IpRSI|'LE Community Contuct X'ormica Table and 4 C_h.airs - $J00 Couch/Fgld{ut Bed $10Q,00In good Condition Ph (03) 7sl 08eo A RE.CIPE FoR, HAPPJryg.ss i tteapeO cups of PATIENCE I hearrful of LOVE, 2 hands tull ofGENEROSITY, I handtul of UNDERSTANDING, A dash of HIJMOUR" Sprinkled with KINIDNESS' Add plarty of FAITH and mix well' Spread over a Period of a lifetime 2l'6n Statesman Ce ravan Electric Stove, Fridge Freezer, Shower. Excellent Condition Offers. As is where is. Telephone (03) 75 I 0837 days (03) 7510892 evenings Ask for Graham or Brenda And serve to everyone You tneet' JuIy 2 Sets of Bunks Offers 2007 Ring Malcolm & Toni Hayes Ph (03) 7 s3 3 184 REMEMBERYOUR CONTACTS Jane 755 4t76 755 4145 753 3012 753 3080 753 3234 753 4138 752 0747 75 3 4083 Fox Glacier Sue 75t 0EI8 ancl south Brenda 75 r 0837 Eleanar 75t 07 16 June Ross Annie Hari hari Seonaid Avis Lisa Anne trl/hataroa Franz Josef Suzy Sitgatip,$,.Ypcapt Caregiver for 8Oyear old mafi. Fulltime, Live in Positioll. May suit a eouple. DqElrM.S Hold hst to dreams, For if drearns die, Life is a broken-winged bird' Haast Area. Whitebait Stand available. Ph. F{elen (03) 7 68 0080 That cannot flY. Hold fast t* dtr€ms, For *tren dreams go. !-ife is a banen fisld' F-rozen with $ilow. Hq,fLHarL.,C.IY"I, J,tli' ttteeting - I pm - 4th JulY Ai tlie Hari Hari Rest Rooms 750 0847 Trisha Lanqston Hughes. E-mail salmonfarm@xtra,co.nz 751 0837 Brenda FAX (NOTE:FAX |WLL ONLY WORK DURING tv0Mi IIOURS) ThemeiIlIailing Address ' C/- Luke Paringa Postal Agency, Motto:- Haa,gt Everyone welcome. Fiealth Flealth is better than wealthrrs-one ciln borrow it. South Westland Pleese Gnsure that you have 5rour *nfornaatlon to your c{ontects for the August Roll Call: l. lnviting newcomers - bring a friend 2. 6lines on health from Home & Country Guest Speaker: Dr Feter ConnollY "GuIf of Carpenteria"" Cornpetitions Flowers:Arrangernent:* Best Bloom Best Weed A eup full of imagination Baking:- A plum pudding Flandicraft:- Care Bear Ptease send your cheque to the mailing address above witt! your advertisement. $or.l-Gh. \A/"estla.r3d. S lrit A.G.M Branw3n Longden Wandering Coin -Cathsrine applgqy Hostess:- : Annual general rneeting r,vill be held at the DePartment of Conservation Franz Josef Mond ay 30ft July nqss Ee Ha$T I{EIy GTIYFASKS FESTIVAT A new event for Rass looks For further information contact Donna (03) 752il208 Come along, South Westland SAR needs your support HINTS HOME-MADE FLY SPRAY i cup of keros€ne; I cup of cloudy ammonia; 6d bottle of 1 c,rp citronella. Put all in a quart bottle, shake well and spray with sprayer. oSOlil CARROT SEED between rows of onions. The caffot fly and wireworm dislike the smell of onion. d ,'r, REAP 7/'/r,r/J/u/'/,.,t|/',/'|/,'/'|/,,/"'/,4r/J/p/',/'/'//,:r/f/}'/tr/f,/'/']W/'/ , wESTLAND As I will be away this month please contact the people offwith a bang * had their literally! The Ross Promotions Working Group l* thinking caFs on anri have decided upon a special event for Ross. R.oni Wright spokespercon from the Ross Promotions Working Group sairt drat dre group has decided to turn the Ross Guyfawks night that was becoming more popular each year into a Festivtil. The Guyfawks celebrations would be turned into a festival with *usi., entertainment, food and a bigger and brighter f,reworks display thzur previous yeani. Ideas for the 7.3Opm e set to go 3 2 ,., below regarding specific courses" "' i FIRST AID: 30 June - I July at swAs. All inquiries i , phone Avis Muir (03) 53 3080 I , wooD TURFTING: 2 - 6 July at Hari Hari. All 2 inquiries phone Glenys Black (03) 53 3197 14 - l5July at Hari Hari. All V PICTURE FRAMING '1 7 '1. evJnt have been flowing and it is hoped also to have a loca! Ross band playing as 'The Riggles' a giant Roddy Nugget throwing com;etition, as well as the faditional 'Best Guy' and secret a surprise grurd tinale that will remain under lwaps as a night. big the until The Fistival will start at 5pm on Saturday November 4n 3,d and in tre case of bad weather if will be on dre Sunday most be will festival the that said Wright Roni November. suitable for families bui also atfiactive to a wide range of age groups so watch dris sPace! ! ''U 7 t.. lnqulrles phone Lanc=e Trolle (0'3)-547 4436 ,?/nrttts/z'.r,/tt/tt,3,J,,tt 'ttc'27/r/17/u/3/t/t"-/I/3/t/t/a/tle'/M/t/t/3/t// 7, vz,z,czt,ttststrzzil/2 Di Clendon Proj ect Ross Coordinator Phffax 03 7554 038 Patchin Friends of Harihari Our next "symposium" Workshop will be on Wednesday l Sth July with Donna Stewart doing Machine Quilting with a difference", Contact Alwyn Friend 753 4147 for class list Take A Ride or Walk on the Wild Wet West Side construction, This northern section of the Cattle Track is also suitable for day walks or ovemight tramps into Blowfly With the recent clearing of the Haast-Paringa Cattle Track a fantastic walk or rewarding mountain biking experience has the cattle herds conalled at the sight, prior to fording the Moeraki River Tramping access to the historic Blowfly Hut is a gentle flat walk of approximately one and a half hours among an attractive mix of podocarp forest. The flat well benched trail sideling along the Moeraki River is suitable for all levels of fitness and experience. The Moeraki Valley track junction leads offto the right just before the Moeraki swing-bridge and fifteen minutes prior to reaching Blowfly Hut. If mountain biking this section, the only obstacles are three or four minor slips and the Moeraki swing-bridge which will require portage. After lunch or an ovemight stay at Blowfly the only existing roadmans hut left on the track, intermediate or advanced mountain bikas may wish to attempt the steady climb to Maori Saddle Hut. The track winds its way up to Vhakapohai Saddle through stands of Beech (Nothofags sp./ rising up and over a gentle gradient ofabout six degrees. Sections ofthis part ofthe track are again quite rough and will require technical mountain biking skills, there are also a number of diversions around slips that have destroyed the original CaUle Track and will require portage. If hamping, the track is suitable f,or most experience levels during dry weather, access to Maori Saddle Hut becomes difficult in heavy rain as there is numerous small creeks crossing the track which li-re quickly and can be a little tricky to cross. Note if havelling the whole rack by either rnounrain bike or tramping, you sirould be f;i" experienecd and well equipped. Mountein bike enthusiasas may wish to asempt the whole route, which woul<i be a challe.nge for expert riders over a long rJay or advanced riders on a multi day trip. To attempt the Caitie lrack ftom Paringa to Coppermine Creek inorth to south) ic the recommended direction due to the flatter gradients and less hill climbing. the track generally follows the line of the Alpine Fault which is thought to have caused some fascinating landfonns sueh as waterfalls descending onto the track at Wate,rfali Creek and orre particularly large landslide at Robinson creek. For this reason ii is not a mountain bike trip to be taken lightly, there are numerous creeks, slips and diversions where portage of your equipment will be necessaq/, particularly the section between Maor! Saddle Hut and Coppermine Creek, Those wto choose to walk the hack will be rewarded with gentle gradients through attractive mixes of Rimu (Dacrydium cupressinum), Beech (Nothofagus sp.), Kamahi (lYeinmanni a rac emos a) and Quintini a (Quintinia acut ifol ia) forests [pical of the South Westland area. Tho majority of the track follows the 600-meter contour of the Mataketake Range whose tops can be accessed near Maori Saddle Hut. South from Maori Saddle hut the Cattle Track iirosses the first of twelve creeks on the way to Coppermine Creelt Hut, most of which can easily be crossed with caution during dry weather. Chasm Creek is the most spectacular with an aptly named large drop offthe side ofthe wellbenched track. Continuing south the track is crossed by another six creeks which will require portage if mountain biking. The existence of lichen and moss covered Totara (Podocorpus totara) telegraph poles on which the copper wire communication system between the three roadmans huts can still be seen through this section oftrack. A little further along is Robinson Creek colloquially known as Slippery Face, here the original track formation has slipped dovyn to the valley floor necessitating a steep become achievable for all, from armchair ramblers through to the experienced outdoor enthusiast. There are many options along the twenty-threc kilometer route suitable for the hardiest trampers and expert mountain bikers through to those who would prefer a gantle stroll for a few hours. The historic Flaast Paringa Cattle Track was constructed in 1875 as a droving route allowing the pioneering runholders in the Landsborough, Cascade and Flaast region to move cattle to the sale yards at Whataroa, a journey of about two weeks duration. The track became the major route north between Haast and the farming communities of South Westland (Fox, Franz and Whataroa) prior to the completion of State Highway 6 in 1965. Over a ninety year period the Track is thought to have provided access north for up 50,000 cattle, in mobs of up to 200 at a time. The Haast Paringa Cattle Track became redundant with the last heard of cattle travelling the fourteen-hour joumey between Coppermine Creek and the fuloeraki River in 1961. After this time the completion of the road around to Knights Point provided a slightly less direct route but facilitated all weather sccess to the communities of South Westland. The track became redundant until l98l when the then New Zealand Forest Service reopened it as a walking track. In the intervening years between 198 I and 2000 the track became considerably overgrown with vegetation above head height on some sections, making negctiation and route finding difficult for all but the hardiest rrampers. A in September 2000 by the Department of Conservation has restored most of the considerable track clearing operation twenty-three (23) kilometers to the original six to nine foot benched width. It should be noted that siips and washouts have considerably altered some sections of the original track. Mountain bikers and trampers can approach the track from either the north or south ends with each direction have advantages depending on the activities being undertaken. The northern access to the track is approximately 40 kilorneters north of Flaast where a smail carpark and Department of Conservation sign reading n'Cattle Track" identifies the driest access. The southern access is through a gate on the Ieft hand side of State Highway 6 just south of the Waita river bridge, this access is not sigrrposted. Sections at the northern end ofthe track area suitable for beginners to expert mountain biking, with short sections requiring technical riding skills due to the rocky nahre of the terrain. This first section ofthe track detours a lowland swampy section of the original eattle Track around Windbag Creek. On my first real offroad mountain bike experience, I was able to ride sixty-five percent of this section with a few short portages over tbe rockier sections. Do not be put off, as a little persistence will reward the learning rider with smooth portions to make up for the bumps. Orce onto the original three meter wide benched Cattle Track the riding becomes easier and the historic nature of the original construction becomes apparent. The Cattle Track was built with horse, dray, pick and shovel and a fair bit ofexplosives in the days before modern equipment became available. Paved fords over the smaller creeks and stone culverts still working attest to the skilled work and detailed craftsmanship of the original Hut. The unfortunate name is thought to have come about due to the initant blowflys that would have been a feature of drop in altitude before regaining the height on the other side of the valley. It is thought that this area of instability on the track was one reason why the State F{ighway 6 development did not follow the line of the original Cattle Track. One of the last creek crossings is in my view the most spectacular, Waterfall Creeks has a thirty meter cascade the formation of which was no doubt the product of tectonic uplift. If you are careful with the nurnerous creek crossings it is possible to keep dry fe€t until reaching Copperrnine Creek which is the last major negotiation of flowing water. Prior to crossing Coppermine, the track follows a fence line down to the large river flat clearing where Copperrnine Creek Hut is located. The eight bunk hut is the furthermost from the bush line, the first two you come across being privately owned. From Coppermine Creek Hut it is a shaightforward walk along the river flats with surounding views of kahikatea forest {Podocarpus dacrydicides). Following the true right of Coppermine Creek it is a straightforward walk dowr tire grassy flats where ,v$u sross to the true left just prior to the confiueRc.e of the Waita River. Continuing on it is not long before you rcach the swing-bridge that crosses the Maori River. Once ecross this dark deep slow flowing river there is a short one-kilorneter walk through the bush back to the southern road end. I ,Aceesis: The northern end of the track is about 4CI krn n*fih af Flaasi Junstion cln State Hiehwa_y t:. It is rnarked by a DoC sign whir:h r*aris "Cattle Track", and there is a rtxldsici* carpark. The southern end is at a gate just south of the Waita River Bridge and Maon Saddle Hul to Coppermine Creek Hut hours. and preserving our historic sites. '['hese are the people that make sure our facilities are to a high standard for our visitors. Wild Animel Management Primqrily responslble tbr the planning and implementation of wlld animal and weed control Department. Service You seldom see the Service Team; they are there in the background making sure the office ticks over. They process the conhacts, make certain everyone gets paid, and ensure the tools and equipment are in tiptop shape. Biodiversity Some of you may refer to this team as the bird tacklers; they prefer to think of themselves as the glamorous face Department. They are involved in the kiwi programmes, monitoring the wetlands, preserving endangered plants and generally working towards the of the of people/agencies who can help. ,t, - r r r-'^r!.^- c----^-3 * ask 8088 ^^1. f^755 RORR Support(03) ?{{ Victim Qrr^rr^r{fn?\ for \/i^+irt 7 Werttand Victim Support i251 768 iv{orton(03) Ellen I W.rt Coast Arthritus Foundation 0800 353 coast Tolt 'e 7 ,t i 353 , 0800 s43 s4 0800 287 077 0800 300 62e ''2 preservation ofour flora and fauna. ...And last but not least our Area Managers. The person that oversees all the teams, the one with the overview. The person that makes the final decisions. 7 7 i fflititJ-t;r! women's Reruge (lOam - 5prn) 0800 208 After child support 0800 221 lCnild Support Agen ey - queries re ,rtrtrtmzr'eb'- L:;;;;;':,i;;'/t'r,t"t'|r/r/r/r/r/e/2ti many hours clearing and maintaining tracks, painting huts, cleaning toilet$, maintaining structures The Communitv Reiations staff are the ones that visit your farms in their gumboots to discuss your issues and help find solutions that will benefit both you and the 7 Coppenninc Creek Hul to Fiighway 2 hours. Map: F3? and G3?. Huts: All the Huts on the Cattle Track are Categery 3 and have mattresses and wood stoves. Bloufly F{ut, eight bunk, Maori Saddle Hut. eight bunk, Coppermine Creek Hut, eight bunks. Note: The track is crossed by nwrerous small cresks. which flood quickly after hear^y rain. Trampers should rvait until water lel'els have dropped before oroceedi n inrucoast This team is responsible for all the tracks, huts, structures and historical sites in the area. They spe,nd and renew your lea^ses and iicenses. hours. 7 section does. Vlsitor Assets Community Relations Looking for some information on anything within the Department - this is usually your first port of call. The community relations team can give you information on land tenure, issue fire p€nrrits, process your concessions is not sign-posfeC" Walking times: State Highway'6 to Blue River Hut I t/z hcurs. Blue fuver FIut to Maori Saddle Hut 3 t/z Free ir;;i;i';- oo* * 6pm every school day lrwestCoast itural Support 7i do? many times they are asked what the weather is going to do, or where the glacier is; ',hey still seem to answer as if it were the first time they had been asked. When you ring up and request your fire permits, these are the people you will talk to first. t 7"Eiri":*.rr but how many of you wonder what they actually This month we have given a brief overview of what each Visitor Information Our front counter staff - always smiling and ready to answer the visitors' questions" It doesn't matter how ! w-gLu! Fgg,E 7, {ritr, yw will see Department of Conservation vehicles out on the roads, and some of you may wonder what we are up to and where we might be going. Within the South Westland district we have a number of teams - each responsible for specific projects such as kiwi recovery, weed control and bridge building, but also collaborating to meet Coast-wide objectives. Many of you will have heard the teams referred to as Visitor Assets, Community Relations and so on, Most dayr programmes. This includes the preparation of resource congents. asligssment of environmental effects and fieldwork. If planning a trip ovsr all or part of this historic track the flepartnent of Conservatian has produeed an inf*rmaiive route guide this and further inforrnation can be ahtained from the Department at either the Sauttr WesflanCfiVeheka Area Office in Fox Glacier or the Haast Fi*lS tsnir* in X{aast. T-, Below are the numbers CONSERVATION NEWS Hours "n,ttz,"n,"r'e't/t If you require any further information on any of these sections plerse don't hesitate to contact your closest Department of Conservation ofllce. 3 339 221 i ,a';{J 2 s E P"?EHfli:$€onservdion ANNUAT ALTOCATION - HIITARY COMMISSION COMMUNITY SPORTS S HEI\AE AND CREATIVE COMMUNITIES NEW ZEATAND SCHEME 2OOI: The Committee estobtished by Council to consider opplicotions ond distribute funding under the obove schemes met on Fridoy 20tn April 2@1. Hilhrv Commission Communitv Snorts Scheme (l less than 2000) were received totalling $86,098, the amount available for allocation was $23,851. applications 23 received funding the one application not receiving funding did not meet the schemes criteria. Organisations receiving funding are listed below: 24 applications ORGANISATION Arahura Netball Club Country Netball Club Hokitika Amateur Swimming Club Hokitika Bowling Club Hokitika Hockey Club Hokitika lawn Bowls Club Hokitika Netball Centre Hokitika Netball Centre Kokatahi/l(owhitirangi Pony Cl ub Iake Mahinapua Aquatic Club South Westland Rugby Football Club Sport West Coast Temple Basin Ski Club United Netball Club Wae Wae Netball Club Westland Basketball fusn Westland Basketball Assn Westland Basketball Assn Westland REAP Westland REAP Westland Special Olympics Westland United Socc€r Club Westland United Soccer Club AMOUNT Ofthe 24 PIJRPOSE $400 Assist with travel costs and uniforms $400 Coaching $750 Coaching $700 Promotion/coaching $750 Equipment $650 Strategic Plan $900 Cmch training $700 EquipmenVmaterials $400 Specialist instnrctor for coaching $450 Upgrading of equipment $2,000 Assist with travel costs $4'500 Sport development $4S0 Snow safety training $750 Equipment/uniforms S500 Assist with travel costs $500 Equipment $900 Send Coaches to serninars $ 1,500 Assist with travel/equipment $ 1.400 Coach rraining $1,200 Outdoor sports astivities $2,500 fusist wittr travel costs $500 Coach training $400 Assist with trav*i costs $23" 150.00 Creative New Zealand Scheme 2001 Atotalofl6application(4morethan200l)werereceivedseekingfundingtotalling$58,111. Theamountavailableforallocationwas $l1,382. Of the 16 applications 10 received funding. Organisations receiving funding are listed below: OR,GANISATIOhI Westland REAP Westland REAP Westland REAP Kowhai Whai Toi Youth and Music Development Trust Ross Community Society Hokitika Art Cnoup New Zealand Secondary Students Choir Donald Buglass NLI AMOTNT PURPOSE $2,000 Arts progarnme Harihari/Whataroa S1,500 Residential Arts Carnp 9 - l3 yrs $2,000 Arts for youth workshop l6 - 25 yrs $900 Creation of Kowhai Whai panels $500 Weekly guitar goup for youths $1,000 Creation ofgold rush mural $750 Provision of art classes $1,000 Bring choir to Hokitika $732 Design and construction of concrete pillars $ 1,000 t"ocal fabric weaving workshop $l1"382 Once again, committee members spent a considerable amount of time oonsidering all applications prior to the allocation meeting and are to be oommended for their time and effort. T Hanoock coMMpTNITY SERVTCES OFFTCER cHrlp. ADOL4SCENT & FAMTLY THERAqrgr Rae Healey visits the South Westland area (Ross to Haast and all places in betr,veen and around) once every six weeks. Rae covers several areas - children and people up to 20 years of age who may have mental health problems. These may include issues of grief, depression, anxiety, eating disorders and behav ioral problems such as Attention Dsfi cit/Flyperactivity Disorders, families who may be living under stressful conditions and parenting issues also come under my area of expertise, as does family counselling. Rae can see people in their homos or, if preferred, at another pre arranged place. Confidentiality is respected at all times. to relaX 'apeut altthera; :utic Referrals can be made by the family doctor (GP), schools, the Rural Nurse Specialists, by families or by individuals. Rae can be contacted at (03) 768 2670 or through the following peoptre: Rural Nurse Specialists Haast 750 0800 Fox Glacier - l,ousia Davidson 75 l 0836 Whataroa - Sue Clelland 7 53 4t72 Hari Hari - Bruce Hall 753 3008. Ree Healey N+e Mai Haere Mai RATA BRANCH rvrWWL INVTTES yOU TO TE WAKA HAUORA (Mobile Health Bus) I I VrSrT i.-.-.-r-.-r-.-r-.-.a.-.- -. _ggllflp3lls!.rryAss_uREp._. _.___._._j IIU}Y TIMETABLE - IIAA€T: BRVCE FAYr RQSF ii Monday l6'i Fantail Restaurant 2..30pm i T'ussday i 7to Flaast Playgroup Neil's Beach I I Wednesday l8'h Bruce Bay i :Lqggy_l?:: __&o:l_{sry_ _._ l0.30prn - 3.30pm otel,lrFFranzz Jose ose csef h Jultly , pm we will have gift vouchers and skin care too Great gifts for friends I There will be a sm.all semice lee added to our Hokttitca pnces to cover our costs. i For an appointment phone: i Fit for Life Massage & Beauty Therapy Clinic i i i Hokitika i Phone 03 755 7350 i i I I St John Nntional First Aid Kits S/orkplacgFirst Aid Kits i i I 09010 09012 09014 09016 09018 i i ! _ WESTLAND T}ESTRICT COUNCIL i NOTICE TO ALL RESIDENTS \ ,) I will be at the Council Office ,36 Weld St, on Fridays, 'i between the hours of 1.30p.m. to 3.30 p.m. I am also I ) kofrrraan *Lo L^rrt. r-f 1 2A* * *^ ? 2f} * * I ^* ^l^^ ( available at other times. If you would like an appointment, please telephone Diane Maitland, phone (03 Workplace Workplace Workplace Workplace Workpiace No I Metal No I Plastic No 2 Metal l.lo 2 Plastic No 3 Metal I 19.00 109.00 s 189.00 s 149.00 $ $ s239.00 _ _j r^v"\,,"\,\,.\,,,a.2'\,'\,2^..-^,_.\,\A,,.v^.r ,<^rytr ".'i'"t"v^',,'.r''.,,'1,'\z^v'\z^\/,t/'vr'r/"./\,/r"/Vr-,\-AAz^r,,\,/'V,!\,.\r'^\./\ .Rt^E.^rAF lrrltfi-lrFtt \ l lY-f\ , i .30pm Noon e3!am:.l1.Qg1T theerapyv rnelloong drive dr ve lble;inn Fran lnz:Jo Josef Jc i - Noon 2.00pm - 3 I l.30am - I i ; We c&n offer you: FREE: FREE: FREE: FREE: I Health Promotion, Assessment & Education for all. j *nf99O Pressure Monitoring #Auahi Kore:(Smoking Cessation t{elp) i #Advice on Brease Screening #Cervical Smear Screening i #Sexual Health Issues #Asthma Support & Education #Children's vlsion and hearing checkr i *tmmunisation check I #Cholesterol Checks #Well Chlld Checks | *naiU"tes: Blood Sugar Level Checks i *Contraception advicqfree eondoms & Pregnancy Tests) i HEAI,TH PROMOTION THEME "S[DS and HEA,RT HEALTH"----J \ ttr ing to you! ) 7 ss 832r . Home/SportftrOutdgor KitS 09020 Glove Box First Aid Kit s 29,00 09022 ivlobile First Aid Kit $ 49.00 09024 Ceneral First Aid Kit $ 69.00 0e026 $2 19.00 fi,t T]i-,, (03) 7s3 3080 ""[:ffJ REh{II\DE$E! Whataroa Gym CIub Subs are now due l " July. Please get your money to Carolyn Ph (03) 753 4139. John Drylie MAYOR OF WESTLAND ( .,zr_,,f7\-,,\ \ \,\.,r- HARI HARI SCPUT GROUP KEAS Pat Struthers CUBS John Muir SCOI-JTS Robyn Kelly VENTTIRERS Teresa Hall (03) (03) (03) (03) 7s3 3170 7s3 3080 7s3 4068 7s3 1503 Vacancies in all sections for leadens and children. John Muir Group Leader -Phone (03) 753 3080. , - $40 Farnily (School age children) $80 Student $ l5 Aerobics Ladies $30 Casual $5 per session. PLEASE bIOTE THAT DUE TO TFIE AMOLINT OF PEOPLE USING THE GYIvT MTHOUT PAYING TFM LOCK IS SOON TO BE CHANGED. IF YOU ALREADY HAVE KEYS YOU WILL BE ABLE TO SWAP FOR A NEW ONE WHEN YOU PAY YOUR SUB. IF YOU HAVE Adults Hope to hear from you. REWARD OFFER for information on the whereabouts or demise of our cat - LILY* friendly short-haired grey cat missing since Sunday 20th May at Hannahs Clearing. please phone: Sheri, Phil or James on (03)750 0720. ALREADY PAID FORTHIS NEXT YEARYOU CAN SWAP YOUR KEY FOR A NEW ONE AFTER. IST JTILYI p.s. The new twin stack gym system will be here around the end of June (apparently it went to Singapore!) NEWSFLASH! The treadmill is now fixed, sorry for the delay. All -rounder We baveled around Ireland earlier this year staying in bed and breakfast farrq our landlady asked if we like ponidge. We said we did, but on sitting down to breakfrst the next morning, we noticed we were the only ones having ponidge. "You shouldn't have hade it specially for us," I remarked. f ttt tanatady replied cheerfullY, "Oh, that's all right'.. we had to make it for the Pigs." homes, At one computer room at,)outhWestland Area School and niqht claooes are available for the follovrin4 oubjecto: We now have a "/B Absolute Oeqinnero JR lntroduction T,o Windows JE W ord ? roceeoinq (O aeic, JB lnt ermedi at e, Adv anced) Spre adoheeto (b aoi c, lnlerm edi ate, J0 D atabaseo (baoic, lntermediate, /0 Adv an c ed) Adv anced) lnternel and email -/0 DeoiqninqWeb paqeo For more informalion on lhese couraas pleaoe contact Dronwyn Lonqden Portfolio Systerns ai Harihari, Voicemail or fax: 7533122 7m ail: intert ac e@ V ofr,folio oy otem6,co,nz RD1 Gulde 6 Nt/@p vArileo wutuilozs $P,gZ l\. t\ FranzJosef's Guiding 6roup is up ond running f or 2001. Pteasephone '\l'l \I $t S" vt/ g Solly Anderson,752OO25 f or detoils. wJJAt J$ A gatetwo &Boupp 6uiding of f ersgirls choice , challenge, achievemernt ond experiences. We oim to help girls develop into A Guidinseroup i. o e,.oifl':fill'Tif1iilefl:'J'l99J:i* women Pippins are 5 & 6 year olds, who leorn to .be aware of themselves, other people ond their environment through gomes ond octivities. Brownies ore girls I - gt yeors who toke port in o voriety of octivities - including interest bodges ond comps - thot help in their oll-round development. Guides are 9t - l4t years who hove o wide voriety of chollenges in their progrdmme. Eoch girl mokes her choice of octivities from within the fromework. a t ^.)SJ$ Harihari Guides, Brounies and Pippins uould tiKe to [-%gB'cnann"u"';;,'#ffiili.:1T,:iJl,'.''*]'* M 0uldes llre$lend PADDOCKS NEEDDRWN? OW? Wopiti Pork Elk Velvet Extroct ond Extroct ond Ginseng for relief from Arthritis ond Rheumotism os o noturol onti-inflommotory ond os o noturol stimulont for your immune systenn to improve your generql heolth ond guord ogoinst colds ond flu. For more informotion ond to order contoct: fi:$;:flHJ"[:r E-Moil Wapiti @minidoto.co,nz, AFTER A NEW HOMEP JD 6600, 115 HP 4W.D. & DUALS C/W JAMES 5 LEG SUBSOILER . . . o o o ALSO AVAILABI-E Round Silqge Boling ond Wropping Round Hoy Boling Complete Cultivotion Brood Acre ond Spot Sprcying Lime ond Fertiliser Spreoding General Troctor Work WESTLAND AcRISERVICES Moin Rood, WHATAROA pHoNE {03} 75s 4119 FAX (03) 753 4003 *PROMPT SERVICE* *COMPETITIVE RATES* FOX, FRANZ & WHATAROA AREAS Call us for your building requirements (Houses, light cornmercial and renovations, kitchens, bathrooms, and rvooden joinery) GRANT GIBB JOINERY & CONSTRUCTION Phone (03) 751 0111, Fax (03) 751 0108 P"O" Box 4, Fox Glacier Geoff Ntrehrtens 100 Kaniere R"oad, Hokitika7900 Phone/Fax .dH (03)755 6788 Mobile'. 025 87I 723 Authorised Sales Agent for AEG, I{cover, N{aytag, Vulcan Fuses for rnilking rnachines TV & FM Aerials. Coax Cable and accessories. Your 7 dav supplier. IONAL CLEAhIING AI-L CLEANNG SERVICES CARPETS - WTNDOWS .IIPHOLSTERY PROFE FOR SS ALL YOUR EI.ECTRICAI CALL NEEDS Gordon Kelty Electrician For advice and a price contact Gordon Phoneffax {03} 753 ,1068 Cl- P.O. Whataroa MISHEARD When God gave out brains, I thouglrt He said trains. So I missed mine, When He gave out looks, I thought He said books, And I didn't want any. $outh Hrestland Resldents We wiil be in your area agarn on: When He gave out ears, I thought He said beers, So I ordered two long ones. U i T i Fax (03) 752 0748 Tony Pidgeon PttrffiBER Registered Craftsman Gold Card Holder Avaiiable now for.- *New Homes * * Please contact Michelle to arrange an appointment Working from the Coast for the Coast Spouting Shower improvement * Space Heaters t General lvlaint enance *Water purification units *Roof repais P.O Box 85, Fox Glacier, South Westland Phone (03) 751 0038 Fax (03) 75 I 0037 When I{e gave out chins, I thought He said Telephone (03 1 732 *Hot water cylinder repairs When He gave out nos€s, I thought I{e said roses, So I ordered a red one. When He gave out legs, I thought He said kegs, So I ordered fwo large ones. BALE COBUR]\ gins, MoToRlPfs Solorderedadouble. LORD. AM I IN A MESS! Traci Booth-Ross Peter Cuff Phone (03) 755 8866 &r when you see a stationary schOol bus displayins'SCHOOL BUS' si$ns, please slow down to 2O k.P.h. West Coast Farmer Lime Co. LTD :1.,'':' r' I , . v.'": , i ,\" Race chiP Aglirne Lirne .:'. ! .;'. r,td, !r ,, l; ' .t rt "i', I :''" ,ir . i,li.; ; i i,' 'r, Rock l. ,1 ri Fh.,f I i. :;iii i.:,r: i ;l', ,t, ,.,',r,ll' .,, " i,lll1;l il fil;!r ll;: rI il'$. r '[i : rt,i 1i,:l1l 'i,t;itll ,r,, . ;, ,r, " :lilil ii dL ,i,, ' , Land$cape Ample supplies of above products in stocK :I ,'li :,,,,],ii.,,, ; {fll,tri,iit,r,, ',1,1,.;l ,,,ilril, i,t I .l ltl*11,i'r :i " ,iln r': inf* *sa thes* ptr#dru*€s ' l ti: , ",1'il.lr',, i l;';u;ii i, Fcla: am*ffffi l;11 ,liur,ll,li ,fi\;il''il, ,,;,i;;iiji:;li1i,: pleas# ph*ffi* tfu* s?ffirnh*rs, h*€ E:wr' ** AF{ 03 *755 4#?3 Fax #3*755 03 -755 4T1 2 4#?G^ ii,i';*-,, i' ,,',i'li,l r ' rr;fli{ilil'r,, ] 1[l1 , ioif I 1, ,r;ltji/, ,i :, 1,,r 1l;r'i, ,,,,1i /:i AH rRsf,PF{*NH #S0S 2s6 **? ;11r11lX,yflr;t i I if;$r" i 1li'','1; r , ,lili,:t,,, i,i,ttlrl r ) i'4,i', j tr" lit ffiAsffi l,;lriii ,rii, l; ,;,i; rrlii, lll ,, ];,fl ,ilrrrlil ' 1 ,Ill\:i,i,i lliiltllii ,j ; ,11 ] 1' I'1j il,,'i'l' L ' 1,' Hire Plant to Lav Race Roads tiliiirrr,, ' li li,',1',',1' , I ', c&ffi .,' ,i, ill' l;"l 'i';,1 r,il,, '',;l- , ::; i:;iriii,;llll '' 'irii^ I i. i rt,' I il l r.," ,ril'rl, rl i r,r ir Llri' rfl,:,.'; i,,',,,:irilii I ",r,j;,ilf :l:li,,i ', he arranged i, ffi GWER VTBWThTG ROLLER DTJMP TRUCK& TRAILER IJ la hsll srn tr HAIR Ad d so m eLP€QWffi nsT il) \-.-- cA$T ,fiBlnftoYo u r visiting .betleza's. team of confident & creative stylists. We offer a complimentary indepth consultation to define a look best to suit You! rtng o I belleza ' @443 7727 37 l{eHwick St WANAKA bat JF Gi-Ir^L(CIEFR c (o rrlr ER^ac 1f r rrr(GiF(O>K (Gi-lf/A.G>I=n rR Phone John Scott 03'751 0834 Roading, Cartage, Concrete Aggregate, SectiollS Excavated, Backfilledo & Land Clearing. F(OET. I TIERE: Tip Truck Tip Trailer Wheel Loader with buckets and forks Excavator 2 buckets Transporter Trailer D8 Bulldozer l0.00am Catholic 10.30am ll.l5am Presbyterian l0.00am Anelican 9.00am Catholic 9.am Lit 9.00 am 5.00pm Sat 5.00um Sat 6.00om Sat. 6.00pm Sat. 10.3Oam 9.00am Presbvterian WHATAROA l0.30am C l0.30am C Anelican Catholic FRANZ JOSEF See local details See local details Anelican Catholic 5.00pm Sat. 9.00am Lit. Catholic I l.00am 8.3Oam JACOBS RIYER I 1.00am Catholic WI{a.RAROA CHRISTIAI\ F4LLOWSHIP Catholic Now n'leeting at Rodney and Michele Giles' house every Thursday,7.30pm. for a time of singing, Bible sfudy" prayer and supper. Please ring (CI3) 753 41 l0 i,rr iC3) 753 4469 to ensure that it is on. EARI HARI P"RAYER_GRq1Jr Interdenominational, each Tuesday 7 .30prn. Singing, Prayer, Bible StuCy and supper. Enquir!*s 753 3037 Elizabeth and Rally de Pra. C q ryi.ine4 Servicg-at $JA,n4fe,w's, Rqil g A service to celebrate the fornral begirudng of the joint use of this church by United and Anglican Congregations in Ross will be held at 1 1.l5am on Sunday July l5 at St Andrew's, R.css ALL WELCOh{E )qYest C+aSl ..AgK Distnig,t-Health Bpa rd A PR"OFESSIONAL'' QUESTION: "Who and r,!i:at arc the Stak*holder Group?" ANSWER: Tf'JANTES Several years ago Coasr Health Care set up the Stakehoider Group to ensure the comrnunity had a voice and a iink to the management of Coast Health Care {as it was then). The Stakehoider grouo is made up of community representatives who have a pa*icular interest in health. They meet regularly with the Chief Executive and Management of the AROUND TOX AREA. WCDHB to bring foruard vour_ conc€rns, questions and issues for discussion and response. Smoll piece cf land to put sorne staff occcmmcdation on: Approx,$20,000, Stakeholderr are a valued part of comrnunicating with the community and identi$ing .b*unity concerns. Stakeholders bring a rvide and diverse range of skills, experience and viewpoints to meetingg which make for interestrng debate and discussion. Ifyou would like to contast your local representative contact details are as follows: Angela Anderson Hari Ray.{rmshong Hari (03)753 Reefton 3181 (03)732 8r 33 izabeth Cumrnings Greymouth (03)768 505 r Paula Cutbush (03)732 8513 Reefton Jewel Lemon Westport (03)789 7134 Margaret Moir Hokitika (03)755 6022 Gilliam Williams (03)768 5952 Margaret Westport (03)789 8106 E lt rnoy be o srnCIll piece thot hos been sub divided off c blcck -..r Distonce not o rnojor concern. Al I contoct to Al on Phone 03 374 2486 Fox 03 374 251 4 I Woods Greymouth Stakeholders Group members are happy to hear your views and to follow up on any concerns you may have. Sue Belsham At present we are looking for another rep for South Westland to join the STAKEHOLDER GROIIP. Ifyou are interestect in HEALTH in your area and would like to join please contact either be mail or phone AIIGELA AhIDERSON in HARI FIARI. I will take your name fonvard to our next meeting. We meet every two - three months depending on what is required by our CEO SUE BELSHAM. Our next meeting will take placc in August. Sue has been around in the area and has been pleased by the meetings. Thc main concern has been to maintain the present services that we have which is what we all want. To date we have not lost any services and it is to hope that will continue. If there are any concerns you want me to take to the meeting do not hesitate to contact me. 10 Al.rcELA ANDERSON (03) 753 3t8l
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