Department of Science and Technology Government of India APPLICATION FOR A JOINT RESEARCH GRANT UNDER THE INDO-SOUTH AFRICAN FLAGSHIP PROGRAMME IN ASTRONOMY JUNE 2015 The completed application form must be submitted to Mr Stephen Dlamini at in South Africa and Dr. Rajiv Kumar at in India by 31 July 2015. Also note that this is specifically for the Flagship programme as listed out in the concept note. PART I: GENERAL INFORMATION Title: Modality (tick appropriate box) a. Enhanced scientific exchange programme (FLAGSHIP) b. Joint research seminar/workshop c. Joint instrumentation development project Desired Starting Date: Overall Budget Distribution Applied for at NRF (Rand) Applied for at DST-India (Rupees) Desired Completion Date: 2015 2016 2017 Total Page 2 Names, addresses and affiliations of Principal Investigators South Africa India Name Title University/Institution Dept./Faculty Address Telephone No E-mail Gender Race (not applicable to India) Citizenship (not applicable to India) Names, address and affiliation of supervised/co-supervised doctoral student if applicable Name and affiliation of Supervisor Name and affiliation of Co-supervisor* * Co-supervision has to be in a formal sense Name of doctoral student Resident university of doctoral student E-mail Gender Race (not applicable to India) Citizenship (not applicable to India) Names and affiliations of other researchers/students participating in the project in South Africa and in India as appropriate (add rows where required). Full name and nationality Degree Institution/s India or SA Student or researcher Race (SA only) /Gender Page 3 Signatures (All copies submitted should contain the signature of the submitting Principal Investigators of both India and South Africa, as well as the Research Authorising Officer for the South African institution) Indian Principal Investigator’s Name: Position: Signature: Date: South African Principal Investigator’s Name: Position: Signature: Date: South African Research officer: Signature: Date: PART II –DID YOU RECEIVE FUNDING FROM A PREVIOUS CALL FOR COOPERATION BETWEEN SA AND INDIA. IF YES PLEASE GIVE DETAILS (EXTEND SPACE WHERE REQUIRED) Page 4 PART III - DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT a) Joint scientific exchange programme (max. 1000 words) b) Joint research seminar/workshop (max. 1000 words) or c)Joint instrumentation development project (max 3000 words) Please use the following headings: 1. Project description 2. Objectives 3. Methodology 4. Expected outcomes 5. Added value to Indo-SA cooperation in Astronomy Page 5 PART IV - TIME SCHEDULE AND WORK PLAN Please outline the activities planned by the Indianand South African investigators for the total period of the project (extend space where required) Research Activity Location of Research Activity Country Explanatory Remarks (where required) Institution Proposed Days Start Month Year End Month Year Page 6 PART V - BUDGET DESCRIPTION BUDGET APPLIED FOR BY THE SOUTH AFRICAN PI (in Rands) Travel, accommodation, subsistence allowance, running expenses: (add rows where required) Description: Budget (Rands) 2015 2016 2017 Total TOTAL BUDGET APPLIED FOR BY THE INDIAN PI (in Rupees) Travel, accommodation, subsistence allowance, running expenses: (add rows where required) Description: Budget (Rupees) 2015 TOTAL 2016 2017 Total Page 7 3. OTHER SOURCES OF SUPPORT 3.1 Is this research currently being supported by other sources? YES NO If yes, please indicate the sources, amounts and periods of support. 3.2 Has this project been submitted to other agencies for financial support? YES NO If yes, please indicate which agencies, and when. PART VI - BIOGRAPHICAL AND PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION 1. Principal Investigator –South Africa Title Surname Other Names Nationality Year of Birth Resume (Relevance of the researcher’s professional background to the proposed research). In addition, please include the following: 1. Academic and professional training, including names of institutions, years of study, degrees and diplomas. 2. Academic and professional experience, including names of institutes and companies, role and period. Page 8 3. Research areas (detailed areas of research in which the researcher has been involved). 4. Publications and patents (during last two years). 5. Any additional detail which may assist in evaluating the professional background of the researcher. 2. Principal Investigator –India Title First Names Family Name Nationality Year of Birth Resume (Relevance of the researcher’s professional background to the proposed research). In addition, please include the following: 1. Academic and professional training, including names of institutions, years of study, degrees and diplomas. 2. Academic and professional experience, including names of institutes and companies, role and period. 3. Research areas (detailed areas of research in which the researcher has been involved). 4. Publications and patents (during last two years). 5. Any additional detail which may assist in evaluating the professional background of the researcher.
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