Document 113166

March/April 2013
Career Fair
On March 21, Rosedale Technical Institute held a career
fair, playing host to over 50 representatives from industry
employers. Companies in search of automotive, diesel, electrical, HVAC technicians and truck drivers met with more
than 300 current and former students. The career fair offers
students the opportunity to network and even conduct interviews with company representatives. Over 30 students
were asked to do an in-depth one on one interview following the event. Furthermore, a handful of students were so
impressive that they were offered positions on the spot,
even before graduation.
were placed
at a rate of
98%, another
indication of
the industry’s
for 2012 was
Throughout their education and training, Rosedale students
have several chances to take advantage of the career fair
experience as they are held twice each year.
As the skills gap continues to widen, the demand for tradespersons creates many opportunities. Rosedale’s Student
Services department assists by finding part-time work for
students while they are attending Rosedale and full-time
work upon graduation.
1st Truck Driving Class GRADUATES
In February, four students became the first to graduate
from Rosedale’s Truck Driving Program. Students spent
10 ½ weeks learning everything from Preventative
Maintenance to Driving Skills, and are now officially licensed CDL drivers!
Pictured L-R:
Jason Weir, Dave
Wadlow (Instructor),
Jason Winters, Adam
Fasone, and Daniel
Maga about to enjoy
the Truck Driving
cake Jason Weir’s
wife prepared in
honor of the occasion.
Continued on page 2.
Rosedale Introduces E-Learning
Rosedale Tech now provides students with an alternative
to books – an electronic tablet!
The Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 is
available to all Rosedale students granting access to current textbooks in E-form.
The tablet offers a 7’’
touchscreen, wi-fi capabilities, and 8GB of internet
The best thing about switching to e-books is the cost savings for students. Depending on the program, it can save
some students up to $500. If you are interested in learning more about purchasing a tablet, please contact
John Fostyk in Student Services.
The Inside Scoop
Career Fair
(Continued from the cover)
Dennis Wilke, President and Director of
Rosedale Tech, explains why this
event is important
to the community:
“Hosting a job fair here at Rosedale is great for many reasons. We get to link local employers directly with our students in a controlled environment. Additionally, employers
are able to see our state-of-the-art facilities and meet our
instructors. The community needs tradespersons and our
mission is to help provide a qualified workforce.”
Three Rosedale graduates returned to
the career fair, this time on the other
side of the table as employer:
Chris Patterson with Sun Chevrolet,
David Brenizer with Bob Massie
Toyota and Adam Wheeler with
Sears Automotive.
The following students have accepted employment with
the subsequent companies. Our students find work in all
levels of the electrical, diesel, and automotive fields within
several different industries.
Student Name
Student Name
Brandon Poland
Jay Wolfe
Jesse Demchak
Javad Lindsey
Nicholas Zalepa
Sammy Martinez
Brandon Greening
Adam Smith
Ryan Smith
Mark Freund
Kevin Reed
Jordan Grybel
Jared Snooks
Steven Neal
Joel Carmody
Maverick Kefover
Paul Wright
Christopher Staiger
Justin Grieco
Michael Clarke
Anthony Gavita
Christopher Kraeer
Thomas Palmer
Dillon Stolitca
David Craddock
Adam Fowkes
Dalton Zottola
Matt Henchell
Shane Jenkins
Waste Management
Sears Auto Center
Lincoln Hydraulics
Northstar Chevrolet
Lenzner Tour & Travel
Lenzner Tour & Travel
Wright Automotive
Ricci’s Hauling Service
Ricci’s Hauling Service
South Park Mitsubishi
#1 Cochran
#1 Cochran
AutoZone Incorporated
Stockdale Mine Supply
RNR Custom Wheels
Brown Farm Equipment
Hunter Idealease Inc.
Hunter Idealease Inc.
A.W. Beattie Career Center
Baierl Subaru
Hill International
Craddock Electric
JJ’s Home Improvement
The Sewickley Car Store
Trans Edge Truck Center
Bowser Cadillac
Jonathan Catanzaro
Andrew Samspon
James Rubolino
Eric McNamee
Zachary McDonnell
Brian Bakke
Amanda Hancock
Joshua Pitz
Angelic Smith
Christopher Zell
Chad Camp
Maurice Smith
Bradley Whitfield
Dominic Pulcini
Devin Miller
Jared Syska
Alexander Mattoon
Robert Green
Edward Gregory
Joshua Flick
David Rosneck
Marc Tatton
Douglas Bruschi
Ryan Wissinger
Justin Blakeley
William Godzinski
Corey Langel
Logan Chappell
Joshua Stubber
Page 2
Baierl Honda
Firestone Complete Auto Care
Firestone Complete Auto Care
Draxxhall Management
Hunter Truck Sales & Service
Wright Automotive
Hunter Truck Sales & Service
O’Reilly Auto Part
AutoZone Incorporated
JH Technical
FTS International
Wright Automotive
Wright Automotive
Wright Automotive
Wright Automotive
#1 Cochran
Centennial Chevrolet
Hanco, LTD
W.L. Roenigk
Goodyear Auto Center
Monro Muffler
Jiffy Lube
GDH Consulting
Frank Zuk, Inc
The Circuit
The Inside Scoop
Embarks On
Diesel Technician graduate, Roy Heard, worked many different
jobs. Most recently, he was a driver for Lenzner Coach Lines but
he also worked as a security guard and in the medical field before attending Rosedale. Roy had always wanted what was best
for himself and his family and after weighing his options, realized
that he wanted to start a new career rather than a new job.
Rosedale was the perfect vehicle to attain his goal.
After driving buses for two years, Roy decided he was interested
in more than driving; he wanted to be able to repair them as
well. After visiting Rosedale Tech, Roy realized he needed an
education in the Diesel field to get to where he wanted to be.
Roy enrolled at Rosedale in March 2011. He continued to work
full time as a driver at Lenzner during the week, went to school in
the evening and worked as a security guard at the hospital on the
weekends. It was a challenging but rewarding journey that paid
off when he graduated in September 2012.
In November 2012, Roy started his career as a Diesel Technician
for Port Authority. Roy does everything from oil and fluid changes on the buses to completing road maintenance calls. He is enjoying his career in the Diesel field and hopes to continue his
education and training through Port Authority, aspiring to be
Shop Foreman one day. Congratulations, Roy!
Krill Oil Scholarship
In November 2012 Rosedale’s financial aid department was
alerted of a scholarship opportunity held by Everest Nutrition.
Everest Nutrition’s Krill Oil would be giving $1,000 to two students pursuing further education beyond a high school level as
part of the Krill Oil – Educate Your Heart Scholarship.
Interested participants had to be enrolled in the fall/spring
school year of 2012/2013 at a post-secondary level, maintain a
cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher, as well as submit an essay. This
essay had to address one of two questions: How has the importance of heart health impacted you, your family, or your
community? OR How can an individual change his or her lifestyle to promote a healthy heart and holistic well-being? The
length of the essay was a minimum of 500 words, and no greater than 1,000 words.
Two ambitious Rosedale Tech students
entered this competition. Diesel Technician student Dennis Saputo (left) and
Automotive Technology student Jonathan Yoho (below-right), both submitted
thought provoking essays
on the subject
of heart health.
Though neither student won, both
were applauded for their efforts and
encouraged to submit again in future
scholarship competitions.
Student Jonathan Yoho’s essay “Promoting Health” was recently
published on the Krill Oil Scholarship website. Congrats to both
of these guys for their scholastic efforts.
Rosedale Tech Represented at 2013
Pittsburgh NACAC College Fair
On February 6 and 7, the David L. Lawrence convention center
played host to thousands of area high school students there to
explore educational opportunities after graduation. Representatives from over 400 colleges, universities and trade schools from
all over the country were on hand to tell those interested about
their respective institution. The annual event is hosted by NACAC
(National Association for College Admission Counseling). The National Association for College Admission Counseling, founded in
1937, is an organization of more than 13,000 professionals from
around the world dedicated to serving students as they make
choices about pursuing postsecondary education.
Rosedale Tech was proud to participate and thrilled to have connected with so many students who are considering pursuing a
career in the trades.
Similar NACAC college fairs are held throughout the school year in
a number of other cities with Pittsburgh being the second largest.
It was extremely encouraging to see such a high level of interest of
students knowing that jobs are available for those in the trades.
The Circuit
The vast majority of the schools represented were of the traditional four-year institution variety. For decades, the thought has been
that to be successful, one must receive a degree from a four year
university. While it may be the path to success for some, we now
know that it is certainly not mandatory. For many, a trade school
is the perfect transition into a lucrative and personally rewarding
Page 3
The Inside Scoop
Dan Castelli and the class that
helped build the Jeep
panels return from the body shop they
will reassemble the vehicle and present it
to its new owner.
Dan is extremely appreciative and proud
of his class for completing so much work
on this vehicle. It is a lesson that cannot
be taught nor learned by simply reading a
Check out the next issue of The Circuit for
the final pictures of the Jeep!
In the previous issue of The Circuit, we featured Automotive
Instructor Dan Castelli’s class project – a 1980 CJ7 Jeep Laredo that he is rebuilding for his daughter, Jackie. As you’ll
recall, Dan originally purchased the differentials, title, and
the VIN plate for the vehicle. Everything else on the Jeep
needed replaced and/or rebuilt.
The Jeep is currently 80% complete. Dan Castelli’s class has
done the body work, fender rebuild, grill support, roof construction, roll bars, body lifts and much more! Dan also got
some help from Automotive Instructor Brian Winter and
one of his students, Cameron Ireland, who set up the front
differentials and started the rear differentials.
The last steps to assembly include properly fitting the panels
and then sending them off for painting. While the panels
are being painted, Dan’s class is going to make sure every
bolt on the vehicle is tightened to specifications. When the
Cameron Ireland with Instructor Brian Winter
A NEW Addition
This month Instructor Dennis
Sevick’s HVAC Technology
Class has been hard at work
constructing what will essentially be a “hot water trainer”.
The hot water system will encompass a high efficiency wa- Students will learn how to install and maintain the equipment, which is used in residential and commercial hot water heating unit, a hot water heater, two radiators, and a
ter systems.
radiant floor system.
Page 4
The Circuit
The Inside Scoop
Earlier this year, Rosedale Tech co-hosted 42 high school students
from area vocational and technical schools who competed in
Pennsylvania’s District 8 regional SkillsUSA competition. The participating schools included: A.W. Beattie CTC, Beaver County CTC,
Eastern Westmoreland CTC, Forbes Road CTC, Greater Johnstown
CTC, Indiana County CTC, McKeesport ATC, Northern Westmoreland CTC, Steel Center AVTS and Parkway West CTC.
Skills contestant participating in the Diagnostic and
Compression test in the Diesel Technology competition
This year’s host, McKeesport High School/ATC, decided to team up
with Rosedale Technical Institute. Normally held at one of the
region’s participating schools, RTI was able to offer an even playing field and a number of resources critical for the various competitions. Rosedale instructors helped design and judge the tasks
that made up each competition. Top students from around the
area contended in a number of Automotive, Diesel, Electrical and
HVAC technology competitions, as well as Math and Job Interviewing skills competitions.
An invitation to a regional SkillsUSA is an honor in itself; all participants should be proud. The winners moving on to states in Hershey, PA in April are:
HVAC Instructor Dennis Sevick judging
the condenser installation test in the
HVAC competition
Auto Service Specialization: Ryan Shaner – NWCTC
The Diesel
Competition also
included a drive line
repair test.
Auto Service Technology: Brian Bennett – Parkway West CTC
Diesel Technology: Sam Helbling – Forbes Road CTC
Employment Application Process: Leanne Morosky – A.W.
HVAC: Harry McClements – Beaver County CTC
Industrial Motor Control: Brett Stape – Forbes Road CTC
Job Interview: Tippin Harkins – Beaver County CTC
Power Equipment: Zach Roebuck – Forbes Road CTC
Related Technical Math: Mackenzie Kutchel – A.W. Beattie
Residential Wiring: Michelle Braga – Steel Center AVTS
Instructor Marc Mullin assisting
with the Automotive Service
Technology competition
ABOVE: Instructor Lou
Levine overseeing the
Residential Wiring
Student volunteer Brandon Garvey evaluates the sheet metal
test in the HVAC competition.
The Circuit
RIGHT: Skills contestant
working on wiring
schematics in the
Industrial Motor Controls
Page 5
What’s Going On ?
Rosedale LOVES
In honor of the return of hockey the
students, faculty, and staff at
Rosedale celebrated with a
“Penguins Pretzel Party”.
World of Wheels
The Autorama World of Wheels Custom Car Show returned to Pittsburgh’s
David L. Lawrence Convention Center
in late January. Once again, Rosedale
made its presence known with a large
display area complete with the RTI
Hummer, Dieselzilla (Rosedale’s custom built diesel drag truck) and the custom Rosedale Snap-On tool chest. Various members of Rosedale’s admissions staff manned a table between the vehicles fielding numerous questions from interested attendees.
As the case in past events, Dieselzilla again caught
the eye of nearly everyone who walked by. Constructed as a class project by Rob Murphy and his
students nearly six years ago, the diesel drag truck
continues to amaze. Mr. Murphy has gotten his
quarter mile time into the 11’s and dreams of cracking the 10 second mark. The truck and its driver
recently received national attention with a four page
spread in Diesel World magazine.
Gearhead Girls
Diesel Technology grad Amanda Hancock participated in World of Wheels
with her car club, Gearhead Girls, this
year. Gearhead Girls is a car club from
the Pittsburgh area and has everything
from drag cars, a Harley Davidson, and
of course Amanda’s ’99 Dodge Truck
(with a 5.9L Cummins Engine).
The Gearhead Girls got some attention
this year at World of Wheels as they
received the award for “Best Club Display”. In addition, Amanda’s truck
placed in the “Outstanding Class” (for
Pickup Trucks and 4x4’s 1988 – Current).
Congrats to these amazing girls!
Page 6
Visitors to the display included Rosedale graduates, current students, employers and even future students. To see more pictures from the
event, head over to Rosedale’s facebook page
and click ‘like’.
The newest items in the RTI apparel line are
currently on sale. Show your school spirit and
pick up a camo t-shirt or hat today! Hoodies,
knit caps, and various t-shirts are also available.
To place your order, please contact:
Suzie McGugin at 412-521-6200, or
S – 2XL
Diamond Plated Hat
One Size
The Circuit
What’s Going On ?
Blood Drive
Rosedale invited the Central Blood Bank to the school
for a blood drive earlier this month. Rosedale’s goal
was to provide Central Blood Bank with 40 donations
amongst students, faculty and staff. Central Blood
Bank collected 56 donations.
Thank you to all who participated!
Gives Back
The Team for Kaelyn’s Kure
Kaelyn Weber, daughter of RTI’s Academic Services Coordinator, Julie Weber, was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) just thirteen days after her birth. CF is a terminal genetic
disease that affects the lungs and the pancreas. To assist Cystic Fibrosis in research, Julie
and her husband, Chad, began doing their part by raising money for the cure.
Every May, Julie and her family participate in the Cystic Fibrosis walk, as well as hold
multiple fundraisers leading up to the walk. They do everything from raffling Penguins
tickets to coordinating a benefit dinner called “Wishing On A Cure.”
To learn more about how you can help the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, stop by and see
Julie in the Learning Support Center or visit her facebook page “Fighting Cystic Fibrosis –
Kaelyn’s Kure.”
Certified to Save
On February 1, 2013, a
group of Rosedale employees volunteered for CPR, First Aid,
and AED training. Many of these employees are already certified and
attended the classes to maintain their
The course included training on chest
compression, breathing techniques,
choking techniques, and training on the
AED machine for proper shock. The
course was taught by Pulse Savers
owner, Ron Haus, who is a certified
instructor through the American Heart
The Circuit
Congratulations to the following employees who are certified by the American Heart Association in CPR, First Aid,
and AED:
Kara Chan
Sue Henze
Dave Hladik
John Huld
JR Mangan
Ben Moxley
Marc Mullin
Jim Shore
Mark Simoneau
Dan Svitko
Herb Theobald
Lee Vineyard
Tim Weleski
SADIE Serves Sandy Victims
National Guard Member and Automotive student Sadie O’Neil was called for
deployment to assist Superstorm Sandy
victims in New York.
While in New York, Sadie’s unit participated in cleanup efforts and ran food
and supplies to FEMA sites.
Though she was affected by all of the
recent activities, Sadie was glad to get
back on track and catch up on her school
work. Sadie stated “It puts everything in
perspective when you experience something like that. Seeing what all those
people lost was hard, but it makes you
grateful for what you do have.”
Automotive student
Adam Biechner
participated in the MDA
Muscle walk on
Sunday March 3rd
at Pittsburgh Mills Mall.
Adam met and exceeded
his sponsorship goal of
which goes directly to the
Muscular Dystrophy
Congrats Adam!
Page 7
Getting To Know YOU!
Rosedale’s Got Talent!
It is no secret that to be a successful technician in any
field you’ve got to be good with your hands. We’ve found that at Rosedale our students keep their hands
busy inside and outside of the classroom. These four students are passionate and creative when it comes to
their trades, and when it comes to music.
Lewis McDonald
Automotive Technology student, Lewis
McDonald, has been playing the violin
since he was in the 3rd grade.
In 2009, after graduating from CAPA,
(Pittsburgh School for Creative and Performing Arts), Lewis continued to work
with music and began to move into the Hip-Hop and Rap genres.
Lewis said “it’s because of CAPA that I’m such a well-rounded
musician and that I’m able to understand all of the aspects of
Keith Starling
Electrical Technology student,
Keith Starling, had a 26 year career
in the military prior to attending
Rosedale. He said he is grateful
that the VA is giving him the opportunity to go back to school and
learn a new trade he can practice
through “retirement”. Keith has
always loved to work with his
hands and has even completed some minor electrical work
around his house. After visiting Rosedale, Keith decided that a
career in the electrical field was not only something he would enjoy; but, a trade that would be profitable .
Although Lewis loves music, he began searching for a career to
support his musical dreams. After visiting Rosedale, Lewis decided on a career in the automotive field. Like music, it’s challenging, Beyond the Electrical field, another one of Keith’s passions is mukeeps him active and he is able to work with his hands.
sic. Keith and his family started a gospel group that would play at
local venues such as the Heinz History Center and various private
Lewis currently works part-time at Giant Eagle while attending
Rosedale full-time. Upon graduation, Lewis hopes to get a job as a parties.
Technician and continue to develop his automotive and musical
Keith’s first priority is school and family but he is again performing
regularly in the Pittsburgh area (vocals and bass) in a three piece
To find out more about Lewis “Like” Young Royal on Facebook.
soul band called the “Soul Merchants”. In addition, he also plays
Nick Hoovler
Diesel Technology student, Nick
Hoovler, began classes at Rosedale
after graduating from Reynolds Jr/Sr
High School in the summer of 2012.
Nick is very close to his family and
grew up on a farm. Most of Nick’s
interest in Diesel came from his uncle who is a Diesel Technician, working in the field.
Another one of Nick’s role models is his grandmother. When he
was young, she helped to create his lasting interest in music. Nick
started playing the piano in the 3rd grade then learned the trumpet and eventually moved into playing the drums.
Nick played in the Reynolds Jr/Sr High drumline from the 10 th to
the 12th grade. He has since moved into playing bass guitar and is
also trying his hand at acoustic and electric guitar. Though Diesel
is his true passion, Nick loves to get together with friends and play
Nick is scheduled to graduate from Rosedale in November 2013.
He is excited at the prospect of working on Diesel engines fulltime and continues to develop musically.
Page 8
with a Blues band “Barbara Ray and the Sting Rays”. Upon graduation, Keith hopes to get a job in the electrical field and eventually
work for himself. To learn more about Keith’s music visit him at
HVAC Technology
student, Russ Tompkins,
became interested in the
drums at age five.
Russ continued his formal musical training until he was about 14
years old, and then moved on to playing with friends and performing live shows with various bands. Russ is currently in a band
called “Solarburn”. They perform instrumental metal throughout
the Pittsburgh area.
Most recently, Russ worked as a freelance contractor completing
everything from appliance repair to light electrical and HVAC
work. Much like his musical career, he wanted more. After thinking long and hard about what aspect of his current job he liked the
most, he realized that he was more excited about the HVAC work
than anything. This led to furthering his education in RTI’s HVAC
Program. To find out more about Russ’ band “Solarburn” visit
him at or
The Circuit
Getting To Know YOU!
HVAC Technology student,
Brian Deroner, is successfully
working towards his new
career with help from the
Nexstar Legacy Foundation. Brian was recently awarded a
$1500 scholarship from Nexstar towards his training at
Rosedale Tech.
Brian originally moved to Pennsylvania from North Carolina
15 years ago to attend Duquesne University for Athletic
Training. After a couple of semesters, Brian realized it was
not the right fit. He left Duquesne and got a job working in
maintenance at the Steeler’s Training Facility on the South
Side. It was there that the HVAC field piqued his interest.
Wanting to learn more, Brian did his research, visited a
couple of schools and decided to enroll at Rosedale. When
searching for financial assistance, Brian came across a
scholarship opportunity with Nexstar Legacy Foundation,
Nexstar is a non-profit foundation comprised of businesses
in the service industry, created to attract talented individuals to the heating, air conditioning, plumbing and electrical
fields. After hearing Brian’s inspirational story, Nexstar
awarded him with a $1500 scholarship to assist in his training.
Brian states “I am very happy with my decision. I have
learned more than I thought I would in the short time I’ve
been here.” Brian is scheduled to graduate in January
Jessica Zagal
on His
Automotive Technician student, Tom Tyler, originally
started classes at Rosedale
in August 2011. Less than a
month after starting classes
he was informed that he
needed back surgery and had to temporarily leave school.
Recovery was long and painful, but Tom was determined
to come back to Rosedale. With approval from his doctor,
he returned and began classes again in November 2012.
Tom said “I was so grateful of how understanding everyone was at Rosedale upon my return that I knew I wanted
to do something to show my appreciation.” Over winter
break Tom decided he was going to show his appreciation
by wearing his school spirit permanently. Tom had a custom RTI tattoo designed and placed on his left forearm.
Tom currently runs a small shop with a friend out of his
garage in Newell, WV. Upon graduation, Tom’s plan is to
expand his shop and grow his business.
Evening Electrical student, Jessica Zagal, worked for Highmark (Healthcare Management) in data entry for ten years.
Tired of sitting at a desk, she knew she needed a change.
Hands-on work had always appealed to Jessica so she decided to explore her options with Rosedale Tech.
Jessica started the Electrical Technician program in June
2012 and is very pleased with her decision. She continued
to work at Highmark during the day and attend school during the evenings. In October 2012, she decided she wanted
to utilize her new skills and get a job in the field.
Jessica approached her Instructor, Dan Kaplan, for some
help. Dan knew of an opportunity available at Werner Electric. He put in a call to owner, Richard Werner, who immediately came out to interview a few students.
The Circuit
Werner currently employs
three Rosedale Tech graduates. They were thrilled to
hire another student. Jessica
started working at Werner
Electric in January of this
year and has found it to be a
perfect fit. In just two
months, she has had the opportunity to do both residential
and commercial work, putting her new skills to good use.
Jessica will be graduating in December 2013 and looks forward to spending more time with her two sons, Gino (age
17) and Marcus (age 7), who are both avid hockey players.
Page 9
Faculty & Staff
MEET Paul Plahn
Rosedale has hired Paul Plahn
as a new evening Automotive
Instructor for emissions and air
conditioning. Paul moved to
Vandergirft, PA in early February after growing up and living
in the Boston area his entire life.
Mr. Plahn brings over 25 years of automotive technology
experience to Rosedale. He got into the field in 1985,
mostly working at various dealerships including Mazda
and Volvo. He most recently ran a Parsons Corporation
facility where he taught for their inspection program focusing on non-commercial vehicles and motorcycles. In
addition to teaching in the evenings at Rosedale, Paul has
accepted a position with Pep Boys during the day.
Paul has three children ages 19, 12 and 9 back in Massachusetts. While it’s tough to not be with them, Paul has
found Pittsburgh very welcoming. “Everyone here at
Rosedale has been great,” he said. “The people here,
my neighbors and everyone, make this place feel very
‘homey’” he concluded. Despite his allegiance to the Patriots among other Boston area sports teams, everyone
here at Rosedale would like to welcome Paul to his new
Mary Sue Trohaugh
In mid-December of this past
year, Mary Sue Trohaugh was
brought on as Rosedale Tech’s
new evening receptionist. Along
with having been her husband’s
legal secretary for years, she also previously worked as a
medical assistant and has a degree in biology with a minor
in chemistry. She has two daughters who both currently
reside in Virginia. One is a pharmacist for Walgreens in
Virginia Beach and the other an aerospace engineer working for a branch of the government in Washington, D.C.
Some of her outside interests include reading, travelling
and volunteering her time to help the elderly.
Mary Sue has been very impressed with Rosedale in her
time here so far. She commented on the professionalism
of the admissions staff and was pleased to see how helpful
the financial aid personnel were in assisting incoming and
current students. “Even though everyone is extremely
busy, searching on the computer, answering phone calls,
etc., when a student comes for help, all personnel are
very friendly and helpful,” Mary Sue said.
Welcome to Rosedale, Mary Sue!
Some of Rosedale’s favorite faculty and staff were recognized
during this years Valentine’s day celebration. Students voted on
everything from “most talkative” to “most likely to win a
monster truck race”.
Page 10
The Circuit
February 2013
Instructors’ Choice - Cumulative perfect attendance after one full semester.
Automotive: Timothy Bell, Joseph Thiem
Diesel: Richard Young, Matthew Whetsell, Patrick Kelly, Manuel Vinas, John Elling, Jordan Frank, Steven McGee, Matthew
Montemurro, Patrick Smith, Thomas Spano, Seth Homison, Erik Johnson, Anthony Rumsey, Cameron Ireland, Mikel Phillips, Jerome Tria, Brenden Gilmer, Kyle Harrington, George Hopper, Scott McCollough, Cullen McGrogan, Soud Miah, Denis
Rader, Brendan Stefano.
Electrical: Thomas Ralston, Jeremy Martin, Eric Rodgers, John Calcara, Joshua Pershing.
HVAC: Brian Deroner, Dustin Moore, Russell Tompkins.
President’s List - Cumulative GPA of 3.4 or Higher after at least one full semester.
Automotive: Ryan Butterworth, Meleik Carry, Kamron Krull, Michael Piemme, Jonathan Webb, Nathaniel Johnson, Perry
Law, Aaron Crable, Edward Gonzales, Erik Johnson, Joshua Johnston, Matthew Majors, Daniel Moffett, Sadie O’Neil, Timothy Ralston, Anthony Rumsey, Stephen Sikora, Justin Smith, Ryan Allen, Bradley Frank, Matthew Fredley, Cameron Ireland,
Matthew King, Charles Martin, Matthew Patton, Shane Potetz, Wesley Thomas, Jerome Tria, Daniil Novitchi, Brandon
Stumpf, Troy Trudeau, Melissa Wickline.
Diesel: Richard Young, Elmer Bittinger, Kevin Rock, Matthew Whetsell, Patrick Kelly, Patrick Metcalfe, Joseph Sawinski,
David Smith, Scott Dengler, Michael Farrell, William Goerl, Benjamin Hertweck, Patrick Malsch, Steven McGee,
Matthew Montemurro.
Electrical: Christopher Baker, James Baker, Gary Martin, John Mottiqua, Joshua Pershing, Matthew Porto, Shane Thompson.
HVAC: Glenn Kady, Peyton Harr, Justin Wilson, Russell Tompkins.
Rosedale Ace: Cumulative GPA of 4.0 after at least one full semester.
Automotive: Timothy Bell, Justin Logan, Steven Schrecengost, Christopher Stewart, Joseph Thiem, Seth Homison, Daniel
Wolfe, Mikel Phillips, Brenden Gilmer, George Hopper, Scott McCollough, Cullen McGrogan, Soud Miah, Karl Polonoli, Denis Rader, Brendan Stefano.
Diesel: Manuel Vinas, John Elling, Jordan Frank, Jared Meyer, Patrick Smith, Thomas Spano.
Electrical: John Brown, Thomas Ralston, Gary Lowden, Jeremy Martin, Eric Rodgers, Wayne Valocik, Cody Boyde, John Calcara, Michael Dieteman, Jessica Jones, Matthew Meyers, Codi Rossi, Bryer Schrock.
HVAC: Brandon Garvey, Todd Evers, Brian Deroner, Dustin Moore, Patrick Reap.
Student of the Month
Auto: Timothy Bell, Seth Homison Diesel: John Elling Electrical: Jeremy Martin
HVAC: Brian Deroner
Helping Hand Award:
John Brown, Krystal Knauff, Nick Hoovler, Tim Davis
Extra Effort Award: Todd Evers, Tom Ralston, Brian Boylan
Most Improved Award: Mike Foglia
*Evening Award Winners will be published in the next edition of The Circuit.
The Circuit
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The Circuit