r* Planned Parenthood lists clinic t education begins this week Mr Jack McDonough, director of the Ballston Spa Continuing Education Program has announced that classes for the second semester session begin this week. Course information follows. Beginning Sewing will be taught by Mrs Marilyn Kindle for 10 weeks at a cost of $12. This is a course designed for the individual with little or no machine sewing experience. The class will meet op Tuesdays, High School. Rm 65.7 to9 pm Advanced Sewing will be taught by Mrs Marilyn Kindle for 10 weeks at a cost of $12. This is for the student who has had the beginning level course or its equivalent. It will meet Thursdays, high school Rm 65 - 7 to 9 pm Woodworking for the Beginner will be taught by Mr Richard Kindle for 10 weeks at a cost of $12. This is a fun course with instruction in basic tool use and machine operation. Select your own projects. It meets Tuesdays, Middle School wood shop 7 to 9 pm. Intermediate Woodworking taught by Mr Richard Kindle for 10 weeks will cost $12. This is for the student with basic skills in woodshop activities. The follow-up course to the woodworking for the beginner course. This course meets Thursdays, Middle School wood shop, 7 to 9 pm. Intermediate Typing with be taught by Mrs Doris Ludwig for 10 weeks at a cost of $12. This course has been designed for students who already know the keyboard but desire to increase their speed or to reduce errors. How to set up business letters, tabulation, centering and business forms will also be explained. This course meets Wednesdays, High •MM School, Rm 35,7 to 9 pm. Intermediate Shorthand will be taught by Mrs Doris Ludwig for 10 week and will cost $12. This course has been designed for students who already know the basic Gregg shorthand outlines but desire to increase their speed. Transcription of letters will also be done during class. Classes meet Mondays, High School, Rm 35 7 to 9 p. These last two courses are designed for adults who took shorthand or typing several years ago and would like to get back.-into the business world. Besides" the registration fee, there will be a charge for textbooks for these two subjects. The three hour safe driving course is the course required for all NYS driver license candidates. Dates will be announced through local press or available by calling 395-5361 ext H5505. Classes are limited to 35 pupils per session and a learner's permit is required. Classes must have a minimum of ten paid enrollees in order to run. Senior citizens will be admitted without tuition charge provided the minimum of paid enrollees is met. Registration fees will be returned if a course is cancelled because of inadequate enrollment (less than 10 registrants). Courses will run for 10 weeks and no refunds will be made after the second regular meeting of the class. Classes are beginning this week. Classes will begin at 7 pm and conclude at 9 pm unless other wise noted. Classes will not meet when day school is closed because of a holiday or bad weather. To register please call 885-5361 ext H5-505. to speak will be heard. NOTICE OF PUBLIC ARDIS ANDERSON. HEARING ON LOCAL Clerk LAW 3 OF 1978 Board of Supervisors TAKE NOTICE that the Saratoga County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at the Board NOTICE OF PUBLIC of Supervisors' rooms, 40 HEARING ON LOCAL McMaster St., Ballston LAW 2 OF 1978 Spa, N.Y., at 6:30 p.m. on TAKE NOTICE that the Feb. 28,1978. Saratoga County Board of The purpose of this Supervisors will hold a hearing is to consider adop- public hearing in the Board tion of Local Law 3 of 1978 of Supervisors' rooms, 40 which would amend the McMaster St., Ballston Rules and Regulations of Spa, N.Y. at 6:15 p.m. on the Saratoga County Self- Feb. 28,1978. Insurance Plan including a The purpose of this requirement that physical hearing is to consider the examination by given all adoption of Local Law No. 2 new employees, including of 1978, which would involunteer firemen, and that crease to twenty (20) the the expense of these number of members who examinations be borne by may be appointed by the the participating em- Board of Supervisors to the plover. It also would Saratoga County Traffic provide that the plan would Safety Board, not assume the high risks TAKE FURTHER of coverage for volunteer NOTICE that at said public firemen beyond the age of hearing all persons wishing 60. to speak will be heard. TAKE FURTHER ARDIS ANDERSON, NOTICE that at said public Clerk hearing all persons wishing Board of Supervisors Planned Parenthood has four clinics scheduled for February at the Saratoga Springs center at 28 Lincoln Avenue The clinics will be held: Monday, February 6,5pm; Tuesday, February 14, 12 noon; Thursday, February 23, 2:15 pm; and Tuesday, February 28, 1 pm. All inquiries are strictly confidential ana appointments may be made by calling the center at 584-0041. Services offered include a pelvic examination by a physician, a Pap test, VD screening, breast examination, choice of contraceptive method and counseling. Blood and urine also are routinely tested. Each patient is personally interviewed and counseled about birth control JANINE ROBITAILLE receives her certificate as a charter member of the Ballston Spa Leo Club from Edward Silaika. Silaika chaired the Lion's Club committee which organized the youth group. LlonTs district overnor Peter H Wilson and eo president Scott Audette (right) look on. t Twenty-nine area youth form Leo club On January 19, twenty-nine local children became "LEO" members. Several months ago the Ballston Lion's decided that a Leo Club should be formed and club President Warren Schultz named Lion member Edward Silaika to chair this project. The event was held at the Methodist Church following a spaghetti dinner put on by the local Lion's. All twentynine charter members were present along with their families and Peter H Wilson, district governor of 20-Y2 conducted the ceremonies. Approximately seventy people witnessed the chartering of this club. The Leos will be a service club with its projects aimed at helping those less fortunate. Its motto will be "People Caring for People" and in order to fulfill this pledge, fund raising projects will be run from time to time. The Leos will also assist the Lion's on some of their many projects. The Leos will meet the first and third Thursdays at the United Methodist Church and they are actively 'soliciting members. Those attending grades 6 through 8 are eligible to join. Leo Officers are: Scott Audette, president; Debbie Dreher, vice president; Trudy Winslow, secretary; Kelly Cleveland, treasurer. Directors are: Scott Blair; John Warmt; and Jo Anne Chetwynd. Other charter members are: Donna Schroter, Scott Schroter, Beth Long, Janine Robitaille, Michelle Phinney, Jodi Fillmore, Chris Callahan, Kelly Cleveland, Lorrie Angermiller, Linda Blackwood, Candy McLaren, Debbie Dutcher, Jackie Curran, Scott Fulton, Jason Raymond, Ann Griffin, David Blake, Russell Henry, Kathy Heggen, Susan Flonton, Jackie Stanlslowsky and Megan McHugh Each member received their official Leo Club pin and certificate. Auditions Sundays for South Pacific 885-4341 to reserve your Journal! The Galway Players will be presenting Rodgers and Ham merstein's award winning "South Pacific" as their tenth annual production, to be held April 29 at Perth Central School, and May 4, 5, 6, at Galway Central High School. Auditions will be held Sunday February 5 at 1 pm in the Galway High School cafetorium. There are parts for 3 major, and 18 supporting male roles, 2 major, and 16 supporing female roles, plus chorus and dancers. Those interested in auditioning tor principal parts are requested to prepare a solo number, preferably from the show. Please contact Miss Barbara Cervenka, at the Galway High School, if you plan to audition. Rehearsals will start immediately following auditions. Adult volunteers for the orchestra will also be needed. "South Pacific" will be directed by Mrs Richard Lukasiewicz, orchestra and chorus conducted by Miss Barbara Cervenka, and choreography by Mrs Karen Newell. methods. Planned Parenthood also offers services in pregnancy testing and counseling, fertility counseling and referral, male and female sterilization referral, and prenatal and adoption referral. The center maintains a library of material relating to family planning, pregnancy and birth, baby and child care sex education, marriage and family life, population, contraceptive methods and abortion. Planned Parenthood is open Monday through Friday, 10 am to 4 pm, and Thursdays until 6 pm for clients or visitors to pick up supplies or free literature, use the library, make appointments or request information. / PET classes to start Feb 7 Round Lake United Methodist Church will sponsor a "School for Parents" for interested residents of the Round Lake-Jonesville-Clifton Park area beginning February 7, when Rev Larry A Winkler will begin an eight-week session of the nationwide education program called Dr Thomas Gordon's Parent Effectiveness Training. The classes will be held on eight consecutive Tuesdays, from 7 to 10 pm at Round Lake United Methodist Church on Round Lake Rd just off exit 11 of the Northway The course is open to fathers and mothers, to single parents, and to interested adults working with youth of all ages. PET. as the course is called, was started in jCallfornia by Dr Thomas Gordon in 1962. It has now spread into hundreds of communities in virtually all 50 states and at least 5 foreign countries. Rev Winkler became an accredited Instructor in PET in July of 1973 when he attended a workshop sponsored by the Warren and Washington County Drug Abuse Councils in Glens Falls conducted by Mr Wayne Allen. The PET class is restricted to 30 participants. Interested parents and 'outh leaders may obtain more inormation by calling Rev Winkler at 800-2533 or 800-2262. The tuition charge of $35 covers the 24 hours of instruction, workbook and text, and refreshments. i Walkathon will benefit 4-H building fund The planning committee for the 1978 4-H Walkathon met recently to begin plans for the fourth annual Walkathon. A date of May 6 has been set for the event. 4-Her's and others will be walking again to raise further funds for the proposed training center. Such a facility would include meeting rooms, a large arena for saddle horse clinics, dog obedience sessions and shows, square dances and other activities. About 430 walkers participated in last year's Walkathon. Over $14,000 was raised for the 4-H Training Center. The total profit to date is approximately $32,000. The group is working toward an eventual goal of $100,000. Earl Kehoe, a 4-H alumnus from Mechanicville, Amy Carr ancf Dan Lenthall, members of 4-H Teen Council, are general co-chairpersons of the event. Honorary chairpersons will be announced in the near future. Anyone who wishes may participate in the Walkathon or sponsor a walker. Information about sponsoring walkers and entry forms may be obtained from the 4-H Division of Cooperative Extension, 87 Church Street, Saratoga Springs, 584-6520 or 885-4302. All 4-H families should receive such information in early March. Service clubs or organizations wishing to learn more about the Walkathon should contact the 4-H Office in Saratoga. Arrangements may be made for the 4-H teen ambassadors to present a program on 4H and the Walkathon. *S$W«::::::::::::::::&^ Sarato a a certain LEGAL NOTICE PALMER, STEPHEN S. Attorney for Plaintiff buses, at which time they required to comply with a l l i n s t r u 8m e ntomhave i w "ting dated STATE OF NEW YORK PALMER and MARY Office & P.O. Address will be opened and publicly applicable Equal E m LEGAL NOTICE SUPREME COURT PALMER, if they be 215 Main Street readaloud. ployment Opportunity t n e " * d a y t ° f ^ i JOHNSON'S REPORT OF CONDITION CONSOLIDATING SARATOGA COUNTY deceased, and also all PerCorinth, New York Specifications and fur-Laws and Regulations." J1976, relating to both real DOMESTIC SUBSIDIARIES OF THE BALLSTON Jewelry Store LEON C. WHITE, Plain- sons who, by Purchase or To the above named ther information including "This contract is subject a n d Personal V[°V?rtyt du'y, SPA NATIONAL BANK OF BALLSTON SPA IN THE tiff, against GEORGE H.by Inheritance or other-defendants in this action. Home of the contract and the non-to a financial assistance a P P r o v e Testament l a ! ^ „ __. „J of STATE OF NEW YORK. AT THE CLOSE OF PALMER, SUSAN I. wise, have or claim to Have . T h e foregoing summons collusion affidavit which contract between the and Keepsake Diamonds m ,s u n b BUSINESS ON DECEMBER 31. 1977 PUBLISHED IN Alexander, PALMER, ELIZABETH P. an Interest in the Premises J*?™ P° >?" ^ the successful bidder must project sponsor and theElizaDetn w h o w a s a t t h e t , m e 0, h e r RESPONSE TO CALL MADE BY COMPTROLLER , f NEWCOMB, BERIAH Described in the Complaint Publication pursuant to an execute are available for U.S. Department of Tran- d e a t h a OF THE CURRENCY. UNDER TITLE 12, UNITED rder tne Hon J examination at the offices sportation," domiciliary of the PALMER. STEPHEN S. herein. Derived through £ °J. . 4 w n STATES CODE. SECTION 161. CHARTER NUMBER of Charlton in the PALMER and MARY the said GEORGE H R a v m o n d Amyot, a Justice of the Clerk of the Board of All bidders will be CJ,° o u n t v of 1253 NATIONAL BANK REGION NUMBER 2 Supervisors at the address required to certify that Saratoga, istate PALMER, if living, and all PALMER SUSAN i" of the Supreme Court of the below. STATEMENT OF RESOURCES AND LIABILITIES they are not on the Com- " ' S ^ ^ 6 3 ^ S t a t e of N e w York dated Devisees, Distributees, and PALMER ELIZABETH P Thousands Diamonds from »27.50 Heirs-at-Law o f n WUS$ NEWCOMB, B E RIA H * * 1 2 t h **2, °J J a " u a f2'' Each proposal must beptroller General's list of THEREFORE, you and each of you are hereby of dollars Carat ttte - imk* Watches GEORGE H. PALMER, p A L M E R STEPHEN S. 1978, and filed with the accompanied by a non- ineligible contractors c ted t 0 show c aus c o m p l a m t in t n e ice ASSETS 91 Milton Ave. ARDIS ANDE SUSAN I. H PALMER, PALMER "and" "MARY °^ °f collusion affidavit. Bidder ARDISANDERSON > t , * ***"* Cash and due from banks 2503 Ballston Spa u v o t APU PALMER or through their [ he aCJt erDk ?f Saratoga Coun- information sheet and ceri Clerk, the Surrogate s Court of U.S. Treasury securities 2893 NEWCOMB, B E R I A H Distributees or g o r k oBallston Spa New tified check or bid bond in Devisees Board of Supervisors our County of Saratoga, at n t h e 16tn d a v of Obligations of other U.S. Gov't agencies and corps 5771 the amount of ten (10) perHeirs-at-Law, or through Y the Municipal Center in the Obligations of States and political subdivisions 4041 cent of the total amount of CITATION any of them, which J 3 ™ 3 ^. 1 9 ™Village of Ballston Spa, Other bonds, notes, and debentures PROOF OF WILL Devisees Distributees The object of the action is the bid, made payable to New 37 Federal Reserve stock and corporate stock coart »i the order of County of THE PEOPLE OF THE Saratoga t h County, Heirs-at-Law, and other t o C0 ™Pel determination of 18 dav aim the Loans. Total (excluding unearned Saratoga, to be held as a STATE OF NEW YORK, J H J L J ? * * J * °,f person, if any there be, and c' ? u t«> following EVERYTHING ne income) 17187 thousand their Names, are Unknown to sdescribed property pur- guarantee that in the event BY THE GRACE OF GOD, ^ T O ' ° 1 C i r c u l a r St, Less: Reserve for possible loan losses 177 fffi IS FRESH & Plaintiff, and all Persons A u a n t , t o ,lKne Provisions o Ibid is accepted and a con-FREE AND INDEPEN- S fn tS a^tf ti e?n* , Cg( ^ a f,E Loans. Net 17010 tract awarded to the bid-DENT, SEND?'8 ° * * n the who have or make any Article 15 of the Real MADE Congress Park Bank premises, furniture and fixtures, and S ^ f f f ^ S J K ^ g Property Actions and der the conTract w!il be GREETING: Whatever Saratoga Springs Claim 1010 other assets representing bank premises To the Heirs. Jn jl l ^ dLm S Sd ^ S ir o bSa t S TO ORDER! Executors or A j Proceedings Law of the duly executed by the sueOther assets 300 broaawy cessful bidder and its per-Distributees, and all otheras° £ h5 L' a"s ?t £.P * '"State of New York. 1 ministrators of any Person W a d TOTAL ASSETS 33765 p r o p e r l y persons interested in the p * * n c " who may be Deceased, and ALL THAT TRACT OR f o r m a n c e SARATOGA LIABILITIES of said who. if living, would have PARCEL OF LAND, secured. In default thereof, estate of Elizabeth M.Testament Demand deposits of individuals, prtnshps., said certified check or bidAlexander, deceased, l a t e j " ™ " 1 v™ Jd, J ^t o8 " ™ass, ; Interest in t ^ together with the residence 5 a h and corps 6117 P , Premises Described in the thereon situate in the bond and the a mount of the Town of Charlton in ^01f ^ ' , Time and savings deposits of individuals, represented thereby shall the County of Saratoga and o " real and personal Complaint herein, Derived S ^ i E ^ v S A ^ S S be forfeited to Saratoga State of New York, butProPerty. And notice is prtnshps., and corps. 21044 0Unt New 15 Front St. 60 Court St. nerebv Through the said GEORGE £Block ^Four ,(4), X° rkLot - Twen*»?*,n County HOT & COLD especially to John D o e , as 8 I v e n t o s u c n o f you Deposits of United States Government :J82 (Next to Post Office) (Off Untorf Ave ) H. PALMER, SUSAN I. Blllslon Sp» ty (20) as described on the Each proposal shall be Mary Roe and Richard " * persons under Deposits of States and political subdivisions Saratoga 3:fi»5 SUBS PALMER. ELIZABETH P. Palmer Falls Map, made on theVoposal for-Roe, said names being fie-disability (infants incom885-6617 Certified and officers' checks 340 584-4466 NEWCOMB, BERIAH described and bounded as ms furnished withthe con-titious and intended toP 6 *?" 18 - incapacitated TOTAL DOMESTIC DEPOSITS 31278 DCM l l l I T PALMER STEPHEN S. follows: COMMENCING at tract documents and shall designate any and all heirs- unknowns, whereabouts Total demand deposits 8883 PALMER and MARY the southwest corner of be enclosed in a sealed en-at-law, next-of-kin and" nk nown or person conTotal time and savings deposits 22395 their another lot owned or for- velope with the name and distributees PALMER, of of s a i d f mo te d as a prisoner) and do Other liabilities ; 269 Devisees, Distributees or merly owned by the party address of the bidder decedent and all persons " appear by your guarTOTAL LIABILITIES (excluding subordinated Heirs-at-Law, which Per- of the second part (Julia clearly stated, addressed who have or claim dian or committee aguarnotes and debentures > 31547 sons if any there be, and Randall), at an iron pin andlnarked on the outside, to have an interestd"™ ad litem will be apEQUITY CAPITAL their Names, are unknown driven in the ground on the "suburban bus bid." All «n the estate of Elizabeth Pointed for yo" c Common stock a. No. shares authorized 24,000 v to Plaintiff, Defendants side of Palmer blank spaces in the M.Alexander, if living, a n d l N ^ T E S T I M O N Y b. No. shares outstanding 24.000 < par value) north 600 You might not think to when the living room's still To the above named street, thence west along proposal must be filled in'* dead to their executors,WHtRfcOi-, we have Surplus jammed with packing crates But you will—and I can help. 600 A l your WELCOME WAGON Hostess I can save you time the Seal of our Defendants. Palmer Street; thence west and no changes shall be administrators, legatees caused 897 Undivided profits and money in made in the wording of the adistributees, assigns, 0 r»neu r r og a te s Courl Reserve for contingencies and other capital a , o n P a , n e r S t r f n And brighten up your family with my basket of gifts. SUMMONED toan?we?fhe * A " * fh f * proposal. Bids submitted in y other persons, firms or r™ntoaihxed reserves 121 Take a break and call me. complaint in this action, f e°e tf P,n - thence north 130 any other form will be c o r Porations having or. WITNESS HON. 2218 TOTAL EQUITY CAPITAL an and to serve a copy of your * " "ast 2 .MMf e '."J" rejected. ROBERT F. DORAN, n: t h e n c e claiming to have an . TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY CAPITAL 33765 in answer, or, if the complaint P« f f f £> l€ MEMORANDA is not served with this the northeast corner of the No bidder may withdraw rest in the estate of Surrogate of our^saidCounAverage for 30 calendar days ending with Julia Randall lot herein- a bid within 60 days after Elizabeth M. Alexander byty. at the Village of summons, to serve a notice before mentioned, thence the date set for the opening reason report date: of purchase. Ballston Spa the 13th day 885-4690 587-8225 of appearance, on the Cash and due from banks Any bid may be withdrawn inheritance or otherwiseof January, 1978 2483 f r o m Plaintiff's attorney within south along the west line of prior to the a b o v e Fed funds sold and securities purchased under ^ ' d executors, ad- /s/EVELYN WALDRON Chief Clerk of legatees, agreements to resell twenty (20) days after the of the beginning. Randall lot And to theisplace 590 the scheduled time for the ministrators service of this summons. distributees the Surrogate's Court assigns. u l Total loans 17042 opening of of bids o r « ' " " » ™ » »» •t—1"»< . w w a i a i p n »**ari exclusive of the day of ser- finamea deed Premises described Time deposits of $100,000 or more in w H n a m e s a n d laces f from George N. authorized postponement T P ° Strong, Golden, Robinson & vice, where service is domestic offices 1686 made by delivery upon you Palmer et al to Julia Ran- The contract mav b e r e s e unknown t O Q ^ ^ Total deposits 32152 24 Hour Carry-in Service personally within the state dall, dated September 22, awarded bv Saratoca Lne Pe t i t i o n er and cannot Attorneys for petitioner Liabilities for borrowed money 58 ascerta,n or within thirty (30) days 1884 and recorded in the County a i lbidder L (refiulfr-, 5 d after d u e 1 3 3 W a l f s t r e e p (In most cases) TOTAL ASSETS .iwoh to m the to the d,., h Saratoga County Clerk's mail) e U8ed and after the completion of ser•>riw.>.. .w* i , j j torney I<J<MK maif. to The nldrier ^ hi * « *General : of .the theState At- „u Schenectady. New York Time certificates of deposit in denominations of Most Service CaHs done Office December 17. 1906, address the bidder _^,, k oof f NNewYYork nr vice where service is made 0 (518)374-3172 $100.000or more Ioutstanding as of report date) 1395 WHFRFAS F f" ^ same day or next. WHEREAS. J. F in any other manner 5fT Liber 260 of Deeds, at page provides on the proposal. TO PERSONS Other time deposits in amounts of $100,000 or more W E J " ^ 340 . *<** r „e awor2 Robinso n. Jf™ WW service alt makes case of your failure to api uarv l« Heaword Robinson. Jr\. TFn ari N AMED IN CITATION: < outstanding as of report date) 500 L anv pear or answer, judgment i If«!!!«« i 1 who is domiciled at No 8 This citation is served cheerfully I. James E Callahan. Cashier, of the above-named FOSTER JAMES. JR r r e e X m ™ ta the h i ^ Sunnyside Road, in the upon you as required by will be taken agaiast you by bank do hereby declare that this Report of Condition Our guaranteed work vula Attorney for Plaintiff default for the relief £ S H I If J 4 . S e of Scotia, County of law. You are not obliged to w true and correal in the best of my knowledge and Office4PO Address features J^ttiTM parts demanded in the complaint. E S l r f h U . T ^ f " / Schenectady and State of appear in person If you fail belief w 215 Main Street g j j * ¥ * ^ « * » " * * * NtW York, and The to appear it will be j ^ m and accessories! DATED: December 9, JAMES E.CALLAHAN Corinth, New York w £ S l ! t n r , t h T Schenectady Trust Com- assunfed that you do not 1977 Fraw L o a n a r s U s u a l l y A v a i l a b l e January 9.I97B l S f ^ C ^ ^ ^ P a n y ^ v i n g a n office and object to the. relief Plaintiff d e s i g n a t e s We. the undersigned directors attest the correctness NOTICE TO BIDDERS ^ specifications will be con place of business at No. 267 requested You have a Saratoga County as the Sealed proposals will be of this statement of resources and liabilities We sidered non-respons,veand g ^ ^ s t r e „ t i n t h e C i t y o f r i g n , , 0 ^v? an attorn place of trial 'n received by Saratoga declare that if has been examined by us. and io the best i r?™JVC u .. Schenectady. County of at-law appear for you Property is located County at its offices at 40 Corporations of our knowledge and belief is f rue and correct submitting Schenectadv and State of Saratoga County Zenith Distributor-Authorized Service McMaster Street. Ballston proposals JAMES WHELDEN must be The basis of venue is Spa. N.Y. 12020, until Mar CARL KING Phone 885-6717 authorized to do business in p H e d t 0 t h e S u r r o g a , e s location of property ch 17, 1978. for two (2). for- the State of New York, HERBERTC KETCHUM £ o u r , ^ mT C o u n * v o f 55 Front Street Ballston Spa L FOSTER JAMES. JR ty (40) foot suburban style Contractor will be Directors Page 4 + JOURNAL + FEBRUARY I. IffTS aaaa? *" ^^aaZ^BBBaV^aiiai^fl J 1_* ll V BB'SVizz* Will you ever finish moving in? < te«B^ Why call Art's TV?? Art's TV Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com
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