hoot speak

“A professional writer is an amateur who didn't quit…”
…….Richard Bach
The college welcomed back the owls after a long break of Mid-term &
Issue No 8/70 SC
IDT, to the respite of everyone (in college), life here revolves around
the student officers. The fun & frolic continued with the grand
Editorial Committee
celebrations of Army Day & the much awaited Winter Carnival. Not
Gp Capt V Rajagopalan
to lose any time the DDs & lectures were back with full force, a series
Asst Editor
of ISPs ensured that the student officers could plan the next break to
Lt Col Sameer Kalra
the promising land (Post completion of the course). The wing MRPs
Sub Editors
Maj Sameer Sharma
at college level also set the stage & standards for those preparing to
Lt Cdr C Sairam
present their MRPs in coming days. The Hawabaazs of the course
Mrs Rakhee Dattagupta
also got the lat long for their next landing (with postings being
Mrs Neelima Awasthy
Mrs Garima Jauhar
Mrs Shabana Ali
declared), we wish them all the best for their future. This month we
share some amazing journeys which a few of us undertook, as also
the Part 2 of the article on diet control. We hope you enjoy this edition
& contribute to the future editions of Hoot….
E-Mail : hoot@army.mil
Softcopy available on
College WAN at knowledge
Portal and at
Posting Out
u Col Ajit Yeole
u Cmde Lalit Bhatnagar
We wish the officers and their families happy
hunting in their new assignment.
2 Month at Wellington
4 Kerala on Pedals
Mrs Vasudha Singh
7 At Last....!!
Maj Sunny Kara
10 Jeans in the Armed Forces
Sqn Ldr J S Parmar
12 Attitude Decides Altitude : Lessons from
Mrs Twinkle James
15 My Platinum Day of Love
Mrs Radhika Raman
17 My New Year Resolution
Cdr Sharad Bhadula
21 Thoughts on the Air Force, College MRP
on India’s Strategic Culture
Maj Nathan Alexander Moore
23 The Nilgiris Dollar
Cdr Syed Qais Hayat
25 The Gut Feeling: Part II
Maj Abhishek Chaudhary
9 “Yes I am a soldier, I am alive”
Maj Vaibhav Gupta
14 Lets make things better!!!
Sqn Ldr Vipul Joshi
19 Hindi Poem
20 Cessation
Mrs Parul Santra
Bulletin Boards
29 New Arrivals - Library
30 ITOW Programme
30 Tentative Schedule of Events
31 Tentative Cinema Programme
31 Ration Programme
February 15
u Air Marshal SS Soman, AVSM, VM, ADC,
AOC-IN-C Western Air Comd, visited the
college from 16 to 17 Jan 15 and delivered a talk
on ‘Concept of Operations in WAC with
Emphasis on Integrated Air Op in Western
Theatre’ (Classified).
u Air Marshal BS Dhanoa, YSM, VM, AOCIN-C South Western Air Comd, visited the
college from 19 to 20 Jan 15 and delivered a talk
on ‘Concept of Operations in SWAC with
Emphasis on Integrated Air Ops in South
Western Theatre’ (Classified).
u R Adm KK Pandey, VSM, ACNS
(CSNCO), visited the college from 19 to 21
Jan 15 and delivered a talk on ‘Naval
Communication and Netcentric Ops in IN’
u Lt Gen K Surendranath, PVSM, AVSM,
VSM (Retd), AFT, Chennai, visited the college
from 22 to 24 Jan 15 and delivered a talk on
of AFT Functioning and Legal
Challenges of the Services’ (Classified).
February 15
u IAS Officer Trainees of 2014 Batch, visited the college for a study tour on 29 Jan 15.
S/o Wg Cdr SS Prabhune
February 15
Kerala on Pedals
“500 km, what's so great about it, I take 40 min
ineffective in the steep inclines of Nilgiris. Wg
to cover the same at normal rate” was my
Cdr Praveen offered his BtwinRockrider, with
husband's (AP) reaction when I expressed my
little idea what we were upto. A special thanks
intention of penning down our experience of
to the sponsor officer.
bicycle expedition. “Come down to mother
The next worry was to accommodate
earth, irrespective of speed at the end of the
our kids. I required one more favour from my
sortie your displacement is zero, as it is going
7 ½ month old son (Advit), who has been a
to be for us” my technical brain was quick to
sweet heart during my riding classes and
However, there was a dramatic
while I maintained 100 % attendance in CCSS.
change in his attitude once our family featured
We modified his cradle and fixed it on my
in National Newspaper pedaling in North
cycle. For elder one, Achintya who is 4 ½ years
Kerala. My aim is not to advertise our cycling
old we purchased a seat off the shelf. We
trip but to share the experience and enlighten
commenced cycling in an incremental
about the feasibility of undertaking such trips.
manner, initially alone and subsequently with
kids. Once we became comfortable in campus
we cycled to Dolphin Nose, Pony, Ooty and
other nearby places. DSSC hikes had
adequately prepared us for any contingencies
and we were capable of walking upto 13 km in
case of any emergency like flat tyre etc.
Packing was interesting and we had
two verbal contracts “carry your cycle
load”(which meant self and one kid) and “you
shop, you carry”. Since marriage this was
Since 2008, we have been posted in the
south and have extensively been travelling
around. During the month of Sep 14, when
everyone was busy planning their midterm
break, we were a bit clueless about how to
utilize the much awaited break. It was then
that cycling expedition first clicked to AP.
This led to extensive research and trials of
cycles for hilly terrain. Our bikes required
replacement as less than 21 gears would be
probably the first time that I did not irritate AP
with my shopping. Soon I realised that
packing requirements were rather low and
also that a Gamcha (towel) is of immense
worth when you are tight on space.
We commenced our trip on 16 Dec
after lunch and travelled 22 km to spend that
night in Ooty hunt club. The next day we left
for Bandipur (49 km) where we reached by
lunch. Cycling down 36 hair pin bends was
splendid, however, beware, non motorized
February 15
vehicles can also experience brake failures. I
For a cyclist, the roads not only need to be
realised the same well in time and was able to
smooth but also level.
stop using brakes and foot. In Bandipur, we
have realised that the photographs posted in
under took safari and were extremely lucky to
this article are all during down slope, as a
spot a leopard. Next day we cycled 59 km to
cyclist is photogenic only during down slope.
Muthanga (Waynad), the stay was quiet and
The journey from Kalpetta to Palakkad (104
close to nature. The subsequent day we were
km) fulfilled one of our desires - of cycling
in Lakkidi (Waynad) after cycling 61 km.
more than 100 km in a day. On 24 Dec, we
While driving car, AP has a soft corner for
were in Coimbatore after travelling 52 km.
The readers would
fairer sex especially young and good looking
On 25 Dec, AP left for Uttrakhand for
ones. He cannot see them walking and desires
one day after giving our cycles for servicing.
to give them lift, but with me around, his
We had planned a night stay in Mettupalayam
fantasies are never fulfilled. We were in thick
on 27 Dec, and to cover the last 30 km on 28
of tourist season and I gave AP free hand to
Dec. On 27 Dec, I received AP at Airport after
fulfill his desire. I even reminded him of the
collecting cycles. In my 8 years of married life,
same in target rich environment, but I am
it was first time I felt insecure, at airport AP
amazed as to why he did not utilize the
first inspected our cycles and hugged the kids
opportunity, “poor AP and his cycle”!
as I stood there last on his priority. I have
Next day involved cycling 71 km,
heard of fighter pilots stating that their first
down the Western Ghats to Kozhikode. We
love is aircraft and second is their wife. Ladies
overtook a large number of light and heavy
do not mind as the aircraft costs a few hundred
vehicles while cycling downhill. In outskirts
crores, but here I was at fourth number with
of Kozhikode, we were stopped by a reporter
the cost of first love of my husband being just
from “The Hindu” and next day we were
about Rs. 10,000. “How embarrassing!”
celebrities. In Kozhikode, we had a day's
Fatigue was visible on his face and I succeeded
in convincing him for a change in plan. On 28
Dec, we cycled till Mettupalayam and did last
30 km in Taxi. At Wellington, I ensured that
the cycle was returned the same day to save
my family life.
Jokes apart, it was a fabulous trip. We
spent quality family time and were 24 x 7 with
each other. This trip made me realise that the
On 22 Dec, we travelled to Kalpetta
journey is as important as the destination. An
and were exhausted in 32 km, though the road
expedition up to 10 days is doable and worth
condition in Kerala is good, the terrain is
attempting. If a lactating mother like me can
undulating and cycling is extremely tiring.
do it, I believe anyone can, as there is a bit of
February 15
Mary Kom in each one of us.
Tanning. AP being wheatish had little shades
before turning black. He took tanning too
Our Experience
seriously and wore jeans instead of his
Travel Time. Intend to complete the journey
usual ¾. He experienced wetness, though
by lunch, it caters for any contingencies and
reason was pure sweat but the mood swing
adequate rest for next day.
was exactly similar. Enjoy tanning.
Brakes. Cycle can also experience brake
failure at 36 hair pin bends.
when someone is ready to pay but also willing
Tool Kit. Along with tool kit, some basic
to carry the stuff.
Ladies love shopping not only
training and spares are mandatory.
Mrs Vasudha Singh
W/o Wg Cdr AP Singh
February 15
At Last….!!
It had been about 12 months since my last
A quick flight to New Delhi was
‘pukka chutti’. Needless to say, early
followed by a whistle stop tour of the city. The
December 2014 was hotly anticipated. That, in
history certainly evident in its majestic
addition to the grand presentations on the
architecture. Qutb Minar, Humuyan's Tomb,
International Officers' Orientation Course in
India Gate and the Rajpath (and all things
May last year encouraging us to travel India
Lutyens), and Jama Masjid to name a few,
whilst here, coupled with the limited
really brought to light how India absorbs
opportunities to do so hitherto, had really
those who have 'visited' in the past. Chandni
worked up our appetites to get out there. And
Chowk, unbelievably, was done at turbo
that's what we did. The plan was simple, see
speed by a man with the skinniest legs
and experience as much as we can, and then
powering our rickshaw through non existent
‘arram se’ before heading back to the hills.
gaps in the hustle and bustle! New Delhi also
Our first stop was Amritsar. For us, it
allowed me to indulge in a bottle a fabulous
was a city of contrasts. The Golden Temple in
Italian red wine - something that was long
the early morning cool was calm, spiritual and
overdue! This was Part 2 of 3 for us as we'll be
certainly something to behold; the somber
going through the “City of Rallies” on our
reminders of mans' wickedness at
departure from India. So more to come…
Jallianwallah Bagh; and the rousing pageantry
Agra allowed us a little respite. The
and jingoism of the Beating Retreat at the
Taj Mahal with its romantic yet melancholic
Wa g a h B o r d e r p r o v e d a p e r f e c t
history; such splendor, a historic jewel of
combination….we were on leave and the
global architecture and a sight to behold. I
salubrious climes of Wellington were already
did try my Princess Diana pose but Sue
long forgotten.
reckoned it just didn't pass muster - strange
Our road trip proceeded to the Land of
Kings - Rajasthan. Forts and palaces, colours
galore, deserts and lakes, wonderful food and
shopping in abundance. Whether Amer or
Merhanghar Fort, the Lake Palaces or Hawa
Mahal - via the amazing Ranakpur - the bold
Chandni Chowk the calm before
the hair-raising ride
February 15
magnificence of these grand structures never
ceased to amaze us and, on closer inspection,
wind down although I must highlight two
taking in the minutia and intricacy of the
things: Christmas Day's hangover courtesy of
exquisite craftsmanship only served to leave
a night with Addi Sharma and DG, and the fact
an indelible imprint. We were, quite simply in
that you can't, seemingly, get onions in your
And then of course, the seemingly
endless opportunities to shop in the lively,
heady and bustling bazaars.
The sights, sounds, smells and tastes; a
Sue was in
sensory overload of an experience and one
Exquisite embroidery, jewelry,
that has gifted us fond memories that, no
leatherwork and accomplished artistry on
doubt, will be for the rest of our lives. India
paper. I even managed to buy a pocket square
has, in the shape of yours truly, a walking
in the colours of the Maharaja of Jaipur!
billboard! But all good things must come to an
Suffice to say, our anniversary gifts to one
end. The 29th of December will go down as one
another were unlike any previous ones; all
of the hardest days in my life but I did achieve
complimented by a fine bottle of champagne
what I needed to; getting out of bed for the
and a fairly hefty courier bill to Coonoor!
start of Tutorial 5…just!
James Bond and Sunny Kara were here…..
India: vast, amazing, enchanting and
captivating. It's also full of crazy drivers and
every hotel seems to keep their teaspoons in a
super secret cache!! We'd do it all again, and
the many other things we haven't seen, in the
blink of an eye; but, and no offense, without
the course included! Jai Hind!
And finally to Kerala. Varkala to be
precise, where we were holed up in a
charming heritage villa…with a little bit of
luxury thrown in. Time to shave off the beard
and indulge in sun, sea, beach, food, a few
beers, and mellow times. Varkala proved to be
a charismatic resort as it is not overdeveloped
and maintains a low key atmosphere, even
with the hordes of DSSC passing through over
the duration of our stay! 10 days of genuine
Maj Sunny Kara
February 15
“Yes I am a soldier I am alive”
In the mountains, in the air, in the seas I stay
Like a wall I stand at all frontiers
Where my fellow-mates live
And a soldier I am.
My motivation is my land- Our mother-land.
Have you ever heard the whisper of your mother-?
O' Son my life
I beckon you to stand up, I beckon you to rise
After every fall - After every loss - After every pain …
Stand-up tall, Take pride,
You are my son my life
And yes I am a soldier I am alive.
Blood-shed it is
Widowed women Orphan a child,
Anguished A mother
Friend I had He died
Sitting in the midst of death
Where persistent silence remained
No tears only pain.. only pain..
“O ' Mother” I asked, “What should I do?”
“O'Mother who am I?”
And then a whisper came like a warm bliss of heavenly air…
You are my son my life
You are my soldier, Stand up
Rise Take pride
Your mother-land beckons you
Do not fall Rise and fight.
I will not give-up,
I will walk As brave a man could
And yes I am a soldier I am alive.
Every day as we lead our lives, somewhere on the border stand our men tall, and
awake at night. In all the harsh conditions away from the warmth of their homes
love of their family and friends they stay awake so that each one of us can sleep in
peace at night. Revered salutations to their spirit, to their humbleness our tribute
and gratitude. I am proud to be born in a country which has given birth to such
men and women, and only pray for their well-being.
Only respect and love…
February 15
Maj Vaibhav Gupta
Jeans in the Armed Forces
'Jeans' are trousers often made from denim or
considered more advanced and liberated, at
dungaree cloth. Often the term 'jeans' refers to
least by people on the lookout for some
a particular style of pants, called 'blue jeans'
'happening places.'
and invented by Jacob Davis and Levi Strauss
By the time I completed my Post-
in 1873. The jeans were originally designed
Graduation and cleared my AFSB, my
for cowboys and miners. But starting in the
wardrobe had jeans of all hues and colours. So,
1950s, jeans became very popular among the
when I came to the Air Force Academy to
teenagers. Owing to their high durability as
commence my ab initio training I carried all
compared to other common fabrics, jean
my jeans, believing that the armed forces
t r o u s e r s h a ve b e c o m e i n c r e a s i n g l y
being at the forefront of the nation in
fashionable, making pre-sale “factory
everything, would definitely allow me to wear
distressing” a common feature in
a piece of clothing which had become as
commercially sold jeans. Jeans are now a very
popular in India as the game of cricket. But I
popular article of casual dress around the
was in for a rude shock when I was told by my
world. They come in many styles and colours.
seniors to pack all my jeans in a trunk and lock
However, blue jeans are particularly
it up, since they were going to be of no use for
identified with US culture.
me for the next one year. With a heavy heart I
During my days at the college and
followed suit.
university my peer group took to jeans to look
After reaching my first place of
modern, as also to leave the impression of
posting at an Air Force Station in the South I
being easy going and happy-go-lucky on the
hoped that I will get an opportunity to open
fairer sex. But the fairer sex was not far behind
my wardrobe and get into my beloved pair of
in shedding their inhibitions and investing in
jeans into which I had invested so much, and
this new fad to go up a few notches in the race
with which I had emotional bonds. But , to my
for being good-looking and fashionable. In
utter dismay, I found out that jeans were as big
fact, jeans was an item of dress that ushered in
a taboo, if not bigger, at the Air Force Station,
the 'Unisex Revolution' in wardrobes,
as it was at the Academy. In fact there was
especially of the youngsters. Hitherto, the
hardly any place in the Station, be it the office
wardrobes of men and women have been
premises, Officers' Mess Dining Hall, Bar,
drastically different, women's wardrobe being
Ante-room et al where one could go in a pair of
always more colourful and shining.
jeans without getting checked by some senior
today, cities where we see more girls and
officer. In fact, I found that the seniority of the
women moving around in jeans are
officer checking you was found to be directly
February 15
proportional to the length and severity of the
forward to becoming a Commander sometime
'moral lecture' that the offender would get
in the future, I have decided to run a campaign
subjected to. Therefore, the longest 'ML' given
against jeans on the lines of the campaign
to such offenders was by the old man of the
against foreign clothes as part of the National
station. In fact, he seemed to be almost allergic
Freedom Movement. If I become a
to jeans. Any officer found wearing a pair of
Commander (which is very likely in view of
jeans in the station was treated almost like a
my newly acquired title of 'psc') I will make
case deserving of a court-martial trial. One
sure that no jeans are sold within a radius of 10
could wear jeans only while travelling, or
kms of the Air Force Station commanded by
while shopping in shops and malls outside the
me. Any officer found wearing a pair of jeans
will be treated in accordance with the
Over a period of more than a decade
provisions of Section 65-A which I intend to
my poor jeans wardrobe has kept on
get introduced in the Air Force Act, 1950, for
shrinking. The older pairs got worn out, or
dealing with the special kind of offence
started falling short of my expanding waist.
committed by the wearers of
But I had no heart to replace each pair with a
condemnable piece of dress.
new one. So, when I came to Wellington,
But I will not stop at that. I will give a
knowing the tri-services fetish for treating
free run to my prejudice against jeans, and
jean-clad officers as cases of indiscipline. I
take it to its logical conclusion. At present the
came only with a pair of newly purchased
alphabet “i” is being omitted out of service
'Numero Uno' jeans, which I intended to wear
writing. I will get necessary amendments
only during the long travel involved in the
made in the JSSD to ensure that the alphabet
ANC, FAT and IDT tours. But to my chagrin, I
“j” is omitted out of service writing instead of
found that jeans are a big ' no -no' for a would
be Staff Officer even while travelling.
I am sure that with the changes
Having seen the Armed Forces' utter
proposed by me I will be able to curb the root
dislike for jeans, with a heavy heart, I have
cause of indiscipline in the Armed Forces to a
decided to break off my love affair with this so
great extent.
called modern piece of dressing. Having been
indoctrinated about the ill effects of jeans for a
defence officer over the last more than a
decade, I have decided to shed even the last
pair of jeans that I have.
However, since I am already an
aspiring and ambitious staff officer, looking
February 15
Sqn Ldr J S Parmar
Attitude Decides Altitude: Lessons from Life
When my husband gave me the news of his
When your intentions are right, God
selection for DSSC, it gave me an
makes things fall into place in your favour. I
uncomfortable feeling as it meant leaving my
got the chance to conduct quiz, which I had
job as the HoD of Physio department and as
never done in my life. I embarked on this
part of a liver transplant team in a renowned
adventure and at the end of it I realised that I
corporate hospital. A job, I had picked up less
discovered back my skills of writing a script,
than a year ago. I am sure this would have
preparing a questionnaire and presenting it.
been the case with many of the ladies who
Though there were some technical hiccups,
have landed up here. The only difference
the show went off well. I was appreciated and
would have been the attitude with which we
learnt my lessons as well.
accepted the news. As we were gathering
One more task which challenged me
information about DSSC (infamously referred
was the CCSS group presentation. When we
as PCK at DSSC), the news on lectures /
were informed that the presentation was to
meetings for ladies came to the fore. This gave
have drama, dance, songs and no powerpoint
me all the more blues for this place, as I felt it
(rather less), the group was perplexed. Even
was a waste of time.
Bill Gates with his patented MS ppt would
Finally we landed up here and after
one month of sitting idle, I decided to join
have said - it's not fair. I asked myself a
question “how is this a soft skill training?”
CCSS as one of my corporate friends told me
Again, this venture in group on the
about soft skills and its demand. A few months
presentation had a lot to teach. With all its
into the course and after having attended the
challenges and putting up a presentation in a
lectures, I started to develop a felling that the
creative way helped me to develop skills
course was not matching my expectations.
which are actually ‘soft’; for which the course
At the same time, came the turn of D
is designed.
Div Divas to put up the show as a part of the
Now a word on the soft skills which
ladies divisional meet. When the call for the
are broadly divided into self-management
meeting came, I went with a prayer in my
skills (how you perceive yourself and others,
heart to be useful to the team. I didn't want to
manage your emotions, and react to adverse
lie that I am not free and at the same time
situations) and people skills (how to best
didn't want to shy away from my
interact and work with others so you can build
responsibilities as a team member.
meaningful work relationships, influence
February 15
other’s perception of you and your work, and
realise that I stand equipped with new skills,
motivate their actions). The Self- management
talents and confidence which will help me
skills which I learned are self-awareness,
further in my profession.
emotion regulation, self-confidence, stress
Change is a law of nature and I realise
management, resilience, skills to forgive/
that there is something to learn in what ever
forget, persistence, perseverance, patience
new one does. Changing attitude has helped
and finally perceptiveness.
me realise the ocean of opportunities which
The ‘people skills’ which I have
existed around but I was oblivious of. The
imbibed included communication skills,
famous aviation saying often cited by my
teamwork skills, interpersonal relationship
husband “our attitude decides our altitude”
skill, presentation skills, meeting
thus stands validated.
management skills, facilitating skills,
negotiation skills, management skills and
leadership skills.
I learned them all, the practical way
through the above opportunities! As a student
of medicine, I had realised, quite early, that
class room knowledge is useless without
clinical skills. Approaching end of the course, I
Mrs Twinkle James
W/o Cdr James John
Maj Ashutosh Srivastav
February 15
Lets make things better!!!
It may seem another day's gone
But then 'nother one's to be born
Promises may be breathin' still
In the heart of coming morn.
Just don't blame it on fate
Or throw it on stars
To say that it's been taken
What was rightfully ours!!
Just say it
We can change the stars
No they don't drive us
We can tear 'em apart
If they deprive us …
So let's snatch our dreams
From the sky
And don't let them deny….
…..Yes an effort does matter
In making things better
An effort does matter
In painting them brighter.
Sqn Ldr Vipul Joshi
February 15
My Platinum Day of Love
Asmi's platinum jewellery ads have always
until around August 2008. It is true that once
caught my attention. A well captured
you get used to a company, it grows on you
realization of love for your partner often as
and you sort of start enjoying when the person
rightly shown in the ad, just happens when
is around and missing when he isn't. If I
you least expect it. I am not much of a
remember it right, he was serving his first
“romantic” nor do I excel in displaying my
appointment as specialist and the ship was
love or affection, but I do believe that life's
just out of refit. Those days the only naval
well-cherished moments aren't planned; they
lingo that mattered to me was “secure”. Since
just happen!
we hail from God's Own Country and our
January 2008 came with a lot of
main festival Onam falls somewhere between
surprises. I met the man of my dreams (well,
August-September, my parents were visiting
that is a bit of an exaggeration, although it was
us but he was mostly out sailing.
my childhood desire to get married to a man in
One day their ship was sent to retrieve
uniform and one who could sing or at least
a very crucial segment that a submarine had
play an instrument), unwillingly put an end to
lost (new to the naval fraternity I didn't know
my “single ready to mingle” status, got
about the technical terms and still cannot
married, resigned my job, relocated to a new
recollect what it was). They were to cast off one
place and so on. It was an overwhelming
morning, expected to be back by evening. The
transformation; nevertheless, I was and still
day passed by, evening grew into night and
am happy!
later to midnight, and suddenly it was next
We got married in May that year; ours
day; they were still not back. No call or
was an arranged marriage and hence carried
intimation from the liaison cell. I was worried
with it all awkwardness one can expect. A
and a strange sense of fear gripped me. I
week after the wedding we left for Maldives
couldn't concentrate on work nor could I share
our honeymoon destination, which to this
my feelings with my parents, because they
date I consider to have been mistimed; not
were as new to the naval way of life as I was.
because we didn't enjoy, but because one week
I spoke to one of his friends, a
was a little too less for an ‘arranged marriage’
submariner, who was kind enough to check
couple to be thrown together!
the situation. By evening he told me that the
Days passed by, we were happy, but I
ship had to extend its search and that they
am not sure if I discovered my love for him
would be back by night that very day. My
February 15
hopes were revived but he didn't return that
background. After 6 years of marriage, I still
evening also. Around midnight, I heard the
remember this incident crystal clear and that I
call bell ring. Since I didn't want my parents to
will remember forever!
wake up, I walked slowly towards the front
On the lighter side
door and opened it to find the ever glowing
confession, my husband had an evil grin on
and smiling face. I had never been this happy
his face as he said, “when did this happen”?
to find something or someone. We exchanged
Well, “men will be men”, is all I can say!
after reading this
some strange whispers (what it was, I do not
remember) and the tightest hug ever!
That was one of my well-cherished
moments and that wasn't planned, it just
happened! Finally, I discovered my platinum
day of love; although there were no platinum
rings to exchange, no lens to capture the magic
and no romantic music playing in the
Mrs Radhika Raman
W/o Cdr Pradeep Raman
Maj Ashutosh Srivastav
February 15
My New Year Resolution:
Develop The VIIth Sense The Sense Of Purpose
1024 X 768. Full HD. That's my resolution for
senses and the sixth sense. At DSSC, a new
the New Year!
sense has been ingrained, 'the sense of
Meaning the BIG SMART TV rendered
purpose'. Meaning keeping the desired end
defective at DSSC (strange, you find solace
state in mind, follow a strategy that will help
when you hear that some other officers' TV
you achieve your objectives. Naval officers
sets also went defective) will be repaired at
can apply 'so what' and 'then what' tables, if
next duty station due to lack of service centers
they please. Well, I intend to develop this
at Coonoor. By the way, have we noticed how
sense as my New Year resolution, albeit with a
consumerism has slowly made inanimate
subtle difference.
objects (like TV) come alive with use of
Getting away from 'prahars' of 'jal, thal
adjectives (like SMART, BIG, etc). None the
and vayu', the desired end state is, invariably,
less, I am surviving with a small, non smart
to be happy.
TV, with basic features, till the next posting.
happiness, but it is not happiness. 'Then what'
Apologies to all gadget/ big screen fans, but I
is left is intangibles, the instantaneous
make no qualms about how this new 'kaam
happiness moments a baby's laugh, a green
main dum, daam main kum' TV is adequately
and flowery garden patch, an evening with
meeting all the requirements. The realisation
friends, a walk down the memory lane, a silent
has dawned that not all SMART features of the
prayer, a helping hand, a walk in the
BIG TV were in use and that its just a matter of
salubrious climes, the warm sunshine on a
getting used to it. Reminds me of the opening
chilly morning, et al.
sequence of the movie 'Gods must be crazy'
Success may contribute to
So, where do the gadgets and
which says that man has created enough
technology fit in?
complications around himself and that first 18
facilitators to achieve the intangibles. If there
years of his life are spent in understanding
had been no friends on the other side, 'whats
how to cope with these complications! Not
app' wouldn't serve its purpose.
that I support the cause of cavemen, but what I
technology, in itself, is a means and not the
do support is the cause of minimalism. And
end. Meaning, the sense of purpose needs to
that brings me to the stated New Year
be employed for everything we do (purchase,
should I say, since we live in a consumerist
We have all heard about the five
February 15
I guess, they are mere
So, the
By no means do I advocate shunning
style. Probably, what our parents taught us,
technology, parties, shopping, cribbing, big
the concept of 'Simple living, high thinking',
cars and hard work in office, but what I do
needs to be glamourised to ensure that the
advocate is to put limits with sense of purpose
next generation learns to be so. Sometimes,
to each one of these activities. After all, excess
we tend to miss out on simpler joys of life, just
of anything is bad. And where to draw the
because of being busy in the worldly pursuits.
line, well again, is individualistic. Each one of
My New Year resolution is to reduce such
us has to apply his sense of purpose in our
occurrences by making just use of sense of
daily chores and dealings.
For eg remember the euphoria of
I recall a senior officer's words in a
being selected for DSSC, and the shopping
lecture, 'what matters at the end of the day is
that ensued.
The number of sarees (sorry
not the stars on your shoulders, but the stars
ladies) that were bought, I can only hope that
in your wife's eyes'. May all of us achieve the
all of them are worn at least once by the end of
stars that we aim for, with a sense of purpose!
the course. It is not uncommon to see few
friends sitting across the table, each one busy
with his phone.
Advancement of career,
financial security and social status symbols
have overbearing effect on our lives. In fact,
the effect is a little too much, leaving us
wanting for more, pulling us away from
'living in the present'. Often, we take these to
be desired end states in themselves, clouding
our sense of purpose. If we take a moment off
our busy schedules, away from the five
fascinated senses, to think twice before taking
any decisions (shopping for that matter) as to
what is the desired end state, a lot of things, to
my mind, would fall in place. The world is not
going to end after the 8th of each month!
We need to ponder, afterall, how
much does a man need to have a decent life
Cdr Sharad Bhadula
February 15
Maj Ashutosh Srivastav
February 15
Something inevitable,
still convincible,
a thing, lamentable,
yet, understandable
It's a pact
life's aspect
an integral part of the voyage
without it, cannot be concluded
Yeah, it is dark
it is sharp
put's a full stop
to all that we have got
Death is a sad end
by which we get frightened
we should accept it as a hard end
instead of getting threatened
It depresses
cause we get connected
besides knowing
we'll soon be disconnected…
Mrs Parul Santra
W/o Sqn Ldr P Santra
February 15
Thoughts on the Air Force, College MRP on
India's Strategic Culture
Before I address the issue let me say that the
and China have many similarities not the least
MRP was well done and I agreed on each one
of which is a multi-millennial civilization with
of the recommendations though I'm not
deep strategic precedence and prominent
completely sure of the findings. I think it is
philosophical writers that have influenced the
also very wise, on the college's part, to have
entire world. China's strategic culture could
the future leadership of the armed forces
also be described as Omniscient Patrician.
debate and research this topic at this level so
China's one party rule and pragmatic Market
that if change is required it can be
Socialism give it marked advantages over
implemented during the career of these
democracies. Could the Three Gorges Dam
project which may be the largest construction
One of my course mates at the MRP,
project in history and has displaced millions of
whose name regrettably escapes me, asked the
people be done in a democracy like the USA or
question that if India has an Omniscient
India? No. Environment does dictate culture
Patrician Strategic Culture coupled with its
and democratic institutions are a facet of that
growth in economy (he then gave a Crore
environment. China's secretive governing
rupee amount) should we not reconcile this
bodies are appropriately labeled as Patrician.
with a change to a more modern strategic
But does that really work for India?
viewpoint. Sqn Ldr Kumar answered in a
It's also true that countries with little
very poignant and honest manner saying “to
cultural depth like Singapore, Australia or
change the strategic culture of India we would
UAE can develop and change their strategic
have to go back in time 3,000 years.” To a
outlook on a dime. Maybe Kumar is right.
foreigner like me I gleaned from this statement
India is a huge and unwieldy state with
that India's cultural heritage and strategic
enough of its internal problems to allow the
behavior is simply too deeply ingrained to be
maintenance of the status quo to be
able to move or adjust. Do any other officers
acceptable. Nevertheless, I question this. I
agree with this statement? I found a number of
wonder if by seeing that as a truth we fail to be
course mates in the audience that did accept
the change we want to see in this country. I
this answer.
want to leave this article with a question to my
If we compare culture to China, India
February 15
course mates. Is there not an inherent danger
in having an Omniscient Patrician Strategic
strategic culture as Germany, Japan and (in
Culture in the World's largest Democracy?
some ways) Canada and the US have. But is
Could so few who understand and
that what you want for India?
manipulate the workings of such a country
truly represent it? India produces the world's
finest engineers, some of the most successful
businessmen, it fosters the most experienced
bureaucratic arm, the IAS, in the world and
has the world's third largest military. Though
many things are better left alone India has the
technocrats to truly have a technocratic
Maj Nathan Alexander Moore
Maj Ashutosh Srivastav
The Nilgiris Dollar
Seldom, if ever, had 'Taxiwalas' formed such
requirement of remittance to the near and
an integral part of our lives till we joined the
dear ones in the Gulf? Simultaneously, my
DSSC. The climb to the famous salubrious
memories immediately took me to my two
climes come at some cost in terms of distances.
year old's 'Piggy Bank'. Of course, all the
And of course, the student officers must not
Indian currencies were exhausted before
miss out on training (even on Sundays and
accumulation, but there were few American
holidays!!) to attend to frequent requirements
and Canadian Dollars gifted by my NRI
of pickup or drop at Coimbatore/ Ooty.
cousins when my son was born. So, I instantly
No sooner did we join DSSC, hoards of
replied in affirmative to the Taxiwala and
friends and relatives, mine as well as my
asked him the rate in Dollars. Eight dollars for
wife's, started queuing up at the Coimbatore
Coimbatore pickup/ drop and four Dollars for
Airport and Railway Station to visit us.
sightseeing in and around Ooty came the
Interestingly, some of them were not able to
quote. My mind started calculating and
take out time to look us up earlier at so-called
converting Dollars into Rupees as fast as any
well-connected Naval stations. Their visit
Indian mind would immediately on reaching
requirements were generally accompanied
a foreign country. Oh My God!! This was
with complete nuance of connectivity till
turning out to be nearly one-third the normal
reaching the 'Married Accommodation
rates which we knew. We also felt sad at how
Project' at DSSC and local tourism thereafter.
deprived the locals were of Dollars and how
Eager to be of help, we frantically started
badly they needed them. Hiding our
looking for the discarded Business Cards of
profound happiness and feigning some
numerous Taxiwalas which had flooded our
reluctance at parting with the 'precious'
homes and the Lockers even before we could
Dollars, we confirmed the first deal
get our feet firmly set.
immediately- a trip to Coimbatore.
The contact with the first Taxiwala
Me and my wife leapt with joy and
itself sounded too reasonable to be true. When
pounced on the Piggy Bank. Our delight knew
enquired about the charges, the operator
no bounds when we found some 20 US Dollars
quickly asked if we could pay in 'Dollars'.
and almost as many Canadian Dollars therein.
Though the world's most powerful currency,
Never had I admired my NRI cousins more.
we were surprised at its demand in the hills.
We quickly calculated and realised some four
Could it be because there are fewer financial
or five pickups/ drop to Coimbatore and eight
institutions around? Or was it due to critical
to ten Ooty sightseeing trips which were
possible using those currencies. In a very
February 15
satisfied and content tone, I told my wife that
had underestimated the cost implications just
she no longer will have to wait for a free
by about three times. Though quite
weekend that I may get once in a while. She
disappointed, I kept my disgust back at the
could instead set out on a chauffeur driven
Taxiwala's plans to have a bigger blast than us.
shopping spree to Ooty anytime. Even when I
I informed the Taxiwalla that let alone keeping
am around, I conveyed my preference for this
bottles, my Liquor Cards have been cancelled
astonishingly economical service for local
in the past due to absolute non- usage. In the
sight-seeing and save myself from the hassles
same breath, I recollected opening address of
of driving and parking. Suddenly, everything
the Col (GS) to the 70th Staff Course and
appeared so convenient on the hills!!
conveyed it as strongly that this barter cannot
The next Tut Break (which fortunately
and must not be attempted at the DSSC.
was round the corner) came the Taxiwala.
But we still had to go on. With a tired
Both the service provider as well as the
sullen tone, I enquired the taxi fare in 'Rupees'
consumer sounded quite happy and thrilled
and not 'Dollars'. Realising that the customer
at the deal.
After ironing out small little
had no clue of Dollars, terse came the reply
issues, we loaded the Taxi with our Picnic
from the Taxi driver- 1400 for Coimbatore
materials, ready for some fun enroute and at
drop/ pickup and 2000 for same day return,
Coimbatore. As they normally would, the
not negotiable!! And so it was. We boarded the
driver asked for some advance. A considerate
taxi sans Dollars in a sombre mood. All the
passenger like me knew that the Taxi would
plans of Nilgiris tourism were shaken. But
need to fuel up and hence, agreed to pay him
there was also some strength seeping from
some amount in 'Rupees' at the Petrol Pump.
somewhere as the cab rolled down the hills of
But the driver was confused and asked if I had
Nilgiris. Its source was probably our
kept some Dollars with me. I quickly flashed
reinforced conviction about not doing
few crisp Dollars out of my Wallet to assure
something which is wrong and doing right
him. But he was not impressed and asked me
things- even if they may pinch hard!!!
if the 'bottles' have been kept. Now, it was my
turn to be confused. But it occurred like a flash
to me that while the 'Dollar' was being taken
literally by us, it was actually a local codeword
for the 'savoured' alcoholic drink. All our
calculations quickly fell in place as one bottle
of the most popular alcoholic beverage cost
almost three US dollars. So, it meant that we
Cdr Syed Qais Hayat
February 15
The Gut Feeling: Part II
work at breaking the food down, digesting it
To look leaner, toned and more importantly
and absorbing it. The process is called DIT
healthy we just have to follow four most basic
“Digestion Induced Thermo genesis” in
principles of eating right.
simple words “Calorie burning”.
Never Wake up to Tea or Coffee. I know it
Secondly, eating every two hrs
takes a lot to give up on that morning tea, but
ensures you eat small portions, hence less
its worth all troubles and if you can't leave it
calories. When our body gets regular dose of
make sure that you eat something before it.
small calories they are better utilized and are
Why to make such a fuss? Let me explain:
not stored as fats. Body feels reassured of
when we wake up our sugar levels are low and
regular intake hence need of fat storage never
sometimes body takes to breaking the muscles
to compensate.
Eat more when you are more active and eat
So, to keep our muscles alive, we must eat. Tea
less when you are less active. Relative eating
or coffee doesn't fill the bill because due to
not only pertains to your external physical
caffeine our blood pressure increases which is
activity but also the intrinsic system of our
perceived as stress by the body and hence it
body. Most of us accumulate fat just because
produces fat. Moreover, it increases our sugar
we don't eat when our metabolism is at peak
levels without any actual intake of nutrients
and this turns into hunger at a time when our
and this masks our hunger for long without us
body is slowing down. No food is fattening,
realizing it.
you just have to be smart enough to choose
Eat Every two Hours. Most of us will say we
right time to eat it. You can apply one thumb
can't eat so many times, but what we
rule, our body is at peak till 12 noon which
completely overlook is that we eat a lot at one
reduces by 6 PM and after that it is just
time. Our stomach does not understand our
relaxing. Hence our main meal should finish
time constrains and it keep on producing HCL
by 6 PM.
and expects you to eat. Unfortunately, the
Finish Your last Meal at Least Two Hours
moment it sends the signal, we stuff it with tea,
Prior to Sleep. It is basically an extension of
coffee, cigarettes, samosa & bread rolls at
rule three but can only be followed if you
Chanakya. To cut the long story short let me
follow above three rules. At night, cells are
explain what does eating often do for you?
naturally not very sensitive to energy or
Firstly, every time you eat your body has to
February 15
They don't really need much, so if we overload
repair?”, hence it does niether of the jobs
our stomach most of it is wasted or converted
properly. Therefore, eating the last meal in
to fats. The worst thing is eating a lot and then
time is crucial for long term health and body
sleeping immediately which generally
happens with us after the parties and happy
hours. While we sleep our body repairs cells
The article will not be justified if I don't give a
and rejuvenates. The overloaded stomach is
diet schedule that all of you can follow during
torn between two things “To digest or
your stay at DSSC :-
Wake Up
0600 Hr
Break fast
0800 Hr
Routine Break fast
Coffee Break
1000 Hr
Grams/Paneer/ Brown Bread Veg
Sandwich/Roti Roll/Peanuts
1200 Hr
Grams/Paneer/ Brown Bread Veg
1400 Hr
Split your lunch in two
1600 Hr
Curd/ Milk/Tea/Split lunch
1900 Hr –
2000 Hr
Light Dinner
If we can only spare five minutes between your busy schedules and show some smartness to
carry ready to eat meals then we can very well achieve the goal of fitness we always wanted to
Maj Abhishek Chaudhary
February 15
February 15
ARMY DAY - 2015
February 15
List of New Books - College Library
1. 320.1254/BAL
Balachandran Vappala.
National Security & Intelligence
Management :
New Paradign,
Indus Source Books, Mumbai, 2014.
2. 327.54051/KUR
Kurian Nimmi.
India-China Borderlands :
Conversations Beyond The Centre,
Sage, New Delhi, 2014.
3. 327.54058/PAN
Pant Harsh V.
India's Afghan Muddle :
Lost Opportunity,
Harper Collins, Up, 2014.
4. 327.73/POS
Posen Barry R.
Restraint :
New Foundation For Us Grand Strategy,
Cornell University Press, New York, 2014.
5. 330.9/KEN
Kenny Charles.
Upside Of Down :
Why The Rise Of The Rest Is Good For The
Basic Books, New York, 2013.
6. 330.954/CHA
Chadda Maya.
Why India Matters,
Viva Books, New Delhi, 2015.
7. 330.954/GOY
Goyal Ashima.
Oxford Handbook Of The Indian Economy
In The 21st Century,
Oxford, New Delhi, 2014.
February 15
8. 341.67/RAG
Raghavan VR.
Nuclear Disarmament :
India - EU Perspectives,
Vij Books India Ltd, New Delhi, 2011.
9. 355.0973/STE
Steinberg James.
Strategic Reassurance & Resolve :
US-China Relations In The Twenty-First
Princeton, New Jersey, 2014.
10. 355.425/BOO
Boot Max.
Invisible Armies - Epic History :
Guerrilla Warfare From Ancient Times To
The Present,
Liveright Publishing Corporation, New York,
11. 355.4251/YUS
Yusuf Moeed W.
Insurgency & Counterinsurgency In South
Foundation Books, New Delhi, 2014.
12. 359.37/BRE
Brewster David.
India's Ocean :
Story Of India's Bid For Regional
Routledge, London, 2014.
13. 359.5/ELL
Elleman Bruce A.
Naval Power & Expeditionary Warfare :
Peripheral Campaigns & New Theatres Of
Naval Warfare,
Routledge, London, 2013.
ITOW Programme for the Month of February 2015
13 Feb 15
Group Presentation
on ‘ Parenting and
Group Presentation
on ‘Unveiling Ego
Group 5
Lecture on
Mrs Jhumur S Roy
20 Feb 15
27 Feb 15
1000 Hr
Group 6
1130 Hr
1000 Hr
1130 Hr
1000 Hr
1130 Hr
Tentative Schedule of Events for the Month of February 2015
01 Feb 15
Golf (Rajpal Memorial)
07 Feb 15
07 Feb 15
07 – 08 Feb 15
COAS Golf (Army Cup)
09 – 15 Feb 15
Basketball (Comdt’s Salver)
February 15
Tentative Cinema Programme at Mulla
07 Feb 15
08 Feb 15
14 Feb 15
Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb
(English Movie)
Baby (Hindi Movie)
15 Feb 15
21 Feb 15
The Theory of Everything (English Movie)
22 Feb 15
28 Feb 15
Happy Ending (Hindi Movie)
01 Mar 15
Ration Programme
06 Feb 15
WH area, Castle, Nilgiris, New
09 Feb 15
Map Qrs
10 Feb 15
GH Block Nos 03 to 16
12 Feb 15
GH Block 01 to 02 & Cir
14 Feb 15
GH Block Nos 17 to 28
17 Feb 15
GH Block Nos 29 to 42
27 Feb 15
All Permanent Officers
28 Feb 15
All Permanent Officers
February 15
Readers are requested to send their articles & feedback to Gp Capt V Rajagopalan, L.No.91
College Mail- afds91@army.mil, raja.iaf@gmail.com
Printed at : Production Department
Compiled by : N. Senthil Kumar