Anchoring and Property Prices: The Influence of Echelle Des Crus Ratings on Land Sales in the Champagne Region of France Olivier Gergaud Kedge – Bordeaux Business School Andrew J. Plantinga1 University of California, Santa Barbara Aurélie Ringeval-Deluze Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne Draft: 3-31-15 ___________________ 1 Corresponding author. Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, University of California, Santa Barbara, 93106-5131. Email: Anchoring and Property Prices: The Influence of Echelle Des Crus Ratings on Land Sales in the Champagne Region of France Abstract: While a good deal of evidence for anchoring effects has been produced in experimental settings, there have been relatively few studies testing for anchoring in actual markets. We analyze vineyard sales in the Champagne region of France to determine whether Echelle Des Crus (EDC) ratings are an anchor in the land market. The EDC is a set of numerical scores for villages in the region. It was used as part of price-setting system for wine grapes that began in 1919 and persisted until 1990. Although grape prices are now determined by the market and the EDC no longer plays a direct role in determining them, we test whether the EDC continues to be an anchor for participants in the land market. The econometric challenge is to separately identify anchoring effects from the effects of relevant information the EDC may convey about vineyard quality. We include in our hedonic regression observable characteristics of vineyards (soils, slope, etc.) regarded as important determinants of quality and we instrument for the EDC using the straight-line distance from each vineyard to the City of Reims, a major center for champagne production. We draw on extensive historical evidence on the development of Reims and the champagne industry to justify our instrument. Among other documentation, we show that an important reason why champagne producers located in Reims in the 19th century was to make use of a large network of limestone caves dating to Gallo-Roman period. We find strong evidence for anchoring effects in the land market, which is further supported by analyses of grape prices. The panel structure of our data allows us to examine whether the anchoring effect is diminishing over time as market participants come to rely more on objective information to determine prices. We find, instead, that the influence of the EDC appears to be increasing over time, a result that could possibly be linked to climate change. Anchoring and Property Prices: The Influence of Echelle Des Crus Ratings on Land Sales in the Champagne Region of France I. Introduction In a classic article, Tversky and Kahneman (1974) describe heuristic rules that people frequently employ in making judgments under uncertainty. These rules simplify the complex task of assessing probabilities and predicting values, but can often lead to systematic errors. One such heuristic involves making adjustments to an initial value, or starting point, to arrive at a final estimate. Laboratory experiments show that final estimates will often be systematically related to initial values, even when these starting points are arbitrarily chosen (Northcraft and Neale 1987, Ariely et al. 2003, Maniadis et al. 2014). This phenomenon is referred to as anchoring. Anchoring has been recognized for years by economists conducting stated preference surveys to elicit values for non-market goods (Brookshire et al. 1981, Boyle et al. 1985, Herriges and Shogren 1996). A commonly-used format asks respondents whether or not they are willing to pay X for a good. If the researcher’s choice of X has a systematic influence on the distribution of responses, then respondents are said to be anchoring on X. More recently, researchers have examined whether anchoring influences outcomes in actual markets. Beggs and Graddy (2009) analyze fine art auctions and find that the previous sale price for a painting has a strong influence on the current sale price. McAlvanah and Moul (2013) show that Australian horseracing bookies fail to make sufficient adjustments to betting odds after a late withdrawal of a horse, thus anchoring on the original odds. Several studies have examined anchoring in the context of real estate transactions. Bokhari and Geltner (2011) and Bucchianeri and Minson (2013) find that higher listing prices for single-family homes are associated with higher final selling prices. Simonsohn and Loewenstein (2006) find that migrants to a city rent more expensive apartments if their previous city had higher-priced housing, and vice-versa. 1 A challenge in non-experimental studies is that the starting point is outside of the researcher’s control. Correlation between the initial value and information that is relevant to the estimation of the final value can confound measurement of the anchoring effect. In studies that examine anchoring on past or list prices, hedonic predictions from different periods are employed to identify effects of anchoring on current prices (Beggs and Graddy 2009, Bokhari and Geltner 2011, Bucchianeri and Minson 2013). Our study contributes further evidence on anchoring effects in actual markets. The panel structure of our data allows us to examine whether the influence of the anchor changes over time, a test that to our knowledge has not been considered in the previous literature. Were the anchoring effect to diminish over time, for example, it would suggest that market participants come to rely more on objective indicators of quality as they gain experience in the market. We analyze vineyard sales in the Champagne region of France to determine whether Echelle Des Crus (EDC) ratings influence land prices. The EDC (translated as “scale of vineyards”) was part of a price-setting scheme for wine grapes that began in 1919. Under this system, an appointed board of growers and champagne producers, the Comité Champagne, would set the price for grapes during the harvest season. Grape growers would receive a percentage of this price according to the EDC of the village in which their vineyard is located (for example, after 1981 the scale of the EDC was 80 to 100 percent). This price-setting scheme persisted until 1990, when it was abandoned in favor of a market system for establishing grape prices. Currently, the EDC no longer plays a role in determining grape prices and, therefore, should have no influence on vineyard prices, which reflect the discounted value of rents from 1 In the psychology literature, this behavior is referred to as a context effect rather than anchoring. grape production. 2 However, given its importance throughout most of the 20th century, it is possible that the EDC is an anchor for participants in the land market. We make use of a large data set on vineyard sales for the period 2002-2012 to test whether prices are anchored on the EDC. The empirical challenge we face is that the EDC is likely to be correlated with quality attributes of vineyards that affect rents from grape production. The main goal of the EDC was to establish a hierarchy of vineyards reflecting the quality of grapes for making champagne. If we simply regress vineyard prices on the EDC and additional vineyard attributes, unobservable vineyard characteristics that are correlated with the EDC rating may bias our estimates of anchoring effects. To address endogeneity bias, we instrument for the EDC using the distance from each vineyard to the city of Reims, the major champagne production center. As we argue below, the cost of transporting grapes to Reims and Epernay was an important consideration when the EDC ratings were first established in 1911 (Nollevalle 1961) but no longer has an appreciable effect on returns to grape production. We also draw on extensive historical evidence to show that the location of Reims, and the decision by champagne houses to locate there in the 18th century, was determined by factors other than proximity to high quality vineyards. In particular, Reims had extensive underground caves, a remnant of limestone quarries dating to the Gallo-Roman period, that could be converted to cellars for storing champagne. In the next section, we provide details on the champagne industry and the history of the EDC. The following sections provide justification for our instrument and describe the empirical approach. In addition to the analysis of vineyard prices, we conduct similar tests of anchoring 2 There is an important caveat to this statement. As we discuss below, the EDC still determines whether champagne can be labeled grand cru or premier cru, which likely adds a price premium to grapes. To ensure that we identify effects of anchoring rather than labeling, we analyze sub-samples of vineyard sales within cru classes. using village-level data on average grape prices for the period 1991-2012. Final sections present estimation results and conclusions. II. History of Champagne and the Echelle Des Crus Champagne is produced in a region of northeastern France (Figure 1). As with other wines and food products, the French government requires that the grapes used to make champagne be grown in a designated area, called the appellation d'origine contrôlée (AOC). Sparkling wines are produced elsewhere in France and throughout the world, but these cannot be legally labeled as champagne. Compared to other wine, champagne production is labor and capital intensive. To give champagne its characteristic bubbles, still wine is fermented a second time inside the bottle, which involves a lengthy process to remove residual yeast. Bottles are placed upside down and rotated a quarter turn each day for a period weeks to coax the residues to the opening. The end of the bottle is then frozen, and the bottle is opened briefly to remove the yeast plug, refilled, and resealed. Two-thirds of all champagne, and almost all champagne for export, are produced by négociants or champagne houses that purchase grapes from growers in the surrounding area (Menival and Charters 2013). The champagne houses, which include famous firms like Moët & Chandon, the makers of Dom Pérignon, are concentrated in the cities of Reims and Epernay (Figure 1). Romans are the first inhabitants of the Champagne region known to have planted vineyards, although it is likely that the Gauls who preceded them did as well. 3 During the first millennium, the main agricultural activity in the region was wool production. Grapes were primarily grown by peasants to make small amounts of wine for local consumption. At one 3 The sources for the historical review are Kladstrup and Kladstrup (2005), Robinson (2006), and Brown (2003). Peter (2003). The Rise of Western Christendom. Malden, MA, USA: Blackwell Publishing Ltd. point, Emperor Domitian in Rome ordered that all vineyards in the region be converted to grains, a decree that remained in place for 200 years. Wine making in the region did not begin to flourish until the 12th century when monks planted vineyards to make wine for communion, medicinal uses, and trade. This growth in wine production, however, was halted during the 14th and 15th centuries as feudal lords fought for control of the region. Villages and farms were abandoned and the region’s vineyards were destroyed. In 1668, wine-making resurged when the Benedictine monk Dom Pérignon arrived at the abbey of Hautvillers. Dom Pérignon served as the cellar master at Hautvillers for 47 years and during that time did much to improve vineyards and wine quality in the region. The wines from Champagne were a favorite of Louis XIV and would continue to be supplied to the royal court at Versailles up until the French Revolution in 1789. Meanwhile, the city of Reims had emerged as an important center for the Roman Catholic Church and the French monarchy. Clovis, the first king of the Franks, was baptized in the basilica at Reims in 496. The adoption of Catholicism by Clovis helped to spread Christianity across France and established the cathedral in Reims at the traditional site for the coronation of French kings. Before the French Revolution, the Catholic Church played a central role in the production and distribution of champagne. An outcome of the Revolution was the nationalization of the Church’s property, including its extensive holdings of vineyards in the Champagne region. When the champagne houses were established in the 18th century, many would locate in Reims, the major city in the region. Besides being the major center for commerce in the region, Reims offered another advantage to champagne houses. 4 Beneath the city was a large network of caves dating back to the Gallo-Roman period. These caves were the remains of limestone quarries that had been dug to provide stone for buildings in Reims, 4 including its magnificent cathedral. The caves provided perfect conditions for storing champagne and would be used as cellars by such famous houses as Charles Heidsieck, Pommery, Ruinart, Taittinger and Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin. The other concentration of champagne houses was found in Epernay. Like Reims, Epernay is an ancient city, but it emerged as the trading post for champagne due to its location on the Marne River, which provided a direct shipping route to Paris. The champagne houses prospered during the 1800s, but the century would end with violent protests by growers, ultimately resulting in a price-setting system for grapes. In 1890, champagne producers could import up to 49% of their grapes from outside the region, and were not prevented from using other fruits, such as apples. Combined with a string of bad harvests, many growers in the region, most of whom farmed small plots, were facing bankruptcy. Demonstrations by thousands of growers were held to protest the prices paid by the houses and the policies of the national government. These demonstrations eventually turned violent, resulting in the burning and looting of champagne houses and government buildings and eventual military occupation. In response to the “Champagne Riots,” the Champagne production area was formally designated and the EDC was established. Under the first official version of the EDC, adopted in 1911, 145 villages were given a rating between 46 and 100 based on the prices received during the previous 20 harvests (Table 1). Starting in 1919, the Comité Champagne, with representatives from the champagne houses and the growers union, agreed to set the price received by growers using an updated EDC. The board would determine the price for the top villages, those with a 100% rating, and growers would receive a percentage of this price according to the EDC of their village. The EDC was updated a number of times during the 20th century to include new villages and to compress the scale. After 1981, for example, the EDC ranged from 80 to 100. The EDC was used to set prices until 1990, when a free market system for determining grape prices was adopted. The only remaining function of the EDC is to determine the classification of wines as grand cru and premier cru. A champagne producer can label their wine grand cru if the grapes come from a village with an EDC of 100. Premier cru wines must be made with grapes from villages ranked 90-99. Champagne houses typically blend wine with grapes sourced from many villages and even several vintages. Labeling their product grand cru or premier cru is a way of signaling quality to consumers. Gergaud (1998) and later Menival and Charters (2013) find evidence of higher prices for grapes from grand cru and premier cru villages. III. An Instrument for the Echelle Des Crus Our analysis of recent prices for vineyards and grapes will require an instrument for the EDC. We argue in this section that the straight line distance from vineyards, or village centers, to Reims satisfies the requirements of relevance and exogeneity. As noted in section II, grapes are transported from vineyards to Reims where they are used to make champagne. The cost of transporting grapes to Reims was an important consideration when the EDC was first established in 1911 (La Champagne Viticole, 1961). At that time, grapes were transported by horse and cart over dirt roads, increasing the potential for losses of grapes due to damage and spoilage. Because the Comité Champagne specified an undelivered price (i.e., the price a grower would receive at the vineyard), it is likely that the EDC would have been adjusted for distance to Reims. Although we do not have direct evidence that this adjustment was made, we can test whether the 1911 EDC and subsequent versions vary with distance to Reims. We present regressions of each version of the EDC on straight-line distances to Reims and Epernay, the squares of these variables, and three weather variables (Table 2). Ideally, our distance measure would reflect travel times over the road network as it existed at the time. We do not have this information and so use the straight-line distance, which seems like a better alternative than using the current network distance given road improvements over the last century. Also, we do not include village-level controls for characteristics of vineyards (e.g., soils, slope) because the extent and composition of vineyards changed greatly from 1911 to the present and we only have information on current vineyards. We do include controls for weather on the assumption that these variables have been relatively constant over time. Specifically, we measure the average annual temperature, rainfall, and frost days recorded at the nearest weather station to the village center over the period 1994-2011. 5 The results show that the 1911 EDC declines in distance to Reims at a diminishing rate, and that a similar relationship holds for most of the other versions of the EDC. Moreover, the coefficient on the distance to Reims is largest in 1911, and remains relatively large for the 1920 and 1944 EDCs, before stabilizing in versions after 1945. The weather variables also have significant effects on most versions of the EDC, which is consistent with the rating depending in part on grape quality. Our argument for exogeneity has three parts. First, we establish that with modern transportation infrastructure, the costs of transporting grapes within the region are now negligible. Table 3 provides a breakdown of the costs of transporting a truckload of grapes from three origins, the Marne, Aube, and Aisne 6 regions (see Figure 1). Even from the most distant transportation costs are less than 0.5% of the value of the shipment. For the Marne and Aisne 5 Daily weather information from 33 stations spread across the Champagne region were used to compute these variables. 6 Vineyards in Aisne are all located around the city of Château-Thierry, in the westernmost section of the Vallée de la Marne region). regions, the figure is 0.13% and 0.21%, respectively. This evidence suggests that differences in the costs of transporting grapes to Reims will not be reflected in prices for vineyards and grapes. Second, the quality of a site for growing wine grapes depends on factors determined on geological time scales (e.g., type of soil, elevation, slope, and aspect) or by global processes such as climate. In the Champagne region, there is little that growers can do to improve the quality of their sites. Therefore, we can treat the spatial distribution of high quality vineyards as predetermined and exogenous. The final part of the argument is that champagne houses located in Reims for reasons other than proximity to high quality vineyards. The city was founded more than a millennium before wine was successfully grown in the region, eliminating the possibility that the site for the city was originally chosen because it was close to good vineyards. When private champagne houses were established in the 18th century, Reims was the major center for commerce in the region due in large part to the Church’s predominance in economic affairs at the time. The Church’s presence in Reims traced back centuries to the adoption of Catholicism by Clovis and continued through time as a long succession of French kings were crowned in the city’s cathedral. Moreover, Reims had limestone caves that could be converted to cellars. These caves were the remnants of quarries that had been dug to provide building materials for the city. In sum, our argument for exogeneity is that errors in current vineyard and grape prices should not be correlated with distances to Reims because transportation costs are a negligible fraction of the value of shipments. The location of high quality vineyards is predetermined and the location of champagne houses in Reims, as well as the location of the city itself, is the result of historical events unrelated to vineyard quality. Finally, we measure the straight line distance to Reims rather than the road network distance in case access to vineyards might have influenced decisions about where to place roads. IV. Empirical Approach A. Vineyard sales Our first set of regressions makes use of data on vineyard sales. The dependent variable is the log of the nominal sale price of parcel i in year t, which is denoted PVit . The independent variables include the parcel area and other attributes including soil type, elevation, slope, aspect, and weather variables. Such characteristics are thought to contribute to terroir, the special characteristics of a place that impart unique qualities to wine. Their effects on vineyard and wine prices have been investigated in earlier studies (Ashenfelter and Storchmann 2010, Gergaud and Ginsburgh 2010, Cross et al. 2011). All of the parcel attributes are time-invariant and collected in Xi . In the case of the weather variables, we expect land prices to depend on long-term historical averages rather than annual values. The variable of interest is the EDC, which is measured at the village level. We denote this variable EDCv (i ) where v(i) is a mapping from parcel i to the village v in which it is located. Our vineyard price data span the period 2002-2012. There were minor adjustments to the EDC made between 2002 and 2003. We used the earlier version of the EDC for the 2002 observations and the later version for observations after 2003, though this introduces little temporal variation in EDCv (i ) . We estimate two versions of the vineyard price model. The first version uses observations for vineyards in premier cru villages. As discussed above, champagne can be labelled as premier cru if the grapes come from villages with EDC ratings between 90 and 99. If producers can sell premier cru wines for more, this should increase the prices of vineyards in premier cru villages. Because the price premium is common to all vineyards in these villages, we avoid the need to control for its influence by estimating the model with a sub-sample of observations. We can still test for anchoring effects because the EDC varies across premier cru villages. Our premier cru model is specified: (1) PVit = α + Xiβ + γ EDCv (i ) + δ t + ε it , 90 ≤ EDCv (i ) ≤ 99 where α is a constant term, β and γ are parameters, the δ t are a set of annual dummies, and ε it is a random disturbance term. Our instrument for EDCv (i ) is the distance from each vineyard to the center of Reims. The second version of the model uses observations for vineyards in villages that have neither a premier cru nor a grand cru designation. These villages, referred to as autre cru, have an EDC rating between 80 and 89. Our autre cru model is specified: (2) PVit = α + Xiβ + γ EDCv (i ) + δ t + ε it , 80 ≤ EDCv (i ) ≤ 89 We do not estimate a grand cru version of the model because the EDC because there is no variation in the EDC within these villages. B. Grape prices We provide further evidence on anchoring effects by regressing grape prices on the EDC and other co-variates. The premier cru model is specified: (3) PGvt = α + Xvβ + Ζ vt θ + γ EDCv + δ t + ε vt , 90 ≤ EDCv ≤ 99 where PGvt is the average grape price in village v in year t and Xv are average time-invariant characteristics of vineyards in village v. Annual grape yields, and thus annual prices, will be influenced by the weather during the growing season. Therefore, we include in Z vt contemporaneous measures of weather variables. The EDC variable is measured in the same way as above, with the earlier version of the rating used for observations prior to 2003, and viceversa. The instruments for the EDC are the same distance measures that we used in the vineyard model. We also estimate the grape price model for the autre cru villages: (4) PGvt = α + Xvβ + Ζ vt θ + γ EDCv + δ t + ε vt , 80 ≤ EDCv ≤ 89 As with the premier cru model, we estimate (4) using different samples that correspond to different versions of the EDC. C. Changes in the effects of the EDC over time We test whether the EDC has had different marginal effects on vineyard and grape prices over time. The grape price data span time periods when both the 1985 and the 2003 version of the EDC were in effect, and so a natural division is to estimate separate models for the earlier and later versions of the EDC. We have a shorter time series for the vineyard price data, but many more cross-sectional observations, and so we estimate separate models for each year. V. Data The transactions data is from the Sociétés d’aménagement foncier et d’établissement rural (SAFER). The data set includes the price, the date of the sale, and the size and location of the parcel for 12,370 sales in the Champagne region over the period 2002 to 2012. We include only sales for which the dominant use of the land is vineyards and exclude any sales that include buildings. Each sale is matched to additional data sets to identify weather and geographical features of the parcels, including altitude, slope, aspect, and soils. Using the location of each sale and village boundaries, we identify the EDC for each parcel. Finally, we compute the straight-line distance from each parcel to the center of Reims. Summary statistics for the data used in the vineyard sale analysis are provided in Tables 4 and 5. The dominant soil type is limestone and most vineyards have slopes between 2% and 20%. In addition, southern and eastern orientations are most common. The average nominal price for vineyards increased almost 2.5 times over the period of analysis. A separate village-level data set includes average grape prices and EDC ratings, provided by Comité Champagne (CIVC). At the village level, the price data are available from 1991 to 2012, except for 1992. For the region as a whole, average grape prices declined in the early 1990s during the global economic recession and then increased steadily after 1993 as a result of growing demand for champagne (Table 5). VI. Estimation Results A. Vineyard sales Results for the vineyard price model are reported in Table 6. As a reference point, the model 1 is estimated with least squares using all of the observations. The coefficient on the EDC is approximately 0.02 and significantly different from zero at the 1% confidence level. The results change considerably when we restrict the sample to parcels in autre cru or premier cru villages and instrument for the EDC. With the autre cru sample, the OLS coefficient on the EDC (model 2) is small and insignificant, however, the IV estimate (model 4) is much larger (0.07) and significantly different from zero at the 1% level. The result indicates that a one-unit increase in the EDC raises the price of vineyards by 7%, holding parcel size and other factors constant. The results for the premier cru sample are similar. The IV estimate of the coefficient on the EDC (model 7) is 0.09 and significantly different from zero, and approximately three times the size of the OLS coefficient. For the autre cru and premier cru models, the C-statistic has a pvalue less than 0.000, confirming that the OLS estimates are affected by the presence of the endogenous regressor. A number of the other controls are found to have significant effects on vineyard prices. Not surprisingly, prices are increasing in the size of the parcel and the year dummies (not reported) show a strong upward trend in the nominal price of vineyards, consistent with Table 5. Several of the soil variables have significant effects, and altitude affects autre cru parcels. Differences in slope and aspect have limited influence. Finally, weather variables have significant effects on autre cru parcels but not on premier cru parcels. These results are broadly consistent with earlier studies by Gergaud and Ginsburgh (2010) and Cross et al. (2011) that find limited effects of land characteristics on wine quality and vineyard prices. B. Grape prices The grape price results are presented in Table 7. When we use all of the data, the OLS estimate of the coefficient on EDC (model 1) is 0.005. The results change considerably when we restrict our sample to the autre cru villages. The IV estimate of coefficient on the EDC variable (model 4) is 0.02 and significantly different from zero, compared to an OLS estimate (model 2) of 0.003. A one unit increase in the EDC raises grape prices by 2%. As expected, the effect is smaller than what we found for the vineyard prices, which measure the capitalized value of the stream of profits from grape production. For the premier cru sample, the OLS and IV estimates of the EDC coefficient (models 7 and 9) are both equal to 0.007 and significantly different from zero. The Hansen/Sargan/C test indicates that endogenous regressor should not be treated as exogenous. Many of the vineyard characteristics have significant effects on grape prices. C. Changes in the effects of the EDC over time Estimates of the annual coefficients on the EDC variable are presented in Table 8. For autre cru vineyards, the coefficient is large and positive in 2003, but otherwise not significantly different from zero for most years prior to 2007. After that, the coefficients show relatively little variation, tending toward a value of about 0.09. Estimates for premier cru vineyards are more stable. Except for 2002 and 2012, the estimates are all significantly different from zero. Between 2003 and 2010, the coefficients are approximately equal to 0.07, but then rise in 2010 and 2011. If anything, these results suggest that the effect of the EDC is increasing over time. The grape price models show a somewhat different pattern of change in the influence of the EDC (Table 7). For the autre cru villages, the estimated coefficient on the EDC is 0.026 for the period 1991-2002, declining to 0.015 for the period 2003-2012. For the premier cru villages, the effect of the EDC increases 0.003 to 0.007. VII. Conclusions While a good deal of evidence for anchoring effects has been produced in experimental settings, there have been relatively few studies testing for anchoring in actual markets. One of the reasons for this is likely the difficulty of separately identifying anchoring effects from the effects of relevant information the anchor may convey. We estimate hedonic regressions that include the anchor (the EDC) and a large number of observable attributes that are widely regarded as important for determining the quality of grapes and vineyards. We instrument for the anchor to avoid endogeneity bias that may arise from correlation between the anchor and unobservable quality attributes. Overall, we find strong evidence for anchoring. In all of the IV specifications we tested, the EDC is found to have a positive and significant effect on grape or vineyard prices. Our results also suggest that the effects of anchoring are large in magnitude. For the vineyard price models, the estimated EDC coefficient is roughly 0.08 and the average EDC rating is approximately 90. Given an average vineyard price (in logs) of 13.5 euros, this indicates that the EDC accounts for about one-half of the log price. For grape prices, the contribution of the EDC to log prices is even larger, about 88%. Another way to gauge the magnitude of the anchoring effect is to consider the price dispersion due to the EDC. Within the autre cru category, vineyards with a rating of 89 gain a price premium of about 70% compared to a vineyard with a rating of 80. For the premier cru category, the price gain for a 10-point increase in the rating is about 90%. These seem like large differences given that the EDC has no actual effect on grape prices within either category. The role of the EDC in determining prices for grapes ended in 1990 and, yet, our results indicate that it continues to have a strong influence on the grape and vineyard markets. 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The Effects of Straight-Line Distance and Weather Variables on the Echelle des Crus Ratings Variable Distance to Reims Distance to Reims squared Distance to Epernay Distance to Epernay squared Average annual temperature Average annual rainfall Average annual frost days Constant Variable Distance to Reims Distance to Reims squared Distance to Epernay Distance to Epernay squared Average annual temperature Average annual rainfall Average annual frost days Constant 1911 1920 1944 1945 1971 Coef p -value Coef p -value Coef p -value Coef p -value Coef p -value -1.187 0.021 -0.980 0.016 -0.890 0.001 -0.021 0.737 -0.095 0.059 0.025 0.018 0.020 0.014 0.015 0.000 -0.001 0.383 0.001 0.429 0.496 0.404 0.358 0.435 0.539 0.235 -0.384 0.000 -0.298 0.000 -0.039 0.012 -0.030 0.012 -0.034 0.007 0.003 0.000 0.002 0.026 0.535 0.933 0.125 0.980 3.720 0.404 -2.976 0.032 -2.031 0.105 -4.077 0.000 -3.368 0.000 -3.481 0.000 -0.569 0.012 -0.359 0.053 -3.460 0.709 -3.209 0.654 -0.527 0.937 -5.098 0.010 -4.582 0.011 151.908 0.048 149.134 0.013 105.922 0.043 143.162 0.000 129.132 0.000 1972 1980 1981 1985 2003 Coef p -value Coef p -value Coef p -value Coef p -value Coef p -value -0.108 0.036 -0.095 0.054 -0.067 0.135 -0.098 0.032 -0.159 0.001 0.001 0.334 0.001 0.369 0.000 0.495 0.001 0.042 0.002 0.000 -0.290 0.000 -0.276 0.000 -0.248 0.000 -0.240 0.000 -0.129 0.005 0.002 0.040 0.002 0.031 0.002 0.016 0.001 0.312 -0.001 0.046 -2.397 0.064 -2.010 0.103 -1.263 0.264 -1.423 0.213 -2.319 0.051 -0.283 0.153 -0.289 0.140 -0.300 0.123 -0.328 0.087 -0.048 0.826 -5.265 0.006 -4.742 0.010 -3.732 0.031 -4.697 0.007 -6.548 0.000 133.244 0.000 127.772 0.000 117.169 0.000 121.807 0.000 130.334 0.000 Table 3. Costs of transporting grapes within the Champagne region (2014 estimates) Origin Cost component (in euros) Marne Aube Aisne Cost of gasoline per km (toll included) 0.501 0.501 0.501 Cost of gasoline per km (w/o toll) 0.433 0.433 0.433 Vehicle cost + cost structure (per day) 169.18 169.18 169.18 Labor cost (per hour) 24.42 24.42 24.42 Average distance to Reims 40.78 153.44 62.14 Total cost (Reims) 470.49 518.29 472.17 Average load (in liters – 9 marcs per load) 22,950 22,950 22,950 Total value of a load (2011) 120,717 112,455 114,062 Average grape price 5.26 4.9 4.97 (Transp. Cost to Reims / Total Value) × 100 0.13 0.46 0.21 Source:, Table 4. Vineyard data – Summary Statistics Mean Standard Minimum Maximum Deviation Soil type: Limestone 0.303 0.282 0 1 Alluvial Fans 0.141 0.136 0 1 Marl 0.141 0.225 0 1 Sedimentary Rocks 0.086 0.153 0 1 Silica Sand 0.109 0.164 0 1 Ferric Iron-bearing Sediments 0.102 0.128 0 1 161.226 33.729 98,143 346 0% ≤ Slope coeff. < 2% 0.005 0.013 0 0.5 2% ≤ Slope coeff. < 10% 0.306 0.227 0 1 10% ≤ Slope coeff. < 20% 0.443 0.189 0 1 20% ≤ Slope coeff. < 30% 0.12 0.116 0 1 Slope coeff. ≥ 30% 0.125 0.102 0 1 North 0.053 0.077 0 1 Northeast 0.119 0.135 0 1 East 0.144 0.123 0 1 Southeast 0.183 0.16 0 1 South 0.152 0.153 0 1 Southwest 0.101 0.117 0 1 West 0.051 0.08 0 1 Northwest 0.051 0.075 0 0.824 North 0.038 0.059 Note: Statistics based on 12,433 vineyard transactions 0 0.667 Altitude Slope coefficients Orientation Table 5. Grape prices – Vineyard Prices Annual statistics Grape Prices Year Mean Std. Vineyard Prices Min Max N Mean Dev. Std. Min Max Dev. 1990 4.39 0.26 4.04 5.18 1991 4.01 0.24 3.72 4.57 1993 2.69 0.18 2.5 3.13 1994 2.8 0.19 2.59 3.24 1995 2.94 0.2 2.71 3.39 1996 3.18 0.21 2.93 3.66 1997 3.18 0.21 2.93 3.66 1998 3.31 0.22 3.05 3.81 1999 3.37 0.23 3.11 3.89 2000 3.54 0.21 3.32 4 2001 3.54 0.21 3.32 4 2002 3.64 0.24 3.4 4.22 1,411 380,189 252,067 3830 2,543,785 2003 3.77 0.24 3.38 4.38 1,127 507,847 263,346 2.37 6,700,000 2004 4.09 0.22 3.88 4.66 1,309 547,946 165,473 66,696 895,037 2005 4.12 0.23 3.9 4.77 1,208 613,125 174,710 22,301 989,999 2006 4.35 0.22 4.1 4.9 1,187 643,457 206,274 95,517 4,380,954 2007 4.79 0.23 4.5 5.33 1,234 713,308 195,382 125 1,809,211 2008 5.08 0.27 4.75 5.67 915 814,537 215,781 158,878 1,663,893 2009 4.88 0.25 4.56 5.43 830 830,598 185,125 184,615 2,840,001 2010 5.02 0.24 4.73 5.54 793 824,238 235,314 89.29 2,749,142 2011 5.19 0.26 4.89 5.77 1,107 883,383 270,917 43.29 4,438,983 1,309 986,143 438,899 1.49 1.12e+07 2012 Table 6. Log of Vineyard Price Regressions (OLS and IV methods – Instrument for EDC is distance to Reims) EDC ratings (85 and 03) (1) OLS All (2) OLS AC 0.019*** (20.90) 0.006 (0.97) Distance to Reims Size (in hectares) -0.015*** 0.020*** (-79.66) (3.44) Limestone 0.016 -0.006 (0.42) (-0.13) Alluvial Fans -0.030 -0.103** (-0.71) (-2.12) Marl -0.061 -0.018 (-1.52) (-0.38) Sedimentary Rocks -0.036 0.031 (-0.74) (0.70) Silica Sand -0.020 -0.034 (-0.49) (-0.81) Ferric Iron-bearing Sediments -0.034 -0.148*** (-0.80) (-2.60) Altitude (mean) -0.001*** -0.001*** (-3.73) (-4.28) Northeast 0.026 0.108** (0.92) (2.20) East 0.037 0.071 (1.39) (1.28) Southeast 0.007 -0.007 (0.24) (-0.12) South 0.022 0.054 (0.74) (0.93) Southwest 0.036 0.056 (1.20) (0.95) (3) First stage AC -0.023*** (-32.87) -0.006 (-0.29) 0.186 (0.69) -0.057 (-0.21) -1.045*** (-3.93) -0.843*** (-3.17) -0.788*** (-2.94) -0.429 (-1.57) -0.001 (-1.62) 0.776*** (8.69) 1.514*** (17.95) 1.536*** (19.80) 1.768*** (22.86) 1.416*** (16.70) (4) IV AC (5) OLS PC (6) First stage PC (7) IV PC 0.071*** 0.031*** (5.93) (5.01) 0.094*** (7.07) 0.025*** 0.030*** (3.94) (5.39) -0.009 0.032 (-0.18) (0.48) -0.089* 0.055 (-1.76) (0.73) 0.017 -0.120* (0.33) (-1.86) 0.073 -0.336* (1.46) (-1.95) 0.007 -0.020 (0.15) (-0.25) -0.122** 0.044 (-2.11) (0.70) -0.001** -0.000 (-2.44) (-0.06) 0.040 -0.059 (0.91) (-1.36) -0.038 -0.007 (-0.81) (-0.18) -0.108* 0.018 (-1.89) (0.57) -0.069 -0.009 (-1.36) (-0.17) -0.049 0.042 (-0.92) (1.20) 0.106*** (30.27) -0.172*** 0.042*** (-6.77) (6.11) -0.087 0.020 (-0.24) (0.24) -0.633* 0.047 (-1.65) (0.53) -1.816*** 0.070 (-5.07) (0.84) -1.509*** -0.179 (-4.13) (-1.04) -2.112*** 0.183** (-5.77) (2.03) -1.481*** 0.158** (-4.12) (1.99) -0.002 -0.000 (-1.37) (-0.69) -0.223* -0.048 (-1.94) (-1.12) -0.349*** -0.007 (-3.32) (-0.20) -0.648*** 0.021 (-5.51) (0.68) -0.371*** -0.012 (-3.02) (-0.23) 0.163 0.001 (1.08) (0.04) West Northwest 2% ≤ Slope coeff. < 10% 10% ≤ Slope coeff. < 20% 20% ≤ Slope coeff. < 30% Slope coeff. ≥ 30% Av. temperature (current) Av. rainfall (current) Av. frost days (current) Year dummies Constant Observations R-squared Adj.R-squared Endogeneity test C-Statistic (p-value) 0.034 (1.14) 0.069** (2.45) -0.071** (-2.34) 0.000 (0.00) -0.021 (-0.62) -0.054 (-1.30) -0.077*** (-2.61) 0.003 (0.98) -0.027 (-0.75) Yes 0.054 (0.92) 0.108* (1.90) -0.037 (-0.45) 0.006 (0.07) -0.033 (-0.41) -0.064 (-0.75) -0.147** (-2.39) -0.002 (-0.43) -0.164** (-2.50) Yes 1.008*** (8.81) 0.792*** (7.27) 0.268 (0.53) 0.542 (1.07) 0.388 (0.77) 0.264 (0.51) -1.894*** (-13.03) -0.062*** (-3.37) -5.088*** (-28.16) Yes -0.019 (-0.35) 0.045 (0.86) -0.054 (-0.59) -0.034 (-0.37) -0.067 (-0.73) -0.088 (-0.92) 0.088** (2.03) 0.013** (2.18) 0.336*** (3.73) Yes -0.027 (-0.75) 0.034 (1.11) -0.086 (-1.62) 0.036 (0.60) -0.013 (-0.15) 0.055 (0.63) -0.204 (-1.10) -0.004 (-0.15) -0.201 (-1.22) Yes 0.448*** (2.79) 0.479*** (3.01) -0.582 (-1.20) -1.126** (-2.32) -1.371*** (-2.79) -1.051* (-1.76) 3.964*** (11.07) 0.258*** (6.58) 3.691*** (6.80) Yes -0.048 (-1.32) 0.027 (0.84) 0.002 (0.04) 0.153** (2.04) 0.118 (1.32) 0.111 (1.22) -0.288 (-1.61) -0.002 (-0.11) -0.161 (-0.92) Yes 12.205*** 14.598*** 114.352*** 5.361*** 12.812*** 36.133*** 7.777** (31.97) (12.26) (59.95) (3.71) (4.63) (6.66) (2.31) 10,853 0.37 0.36 5,602 0.18 0.17 5,603 0.65 0.65 5,602 0.15 0.15 21.618 0.000 2,944 0.16 0.15 Robust t-statistics in parentheses ; *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1 2,946 0.59 0.59 2,944 0.13 0.12 35.656 0.000 Table 7. Grape Price Regressions (OLS and IV methods – Instrument for EDC is distance to Reims) EDC ratings (1) OLS All (2) OLS AC 0.005*** (34.86) 0.003*** (8.48) Distance to Reims Limestone Alluvial Fans Marl Sedimentary Rocks Silica Sand Ferric Iron-bearing Sediments Altitude (mean) Northeast East Southeast South Southwest West Northwest 2% ≤ Slope coeff. < 10% 10% ≤ Slope coeff. < 20% 20% ≤ Slope coeff. < 30% Slope coeff. > 30% Av. annual temp. 0.048*** (14.26) 0.025*** (5.64) -0.027*** (-9.24) -0.034*** (-11.07) -0.036*** (-11.57) -0.016*** (-3.93) -0.000*** (-10.39) 0.025*** (5.80) 0.015*** (4.38) 0.028*** (9.01) 0.019*** (5.94) 0.018*** (4.85) 0.019*** (5.29) 0.015*** (2.72) 0.024*** (3.42) 0.016** (2.46) 0.006 (0.86) 0.020*** (3.05) -0.026*** (-8.23) 0.061*** (18.18) 0.034*** (7.17) -0.021*** (-7.45) -0.029*** (-9.31) -0.033*** (-9.92) -0.023*** (-5.56) -0.000*** (-13.10) 0.027*** (6.59) 0.017*** (5.05) 0.029*** (9.22) 0.023*** (7.17) 0.022*** (6.00) 0.024*** (7.00) 0.017*** (3.27) 0.029*** (4.37) 0.019*** (2.98) 0.009 (1.36) 0.020*** (3.16) -0.041*** (-11.86) (3) First stage AC -0.023*** (-27.09) -0.908*** (-4.31) -0.446* (-1.87) -1.329*** (-8.24) -0.786*** (-4.64) -0.408** (-2.20) -0.858*** (-3.58) 0.005*** (5.75) 1.034*** (4.47) 1.228*** (6.12) 0.475*** (2.64) 1.256*** (6.99) 0.935*** (4.53) -0.769*** (-3.60) 1.166*** (4.42) -1.393*** (-4.82) 0.084 (0.34) -0.412 (-1.58) -0.416* (-1.81) -0.873*** (-4.39) (4) IV AC (5) IV – AC 19912002 (6) IV - AC 20032012 (7) OLS PC 0.020*** (22.86) 0.026*** (15.44) 0.015*** (18.40) 0.007*** (12.22) 0.082*** (15.48) 0.059*** (8.52) 0.013*** (3.20) -0.002 (-0.43) -0.009** (-2.09) 0.005 (0.94) 0.000 (0.82) 0.004 (0.56) -0.012** (-2.10) 0.015*** (2.88) -0.002 (-0.32) -0.002 (-0.39) 0.029*** (5.03) -0.011 (-1.33) 0.051*** (5.82) 0.015* (1.92) 0.017** (2.06) 0.035*** (4.93) 0.024*** (3.59) 0.125*** (12.81) 0.082*** (6.69) 0.016** (2.12) -0.000 (-0.02) -0.019** (-2.41) 0.014 (1.36) -0.000** (-2.47) -0.023* (-1.91) -0.035*** (-3.01) 0.018* (1.87) -0.008 (-0.82) -0.015 (-1.31) 0.032*** (2.94) -0.033** (-2.18) 0.070*** (4.97) 0.026** (2.26) 0.042*** (3.28) 0.035*** (3.57) 0.055*** (4.25) 0.042*** (9.47) 0.025*** (4.48) -0.002 (-0.46) -0.013*** (-3.20) -0.010** (-2.22) -0.006 (-1.06) 0.000* (1.72) 0.019*** (3.59) 0.007 (1.41) 0.017*** (4.34) 0.005 (1.30) 0.009** (2.21) 0.026*** (5.74) 0.011* (1.91) 0.028*** (3.73) 0.006 (0.84) -0.003 (-0.38) 0.028*** (4.39) 0.002 (0.30) 0.084*** (6.06) 0.098*** (7.33) 0.037** (2.04) -0.015 (-0.82) -0.002 (-0.07) 0.053** (2.11) 0.000*** (6.79) 0.072*** (5.42) 0.050*** (4.41) 0.020** (2.00) 0.061*** (4.52) -0.004 (-0.27) -0.129*** (-7.50) 0.213*** (10.08) -0.164*** (-5.60) -0.183*** (-5.81) -0.282*** (-9.41) -0.086*** (-2.68) 0.020** (2.50) (8) First stage PC -0.087*** (-4.64) 2.048 (0.90) 8.570*** (3.45) 7.683*** (2.71) 4.444* (1.95) -18.547*** (-9.83) 11.695*** (3.00) -0.035*** (-6.04) 3.759** (2.04) 0.260 (0.24) -1.852** (-2.32) 2.871** (2.07) -1.598 (-0.86) 9.069*** (4.70) -5.473*** (-2.71) -21.216*** (-8.65) -27.967*** (-9.43) -32.601*** (-9.38) -28.391*** (-12.02) 7.507*** (7.52) (9) IV PC (10) IV - PC 19912002 (11) IV - PC 20032012 0.007*** (9.55) 0.003*** (3.13) 0.007*** (8.12) 0.095*** (6.93) 0.111*** (8.50) -0.009 (-0.52) -0.081*** (-5.09) 0.060** (2.48) -0.037 (-1.51) 0.001*** (14.65) 0.115*** (10.45) 0.043*** (4.33) 0.028*** (2.92) 0.115*** (9.41) -0.013 (-1.13) -0.239*** (-14.89) 0.335*** (14.93) -0.090*** (-3.56) -0.091*** (-3.46) -0.284*** (-11.49) 0.023 (0.72) 0.000 (0.01) 0.184*** (10.08) 0.230*** (12.35) 0.154*** (6.67) 0.106*** (4.84) -0.096*** (-3.89) 0.226*** (4.34) 0.000 (1.22) 0.183*** (6.26) 0.004 (0.21) -0.017 (-1.58) 0.061*** (2.59) -0.027 (-0.38) -0.013 (-0.27) -0.069 (-0.99) -0.009 (-0.15) -0.043 (-0.56) -0.266*** (-9.41) 0.093 (1.31) 0.043* (1.85) 0.114*** (8.87) 0.123*** (9.44) 0.033** (2.01) -0.027 (-1.55) 0.057** (2.49) 0.031 (1.41) 0.001*** (12.75) 0.092*** (7.60) 0.031*** (3.16) 0.020* (1.86) 0.070*** (5.97) 0.017 (1.39) -0.247*** (-13.97) 0.332*** (13.61) -0.102*** (-2.92) -0.111*** (-3.14) -0.258*** (-7.53) 0.014 (0.34) 0.003 (0.41) Av. annual rainfall Av. annual frost days Year dummies Constant Observations R-squared Adj.R-squared Endogeneity test C-Statistic (p-value) -0.001* (-1.69) -0.030*** (-8.13) Yes -0.001** (-2.51) -0.042*** (-11.03) Yes -0.196*** (-10.85) -3.007*** (-12.62) Yes 0.003*** (6.54) 0.071*** (7.89) Yes 0.005*** (7.17) 0.121*** (6.74) Yes 0.002*** (4.75) 0.034*** (4.87) Yes -0.001 (-0.68) -0.054*** (-4.95) Yes 0.695*** (4.26) 7.137*** (6.36) Yes -0.004*** (-7.06) -0.127*** (-10.66) Yes 0.006** (2.12) 0.042* (1.72) Yes -0.002*** (-4.24) -0.131*** (-11.11) Yes 0.941*** (20.97) 1.678*** (26.30) 102.441*** (42.08) -0.493*** (-3.32) -1.814*** (-6.21) 0.237* (1.86) 0.580*** (4.81) 14.175 (1.03) 1.193*** (10.12) 0.266 (0.73) 1.130*** (10.03) 3,898 0.99 0.99 3,196 0.99 0.99 3,985 0.70 0.70 622 0.75 0.73 522 1.00 1.00 29.732 (0.000) 225 0.99 0.99 0.371 (0.5423) 297 0.99 0.99 2.068 (0.1504) 3,178 1,611 1,567 522 0.97 0.82 0.97 1.00 0.97 0.81 0.97 1.00 633.593 392.395 183.585 (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) Robust t-statistics in parentheses ; *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1 Table 8. Log of Vineyard Price Regressions (year-by-year) (IV method – Instrument for EDC is distance to Reims) EDC 1985-2003 Ratings (coefficients and t-statistics) Autre cru Premier cru EDC 1985-2003 Ratings Year Coeff. t-stat Coeff. t-stat 2002 -0.002 (-0.04) 0.019 (0.72) 2003 0.372** (2.09) 0.060*** (3.60) 2004 0.012 (0.62) 0.084** (2.09) 2005 -0.058 (-1.47) 0.053*** (3.88) 2006 0.001 (0.04) 0.057*** (3.53) 2007 0.069* (1.69) 0.096*** (5.67) 2008 0.090*** (4.45) 0.071*** (4.67) 2009 0.087*** (4.06) 0.074*** (3.81) 2010 0.097*** (4.30) 0.176*** (4.40) 2011 0.059 (0.89) 0.151*** (3.24) 2012 0.081*** (4.39) 0.150 (1.54) Coefficients and t-statistics obtained from year-by-year regressions.
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