Leadership Class Application 2015-2016 School Year In order to be considered for selection in the 2015-2016 Leadership Class, each candidate must complete the following items below by April 17, 2015: Brief Leadership Class Meeting on April 17 at 2:45PM in Room 210 for all applicants. This is a mandatory meeting if you are interested in joining the Leadership class. 1. Application 2. Student Schedule Sheet 3. Attendance and Participation Agreement 4. Ethical Behavior Agreement 5. Interview by 2015-2016 Executive Board (Date will be determined in the future by SGA Board as well as Mrs. Driscoll and Mr. Mellinger among application submission) *All forms must be turned in and completed in order to reserve an interview. Interviews are first come, first serve. Application Name: _______________________________ Student Number: _______________________ Grade Level (2015-2016): ________________ Home Phone: _________________________ Cell Phone: ___________________________ Email: _______________________________ Questions: 1. What prior leadership experiences (if any) do you have? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 2. Pick two leadership characteristics and how they specifically apply to you. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 3. What is one NEW idea we could use to increase eagle pride? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Events: Did you attend Winter Formal? Did you attend the Color Run? ☐ YES ☐ NO ☐ YES ☐ NO Did you attend Homecoming? ☐ YES ☐ NO 2015-2016 Student Schedule Sheet (Current) Period Subject Teacher 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. A minimum of 2.5 un-weighted GPA: __________________________________ (Student Assessment Specialist/Guidance Counselor/Registrar) 2. No unsatisfactory conduct grade (U) for the previous marking period. Signature of teachers: 1) ______________________________ 2) ______________________________ 3) ______________________________ 4) ______________________________ 5) ______________________________ 6) ______________________________ 7) ______________________________ 3. Administrative Approval: ___________________________________________ (Administrator’s Signature Responsible for Student Discipline) 9th – Mrs. Reed 10th – Mr. Porter 11th – Mr. Morford 12th – Mr. Rosario Attendance and Participation Agreement In order to succeed in any endeavor, you must prove yourself through hard work and dedication. The amount of time and care you put forth in a task leads to great accomplishments. Leadership encompasses the traits of hard work, dedication, and ability to reach out to your peers as a role model. This is a class where you serve as an exemplary student, setting the tone for the entire student body. Not only are the expectations raised for students in Leadership, but also, one who is in the class is someone whom can be relied upon by school faculty and administration. In addition to class time, some Leadership activities are held before school, after school, and on the weekends. A list of all the required activities will be given at the beginning of each quarter. It is imperative that each student attends events for the entire time, and participates in all Leadership hosted events as well as events Leadership helps with or attends. Attendance is an integral part of the success in the Leadership Class. When one committee member is not present, the entire group must compensate for the absent member. Grades will be based on attendance, participation, and attitude during class and at all events. It is inevitable that you understand the duties that come hand-in-hand with the Leadership Class. Please take notice to the many standards set for all Leadership students, and take into consideration that Leadership is a privilege. Because it is essential for student leaders to obtain the resources necessary to achieve maximum success, we do require that all those who are selected to partake in the 2015- 2016 Leadership Class do attend the Leadership Training Week, August 17-21, 2015. Please sign the confirmation below indicating your acceptance to the Attendance and Participation Agreement. _________________________________________________________________ I have read and understand the rules regarding the Attendance and Participation Agreement. Name (Print): _________________________________________ Signature: ____________________________________ Date: _____________ Parent Name (Print): _________________________________________ Parent Signature: _______________________________ Date: _____________ Stoneman Douglas High School Student Government Association Ethical Behavior Agreement Students selected to be a part of the Stoneman Douglas Student Government Association are expected to represent the school, and their organization in the best ethical way at all times. The following MAY result in removal from Student Government: 1. The posting of inappropriate pictures on a website that shows the student in possession of any illegal substance or partaking in any illegal act. 2. Posting inappropriate comments on a website or engaging in cyber bullying. 3. Any violation of the School Board’s Code of Conduct that results in disciplinary action. 4. Being found guilty of a Felony. 5. Being found guilty of a Misdemeanor, which if the student had been adult, would have been classified as a Felony. __________________________________________________________________ I have read and understand the Ethical Behavior Agreement. Name (Print): _________________________________________ Signature: ____________________________________ Date: _____________ Parent Name (Print): _________________________________________ Parent Signature: _______________________________ Date: _____________
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