ECEN 468 Advanced Logic Design L e c t u r e 3 1 : B a s i c s o f Ve r i l og - A M S ECEN 468 Lecture 31 Introduction v Verilog-AMS is a modeling language for mixed-signal systems v Primarily for simulation of mixed-signal systems v In general, synthesis is not supported Verilog-AMS Verilog-HDL Verilog-A ECEN 468 Lecture 31 2 Analog vs. Digital Digital Analog discrete event Analog continuous signal ECEN 468 Lecture 31 3 Architecture of Mixed-Signal Simulators ECEN 468 Lecture 31 4 APPLICATIONS OF VERILOG-AMS ECEN 468 Lecture 31 5 Component Modeling v More built-in models than SPICE v Basic components: resistors, capacitors, inductors… v Diodes, BJTs, MOSFETs… v Functional blocks: data converters, de/modulators, filters… v Sensors, actuators, transducers… v Logic gates, latches, registers… v Testbench components: sources, monitors… ECEN 468 Lecture 31 6 Simulation Acceleration v For circuit simulation v Describe non-critical parts with behavioral models v Behavioral models simulates much faster than transistor level models ECEN 468 Lecture 31 7 Other Applications v Mixed-signal design v Top-down design v Testbenches ECEN 468 Lecture 31 8 Modeling Resistor v Natures: physical signal types v Discipline: a collection of related natures v Electrical discipline consists of voltages and currents module resistor(p, n); parameter real r=0; //Ohms v “analog” introduces an analog process, to inout p, n; describe continuous time behavior electrical p, n; v Contribution statement v Contribution operator ‘<+’ analog v Implicit or unnamed branch (p, n), its two V(p,n) <+ r*I(p,n); endpoints must belong to equivalent endmodule disciplines v Access functions: V, I //Linear resistor ‘include “disciplines.vams” ECEN 468 Lecture 31 9 Modeling Conductor //Linear conductor ‘include “disciplines.vams” module conductor(p, n); parameter real g=0; //Siemens inout p, n; electrical p, n; analog I(p,n) <+ g*V(p,n); endmodule ECEN 468 Lecture 31 10 Capacitor //Linear capacitor ‘include “disciplines.vams” module capacitor(p, n); parameter real c=0; // F inout p, n; electrical p, n; analog I(p,n) <+ c*ddt(V(p,n)); endmodule ECEN 468 Lecture 31 11 Inductor //Linear inductor ‘include “disciplines.vams” module inductor(p, n); parameter real L=0; // H inout p, n; electrical p, n; analog V(p,n) <+ L*ddt(I(p,n)); endmodule ECEN 468 Lecture 31 12 Voltage Source //DC voltage source ‘include “disciplines.vams” module vsrc(p, n); parameter real dc=0; // V inout p, n; electrical p, n; analog V(p,n) <+ dc; endmodule ECEN 468 Lecture 31 13 Current Source //DC current source ‘include “disciplines.vams” module isrc(p, n); parameter real dc=0; // A inout p, n; electrical p, n; analog I(p,n) <+ dc; endmodule ECEN 468 Lecture 31 14 A Simple Circuit ‘include “disciplines.vams” ‘include “vsrc.vams” ‘include “resistor.vams” module smpl_ckt; electrical n; ground gnd; vsrc #(.dc(1)) V1(n, gnd); resistor #(.r(1k)) R1(n, gnd); endmodule • Two ports cannot be directly connected, must via a common electrical node • Every circuit has one node designated as the ground or reference node • Syntax of instantiation • • • • Module name Parameter list (optional) Instance name (optional) Node list ECEN 468 Lecture 31 15 Parameter List and Node List Parameter list: #(.p1(v1), .p2(v2)) #(.p2(v2), .p1(v1)) #(v1, v2) #(, v2) Node list: (.p1(n1), .p2(n2)) (.p2(n2), .p1(n1)) (n1, n2) (, n2) ECEN 468 Lecture 31 16 Reference Node v The ground node always exists v Its potential is zero v V(p) means voltage from node p to the ground node v I(p) means current from node p to the ground node ECEN 468 Lecture 31 17 Nature v A nature is used to describe basic physical quantity nature Current units = “A”; access = I; abstol = 1e-12; endnature Absolute tolerance: the largest amount can be negligible ECEN 468 Lecture 31 18 Discipline discipline electrical potential Voltage; flow Current; enddiscipline ECEN 468 Lecture 31 19 Derived Natures nature HighVoltage: Voltage abstol = 1; endnature nature HighCurrent: Current abstol = 1e-3; endnature electrical lv; hv_electrical hv; analog I(hv, lv) <+ g*V(hv,lv); discipline hv_electrical potential HighVoltage; flow HighCurrent; enddiscipline ECEN 468 Lecture 31 20 Range Limits parameter real is=10f from (0:inf); parameter real tf=0 from [0:inf); parameter real cj=0 from (-inf:0]; parameter real phi=0.7 exclude 0; ECEN 468 Lecture 31 21
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