Project Proposal Form STRATEGIC INDO-SWEDISH COOPERATIVE INNOVATION PROGRAMME ON “EMBEDDED SYSTEMS” 2014 A. PROJECT 1. Title of Project 2. Specific research field Field Sub-field Embedded systems ※ please be sure to be specific. 3. Project Duration / / ~ / / ※ Project duration should be 18-30 months. (dd/mm/yyyy)(Years & Months) 2 4. Summary of Project Keywords Objectives Approach Expected outcome and market potential ※ Attention - font: Times New Roman, size: 11 points / Do not exceed space provided. 3 5. Personal Data of National Project Coordinator (NPC) INDIA Name of NPC Title/ Designation Department Organization Address of Organization Office phone # Cell phone # Fax # e-mail Date of Birth SWEDEN Name of NPC Title/ Designation Department Organization Address of Organization Office phone # Cell phone # Fax # e-mail Date of Birth 4 6. Project partners Partners in Indian Team (The Academic other partners must be from same Institute) Name Organization, Division Title Degree Specialty Title Degree Specialty (Leader) (Partners) Partners in Swedish Team Name (Leader) (Partners) Organization, Division 5 B. TECHNICAL INFORMATION 1. Objectives of Project (up to 200 words) 2. Justification for collaboration, including background to the proposed project, each partner’s expertise and specific contribution to the project, and the added value of the proposed collaboration (up to 400 words) 6 3. Descriptions of the Cooperative project – maximum 6 pages (font size 12 pt) (Note: This should include expected outcome of the project incl. significance for industry and society, special strengths of the groups, the expected added value incl. how the groups complement each other, how cooperation can be strengthened over time, worldwide comparison of similar activities, plan for exploitation of results, plan for contract between the parties and handling of Intellectual Property within the consortium.) Background Business needs and justification for project approach Impact Implementation Actor constellations Work plan (schedule, milestones and deliverables) 7 Form-5 4. Plan for the execution of the Cooperative Project - with clear description of activities on both sides, added value from bilateral collaboration as well as of the elements of cooperation and exchange, 3 pages maximum 8 5. Facilities related to project activity available at the institutions where the project will be carried out: At the Collaborating Indian organizations At the Collaborating Swedish organizations 6. Information of visiting persons for technical mission (per annum). Estimation of the ex pected plan of visits. A. India to Sweden Name Organization Duration Purpose Organization Duration Purpose 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year B. Sweden to India Name 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year ※ Attention: Please add lines if necessary. 9 7. Expected results of Cooperation (e.g. new or improved products, services, prototypes, demonstrations, patents etc.). (up to 100 words) 8. Personal and Professional Data (CV) of Indian and Swedish NPCs must be attached. Do not exceed two pages A4 size for each NPC (Font: Times New Roman, size: 11 points). 9. Complementary resources. Cite other national or international funding resource s for related projects including funding agencies, funding period and grant amount. 10 C. FINANCIAL INFORMATION Requested funding Indian side (mobility expenses) Year No. and duration of each visit to Sweden st 1 International air-fare and overseas insurance (only in INR for Visits from India to Sweden) Accommodation, per-diem etc. in INR. (For visits from Sweden to India) as per the prescribed rates Total 2nd 3rd Total Indian side (project research costs in INR) Year Accessories/spare parts of scientific Consumables Manpower (project equipment etc. scientific staff) 1st Total 2nd 3rd Total Swedish side (mobility expenses) Year No. and duration of each visit to India International air-fare and overseas insurance only) in SK for visits from Sweden to India accommodation, per-diem etc. in SK for visits from India to Sweden 1st 2 nd 3r d TOTAL Swedish side (other project/research costs, in Swedish Kroner) Year 1st 2nd 3rd Total Total Total 11 D. Signatures of the National Project Coordinators ▶ Swedish NPC Name Signature Date____ Signature Date____ ▶ Indian NPC Name We hereby confirm that all the information given in this application and the attachments is correct to the best of my knowledge. INSTITUTIONS ENDORSEMENT: Certified that the infrastructural facilities related to the project activity is available in this Institution and all necessary administrative support will be extended for the project Indian Institution: Swedish Institution: Name Name: Position Position: Signature Signature: Date Date:
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