RFP # 730-26340-15 Issued Date: OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS PROPOSAL DUE DATE: May 29, 2015 TIME: 2:00 PM Pacific RFP TITLE: Toolkit for Deployment of Alternative Vehicle and Fuel Technologies CATEGORY: Personal Services (non-A&E) BUYER/SINGLE POINT OF CONTACT: Brian R. Nielsen E-MAIL: brian.r.nielsen@odot.state.or.us Proposals must be submitted to the following address prior to the due date: OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROCUREMENT OFFICE 455 AIRPORT RD. SE, BLDG. K SALEM, OREGON 97301-5348 A map is provided at Agency’s Web Page: http://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/CS/OPO/PublishingImages/map_to_OPO.pdf This solicitation document may be reviewed at the ODOT Procurement Office; 455 Airport Road SE, Bldg. K; Salem, OR 97301-5348 and is available on ORPIN at: http://orpin.oregon.gov/open.dll/welcome Agency will conduct a pre-offer conference for this RFP. Agency has scheduled a pre-offer conference on May 8, 2015, at 10:00 am Pacific, to be held by conference call. Attendance is not mandatory. The purpose of the conference is to provide additional information regarding this solicitation and to answer any questions Proposers may have. Proposers are cautioned that statements made by Agency's representatives at the conference are not binding on Agency and official RFP requirements will change only by written addenda issued by Agency. Conference Call #: 888-273-3658 Participant Code: 2083432 Electronic Files Linked or Attached to RFP. This RFP document must be viewed electronically to access files, forms, provisions or other documents that are attached electronically (shown as icons) or provided via hyperlinks from the Internet in this RFP. All files, forms, provisions or other documents attached electronically or linked from the Internet are incorporated in this RFP with the same force and effect as though fully set forth in this RFP. Page 1 of 20 RFP Non-A&E PSK; Oct 2014 RFP # 730-26340-15 Unkn Field Unkn Field TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 Drew SOLICITATION INFORMATION AND REQUIREMENTS ......................... 3 DEFINITIONS and SUMMARY OVERVIEW ............................................................................ 3 QUESTIONS AND CLARIFICATIONS ...................................................................................... 6 PROTESTS .................................................................................................................................... 7 “PASS/FAIL” PROPOSAL SUBMITTAL CRITERIA ................................................................ 7 “REQUIRED” PROPOSAL SUBMITTAL ITEMS & SCORING DEDUCTIONS .................... 9 PROPOSAL MODIFICATIONS................................................................................................. 11 PROPOSAL WITHDRAWALS .................................................................................................. 11 PUBLIC RECORDS .................................................................................................................... 11 NON-DISCRIMINATION .......................................................................................................... 12 Section 2.0 PROPOSAL EVALUATION & CONTRACTOR SELECTION .................. 13 2.1 EVALUATION PROCESS ......................................................................................................... 13 2.1.1 PROPOSAL EVALUATION ............................................................................................. 13 2.1.2 PROPOSAL CLARIFICATIONS....................................................................................... 13 2.1.3 COMPETITIVE RANGE ................................................................................................... 13 2.1.4 INTERVIEWS (Optional) ................................................................................................... 14 2.1.5 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................... 14 2.1.6 PREFERENCES.................................................................................................................. 14 2.2 SCORING CRITERIA................................................................................................................. 15 2.3 TOTAL SCORE and AWARD .................................................................................................... 18 2.4 NEGOTIATIONS ........................................................................................................................ 18 Section 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 CONTRACT AWARD REQUIREMENTS...................................................... 19 COST INFORMATION .............................................................................................................. 19 CERTIFICATES OF INSURANCE ............................................................................................ 19 MISCELLANEOUS FORMS ...................................................................................................... 19 CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITY ......................................................................................... 19 BUSINESS REGISTRY NUMBER/REGISTERED AGENT .................................................... 20 TAX ID NUMBER ...................................................................................................................... 20 TAX COMPLIANCE AFFIDAVIT ............................................................................................ 20 USE OF RECYCLED PRODUCTS ............................................................................................ 20 Dele Unkn Field Unkn Field Drew Dele Unkn Field Unkn Field Drew Dele Unkn Field Drew Dele Unkn Field Drew Dele Unkn Field Drew Dele Unkn Field Drew Dele Unkn Field Drew Dele Unkn Field ATTACHMENT A – PROPOSAL COVER SHEET Drew ATTACHMENT B – PROPOSED STATEMENT OF WORK Unkn Field ATTACHMENT C – SAMPLE CONTRACT Drew Del Del Unkn Field Drew Del Unkn Field Drew Del Unkn Field Drew Del Page 2 of 20 RFP Non-A&E PSK; Oct 2014 RFP # 730-26340-15 Unkn Field Section 1.0 SOLICITATION INFORMATION AND REQUIREMENTS 1.1 DEFINITIONS and SUMMARY OVERVIEW 1.1.1 DEFINITIONS For purposes of this RFP: “Agency” or “ODOT” means Oregon Department of Transportation. “CNG” means compressed natural gas. “Contractor” and “Consultant” may be used interchangeably in this document and have the same meaning. Days a) “calendar days” means any day appearing on the calendar, whether a weekday, weekend day, national holiday, State holiday or other day; b) “days” means calendar days; and c) “business days” means calendar days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and all State recognized holidays. “DOT” means a Department of Transportation. “EV” means electric vehicle. “FHWA” means Federal Highway Administration. “LNG” means liquid natural gas. “OAR” means Oregon Administrative Rules “ORS” means Oregon Revised Statutes “Proposers” - All firms submitting Proposals are referred to as Proposers in this document; after negotiations, an awarded Proposer will be designated as “Contractor” or “Consultant”. “RFP” means Request for Proposal. “Scope of Work” means the general character and range of Services and supplies needed, the work’s purpose and objectives, and an overview of the performance outcomes expected by Agency. “Services” means the services to be performed under the Contract. “Statement of Work” means the specific provision in the final Contract which sets forth and defines in detail (within the identified Scope of Work) the agreed-upon objectives, expectations, performance standards, Services, deliverables, schedule for delivery and other obligations. Page 3 of 20 RFP Non-A&E PSK; Oct 2014 RFP # 730-26340-15 “subcontractor” and “subconsultant” may be used interchangeably in this document and have the same meaning. “USDOT” means United States Department of Transportation. “WSDOT” means Washington Department of Transportation. 1.1.2 SUMMARY OVERVIEW The Oregon Department of Transportation (Agency) is seeking one contractor to develop a “toolkit” for state and local transportation agencies who are interested in advancing the deployment of alternative vehicle and fuel technologies and to conduct regional/topic-based workshops for state and local transportation agencies, their state counterparts and stakeholders to discuss the current status of alternative vehicle and fuel technologies in their specific region. The Services and associated deliverables are further described in Attachment B Proposed Statement of Work. Proposers responding to the RFP do so solely at their expense, and Agency is not responsible for any Proposer expenses associated with the RFP. General Background Information: The increased use of alternative vehicle and fuel technologies promises to yield multiple benefits, including lower localized and regional on-road emissions, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, and reducing our reliance on foreign sources of oil. There are significant economic, national security, and environmental costs of the petroleum-based fuels currently used in our transportation system. For these and other reasons, vehicle manufacturers and the traveling public are increasingly investing in these technologies. State and local transportation agencies are often required to reduce on-road criteria air pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions to meet air quality and climate goals. Addressing these issues takes a great deal of communication and coordination among all levels of government, especially among state and local transportation, energy, and environmental agencies. The goal of this project is to assist state and local transportation agencies interested in promoting the use of alternative vehicle and fuel technologies at a state, regional or corridor scale with the needed tools, information, and knowledge to do so. The nexus between the energy and transportation sectors is becoming more interlinked. Understanding this linkage is important for the FHWA and other USDOT modal administrations as it likely affects their mission and programs. Existing highway infrastructure and funding is designed around a gasoline- and diesel-powered vehicle fleet. The use of a substantially greater number of alternative vehicle and fuel technologies create a significant difference in fueling practices and infrastructure requirements. In addition, these new vehicle fuels and technologies may have other implications for highway finance, safety approaches, and operations. The initial focus of this project will be on electric vehicle (EV) deployment efforts, but the overall project scope will include consideration of other alternative vehicle and fuel technologies that may begin to play a substantial role in the light-duty and heavy-duty transportation sector such as fuel cell hydrogen vehicles or increased usage of natural gas (i.e. CNG and LNG). This project will build upon a prior FHWA EV pooled fund effort, which was led by WSDOT and included 13 state DOTs. The goal of this effort was to establish a community of practice that could share information as the states develop strategies and best practices to support commercialization of EVs and infrastructure. Specifically, the project brought together executive-level representatives from Page 4 of 20 RFP Non-A&E PSK; Oct 2014 RFP # 730-26340-15 participating State DOTs to engage in a series of discussions, and peer-to-peer exchanges in order to build capacity and capabilities to work with private partners as well as federal, state and local officials as transportation electrification efforts gain momentum around the country. Quantity of Contracts Awarded. It is anticipated that one Proposer will be selected for Contract award from this solicitation. Agency, in its sole discretion, may select more based on the Proposals submitted and the results of the evaluation. Offer Period : A Proposer's Proposal is a firm offer, irrevocable, valid and binding on the Proposer for not less than 180 days following the closing date for this RFP. Agency may request, orally or in writing that Proposer extend, in writing, the offer period. Contingent upon Agency need and available funding, Agency may (for up to 9 months following the close of this solicitation), in Agency’s sole discretion, make additional award(s) from this RFP. Agency may select the next ranked Responsive and Responsible Proposer (provided Proposer agrees to an extended offer period, which would cover the balance of the 9 months, if at that time the offer period stated in the paragraph above has expired or soon will expire), issue an intent to award and begin a new award protest period. If agreement with that Proposer is not reached, Agency may offer award to the next ranked Proposer and so on until agreement is reached or until Agency terminates the process. Agency reserves the right to require confirmation of the qualifications of any Proposer. Contract Duration: The Contract is anticipated to be effective by June, 2015 and is expected to last approximately 2 years. Contingent upon Agency’s need and Contractor’s performance (see Exhibit G of Sample Contract), Agency may amend the Contract for additional time as necessary for project up to 2 additional years of the recurring Services. Contract Not-to-Exceed (NTE) Amount: The anticipated initial value of the Contract awarded from this RFP is estimated to be in the range of $200,000 to $400,000. Contingent upon Agency’s need, Contractor’s performance, and the availability of approved funding, Agency may amend this Contract (within the scope of the project described in this RFP) for additional tasks, project phases and compensation as necessary to complete the project. Proposers are advised that the award and potential dollar amount of the Contract under this RFP are contingent upon approval of funding from the Oregon Legislature for Agency’s use under this RFP as determined by Agency in its sole discretion. Contract Payment: Contract Payment: Payment will be made for completion of, or acceptable monthly progress on, tasks and deliverables in conformance with Contract requirements and all applicable standards. The method of compensation will be determined by Agency and may be based on any of the following methods (may include more than 1 method – “Mixed”): • Fixed Price for all Services; Fixed Price per Deliverable; Fixed Price per Milestone; • Time and Materials, up to a maximum NTE amount; • Price per Unit. For further information see RFP Attachment C - Sample Contract, Exhibit B “Compensation”. PROCUREMENT AUTHORITY AND METHOD Procurement Authority. Agency is conducting this RFP according to its authority under OAR 125246-0170(2)(c) and DAS Tiered Delegation Agreement #639-11. 1.1.3 Page 5 of 20 RFP Non-A&E PSK; Oct 2014 RFP # 730-26340-15 Procurement Method. Agency intends to use the Competitive Sealed Proposals method according to ORS 279B.060. See RFP sections 1.4 and 1.5 for Proposal Pass/Fail and other Submittal Requirements. See RFP section 2 for information regarding Proposal Evaluation and Contractor Selection process. 1.1.4 ANTICIPATED SOLICITATION SCHEDULE Event Pre-Offer Conference Written Questions deadline RFP Protests deadline RFP Closing Presentations or Interviews (if held) (approx.) Intent to Award Notification (approx.) Award Protests Negotiations begin (approx.) Contract execution (approx.) Due Date See page 1 See section 1.2.1 See section 1.3.1 See Page 1 30 days after RFP Closing 30 days after RFP Closing See section 1.3.2 7 days after Intent to Award 14 days after negotiations begin 1.2 QUESTIONS AND CLARIFICATIONS 1.2.1 PROPOSER QUESTIONS All inquiries, whether relating to the RFP process, administration, deadline or award, or to the intent or technical aspects of the Services must be submitted in writing to the Buyer/Single Point of Contact identified on page 1 of this RFP (mail, fax or email are acceptable). All questions must be received not later than 10 calendar days prior to the Proposal submittal deadline. Answers to questions Agency receives and that Agency, in its sole discretion, determines are substantive, will be issued as official addenda to this RFP (or as Question and Answer documents - see RFP section 1.2.3) to ensure that all Proposers base their Proposals on the same information. When appropriate, as determined by Agency in its sole discretion, revisions, substitutions, or clarifications of the RFP or attached terms and conditions will be issued as official addenda to this RFP. Changes or modifications to this RFP shall be binding on Agency only if in the form of written addenda issued by Agency. 1.2.2 ADDENDA Agency shall advertise addenda only on the “Oregon Procurement Information Network” or (“ORPIN”). ORPIN is the current State of Oregon Automated Procurement System used by the Oregon Department of Transportation. The ORPIN System website is located at: http://orpin.oregon.gov/open.dll/welcome. Anyone who has downloaded or received a copy of this RFP will only be alerted to the existence of any addenda by checking on ORPIN, or with the Buyer. Proposers are responsible for checking the on-line source or with the Buyer for this RFP to determine whether an addendum has been issued, and then must either download the addendum or request a copy. Agency is not responsible for sending addenda to any potential Proposers, whether requested or not. Page 6 of 20 RFP Non-A&E PSK; Oct 2014 RFP # 730-26340-15 1.2.3 QUESTION AND ANSWER DOCUMENTS Agency may post Question and Answer document(s) on ORPIN to respond to inquiries that Agency determines, in its sole discretion, do not effect changes to the RFP. Question and Answer documents provide clarifications and interpretations but do not change RFP requirements. 1.3 PROTESTS 1.3.1 SOLICITATION (RFP) PROTEST REQUIREMENTS Potential Proposers may submit a written protest of anything contained in the RFP and may request a change to any provision, specification or Contract term contained in the RFP. Potential Proposers must submit protests concerning the RFP and requests for change to any particular provisions, specifications, or Contract terms contained in the RFP, to the Buyer/Single Point of Contact identified on page 1. Protests and requests for change must be submitted in writing not later than 7 calendar days prior to the Proposal submittal deadline. Agency will not consider any protest to the RFP or request for change submitted after this deadline. Each protest and request for change must include the reasons for the protest or request (supported by factual documentation) and any proposed changes to the RFP provisions, specifications or Contract terms. Agency will resolve all timely submitted protests in accordance with applicable Oregon Administrative Rules. Agency will address all timely submitted requests for change within a reasonable time following Agency’s receipt of the request and once addressed, will promptly issue a written decision on the request to Proposer who submitted the request. The foregoing procedures and deadline shall also apply to protests and requests for change respecting the contents of addenda to the RFP, unless the addenda specify a different deadline. 1.3.2 AWARD PROTEST REQUIREMENTS Every Proposer who submits a Proposal shall be notified of its selection status. Any Proposer who claims to have been adversely affected or aggrieved by the selection of (the highest ranked/the higher ranked) Proposer(s) must submit a written protest of the selection to the Buyer identified on page 1 of this RFP within 7 calendar days after the date of the selection notice. Agency will not consider any protest submitted after this submittal deadline. Agency will not consider award protests based on anything contained in the RFP –protests regarding content of the RFP must be submitted during the solicitation protest period described in RFP section 1.3.1. The award protest must clearly be based on at least one of the protest criteria provided in ORS 279B.410, including that the protesting Proposer claims it is the highest ranked Proposer or is within the class of higher ranked Proposers with whom Agency will negotiate Contracts because the Proposals of all higher ranked Proposers failed to meet the requirements of the RFP or because the higher ranked Proposers otherwise are not qualified to perform the Services. Agency will resolve all timely submitted protests in accordance with applicable Oregon Administrative Rules. Proposers who have been notified that they are not selected may contact the Single Point of Contact for this RFP (contact information on page 1) to submit a public records request and/or to make an appointment for a debriefing. 1.3.3 COSTS AND DAMAGES All costs of a protest shall be the responsibility of the protestor and undertaken at the protestor's expense. The State shall not be liable for Proposer's damages or costs for filing the protest or to any participant in the protest, on any basis, express or implied. 1.4 “PASS/FAIL” PROPOSAL SUBMITTAL CRITERIA Each Proposal must comply with the following Pass/Fail criteria. Proposals not meeting ALL Pass/Fail criteria will be rejected. Page 7 of 20 RFP Non-A&E PSK; Oct 2014 RFP # 730-26340-15 1.4.1 PROPOSAL SUBMITTAL DEADLINE (PASS/FAIL) Proposals must be received by the submittal deadline (per official clock of Issuing Office) and at the address of the Issuing Office indicated on page 1 of this RFP. Agency will not accept Proposals submitted by facsimile or electronic mail, nor will Agency accept Proposals submitted after the Proposal submittal deadline. Agency is not responsible for and will not accept late or mis-delivered Proposals. Agency will not read offers aloud when opened. There is no public opening of unpriced Proposals. 1.4.2 TERMS AND CONDITIONS (PASS/FAIL) Agency will reject any Proposal that is received conditioned on Agency’s acceptance of any other terms and conditions or rights to negotiate any alternative terms and conditions that are not reasonably related to those expressly authorized for negotiation in the RFP or Addenda thereto. Agency intends to negotiate the statement of work and pricing as indicated in RFP section 2.4 Unless the RFP or an official addendum has reserved the right to negotiate any terms and conditions contained in the Contract or exhibits thereto, Agency will not negotiate any term or condition after the solicitation protest deadline, except the statement of work and pricing with the selected Proposer(s) per RFP section 2.4. By Proposal submittal, the selected Proposer(s) agree(s) to be bound by the Oregon Department of Transportation Terms and Conditions as set out in RFP Attachment C (Sample Contract), and as they may have been modified or reserved by Agency for negotiation. Government bodies subject to ORS 190 do not bid or compete on the same basis as private-sector Proposers, however, Agency will initially review Proposals from government bodies according to the same evaluation criteria described in this RFP. Government bodies submitting a Proposal must comply with all applicable Proposal requirements described in this RFP. In addition to any other Proposer selection, Agency may enter into an ORS 190 agreement with any government body for the Services. Alternatively, Agency may cancel this RFP if it would be in the public interest as determined by Agency, and enter into an ORS 190 agreement with a government body. Page 8 of 20 RFP Non-A&E PSK; Oct 2014 RFP # 730-26340-15 1.5 REQUIRED PROPOSAL SUBMITTAL ITEMS Proposer must submit 6 hard copies (1 labeled “Master” and 5 copies each labeled “Copy”) to Agency at the address indicated on page 1. Proposals must include the following information in the designated order: Section A Attachment A – Proposal Cover Sheet (see Section 1.5.1) References (see Sections 1.5.6 and 2.1.5) Conflict Disclosure Form (if required) (see Section 1.5.5) Section B Proposal Responses (See Sections 2.2.1 through 2.2.6) Section C Price Proposal (See Sections 1.5.7 and 2.2.8) Agency may reject any Proposal that fails to provide any of the required information listed in this Section 1.5. 1.5.1 COVER SHEET The Proposal must include a completed Cover Sheet in the form as set forth in Attachment A of this RFP, signed by a duly authorized representative empowered to bind Proposer (at least one original signature). Any cover letters submitted in addition to the required Cover Sheet will not be forwarded to the evaluation committee. On the Cover Sheet (or a separate sheet attached to the Cover Sheet), identify the sections of the Proposal, if any, Proposer claims to be exempt from disclosure according to Oregon Public Records Law, ORS 192.410 through 192.505. List sections, paragraphs, pages, etc., and the specific ORS citation(s) that Proposer claims provides for exemption of each listed section (see RFP section 1.8, Public Records). 1.5.2 RESERVED 1.5.3 FORMAT FOR PROPOSAL SUBMITTALS; PAGE LENGTH LIMITATION a. Proposals must use 12-point minimum font size for the substantive text (including text in tables) with the following exceptions which must use an 11-point minimum font size: Attachment A – Proposal Coversheet, References, and COI Disclosure Form (if required). Proposers may use their discretion for the font size of other materials that do not include substantive text (e.g. graphics, picture or graphics captions, and organizational charts). b. Proposers are to submit Proposals on recycled white paper. The Proposal must not exceed 20 pages, excluding Cover Sheet (Attachment A), any tabs or indexes, and any of the following forms (if required in this RFP): References, Conflict of Interest form(s) and Subcontractor/Supplier Solicitation and Utilization Form. If a Proposer submits a Proposal exceeding this limit, Agency will consider the pages up to that allowable number and discard all subsequent pages. The Proposer may choose how to allocate pages between any sections, within the overall page limit. One (1) page is defined as: one side of a single 8-1/2" x 11" page that meets the font size requirements stated in subsection “a” above. Any page over this size will be counted as 2 pages. Any page or partial page with substantive text, tables, graphics, charts, resumes, etc., will be counted as 1 page. Page 9 of 20 RFP Non-A&E PSK; Oct 2014 RFP # 730-26340-15 1.5.4 ADDITIONAL CONTENT FOR THE MASTER PROPOSAL Proposer must submit the following items in the version of the proposal labeled “Master”: a. 1 hard copy (not attached to the Proposal) of Subcontractor Solicitation and Utilization Report form available at: http://www.odot.state.or.us/forms/odot/highway734/2721.pdf. Also fax this form directly to ODOT Office of Civil Rights (Fax 503-986-6382) within 10 business days following Proposal submittal due date; b. 1 CD that includes a single PDF file of the Proposal. The signed Proposal Cover Sheet (RFP Attachment A) may be included as part of the single PDF file of the Proposal or may be in a separate PDF file. Do not break the Proposal into more than these 2 PDF files. The total combined size of the Proposal and Coversheet should be compressed so it does not exceed 5 megabyte. 1.5.5 CONFLICT OF INTEREST (COI) DISCLOSURE Proposer must be in compliance with the ODOT COI Guidelines: • All Proposers must indicate on Attachment A - Proposal Cover Sheet (by checking the appropriate checkbox in the signature certification section) that the Proposer, its subcontractors and all other Associates are in compliance with all COI disclosure guidelines. • If there are no COI disclosures required for Proposer, its subcontractors or other Associates, per the ODOT Conflict of Interest Guidelines, then submittal of COI Disclosure form(s) is not required. • If there are any disclosures required per the ODOT Conflict of Interest Guidelines for Proposer (including subcontractors, or any other of the Proposer’s Associates, as defined per the ODOT Conflict of Interest Guidelines), Proposer must submit a signed COI Disclosure Form with the Proposal. The Proposer shall incorporate in each required COI Disclosure Form any COI disclosure information provided by its staff, and attach COI Disclosure Forms from each of its subcontractors and any other Associates that have required disclosures per the ODOT Conflict of Interest Guidelines. The ODOT Conflict of Interest Guidelines and COI Disclosure Form are available at the following Internet site: http://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/CS/OPO/pages/AE.aspx#Forms (under “Misc. Procurement Related Forms”). 1.5.6 REFERENCES Proposer must provide references for its 3 most relevant projects using the form provided in RFP section 2.1.5. Reference forms are not included in the Proposal page count. 1.5.7 PRICE INFORMATION submit a price proposal (using fully loaded billing rates) that includes all labor, profit and expenses to complete each Task and deliverable of the Services as follows: o the proposed staff assignments (job classifications and names) and hours per task and sub-task; o hours per task and sub-task for each subcontractor, if any, with job classifications and names; o an itemization of any necessary equipment expenses, travel and other direct non-labor expenses for prime (and for each subcontractor, if any). The Tasks and deliverables are described in detail in Attachment B – Proposed Statement of Work. For Price Proposal purposes only, please make the following assumptions: • 5 regional workshops are conducted. Page 10 of 20 RFP Non-A&E PSK; Oct 2014 RFP # 730-26340-15 • 60 labor hours are dedicated to Task 5 Technical Assistance. The price proposal is not included in the Proposal page count. 1.5.8 ADDRESS LABEL. Proposals will only be accepted at the address indicated on page 1. Include on the address label the following information: o RFP# and Title o Name of the Procurement Specialist identified on page 1 of the RFP o Proposal Due Date and Time 1.6 PROPOSAL MODIFICATIONS To avoid confusion, alterations and erasures made before the submittal of a Proposal must be individually initialed by the person signing the Proposal. Proposals may be modified after submittal, provided the request is received by ODOT at the address listed on the front page of the RFP prior to the Closing date and time. The request shall be on Proposer’s letterhead, marked “Proposal Modification – RFP #730-26340-15” and signed by an authorized representative of Proposer. The modification document must state that the modifications supersede or modify the prior Proposal and must identify the portions of the prior Proposal to be amended or replaced. Faxed or electronically transmitted (e-mailed) modification requests will not be accepted. 1.7 PROPOSAL WITHDRAWALS Proposals may be withdrawn, provided the request is received by ODOT prior to the Closing date and time at the address listed on the front page of the RFP. The request shall be on Proposer’s letterhead, marked “Proposal Withdrawal – RFP #730-26340-15” and signed by an authorized representative of Proposer. Proposer may also withdraw its Proposal in person prior to the Closing, upon presentation of appropriate identification and evidence of authority satisfactory to the Authorized Agency. Electronically transmitted (e-mailed) withdrawal requests will be accepted. 1.8 PUBLIC RECORDS This RFP, and one copy of every Proposal received in response to it, together with copies of all documents pertaining to the award of the Contract(s), shall be kept by Agency and made a part of Agency’s records. Proposals shall be open to public inspection in accordance with ORS 279B.060(5). If a Proposal contains any information that may be considered exempt from disclosure as a trade secret under either ORS 192.501(2) or ORS 646.461(4), or under other grounds specified in Oregon Public Records Law, ORS 192.410 through 192.505, the Proposer must clearly designate on or with the Proposal the portions of its Proposal which Proposer claims are exempt from disclosure, along with a justification and citation to the authority relied upon. Identifying the Proposal in whole as trade secret, confidential or otherwise exempt from disclosure is not acceptable. In such circumstances Agency will require Proposer to submit a memorandum citing the statutory justification for each specific area of the Proposal that Proposer claims to be exempt. If Proposer fails to identify, on or with the Proposal, the portions of the Proposal Proposer claims are exempt from disclosure and the authority used to substantiate that claim, Proposer is deemed to have waived any later claim of an exemption or request for nondisclosure of that information. Any Proposer that does not comply with these requirements may have its Proposal rejected. Page 11 of 20 RFP Non-A&E PSK; Oct 2014 RFP # 730-26340-15 Application of the Oregon Public Records Law or other applicable law shall determine whether any information is actually exempt from disclosure. Agency will not be held liable for any disclosure of information which Proposer considers to be exempt from disclosure if required by a Public Records Order. Notwithstanding any rights under 17 USC 101 et seq., (the United States Copyright Act), when Agency is required to provide copies of the non-exempt portion of the Proposal pursuant to a Public Records Order, Proposer hereby grants a license to Agency to copy those portions of the Proposal that are subject to disclosure. By submitting a response to this RFP, Proposer grants the State of Oregon a non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, worldwide license for the rights to copy, distribute, display, prepare derivative works and transmit the response for the purpose of conducting this procurement and to fulfill obligations under Oregon Public Records Laws. 1.9 NON-DISCRIMINATION Agency, in accordance with the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252. 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4 and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, Subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, Nondiscrimination in Federally-Assisted programs of the Department of Transportation issued pursuant to such Act, hereby notifies all Proposers that it will affirmatively ensure that all business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit proposals in response to this solicitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, sex, or national origin in consideration for an award. Page 12 of 20 RFP Non-A&E PSK; Oct 2014 RFP # 730-26340-15 Section 2.0 PROPOSAL EVALUATION & CONTRACTOR SELECTION 2.1 EVALUATION PROCESS 2.1.1 PROPOSAL EVALUATION Agency will evaluate Proposals in accordance with the procurement method stated in RFP section 1.1.3. Contract award, if any Contracts are awarded, will be to the responsive, responsible Proposer(s) submitting the most advantageous Proposal as determined by Agency. Proposals must be responsive. To be considered responsive, the Proposal must substantially comply with all requirements of the RFP. Agency, at its discretion, may: a. Waive any minor informality or non-conformance with the provisions or procedures of the RFP, and seek clarification of any Proposal (see RFP section 2.1.2 below), if required; b. Reject any Proposal that fails substantially to comply with all prescribed RFP procedures and requirements. Agency may reject any or all Proposals in whole or in part and may cancel this RFP or procurement at any time when the rejection or cancellation is in the best interest of Agency as determined by Agency. Agency is not liable to any Proposer for any loss or expense caused by or resulting from the rejection or cancellation of a solicitation, Proposal or award. All timely submitted Proposals will become part of the solicitation file. Proposals received on time will be reviewed against the Pass/Fail and Required Proposal Submittal items identified in RFP sections 1.4 and 1.5. Proposals meeting those criteria will be forwarded to an evaluation committee that will independently review, score and rank Proposals according to the Scoring Criteria set forth in RFP section 2.2. The outcome of the Evaluation process may, in Agency’s sole discretion, result in: (a) notice to Proposer(s) of selection or rejection for tentative Contract negotiation (see RFP section 2.4, Negotiations) and possible award; (b) further steps to gather additional information for evaluation, (e.g. checking references, request for clarification, notice of placement on an interview list); or (c) cancellation of the RFP and either re-issuance of the RFP in the same or revised form or no further action by Agency with respect to the RFP. 2.1.2 PROPOSAL CLARIFICATIONS Agency may require any clarification it needs to understand Proposer’s Proposal. Any necessary clarifications or modifications which are in the best interest of Agency may be made before Proposer is awarded a Contract, and some or all of the clarifications or modifications may become part of the final Contract. Clarifications may not be used to rehabilitate a non-responsive Proposal. 2.1.3 COMPETITIVE RANGE Agency may establish a Competitive Range consisting of the 3 highest scoring responsive, responsible Proposers based on scores received from evaluation of criteria in RFP section 2.2 and application of any scoring deductions per RFP section 1.5. Agency may increase the number of Proposers in the Competitive Range if Agency's evaluation of Proposals establishes a natural break in the scores of Proposers indicating a number of Proposers greater than the initial Competitive Range are closely competitive, or have a reasonable chance of being determined the most advantageous Proposer. Agency Page 13 of 20 RFP Non-A&E PSK; Oct 2014 RFP # 730-26340-15 may decrease the number of Proposers in the initial Competitive Range only if the excluded Proposers have no reasonable chance to be the most advantageous Proposer. If a Competitive Range is established, Agency will provide written notice to all Proposers identifying Proposers in the Competitive Range and describing the next step in the solicitation process. 2.1.4 INTERVIEWS (Optional) Interviews may be conducted and scored at the discretion of Agency. If interviews are conducted, the following will apply: • A minimum of 3 evaluators shall score the interview question responses; • The interviews will have a maximum score of 30 points. • Only Proposers determined to be in the Competitive Range (see RFP section 2.1.3, Competitive Range) will be included in interview process. • At Agency’s discretion, written interview questions may be sent via email to Proposer(s) in the Competitive Range (with responses returned via email) as an alternative to oral interviews; however, Agency may conduct oral interviews if determined necessary. • If conducted, oral interviews normally require physical attendance at Agency’s offices; however, Agency may elect to conduct oral interviews via teleconference or video conference. Further details will be included with notification of time and date of interviews, if conducted. Evaluation of the optional interview questions will be within the parameters of the following criteria: • Understanding Of Requested Services • Project Approach • Project Team, Key Personnel And Qualifications • Experience With Similar Projects • Capabilities And Project Administration • Cost Control 2.1.5 REFERENCES Agency will score references as part of the Scored Criteria (see References in section 2.2) and may use them to obtain additional information and verify information, etc. Double-click icon to open attached file → References 2.1.6 PREFERENCES If Agency receives Proposals identical in price, fitness, availability and quality and chooses to award Contract(s), Agency will award the Contract(s) in accordance with the procedures outlined in OAR 137046-0300(1) - (4). Page 14 of 20 RFP Non-A&E PSK; Oct 2014 RFP # 730-26340-15 2.2 SCORING CRITERIA Scoring will be based on the categories described below. Proposer must describe how Proposer meets the requirements that are specified in this RFP as related to the subsections below. Be clear and concise. 2.2.1 • • • • UNDERSTANDING OF REQUESTED SERVICES _20_ Points Demonstrate a clear and concise understanding of the scope of Services being requested in the Attachment B – Proposed Statement of Work. List projects and contract services performed within the last three (3) years by type and location, most comparable to the requested Services. For a total of three of the most recent projects or contracts (in any combination) listed, include a brief description of project type, size, location, duration and objectives; a chronological time line describing the tasks performed by Proposer to fulfill the project objectives; and the actual project budget. For each of the three projects or contracts (in any combination) above, indicate whether the services were accomplished within Proposers’ original estimated budget and schedule, or needed to be revised. Briefly explain the reason for any revisions. 2.2.2 PROPOSER’S GENERAL QUALIFICATIONS _20_ Points Describe your firm’s cost management and control practices. Specifically, describe how your firm: • Accounts for hours worked and cost incurred; • Anticipates possible sources of cost growth and seeks ways to avoid potential cost problems; • Explains cost variances and recovers without impact to overall project goals; • Develops accurate schedule and milestone projections; • Tracks the project schedule and milestones and how you prevent impacts to project goals. Describe your firm’s contract management practices. Specifically, describe how your firm: • Accommodates changing schedules and activities with minimal impact to the overall project schedule; • Demonstrates strong leadership through effective internal and external communication; • Ensures the customer is informed of problem developments and schedule changes; • Demonstrates initiative and foresight in planning for potential problems, analyzing impacts, resolving problems and instituting prompt corrective action • Manages labor resources allocations in order to minimize labor usage, while maintaining adequate staffing levels to maintain schedule, an acceptable quality of work, and maximum productivity. Describe your firm’s quality of work practices. Specifically, describe how your firm: • Ensures submitting high caliber work product; • Ensures all pertinent information is included in the work product; • Manages contact and performance of subcontractors; • Develops complete and accurate work plans; • Seeks out problem areas and resolves them to remain on or ahead of schedule with little or no assistance from customers. Page 15 of 20 RFP Non-A&E PSK; Oct 2014 RFP # 730-26340-15 Describe your firm’s timeliness and responsiveness practices. Specifically, describe how your firm: • Ensures all deliverables are completed and submitted on time; • Keeps customers informed of delays, and attempts to resolve delays independently; • Ensures it is responsive to requests from customers and quickly addresses potential problems and provides needed information Describe your firm’s management and organizational structure, and how that structure aids the delivery of project services - including chain of command and process for managing projects, including contact person (Project Manager) and their backup for project related issues. Describe qualifications and proficiencies to complete the requested Services. 2.2.3 PROPOSER’S CAPABILITIES _20_ Points Demonstrate capability to complete the requested Services. Response must include: • Demonstrated knowledge, expertise and experience in: • The deployment of alternative fuel vehicles and fueling/charging infrastructure from a National perspective • Air quality, energy and greenhouse gas reduction potential of alternative fuel vehicles • Transportation programs and Federal Aid funding • Working with a diverse group of stakeholders to reach consensus • Facilitation of meetings and work groups • An explanation describing how Proposer can accommodate varying levels of work assigned under the Contract, including any limitations. Describe your firm’s approach to adjusting schedules when needed, or adjusting your level of effort in order to meet a schedule and keep a project within a stated budget. • An explanation describing how Proposer can accommodate working on the project given its location in the State. Describe Proposer’s branch or satellite offices located within the State and the types of services these locations are capable to perform. • Demonstrated prior project experience with alternative fuel vehicle technology (electric, LNG, CNG, hydrogen, hybrid, biodiesel). • Demonstrated prior project experience in working with diverse groups and stakeholders to reach consensus. • Demonstrated prior experience with meeting facilitation and workgroup management. 2.2.4 PROJECT TEAM AND QUALIFICATIONS _20_ Points Demonstrate Proposer’s team qualifications and experience relating to the requested Services. Response must: • Describe the extent of principal involvement. • List names, titles, responsibilities, and availability of key members who are anticipated to perform Services. • List of sub-contractors, their addresses, and Services proposed to be generally committed to each. • List the qualifications (including any specified licenses or certifications) and relevant individual experience for all key team members likely to perform Services, including sub-contractors. • Describe Proposer’s experience using teams on similar or related projects. • Describe Project Managers’ experience with managing transportation projects and interdisciplinary teams Page 16 of 20 RFP Non-A&E PSK; Oct 2014 RFP # 730-26340-15 2.2.5 REFERENCES FOR RELEVANT EXPERIENCE _20_ Points Provide references for the 3 most recent projects that were completed in the last 4 years. To be relevant, projects listed should include services that are similar in nature and complexity to the project(s) described in this RFP. Proposers may not selectively pick projects/references. Rather, they must submit references for the most recent projects that are relevant to the services requested in this RFP. Failure to submit the most recent, relevant references will be considered non-responsive and may result in Proposal rejection. 2.2.6 • • SUPPORTING RESOURCES _10_ Points Demonstrate Proposer’s resources available to be allocated for the proposed scope of Services (examples: compatible computer equipment or software, administrative or technical support, safety program and equipment, etc.). Describe any specialties or unique strengths that relate to the Services requested in this RFP. Include a brief description of new or innovative equipment or techniques you may be using. 2.2.7 CLARITY OF PROPOSAL AND CONFORMITY WITH REQUIREMENTS _15_ Points Proposers do not need to provide a written response to this criterion. The Proposal must be organized in accordance with the list of Scoring Criteria categories in RFP section 2.2. Proposals will be scored by evaluators on Proposal format; ease of finding clear, concise responses that correlate with the order of evaluation criteria in this RFP; and Proposers ability to follow instructions. 2.2.8 PRICE / VALUE The price proposals (see RFP section 1.5.7, Price Information) will be scored as follows: • • • • _20_ Points Proposer with the lowest price proposal will receive 20 points. Proposer with the second lowest price proposal will receive 10 points. Proposer with the third lowest price proposal will receive 5 points. All other Proposers will receive 0 points. SUMMARY OF SCORING CRITERIA FOR USE BY PROPOSERS MAXIMUM SCORE 2.2.1 Understanding of Requested Services 2.2.2 Proposer’s General Qualifications 2.2.3 Proposer’s Capabilities 2.2.4 Project Team and Qualifications 2.2.5 References for Relevant Experience 2.2.6 Supporting Resources 2.2.7 Clarity of Proposal and Conformity with Requirements 2.2.8 Price / Value Total or Subtotal Score Interviews (if conducted) Total Score 20 20 20 20 20 10 15 20 145 30 175 Page 17 of 20 RFP Non-A&E PSK; Oct 2014 RFP # 730-26340-15 2.3 TOTAL SCORE and AWARD 2.3.1 Total Score - The scores for Proposer ranking and selection for negotiations will be determined as follows: • Scored Criteria (RFP section 2.2) = Total of the Proposal scores from all evaluators for a given Proposer, divided by the number of evaluators. • (If conducted) Interview score = Total of the interview scores from all evaluators for a given Proposer, divided by the number of evaluators. • Final Score = Total Scored Criteria score plus total interview score (if conducted). 2.3.2 Award Unless all Proposals are rejected or the RFP is cancelled, tentative award will go to the responsible Proposer (see section 3.4) with the highest final score as determined under 2.3.1 above. 2.4 NEGOTIATIONS Agency will negotiate in the best interest of Agency, including SOW, pricing information and any other provision(s) Agency has indicated in the RFP or any Addenda it will negotiate. Agency, at its discretion, may conduct more than one round of discussions or negotiations. If negotiations fail to result in agreement with a Proposer, Agency may terminate negotiations with that Proposer and enter negotiations with another Proposer. If negotiations with any Proposer do not result in Contract award within a reasonable amount of time, Agency may end this solicitation. Agency, in its sole discretion, may proceed with a new solicitation for the same Services or consider any other options available under the applicable rules, laws, and policies. Any oral modification of a Proposal resulting from negotiations must be reduced to writing. For Fixed-Price Contracts awarded on the basis of low bid among qualified firms and when there is adequate price competition, Agency may elect to make the award without negotiation of costs (and without requiring submittal of a detailed breakdown of costs). If Agency determines pricing is not reasonable or there is not adequate price competition, upon request by Agency, Consultant shall submit a detailed cost estimate and enter negotiations of pricing. Page 18 of 20 RFP Non-A&E PSK; Oct 2014 RFP # 730-26340-15 Section 3.0 CONTRACT AWARD REQUIREMENTS 3.1 COST INFORMATION Billing rates and cost data may not be discriminatory against Agency. It is discriminatory against Agency if employee (or owner/sole proprietor) compensation (in whatever form or name) is in excess of that being paid for similar non-Agency work under comparable circumstances. 3.2 CERTIFICATES OF INSURANCE Selected Proposer(s) shall provide Certificates of Insurance to Agency for levels of insurance coverage shown in Exhibit C of the Sample Contract (RFP Attachment C) prior to Contract execution. Selected Proposers that have current certificates of insurance (with all required coverages and not specific to a particular project) on file with Agency will not be required to resubmit these. Agency may determine that project-specific insurance coverage is required on a case-by-case basis. 3.3 MISCELLANEOUS FORMS 3.3.1 CONFLICT OF INTEREST (COI) DISCLOSURE If any disclosures are required per the ODOT Conflict of Interest Guidelines that were not disclosed with Proposal submittal (or that occurred or were discovered since the Proposal submittal), the selected Proposer shall complete and submit a signed COI Disclosure Form within 5 business days of receipt of Intent To Award notice. The selected Proposer shall incorporate in each required COI Disclosure Form any COI disclosure information provided by its staff and attach COI Disclosure Forms from each of its subcontractors (that have required disclosures per the ODOT Conflict of Interest Guidelines), prior to such Firm performing any Services under a Contract. The ODOT Conflict of Interest Guidelines and COI Disclosure Form are available at the following Internet site: http://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/CS/OPO/pages/AE.aspx#Forms (under “Misc. Procurement Related Forms”) If, following review of Proposer’s COI Disclosure Form(s), a Proposer selected for tentative award is determined to have a conflict of interest that cannot reasonably be mitigated to Agency’s satisfaction; the tentative award to that Proposer may be withdrawn. At Agency’s discretion, tentative award may then be made to the next Proposer in the Proposal rankings. 3.3.2 LIST of SUBCONTRACTORS Selected Proposer(s) shall submit a “Subcontractor List” form within 3 business days of receipt of Intent to Award notice. Submit the list electronically in MS Word format, using the form available at: http://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/CS/OPO/pages/AE.aspx#Forms . List subcontractors, if any, proposed for use under the Contract. 3.4 CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITY Agency will determine responsibility of a firm prior to award and execution of a contract. Selected Proposer(s) shall submit a signed Responsibility Inquiry form within 5 business days of receipt of Intent to Award notice (see form for additional information regarding Agency’s responsibility review). The form provided below (as an electronic MS Word file) must be signed and may be submitted as hard copy or electronically via fax or email. Page 19 of 20 RFP Non-A&E PSK; Oct 2014 RFP # 730-26340-15 Double-click icon to open attached file → Submitted only by selected Proposer(s) Responsibility Inquiry.doc Contractor is responsible for any and all contractual matters, including performance of Services and the required deliverables finalized in the Contract, whether Contractor, a subcontractor, or a representative of Contractor, produces them. 3.5 BUSINESS REGISTRY NUMBER/REGISTERED AGENT If selected for Contract award, Proposer must be duly authorized by the State of Oregon to transact business in the State of Oregon before executing the Contract. The selected Proposer shall submit a current Oregon Secretary of State business registry number (unless operating as your real and true name). See process for obtaining a business registry number. All Corporations and other business entities (domestic and foreign) must have a Registered Agent in Oregon. See requirements and exceptions regarding Registered Agents. For more information, see Starting a Business and Laws and Rules. The titles in this subsection are available at the following Internet site: http://www.filinginoregon.com/index.htm. 3.6 TAX ID NUMBER The selected Proposer(s) shall provide their Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and backup withholding status on a completed W-9 form if either of the following apply: • When requested by Agency (normally in an intent to award notice), or • When the backup withholding status or any other information of Proposer has changed since the last submitted W-9 form, if any. No payment can be made until a properly completed W-9 is on file with Agency. 3.7 TAX COMPLIANCE AFFIDAVIT The selected Proposer(s) shall submit a signed and notarized affidavit that attests, under penalty of perjury, that the Proposer has complied with the tax laws of the State or a political subdivision of the State (ref. ORS 279B.110). The required Tax Compliance Affidavit is available on line at: http://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/CS/OPO/docs/templates/TaxAffidavit.docx 3.8 USE OF RECYCLED PRODUCTS Contractors shall use recyclable products to the maximum extent economically feasible in the performance of the Contract work set forth in this document. (ORS 279B.060(2)(f)) Page 20 of 20 RFP Non-A&E PSK; Oct 2014 RFP # 730-26340-15
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