Bright site of life Expat Guide for the Maastricht Region 2010 World Class in the Maastricht Region TEFAF The World’s leading arts and antiques Fair. André Rieu Violinist who performs around the world with his Johann Strauss orchestra. UCI World Championship road cycling 2012 Takes place in the Maastricht Region. Pinkpop The Netherlands’ most famous open-air festival and the world’s longest running annual outdoor pop festival. WELCOME TO THE BRIGHT SITE I]^h^hVheZX^VaejWa^XVi^dcidiZaahd"XVaaZYÈZmeVihÉ dgÈeZdeaZ[gdbVWgdVYÉ]dl^ciZgZhi^c\VcYeaZVh" Vci^i^hida^kZVcYldg`^ci]ZBVVhig^X]iGZ\^dc# >iÉhVXijVaanV\gZVie^ini]VihjX]Vi]^c\^hcZZYZY WZXVjhZWncdl_jhiVWdjiZkZgndcZ^ci]ZldgaY h]djaY`cdl]dleaZVhVci^i^h#LZaa!i]ViÉhVW^i d[V_d`ZgZVaan!Vai]dj\]VihdbZed^ci^cVaad[djg XdcXZgih!l]^X]lZ\^kZi]gdj\]djii]ZldgaY!> ValVnhegdjYaniZaaZkZgndcZVWdjidjgWZVji^[ja gZ\^dc#Hd^ci]VigZheZXi!bndgX]ZhigVVcY>]VkZ WZZcYd^c\hdbZVYkZgi^h^c\[dgi]ZBVVhig^X]i GZ\^dc[dgnZVghcdl# 7ji>YdcÉi]VkZidgZ]ZVghZVcni]^c\Ä^i_jhi XdbZhcVijgVaan#;gdbVegd[Zhh^dcVaed^cid[k^Zl! bVnWZ^ildjaYWZbdgZegVXi^XVa[dgbZida^kZ^c AdcYdc!EVg^h!7Zga^cdgCZlNdg`![dgZmVbeaZ#7ji Vai]dj\]>adkZidk^h^ii]ZhZeaVXZhÄeVgi^XjaVgan CZlNdg`Ä>ValVnhZc_dnXdb^c\WVX`idBVVh" ig^X]i!bn]dbZ#7ZXVjhZ>ÒgbanWZa^ZkZi]Vii]^h ^hh^beandcZd[i]ZbdhiYZa^\]i[jaeaVXZhida^kZ# ;dgVhiVgi!^iÉhVgZ\^dc[jaad[kZgnbjh^XVaeZdeaZ! l]^X]^hVW^\VYkVciV\Z[dgbZ!VhndjXVc^bV\" ^cZ#I]ZeZdeaZ]ZgZVgZWgdj\]ijedcVY^Zid[ WgVhhWVcYhVcYX]d^gh#I]ZgZÉhV]^\]hiVcYVgYd[ XjaijgVaa^[Z]ZgZ!VcY]ZgZ>ÉbeVgi^XjaVganiVa`^c\ VWdjii]ZXjaijgZi]VieZdeaZiV`ZeVgi^ci]Zb" hZakZh# L]ViVahdVeeZVahidbZ^hi]Z\ddY"cVijgZYcZhhd[ i]ZeZdeaZ]ZgZ#I]ZnYdcÉiZmV\\ZgViZ#I]ZnÉgZ cVijgVa#6cYi]ZclZ]VkZVaai]ViWZVji^[jaXdjc" ignh^YZl^i]^ih]^aahVcYlddYaVcYh#6cYi]ZX^i^Zh a^`Z=ZZgaZcVcYH^iiVgY!WjiVahd6VX]Zc!A^\Z VcY=VhhZai#>ceVgi^XjaVg!>adkZi]ZBZjhZKVaaZn! 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(Elies) Lemkes-Straver Chairman Brainport Development NV 4 8 10 14 16 18 THE BRIGHT SITE THE BRIGHT GUIDE Magazine Service information Interview: Yu-Hwa Ed Sheu Introducing The Netherlands Interview: Neena Kannan About the Maastricht Region Europe by train Interview: John Smylie NEED TO KNOW 25 28 The Dutch way Checklists TO WORK 37 39 40 42 The best place to do business Personal assistance for foreign investors Careers and industries Professional networks TO LIVE 45 46 47 47 47 48 48 48 Housing The Dutch healthcare system Education Day-care for children Transportation Religion Daily needs Waste and recycling TO LOVE 51 52 53 53 54 Sports Leisure Shopping Culture For kids 56 Resources 4/5 YU-HWA ED SHEU BUSINESS GROUP DIRECTOR, DSM INTERVIEW YU-HWA ED SHEU THE WORLD IS BECOMING ONE VILLAGE ;djgnZVghV\d!Nj"=lV:YH]ZjIV^eZ^! 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A bicycle has penultimate right-of-way; only that of the tram supercedes it. Everybody else must yield for bicycles! INTRODUCING THE NETHERLANDS BIRTHDAYS Dutch birthdays are celebrated with great enthusiasm. The most surprising tradition: the birthday persons buy their own cakes! At work you bring pastries for colleagues, at school children bring treats for all their classmates. :meadgVi^dc!Xdadc^hVi^dcVcYigVYZ]VkZ\^kZci]Z CZi]ZgaVcYhVgdaZ^c^ciZgcVi^dcVaV[[V^ghY^hegd" edgi^dcViZid^ihh^oZ#I]^h]VhgZhjaiZY^ci]ZXdhbd" eda^iVcdjiadd`VcYZcigZegZcZjg^VaVii^ijYZd[ idYVn#I]Z9jiX]]VkZZbWgVXZY[dgZ^\cXjaijgZh l]^ahibV^ciV^c^c\i]Z^gdlcjc^fjZ^YZci^in# i^dc9Vn^hhi^aaXdbbZbdgViZYdcBVn*#I]Zedhi" lVgnZVghhVlZXdcdb^XZmeVch^dc#6aVWdjg h]dgiV\ZbZVci^bb^\gVi^dclVhZcXdjgV\ZYVcY \gVYjVaani]ZCZi]ZgaVcYhWZXVbZbjai^XjaijgVa# I]Z+%hVcY,%hVahdhVlhdX^VaVcYXjaijgVa je]ZVkVa!XgZVi^c\i]Za^WZgVaCZi]ZgaVcYhd[idYVn# A short history of the Netherlands Government GZXdgYZY]^hidgnWZ\Vcl^i]i]ZGdbVcXdcfjZhi ^c*,78#L]ZcGdbZYZXa^cZY!i]ZCZi]ZgaVcYh WZXVbZeVgid[i]Z=danGdbVc:be^gZ#6ii]Vi i^bZ!bjX]d[i]ZlZhiZgcCZi]ZgaVcYhlVhhlVbe" aVcY#AVcYgZXaVbVi^dcWgdj\]i]^\]ZgegdYjXi^k^in VcYX^i^Zh\gZlgVe^Yan!VhY^YVcZlbZgX]VciXaVhh# =dlZkZg!i]ZX^i^ZhlZgZk^gijVaan^cYZeZcYZcijci^a jc^iZYWnE]^a^ei]Z<ddYd[7jg\jcYnWZilZZc &)(%VcY&)((# I]ZCZi]ZgaVcYh^hVXdchi^iji^dcVabdcVgX]nl^i] FjZZc7ZVig^mVhi]Z]ZVYd[hiViZ#I]Z8VW^cZi^h bVYZjed[b^c^hiZghVcYX]V^gZYWni]ZEg^bZ B^c^hiZg#>ihYji^Zh^cXajYZi]ZYV^anWjh^cZhhd[ \dkZgcbZci!ZcVXi^c\aZ\^haVi^dc!dkZghZZ^c\adXVa \dkZgcbZciVcY[dgZ^\cgZaVi^dch#I]Z8djcX^ad[ HiViZ^hi]Z\dkZgcbZciÉhX]^Z[VYk^hdgnWdYn# >c&*)-!8]VgaZhK\gVciZYi]ZCZi]ZgaVcYhcdb^cVa ^cYZeZcYZcihiVijh#=dlZkZg!]^hhdcE]^a^e>>d[ HeV^c!VeeVaaZYWni]ZGZ[dgbVi^dc!XdcYZbcZYVaa (b^aa^dc^c]VW^iVcihidYZVi]Vh]ZgZi^Xh!egdbei" ^c\VgZkdaiaZYWnL^aa^Vbd[DgVc\Z#HZkZcÈJc^iZY Egdk^cXZhÉYZXaVgZY^cYZeZcYZcXZ^c&*,.!Vai]dj\] i]^hlVhcdiÒcVaanXdcÒgbZYjci^a&+)-# 9jg^c\i]Z&,i]XZcijgn!=daaVcYWZXVbZVc^bedg" iVciigVY^c\XZcigZVcYVbV_dgXdadc^VaedlZg# CVedaZdc>dXXje^ZYi]ZXdjcign[gdb&,.*id &-&*!l]Zc^igZkZgiZYidVc^cYZeZcYZcibdcVg" X]n#I]ZCZi]ZgaVcYhi]ZcXdch^hiZYd[egZhZci"YVn =daaVcYVcY7Za\^jbjci^a7Za\^Vc^cYZeZcYZcXZ^c &-(%#I]ZXdjcignWZXVbZVXdchi^iji^dcVabdcVg" X]n^c&-)-# I]ZCZi]ZgaVcYhgZbV^cZYcZjigVa^cLdgaYLVg> VcYgZV[ÒgbZY^ihcZjigVa^inVii]ZdjiWgZV`d[ LdgaYLVg>>#=dlZkZg!CVo^<ZgbVcn^ckVYZY^c &.)%VcYdXXje^ZYi]ZXdjcign[dg*nZVgh"A^WZgV" INTRODUCING THE NETHERLANDS EVga^VbZciXdch^hihd[i]ZHZcViZ,*bZbWZgh VcYi]Z=djhZd[GZegZhZciVi^kZh&*%bZbWZgh VcYZaZXiZYWnegdedgi^dcVagZegZhZciVi^dc#6aa 6Xihd[EVga^VbZci]VkZidWZeVhhZYWnWdi] ]djhZh[dgbdgZ^c[dgbVi^dc/lll#b^cWjoV#ca :c\a^h]ÄLZaXdbZidi]ZCZi]ZgaVcYh#:fjVa g^\]ih[dgVaaVgZ\jVgVciZZYWnaVlVcYVgZVXZc" igVaiZcZid[9jiX]hdX^Zin# COMMUNICATION The Dutch tend to be plain-speaking, but there is no intention to appear rude. DINNER It’s usual to bring wine and flowers when invited to dinner. However don’t expect the host to open the wine for the meal. It is very often put aside to be enjoyed later. DRESS CODE Banking and law are formal and traditional, but in many other industries the dress code is casual. The focus is on content rather than form. ENCOUNTERS Virtually everyone shakes hands in the Netherlands when greeting and on departure. In informal situations women and men may also kiss on alternating cheeks. MEETINGS In the Netherlands, people at all levels have their say in decisionmaking. This can take some time, but it ensures that everyone’s view is heard. PUNCTUALITY Call if you are delayed and avoid cancelling meetings at the last minute. Meetings usually have a strict agenda, finishing on time. TELEPHONING People say their name straightaway, at work or at home, when answering or calling. WORK-LIFE BALANCE Personal time is valued. A business lunch is usually preferred to dinner. If you want to motivate Dutch workers, time-off works best. 10 / 11 INTERVIEW NEENA KANNAN NEENA KANNAN CYCLING AND RECYCLING A SENSE OF COMMUNITY 6[iZgheZcY^c\iZcnZVgh^ci]ZJc^iZYHiViZh! 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XVgZZgdeedgijc^i^ZhVcYa^kZanXjaijgVahXZcZegd" YjXZVXa^bViZ^cl]^X]hjhiV^cVWaZ^ckZhibZci^c ÆeZdeaZ!eaVcZiegdÒiÇXVcÓdjg^h]# ABOUT THE MAASTRICHT REGION The Maastricht Region has 600,000 inhabitants living in an area of 20 x 20 km. The Maastricht Region has the best university of applied sciences in the Netherlands. Fast train links to Amsterdam, Brussels, Frankfurt, Cologne, London and Paris. The Maastricht Region is the most popular holiday destination in the Netherlands. There are 26,000 students, 40% of whom are foreign, and all of whom enjoy the best university-level education in the Netherlands. The Maastricht Region hosts the largest art and antiques fair in the world. About EUR 100 million will be invested in the Research & Business Campus in the next 5 years. There are eight airports within an hour’s travel. There are 34,000 companies operating in the Maastricht Region, providing 276,000 jobs. There are 220 kilometres of border shared with foreign countries; only eight kilometres with the Netherlands. The Maastricht Region has the best city in the Netherlands for quality of life. The Maastricht Region has the greenest city in the Netherlands. The Maastricht Region hosts the third most innovative company in the Netherlands: DSM. Collectively, the Maastricht Region’s restaurants boast 8 Michelin stars. One of the biggest and most innovative chemicals clusters in Europe. Best pre-university secondary school and best childcare centre in the Netherlands. The Maastricht Region has 15 museums, 17 concert halls, 14 theatres and 3 art cinemas. The Meuse-Rhine Euroregion (50 km radius) comprises 3.7 million inhabitants, three countries and three languages. The Maastricht Region even has internationally celebrated vineyards. There are approximately 200,000 single-family homes. Labour productivity per FTE is > EUR 116,000 (Netherlands: EUR 82,000). The Maastricht Region has the Netherland’s best hospital. 16 / 17 EUROPE BY TRAIN international high-speed railway national railway EUROPE BY TRAIN AMSTERDAM 2 hrs. TIMETABLE =ZgZ^hVcZVganbdgc^c\ZmVbeaZi^bZiVWaZ[dg%+/%%6BÄ%-/%%6B 6gg# IdiVaigVkZaa^c\i^bZ %*/*- BVVhig^X]iÄA^\Z<#%+/')Ä7gjhhZahB#ÄAdcYdcHi#E# 9Zei# %-/*+ (]gh#*-b^c# %+/&( H^iiVgYVcYBVVhig^X]i!=ZZgaZcÄ:^cY]dkZc%,/%'Ä6bhiZgYVb %-/&( ']gh# %+/'- =ZZgaZcÄ6VX]Zc%,/%&Ä8dad\cZ%-/'-Ä;gVc`[jgi=W[ %./)- (]gh#'%b^c# %+/)( H^iiVgYVcYBVVhig^X]i!=ZZgaZcÄ:^cY]dkZc%,/('Ä6bhiZgYVb %-/)( ']gh# %,/%, BVVhig^X]iÄA^\Z<#%,/(,Ä7gjhhZahB# %-/', &]g#'%b^c# %,/%, BVVhig^X]iÄA^\Z<#%,/(,ÄEVg^hC# %./*. 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AACHEN FRANKFURT 3 hrs. 18 / 19 INTERVIEW JOHN SMYLIE JOHN SMYLIE GIGS, SPACE AND SPORTS IVaa!Vi]aZi^X!l^i]Wdn^h]add`h!?d]cHbna^Z lVhWdgc^c:c\aVcY#>ilVhi]ZÒghibddc aVcY^c\i]ViYZX^YZYi]ZY^gZXi^dc]^h[jijgZ lVh\d^c\idiV`Z#Æ>ilVhl]n>\di^cidVZgd" eaVcZhÇ!]ZZmeaV^ch#Æ>gZVa^hZYi]Vii]Z X]VcXZhd[WZXdb^c\VcVhigdcVjilZgZha^b! l]^X]^hdcZd[i]ZgZVhdch>lZci^cid6^g IgV[ÒX8dcigda#Ç9jg^c\i]Z&.-%h!]Za^kZY^c BVcX]ZhiZgViVc^ccdkVi^kZi^bZ^cedejaVg bjh^X!l]^X]^che^gZY?d]cid\Zi^cidi]Z bjh^XhXZcZ#=ZXdbZh[gdbVbjh^XVa[Vb^an l^i]V8oZX]"<ZgbVcbdi]ZgVcYVHXdii^h] [Vi]Zg#=ZheZci]^h'%hVcY(%hidjg^c\l^i] WVcYhVhVgdVY^Z!hdjcYZc\^cZZg!idjgbVc" V\ZgdghdbZi^bZheaVn^c\WVhh#>c&..'!i]Z WVcY]Zldg`ZY[dg!È8n\cZiG^c\É!\diV WgZV`i]gdj\]gZXdgYYZVa"dcZd[i]ZbdgZ bZbdgVWaZ]^\]a^\]ih# =^heVhh^dc[dgbjh^XVcYhedgiXdci^cjZh# =ZgZ\jaVganigVkZahidX^i^Zha^`Z8dad\cZ! 7gjhhZahdgGdiiZgYVbida^hiZcidV[Vkdjg^iZ WVcYVcYidEVg^hl]ZgZ]ZeaVnh[dgi]ZEVg^h VcY;gVcXZAVXgdhhZiZVbh#?d]c^hVldgaY X^i^oZc!VcY]Z^hkZgn]VeenidXVaaBVVh" ig^X]i]^h]dbZ# THE MAASTRICHT REGION OFFERS ME OPPORTUNITY FOR CREATIVITY 20 / 21 INTERVIEW JOHN SMYLIE I=:B6 6HIG>8=I G:<>DCL6H6 8JAIJG:H=D8@6I ;>GHI# 7Z[dgZbdk^c\idBVVhig^X]i!?d]cldg`ZYVii]Z AdcYdc6^gIgV[ÒX8dcigda8ZcigZVcYa^kZY^c AdcYdc!Wji]ZYZX^YZY^ilVhi^bZidX]Vc\Z#=Z [VcX^ZYhdbZl]ZgZhbVaaZg!hdl]Zc:jgdXdcigda BVVhig^X]id[[ZgZY]^bV_dW!?d]c\gVWWZYi]Z deedgijc^in#ÆBVVhig^X]iJeeZg6gZV8dcigda 8ZcigZ^hdcZd[i]ZbV_dgXZcigZh^c:jgdeZ#L^i] dkZg+%%ZbeadnZZh[gdb'-cVi^dcVa^i^Zh!^iÉhVahd dcZd[i]ZaVg\ZgZbeadnZgh^ci]ZgZ\^dc#DcV WjhnYVnlZXdcigdadkZg*!%%%Ó^\]ih#6hi]ZÒghi Xgdhh"WdgYZgV^gigV[ÒXXdcigdaXZcigZ!ZhiVWa^h]ZY ^c&.,'!^iXdkZghV^gheVXZdkZg[djgXdjcig^ZhVcY VcVgZVd['+%!%%%`b'#I]Z[VX^a^in^hkZgn[dg" lVgY"add`^c\VcYVegdb^cZcieaVnZg^c[jijgZ ^ccdkVi^dc^c:jgdeZVcV^gheVXZ!l]^X]^hdcZd[ i]ZgZVhdchl]n^iÉhhdkZgn^bedgiVci[dgi]Z gZ\^dc#Ç ÆI]ZBVVhig^X]iGZ\^dclVhVXjaijgZh]dX`ViÒghi# >YdcÉibZVcVcni]^c\cZ\Vi^kZWni]^h#>iÉh_jhi i]ViAdcYdc^ha^`ZVW^\bVX]^cZ/Vaa\d[gdbi]Z bdbZcindj\Zijejci^ai]ZbdbZcindj\did WZY#I]^hgZ\^dc^hbdgZegdk^cX^VaVcYbdkZhVadi hadlZg#I]ZÒghinZVg>[djcYbnhZa[igVkZaa^c\WVX` VcY[dgi]idAdcYdc#>ilVha^`ZYg^c`^c\aZhh Xd[[ZZ/ndjhi^aalVcii]ZdXXVh^dcVaide"cdiX] ZhegZhhd#Ç6[iZgi]gZZnZVgh!?d]c[ZaiXdb[dgiVWaZ Zcdj\]idhiVn#=ZbZi]^h\^ga[g^ZcY!Vcdi]Zg ZmeVi!VcYÆYZX^YZYi]Via^[ZlVhhdeaZVhVci]ZgZ! i]Vi^iÉhV\ddYeaVXZidWZ#Ç Æ;dgVegdk^cX^VagZ\^dc!i]ZgZÉhVadi\d^c\dc#>iÉh ZVhn"\d^c\!hV[Z!VcYi]^c\hhZZblZaadg\Vc^hZY# ;dgbZ^i]VhYZÒc^iZanWZZc\ddY#>iÉh\^kZcbZ bdgZXgZVi^kZheVXZVcYVcdeedgijc^inidZmeVcY ^chedgih!XVgZZgVcYigVkZa#>iÉhhjX]VXZcigVaadXV" i^dc!Vai]dj\]igVkZaa^c`hidVcY[gdbBVVhig^X]i XdjaYWZ^begdkZY#>ÉbcdihVn^c\ndjcZZYid\Zi VlVnWji!l]Zcndj[ZZaa^`Z^i!ndjXVc\didEVg^h! 7Zga^cdg6bhiZgYVb#AdcYdcWnigV^c^hVahdhjg" eg^h^c\anfj^X`#Ç ?d]c^hhi^aaVXi^kZan^ckdakZY^cbjh^XVcYdXXV" h^dcVaan9?hVi8V[ZOdcYV\#È6ai]dj\]i]ZgZ\^dc ]VhhdbZ\ddYkZcjZhVcYadihd[ediZci^Va!>ÉYa^`Z idhZZbdgZ^ciZgcVi^dcVaWVcYhhide]ZgZdcidjg# >b^hhi]Vi#I]ZE^c`edeVcYLZgX]iZgbjh^X[Zhi^" kVahVgZ\gZVi!Wji>jhjVaanigVkZaiddi]ZgcZVgWn X^i^Zhida^hiZcidWVcYh#Ç DcVhjccnYVnndjb^\]iÒcY?d]cegVXi^h^c\ aVXgdhhZ^ci]Z8^inEVg`#=ZdXXVh^dcVaanigVkZahid EVg^hideaVnVcYegVXi^XZl^i]]^hiZVbh"EVg^hVcY ;gVcXZ#IdjgcVbZcihiV`ZeaVXZ^cA^aaZ!7gjhhZah VcY<ZgbVcn#>c6j\jhi!i]ZneaVni]Z9Zc=VV\ 7ZVX]AVXgdhhZIdjgcVbZci!VcYYjg^c\i]Z'%&% LdgaYAVXgdhhZ8]Vbe^dch]^eh]Zl^aaWZ^cBVc" X]ZhiZgVhBVcV\Zgd[IZVb;gVcXZ>ci]Z[jijgZ ]ZeaVchiddg\Vc^hZVAVXgdhhZidjgcVbZci^c BVVhig^X]i!ÆWZXVjhZi]^heaVXZ]VhVadid[ediZc" i^Va[dgcZlineZhd[ZkZcih#IV`ZI:;6;!i]Z ldgaYÉhaVg\ZhiÒcZ"Vgi[V^g#>iÉh]ZgZWZXVjhZhdbZ" dcZidd`i]Z^c^i^Vi^kZVcYYZX^YZY/ÈlZÉgZ\d^c\id ]VkZ^i]ZgZÉVcY^iÉhWZZc]ZgZZkZgh^cXZ#>iÉh_jhi a^`Z\ddYbjh^X/bV`Z^iViigVXi^kZZcdj\]VcY eZdeaZVgZegZeVgZYidigVkZa#Ç I=>HEA68:=6H6 ADID;EDI:CI>6A ;DGC:LINE:HD; :K:CIH# the bright guide 22 / 23 THE DUTCH WAY / CHECKLISTS THE BEST PLACE TO DO BUSINESS / PERSONAL ASSISTANCE FOR FOREIGN INVESTORS / CAREERS AND INDUSTRIES / PROFESSIONAL NETWORKS HOUSING / THE DUTCH HEALTHCARE SYSTEM / EDUCATION / DAY-CARE FOR CHILDREN / TRANSPORTATION / RELIGION / DAILY NEEDS / WASTE AND RECYCLING SPORTS / SHOPPING / CULTURE / LEISURE / FOR KIDS 24 / 25 INTERNATIONAL SERVICE DESK MAASTRICHT REGION Its favourable location at a major intersection of roads, cultures and languages has made Maastricht an internationally oriented city. The Maastricht Region has developed rapidly into a centre of knowledge and services. Many foreign companies have discovered Maastricht to be an excellent springboard to access European markets. And as a result, more and more expatriates are drawn to the Maastricht Region, to live, work and study here. In response to this trend, the municipality of Maastricht, Brainport Development, Limburg Development and Investment Company LIOF and the Maastricht Region Branding Foundation started an initiative to support the international community: the International Service Desk Maastricht Region. The desk is an information point for expatriates, the international business community and foreign students in the city of Maastricht and the surrounding region. It provides information and services on a variety of topics, including formalities relating to mandatory registration, parking permits, marriage, registration of birth, converting driving licences, waste collection, etc. Contact us: International Service Desk Maastricht Region Email: or call us at +31 43 350 50 10. Visiting address: Gemeente Maastricht (Municipality of Maastricht) Mosae Forum 10 6211 DW Maastricht Postal address: Gemeente Maastricht (Municipality of Maastricht) PO Box 1992 6201 BZ Maastricht If you have any questions or queries about your plans to stay in Maastricht, please contact us. Facts &MFDUSJDJUZJT7)[ 5IFNPTUDPNNPOIFBUJOHGVFMJT natural gas. 8BUFSJTVTVBMMZNFUFSFE 5FMFQIPOFTJOUIF/FUIFSMBOETVTF different connector plugs to many other countries, which means phones bought outside the Netherlands may not work without an adaptor or a new plug. 5IFNPCJMFQIPOFTZTUFNJO&VSPQF uses the GSM standard. 5IFSFBSFNBOZUFMFQIPOFDPNQBOJFT offering cheap international calling. *OUFSOFU°DPNQVUFSTNBEFUPVTF mains power systems other than 220 volts and 50 Hz will not work without adaptors. 5FMFWJTJPOJO&VSPQFVTFTUIF1"- standard. NEED TO KNOW THE DUTCH WAY SOCIAL SECURITY The Netherlands has a fairly typical European social security system: i.e. it is expensive to run, but offers good benefits to those in need. Nevertheless, the current system is still regarded as one of Dutch society’s finest achievements. The main principle behind the Dutch social system is that everyone should be able to play an equally active role in society. Some people need help in doing so: the old and disabled, families on low incomes, young people without qualifications, ethnic and other minorities. In some cases it is possible for expats to opt out of paying social security in the Netherlands if Form E101 or a certificate of coverage are obtained before departure. The unemployment benefit premium is paid partially by the employer and partially by the employee. The premium for the National Health Insurance Act is paid by the employer. More information: The SVB provides brochures on social security in several foreign languages. CITIZEN SERVICE NUMBER The Citizen Service Number – in Dutch written as Burger Servicenummer or BSN – is a unique personal ID number for every citizen registered in the Population Register (the Municipal Personal Records Database) of the municipal authorities. This number is needed for a variety of formalities, so it is important to obtain it as soon as possible. You will automatically obtain a Citizen Service Number when you come to live in the Netherlands and register with the municipal authorities. TAXATION Cross-border workers If you are a ‘cross-border worker’, i.e. you reside in another country but still receive wages from a Dutch employer, you will need a tax and social security number. You can apply for this from the tax office in Maastricht: 0800-0543. Visiting address: Terra Nigrastraat 10, 6216 BL Maastricht. Post address: Postbus 5750, 6202 MB Maastricht. The 30% tax ruling The Dutch are taxed relatively highly; foreigners, however, often qualify for an advantageous income tax regulation whereby 30% of their income is classed as a tax-free allowance. According to the ruling, an employer may provide a taxfree allowance of 30% of the total salary of an employee. Any application for the 30% ruling must be made by the employer and the employee. 26 / 27 Does Dutch Bureaucracy get on your nerves too? How to apply for the 30% tax ruling Each case is specific and not all information is relevant. In practice it is easiest to see your HR Manager and discuss your case with him/her. È:ZiXV[ÉhÉ need to be signed by several different authorities in order to be legalised. This is called the legalisation chain. 8V[H_^Z`!BVVhig^X]i 6bjhi The official website of the Ministry of Finance provides detailed tax-related information in English:, Maastricht Region also offers personal assistance, please contact: +31 43 328 25 65 or for services powered by PricewaterhouseCoopers. NEED TO KNOW lll#XV[Zh_^Z`#ca Some countries have entered into agreements to streamline the legalisation chain. This means that certain documents from one country may be used in another country with only a single legalisation or even none at all. GZhiVjgVci*#%!=ZZgaZc GZhiVjgVcihZgk^c\]VeenegdYjXih lll#gZhiVjgVcik^_[ejcicja#ca VISAS Èi=^_\ZcY=Zgi!K^_aZc Citizens of some countries, such as those of the EU, Australia, Canada, Japan, Norway, the US and South Korea, can enter the Netherlands with the purpose of residing without a visa. Most other nationalities need a visa - a so-called Authorisation for Temporary Stay (MVV). Check with your HR Manager, International Office or local Dutch Embassy if unsure. 8V[^ci]ZlddYh/ÈI]ZEVci^c\9ZZgÉ# lll#WdhXV[Z#ca BdZYZgYZ<Vch!IZjkZc7: ÈBdi]Zg<ddhZÉ!V7Za\^VcIVkZgc/adXVa The best-known legalisation convention is the Apostille Convention (5 October 1961). This convention does not completely abolish legalisation but shortens the chain so that only a single action is required: the addition of an apostille (certification stamp). A document bearing an apostille does not require any further legalisation by the embassy or consulate of the country in which it is to be used. For more information on legalising foreign documents, see,legalisation_of_documents VcYdg\Vc^X# Applying for a voluntary visa can be advantageous even for those who do not need them. This is because people with visas have had basic checks on their documents before entering the Netherlands, and can therefore start work immediately after entry. lll#bdZYZgYZ\Vch#WZ BANKING HaVkVciZ!BVVhig^X]i 6[dgbZgbdcVhiZgnl^i]VbV\c^Ò" XZcik^Zl# lll#haVkVciZ#ca WORK PERMITS In order to work in the Netherlands, employees from countries outside the EU and Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Liechtenstein must either have a work permit or be accepted into the Knowledge Migrant scheme (see below). They may also be accepted as a researcher according to EU regulation 2005/71/EG. This also applies to citizens from the new EU member states: Romania and Bulgaria. People who don’t need a work permit can start work immediately although they should apply for a Citizen Service Number (Burger Servicenummer or BSN) right away. Those needing a work permit must obtain one before they can legally start work. Getting a visa, work permit and residence permit can take between one and four months. 7n?Vc"BVgi^c6]gZcYi In the Netherlands there are a number of banks that offer services to private customers. The major banks are ABN AMRO, Rabobank, SNS, ING and Fortis. All towns and most villages have local branches that are normally open during office hours. Automatic cash dispensers (ATMs) are also widely available. The services that the banks offer include, personal and Internet banking, insurance and mortgages. Egd_ZXibVcV\ZgBVVhig^X]i:jgdeZ VcY>ciZgcVi^dcVaHZgk^XZ9Zh`# You will need a Dutch bank account if you are going to live here for some time. To open an account you must go in person to the bank. The bank will ask for your BSN number, which will be issued by the Town Hall following approval by the immigration authorities. It is a good idea to keep your old bank account in your home country. If you do not already use Internet banking, then now may be a good time to thinking about setting it up. INSURANCE All work permits are specific to a given job and the company usually makes the application. There are a number of different types, please check the following website for details on visas and residence permits: www.expatguideholland. com/themes/formalities The type and amount of insurance you need is largely a personal decision. For the available types of insurances please visit: themes/finance___insurance For more information: LEGALISATION The Dutch authorities and the authorities of other countries need to be certain about the status of each other’s documents. This is often difficult to establish. Legalisation confirms that a document was issued by someone with the authority to issue it and that the signatures it bears are genuine. Some documents 28 / 29 8dciZbedgVgn CHECKLISTS Vgi^hih BEFORE LEAVING 8jaijgZl^i] i]Z`^Yh 7VhYZL^i CVijgVa=^hidgnBjhZjb! H^Y^:a@VgX]^ G^`BZ^_Zgh ?dlVckVc7VgcZkZaY 7^g\^iiVkVc9g^Z ?ZgdZckVc7Zg\Zc 7n8Vi]Vg^ZcGdb^_c 8jgVidg!9HBVgiXdaaZXi^dc# 6QEBUFZPVSQBTTQPSUNBLFTVSFJUJTWBMJEGPSBUMFBTUPOFZFBSBGUFSBSSJWBMJO the Netherlands, and for the full duration of your planned stay if possible. 6QEBUFZPVSESJWJOHMJDFODFNBLFTVSFJUIBTBUMFBTUPOFZFBSCFGPSFJUT expiry date. If it has no expiry date, make sure it is not more than nine years since it was issued. -FHBMJTBUJPOHFUZPVSCJSUIBOENBSSJBHFDFSUJ¾DBUFTMFHBMJTFEPSBQPTUJMMFE Documents may also need to be translated if not already in English, French, German or Dutch. Different rules apply to different nationalities, so check with your HR Manager for information about your personal situation. :PVSFNQMPZFSBQQMJFTGPSZPVSFOUSZWJTBBOEZPVDBODPMMFDUJUJGBQQMJDBble). Your HR Manager / International Office can advise you on the correct procedure. BVVhig^X]i 6[Vb^an"h^oZbjhZjb# lll#c]bbVVhig^X]i#ca =dZchWgdZ`8VhiaZ!=dZchWgdZ` 6ji]Zci^XbZY^ZkVaXVhiaZ[dg`^Yh# <V^VEVg`!@Zg`gVYZ 6oddi]ViÉhh`^aa[jaanZbWZYYZY^ci]Z lll#\V^VeVg`#ca 6fjVg^jb"BjhZjb!A^\Z7: 6cZYjXVi^dcVajc^kZgh^inbjhZjb! 9dbZ^c7dkn!=ZjhYZc" OdaYZg7: Social security, insurance and taxation: *GBQQMJDBCMFHFUBO&GPSNJGZPVXJTIUPQBZTPDJBMTFDVSJUZJOZPVS home country. $IFDLZPVSIFBMUIJOTVSBODF°NBLFTVSFUIFSFXJMMCFOPQFSJPEXIFOZPV are not covered. $IFDLXJUIZPVSFNQMPZFSGPSQPTTJCMFDPMMFDUJWFJOTVSBODF Vehicles: $POTJEFSXIFUIFSUPCSJOHZPVSDBSXJUIZPV %VUDIQVSDIBTFUBYFTBSFIJHI7FIJDMFTGPSQFSTPOBMVTFNBZCFJNQPSUFEUBY free under certain conditions (the most important is that you have had and used the car for more than six months). *UNBZCFEJG¾DVMUUPHFUWFIJDMFTPWFSZFBSTPMEUISPVHIFOWJSPONFOUBM testing. (FUBOPDMBJNTTUBUFNFOUGSPNZPVSDVSSFOUJOTVSBODFDPNQBOZ Moving: Good preparation is essential before any international move. No matter how well prepared you are, it is likely you will experience some unexpected surprises in the first weeks. This checklist may help. 6WZVji^[jaXdjcinZhiViZ[dgV[Vb^an V[iZgcddc# lll#YdbZ^cWdkn#WZ 7d`g^_`!7Za\^jb DeZc"V^gbjhZjbl^i]eaVn\gdjcY# lll#a^bWjg\#WZ$Wd`g^_` Arrangements for removals: "SSBOHFGPSBSFNPWBMDPNQBOZBOEJOTVSBODF $IFDLJGBOFYFNQUJPOPGEVUJFTGPSNJTOFDFTTBSZOPSNBMMZTVQQMJFECZ removals company). "SSBOHFEJTDPOOFDUJPOPGIPVTFIPMEVUJMJUJFT "SSBOHFTUPSBHFGPSBOZJUFNTZPVBSFOPUCSJOHJOHXJUIZPV $POUBDUZPVSMPDBMQPTUPG¾DFUPBSSBOHFSFEJSFDUJPOPGNBJM 7nHjZa^7gdY^c ;gZcX]$7gVo^a^Vc$9jiX]gZh^YZcia^k^c\ ^ci]ZBVVhig^X]iGZ\^dch^cXZ&..)! :meVid[i]ZNZVg'%&%!Wad\\Zg[dgi]Z Healthcare: 3FRVFTUNFEJDBMSFDPSET°NBLFTVSFZPVHFUZPVSDIJMESFOµTGVMMWBDDJOBUJPO records. Pets: $IFDLUIBUBOJNBMTIBWFBQQSPQSJBUFJEFOUJ¾DBUJPODIJQPSUBUUPP BOEEPDVmentation. $POUBDUZPVSWFUGPSQFUSFHJTUSBUJPOWBDDJOBUJPOBOEFYQPSUQBQFST $POUBDUUIFUSBOTQPSUDPNQBOZUPBSSBOHFTIJQNFOU "SSBOHFDPMMFDUJPOBOEUSBOTQPSUJOUIF/FUIFSMBOET l^i]Vh]Vg`iVc` lll#VfjVg^jb"bjhZjb#ja\#VX#WZ Children: $PMMFDUFYBNQMFTPGZPVSDIJMEµTDVSSFOUTDIPPMXPSLBOESFQPSUTUFTUSFTVMUT etc. (in English where possible). $IFDLJGUIFSFJTBXBJUJOHMJTUGPSZPVSDIJMEµTZFBSBUUIFJOUFSOBUJPOBM schools in the Maastricht Region and apply for a place. Also do this for childcare organisations if needed. 4QFBLUPBUBYDPOTVMUBOUSFHBSEJOHUBYFYFNQUJPOTBOEUIFJNQMJDBUJPOTPG school fees. 5BLFQIPUPTPGGBNJMZGSJFOETBOEGBNJMJBSQMBDFT $IFDLUIBUDIJMESFOIBWFUIFBEESFTTFTPGGSJFOETXJUIXIPNUIFZXBOUUP stay in contact. &OTVSFUIBUGBWPVSJUFUPZTQFSTPOBMJUFNTTQFDJBMGPPECPPLTBOEHBNFT for the journey and the moving-in period are put aside to go with the hand luggage. Housing: 4UBSUMPPLJOHBUIPVTJOHXFCTJUFTUPHFUBGFFMGPSQSJDFTTJ[FTBOEMPDBUJPOT $IFDLXJUIZPVS)3NBOBHFS*OUFSOBUJPOBM0G¾DFGPSQPTTJCMFIPVTJOHBTTJTtance. lll#`VhiZZa]dZchWgdZ`#ca aVcYhXVeZ# Financial arrangements: "SSBOHFXJUIZPVSCBOLIPXBDDPVOUTBSFUPCFIBOEMFEEVSJOHZPVSTUBZ $BODFMTUBOEJOHPSEFSTBTOFDFTTBSZ *OGPSNZPVSJODPNFUBYPG¾DFPGUIFNPWFBOEDPNQMFUFBOZOFDFTTBSZ forms. NEED TO KNOW BVVhig^X]iGZ\^dc7gVcY^c\;djcYV" i^dcVcYZY^idgd[8gdhhgdVYhlZWbV\" Vo^cZ# What to bring: 5SBOTGPSNFST°.BJOTFMFDUSJDJUZJT7BOE)["$.PTU64BOETPNF other non-European) electrical appliances will not work without a transformer (the North American electrical supply is 110V and 60 Hz). "EBQUPSQMVHT°5IFTFBSFIFMQGVMXIJMFZPVTFUUMFJOBTJUUBLFTUJNFUP change all the plugs. All Dutch electrical sockets use plugs with two circular pins – standard throughout much of Northern Europe (except the UK and Ireland). -BNQT°*GZPVNPWFJOUPVOGVSOJTIFEBDDPNNPEBUJPOJUJTMJLFMZUIBUBMMUIF light fittings and bulbs will have been removed, so bring some lamps with you to provide light until you have installed new fittings. In Dutch houses ceiling lighting is often limited. A flashlight may also prove useful. -JHIU#VMCT°*GZPVCSJOHMBNQTXJUICBZPOFU¾UUJOHTBMTPCSJOHBHPPE supply of light bulbs as you can only buy screw-in bulbs in the Netherlands. WEEZE EINDHOVEN nature ESSEN VENLO city airport E25 highway WEERT 5 km A73 ROERMOND E313 DÜSSELDORF THE MAASTRICHT REGION COLOGNE SITTARD-GELEEN E314 HASSELT E314 LEUVEN HEERLEN / PARKSTAD MAASTRICHT E40 HEUVELLAND AACHEN E313 BRUSSELS E40 AMSTERDAM 200 KM LONDON 490 KM E25 LIÈGE THE MAASTRICHT REGION EUPEN BRUSSELS 110 KM COLOGNE 90 KM E40 FRANKFURT 275 KM CHARLEROI use Me PARIS 400 KM 32 / 33 ;Vh]^dc^hiVh 9gZhhXdYZ!=ZZgaZc ;Vh]^dcVWaZ!?jhi8VkVaa^!A^j?dVcY EVig^o^VEZeZ# 0G¾DFFRVJQNFOU°*GZPVXBOUUPVTF64GPSNBUTUBUJPOFSZCSJOHBTUPDL with you. .FBTVSJOH°%VUDINFBTVSJOHUPPMTBSFNFUSJD .FEJDBUJPO°#SJOHBUISFFNPOUITVQQMZPGBOZNFEJDBUJPOZPVVTF*GZPV have a medical condition requiring attention, bring your medical records. lll#YgZhhXdYZ"]ZZgaZc#ca ;Vh]^dced^ci!BVVhbZX]ZaZc7: 6]j\ZgVc\Zd[WgVcYh[dgbZc! ldbZcVcY`^Yh# lll#[Vh]^dced^ci#WZ >g^cV@]V!A^Z\Z7: 7VaZcX^V\V!B^jB^jVcYEgVYV# lll#^g^cV"`]V#WZ ?Zjg^hhZc!=VhhZai7: I]gZZ\ZcZgVi^dchd[[Vh]^dc# lll#_Zjg^hhZc#Xdb @^`^C^ZhiZc!BVVhig^X]i HinaZ![Vh]^dc!h]dZh# lll#`^`^c^ZhiZc#Xdb @nbn`V!BVVhig^X]i H]dZhVcYWV\h# lll#`nbn`V#ca What not to bring: "QQMJBODFTNPSFUIBODNXJEF°UIJTJTUIFTUBOEBSETQBDFJONPEFSO European kitchens. /PO&VSPQFBOBQQMJBODFT°TQBSFQBSUTNBZOPUCFBWBJMBCMFJGUIFZCSFBL down. "NFSJDBOFMFDUSJDTUPWFT°UIFZXJMMSFRVJSFSFXJSJOH &MFDUSJDBMBQQMJBODFTEFTJHOFEUPSVOPOB)[DZDMFXIJDIJODMVEFDMPDLT oven clocks, clock radios, etc. – the 50 Hz frequency means they will not keep correct time. /PO&VSPQFBO7$3TBOEUFMFWJTJPOT°UIF%VUDITUBOEBSEJT1"- 8BTIJOHNBDIJOFTSFRVJSJOHBIPUXBUFSTVQQMZ°%VUDIIPNFTPOMZQSPWJEF connection to the cold water supply. $MPUIFTESZFST°NBZFYDFFEXBUUBHFMJNJUT .PCJMFQIPOFTUIBUEPOµUXPSLBU.)[PS.)[%VUDI4*.DBSETDBO usually be used. ,JOHTJ[FCFETUIBUDBOOPUCFEJTNBOUMFE°%VUDITUBJSDBTFTBSFPGUFOOBSSPX and steep. /FXGVSOJUVSFBOEFRVJQNFOUGSPNPVUTJEFUIF&6°JUNVTUCFNPSFUIBO months old to avoid import duty. -BSHFPWFOQBOTPSTUPSBHFDPOUBJOFST°%VUDILJUDIFOTBSFPGUFOTNBMM $BSTPXOFEBOEPSVTFEGPSMFTTUIBONPOUIT AVWZah!H^iiVgY Adihd[aVWZah# ON ARRIVAL lll#aVWZah[Vh]^dc#ca There will be quite a few formalities to be completed on arrival in the Netherlands. The exact list of what you need to do depends on your nationality, place of birth, family composition, and your employer’s choice of work permit (in some cases). Good preparation is vital. 7n?ja^V@VaaZcWVX] ;Vh]^dc\ZZ`ViAdkZhid=VkZ#Xdb!eaVi" [dgb[dgaVWZahVcYh]dee^c\^chinaZ# What to expect: .PWJOHUPBOFXDPVOUSZJOWPMWFTCVSFBVDSBDZBOEUIF/FUIFSMBOETJTOP exception. 4PNF%VUDISVMFTBOEQSPDFEVSFTXJMMCFEJGGFSFOUGSPNUIPTFJOZPVSIPNF country. 1MBOUJNFUPBUUFOENFFUJOHTXJUI%VUDIPSHBOJTBUJPOT 1MBOUJNFUPQSFQBSFEPDVNFOUTGPSUIFTFNFFUJOHT $PNNVOJDBUJPOJOGPSNBUJPO JTPGUFOJO%VUDI %FQFOEJOHPOZPVSDPVOUSZPGPSJHJOZPVNBZOFFEBOFOUSZWJTBBXPSL permit and a residence permit. You will need to register with the Town Hall at your new address, which will also issue you with a Citizen Service Number (Burger Servicenummer or BSN). NEED TO KNOW You will need to produce the following documents: #JSUIDFSUJ¾DBUFTMFHBMJTFE $IFDLUIFXFCTJUFPGUIF%VUDI.JOJTUSZPG Foreign Affairs for legalisation procedures for your country of origin. .BSSJBHFDFSUJ¾DBUFMFHBMJTFE 7BMJEQBTTQPSUT.BLFTVSFZPVSQBTTQPSUJTWBMJEGPSBTMPOHBTQPTTJCMF 7BMJEESJWJOHMJDFODFT %VUDIIPVTJOHSFOUBMPSQVSDIBTF DPOUSBDUPSDPOTFOUPGUIFQSJODJQBM occupant). Formalities: "QQMZGPSBOEDPMMFDUZPVSXPSLQFSNJUJGBQQMJDBCMF :PVSFNQMPZFSXJMM submit the application so consult your HR Manager for details. 3FHJTUFSBUUIF5PXO)BMMXIFSFZPVXJMMCFMJWJOH "QQMZGPSZPVSSFTJEFODFQFSNJUJGBQQMJDBCMF *OTPNFDBTFTUIJTBQQMJDBUJPO can be submitted before the work permit has been issued. Consult your HR Manager/International Office for details. 5BLFBUFTUGPSUVCFSDVMPTJTJGBQQMJDBCMF 5IFUFTUJTSFRVJSFEGPSTQFDJ¾D nationalities and is carried out by the Municipal Healthcare Services (GGD). Consult your HR Manager / International Office for details. $PMMFDUZPVS#4/OVNCFSBUUIFMPDBM5PXO)BMMJGBQQMJDBCMF 4UBSUXPSLTUVEZJGHJWFOBVUIPSJTBUJPOCZUIF%VUDIBVUIPSJUJFT°UIJT depends on nationality, type of work and residence permit). 3FDFJWFDPO¾SNBUJPOCZQPTUUIBUZPVSSFTJEFODFQFSNJUXJMMCFJTTVFEJG applicable). 4UBSUXPSLJGOPUQSFWJPVTMZHJWFOBVUIPSJTBUJPO $PMMFDUZPVSSFTJEFODFQFSNJUGSPN*/%JGBQQMJDBCMF Transport: 3FHJTUFSJNQPSUFEWFIJDMFTXJUIUIF%VUDIBVUIPSJUJFT1FPQMFSFHJTUFSFEBT living in the Netherlands may not own and drive a ‘foreign’ vehicle here. Children: 4UBSUDIJMESFOCFUXFFOUIFBHFTPGBOEZFBSTJOGVMMUJNFFEVDBUJPO Healthcare: 3FHJTUFSXJUIBMPDBMEPDUPSBOEEFOUJTU Social security, tax and insurance: "SSBOHFIFBMUIJOTVSBODF *GZPVIBWFBO&BTLZPVSJOTVSFSGPSBO&PS&PS&)*$ BOE arrange registration. 3FHJTUFSXJUIUIF%VUDIBVUIPSJUJFT:PVSFNQMPZFSXJMMEPUIJTGPSZPV "SSBOHFWFIJDMFJOTVSBODF "QQMZGPSUIFUBYSVMJOHJGBQQMJDBCMF Housing: *EFOUJGZBDDPNNPEBUJPO )BWFNFBTVSFNFOUTPG´NVTUUBLFµGVSOJUVSFUPTFFJGJUXJMM¾UJOUIFOFXIPNF 34 / 35 Edebjh^X AVOdcZ!A^\Z7: 6aiZgcVi^kZVcYjcYZg\gdjcYbjh^X# "HSFFBOETJHODPOUSBDUT 0SHBOJTFVUJMJUJFTXBUFSHBTFMFDUSJDJUZQIPOF*OUFSOFUFUD $IFDLXIJDIEBZT ZPVSCJOT BOEPUIFSXBTUFJUFNTBSFDPMMFDUFE$BMMZPVS Town Hall, or simply ask a neighbour. lll#aVodcZ#WZ Bjo^Z`dYgddb!=VhhZai7: Mobile phone: *GZPVXBOUUPQVSDIBTFBNPCJMFQIPOFXJUITVCTDSJQUJPOZPVXJMMOFFEUP bring your passport and your most recent bank account statement (with your address on it!). 1SFQBJEDBSETBSFBWBJMBCMFFWFSZXIFSFBOEBSFBWBJMBCMFJOEFOPNJOBUJPOTPG 10, 20, 25, 40, and 50 Euros. I^eh[gdbVc ^ciZgcVi^dcVa ^ch^YZg NEED TO KNOW HiVnXdccZXiZY =daYdcidndjgbdW^aZe]dcZ!^ib^\]i iV`ZVl]^aZidWZXdccZXiZYidVaVcY" a^cZ#;gZZL^Ò^hVkV^aVWaZViBX9dc" VaYh!i]ZBjc^X^eVaA^WgVgnVcY^c BVVhig^X]iVi8d[[ZZadkZgh6ccZm IdjX]WVhZl^i]di]ZgZmeVih eaZ^c&..'# Ndjg=GYZeVgibZci!BVVhig^X]i>ciZg" cVi^dcVaEaVn<gdje!i]Z^ciZgcVi^dcVa Ndj]VkZ9jiX]bV^a hX]ddaJc^iZYLdgaY8daaZ\Z!>ciZgcV" 9dcdi^\cdgZ9jiX]ji^a^inW^aahVcY i^dcVaLdbZcÉh8ajWHdji]A^bWjg\! di]Zg9jiX]XdggZhedcYZcXZ#I]ZnXVc GdX`=Zg`9ZHiVY!=Zg`YZHiVY >ciZgcVi^dcVa8]jgX]ZhZiX#VgZ\gZVi hXVgZndjd[[WjiVXdaaZV\jZVildg`dg GdX`;Zhi^kVa^ci]Z[gdcia^cZd[idYVnÉh hdjgXZhd[^c[dgbVi^dc# cZ^\]Wdjgl^aaWZ]VeenidigVchaViZ CVi^dcVaVcY^ciZgcVi^dcVa\^\hVcY EaVn;Zhi^kVa lll#bjo^Z`dYgddb#WZ bjh^X# SETTLING IN [dgndjhdndjYdcdi\ZiY^hXdccZXiZY lll#gdX`]Zg`#WZ Formalities: &YDIBOHFZPVSESJWJOHMJDFODFGPSB%VUDIPOFJGBQQMJDBCMF 3FUVSOZPVSGPSFJHOMJDFODFWJBZPVSIPNFDPVOUSZNBLFBDPQZ /PUFUIFFYQJSZEBUFTPGBMMQFSNJUTBOEMJDFOTFT°NBLFTVSFZPVSFBQQMZ on time! 7Z^c[dgbZY A^c`ha^`Zlll#bVVhig^X]igZ\^dc#Xdb Cd9jiX]_jc`bV^a VcYlll#XgdhhgdVYhbV\#ZjVgZ\gZVi >[ndjYdcdil^h]idgZXZ^kZ_jc`bV^a! gZhdjgXZh!VcYVahd!k^h^i]ZKKKIdjg" Vh`[dgVheZX^Vahi^X`ZgVindjgidlc ^hiD[ÒXZ^cndjgidlc!i]Zn]VkZ^c[dg" ]VaaVcYhi^X`^idcaZiiZgWdm#>il^aa bVi^dcdcadXVaZkZcihVcYViigVXi^dch hideVaajcVYYgZhhZYbV^a Healthcare: 3FHJTUFSXJUIBEPDUPSEFOUJTUBOEQIBSNBDZJGZPVIBWFOPUBMSFBEZEPOFTP VcYXVced^cindj^ci]Zg^\]iY^gZX" i^dc# HVkZbdcZn Social security, tax and insurance: "QQMZGPSDIJMECFOF¾UJGBQQMJDBCMF "QQMZGPSTQPVTFUBYDSFEJUJGBQQMJDBCMF ;^ghi\gdXZg^Zh b^\]iWZldgi]Vfj^X`WdgYZg]deid 6aWZgi=Z^_c^hV]^\]"ZcYhjeZgbVg" Òaaje Bjh^`7jc`Zg!6VX]Zc9: 6l^YZkVg^Zind[\^\hVhlZaaVhldg`" h]deh[dgbjh^X^Vch# lll#bjh^`Wjc`Zg"VVX]Zc#YZ He^g^id[++!KZgk^Zgh7: '%%\^\hVnZVg#<gZViXajW[dgÈ++ adkZgh# lll#he^g^id[++#WZ EZigda^h[VgX]ZVeZg^c7Za\^jb!^i `Zi!hdbZhidgZhVgZdeZcdcHjcYVndg C^ZjlZCdg!=ZZgaZc jci^aa&%ebdclZZ`YVnhX]ZX` 7n6aZmVcYgV@ViZgWZg\ HjeZgXddaXajW!i]ZLdgaYd[i]ZCdg lll#V]#ca#;dgjh^c\i]Zh]dee^c\ 8aVhhGZegZhZciVi^kZViJL8BVVh" ^hl^aY# igdaaZn!jhZVe^ZXZd[&ZjgddgVh`[dgV ig^X]iVcYegZk^djhan^ckdakZY^ci]Z lll#c^ZjlZcdg#ca [gZZXd^cVii]Z6=HZgk^XZ9Zh`!eaZVhZ BVVhig^X]i>ciZgcVi^dcVaEaVn\gdje# Ydcdi[dg\ZiidWg^c\Vadc\ndjgdlc 7nL^bHbZZih \gdXZgnWV\h#6ii]ZYZh`ndjVahdWjn EdehiV\ZBjo^Z`\^ZiZg^_!BVVhig^X]i# i]ZidlchheZX^ÒXW^ca^cZghkj^ac^h" lll#bjo^Z`\^ZiZg^_#ca oV``ZcVcYWVh^XbZY^X^cZha^`ZVhe^" g^ceVgVXZiVbda!ZiX#6aWZgi=Z^_cÉh dlcWgVcY^hlZaa`cdlc[dg^iXaZVgh VaaZg\n^c[d Di]ZgcZZYh Add`dji[dgh]deha^`Z7ad``Zg!=ZbV VcY6Xi^dc!\gZVih]deh[dg]djhZ]daY \ddYhVcYegZhZcih# HdbZg^h^c\ hiVgh^c Wjh^cZhh :higZaaVHVi 9Zh^\cZYVc^ciZaa^\ZcihnhiZbidigVX` b^c^c\kZ]^XaZhl^i]deZgVi^dcVa ^hhjZh^cgZVa"i^bZ# lll#ZhigZaaVhVi#Xdb Ide=^aaEVX` EgdYjXi^dcd[\VWaZ"ideeVX`V\Zh[dgV gVc\Zd[b^a`egdYjXihVcY[gj^i TO WORK You want to achieve your ambitions, but you also want to enjoy life away from your work. In the Maastricht Region, part of the Province of Limburg, you can. Working here means a balanced life – a top job in a quiet setting, without the hassle of congested highways. This is a place where there is plenty going on, but without the typical problems of major cities. You can recharge your batteries after work by enjoying the good life: a work-out, a walk in the countryside, a game of golf, a night at the opera, a movie, or dining out. Everything is right there, and it’s bustling. Students from 70 different countries provide a constant input of fresh enthusiasm and ambition. They came to jump-start their careers and they keep the cities alive and vibrant. If you are moving with a working spouse, there are many job opportunities available with Brussels, Düsseldorf, Aachen, Eindhoven, Cologne, Liège and Venlo within commuting distance. Although most professionals speak English, keep in mind that learning the local language is a definite asset. Yg^c`h# lll#ide]^aaeVX`#Xdb :jgdiZX] HeZX^Va^hZY^cegdYjX^c\egZX^h^dc ^ckZhibZciXVhi^c\h!^cWdi]Vajb^c" THE BEST PLACE TO DO BUSINESS ^jbVcYhZkZgVahiZZaVaadnh# lll#ZjgdXVhi#ca HZ`^hj^8]Zb^XVah 6egdYjXi^dc[VX^a^in[dg^ciZgaVnZg Òabh^cGdZgbdcYVcYVgVlbViZg^Vah According to the Economist Intelligence Unit, the Netherlands ranks third in the best European countries for doing business. It scores particularly highly on indicators such as a stable and effective political system, excellent macroeconomic environment, efficient financial sector, flexible labour market, internationally oriented economy and its central location in the European Union. eaVci^c<ZaZZc# lll#hZ`^hj^X]Zb^XVa#Xdb 7n<Zgg^Z8dZgih ;djcYZgd[L^_a^bWjg\#ca!i]ZZXd" cdb^XcZlhlZWh^iZ[dgZcigZegZcZjgh ^ci]ZBVVhig^X]iGZ\^dc# Sabic, Sittard-Geleen to work 36 / 37 Limburg, the most southern province of the Netherlands, is strategically situated in the heart of Western Europe. With 1.12 million inhabitants, it accounts for 7% of the Dutch population. The major urban regions are Maastricht, the oldest city in the Netherlands, Heerlen, Sittard-Geleen and Venlo. In the north, Limburg borders the provinces of Brabant and Gelderland. The River Meuse flows through Limburg for 160 kilometres from south to north, providing a direct connection with the port of Rotterdam and, via canals, with Antwerp. Limburg borders Germany for a distance of 212 kilometres and Belgium for 140 kilometres and is strategically located between some of the main metropolitan areas of Europe: 3BOETUBE5IF/FUIFSMBOET UPUIF/PSUI8FTUXJUI"NTUFSEBN3PUUFSEBN The Hague, Utrecht. 'MFNJTI%JBNPOE#FMHJVN UPUIF8FTUXJUI#SVTTFMT-FVWFO"OUXFSQ Ghent. 3IJOF3VISBSFB(FSNBOZ UPUIF&BTUXJUI%TTFMEPSG$PMPHOF%VJTCVSH Essen, Bochum, Dortmund. 'SBOLGVSU3IJOF.BJOBSFB(FSNBOZ UPUIF&BTU -VYFNCPVSH.FU[/BODZ'SBODF UPUIF4PVUI This geographical situation makes Limburg the prime choice for any enterprise intending to start its activities in a favourable location in the still-expanding EU market. In the last 30 years, more than 450 international companies have chosen Limburg as a base for their, often pan-European, operations. The advantages of Limburg’s geographical situation and the skills of its labour force, combined with other strong local factors, amply reward those who have the imagination to exploit the opportunities it offers. 38 / 39 TO WORK HdbZ ^ccdkVi^kZ XdbeVc^Zh make up the majority of foreigners in Limburg with people from neighbouring Germany and Belgium being the front runners. Other major foreign communities are Indonesian, Moroccan and Turkish. Limburg’s multicultural population is a significant advantage for companies doing business in a global economy. EdanhXdeZEdanbZgh7K REGIONAL ECONOMY AND INCOME 69jiX]"WVhZYegdYjXZgd[hingZcZ Limburg’s economy has always been based on industry. In fact, in the 19th century, industrialisation in the Netherlands actually started in Maastricht. The late 1990s saw a rapid change towards a service-oriented economy with commercial services and healthcare being the main drivers. However Limburg is still the most industrialised province when employment is considered. bVaZ^XVc]nYg^YZXdedanbZgh# INFRASTRUCTURE lll#edanhXdeZ#Zj The Maastricht Region is easy to get to by car, boat (inland waterways) and plane and has a well-developed public transport network. Traffic jams are almost non-existent. There are four trains an hour between the four “districts”, and efforts are being made to increase the speed and frequency of service. The region has its own airport and is only an hour’s travel from the international airQPSUTPG#SVTTFMT%TTFMEPSGBOE$PMPHOF#POO-JoHF"JSQPSUJTBMTPOFBSBU hand. London and Paris have never been so close. Regular scheduled express trains run frequently and reach Brussels in just over an hour, Amsterdam in 2, Paris and Frankfurt in 3 and London in 4 hours. Road distances From Maastricht to major European cities City Amsterdam Antwerp Berlin Brussels Cologne Düsseldorf Eindhoven Frankfurt Geneva London Luxembourg Milan Munich Paris Prague Rotterdam Kilometres 200 110 650 110 90 95 80 275 775 490 150 875 675 400 750 200 Miles 124 68 404 68 65 60 50 171 482 305 93 544 419 249 466 124 POPULATION Limburg has more than 1 million inhabitants, 55% of whom live in the conurbation in the southern part of the province. The population in the central and northern part is more scattered with 21% and 25% of the total population respectively. Limburg has a multicultural population, with 45 different nationalities living together. More than 100,000 people are of foreign origin (9%). European citizens I^\Zc^m 6W^dbZY^XVaXdbeVcni]Vi[dXjhZhdc ^ccdkVi^kZadXVaigZVibZcih[dgYVb" V\ZYVcYdhiZdVgi]g^i^X_d^cih# lll#i^\Zc^m#Xdb Economic growth in Limburg stagnated in the first years of this century. Because of its strong focus on exports, the world economic downturn hit the region severely. In 2004, the regional economy recovered and 2006 showed a strong increase in investments, export, consumption and employment. E]VgbVXZaa DeZgViZhVhiViZ"d["i]Z"Vgi<BE" a^XZcXZY[VX^a^in[dg]jbVcXZaa LABOUR MARKET AND EMPLOYMENT i^hhjZXjaijg^c\VcYegdYjXi^dcd[W^d The labour force in Limburg numbers almost 500,000 people. Between 2001 and 2005, it showed an annual growth of 1.5%, which was entirely caused by the increased participation of women. e]VgbVXZji^XVahadXViZYXZcigVaan^c :jgdeZ# lll#e]VgbVXZaa#ca 7n<Zgg^Z8dZgih ;djcYZgd[L^_a^bWjg\#ca!i]ZZXd" The labour force in Limburg is well educated, with a high proportion of people who have completed higher education. The number of people at secondary education level is comparable to the national average. cdb^XcZlhlZWh^iZ[dgZcigZegZcZjgh ^ci]ZBVVhig^X]iGZ\^dc# PERSONAL ASSISTANCE FOR FOREIGN INVESTORS Limburg Development and Investment Company LIOF provides assistance for foreign investors free of charge. Services include insights and data on site selection and logistic strategies and guidance on such matters as available incentives for investments and innovations, permit produces and tax structures. All services are tailor-made and provided on a confidential basis. LIOF introduces corporate investors to a variety of Dutch national and regional networks and service suppliers, local government authorities and to others central to the investment process. LIOF can help with finding business accommodation, has contacts with staffing agencies, and may be able to provide venture capital. For each focus area LIOF has experts ready to guide foreign investors. Focus areas are High Tech Systems, Life Sciences, Value-added Logistics, Renewable Energy, MRO and Agro-Food. Once the decision to settle in Limburg has been made, LIOF can introduce staff to local partners who can provide help on personal relocation issues, such as accommodation and education. LIOF‘s brief is to support the development of the Limburg economy and the promotion of its business climate. LIOF regularly combines forces with the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Provincial Government, the Chamber of Commerce and the Limburg municipalities to stimulate investment in Limburg. More information Does your company need advice or information about (re)location and the current business climate? LIOF has experts assigned to key focus and geographical areas. Renewable Energy Jacques Mikx, Head of Department, Investment Promotion and Business Development (IBD) High-tech Systems / Asia Mart Dijk, Senior Project Manager Life Sciences, Shared Service Centers/ North America Sjoerd Boomsma, Senior Project Manager Aerospace MRO / Europe Jaap Heukelom, Senior Project Manager Agro-Food Mark Koppers, Project Manager CAREERS AND INDUSTRIES The Maastricht Region offers a wide variety of employment opportunities. Its three technology campuses are pioneers in innovation. Avantis (Parkstad) specialises in new, high-tech energy facilities, while cross-border clinical facilities are on the horizon. The Chemelot R&D Campus (Sittard-Geleen) is a global leader in performance materials and biotechnology. This is the birthplace of Dyneema, the world’s strongest fibre. Finally, the Campus in Randwyck-Maastricht is making major innovations in healthcare. Heavy industry, such as the Nedcar automotive manufacturing plant and the DSM chemical company, is also located close by. Economic growth is generated by a major academic/life-sciences hub linking Maastricht University, Maastricht University Medical Center and the technical universities of Aachen (20 kilometres away), Eindhoven and Louvain. Leading 40 / 41 TO WORK Hospitals innovators at the medical and healthcare centres in Heerlen (Atrium), SittardGeleen (Orbis) and Maastricht (MUMC+) are working on the frontiers of modern medicine. Atrium Medical Center Heerlen / Parkstad Atrium MC is one of the largest general hospitals in the Netherlands, with locations in Heerlen, Brunssum and Kerkrade. It was voted best hospital of the year in 2009 by the quality index of newspaper Algemeen Dagblad, the AD Ziekenhuis Top 100. Maastricht UMC+ Maastricht University Medical Center. A cooperation between the University Hospital Maastricht and Maastricht University. UMC’s five focus area’s: 1 Cardiovascular diseases 2 Chronic diseases 3 Oncology 4 Mental health care and neuroscience 5 Public health and primary care Orbis Medical Center, Sittard Orbis Medical Center is a high-tech center aimed at providing high quality care in the most patient-friendly and efficient way, focussing on: Striving for at-home feeling Patient at the center of care-giving Smart technology solutions The Maastricht Region is home to the headquarters of various multinationals such as DSM, Sabic, Vodafone and APG (the Dutch public service pension fund, which with invested assets of EUR 210 billion is one of the largest financial institutions in the world) and the worldwide call centres of DHL and Mercedes-Benz. Business tourism (conferences) and leisure in the broadest sense (hospitality, recreation and wellness) are important economic drivers for the region. CAREERS FOR PARTNERS Despite an increasingly global society, the expatriate spouse who is unable to pursue his or her career remains a problem. In fact the number-one reason for foreign assignment failure remains family discontent. Companies and relocation agencies are realising that self-employment and portable careers are an alternative solution, and they do focus on being helpful in that direction. Seventy-five per cent of international managers are involved in a dual-career scenario. As both partners increasingly have their own careers, this is reflected in the large numbers of accompanying spouses who want to find a fulfilling occupation while overseas. Problems that you have to deal with when following your partner on an international assignment are: /PXPSLQFSNJU -BOHVBHFJTTVFT $VMUVSBMJTTVFT -BDLPGKPCTBWBJMBCMFMPDBMFNQMPZFFTIBWFQSJPSJUZ *OFWJUBCMFMBDLPGTQPVTFµTMPOHUFSNDPNNJUNFOU *ODPNQBUJCMFDFSUJ¾DBUJPOMJDFODJOH 4QPVTFµTMBDLPGUSBOTGFSBCMFTLJMMT Being in a situation like this means that you should look for help and consultation. The hiring company can help with applying for a work permit for the partner, and might even provide support with some language courses. Relocation agencies can help with the cultural issues, assessments and validation of the foreign education. Head-hunters, temp agencies and social networks can help you to find a job. It will take time and the job abroad might not be as interesting as the one you had in your home country, but it is an experience that will always look good on your CV. LANGUAGE COURSES AND OTHER ADULT EDUCATION The Maastricht Region borders on Germany and on both French and Flemishspeaking Belgium. If you include the international students, you will hear many languages and dialects daily. Apart from the intensive language courses on offer at Maastricht University, various institutes have classes depending on your needs. Syntra Limburg in Belgium is said to provide the cheaper options. Most cities in the region have institutions offering arts and culture education. 42 / 43 8]Z[h PROFESSIONAL NETWORKS =VchHc^_YZgh!BVVhig^X]i Regional professional networks are primarily Dutch; however several service clubs in the region have dedicated international branches. International Round Table Maastricht (for men aged18-40), Rotary International (for 40+ professionals), Kiwanis International and Lions Club Maastricht Mondial are internationally known service clubs that are good for getting connected in the area. The annual May Fair, the Lion’s Club’s main fundraiser, is a great event that brings together expatriates and their families to meet, mingle and enjoy a free afternoon of entertainment, information and hospitality at a location in the Euregio. The Chamber of Commerce (Kamer van Koophandel Zuid-Limburg) is also a good place to start, especially for networking events, starting your own business or if you are looking for business advice. 8]}iZVjCZZgXVccZ DiidC^_Zc]j^h!KVa`ZcWjg\ VVcYZ<Zja 8]}iZVjHi#<ZgaVX] BVg\dGZjiZc!BVVhWgVX]i 9VK^cX^ =VchkVcLdaYZ!BVVhig^X]i 7Zaj\V TO WORK Are you an international and coming to work and live in the Southeast Netherlands? Do you have questions about visa? About housing? Are you looking for a clear explanation on the Dutch educational system? Or maybe you want to learn more Formalities about the Dutch culture and manners? Housing Go to the website Taxation GdaVcYK^cX`Zc!AVcY\gVV[ G^hidgVciZE^gVcYZaad$Aj^\^ÉhIgViidg^V For more information: Finance & Insurance and find all the answers to your questions! Education & Careers Personal & Social Needs 7n8Vb^aaZDdhilZ\Za ;djcYZgVcY9^gZXidgd[i]Z8Vb^aaZ Culture & Leisure DdhilZ\Za8]}iZVj=diZah"GZhiVj" gVcih#I]gZZjc^fjZ]diZahVcYhZkZc gZhiVjgVcih^ci]ZBVVhig^X]iGZ\^dc# The top technology region Southeast Netherlands has not only much to offer on a professional level but just as much on a personal level. Since moving is always a hectic time, we strive to make the transition to a new home in a new country as smooth as possible so you and your family can concentrate on settling in, and enjoy living here. The website collates all information and services that are relevant to internationals who are going to live and work in the Southeast Netherlands. answers every question you may have on the matters of formalities, housing, taxation, finance & insurance, education & careers, personal & social needs and culture & leisure. And, if you cannot find the answer to your question on the website, just fill in the contact form and our experts will respond to your questions within three days! WWW.EXPATGUIDEHOLLAND.COM to live 44 / 45 TO LIVE Moving to the very southern tip of the Netherlands means moving to the centre of Europe. With Brussels, Amsterdam, Düsseldorf, Cologne, Liège and, of course, Paris all within three hours’ travelling time and several airports close-by, Europe is at your feet. And although the inhabitants will say that the Maastricht Region is nothing like the rest of the Netherlands, the Dutch are generally easy-going, albeit straight-forward. And most of them speak English. They are known for their tolerance of other religions, viewpoints and customs, which makes the Netherlands an attractive location for foreigners. HOUSING Insights 5IF/FUIFSMBOETJTPOFPGUIFNPTU densely populated countries in Europe, with almost 400 people per square kilometre. 5IJTIJHIQPQVMBUJPOEFOTJUZFYQMBJOT why many houses are small and compact. %VUDICVJMEFSTBSFFYUSFNFMZTLJMMFE in maximizing the use of space. )PVTFTJOUIF.BBTUSJDIU3FHJPOBSF still cheaper and/or more spacious than in Amsterdam, Utrecht or Rotterdam. 5IF.BBTUSJDIU3FHJPOPGGFSTBXJEF diversity of housing types and environments – from the city feel to village life in the surrounding countryside. DECIDING WHERE TO LIVE Choosing where to live can be a major headache if you don’t know the area: the procedures may not be the same as you are used to, and the information will be in a language you may not understand. Ideally you should visit the area a month or so before moving to select your new home, but as this is not always possible you may need to stay in a hotel when you arrive while you find somewhere to live. Unfortunately, staying in temporary accommodation can delay your registration at the Town Hall, and in some cases your application for a residence permit – see the ‘Formalities’ section for more information. Most people coming to the Maastricht Region will probably choose to live in the area. However, Dutch transport networks are good and some prefer to commute from other areas. It’s even possible to commute from Belgium, Germany or Luxembourg but you should check the legal position first. For most EU citizens there are no issues, but if you need a residence permit you may have to live in the Netherlands. Living outside the country may also have tax consequences, so consult your HR Manager. Your company might be able to help you with housing, so consult them. DUTCH HOMES Dutch homes vary from studio apartments (a single room including sleeping area, living area and cooking facilities) to more traditional apartments with multiple, separate bedrooms, and larger houses (detached, semi-detached, and terraced). With little available space, houses at the lower and middle end of the market tend to be fairly compact out of necessity. How you see this depends on your experience in your home country. Most Europeans comment that housing is expensive and gardens small. Americans used to the spacious properties frequently found there also feel that the rooms themselves are small (particularly children’s bedrooms). They are more likely to require the more luxurious end of the market in terms of decoration, fixtures and fittings. Those coming from places such as Singapore however, where land is also at a premium, may see things differently. Wherever you come from, it is essential to realise that the housing available will probably not be the same as you are used to! 46 / 47 HeZX^Vain bVg`Zih LZYcZhYVnbdgc^c\bVg`Zi! K^h7: BV^chigZZi!XVcÉib^hh/ZkZgni]^c\ YZa^X^djh# 6ci^fjZVcYÓZVbVg`Zi! Idc\ZgZc7: LIVING IN THE MAASTRICHT REGION The Maastricht Region has green hill-country (‘Heuvelland’) in the centre surrounded by the urban areas of Maastricht (West), Sittard/Geleen (North), ParkTUBE&BTU BOE-JoHF"BDIFO4PVUI 5IFBSFBJTWJCSBOUBOESFMBYFEXJUIMJWFMZ Maastricht, no-nonsense Heerlen and the workers’ ethic of Sittard/Geleen. The region offers a wealth of choice in finding your new home. Traffic jams are practically unheard-of and the cities and villages are safe and relaxed. So whether you prefer the inner-city bustle, leafy suburban towns or quaint villages and the privacy of a rural property these are all options within commuting distance of work. As one executive’s wife put it, ‘This is the first posting where we have been able to enjoy breakfast with the entire family’. :kZgnHjcYVnbdgc^c\# HjcYVnbdgc^c\bVg`Zi! 6jWZa7: <djgbZi7V`Zgn?ZVc"E^ZggZhZgkZh WgZV`[VhiVcYXd[[ZZVaaYVn# ;g^YVnbdgc^c\Òh]bVg`Zi! UTILITIES (GAS, WATER, ELECTRICITY, PHONE, INTERNET, TV) International education Pre-primary education United World College Maastricht Pre-school Primary education United World College Maastricht Primary School The Netherlands has excellent utilities. Practically every home has mains electricity, drinkable water, central heating, fixed-line phones, and mobile phone and high-speed Internet coverage. In urban areas, most properties have piped gas for cooking and heating, mains drainage, and cable TV. Secondary education International School Maastricht (UWC) You can also organise your telephone line by visiting a Primafoon shop (listed in the Yellow Pages ( Take your passport, residence permit, work contract, bank account number and address. Afnorth international School BVVhig^X]i ;gZh]!hbd`ZY![g^ZYVcYXgjhiVXZVc# 7nHVh`^V7dgc Porta Mosana (bi-lingual) 8ddgY^cVidg:YjXVi^dcViC6^B$ 7jgZVj:jgdeV!VYZh^\c^chi^ijiZi]Vi bV`ZhWZVji^[jaZmedh^i^dch# THE DUTCH HEALTHCARE SYSTEM The family doctor (huisarts) is central to the Dutch healthcare system. For many newcomers this predominant role is the single most important difference between the medical practice in the Netherlands and that of their home country. Another difference is the medical culture. In the Netherlands, antibiotics and other medications are prescribed with greater reserve than you may be accustomed to. This has resulted in a very low incidence of antibiotic-resistant infections. Testing is not automatic and annual check-ups are not part of the basic service. In general, these extra services are only provided if there is evidence that they are necessary. Some private clinics now offer this service but these are expensive and are not covered by Dutch insurers. The following institutions offer scanning facilities: and You can find detailed information on healthcare, including pregnancy, childbirth and dental care at and also check the Resources Section in the back. TO LIVE EDUCATION Schools in the Maastricht Region have ranked among the top ten best schools in the Netherlands for some years now. Some of them have international curricula suitable for non-Dutch speakers. Two international schools in the region provide an international education: the Afnorth International School in Brunssum, which meets British/American and German educational requirements, and recently the United World College Maastricht (UWC). UWC was founded by merging two existing schools: the International School Maastricht (ISM), and the Joppenhof International Primary School, which teaches the International Baccalaureate (IB). The Maastricht Region is also home to two well-regarded institutes for higher education: Maastricht University (UM) and Zuyd University (Hogeschool Zuyd). Aachen University of Technology, one of the largest and best-performing universities in Europe, is within easy reach. DAY-CARE FOR CHILDREN There are plenty of day-care centres in the Maastricht Region and waiting-lists are short. The MIK nursery and after-school care-centre ( – in Dutch) provides services at 80 different locations while Humanitas ( has 12 day-nurseries and 17 after-school care-centres in the Maastricht Region. MIK and Humanitas organise many activities, from street dances and swimming to a brass-band course. Zuyd University A good meeting point for pregnant women and mothers with young children is Maastricht International Playgroup: an English-speaking, non-profit association of expatriate and Dutch parents, carers, and parents-to-be (www.mip.f-sw. com). Apart from day-care and in-home childcare, there is a further option for toddlers: from the age of two, children can go to ‘peuterspeelzaal’ (toddler play school). Other education Chinese school, Brunssum TRANSPORTATION Tertiary education Maastricht University Japanese school It’s easy to get around the Maastricht Region. Fast public transportation and direct highways connect to major European cities and there are no less than seven different airports in the area. For an overview of routes in and out of the region see the map on pages 30-31 . 48 / 49 RELIGION 9Vn"ig^eh The Netherlands is a tolerant nation in which all the major religions are represented. Every individual has the right to change religion and is free to practise his or her religion or conviction. In this country, about 31% of the population are Roman Catholic, 20% Protestant and 5.5% Muslim. 2.5% of Dutch people have another religious conviction while 41% profess no religion at all. BdYZgcVgiig^e Fresh food markets Z^h=ZZgaZc!7dccZ[VciZc!C6^B$ 7jgZVj:jgdeV!BVggZhBVVhig^X]i# lll#ch#ca Monday Valkenburg Tuesday Heerlen/Parkstad Wednesday Maastricht Thursday Sittard/Geleen IV`Zi]ZhigZVbigV^c[gdbKVa`ZcWjg\ id@Zg`gVYZid\did<V^VeVg`OddVcY 8dci^c^jb9^hXdkZgn8ZcigZ#6gdjcY Most daily groceries can be bought at the Dutch supermarkets or local stores, but there is also a wide range of options just across the border, including a ´)ZQFSNBSDInµOFBS-JoHFJO#FMHJVNBOEB8BMNBSUJO"BDIFO5IFSFJTBO increasing variety of organic foods available in the Netherlands. Most cities have a health-food store and larger organic supermarkets can be found in Germany. i]ZXdgcZg^hHcdlldgaYAVcY\gVV[! :jgdeZÉhaVg\Zhi^cYddgh`^VgZV# :jgZ\^dcVaig^e <didA^\Z0;g^YVnDjigZbZjhZ!ÓZV" bVg`ZiVcYHjcYVnbVg`ZiBZjhZ WVc`h![ddYVcYXadi]Zh!]VkZVWZZg^c Popular options for shopping are the weekly local markets, which are full of surprises and excellent places for people-watching. Most markets have a wide range of products ranging from avocados to bike parts, although some specialise in certain items. For example, the Maastricht market on Friday mornings is famous for fish, the Sittard market on Thursday morning for its selection of fabrics and the Geleen market on Saturday mornings for its fresh produce. Go and explore them all! i]Z8]VciVciAZhDa^kZiiZhXV[!k^h^i i]Z9db^c6VX]Zcl^i]8]VgaZ" bV\cZÉh\gVkZ!]VkZVW^iZd[YZa^X^djh A^bWjg\^VcXV`ZViAZdkVc9VZaZ^c 7X]ZaHigZZi# 7^`Zig^e I]ZBVVhig^X]iGZ\^dcÉhZmiZch^kZ Friday Maastricht Saturday Roermond Sunday -JoHF Speciality food stores for local products such as jams, cheeses and chutneys can be found in most towns, as can Asian stores. Nowadays, there are several that enable you to order products from your home country. Expat Guide Holland ( provides various links. W^XnXaZcZildg`iV`Zhndjidi]Zbdhi e^XijgZhfjZk^aaV\ZhVcYhXZcZgn! ^cXajY^c\i]dhZVXgdhhi]ZWdgYZg# CZZYidgZciVW^XnXaZ4 lll#kkkoj^Ya^bWjg\#ca Check the local town website or the special ‘Dutch markets’ website ( for weekly schedules of markets near you. 7nL^bDgi_Zch BVcV\^c\9^gZXidgd[i]ZBVVhig^X]i GZ\^dc7gVcY^c\;djcYVi^dc# WASTE AND RECYCLING There are several recycling schemes, which may vary slightly depending on the community. Most homes have two rubbish bins that are emptied on alternate weeks: a green one for biodegradable waste, and a grey one for other household waste. Paper is collected fortnightly, and a van collects small chemical waste such as light bulbs, batteries, and harmful cleaning products. Bottle banks are located outside many supermarkets, as are collection points for unwanted clothing, and sometimes also batteries. The price of bottled beers and soft drinks includes a small deposit that is refundable on returning the empty containers. Waste and recycling has proved to be a complicated matter, please consult the Maastricht Region website to find out about waste management in your municipality: =Zi9dbZ^cH^iiVgY!HX]jcX`<aVheVa" @^Yhig^e DAILY NEEDS TO LIVE For more information: 6gi!Vgi!Vgi HX]jcX`!=ZZgaZc Bjai^Y^hX^ea^cVgnVgi# lll#hX]jcX`#ca @VhiZZaL^_agZ"=ZY\Z=djhZ! L^_agZ 6giXdaaZXidghÉXVhiaZ0eZVXZVcYWZVjin# lll#]ZY\Z]djhZ#ca HX]Vi`VbZgkVcH^ciHZgkVVh! BVVhig^X]i TO LOVE The Maastricht Region is truly loved by its residents and its many visitors. There is no single reason for its appeal – there are many reasons. “Maastricht was propelled into stardom with the signing of the Treaty of Maastricht and the birth of the euro in 1992”, says newcomer David Wells-Greco. “This rightfully added to its international fame, but it’s the diversity that makes people speak passionately about the area. It has cosmopolitan European allure without the big city problems. There’s plenty of space; it’s green and calm, and yet there are ample opportunities to be inspired or have fun. Once you’ve lived in the Maastricht Region, you will always remember the good life there. Children can attend school within walking or cycling distance and safely visit friends or sports clubs on their own. They don’t have to be taught about independence and freedom; they live it.” IgZVhjgZhd[i]Z7Vh^a^XVHV^ci HZgkVi^jh# lll#h^cihZgkVVh#ca 7dccZ[VciZc!BVVhig^X]i DaYbVhiZgh!hXjaeijgZVcYXjii^c\"ZY\Z XdciZbedgVgn# lll#WdccZ[VciZc#ca <VaadGdbZ^chBjhZjb! Idc\ZgZc7: 6lVgY"l^cc^c\bjhZjb[dgZVgan SPORTS The Netherlands prides itself on being a sporting nation and if you want to get some exercise, you will surely find what you are looking for. Because of its beautiful scenery and hilly landscape, the Maastricht Region attracts many recreational cyclists and hosts various cycling races. It’s also great for hiking. There is an immense variety of active and spectator sports varying from canoeing on the Maas, hot-air ballooning and skiing and snowboarding in Europe’s largest indoor skiing facility, to a leisurely game of golf or boules. ]^hidgn# lll#\VaadgdbZ^chbjhZjb#WZ WHERE TO FIND YOUR FAVOURITE SPORT 7n?Vc^X`Z@ZgcaVcY ;djcYZgVcYdlcZgd[HijY^d@ZgcaVcY! Vcd[ÒXZ[dgXjaijgVaegdYjXi^dchVcY Naturally there are far more sports available in the Maastricht Region than we have space to feature here. However, here is a selection that seems to appeal to most expatriates. Zm]^W^i^dcYZh^\c# CRICKET Many expats are surprised to discover that there’s a thriving cricket club in the Maastricht Region: Heerlen CC. The club welcomes expats and their skills with open arms! Contact Andrew Davies by e-mail at or call 045 566 0970 for more information. FOOTBALL (SOCCER) The best-known football team in the Maastricht Region is Roda JC, currently in the Dutch Premier League. There are also several local soccer clubs for the enthusiastic amateur. See under voetbal in the Sports section of the Community Guide. Cultura Nova, Heerlen to love 50 / 51 52 / 53 ;dgndjc\hiZgh KZgiZa[Zhi^kVa"'-6j\jhijci^a )HZeiZbWZg!BVVhig^X]i Hidg^Zh^ci]ZeVg`0Wg^c\ndjgdlc SWIMMING There are many swimming pools in the Maastricht Region, the largest of which is Gulpen Mosaqua with a competition pool, an instruction pool, and a large recreational pool with rapids, water glides, whirlpools, and a paddling pool for the little ones. Plus a host of other facilities. WaVc`Zidge^aadl 8nXaZgdjiZh 6bhiZa<daYGVXZÒcVaZ 9^[ÒXjain/ AZc\i]/+,`^adbZigZh 8a^bW^c\/-&%bZigZh TO LOVE thing less strenuous, there are the architectural highlights of an historic city centre. For the adventurous, there’s a variety of activities including kayaking or canoeing trips and climbing or skiing in the Netherlands’ largest indoor ski piste. There are even underground passageways that have been made accessible for mountain bikers! And after a day of hard exercise, you can rest and relax at a spa. lll#kZgiZa[Zhi^kVa#ca 7j^aY^c\lddYZch]ZYh"Yjg^c\ hjbbZg]da^YVnh 7j^aYndjgdlch]ZYl^i]V]VbbZg! FIELD HOCKEY 8gj^h^c\Ydlci]Zg^kZg Hockey is very popular in the Netherlands. There are usually teams appropriate for all skill levels, not just for top players. Hockey can be a fun way to mix with Dutch people. Look in the Community Guide under hockey. 9^[ÒXjain/ FOOD AND DRINK AZc\i]/+,`^adbZigZh A simple fact says it all: eight Michelin stars have been awarded in a region no larger than 20 x 20 kilometres. Maastricht is the culinary capital of the Netherlands, but there are countless bistros, cafés and other small restaurants in the region to suit every taste and budget. Visitors are not only attracted by the gastronomic excellence: they also love the boutiques in the old city centre of Maastricht and the opportunities to enjoy art, cultural events and the beautiful outdoors in the entire region. 8a^bW^c\/&*%bZigZh cV^ahVcYlddY =V^ge^cWZcYhVcYIjhXVck^Zlh lll#igV_Z`i#ca 7VgZ[ddieVi]"OjiZcYVVa7: :c_dnVeaZVhVcilVa`!WVgZ[ddi GOLF 9^[ÒXjain/ Golf is growing increasingly popular in the Netherlands. A few years ago, it was a sport for the happy few, but nowadays it is open to everyone. AZc\i]/+&`^adbZigZh 8a^bW^c\/,*%bZigZh lll#a^ZiZWZg\#WZ CVijgZcZVgX]Zb^hign ;Zhi^kVa?dc\"BVVhig^X]i ICE-SKATING 9^[ÒXjain/ Bjh^X!YVcXZ!\VbZhVcYbdk^Zh[dg In Sittard-Geleen, the Laco Glanerbrook sports centre has an ice-skating centre with a 400m track, an indoor fun court, and a training field. AZc\i]/)-`^adbZigZh `^YhVcYiZZch# lll#[Zhi^kVa_dc\#ca EVg`hiVYcVijgZXVhiaZh 9^hXdkZgn8ZciZg8dci^c^jb! MORE INFORMATION 9^[ÒXjain/ @Zg`gVYZ The ANWB ( and the Maastricht Region’s tourist offices ( and which are both national tourism organisations, have informational websites and stores in the larger cities with a great selection of roadmaps for hiking, cycling and guides for other sports activities or events. AZc\i]/*-`^adbZigZh See your municipality website, the local community guide or consult the (online) telephone book ( for information on sport clubs and locations. More information on sports activities can be found at: 7nBVgi^_c@V\ZcVVg :meadgZi]ZldgaYd[hX^ZcXZVcY iZX]cdad\n# lll#Xdci^c^jb#ca SHOPPING 8a^bW^c\/('*bZigZh 8a^bW^c\/)*%bZigZh <EH/lll#bVVhig^X]igZ\^dc#Xdb$ idTa^kZ$hedgih#]iba Class and allure: that’s what Maastricht is famous for. The cosy atmosphere and diversity of shops, boutiques and specialty stores makes Maastricht very attractive for all kinds of shoppers. Just outside Heerlen the Woonboulevard is excellent for home furnishing, it includes one of Europe’s largest IKEA’s. For other ‘good value’ shopping try Decathlon for sporting goods and Hornbach, Gamma or Praxis for home furnishing and building materials. 7nBVcdc7Zgch ;djcYZgd[7jgd7Zgch!lg^iZgVcY XdcXZeiYZkZadeZg# LEISURE The spacious, tranquil, hilly countryside of the Maastricht Region is bordered by historic towns and major tourist attractions. The variety that can be found in this small region is truly astonishing, and very different from the rest of the Netherlands. Dutch people who visit often feel they are abroad. And those who EPWFOUVSFBDSPTTUIFCPSEFSUPUIF7PFSSFHJPO)BTTFMUBOE-JoHFJO#FMHJVNPS to Aachen in Germany have all of Europe at their feet. The Maastricht Region’s hilly countryside makes it ideal for a great many sporting activities. It’s perfect cycling and hiking country. And if you want some- 9^gZXidgd[higViZ\nViYZh^\cWjgZVj Oj^YZga^X]i!BVVhig^X]i# Two designer outlets with unique designer labels and luxury brands offer good fun and value to residents in the region: Designer Outlet Roermond and Maasmechelen Village. CULTURE If you’re looking for arts and culture, the Maastricht Region, with its long, rich history, is definitely the place to be. As you might expect, the region houses a variety of historical museums and sites, ranging from artefacts from the Roman era in the Thermen Museum in Heerlen to the treasure-house of Saint Servatius Cathedral in Maastricht, from the Museum of Natural History to the Museum aan het Vrijthof (located in the former Spanish government building). International contemporary art can be found in the striking Bonnefanten Museum in Maastricht, Museum Het Domein in Sittard and at Schunck Glaspaleis in Heerlen. And of course the region abounds in smaller private galleries. EaVn\gdjcYh @^cYZghiVY!=ZZgaZc >cYddg[dgVaaV\Zh Schunck Glaspaleis in Heerlen and Centre Céramique in Maastricht amply illustrate that public libraries in the Netherlands are often much more than just a place to borrow a book: they present frequently-changing exhibitions, house various community events and organisations and even have a coffee bar. lll#`^cYZghiVY#ca @dZih]dZh!KVa`ZcWjg\ C^XZeaVn\gdjcYVcYVWZVji^[ja hZii^c\# lll#`dZih]dZh#ca$^cYZm#]ib E^ZiZgh]Z^b!AVcV`Zc7: ;VgbVcYeaVn\gdjcY# Theatre, music and dance abound in Maastricht’s theatres and concert halls. Even the smaller towns often have two cinemas: one for mainstream movies and one for art-house movies. And as anyone will tell you, many of the region’s bars and cafés are often not just places for a late-night drink, but dance-halls too. And within an hour’s drive, a world of possibilities for culture-lovers opens up in &JOEIPWFO"BDIFO-JoHF)BTTFMUBOE(FOL lll#kkk`VcV`Zc#WZ$gZXgZVi^kZ$YZiV^a$ `^cYZgWdZgYZg^_ 9V\higVcYDdhi"BVVgaVcY For more information about art and culture in the Maastricht region, see For detailed information about forthcoming events, see 54 / 55 TO LOVE Events Maastricht Toneelstad Festival Theatre festival, Maastricht Kunstroute Europapark Sittard Art village, Sittard January The European Fine Food Fair Food fair, Maastricht Remembrance Day Margraten Remembrance Day event, Margraten Orlando Festival International chamber music festival, Kerkrade February Carnaval Dutch carnival, Limburg Pinkpop The Netherlands’ oldest music festival, Landgraaf March TEFAF International art fair, Maastricht June Breakfest Youth culture & music festival, Landgraaf HbVaaWZVX]!^c"VcYdjiYddg eaVn\gdjcYh# lll#YV\higVcY#ca HiZ^cZgWdh 6ahdVc^bVahVcYhl^bb^c\eddahl^i] <^VciHa^YZ# Lll#hiZ^cZgWdh#ca 9ZBZggZ\Za]dd[ 7ZVji^[ja!eaVnVgZVÉhVcYeVYYa^c\ edda# lll#heZZaij^cbZggZ\Za]dd[#ca FOR KIDS The Maastricht Region is a perfect place for children to grow up, and to enjoy themselves too. They can safely commute to friends or sporting clubs by themselves, and there is plenty to do and discover for toddlers, kids and teenagers. Activities range from learning how to bake a traditional ‘vlaai’ (the pie of the region) in the old city centre of Maastricht, to camping in the Ardennes, playing in one of the many playgrounds in the area or taking a street-dance class at Kumulus. The Natural History Museum in Maastricht devotes special attention to kids with interactive exhibits, and if your children want to see the real thing, UIFSFµTUIF(BJB;PP,FSLSBEFBOE"RVBSJVN.VTFVNJO-JoHFOPUGBSBXBZ Preuvenemint Maastricht Culinary event, Maastricht Limburg Festival Street theatre, Limburg September Musica Sacra Maastricht Sacred music, Maastricht Duringtefaf festival Concerts, performance and exhibitions, Maastricht Cultuur- en Folklorefestival Folk festival, Wijnandsrade April Amstel Gold Race ProTour cycling event, Valkenburg July Kunstmaand Vaals Art village, Vaals Kennedy Mars Walking event, Sittard Oud Limburgs Schutterfeest Civic guard festival, Grubbenvorst November Jumping Indoor Maastricht (JIM) Horse-jumping, Maastricht Made in Europe Filmfestival, Maastricht, Heerlen, Sittard, Aachen Worldfestival Parade Brunssum World dance and music, Brunssum (next edition 2012) December Kerstmarkt Aken Christmas market, Aachen, Germany May Bevrijdingsfestival Roermond Remembrance Day music event, Roermond August Booch! Heerlen Music festival, Heerlen Kerstmarkt Gemeentegrot Christmas market, Valkenburg October Dutch Dancedays Performance, Maastricht AZha^ZH]Zg^[[ 6bZg^XVcZmeViVcYhZXgZiVgnd[i]Z BVVhig^X]i>ciZgcVi^dcVaEaVn\gdje# The Maastricht region boasts no less than two major theme parks: for good oldfashioned fun, there’s the Valkenier while the enchanting Sprookjesbos brings all our favourite fairy stories to life. And if you thought that the Netherlands is just flat polder, you’ll be amazed at the state-of-the-art Neolite climbing centre in Heerlen. 8^in]dihedih GZ\^dcVaegdYjXih BdidgXnXaZgdjiZh Ndjc\]ZgdZh ;gZh]egdYjXih For more information: ;Vh]^dchedih =dihedih[dgbZc =dihedih[dgldbZc VcYbdgZidXdbZVi lll#bVVhig^X]igZ\^dc#Xdb Koningsvogelschieten St. Joseph Vijlen Civic guard festival, Vijlen Cultura Nova Heerlen Theatre, music, dance, visual art and film, Heerlen four times a year PechaKucha Maastricht 12 sparkling speeches, Maastricht 20 x 20 seconds Practical resources Emergencies (police, ambulance, fire) 112 Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) Ministry of Foreign Affairs (visas, legalisation etc.) Netherlands organisation for higher education International service desk Maastricht +31 43 350 50 10 Your Embassy Tax Hospitals and healthcare information health.html Ministry of Health Verification of qualifications Welcome to the Maastricht Region Bank accounts finance___insurance/finance/bank_ accounts/?region=egh Practical guide for internationals 56 / 57 RESOURCES International school holidays Away with the kids Box-expat (Belgium) (Belgium) Long distance calls Housing and relocation Driving licence Tourism in and around Aachen (Germany) Resources for the international community Recruitment services for internationals Undutchables your_home.html Moving to the Netherlands List of international movers Utilities your_home.html (Dutch) Yellow Pages References to everything Dutch Your municipality Day Care MIK (Maatwerk in kinderopvang Maastricht and surroundings) Humanitas childcare default.aspx?id=79&sc=2&taal= nl&locid=1 Education Public transport Public Transportation Train International trains (also see page 16) Belgium Germany France High-speed trains Language courses Maastricht University Language Centre ProspectiveStudents/ShortCourses.htm Syntra Limburg Berlitz Jeroen Bosch Institute index.html (A)way, Belgium-based magazine for international families In general About moving to the Netherlands Resources for expatriates Government news and information Official site of Holland History of the Netherlands Dutch royalty CIA’s World Factbook on The Netherlands geos/nl For other language courses, see under talenonderwijs in the Yellow Pages Pregnancy, birth, family, health Tourism Care for women International Schools Dutch Bureau of Tourism United World College, Maastricht Tourism in Maastricht Afnorth International School, Brunssum Out with the kids (Dutch) Parenting in Holland (Pre)natal care index.html Support during and after childbirth Family matters Transition dynamics Third-Culture kids News Radio Netherlands Worldwide Dutch National Newspaper (NRC) international edition Dutch news Regional resources Crossroads, English-language web magazine for the international community living in Maastricht and surroundings Meuse Rhine Journal, online regional business magazine History of Maastricht Cultural Calendar Cultural Highlights Maastricht www.maastrichtnet.n/english South Limburg Tourist Guide Transportation for Maastricht Region Clubs and groups Maastricht International Playgroup International women’s club Lion’s Club Mondial Maastricht International Round Table Rotary Kiwanis Other (national) expat groups and clubs personal___social_needs/network___ social_clubs/expat_ related/?region=maastricht Basic Dutch phrases Fine, and you (formal)? Goed, en met u? Hello Hallo How much is it? Hoeveel kost het? Goodbye Tot ziens See you later Tot ziens Good morning Goedemorgen Sorry Sorry Good afternoon Goedemiddag Excuse me Pardon Good evening Goedenavond Can you help me please (formal)? Kunt u me helpen altublieft? Yes Ja Can you help me please (informal)? Kun je me helpen alsjeblieft? No Nee I am trying to learn Dutch Ik probeer Nederlands te leren Interesting books on the Netherlands Please (informal) Alsjeblieft The Holland Handbook Xpat Media Please (formal) Alstublieft The History of Holland Mark Hooker Thanks (informal) Dankjewel Dealing with the Dutch Jacob Vossestein Thanks (formal) Dankuwel Culture shock Netherlands Hunt Janin My name is .. Ik heet .. The art of crossing cultures Craig Storti What is your name (informal)? Hoe heet jij? At home in Holland American’s Women’s Club of The Hague What is your name (formal)? Hoe heet u? Undutchables Colin White & Laurie Boucke How are you (informal)? Hoe gaat het met jou? Food shoppers guide to Holland Xpat Media How are you (formal)? Hoe gaat het met u? Fine, and you (informal)? Goed, en met jou? Pleased to meet you Aangenaam kennis te maken for more phrases: 58 / 59 RESOURCES The Maastricht Region, a welcoming region Current participants &SOTU:PVOH - /7*OEVTUSJFCBOL-*0' -87#BOFOSJKLMJNCVSH .FEJB(SPFQ-JNCVSH .FSDVSJVT#FMFHHJOHT maatschappij BV 1SJDFXBUFSIPVTF$PPQFST 7FTUFEB(SPFQ The Provincial authority, nineteen town councils, companies and organisations in the Maastricht Region have joined forces to ensure a sustainable and promising future for the Maastricht Region. Two institutions were founded for that purpose: 1 The Maastricht Region Urban Network, a joint development platform and lobby; 2 The Maastricht Region Branding Foundation, set up to promote and enhance the image of the region. Current partners "USJVN.$ "1( $; %4./FEFSMBOE#7 */(-JNCVSH .BBTUSJDIU6.$ .BBTUSJDIU6OJWFSTJUZ Zuyd University 0SCJT 21BSL 3BCPCBOL 4"#*$-JNCVSH#7 (F[BNFOMJKLFXPOJOHDPSQPSBUJFT Zuid-Limburg 8WBTUHPFECW Current auditors #FMWnEoSF8JKLPOUXJLLFMJOHTmaatschappij #PFMT;BOEFST"EWPDBUFO /FEDBS 1JOYU7FSIVJ[JOHFO 4PMMBOE4PMBS Current sponsors -B#FSHoSF(SPVQ #SBOECJFSCSPVXFSJK #VGLFT %$&YQP (BJB1BSL#7 (VMQFOFSCJFSCSPVXFSJK )PMMBOE$BTJOP7BMLFOCVSH .BBTUSJDIU"BDIFO"JSQPSU .&$$.BBTUSJDIU $BNJMMF0PTUXFHFM$IBUFBV)PUFMT 4OPXXPSME 5IFSNBF#7 7BOEFS7BMLIPUFMT;VJE-JNCVSH 7FPMJB5SBOTQPSU-JNCVSH 9FMBU3FDSFB#7 Province of Limburg Municipalities #FFL #SVOTTVN &JKTEFO (VMQFO8JUUFN )FFSMFO ,FSLSBEF -BOEHSBBG .BBTUSJDIU .BSHSBUFO .FFSTTFO /VUI 0OEFSCBOLFO 4DIJOOFO 4JNQFMWFME 4JUUBSE(FMFFO 4UFJO 7BBMT 7BMLFOCVSHBBOEF(FVM 7PFSFOEBBM Expat Guide for the Maastricht Region Publisher Maastricht Region Branding Foundation A publication of the Maastricht Region Branding Foundation, May 2010 Concept and editorial Lorraine Witteveen (Buro ter Meulen) for the Maastricht Branding Foundation Maastricht Region Branding Foundation Lage Kanaaldijk 112-b NL-6212 NA Maastricht Concept, design and execution Zuiderlicht, Maastricht T +31 (0)43 328 25 65 E W Schunck* (1935 by architect Frits Peutz) is included in the International Union of Architects (UIA) index of the 1,000 most significant architectural monuments of the 20th Century. Cover illustration Stang Gubbels Editing David Frazer Wray Photography Interview photography: Loraine Bodewes Hugo Thomassen and Arnaud Nilwik Interviews Sueli Brodin and Lorraine Witteveen Print Schrijen Lippertz, Voerendaal Thanks André Rieu, Neena Kannan, Yu-Hwa Ed Sheu, John Smylie, Sueli Brodin, Alexandra Katerberg, Jo Cortenraedt, Vesteda Groep, Sam Welie and all locals who were happy to share their tips with our new international fellow residents! Bookstore Selexyz Dominicanen Possibly the most beautiful bookshop of all time... ‘A bookshop made in heaven’ (The Guardian), nominated for the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture, the Mies van der Rohe Award 2009 and winner of 2nd prize in the Contract World Awards. Disclaimer Various sources have been consulted in compiling and a number of organisations have lent their cooperation and provided information. The Maastricht Region Branding Foundation has verified this information as far as possible with authorities and experts. Nevertheless we remain dependent on external sources. We cannot, therefore, accept any liability for any errors or their consequences. We advise you at all times to get advice from your HR department or the relevant official bodies. The Treaty on European Union Was signed in Maastricht on 7 February 1992. Welcome to the Maastricht Region Moving is always a busy time and there are so Any comments, questions and suggestions for many things to be done. You have to get the for- additions can be sent to info@maastrichtregion. malities in order, find a house and a school for your com, mentioning the ‘Bright Site Magazine’. These children, and understand life in your new country. will be taken into account for the next edition. To support you through this hectic period, we are pleased to offer you this ‘Bright Site Magazine’ with We sincerely hope this guide is useful to you insights into the Netherlands and the Maastricht and your families, and wish you a smooth moving Region including a comprehensive guide to help period and a wonderful stay in the Maastricht you feel at home in this region quickly. Region! This publication was produced in cooperation with Wim Ortjens Brainport Development N.V., the City of Maastricht, Managing Director, Maastricht Region Branding Maastricht University and the Maastricht Region Foundation Branding Foundation. The magazine was funded by regional and national authorities, and was written on behalf of the international employees of partners of the Maastricht Region Branding Foundation. Maastricht Region would like to thank all these organisations for their input and contributions to this magazine.
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