The Virginia Twirling Association Cordially Invites You to Participate in 2015 Virginia State & Open Competition June 20, 2015 – Sanction # 980 & 981 Glen Allen High School – 10700 Staples Mill Road – Glen Allen, VA 23060 We are honored to host the 2015 Virginia State Championships. This is the official State Contest presented by NBTA International, an organization dedicated to the development of character, talent, and a healthy competitive spirit. Best wishes are extended to all. Schedule of Events 7:00 am 8:00 am 8:05 am Modeling & Strut Starting Letter will be “W” Solo Starting Letter will be “J” We will be using the set system starting with Duets Individual VA State Awards Ceremony Doors Open Opening Presentation Competition Begins VA State Miss Old Dominion Modeling Interview Rating Lane Setup for Teams, Rhythmic, Show Twirl & Collegiate Fight Song Street Parade Virginia State Teams Competition Virginia State Rhythmic Twirl, Show Twirl & Collegiate Fight Song Setup for Individual Competition Basic Strut, VA Basic Strut, Open Military Strut, VA State Military Strut Team Awards – Interview for the Joyce Gray Award will be during Team Awards Open Duet, VA State Duet Open Trio, VA State Trio Open Super X Strut, VA State Super X Strut, Visitor Super X Strut Open Solo, VA State Solo, Visitor Solo Open 2-Baton, VA State 2-Baton Open 3-Baton, VA State 3-Baton Remove Tables from Floor to Setup for Awards Ceremony Events that will be announced at the end of the day are: VA State Solo, VA State Super-X Strut, VA State 2-Baton and the Joyce Gray Traveling Cup Award Contestants are responsible for reporting to lanes on time. Failure to do so results in penalty or disqualification. GENERAL INFORMATION – Please READ!!! Competition Events: Payment: Double Entering: Modeling: State Miss Old Dominion: Interview-Rating Lane: Joyce Gray Traveling Cup: Pat Figgatt Award: Photographer: Facility Surcharge/Fee: Family Plan: Video Taping: Program Books: Good Luck Ads T-Shirts & Tank Tops: Vendors: Food & Drinks: Smoking: Deadline for Entries: Changes from One Division to Another: Directions to Glen Allen High School: The school is one mile from the I-295 Exit. Take a right into the first entrance of the school, and proceed to the back parking lot. NBTA age groups for all solo events is 0-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-15, 16+ You may pay with a personal check or through PayPal! Send PayPal Payments to VATWIRLASSOC@GMAIL.COM. Make checks payable to VTA and mail to Rhonda Groves – 2400 Swartwout Avenue – Richmond, VA 23228. There will be a $50 fee for any returned checks. NBTA Rules state that double entering is not permitted for State events, but is permitted for open events. Will be in the Circle T pattern. No interview. Time limits are specified in the NBTA Rules. Advanced in dress or gown. All others in costume. Will run during modeling. Interview time is approximately 10 minutes. You will have valuable oneon-one time with an NBTA Judge. Great for those competing in Miss Majorette of America Pageants at AYOP. The Joyce Gray Traveling Cup will be given to the Advanced Junior or Senior twirler based upon placement of their Advanced State Solo, Advanced State Super-X Strut, Advanced 2-Baton and Interview. Interviews will be conducted in costume during the Team portion of the competition. A Traveling Cup and a $100 Cash Award will be presented at the end of the Awards Ceremony on Saturday. You must pre-register for this event this year. The Pat Figgatt Award is given to the high score Small Junior or Senior Dance Twirl Team or Small Junior or Senior Twirl Team. (Judged by the same judges). A professional photographer will be available during the competition events to take group and individual photos. At the conclusion of the awards ceremony, pictures of the first place winners in the Advanced, Intermediate, Beginner & Novice divisions in Solo, Super-X Strut, and 2-Baton categories will be taken for the Drum Major Publication. After these pictures are taken, parents may then have the photographer take individual pictures. There is no spectator charge at the door. However, a facility surcharge is to be paid with your individual entry. If there is more than one child in the family, only one surcharge will be assessed, but the entries must be sent together. A family with more than one sibling may pay ½ of the lowest entry amount. This applies to individual entries only and does not include t-shirts, programs, ads, or late fees. Entries must be sent together. NBTA Rules state that you may only video your own child or student. No flash photography. Please pre-order these on the entry form. A limited number of books will be available for purchase at the designated hostess table for cash only. You are invited to design and write your own “Good Luck” ad. Please email your ad in Word Form and in Black and White to Deadline is June 1, 2015. ¼ Page Ad $5.00; ½ Page Ad $8.00; Full Page Ad $10.00 Good Luck Line Ads – 75 Characters $2.00 Another new design will enhance the official shirt for the Virginia State Baton Twirling Championships. The T-shirts will be a regular fit this year, but the tank tops will be fitted. Please see the entry form for pricing. You may pick up your pre-ordered shirt on Saturday morning at the head table. We will not have extras for sale, so please pre-order! Items and associated twirling needs will be on hand. A concession stand will be open for business during the contest. This is a non-smoking facility. They do not allow smoking on the grounds. Entries must be postmarked by May 25, 2015. If the entry is dated May 26, 2015 – June 1, 2015, you will need to include a $20.00 late fee. All entries must be received by June 1, 2015. Checks made payable to VTA or PayPal Receipt must be enclosed with entries. Add your entries carefully. No refunds will be given for overpayments. Due to a contest win after the state entry has been mailed, which would necessitate a change to a higher division, (i.e. novice to beginner), please email changes to by June 8, 2015. Changes will not be made after this date and you will not be able to compete in either division for a title. However, you can compete for a score sheet only. From the North: I-95 South to I-295 North towards Charlottesville, exit 49B East Richmond, Route 33 (Staples Mill Road) From the East: I-64 West to I-295 North Exit 200 towards Charlottesville. Exit 49B East Richmond, Route 33 (Staples Mill Road) From the West: I-81 North to I-64 East Richmond to I-295 South, Exit 177. Exit 49B East Route 33 (Staples Mill Road) From the South: I-288 to I-64 East to I-295 South, Exit 177. Exit 49B East, Route 33 (Staples Mill Road) OPEN & VISITOR AWARDS st All Divisions VA State Super-X Strut: Advanced Advanced Intermediate Intermediate Beginner Beginner Novice Novice Advanced Advanced Intermediate Intermediate Beginner Beginner Novice Novice Advanced Advanced Beginner Beginner Novice Novice College College Advanced Beginner Novice Advanced 1 Place nd th 2 -5 Place st 1 Place nd th 2 -5 Place st 1 Place nd th 2 -5 Place st 1 nd th 2 -5 Place st 1 Place nd th 2 -5 Place st 1 Place nd th 2 -5 Place st 1 nd th 2 -5 Place st 1 Place nd th 2 -5 Place st 1 Place nd th 2 -5 Place st 1 Place nd th 2 -5 Place st 1 Place nd th 2 -5 Place st 1 Place nd th 2 -5 Place st th 1 -5 Place st th 1 -5 Place st th 1 -5 Place st 1 Place Advanced Beginner Novice One Division Advanced Only 2 -5 Place st th 1 -5 Place st th 1 -5 Place st th 1 -5 Place st 1 Place nd th 2 -5 Place VA State Solo & 2-Baton: Miss Old Dominion: VA Collegiate Fight Song: Basic, Military, 3-Baton: Duet & Trio: (There is no Novice Division For Trio) Show Twirl: Rhythmic Twirl: 1 –5 th Open & Visitor Events: Medallion VIRGINIA STATE AWARDS st st nd th Traveling Plaque, Sash & $50 Cash ** Trophy Trophy & Sash Trophy Trophy & Sash Trophy Medallion & Sash Medallion Traveling Plaque, Sash & $50 Cash ** Trophy Trophy & Sash Trophy Trophy & Sash Trophy Medallion & Sash Medallion Trophy & Sash Trophy Trophy & Sash Trophy Medallion & Sash Medallion Traveling Plaque & $50 Cash ** Trophy Trophy Trophy Medallion Trophy for Duet & Trio and $25 cash each for Duet Member (no cash prize for Trio) Trophy Trophy Medallion Trophy Trophy & $50 Cash Trophy th All individuals that do not place 1 thru 5 in ANY State Event will receive a participant ribbon. ** Cash Awards that include a traveling plaque will be given to you next year upon receipt of the traveling plaque. This is to insure the plaque is returned for next year’s winner! Twirling Corps: TEAM & CORPS AWARDS st 1 Place nd 2 Place Highest Scoring Small Jr or Sr Advanced Dance Twirl Team or Twirl Team: st rd $50.00 Cash Award Trophy Traveling Plaque in honor of Pat Figgatt and a $50 Cash Award Teams: Beginner & Advanced – 1 – 3 Places Street Parade: (Open Division) Each member will receive a ribbon Trophy Individual State Entry Form Deadline: Postmarked by May 25, 2015 (Please read brochure thoroughly before completing) Name: Date of Birth: Address: Age as of 9/1/14: City: State: Parents: Phone #: Zip: (confirmation of events will be emailed) Email Address: Main Coach’s Name: Coach’s Phone: Coach’s Email: Please list any teacher/coach that you’ve had in the last twirling year: Please check your choice of events & twirling age category 0-6 7-9 10-12 13-15 16+ **** Individual Open & Visitor Events **** Open Events Nov Beg Int Adv Interview-Rating Lane $10.00 Basic Strut $8.00 $9.00 $9.00 Military Strut $8.00 $9.00 $9.00 Open Super-X Strut $8.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 Visitor Super-X Strut $8.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 Open Solo $8.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 Open Boy’s Solo $8.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 Visitor Solo Open College Solo (College Miss Majorette rules) $8.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 Open 2-Baton $8.00 $9.00 Open 3-Baton Open Duet ( Open Trio ( $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 Nov Other Beg Beginner, Int Adv) Advanced) 0-18 0-10.9 $9.00 19-24 25-30 11-13.9 31+ 14+ Partners Name: Age: Partner’s Name: Age: $16.00 $24.00 Fees ** Individual State Events – Virginia State Residents ** NAME:___ ___________________ State Events Nov Beg Miss Old Dominion Modeling $10.00 $12.00 $16.00 VA State Basic Strut $10.00 $12.00 $16.00 VA State Military Strut $10.00 $12.00 $16.00 VA State Super-X Strut $10.00 $12.00 $14.00 $16.00 VA State Solo $10.00 $12.00 $14.00 $16.00 VA State Boy’s Solo $10.00 $12.00 $14.00 $16.00 VA State 2-Baton $10.00 $12.00 $14.00 $16.00 VA State 3-Baton Int Adv $12.00 VA State Show Twirl (One division) Joyce Gray Award Other Fees $16.00 $16.00 No Charge-See above rules – Write the word YES in this box- VA State Collegiate Fight Song $16.00 VA State Rhythmic Twirl (must be an advanced solo twirler) $16.00 Total amount for ENTRY FEES ONLY (Add State Duet/Trio below as it is not included in family plan) Family Plan: A Family with more than 1 sibling competing pays only ½ of entry of lesser amount Facility Surcharge Fee (Only one per family) VA State Duet ( VA State Trio ( Nov, Beg, Beginner, Int, Adv) 0-18 Advanced) 19-24 0-10.9 25-30 11-13.9 31+ 14+ Partners Name: Age: Partner’s Name: Age: $20.00 $20.00 $28.00 Program Ad Fee (1/4 Page $5, ½ Page $8, Full Page $10) Good Luck Line Ad (each line is 75 characters) ___ T-Shirts (circle size) $16 each – Tank Top (circle size) - $16 each - MC LC MC __@ $2.00 each SA LC MA SA LA MA XLA LA XXL (add $2.00 for XXL) XLA Program Book (Note: Cost is $9.00 the day of the contest! Please PRE-ORDER NOW) # of books @ $7.00 Late Fee - $20.00 if entry is dated May 26, 2015 thru June 1, 2015 Grand Total Make Checks Payable to: Virginia Twirling Association or Pay through PAYPAL. If sending payment through PayPal send it to Mail Entry & Check to: Rhonda Groves – 2400 Swartwout Ave – Richmond, VA 23228 Virginia State Team Entry Form Group Name: Director’s Name: Director’s Address: City: State: Zip: Director’s Phone #: Director’s Email: Confirmation will be sent Please list any coaches that have worked with your teams over the past twirling season: State Fees are $7.00 per member Directors: Using the form on the next page, you must submit a list of names, with ages and date of birth on a separate sheet of paper, for each event entered. Please total for average age. Please check your choice of events, category, age group & division Note: Small Teams Consist of 4-8 Members ~ Large Teams Consists of 9 or more Members Dance Twirl Team Beginner or Advanced (circle one) TT Juv PT Jr Sr. # of Members Twirl Team PT Jr. Beginner or Advanced (circle one) TT Juv Sr. # of Members Half Time Show Twirl Team Kinder Primary Jr. High College # of Members Half Time Dance Line Team Kinder Primary Jr. High College # of Members Half Time Pom Pons Team Kinder Primary Jr. High College # of Members Half-Time Show Twirl School Majorette Team Jr. High College # of Members Baton Twirling Corps (one baton) Juv Open # of Members Show Production Twirling Corps Juv Open # of Members Show Corps Twirling Corps with props and/or scenery Open # of Members Parade Corps (recorded music) Open # of Members Parade Corps (live music) Open # of Members Street Parade (Open Division) Not a State Event # of Members NEW AGE DIVISIONS for Dance Age Divisions for Half Twirl & Twirl Teams!!! Time Teams Total # of Members for ALL Teams/Corps Tiny Tot 0 – 5.999 Kinder 0-7.999 Juvenile 6 – 8.999 Primary 8-10.999 Late Fees Pre-Teen 9 – 11.999 Junior 11-13.999 Junior 12 – 14.999 Senior 14 & over Total Amount of Entry Senior 15 + College 18+ & in college • All NBTA Rules will be followed for all team & corps events; Please read NBTA Rules for proper division entry • The facility fee for group events is include in the entry fee per each member • Late fee PER team or corps is $20.00 for entries dated May 26 thru June 1, 2015 • If you are only competing in Teams, and would like to pre-order your program book, Tank or T-shirt, please complete the individual entry form for those items and mail in with a check. • Checks to be made Payable to: Virginia Twirling Association (VTA) or pay through PayPal to • Mail Entry & Fees to: Rhonda Groves – 2400 Swartwout Ave – Richmond, VA 23228 Coaches/Directors: Please complete a separate form for EACH team you are entering into the competition Name of Group: Age Division: Event Entered: Level (if offered) Beginner or Advanced: Twirler’s Name Birthdate (m-dd-yy) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Total Age ÷No. of Members =Average Age Twirling age (9-01-14) Participant’s Liability Release Form Virginia State Championships & Open Contest June 20, 2015 This form applies for all participants, directors, judges, and parents. Every team member must have this form signed by a parent or guardian if participant is under 18 years old. I give permission for my child to participate in the activity named above on the date shown. Henrico County School Board, Glen Allen High School, the Director of the Contest, Nor any of the employees of Glen Allen High School, are responsible for any injuries to any contestant or spectator attending the contest. If for any reason your child has health problems and should limit his or her activity, please let the contest director know what is needed for your child prior to the contest. We cannot be responsible for any health problems. Contestants and parents are responsible for any damage to the gymnasium, dressing rooms, bathrooms, and lunchroom areas. Print your name, or your twirler’s name: Your Signature: Parent’s Signature if twirler is under the age of 18: Today’s Date: A parent’s signature is required for participants under the age of 18. Otherwise, only the participant’s signature is required.
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