Sweetheart Classic Competition

Spring Jam
Saturday M arch 21, 2015
2600 N. Hwy 81, Anderson, SC 29621
Contest will be held at T L H A N N A H I G H SC H O O L with V E R Y H I G H Ceilings!!!
O rder of E vents ± 9am- A ll Modeling, Basic, M ilita ry, Struts, Solos, 2 & 3 Baton, Duets, T wirl-O ffs, Rhythmic,
Show T wirl, Solo Pom followed by A ll T E A M E vents at 2:30pm.
™ All events will run on the set system with color coded folders for events!
™ Contest is open to all organizations!
Main Gym
Gym 2 Practice Gym
Awards & F un During Teams & Before Team Awards!
F un A wards!
Spin-O ff W inner!
H aving F un Before A wa rds!
A n O verall Team W inner!
A Star!
G E N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N:
Division Levels- Novice, Beginner, Intermediate, Advance or Elite.
Age Divisions for solo events- 0-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-15, 16-20, 21+. Duet age divisions- 0-17, 18-28, 29+. Competing
age will be determined by the age contestant is 9/1/14.
Time Limits for Solo Events- *All Novice Events- .30-2:00 *All Solos Beg 1-2 min, Int 1:30-2:15min, Adv/Elite &
College 1:45-2:30min * All modeling 1:30 maximum *All struts:30-2:00 min *2 and 3 Baton 1-2 min *Rhythmic,
Show Twirl, Solo Dance, Solo Pom, High School & Collegiate Solo with own music- 1:30-3:00min
Contestants may choose to salute or a courtesy pose for start and/or finish of routines. Timing will begin with the
first movement after the salute/pose and end with the last movement/salute/courtesy pose.
ALL modeling will be done in costume. All patterns are acceptable and can be done with or without a baton.
Struts can be X-strut or straight line. You may have to adjust length of straight line for some lanes but all struts are
Please keep a copy of your entry so you will know what you entered.
Order of events- 9am ± All Modeling, Basic, Military, Struts, Solos, 2 & 3 Baton, Duets, Twirl-Offs, Rhythmic,
Show Twirl, Solo Pom followed by All TEAM Events at 2:30pm.
All teams must have music on cd or ipod. No cassette tapes.
Contestants are responsible for reporting to their lanes on time. Once lane is closed it cannot be reopened.
Directors of contest or TL HANNA High School are not responsible for loss, accident, or injury.
This is a very nice facility so please help us take very good care of it on competition day.
Only soft sole shoes will be allowed on the gym floor.
Video taping is allowed of own child/students only.
NO refunds.
Concessions will be sold by the TL Hanna Band Boosters.
P L E ASE N O T E! T here is N O F acility F ee added to this competition. However, T L H anna
Band Boosters will be charging Door A dmission- $5 each for non-competitors.
We will have a Spin-Off & T wirl-O ff for Beginner, Intermediate & A dvance!
Contest is co-directed by Hazel Martin Cartee and Lindsey Rhodes.
Deadline- E ntries must be postmar ked by M arch 2, 2015.
*Contact Hazel or Lindsey with questionshazel@upstatedance.com 864-844-1249 OR lindsey@upstatedance.com 864-844-1248
M ail all entries and ma ke checks payable to:
H azel M artin C artee
152 E xchange St
Pendleton, SC 29670
State_____________________ Zip______________________________
Telephone (_____)___________________________________________
Age as of 9/1/14______________Birthdate___________________
M iss Spring Jam 2015 Modeling, Strut, & Solo (*Novice will do Modeling, Basic & Solo-No X-Strut)
Novice Basic Skills
___ 1. Modeling in Costume
___ 2. X Strut
___ 3. Straight Line Strut
___ 4. Solo
___ 5. College Solo
___ 6. Basic Strut
___ 7. Military Strut
___ 8. 2-Baton
___ 9. 3-Baton
___ 10.Duet
___ 3. Intermediate
____5. Elite
O pen E vents
Spring Jam E vents
___ 1. Spring Jam Modeling Queen in Costume
___ 2. Spring Jam Strut Queen(Best App, Basic, Mil)
___ 3. Spring Jam Freestyle/Rhythmic
___ 4. Spring Jam Solo Dance
___ 5. Spring Jam Show Twirl
___ 6. Spring Jam Collegiate Down Field Strut (with own music-1:45 Max time)
___ 7. Spring Jam Collegiate Solo (with own music)
___ 8. Spring Jam High School Champion (with own music)
___ 9. Spring Jam Middle School Champion (with own music)
___ 10. Spring Jam Solo Pom Girl (with own music)
Total # of Events_______
T-Shirt:$12 C hild: ____Sm _____Med _____Lg
A dult: _____Sm _____Med _____Lg _____XLg
Total A mount E nclosed - $__________
D E A D L I N E : M UST B E P OST M A R K E D B Y M arch 2, 2015
T E A M C O M P E T I T I O NTeam competition is scheduled to begin at 2:30pm!
This will be a great experience for all who participate! Each team member will receive a medal!!
AWARDS: Trophies will be given to each team at the conclusion of the team competition.
TEAMS: Baton, Pom, Dance, Acro, Jazz, Hip-Hop, Lyrical- 2:00-3:00 minutes per team.
GROUPS SIZE: Small: 3-8 members, Large: 9-13 members, Extra Large: 14 or more members
AGE DIVISIONS: Determined by finding the average age of all members (using age as of 9/1/13)
Age divisions for Dance-Twirl & Twirl Teams- Tiny Tot 0-5.9, Juv 6-8.9, Pre-Teen 9-11.9, Jr 12-14.9, Sr 15+
Age divisions for Half Time Teams- Kinder 0-7.9, Primary 8-10.9, Jr 11-13.9, Sr 14-17.9, College 18+
*Team entry fee: $20 per person per team. Team entry fee INCLUDES a souvenir Spring Jam shirt AND a
souvenir neck medal for each team member!
Discount for team members in more than one competing team-$20 first team, $6 for each additional team
M UST P OST M A R K E N T R I ES B Y M arch 2nd!
*****T E A M E N T R Y F O R M*****
ST U D I O N A M E : ___________________________________________________
T E A C H E R N A M E : __________________________________________________
A D D R ESS_______________________________________________________
P H O N E_______________________ E M A I L_____________________________
___C A L L
___T E X T
___E M A I L
Please list the following on separate page for each team entering-
TEAM TYPE(Dance-Twirl, Twirl Team, Half-time, Corps, etc)-_____________________
TEAM SIZE(Number of members)-____________________
AGE DIVISION(Average age of team members)-_____________
*C L ASSI F I C AT I O N L E V E L (Beginner- Maximum of 1 spin for any member, Intermediate- Maximum of 2
spin for any member, Advance- Maximum of 3 spin for any member & single toss illusion, Elite- Above 3 spins and/or
above single illusons)-_____________
Please list team members for each team on a separate sheet of paper along with shirt size for each
team member. Shirts are sized- YS(6-8), Y M (10-12), Y L(14-16), AS, A M , A L , A X L
T O TA L T E A M E N T R Y: $
C hec ks Payable To: L I N DSE Y R H O D ES
You may also pay by credit/debit card by filling out the attached form for C redit C ard payment.
M A I L T O : H azel M artin C artee, 152 E xchange St, Pendleton, SC 29670
If paying by C redit C ard, please fill out the information below.
Please check credit card type:
American Express
Credit card number: ________________________________________________
Expiration date :__________/__________( mm/yy )
CVC number (3digit # on back of card):______________
Exact name as it appears on the credit card:
Billing Zip Code: ___________________________
Primary phone number: ______________________________
Cardholder Signature: ______________________________________________
**Please submit this form with entry. Make sure all fields are completed in order to process
payment. You will receive a payment confirmation. There is a 3% processing fee per transaction.