Alive Today Dungiven & Bovevagh Parish Magazine march 2015

If you could help with this very important task please add your name to the
rota. The new flower rota for 2015 is now up in the porch, there is still spaces
that needs filled.
Bovevagh Flower Rota
March 1st & 8th
Annie Logan
March 15th, 22nd & 29th Vacant
April 5th & 12th
Melanie Magee
Alive Today
Dungiven & Bovevagh
Parish Magazine
march 2015
Dungiven Flower Rota
March 1st & 8th
March 15th & 22nd
March 29th & 5th April
May Wilson
Elizabeth Hill
Violet Morrow
Bovevagh Cleaning Rota
Dungiven Cleaning Rota
Team Leader to organise time and date
Dungiven Grounds Maintenance Team
March Team Leader
Russell Moore
Our Parish Vision
We are committed to growing a healthy church. We want
to grow in our relationship with God’s family, and we
want to grow out into our local community as we seek to
share our faith in words and actions.
Rector: Vacant please contact Rural Dean, Canon Harold Given
Telephone: 028 77762743
All items from parish organisations, parish rota etc and any items
parishioners wish included in the magazine should be forwarded to Kaye
Nesbitt preferably by email at- by Monday
23rd March 2015.
Webmaster Pamela Duddy:
Items received after this date will unfortunately not be included in the
April edition.
Telephone: 07921391535
Parish Office: Bovevagh Tuesday Tel: 77741394
Youth Co-ordinator: Peter Thorogood
April Magazine deadline Monday 23rd March 2015.
Lent has just begun. As l read Matthew Ch. 4 v1-11, l am transported back to my student
days again and like my son last week l am packing my case to fly back to begin another
term. You will know the experience l am sure, there you are with a pile of stuff that you
think you will need but the case is already bulging and probably overweight already, there’s
no room for any more.
That’s how l feel about this passage of Scripture. It’s packed with so many subjects and
what big subjects.. temptation, the Holy Spirit and such big questions.. Why does a loving
God allow suffering? Is temptation a sin? Does the devil really exist? What about angels?
That’s just the tip of the iceberg. Start on one of those and you open the flood-gates.
In my job l meet so many people who suffer in one way or another. Some cannot
understand why they suffer. Why they go through the wringer time and time again. Some
turn their back on God, others just accept their lot, they “just muddle through”.
The Bible is clear that when we suffer we do not suffer alone. God in his love, in Jesus,
suffers with us. From womb to tomb he experienced life as we do. In this passage we see
him weakened by hunger, wearied by loneliness and falling prey to temptation and the
devil’s subtle ways endeavouring to seduce him to use his divine powers selfishly and to
escape his mission, his death on the cross.
There are easier, more pleasant ways to win the world, the devil whispers in his ear.
I believe that these temptations re-occurred repeatedly in one form or another throughout
our Lord’s ministry. He knew as we do that we fight a daily battle against sin, the world
and the devil. The writer to the Hebrews in Ch. 4v15 says
“For the High Priest we have is not incapable of feeling our weakness with us, but
has been put to the test in exactly the same way as ourselves apart from sin.”
“..apart from sin” and there is my second thought and hope. He shares in our weakness
that we may share in his strength. We can learn from his temptations how to face
temptation and how to overcome them. The secret is revealed in the Bible. Three times
Jesus saw the devil off with the words “It is written..”
Lent is an important time. A season of penitence, of prayer, of the sacrament, of Bible
study. But above all a season to draw close to God, often in silence and in the quiet secret
place from which temptation may have kept us for so long.
May this be our resolve this Lent, may we use this time to renew our faith as we in faith
draw closer to the Cross and all that lies beyond it.
Dungiven Church Crèche Rota
1st March - Avril
8th March - Sandra
15th March - Family Service
22nd March - Doreen
29th March - Paula
Bovevagh Children’s Church
1st Mar
Melanie Moore, Elaine Hawthorne, Laura McArthur,
Angie Young, Sarah-Jane Young.
8th Mar
Sandra Parkhill, Pamela Hutton, Tracy Young,
Regan Young, Emma McGraw, Laura Mowbary
Family Service
15th Mar
22nd Mar
29th Mar
Ruth Riley, Noeleen Riley, Emma Tweedale,
Gillian Young, Kim McGrotty, Jackie Caldwell.
Adele Brown, Emma Halcrow, Lily Steel, Olivia Dazell,
Laura Moore, Joanne Halcrow.
5th April
Easter Day
12th April
Melanie Moore, Elaine Hawthorne, Laura McArthur,
Angie Young, Sarah-Jane Young.
***Bovevagh Children’s Church
Please speak to Peter Thorogood if you wish to volunteer on the children’s
church rota. If you cannot make your date please arrange for cover. We want
to make sure that our children get the service they deserve on a Sunday
Dungiven Sunday School
Canon Harold Given.
Month of March
Month of April
Anita, Lucinda and Peter
Anita, Lucinda and Peter
Bovevagh Sunday School: Meets 11am in the Parish Centre
Contact - Judith Mullan 077 4098 3590
Dungiven Children’s Church: Meets 10.30 Dungiven Parish Hall
Contact - Anita Hill 777 41079
Bovevagh Children’s Church: Meets Sunday at 12noon in Parish Centre
- Contact Bovevagh Girls Brigade: Monday in Bovevagh Parish Centre at 6pm
Contact - Angie Young 078 43224771
Bovevagh Scout Troop: Wednesday in Bovevagh Parish Centre at
6.15pm Contact - Pamela Duddy 777 41284
Kidz Quest: Meets Tuesday in Bovevagh Parish Centre at 6.30pm
Contact - Peter Thorogood 079 21391535
Mothers’ Union: Meets 1st Tuesday of the month
Contact - Janette Morrow 777 41361
Bovevagh Prayer Group: Meets Sunday mornings Bovevagh vestry at
Contact - Rosemary Robinson 777 41403 or David Steele 777 41533
Dungiven Prayer Group: Meets Sunday morning Dungiven Church at
Contact - Alan and Ann Logan 028 777 43873.
Youth Group Dates and times check out Youth Facebook
Contact - Peter Thorogood 079 21391535
Bovevagh Indoor Bowling Club: Tuesday & Thursday Bovevagh Parish
Centre at 8pm
Contact - Gary McMullan
Dungiven Indoor Bowling Club: Monday & Thursday Dungiven Parish
Hall at 7.30pm
Contact - Alan Fear 07784618455
Bovevagh Facebook
Dungivan Facebook
Contact - Tracy Young
Contact - Gillian Baird
Sunday 1st March The 2nd Sunday in Lent
Holy Communion 2
Holy Baptism 2
Wednesday 4th March
A Gospel in Life
Drumrane Primary School
Friday 6th March Women's World Day of Prayer
Sunday 8th March The 3rd Sunday in Lent
Morning Prayer 2
Holy Communion 2
Wednesday 11th March
A Gospel in Life
Drumrane Primary School
Sunday 15th The 4th Sunday in Lent - Mothering Sunday
Family Service
Family Service
Wednesday 18th March
A Gospel in Life
(Final Evening)
Drumrane Primary School
Sunday 22nd March The 5th Sunday in Lent
Morning Prayer 2
Morning Prayer 2
Sunday 29th March The 6th Sunday in Lent - Palm Sunday
(Sunday School will be enacting drama)
Morning Prayer 2
Morning Prayer 2
7.00pm - 8.30pm : Bovevagh Prayer Workshop Ryan Walker (Exodus)
Parish Directory
Holy Week and Diocecan Week of Prayer
Monday, 30th. Evening Service in Dungiven : 8.00pm
Tuesday, 31st. Evening Service in Bovevagh : 8.00pm
Wednesday, 1st. April : Evening Service in Dungiven : 8.00pm
Maundy Thursday, 2nd. April : Service of Holy Communion in
Bovevagh : 8.00pm
Good Friday, 3rd. April : Nails in the Cross. in Dungiven : 8.00pm
Saturday, 4th April : Prayer Day
Dungiven : 10.00am - 1.00pm
Bovevagh : 1.00pm - 4.00pm
Dungiven : 4.00pm - 7.00pm
Bovevagh : 7.00pm - 10.00pm
Sunday 5th April Easter Day - The 1st Sunday of Easter
Dawn Service of Holy Communion Dungiven Old Priory
(followed by Breakfast in Parish Hall)
Holy Communion 2
Holy Communion 2
Dungiven Church Wardens
Contact - John Hill & Gillian McDaid
Bovevagh Church Wardens
Contact - Hazel Wilson, Athline Simpson
Dungiven Glebe Wardens
Contact - Alfie Canning, Billy Turner 777 41318
Bovevagh Glebe Wardens
Contact - Desmond Quigley 777 41843, David Wilson 777 41541
Dungiven Treasurer
Contact - Mrs Sandra Smyth 777 42210
Bovevagh Treasurer
Contact - Mr Bertie Robinson 777 41403
Dungiven Secretary
Contact - Mr Alan Keys
Bovevagh Secretary
Contact - Mr Jonathon Wilson 777 40682
Dungiven Organist
Contact - Mr Cecil Keys 777 41203
Bovevagh Organist
Contact - Mrs Joan Robinson 777 41425
The Diocesan Year of Prayer
Prayer is not another thing to add to our busy lives - it is something which
helps us with our busy lives. The burden and excitement we may feel about
shouldering the responsibility to be lights in a dark world are not ours to carry
alone. In prayer we find our Refuge.
2015 has been set aside as a year of prayer for our diocese with each parish
given one week (Sunday to Saturday) to creatively engage with prayer for
their parish, community and the wider diocese. Your rector and those on your
parish team know about this and will inform you more about it.
The motivation for this is because prayer changes things. It changes us, as we
Dungiven Catering Co-ordinators
Contact - Jean Hill 777 64643, Ann Logan
Bovevagh Catering Co-ordinators
Contact - Lily Wallace 777 41494, Athline Simpson 777 41871
Flower Rota Administrators
Dungiven - Chris Ross 777 41428, Elizabeth Canning 777 41952
Bovevagh - Beverly Steele 777 64863
Dungiven Sunday School: Meets 10am Dungiven Parish Hall
Contact - Violet Morrow 777 42307
7pm 15th March – 18 -25 Year Olds Night at Peter’s House
March – Takeaway, Movie and Chill Night for all secondary school age
6pm 23rd March – 5 A-Side football
7pm 29th March – Prayer Night
Youth Work September 2015
We need to start planning now for September 2015. If you want to get involved
with the youth work in anyway please speak to Peter Thorogood.
go deeper in faith and closer to God, while it also helps us to learn the heart of
God, and what He want's us to do, both personally and in the world.
It is through prayer that we have an opportunity to notice and respond to God
who is always present. We were created to live in relationship with our
Creator – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – and it is through prayer that we can
identify, establish, strengthen and develop that relationship. In prayer we
begin to share in the mind of God: to desire the things he desires, to love the
things he loves, to will the things he wills.
The diocesan cycle of prayer is used in parishes every week throughout the
year to pray for Provinces throughout the Anglican communion, dioceses in
the Church of Ireland and parishes in our diocese. This year we will use the
cycle of prayer to structure which parish is praying during which week.
Therefore if you are praying for a parish in your Sunday Service you know
they are about to embark on their week of prayer.
Dungiven Donations:
Ernie Scott’s Dance
To Parish Repair Fund
Thank you to Ernie Scott and all who attended the dance in aid of Parish
Repair Funds.
Dungiven Prayer Group
Dungiven Prayer Group meets at 9.15am each Sunday morning in the Church
and concludes at 9.45an to allow time to set up for the service. For more
information please contact Alan and Ann Logan
Thanks to everyone who gives donations to the parish. They play a vital
role in maintaining the church and they are greatly appreciated.
Bovevagh Prayer Group meets at 10.30 am each Sunday morning in the Vestry
and concludes at 11.10am in time for the Church Service.
For more information please contact Rosemary Robinson.
The house bound, lonely and bereaved.
Parish Organisations
Confirmation Class
The Parish and for the Parochial Nominators
The homeless
The Bereaved
During the Parish vacancy the Rural Dean, Canon Harold Given will be
in charge of the Parish. Contact Canon Given on 028-7776 2743.
Please advise the Church Wardens or Canon Given if you or a loved one
is ill at home or in hospital and would appreciate a Hospital visit.
Dungiven and Bovevagh’s Got Talent!
7pm - April 18th
Dungiven Parish Hall
All ages welcome to enter
(To enter speak to Peter Thorogood)
Prizes to be won!
A good nights fun and craic for all the family!
Pray and Play Easter Holiday Bible Club!
When: 1st,2nd,3rd April 10am – 12am
Vestry meeting to be confirmed
Where: Bovevagh Parish Centre
What: As it is part of our week of prayer in the church we are going to teaching
the kids the importance of prayer. Expect fun and laughter!
Thursday 12th March at 8pm in the Rectory
Cost: £1 per day (includes a snack)
Collect registration forms from Peter Thorogood
Meeting to be confirmed
5 A-side Football
When: 9th and 23rd of March 6pm-7pm
Where: Gortnahey 3G Pitch
Who: All secondary School and older
Cost: £2.50 per night
Monthly Plan
7pm 22nd February – Takeaway, Movie and Chill Night for all secondary
school young people
6pm 23rd February – 5 A-Side football
7pm 1st March – Girls Night In – For all Secondary School Girls
6pm 8th March – P6- 2nd Year Night – Games, Food, Fun and God!
6pm 9th March – 5 A-Side football
Girls Brigade Display Night
Our Holy Communion Service was held in Bovevagh Parish Church on Tues
2 Feb and conducted by Cannon Given. We had a good turnout of members
considering it was such a wintry night.
The Girls Brigade display night
Saturday 28th March
Dates for your diary:
7.00pm in the Parish Centre.
3 Mar - Can't cook won't cook. There'll be no excuses ladies!!
7 Apr - Green Fingers. For all those enthusiastic, and not so enthusiastic,
Prayer Circle: If you are aware of someone who requires prayer, please
contact Mrs Ann Logan (028 777 43873).
Food Hygiene Course
Are you interested to attending a Food Hygiene course—if so please
contact Mrs Sandra Smith as soon as possible. Telephone 777 42210
Janette - Branch Leader
Hilda – Secretary
Dungiven & Bovevagh Website
Nikki - Treasurer
The Bowling meet each week in Dungiven Parish Hall. At the Bowling Club
friends meet to enjoy fellowship and a game of bowls. The club members
would like to welcome anyone no matter what their age or ability to come
along and join us on Monday and Thursday Night’s in Dungiven Parish Hall
at 7.30pm
Club Captain Alan Fear
Bovevagh Bowling club continues every Tuesday and Thursday Nights in the
Parish Centre. Tuesday night blowing from 8pm and Thursday nights 6.30pm
for Juniors and 7.30 for seniors. We warmly invite new members to join our
club and I can assure you will enjoy the fun and the banter. If your not a
bowler why not come along and support us. Don’t forget you’ll get a fantastic
tea served by the ladies, oh and the men.
Club Captain Gary
Please send all Parish organisation information for uploading to the
Parish Website to Pamela Duddy at
Bovevagh Parish Census Forms
Bovevagh Select Vestry would like to thank everyone who completed and
returned the census forms recently. This information has been collated
into a list and will be available for our next incumbent. We would like to
remind everyone that it is the responsibility of the individual to ensure
that they have been included in this list.
Sunday School continues each Sunday at 10.30am except the Family Service
3rd Sunday. Open to all children from Primary 1 upwards! Judith & the team
Sunday School continues each Sunday except the Family Service 3rd
Sunday. Service starts at 10am—children leave during the service for
Sunday School in the Hall. Children from P1 upwards are encouraged to
come to Sunday School.
In accordance with the recommendations in “Safeguarding Trust” the
Church of Ireland Code of Good Practice for Ministry with Children. A
Parish Panel has been appointed to implement this code. If you have any
concerns regarding issues around children please contact a Panel member.
Cecil Ross, David Wilson, Kathleen Canning, Yvonne McGrotty Canon
Bovevagh Flower Festival
Harold Given
The Squirrels & Beavers also had a visit from a Dentist who taught them the
importance of cleaning their teeth.
This is 2015 and the countdown is on for our flower festival happening
from 29th - 31st May!
Preparations are well on the way and our plan for the festival themed on
'The circle of life' has been finalised. This has been given to the
Londonderry Floral Art Society who are now designing the floral
Again, we look at raising funds for the festival and so we are offering you,
the parishioners and members of the local community the opportunity to
get connected to the festival by being able to make a contribution to the
floral displays. A general donation can be made or you might want to
make a donation in memory of loved ones.
A minimum donation of £100 is requested and this can be made by
individuals, families, groups of people or organisations.
If you or someone you know is interested in making a donation, please do
not hesitate to contact any member of the flower festival committee
(Rosemary Robinson, Daphne Quigley or Beverly Steele).
The District Founders Day Service is now on Sunday 19th April at 3pm at St
Augustines. All Sections are asked to attend in full uniform.
Many thanks, in anticipation of your continued support.
The Scouts attended the District competition in Archery and Football and
were delighted in coming 2nd at the Football Competition – Well done.
All sections had a great evening learning about Japan. We had a
representative from the Northern Ireland group of Scouts who are going out
to Japan in the summer to meet up with thousands of Scouts from around
the World. We learnt some interesting facts, spoke some Japanese, used
chop sticks, made origami cups & birds and got to try on traditional
Japanese clothing.
The Cubs attended the district quiz and have continued with different
experiments for their Scientist badge.
There will be no Scouts on Wednesday 1st and 8th April due to Easter.
Flower Festival Committee.