Apr 15.cdr - Defence Services Staff College, Wellington

As we draw to a close & move forward to our next assignments the
hectic Social Calender has gone through the roof, “Party hopping”
is the norm (as a learned party veteran told us). Of trucks , packing,
cars & clearances it seems the “TO DO” list is endless, not to forget
Issue No 10/70 SC
the tickets, claims, DO letters & leave plan (phew). Amidst all this,
Editorial Committee
we wait for a second to absorb the enormity of it all, a year went by
Gp Capt V Rajagopalan
us, leaving behind a scented trail of the joyous & enchanting times
Asst Editor
Lt Col Sameer Kalra
spent at DSSC. We shall all be moving out soon, taking with us the
Sub Editors
immense experience & knowledge which will surely help us in the
Maj Sameer Sharma
innings ahead. We wish to thank the entire DSSC staff on behalf of
Wg Cdr S Dattagupta
Lt Cdr C Sairam
Sqn Ldr P Santra
Mrs Rakhee Dattagupta
the 70th Owls for the care & nurturing we received. We also wish to
convey to our international brethrens, your company was a treat &
we learnt a lot from all of you, hope to see you soon, we wish you &
Mrs Garima Jauhar
Mrs Shabana Ali
your families a wonderful future.
Adios Wellington…………………………………….Jai Hind.
E-Mail : hoot@army.mil
Softcopy available on
College WAN at knowledge
Portal and at
Posting In
Posting Out
u Wg Cdr SP Singh
uCol V Agarwal
uCapt Sumeet S Sodhi
We wish the officer and his family happy
uCdr Arun Mannath
hunting in his new assignment.
We welcome the officers and their families to
the DSSC fraternity and wish them a satisfying
and fruitful tenure.
Month at Wellington
20 Magic Moments With Friends
Mrs Rakhee Dattagupta
The ‘Regret’ List
22 Writing Those ‘Tell It All’ to Words
Cdr Sarang S Khurd
Affiliation Regardless of Eminence
Sqn Ldr RR Mohindru
25 My Dear New Neelambar
Wg Cdr AP Singh
Wellington Amidst the Nilgiris- I Bid
Mrs Kirti Ovelil
26 The Closing Hunt
Mrs Shivangi Gupta
Cdr Shantanu Sharma
28 The Two Imposters
10 Down The Memory Lane : V Adm M P
Awati, VrC (Retd)
Lt Cdr C Sairam
12 The Posting Carnival At DSSC
Sqn Ldr J S Parmar
14 Mauritius : A Must Visit Destination
Capt Hemchand Chakouri
17 Succinct : The Brief Grief In
Cdr Sharad Bhadula
18 Light Your Passion And Live Your
Air Cmde SK Jha
Serving the Nation
Maj WD Bullock
Bulletin Boards
31 New Arrivals - Library
32 CCSS Programme
32 Tentative Schedule of Events
33 Tentative Cinema Programme
33 Ration Programme
Mrs Radhika Raman
April 15
u Mr Nitin Gokhale, A Renowned Journalist
& Defence Analyst, New Delhi, visited the
College from 01 to 03 Mar 15 and delivered a
talk on ‘Mil Media Relations’.
OPS (Space), visited the College from 10 to 11
Mar 15 and delivered a talk on ‘Aerospace
Power Capabilities and Future Roadmap’.
u HE Shri Lakshmi Narasimhan, Hon’ble
Governor of Andhra Pradesh & Telangana,
visited the College from 09 to 11 Mar 15 and
delivered a talk on ‘India’s Internal Security
Paradigm & Need for Military Police
u Maj Gen Vinod Vashisht, VSM**, Addl
MS (A), visited the College from 12 to 14
Mar 15.
u China Seminar was conducted at DSSC,
Wellington from 26 to 27 Mar 15.
u Lt Gen Rajan Bakhshi, PVSM, UYSM,
ADC, GOC-in-C Central Comd, visited the
College from 22 to 25 Mar 15 and delivered a
talk on ‘Central Comd as a Strategic Pivot on
the Eastern Front’.
u Air Chief Mshl Arup Raha, PVSM, AVSM,
VM, ADC, CAS and Chairman COSC, visited
the College from 24 to 25 Mar 15.
u Gen Dalbir Singh, PVSM, UYSM, AVSM,
VSM, ADC, COAS, visited the College from
05 to 06 Apr 15.
April 15
The 'Regret' List
We all have heard about a wish-list and a
uJumping the queue, and pretending
bucket list - things which we would like to do
ignorance, during the coffee breaks.
in our life time & I too have one. However,
uBeing judgmental very early into a
here I talk about another kind of a list, I call
this the 'Regret List'. As the end of my sojourn
uNot visiting the indoor badminton and
at DSSC draws near, it has dawned unto me
basketball courts often enough.
that I could have done many things
uNot volunteering for the Owl Editorial
differently and quite a few which I could have
just 'done'. Most of you who would share my
uNot being aware of the day's schedule on
feelings will nod agreement on at least some
more than one occasion.
of these points:-
uGetting into avoidable arguments because
`I Regret….
I had a different perspective.
uNot picking up Golf early in the course.
uNot planning my 'tut-breaks' well in time.
uNot being frequent in my visits to my
uHonking my car's horn when the vehicle
uNot writing enough as the 'Wellington
friends' and course-mates' homes.
uNot planning my OTW schedule a shade
ahead was not as fast as mine.
The list doesn't end here. I have many
better during Ex-TAPAS.
other regrets but I shall hold myself back lest I
uNot getting up early enough to squeeze in
sound like a man in dire need of an agony
4-5 games of squash, regularly.
aunt. (As if I haven't already created that
uNot making most of the wonderful library.
uNot exploring the Nilgiris to the
impression!). Fortunately, as I look up at the
list, I realize that there are many things that I
can do - and not do - pronto. And in the few
uNot reading the whites (atleast cursorily)
days that are left, I intend to assuage my guilt
prior to the discussions.
and mend some of the things that feature in
uNot interacting more with officers from
my 'Regret List.'
other services and with the officers from the
I also wish that someone from the 71st
Civil organizations.
Staff Course reads this article early enough -
uNot asking a question because I was
while glancing through the archives of Hoot -
worried about what others would perceive of
and takes some unsolicited advice (again if he
me. And then asking a question just to make
wants to, that is) so that he is not found pining
my presence felt!
for the clock to turn back to undo his follies
uNot picking up Horse Riding.
uNot visiting the Ooty Hunt Club even once.
uNot using my two-wheeler often (again
and regrets.
worried about plying it donning a Lounge
Sqn Ldr RR Mohindru
Suit !)
Almost Famous
I am writing this memoire as a remembrance
reaching the entrance and seeing all officers in
that I left back in many a mind about me at the
uniform at 0820 h, I thought I will be able to go
college. In fact this thought of writing about
back and be in the class by 0825 h. I rushed
my experiences came my way during one of
back, changed and returned to the college.
the coffee breaks at Kattaboman. It was last
Unluckily for me, I had not seen the
RE and we were engrossed in heated up
weekly training program for the day and I
discussions about some professional aspects
surfaced in between the address of Colonel
and suddenly a solitary remark changed the
GS. The immediate humourous remark from
course of the discussion and I became the
Col GS was, 'I think there is someone early for
focus of everyone. I was 'Almost Famous'
the 71st staff course'. I realized I was at the
when I presumably managed to stump two of
wrong place and this incident once again
the guest speakers in central lecture and
made me almost famous amongst the student
college discussions at Sekhon and Mulla
body. Definitely I learnt my lesson the harder
way, to be at the right place, at right time and
The first instance was when a retd IFS
of course in right rig.
Officer was addressing the college on
Looking back at the year bygone
'Geopolitical Situation in East Asia &
certainly these memories of the course will
Implications for India”. In my enthusiasm to
remain in my mind and of course no owl of
ask question I pressed the button and was
the 70 SC will forget this submariner who
fortunate to get the opportunity to ask the
managed these two feats to be almost famous.
question 'How will the development of
The two instances would remain
'Isthumus of Kra' affect Geo political scenario
imprinted on my mind and whenever I would
for India?' Certainly, I managed to raise the
look back at the time spent at DSSC they
interest of many a student officer not because
would remind me of the lessons learnt, firstly,
of my question but because of the unexpected
“Do not embarrass the guest speaker” and
reply that came from the speaker asking me as
secondly “Be in time, but do also read the
to where is this place. Come next day almost
weekly training programme”.
every student officer started asking me about
the question and I almost came to be termed
as 'Cdr Isthumus of Kra'.
The second instance was in the
classified series. Army and Air force students
gathered at Mulla for the briefing on 'Thal
Vayu Prahar' exercise. I was very happy about
successfully completing RE and was excited
to go on midterm break. I almost forgot that
dress for the classified series was uniform. On
April 15
Cdr Sarang S Khurd
Serving the Nation
“No man succeeds without a good woman behind him. Wife or mother, if it is both, he is
twice blessed indeed.”
Harold MacMillan
As we draw toward the end of the course it is pertinent to reflect upon what we, and by we, I mean
both students and families, have done, in the aspiration to build military careers and serve our
Nations. It is a job worthy of sacrifice, but the sacrifice is not solely that of the serving member.
Often, unnoticed sacrifices are made by family members alongside the serving member. In the
following words, I assume any reference to service to be inclusive: all services, all Nations, all
members and dependants.
If you have never been in armed service,
You'll probably never comprehend.
The hardships that we grin and bear,
To protect and serve our land.
There are some things that we see and do,
That no person should endure.
Situations that were subjected to,
Branded robust, and exceptionally mature.
This burden, only ours to carry,
Leaving profound, invisible wounds.
Wounds whose bearing is restrained,
Effecting not just body, but the mind.
Servants alone, the real casualties!
No, our families endure and suffer too.
Colleagues, it is incumbent upon us then,
Protect your family,
and respect their support for you.
“A great man without a great woman, is akin to a library without books.”
-: Anonymous
Maj WD Bullock
Affiliation Regardless Of Eminence
At 0710 hrs I responded to a call that I had
lower handicap in Golf than a student. There
missed at 0645 hrs. The officer on the other
were separate courts for DS in badminton and
side apologized for disturbing me at early
the same norm was followed in squash
hours. However, I stated it was perfectly fine
complex also.
and that I was wide awake and on top of
I was a bit upset & my
Maneka. The officer had little acquaintance
disappointment led me to a corner of DSSC,
with me at family level and was shocked at
which was, I must admit “stinky”. There I
the manner in which I shared my personal life
met Maneka for the first time. A large number
with him.
of DS had cautioned me to stay away from the
I considered myself to be extremely
equitation lines as it may affect my career but
privileged for making it to the prestigious
it was difficult to resist Maneka after my first
staff course & arrived here with a lot of jest.
interaction. She was probable one of those in
After the welcome address, the initial lectures
DSSC who did not differentiate between DS
started with the a string of guidelines & I
and students and gave unconditional love to
came to know that we have more “Don'ts”
one and all. She only respected
than “Do's”.
professionalism and threated everyone
There were different roads, parking
and clearance timings for students. Placing
My wife did not mind my spending
the hands in pockets was an honor and the
odds hours with my new love and could see a
same was not extended to me. The disparity
definite respite on my face after I had spent
further extended to the different rest rooms,
some quality time with her. I was not
refreshment places and separate lines in CSD.
possessive about Maneka and spoke at length
The locals were aware of our caste and treated
about my relation with her.
us accordingly. My family also had to pay for
encouraged other student officers who were a
being associated with me and were also
bit annoyed with the casteism of DSSC to
deprived of some basic privileges. We viewed
engage in a relationship with her.
the movies in Mulla from silver enclosure
while the DS were accommodated in the box.
I even
As a student, my day depended more
on the temper of my DS than my wife. DS
The same was reflected in S & PA
were least bothered about our mood, but yes
activities also, in hikes the food was laid down
there was someone about whose mood they
separately for students. The DS averted their
were a bit worried about or else they would
eyes to mighty charges on snacks and meals.
become victim of their abuse. Maneka and her
A DS with similar playing skills held much
friends (friends, brothers, sisters and
April 15
boyfriends) did not hesitate in bucking or
demanding. Yes, at occasion it tried to throw
kicking. Power corruption to some extent was
me off when I tried to confuse the hell out of
observed wherein, the DSs preferred the
him. Whenever my horse's name was called
docile friends of Maneka. However, inspite of
because of my poor riding skills, I felt
all the selections, the rate of fall was
extremely sorry for letting him down.
commensurate to the ratio of DS and students
attending the classes.
During last 10 months I have build a
strong association with the “stallions and
One hour in early morning spent in
mares” of DSSC equitation lines and am quite
equitation lines with Maneka and her friends
sure that they also know each one of us
was a break from hectic college life. Once I
personally. Once I physically move out from
mounted the horse, I lost my identity and we
DSSC I will miss Maneka and her friends and
became one personality and remained till the
cherish the memory in times to come for there
end of the class or short of a fall. My name
was some in DSSC for whom rank did not
changed daily as I was referred by horse's
name by Ustads.
I had a fabulous time
walking, trotting, cantering and galloping at
equitation lines and on hack and hunts.
The intelligent animal extrapolated
my confidence, sitting posture and aid and
gave the best what he thought I was
Wg Cdr AP Singh
Maj Ashutosh Srivastava
Wellington Amidst the Nilgiris- I Bid Farewell
When I entered the beautiful climes of
DELICACIES' and various other learning
humble abode, my home Wellington, there
extravaganzas, kids on our backs and maids
were budding hopes as well as fears which
on our heads spreading rumors of spotting a
had besieged my human heart. Hopes for
wild cat in front of our very door, we ladies
growth- fears of failures, and as we enter the
have had our hands full.
last phase of this beautiful period there is only
But the most amazing experience, has
gift of life I take away in my hands.
been the “8 Market“ visits with people willing
Surrounded by fresh air and green mountains
to travel in the cold and dark with sheer
of abundance, life it seemed had come to a
determination of finding the lost treasures of
stand still, what an exhilarating experience it
“Gaza” in the hands of these docile mountain
has been to have lived here and shared our
dwellers, armed with nothing but just a torch.
lives with our loved ones amidst sheer purity
As the final bell rang above us all with the
and bliss.
postings being declared, these last thirty days
Captivating sounds of silences bring
seem like sand slipping out of our hands. I
out the spiritual dexterity to the forefront, life
shall end with these beautiful words of'
as it is and as it should be lived has well been
Rabindranath Tagore'
attained by the very mountains which
“I have got my leave. Bid me farewell,
surround us. Fleeting moments cannot and
my brothers! I bow to you all and take my
should not be captured but lived, this is the
message I learned by each passing day, new
Here I give back the keys of my door- I
beauty brought with it new associations and
give up all claims to my house. I only ask for
acquaintance, cheers of laughters and bread
last kind words from you.
torn on the same plate.
We were neighbours for long, but I
Pa r t i c i p a t i n g i n l a d i e s m e e t ,
received more than I could give. Now the day
understanding the importance of 'car pool',
has dawned and the lamp that lit my dark
learning the basics of driving in Gorkha hills
corner is out. A summons has come and I am
to exploring various shops selling groceries
ready for my journey.”
with a belief of finding a profit, getting
together at friends place to convince our poor
selves that even we can enjoy more than our
better-halves at five star arrangements during
the 'IDT'.
Running hay wire for Zumba, Yoga,
Ramachandran- 'THE KING OF
April 15
Mrs Shivangi Gupta
W/o Maj Vaibhav Gupta
Down The Memory Lane : V Adm M P Awati, VrC (Retd)
Vice Admiral Manohar Prahlad Awati,
essence of the reminiscences of the Admiral.
PVSM, VrC (Retd), is a renowned former
Life at the DSSC... then...
naval officer, an old seadog, a nature lover
“I first entered the portals of this
and a sailor of repute who has contributed his
monumental institution in 1958 as a student
full might to the defence of the nation and the
officer. I have wonderful memories of my
preservation of nature. Post extensive
time as a student as well as the Chief
training in the United Kingdom, he returned
Instructor here from 1967-70. But the most
to active service in the Indian Navy in March
cherished moments of my time at the DSSC
1950. He had an illustrious career in the
would be the long hours I spent in the Hunt
Indian Navy, which included a tenure as the
Club! The continuation of the Hunt Club
Commandant of the National Defence
owes its existence to the Staff College.
Academy as well. V Adm MP Awati retired in
On the 'downs' during the Hunting
March 1983 as the Flag Officer Commanding-
Season. During my trainee days, we used to
in-Chief, Western Naval Command .
hunt on Wednesdays and Sundays. My
Commandant was (then) Maj Gen Sam
Manekshaw. He was very keen that everyone
should go hunting. He felt that sitting on a
horseback & controlling a horse at full gallop
needs a lot of personal character. A horse
teaches one the quality of personal courage
and loyalty, besides many other quality and
traits required for a military Officer. One
He was on a personal visit to
Wellington in early March & the naval wing
had the good fortune of interacting with him
over cocktails at WGC. Following is an
excerpt of an interview conducted during his
visit, to evince memories of the admiral's time
at DSSC. The entire article has been written in
the first person so as not to glean away the
bright day, which happened to be a
Wednesday, the Commandant saw me at
coffee break. He walked up to me and asked
“Manohar what are you doing here?”. “Sir,
Having Coffee!” I replied. “I know its coffee
time and you are having coffee, but what are
you doing here at this hour on a Wednesday?
You should be on the 'downs' hunting!”
retorted the Commandant. I was literally
lecturrettes, public speaking, reviewing a
floored. I replied “Sir, there's an important IE
book, appreciations, etc. Of course these are
going on!”. He said, “Never mind the IEs &
important aspects of the course here, but
OEs, on Wednesdays you should be on the
acquainting yourself with the Nilgiris
downs, hunting. Don't let me see you again in
environment is a necessity. This was driven
the college on a Wednesday morning during
home to me by Gen Sam Maneckshaw.
the hunting season!”
Advice to the student officers
Life at the DSSC... now...
My only advice to young officers is -
The above incident reflects the then
be the best officer in the rank in which you are
Commandant's philosophy of giving equal
serving. If you happen to retire in whatever
importance to outdoor activities and various
rank you are serving in, be content with it, as
other classroom/ indoor exercises. I think you
retire you must! Only one man can become the
gentlemen today are not giving enough time
Chief! 'I'm not making it' crib is not fair! Never
to the beautiful surroundings. I feel you are
quit in a huff. Plan your civil career after you
not reaping the benefits of this gorgeous
do your bit for the service. Accept what life
environment to its fullest. You are being kept
has to offer to you and make the best of it.
too busy with IE/OEs! I don't know how many
Today's salaries in the service are not at all
of you actually know the existence of the
unkind. They may not be comparable to
Mukherjee peak or the Game Hut which was
corporate India, but corporate India doesn't
built a hundred years ago. How many of you
provide the facilities that the forces provide,
have learnt to look at the birds of the Nilgiris?
which helps one lead a clean personal life”.
You may ask what difference does this make
to a service officer. Well, it makes a hell of a lot
of difference! How many of you have been
around the district of Nilgiri? Do you officers
know the history of tea cultivation in the
Nilgiris? When did tea come here or why and
how did they make tea then? There are
hundred and one details of the Niligiris
which are relevant to the Staff Course! The
Staff Course should'nt just be limited to
April 15
Lt Cdr C Sairam
L No 656
The Posting Carnival At DSSC
Postings in the Armed Forces are a bitter-
are opened, all sermons fall on deaf ears, and
sweet reality which every rank and file has the
the rush of adrenaline in the affected officers'
privilege to be subjected to. The news of
blood can be matched only by the speed of the
posting affects different personnel in
bullet train which our brand new visionary
different ways, depending upon the
PM Mr Modi is planning to gift to the country.
designated place of posting. But on a positive
The most envied, of course, are the officers
note I must say that the postings add a lot of
posted to the national capital, the seat of
fun & excitement to the life of a Fauji. Just
Power. In the case of the Navy the suspense is
spending your entire life at one
on the lesser side due to the very limited
place, without ever being required to move
options available with their P-Staff. But in the
out of it. Even today we have people in India
case of Army excitement knows no bounds as
who have never ventured out of their town or
the officers get thinly spread over every nook
district in their entire life, not to talk of
and corner of the country.
venturing out of their state or country. But
But even as the Naval & Army wings
such a plight is unthinkable in the profession
try to ebb the flow of adrenaline by making
of arms which we have opted for.
the postings a formal affair, the Air Wing
The excitement of postings is
actually views the occasion of announcement
multiplied many times when the postings of
of postings as a festival, and organizes the
more than one hundred officers are
ceremony with Band, Baja & Baraat, lending a
announced in one go at the same time and
lot of glitter & glamour to this otherwise dull
place, from the same forum. It is reminiscent
& drab affair. The posting details are sugar
of the Diwali-The Indian Festival of Lights. In
coated in the form of a power point
the case of the Army & Naval wings, though,
presentation (probably the only form in
it has a formal air, with the rep from P-Staff
which the Air Wing student officers are
sermonizing on the need to rise above the
conditioned to assimilate any information) ,
excitement of postings, and to take it as just
and the same is run during an evening
another appointment that has come your way.
cocktail, and that too after every student
And even while such sermonizing is on, the
officer is down a couple of pegs of whiskey.
fate of the nervously excited officers is quietly
The honours are done by the better half of the
sealed in their lockers. And once these lockers
junior most student officer of the course. As
the postings begin to be announced, the
College. The excitement surrounding the
usually quiet and formal atmosphere of the
whole event makes even an officer going to a
cocktail-hall Antrix gets fully charged with
non-descript place feel as if he is going to land
excitement, fully justifying the title given to
straight on the Moon. But I must say that the
the venue. With the presence of better halves
excitement is well placed and suits the
acting as a Force Multiplier and liquor acting as
a WMD, the ecstasy of the student officers is
After all , in our heart of hearts, we all
actually in the Seventh Heaven. The shrieks
know that postings are a bitter reality we all
of excitement that resonate across the walls of
have to learn to live with in the Armed
Antrix are reminiscent of the excitement
Forces. We also know that we are not going to
caused by Bollywood actresses during their
spend a lifetime at the next place of posting,
live performances, and are quite alien to the
and that after spending a couple of years, or
formal atmosphere of an Officers' Mess.
even less, it will be time to pack our bags and
There is so much noise that the feeble voice of
get ready for yet another posting signal.
the junior most lady actually gets drowned
Therefore, in the true spirit of the Armed
in the din. By the time the posting of the last
Forces, we try to cherish the moment and add
student officer has been announced, most of
some excitement, colour and celebration to an
the officers have already gone hoarse due to
otherwise dull, routine and formal affair.
shouting at the top of their voice, which is
now reduced almost to a whisper, and
several gallons of liquor has been gulped
down, reminding one of the street scene in
Charles Dicken's A Tale of Two Cities.
hangover of the Posting Carnival
T h e
lasts for
several weeks after the announcements, and
for some the celebrations carry on till the last
day in Wellington.
But never before, and probably never
ever afterwards, in our service career will the
announcement of posting be done with as
much fanfare and ceremony as at the Staff
April 15
Sqn Ldr J S Parmar
Mauritius : A Must Visit Destination
1901) while awaiting departure of his ship SS
Nowshera is still etched in the consciousness
of Mauritius. Barrister Manillal Doctor who
came to Mauritius in 1907 on the suggestion
of Gandhiji helped the Mauritian Indian
Community to organize themselves and laid
the foundation for their struggle for political
and social rights. As a tribute to Gandhiji and
the Indian freedom struggle the National Day
Mauritius is situated in the north of tropic of
of Mauritius is yearly celebrated on March 12.
Capricorn in the Indian Ocean, east of the
Following Mauritian Independence on
African Continent and 4500 km south of
March 12, 1968 the first Prime Minister and
Mumbai. Mauritius has a long outstanding
the Father of the Mauritian nation Sir
relationship with India that date back to the
S e e wo o s a g u r R a m g o o l a m a c c o r d e d
early 1730s when artisans were brought from
centrality to India in Mauritius' foreign
Pondicherry and Tamil Nadu. From 1820s
policy. Successive Mauritian leaders ensured
Indian workers started coming into Mauritius
that India occupies a position of significance
to work on sugar plantations. From 1834
and importance in the foreign policy
when slavery was abolished by the British
orientation and activities of Mauritius. The
parliament large numbers of Indian workers
visit of the Indian Prime Minister, His
began to be brought into the island as
Excellency Mr Narendra Modi as chief guest
indentured labourers. Reaching the country
at the official celebrations marking the 47th
they were disembarked at the Aapravasi Ghat
independence Anniversary of Mauritius and
in Port Louis. The site was given due
the 23rd anniversary of the Republic is yet
recognition by UNESCO when it was
another huge milestone in further cementing
declared a world Heritage site in 2006.
the special bond between Mauritius and
Diplomatic relations between India and
Mauritius were established in 1948. A brief
The Mahatma Gandhi Institute (MGI)
stopover by Mahatma Gandhi en route to
was established in 1970 as a joint venture
India from South Africa (Oct 29 to Nov 15,
between the Government of India and the
Government of Mauritius for the promotion
tourism flow from India, the Mauritian
of Indian culture and education. Similarly, the
Government had introduced a visa-free
Rabrindranath Tagore Institute was
regime for Indian tourists in Oct 2004 wherein
established with the assistance of the
Indian tourists visiting Mauritius for a period
Government of India in 2000 as a center of
up to 60 days do not require a visa.
studies on Indian culture and traditions.
Having given you a glimpse on the
Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation
various facets of this splendid island it is quite
(ITEC) has been India's flagship capacity
evident that Mauritius has similar
building programme since its inception in
characteristics of India which will make your
1964 and has acquired a strong brand name in
visit as comfortable as you are in India. I am
India's development partnership with
convinced that any Indians visit to Mauritius
will be memorable and exciting with a
Mauritius is a fascinating island with
plethora of activities that you will experience
multiple faces where cultures and races live
from diving to sky diving. I hope you choose
together. Mauritius quickly grew from the
Mauritius as your next holiday destination.
status of developing country to industrialized
country where the tertiary sector is
increasingly expanding. Tourism remains
one of the pillars of this economy. Throughout
the years, Mauritius succeeded in positioning
itself as one of the world's premier tourism
destination due to its political and economic
stability. Mauritius is, above all, a destination
of emotion and passion with its lovely people;
its cultures, customs, and culinary variety
which enhance its charm. The enchanting and
peaceful landscapes bestow a feeling of
wellness and happiness. Away from the
magnificent beaches you will discover
amazing insular scenery, hiking trails, various
attractions and its eco-tourism. To increase
April 15
Capt Hemchand Chakouri
Succinct : The Brief Grief In Kurukshetra
“You have been noticed!” These well
and lo behold, your 'first run is before the
meaning words from the DS may not always
turn out to be what you think them to be.
You take help of some officers, update
After performing a well rehearsed cameo
the chart and jot down certain points to be
(read intro) at Sekhon, one may be
ready for the 'first run'. Little did you know
appreciated and 'noticed'. Whilst you bask in
that NOW, 'you will be ACTUALLY noticed'.
the glory for a few days, little do you know
After the first rehearsal, the DS body tells you
how it may snowball into something as 'big'
that the briefing has been abysmally poor and
as a 'brief'. A brief during Kurukshetra, and
it was only 'gup-shup' without any substance.
that too, to the Commandant! Probably, 'you
The next run is scheduled late in the
have been noticed' worked its way. At DSSC,
evening, and since the time is limited, with
it is ensured that every officer gets to prepare
ever changing war game scenario, the second
and deliver a concise, precise but detailed
briefing also doesn't provide much succour to
brief. A paradox!
the DS body. “Burn the midnight oil”, is what
W h i l s t yo u m a y b e a c t i ve l y
you are told. Add to it, at least ten of your
participating in the plans and activities of the
fellow student officers are trying to tell you
Red/ Blue Force, delivering a brief is
the correct way of delivery and
altogether a different ballgame. It generally
pronunciation, the correct usage of technical
involves a power point presentation, devoid
terms, the logical sequence of thoughts and
of major/ minor SDs, the right colour / font
the expectations of the Commandant. Now
combination and 'appeal'.
“Let's be
there are two reasons you would not like it AT
different”, and you decide to brief the
ALL. Firstly, you have been the best public
Commandant on the big 6”x4” chart pasted
speaker (in your own eyes) that ever walked
on the wall.
on this earth. Secondly, having spent almost
Since the intimation for 'selection' of
nine months gestation period at DSSC, you
briefing person came just one day in advance,
are not willing to accept that you still need to
you scurry up your thoughts and begin to pen
learn the correct terminology in war games.
down the structure. By the time the structure
Nonetheless, you eat the humble pie,
is ready, INTSUMS and their reply are
head home, have an early (by whatever
already doing the ping-pong between
standards) dinner and establish your ops
'CONTROL' and your 'Force'. 'Enter the DS'
center in the study room. By the time you
finish writing the first draft script and
everyone around asking you 'if you are
incorporating all the valuable suggestions, it
ready', hoping that you have incorporated
is already past midnight. Your wife and kid
what he had advised and so on. Just when
have already slept after you have ignored
you seemed relaxed, the arrival of
their calls. You curse the officer who might
Commandant is announced. And you deliver
have suggested the name for the brief and
the 'Force Brief', wondering after each
brought you to this grief.
sentence that what you just spoke was
The next morning, you have another
'absolutely correct and in sync with
'run for the DS' at 0830 which is 'only slightly
everybody's expectations'. Finally, two days
better than the last one'.
You are told to
of toil is over in 15 minutes flat. And you are
rehearse more for the Commandant's visit at
relaxed that at least the next brief may not
1130. Just when you started to feel confident
come to you.
about the performance, it is announced that
All said and done, the compulsory
the visit is postponed. Everybody is relaxed,
briefings by student officers are an extremely
only your agony is extended by one day, since
important part of the learning process at
the visit is scheduled for the following day.
DSSC. The intangibles weigh more. You are
As per Murphy's Law, work expands
made aware of your shortcomings, you learn
according to time available. Suddenly, new
a lot about the terminologies and operations
INTSUM is released, new scenarios emerge in
of other arms and services, you learn to value
the war game and your preparations for the
time, you learn to logically sequence your
chart and the script start all over again. The
thoughts in the limited available time, your
DS advise you to use a wooden pointer
friends give you inputs and appreciations
instead of 'shaky' laser pointer, the fellow
that you never knew about, and above all, it
officers are all over you once again with their
brings forth in true sense 'To War with
valuable suggestions and you again feel
The story of the last night is
The next morning 0830 run for DS
evokes that you are 'on a rising curve', (but
still not there). You practice more and are
ready by 1130. However, the visit is delayed
due to some commitments and each passing
minute is like a choking session with
April 15
Cdr Sharad Bhadula
Light Your Passion And Live Your Dream
We all have dreams to be whatever we want
opportunities, envying, feeling worthless and
to be or to do whatever we want to do. Even
questioning our very own existence.
then, if asked “Are you living your dream?”
Although reasons were strong and valid, it is
many would still hesitate to respond with a
one thing to quit something because you have
quick YES. Life is short and it really is, and if
lost interest, but another thing to quit, but
we are not living our dreams then we aren't
regret it later.
living at all. Dream is the destiny and the path
However, circumstances change and
to get there is called PASSION. Passion is
conditions get favourable, but we fail to
more than just enthusiasm and excitement; it
notice this every now and then. Without
is what makes the impossible possible. It can
doubt life has other priorities, but one should
never die nor can it fade, give it the time and
also nurture that passion, the inspiring force
effort it deserves to embrace your destiny.
within that drives you to accomplish
There was once a time when we were
anything that you set your mind to and live
young, high spirited and had the urge to
life to the fullest. Because, there is no graver
conquer the world. Back then we were free
form of self-sabotage than forgetting or not
souls, capable of making decisions and
finding time to do what you love to do. Most
choices, not worrying about the
of us may have forgotten what that inspiring
consequences. We cared less, but made every
force was, but it is never too late to discover
effort to live life on our own terms. We had
and revive it. Some call it self-empowerment,
inspirations and aspirations, and called it our
others as life's cause, but whatever it may be,
PASSION. It was the air we breathed, a
it exudes a feeling of self accomplishment.
powerful energy that kept us on track and
How a dancer or singer feels after wooing her
made life worth living. For some it was career,
audience or a sports person feels after playing
for some hobbies, for certain others love or
a crucial game or that moment when an artist
even life at large. Later when we walked
looks at her product of creativity, it is beyond
deeper into the maze called life, willingly or
words can describe. Now following your
unwillingly, priorities changed or we thought
passion may or may not assure monetary
it did. It was definitely a tough decision to
benefits, but what it does promise is a life with
leave behind something which once meant
no regrets and only hope and contentment.
the world to us. Then there were those
Follow your passion and success will
moments, sulking over and regretting missed
follow. If it is just that bit of inspiration you
lack, look around and you will be amazed.
to take up reluctantly, but willingly!
The great men and women that we know of
All the best for a fresh start…
did fall prey to failure and unfavourable
circumstances, but kept their will to pursue
their passion going and the result is for us to
see. When we ushered in the New Year with
great hope, let it be a part of the resolution to
light our passion and live our dream, every
other day. If not this year, make it happen next
year or the one after that, because it is always
the right time to get back to what you love.
Well, this is definitely not something we have
Mrs Radhika Raman
W/o Cdr Pradeep Raman
Maj Ashutosh Srivastava
April 15
Magic Moments With Friends
The 'Every Day Mindset' is a simple, yet
friendly environment was the next agenda for
extremely powerful mindset, with which we
almost all of us. As an adult making new pals
all live and it encourages an individual to
is not always an easy task. However, DSSC
make the most of the present day. I strongly
offered unique opportunities to all and
believe that the only way to get to the future is
sundry of the 70th SC to explore new
through a series of todays. And what better
friendships and gather memories that would
place to accomplish that than the salubrious
always be treasured with joy. Initially,
climes of Wellington! It's easy to get wrapped
Suvidha, Needs, DSSC bakery, Barracks, Amit
up in our own little worlds. But some
Stationary, Mirchi, Kalpana Hobby Centre
activities in life are much more meaningful if
and so many other prominent places here in
we share them with our good friends! They
Wellington became household names to fulfil
become special moments and beautify even
our daily requirements. Eventually these
the simplest thing in one's life with their
places served to be meeting points to make
strong and long-lasting foundations of good
Posting is a time of upheaval in any
fauji's life. The feeling of being unsettled may
Friendships blossomed amidst the
continue, as it can be a struggle to adjust to an
hustle and bustle of the course amongst the
entirely new place. But our posting to the
ladies of the student officer fraternity. Slowly
prestigious Staff College made us feel like a
and steadily we started exploring with much
celebrity. The general roadblocks that are
more ease what our new surroundings had to
faced at the initial stages of any new posting
offer. It started with sharing thoughts on
were simply non-existent due to the
school hunting for kids, went on to criticising
organised and streamlined administrative
domestic help, to tying up cabs for the eighth
system of the Defence Services Staff College.
market. We loved shopping almost anything
Once our boxes were unpacked, it was time to
under the sun, right from apparel, books,
concentrate on getting out there and
groceries, and even veggies with our friends;
discovering what our new town had in store
discussing parenting issues and hearing their
for us. We indulged in finding ways to
inputs as well as giving them advice. We
participate in our new community and we felt
enjoyed watching movies and analyzing each
at home in no time.
of the characters, making connections to our
Creating a socially constructive and
lives and then continued onto talking about
ourselves, forgetting the actual movie! We
memories that revive our heart. At the end of
shared each other's emotions and sentiments
our stay here, I'm sure we all must have in our
which brought feelings of well being and
minds painted out loud a beautiful picture of
mental self-satisfaction. The division ladies
umpteen priceless moments and amazing
club practices brought so many of us together.
friendships, which we all would cherish for
Not to forget the various sports and pastime
years to come. Cheers to all my purple
activities organised by the College
administration especially for us that helped in
identifying friends having common interests.
So it goes without saying.......I am
truly thankful for the blessing of this grace
filled life. We all have our time machines.
Some take us back, and they're called
Mrs Rakhee Dattagupta
W/o Wg Cdr S Dattagupta
Maj Ashutosh Srivastava
April 15
Writing Those 'Tell It All' 50 Words
Amongst many of DSSC's hallowed
of nowhere, I found myself defining the
traditions, there is one which I found to be the
officers in all of 50 words. The tenets of
most special and rate it to be my personal best,
Service Writing i.e. Accuracy, Brevity, Clarity,
The Family Photograph. Being a graduate of
Relevance and Logic combined with a splash
Defence Services Staff College and displaying
of humour, yet again proved the panacea and
the family photograph at a place of pride in
came to my rescue.
your drawing room are two concordant
The experience of translating an
events. Very few officers defy this unwritten
officer's actions -- spread over 300 days into
law, and certainly not in their first tenure after
50 words was immensely enjoyable. Writing
graduating from DSSC. I harbour no
about officers who were introvert and
intentions of breaking the convention.
reserved demanded an effort of a different
This article is not about the Family
kind vis-a-vis the craft that writing about the
Photograph though. It in fact, is about an
extrovert and outgoing personalities called
equally warm tradition that is directly related
for. If the former necessitated delving deep
to it-the tradition of writing the officer's
into the memory bank for conjuring up
pen-picture in 50 words alongside the
moments and instances which established
photograph. Conventionally, these words are
their temperament and identity, the latter
written by the officer's colleagues and it is
called for eliminating and cutting out
taboo for the officer to write about himself.
numereous occurrences in deference of the
The photographs and the words are etched
world limit.
forever in print as they are published in the
In most cases the urge to overstate
distinguished Owl Magazine. It is only logical
and lay some events thick to further the
that writing these 50 words - which veritably
humour quotient was immense. Wisdom
define an officer - is a task fraught with a huge
prevailed and accuracy was not sacrificed at
responsibility on the scripter.
the altar of humour. What always remained at
It was this responsibility that came
the back of my mind was that these 50 words
my way when a few of my friends and
would not only ring in nostalgia at a future
colleagues demanded of me to pen down 50
date but, more importantly, would mirror the
words about them. The authority with which
officer's nature and character. This thought
they ordered me to do the needful was
helped in sticking to the facts and presenting
flattering and humbling at the same time. Out
them pleasantly. The only liberty I allowed
myself was in the usage of a few metaphors.
towards the positives. Each time I undertook
But that can always be ascribed to creative
the short journey of defining an officer in
these limited words I realised that there is
Dilemma of another kind was evident
more about him than what one could garner
when I had to write about friends who were
from casually drawn first impressions. I feel
dearer than others. How far could I go ahead
content at the end of it all to dig deep and give
and embellish their pen pictures waxing
words to his nature.
eloquent on their virtues? This too called for
some restraint. The idea of writing paeans for
everyone who wanted me to write about them
did occur in the passing! But the writer's code
of ethics of presenting everything factually
reigned supreme.
Writing those 50 words -- 'Tell It All'
as I call them provided me an opportunity to
look at human nature with a not so subtle bias
Sqn Ldr RR Mohindru
Maj Ashutosh Srivastava
April 15
My Dear New Neelambar
My Dear New Neelamber 3,
shaken and disoriented. It was too early in the
I have been conversing with you in my mind
morning for surprises. Then you were a
for a long time now. You will ask why I didn't
bachelor's joint and showed all signs of your
put pen to paper sooner then. That's a good
roguish ways in spite of all the scrubbing and
question, dear. You may not like the answer so
dusting and coverings you had to take on to
much though. I honestly didnt think I ever
welcome me.
could communicate with you directly. I
In fact even I felt your shock and
thought I had to go through........ Ahem, I
surprise at seeing me as your new lady.
thought I had to go through the MES only!
Looking back I realize we were both not quite
Let me explain. This might take a while but
ready for each other. But somebody once said
please bear with me. I am just a normal Indian
to me that love can be born in so many ways
housewife and not so clever and articulate at
and patterns, but it takes lots of effort to
that. But my emotions for you are quite
nourish it... efforts patience and habit. And no
strong. And I need to talk to you so. The first
'giving ups' and 'turning backs'. And then that
time I ever set my eyes upon you was when,
'somebody' married me and the time I spent
after a soul shaking experience of being
with him till now has taught me to love you
kidnapped for the first time in my simple
and understand you.
unadventurous life, I was carried over the
We have come a long way since that
threshold and set upon your freshly carpeted
day. You and I...... Since the day I took you
grounds by my young husband. I might not
over from my husband, we have built our
have appreciated you fully then, and whats
own memories. Remember that time when
more, I might have instead struggled hard to
one cloudy afternoon in Haryana the doorbell
keep my shock to myself in the eyes of my
rang and those two nice old ladies requested
nervous husband and his help. I might have
to let them take a trip down the memory lane
gritted my teeth with resolve and proceeded
because they lived in this house during 1971
to slather on praises about you with my eyes
war and the Indian lady's husband was
brimming with false appreciation for you.
missing in action since then? How she
But then you looked so different that day. I
showed us all the places they used to hide in
could blame it on several reasons. The Air
during the bombing raids? I looked at you
Force tradition of weird welcomes of new
through her eyes and for the first time I was
brides to begin with. That had already left me
filled with pride!
What about that time when those two snakes
come your water tanks are empty when it is
crawled out from under the bed in the boys'
raining so heavily that you are showering in
room and I had to call for help? Or the time
one of the bedrooms and inviting me to dance
when my younger one slid a crayon up his
a jig to the tune of 'pyar hua ikrar hua'? Not
nostril and your main door just wouldn't
that my husband would comply and share the
open because of the snow piled up outside?
umbrella and the experience. Do you think
Or the time when.........Oh I could go on and
it's because of my increasing weight? Nah, I
on......but you too remember each moment
think he is just acting pricey since he is getting
don't you?
a post graduate degree. Finally, Oh, and its
Every time you met me as a new,
here that his best kept secret is out.
different home, with a new name and a new
You know New Neelamber 3, I never
face. But habit has taught me to recognize you
knew he is a Rayban wearing hot rod who
through your many disguises.
Time has
goes to work only to while away the time in
worn you out. You have not had a lot of
mundane tasks like, mmm maybe switching
pampering exactly. But your glory in your
on the AC? Why does it take him ages to do
history ever shines through. And now I truly
only one chore do you think?
appreciate the gifts you showered on me. My
reason I had to raise my kids single-handed in
husband often left me in your care and you
his continuous absence? Oh well, now, it's
went a step beyond caring and gave me much
almost time to say goodbye to this avatar of
yours too. And I so wanted to finally put on
Is that the
In Haryana I learnt what it is to be not
record my respect and high regards for you.
just an officer's wife but a strong woman on
And to tell you how much I have come to
my own terms. It was here that you gave my
value your companionship and your support.
elder one a home and one more beautiful
I hope you are there to greet me and welcome
baby boy to tie the family together in an
me and my family when I reach the next place.
invisible strong bond. In Kashmir I celebrated
Because New Neelamber 3, life will never be
Christmas in the snow with you.
fun without you.
In Punjab you gave me new friends
and some more beautiful memories. And here
Yours Sincerely
in Tamilnadu in your new avatar, New
Mrs Student Officer
Neelamber 3, you gave me the exotic and rare
opportunity to try the RK banner pose under
my own roof. Don't you ever wonder how
April 15
Mrs Kirti Ovelil
W/o Wg Cdr Jijo Jose Ovelil
The Closing Hunt
The course at DSSC is about to draw to an end.
mounts that had gone a day ahead seemed
Indeed the weeks those have been astride
equally eager to plant a hoofmark on the
have passed by in a galloping blur. The
gallop stretches in the morning ahead. It was
beautiful vistas and landscapes seldom
to be a ride over fifteen kilometres with the
accessible except to the few fortunate to be a
locales for the closing hunt along the banks of
member of the Ootacamund Hunt Club
Kamraj Sagar Lake and the shola forests.
(OHC) shall soon be a matter of fond
What made it uniquely interesting was that it
reminiscences. Nostalgia has also struck high
had a fair bit of obstacles thrown in order to
for some like our Master of the Foxhounds,
make the last hunt challenging.
Col Atul Rajput, SM who would be handing
As I mounted Badal excitedly and
over the MFH crop on his impending transfer.
took up station in true naval fashion as the
fourth in the field, I realised it would be some
time before I would be ducking branches and
skirting the stumps again. As if on cue, Badal
decided to shake me off my musings with a
series of bucks jolting me back into the hunt.
We began the hunt in three fields with a short
warm-up along the greens of Ootacamund
Club. The three field masters took charge and
off we set on the jungle trail past the forests,
coverts and shrubbery with the hounds
It was therefore with bated breath
mingling with the fields in couples.
that the riders as well as their families awaited
Soon we came upon the long stretch
the list of participants forclosing hunt which
of shola grass meadows that was to be the site
was disclosed on the afternoon of 18 Apr 15.
of the first gallop stretch. As adrenaline
The last hunt was indeed an event not to miss
surged through Badal and me, I spurred on
for me having passed out from the portals of
leaving caution to wind and keeping clear of
'Hunter' squadron in NDA. Equally hopeful
the wires strewn adjacent the transmission
were the four first timers, rearing to get into
pillars. It was clear that Badal was charged up
the exclusive Horsehead lapel pin club.The
by the verdant surroundings and long
Lapel pin proudly donned by the 'Hunters'
meadows much unlike his usual self in the
signified a unique rite of passage and
cementing of everlasting bonds amongst the
The hunters soon entered the pine
forests with its attendant obstacles in cleverly
The day of the last hunt of the season
fallen logs that promised the rider an
started with the usual groggy ride to the Club
adrenaline rush. I attempted a few keeping
with the participants keenly discussing the
clear of the challenging last one in deference
mounts (I was to ride Badal my mount from
to my recently healed wrist. The jump was
the opening hunt) and their merits. The
indeed a sight to watch as rider and horse
took to the air clearing the metre high fallen
presented the MFH with the ceremonial
trunk with ease. In particular, the MFH and
hunting whip. An evocative speech by the
his steed crossing the obstacle were a treat to
Commandant bringing forth salient virtues of
watch and I hope would have provided for a
horsemanship and camaraderie as well as the
perfect photographic moment.
exclusivity of the Hunt club brought forth a
As with all good things coming to an
sense of pride amongst the riders and their
end, so did the ride with a bit of canter
families alike. The Commandant lowered the
through the forest paths onto tarred roads to
flag signifying the closing of the hunt season.
reach civilisation. The hunters soon made
The bonds of friendship made over
way through the meandering lanes of Ooty
the parting drink prior hunt or the
making way for the palace. At the appointed
congregation of riders in Chanakya
hour, the horses cantered into the palace
discussing equestrian tips has indeed imbued
grounds. The riders then lined up adjacent to
me with a lifelong passion for the sport. The
the bandstand for the closing report by the
memorable rides in the Blue Mountains that
MFH and Vice President to the Commandant.
will be sorely missed as will the bonhomie.
The MFH raised toast to the President and
Ootcamund Hunt Club that was responded
with gusto by all the 'Hunters' present.
The Commandant as the President,
OHC presented all outgoing members of the
Hunt Club with mementoes (a cherished
keepsake prominently figuring on my
mantle-piece) and received a souvenir on
behalf of the outgoing members. He also
April 15
Cdr Shantanu Sharma
The Two Imposters
“If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster, and
the children have grown up and flown away,
treat those two imposters just the same….”
the parents kept waiting for you at those
Rudyard Kipling, “If”
milestones and gave up, the closest friends
Dear All,
have drifted apart. So you must change your
This is that time of the year when there will be
tactics, in time.
Triumph and Disaster in the lives of many.
The journey is more important than
Postings, awards, promotions, nomination
the destination. Don't get me wrong,
for courses, children's exams and consequent
excelling professionally is not only
results, so on and so forth. Some will soar,
important, perhaps it is vital. Your
many others will be left sore. Yet, life must
professional excellence and the consequent
carry on.
respect that you earn rubs on to your family,
I will share with you some tips that
children, parents and everyone associated
might help you tackle the two imposters. It is
with you. Your spouse walks with that extra
based on an outstanding book, a must read,
spring, your children that extra abandon. But
'Hannibal and Me' by Andreas Kluth.
the important thing to remember is that your
Never confuse means with ends,
professional excellence must manifest in your
tactics with strategy. Victory is merely a tool
daily activities, how those in your 'area of
and never the goal. In life's battles tactics must
influence' benefit from you. How, you as their
change to fit the strategy. Pointless victories
commander, their role model, their instructor,
may indeed be the single biggest threat to
their mentor have made them better than
talented and ambitious people, for they lead
what they were before they fell under your
you away from where you really want to go.
gravitational pull. Not convinced? Let me
How often have you seen people clinging to
give you another perspective. In life you
doing things that they once excelled at, even
spend more time on the journey than at the
well past the expiry date. How often we see
destination. You finish DSSC, soon you will
people strive ruthlessly for that coveted
start working for HC, and then NDC. You get
posting, that next rank, that numerical
your rank, congratulations. But once the
grading on the hallowed sheet of paper…at
spirits subside you start your journey for the
the cost of every thing else-health, peace of
next star or stripe. So, isn't it logical that we
mind, time with wife, children, parents. And
ought to enjoy the journey just because we
then what? At some point, however, you may
spend most of our life there?
realize that you only wanted professional
Setbacks are Inevitable : Stay
success as a means, the end being an
Balanced. So many of you would have
impeccable professional repute and a big,
arrived here dreaming of one of the medals or
happy family. But by the time you realise this,
that particularly career enhancing posting.
Many would be disappointed. Certainly, the
includes a motorbike trip to Pangong Tso.
fear of failure may seem to overwhelm you. its
What are yours….?
ok. Setbacks are inevitable, stay balanced, this
Maintain the self discipline of “old”.
too shall pass. No one ever kept a good guy
The young have less time to prepare for
(or gal) down, except you yourself. Believe in
success. It just happens to them. And then
your strengths. Believe in yourself. Get up
they succumb to hubris or suffer delusions of
and get going. Do what you need to do with
grandeur. The “old” take their success in their
stride. They can recognize the imposter. Seek
Worse …. when disaster strikes.
the company of older role models, sit at the
Sometimes it could get worse and you may
feet of your heroes and parents and seek their
suffer a disaster. Most of these are not fatal
and can be overcome. After the initial shock
See the best in people, but protect
has passed over, resilience begins with
yourself against the worst in them. There
accepting the disaster. It normally means
will always be some conflict or
NOT fighting back, this is not passivity. It
disappointment with the people in our lives-
only means letting go, until you see that the
spouse, children, parents, colleagues, bosses,
situation has changed and renewed action
juniors …. the list is endless. But that does not
makes sense. Actually, very often you feel
make them bad people, they are just different.
liberated and energized. After all, once the
Choose to respect one another.
worst has happened, what else do you have to
And above all, take time off, as often
fear. A disaster may end up giving you the
as you can, to ponder about your life, about
boldness that you once lacked for the fear of
the journey, the destination, success, failure,
the two imposters. (Hint : rooftop/ balcony,
Have “young” ideas while you are
young and while you are old. As you get
older, there is a temptation to think of reasons
not to try something new, not to dream a
dream, not to keep simple things simple,
primarily because of your experience that
your favourite brew, all alone, no electronics,
gaze at stars.)
All you, who leave DSSC, will be
missed. Good luck and God Speed.
Au revoir, Hasta la vista, phir
milenge, Ciao
constantly keeps reminding you that the
world is not simple. But it is possible to stay,
or even be fresh in later years. Reinvent
yourself. Look back and try and remember
there was so much you loved and enjoyed
doing, things you had to give up in the race
called life. Time to find the real you. Bring
back the music in your life. My bucket list
April 15
Air Cmde SK Jha
List of New Books - College Library
1. 323.2954/MUK
Mukherji Nirmalangshu.
Greater Indigenisation Of Defence,
Sumit Enterprises, New Delhi, 2010.
Maoists In India : Tribals Under Siege,
Amaryllis, New Delhi, 2013.
8. 358.426/COR
Corum James S.
2. 327.54058/GHO
Wolfram Von Richthofen :
Ghosh Anwesha.
Master Of The German Air War,
Leap Forward :
University Press, Kansas, 2008.
Capacity Building, Education & India-Afg,
KW Publishers Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 2013.
9. 358.47/BOY
Boyne Walter.
3. 330.9/PIN
How The Helicopter Changed Modern
Pinto Brian.
How Does My Country Grow ? :
Pelican Publishing Company Pub, Grentna,
Economic Advice Through Story - Telling,
Oxford University Press, United Kingdom,
10. 361.5/SAT
Sathe Nitin Air Commodore.
4. 330.9515/YEH
2004 Tsunami : Iaf Story :
Yeh Emily T.
Few Good Men & The Angry Sea,
Taming Tibet Landscape Transformation &
Vitasta, New Delhi, 2015.
Chinese Development,
11. 954.7/SID
Cornell University Press, London, 2013.
Siddique Abubakar.
The Pashtuns The Unresolved Key To The
5. 330.954/DRE
Dreze Jean.
Pakistan & Afghanistan,
An Uncertain Glory :
Random House Pub India Pvt Ltd, Gurgaon,
India & Its Contradictions,
Penguin Books, England, 2014.
12. 954.8/SAS
6. 355.13/AIY
Astri Nilakanta.
Aiyengar Srr Lt Gen.
A History Of South India :
Military Ethics,
From Prehistoric Times To The Fall Of Vi,
Manas Pub, New Delhi, 2015.
Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2014.
7. 355.26/CHA
Chandrashekharan P.
April 15
Tentative Schedule of Events for the Month of April 2015
01-05 Apr 15
Tennis (DSSC Open)
02 Apr 15
Mounted Gymkhana
02 Apr 15
Hunt Ball
05 Apr 15
Golf (WGC Salver)
11 Apr 15
Hike (Closing) – WGC
11-12 Apr 15
Golf (Capts Cup)
16 Apr 15
S & PA Awards
18 Apr 15
Tentative Cinema Programme at Mulla
03 Apr 15
05 Apr 15
11 Apr 15
Dum Laga Ke Haisha (Hindi Movie)
Penguins of Madagascar (English Movie)
12 Apr 15
18 Apr 15
Badlapur (Hindi Movie)
19 Apr 15
25 Apr 15
26 Apr 15
NH 10 (Hindi Movie)
Ration Programme
30 Mar 15
WH area, Castle Nilgiris, New
31 Mar 15
Map Qrs
04 Apr 15
GH Clock 03 to 16 Nos
06 Apr 15
GH Block 01 to 02 & Cir
09 Apr 15
GH Block Nos 17 to 28
10 Apr 15
GH Block Nos 29 to 42
27 Apr 15
All Permanent Officers
28 Apr 15
All Permanent Officers
April 15
Readers are requested to send their articles & feedback to Gp Capt V Rajagopalan, L.No.91
College Mail- afds91@army.mil, raja.iaf@gmail.com
Printed at : Production Department
Compiled by : N. Senthil Kumar