Portage-Schoolcraft Eagles Aerie 3531 June 2015 Newsletter www.eagles3531.com BARTENDER’S CORNER R. E. A. C. Lunches served Tuesday through Saturday, Noon to 2:30 PM. Fred and Jan enjoy your company for daily lunches. Come join them and look for their delicious weekly specials and just plain fun! Please support their efforts. Our R.E.A.C. meeting will be at Noon on Tuesday, June 9 th at BREWSTERS” on Portage Road near the Airport. R.E.A.C stands for Retired Eagles Activity Club. Any Aerie or Auxiliary member over 55 and retired can join R.E.A.C. You are invited to come and visit any second Tuesday of the month and become a Member of this great Club. The annual membership fee is $5.00. Please welcome: Noretta Standish, a new R.E.A.C. Member—Welcome Aboard! Tuesday through Thursday Happy Hour: 4:00 to 6:00 PM ADDRESS CHANGES Thirsty Thursday: 6:00 to 8:00 PM (.50 off) Please submit: Auxiliary member home address changes to the Club, attention Carol Davison. STARTING JUNE 1st HAPPY HOUR PRICES: Friday: 2:00 to 5:00 PM Saturday: Noon to 4:00 PM Aerie member home address changes to the Club, attention Mark Israels. The Club is open on Monday from Noon until ?? (Happy Hour all day Monday) For Newsletter mailing please contact Uta Wooden at the Club. Euchre every Tuesday at 6:00 PM. All members, who have deleted a “land-line” and have cellular phones only, please send changes to the Aerie Secretaries; Auxiliary Members, Carol Davison, and Aerie Members to Mark Israels. Line Dancing every Thursday at 6:30 PM. Please remember to carry your valid Eagles Membership Card at all times. All members can go to the website: www.eagles3531.com to retrieve the monthly Newsletter. Click on “Newsletter”, print and then go to the “Calendar” and print it. JUNE BAND 1 Portage-Schoolcraft Eagles Aerie 3531 Monthly Newsletter! June 2015 EVENTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS BUD ISRAELS SCHOLARSHIP FUND ROOM RENTAL INFORMATION Applications are being accepted for the 2015 Bud Israels Memorial Scholarship. The deadline for applications is June 30th. The Scholarship Committee will award a scholarship to an area high school graduate (graduates). Any interested high school senior can apply, if they meet the following criteria: For information about the rental of the Activity Room for any party (i.e.; Wedding, Birthday, or Anniversary) please contact: Butch Weatherwax, who can be reached at (269) 271-1483, or leave a message for Butch at the Club. 1. Must have a GPA of 2.5 or better and provide a High School Transcript. 2. Must have a letter of acceptance to a college, university or technical school. 3. Must be a child or grandchild of a F.O.E. #3531 Member, who has been a Member in good standing for a minimum of two years. TUESDAY NIGHT BURGER COOKS We are still looking for volunteers to help out on “Tuesday Hamburger Nights”. If you would be interested in cooking Hamburgers on Tuesday from 5:00 to 7:00 PM , please contact Sue Kean at (269) 270-1444 or talk with her at the Club for details. We need your help! Completed applications should be sent to: Portage-Schoolcraft Eagles #3531, 11611 Shaver Road, Schoolcraft, MI 49087, Attention: Scholarship Committee. Applications may be obtained at the Club or on the Website, www.eagles3531.com. A reminder to our Members, anyone can make a donation or memorial contribution on behalf of loved ones at anytime, to be used as part of the Bud Israels Scholarship Fund. All donations are greatly appreciated, as we plan to continue with our scholarship efforts for years to come. Donations or memorial contributions should be directed to the: Bud Israels Scholarship Fund Committee % Portage-Schoolcraft Eagles #3531, 11611 Shaver Road, Schoolcraft, MI 49087. Checks should be made out to: Our Tuesday Night Hamburgers are served from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM. AERIE TAKING BIDS FOR ROOM RENOVATIONS The Aerie is taking bids for renovation of the “Back Storage Room”. If you would be interested in this project, please contact one of the Trustees or the Aerie President. AUXILIARY DUES INCREASE Effective June 1st, the dues for an Auxiliary Member will be increasing. FOE 3531 Scholarship Fund Initiation Fee will be $35.00 and the new dues amount will be $25.00. This increase is simply due to the rising costs of doing business! We do apologize for any inconvenience. TRUSTEES CORNER FUNERAL LUNCHEONS For any information concerning Funeral Luncheons, Any questions can be directed to our Secretary, Carol please contact Sue Kean at (269) 270-1444. Davison, or any Auxiliary Officer. 2 Portage-Schoolcraft Eagles Aerie 3531 Monthly Newsletter! June 2015 EVENTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR 2015-2016 EAGLE RIDERS CLUB The meetings for this group are the 3rd Monday of each month at 6:30 PM at the Club. The 2015-16 term begins June 1, 2015. Nominations for both Aerie and Auxiliary have been completed at the April and May Meetings. Aerie Officers for the 2015-2016 Term are as follows: Our next monthly meeting will be held on Monday, June 15 th, 2015. Past Worthy President: Terry Hutchins President: Bill DeYoung Vice President: Bruce Stockwell Secretary: Mark Israels Treasurer: Clyde Springer Conductor: Richie Thomson Chaplin: Jeff Watkowske Trustees: John Holt, Steve Westra, and Butch Weatherwax Inside Guard: Phil Clapp Eagle Riders will be working for the “Challenger Little League” on June 6 th beginning at 9:00 AM. Please come see what this charity is all about. The event is located at the Milwood Little League field. Auxiliary Officers for the 2015-16 Term are as follows: Our Portage-Schoolcraft Eagle Riders sponsored Ride will be held on Saturday, June 27 th at 1:00 PM. Destination determined at that time. Motorcycle rides from our Club are the second Saturday of each month. Our June ride is scheduled for Saturday, June 13 th with “kick stands” up at 1:00 PM. Destination will be determined at that time. Past Madam President: Goldie Israels President: Sue Kean V-President: Karen Krajewski Secretary: Carol Davison Treasurer: Judi Corwin Conductor: Pat Wooden Chaplain: Bea Huss Trustees: Joyce Hansen, Carol Newbre, and Deb Ballengar Outside Guard: Mary Ellen DeYoung Inside Guard: Elaine Horton A reminder, dues for the Eagle Riders Club are due. Dues are $10.00 per year and can be paid to Bruce Stockwell, Harry Thomas or Sue Kean. We appreciate everyone’s support, even if you do not ride, we welcome all members and participants that support our “Challenger Little League” charity. Think about joining, today, for just $10.00! A “Big Thank You” to all, who support our Eagle Riders! Our goal is to raise monies for “Challenger Little League”, both in Portage and Kalamazoo. We also help support our Club by bringing together people, who participate in our games. To our riders: Have a Safe Summer! INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS Installation of Officers for the term 2015-2016 was held on Thursday, May 28, at 7:00 M. We would like to thank all 20142015 Officers for a job well done! Congratulations to the Officers for the term 2015-2016! Fraternally, Presidents: Sue Kean and Bill DeYoung 3 Portage-Schoolcraft Eagles Aerie 3531 Monthly Newsletter! June 2015 EVENTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATION The Club will be open on Saturday, July 4th to celebrate “Independence Day”. FINAL TOTALS FOR CHARITY JAM PROCEEDS Food will be available from Noon to 4:00 PM. Come down to Schoolcraft and enjoy the Great Parade and then join us at the Club for an afternoon of food and fun with fellow members. The totals are in for our Annual Charity Jam Session held in April 2015. Our proceeds were $2,477.45 . Member, Bruce Aldrich, donated another $100 to the cause so we have a total of $2,577.45 to give to local charities. A huge “Thanks” to Bruce along with everyone who helped at the Charity Jam Session! Also special recognition for Dennis Patterson, for organizing this special project! Because of our members, families and friends, we are able to continue to support our local Community Charities. ANNUAL BUD ISRAELS SCHOLARSHIP FUND GOLF OUTING Mark your calendar and plan to join us for the 2015 Scholarship Fund Golf Outing. The date is Saturday, August 1 st, 2015. This will be a 9-hole outing at States Golf Club. A sign up sheet will be available late MOTHER AND DAUGHTER BANQUET in June. At this writing the cost has not been Our Annual Mother and Daughter Banquet was held determined. It will be “Shot-Gun”, Starting at 10:00 on Thursday, May 7th. We had 80 plus women in AM. Proceeds from this event will be deposited into attendance. Hats off to Dennis Patterson! As usual he the Scholarship Fund account to be awarded to went way beyond the call. Everyone enjoyed the entire member family graduates. Food will be served at the evening. Thanks too for all the help from the Aerie Club following the Outing. Members---You all stepped forward to help and you The 2015 scholarship recipient(s) are so appreciated by both Dennis and the Auxiliary. will be announced and scholarships A great time was had by all. Thanks a million awarded that day following the outing. Dennis! AUXILIARY COOK BOOK SALE UPCOMING EVENTS FATHER AND SON BANQUET The Father and Son Banquet is scheduled for Thursday, June 18th. A sign-up sheet is available at the Bar. The cost is $5.00 per person. Cocktails at 6:00 PM and Dinner at 7:00 PM. The signup deadline is Saturday, June 13 th! Mark your calendars and plan to signup early! 4 The Auxiliary is working on the publication of our New Cook Book to be written and sold to our members and friends. We appreciate all the recipes that were submitted so far, however, we still need lots more to make the book better. We have decided to extend the recipe timeline to later in the Summer to give us more time to collect more recipes. Please continue to get your recipes into the Blue Box located at the Social Room Door. With this extension, the book will not be ready to sell by Mothers Day as we had initially hoped for! All recipes will be represented in the new book. We will not advertise a deadline for recipes at this date! Please submit your recipes! Portage-Schoolcraft Eagles Aerie 3531 Monthly Newsletter! June 2015 EVENTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNUAL CLASSIC AUTOMOBILE AND MOTORCYCLE SHOW FRIDAY NIGHT DINNERS Our Friday Night Dinners are served from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM The Annual Classic Automobile and Motorcycle Show is to be held at the Club on Saturday, June 20th . The events for the day are as follows: Vehicle Registration: 10:00 AM to Noon Registration Fee: $10.00 Judging of Entries: 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM Trophy Presentation: 3:00 PM Live Music Starts at 4:00 PM DJ music all day! The “Uncle Fester Band” will be playing for your enjoyment! All proceeds from this special event will be directed to: Hospice of Southwest Michigan. We will have Door Prizes, Raffle Drawings, and Food on the Patio. This event is open to the Public (Rain or Shine). Please join us for a fun-filled day! Please Note: Volunteers are needed for this event. If you are interested in helping, there is a sign-up sheet posted on the Bulletin Board and at the Bar. Please donate your time to this great cause! June 05 (Deb Bellengar) Ham & Scalloped Potatoes Dinner June 12 (Butch) Spaghetti ($6.00) June 19 (Carol & Judi) Roast Beef Dinner June 26 (Sue) Pork Chops Dinner July 03 (No Dinner) Cook’s Holiday July 04 (Auxiliary) Brats and Hot Dogs after the Independence Day Parade Thanks to all who attend and support our Friday Night Dinners. We really Appreciate your Business. COMING EVENTS JUNE DOORMEN June 06 Bruce Stockwell June 13 Butch Weatherwax June 20 Connie Dozeman (Car Show) June 27 Steve Westra 5 June 13 Eagle Riders First Ride June 18 Father & Son Banquet June 20 Annual Classic Automobile & Motorcycle Show June 27 Eagle Riders Ride July 04 Annual Independence Day Celebration at the Club Aug. 01 Annual Bud Israels Scholarship Fund Golf Outing
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