. The letter should contain the products name, specifications and that the material meets or exceeds the current sidewall specifications. Inspection of all ICBA lanes is scheduled every three years. The last inspection as of this printing was in 2001. Proprietors with plastic sidewalls will need to provide documentation that proves that the technical specifications of the applied plastic meets or exceeds ICBA specifications. MAINTAIN STANDARDIZATION DO NOT APPLY ANY PLASTIC TO YOUR SIDEWALLS THAT IS NOT ICBA TESTED OR APPROVED. 52 AP PROVED SIDEW ALL RUBBER (SOURCES) US A Paramount Industries, Inc. 42 Milford St., Medway, MA 02053 508-533-8480 ww w Candlepin Sales and Parts Co., Inc. 134 Tenny St. Georgetown, MA 01833 John Drozdowicz (508) 352-5612 Tivar – 100 UHMW Garland Manufacturing Co. P.O. Box 538 Saco, ME 04072-0538 Charles Garland (207) 283-3693 Gar-Dur UHMWP Gold Crown Service P.O. Box 181 Southboro, MA 01772 Shomphe (508) 485-6969 Gar-Dur UHMWP Dave J.E. Corporation P.O. Box 348 Sherborn, MA 01770 “Bud” Joline (508) 655-4064 Gar-Dur UHMWP 53
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