Travel TravelAlternatively Alternativelyand and Win WinaaGrand GrandGreen GreenPrize! Prize! Earth EarthDay DayDash Dash 10:30–11:00am am 10:30–11:00 near nearMyrick MyrickPark’s Park’sMain MainShelter Shelter Ride Rideyour yourbicycle bicycleand andbe beeligible eligible foraachance chancetotowin win$50 $50cash cashfrom from for Schilling SchillingSupply SupplyCompany! Company! Five Fivechances chancestotowin win$50 $50cash! cash! Thanks Thankstotoour ourwonderful wonderful sponsors! sponsors! PPLLAATTIINNUUM M SSPPOONNSSOORR FREE FREEFUN FUNFOR FORTHE THEWHOLE WHOLEFAMILY! FAMILY! GGOOLLDD SSPPOONNSSOORRSS (Map (Map (Mapof of ofthe the theDash Dash Dashcourse: course: Presentedby by Presented Schneider SchneiderHeating Heating&&Air AirConditioning Conditioning The The TheEarth Earth EarthDay Day DayDash Dash Dashwill will willbegin begin beginat at at10:30 10:30 10:30am am amwith with with children children childrenstarting starting starting30 30 30seconds seconds secondsapart apart apart(young (young (youngones ones onescan can can go go gowith with withparent parent parentthrough through throughthe the therace). race). race).There There Therewill will willbe be be666 stations stations stationsto to tobe be becompleted, completed, completed,with with witheach each eachstation station stationrequirrequirrequiring ing ingparticipation participation participationbefore before beforecontinuing continuing continuingon. on. on.Children Children Childrencan can can run run runthe the therace race raceanytime anytime anytimebetween between between10:30 10:30 10:30and and and11:00. 11:00. 11:00. Bicycle BicycleArea Area Stations Stations ••Vegetable Vegetable VegetableHigh-Five High-Five High-Five •••SackRace SackRace SackRace ••Bicycle Bicyclesecured securedvalet valetparking parkinghosted hostedby by DriftlessRegionBicycleCoalition DriftlessRegionBicycleCoalition •••HealthyFoodToss HealthyFoodToss HealthyFoodToss ••Bicycle Bicyclevendors vendors •••WateringChallenge WateringChallenge WateringChallenge ••Free Freeinspections inspectionsand andmini minitune-ups tune-ups byBikesLimited byBikesLimited •••FruitRelay FruitRelay FruitRelay •••ObstacleCourse ObstacleCourse ObstacleCourse FREE FREEt-shirt t-shirtfor forthe thefirst first100 100kids kidswho whoregister. register. Registration Registrationfor forthe thedash dash isisrequired requiredand andisisfree. free. Registration Registrationforms formscan can be bepicked pickedup upatatYMCA YMCA La LaCrosse Crosseand andYMCA YMCA Onalaska or downloaded Onalaska or downloaded online and andturned turnedinintotothe thefront front desk deskatateither eitherYYlocation. location. Spring Springinto intoGreen Greenfor for2015 2015 MEEDDIIAA SSPPOONNSSOORRSS M ••Receive Receiveanother anotherchance chanceto towin winaaGrand Grand Green GreenPrize! Prize! Grand GrandGreen GreenPrizes Prizes Sunday, Sunday,April April26, 26,2015 2015 11 11am–5 am–5pm pmatatMyrick MyrickPark ParkCenter Centerand andMyrick MyrickPark Park 789 Myrick Park Drive, La Crosse, WI 789 Myrick Park Drive, La Crosse, WI Children’s Children’s Activities Activities Farmers’Market Market Farmers’ Green GreenVendors Vendors Food FoodVendors Vendors LiveMusic Music Live Hans HansMayer Mayer Concert Concert Door DoorPrizes Prizes Grand GrandGreen Green Prizes Prizes Earth EarthDay DayDash Dash for forKids Kids And AndMuch MuchMore! More! CCEELLEEBBRRAATTIINNGG PPAARRTTNNEERRSS ••Two Twochances chancesto towin winfree freetwo-week two-weekuse use ofofaaHonda Hondaadvanced advancedfuel fuelvehicle vehiclefrom from Honda HondaMotorwërks Motorwërks(including (includingfuel) fuel) ••Free FreeOrganic OrganicValley Valleyproducts productsfor foraayear year ••Child’s Child’sbicyclefromBikesLimited bicyclefromBikesLimited Drawing Drawingat at3:45 3:45 in inMyrick MyrickPark ParkCenter CenterAtrium Atrium SSIILLVVEERR SSPPOONNSSOORRSS Fowler Fowler&&Hammer Hammer| |Full FullCircle CircleSupply Supply CouleePartnersforSustainabilityLaCrosse CouleePartnersforSustainabilityLaCrosse Event Activities* 10:30–11:00 am Ongoing Activities* M = outdoor activity Earth Day Dash for Kids—La Crosse Area Family YMCA M 11–4 • LeadShotProblemsinWaterfowl—Jim Nissen 11:00–11:50 am FormerLaCrosseDistrictManagerfortheUpperMississippiRiverNationalWildlifeandFishRefuge • LeadContaminationintheMarsh—ColinBelby,Ph.D. RiverStudiesCenter,UW-LaCrosse 11:10–11:50 am Wetland Wonders Children’s Marsh Walk—StephHanna B.Sc.,B.Ed.,WisCorpsEducationManager 11–5 12:30–1:10 pm Hans Mayer Children’s Concert 1:00–2:00 pm Marsh Walk—Chuck Lee, Friends of the Marsh, and ColinBelby,Ph.D.,GeographyandEarthScience,UW-LaCrosse M 1:30–2:00 pm Five Animals Qigong for Children— BalancedLifeWellness—HealththroughQigong M 1:45–2:30 pm Raptor Demonstration—CouleeWildlifeRehabCenter 3:00–3:30 pm Storyteller—MichaelScott Announcement—Grand Green Prize Winners 4:00 pm Earth Fair Puppet Parade—ViterboEnvironmentalSustainabilityClub 4:15–5:00 pm Community Drum Circle—Jeff Cozy, Drums for Peace receiveaFREEreusablebag from by Hillview Urban Agriculture Center M Fowler & Hammer! This brochure was printed on recycled paper with vegetable-based inks on a waterless press. Vendors: The season’s first farmers’ market, live music, green vendors and concessions NEW! Healing Arts Room!: herbal health, essential oils, massage therapy, reiki, chiropractic wellness, yoga & more 1–3 10–4 * Earth Fair schedule is subject to change. 1st 300 Families Food Demonstrations and Square Foot Gardening Display: Mayo Clinic HealthSystem–FranciscanHealthcare Spin-to-Win Door Prizes 12:15–12:20 pm Interfaith Blessing of the Earth—AMOS 3:45–3:55 pm byGROWLaCrosse Children’s Activities: interactive, hands-on, eco fun! Welcome Ceremony—GlenJenkins,Co-chairCouleePartnersforSustainability 12:00–12:15 pm and La Crosse Mayor Tim Kabat. Poster contest winners announced. Herb Planting La Crosse Area Family YMCA’s Healthy Kids Day: SpringintoAction Live Amphibians Display! USGS-UpperMidwestEnvironmental SciencesCenter M Children’s Activities* Passive House Tours: 75124thStreet North ( Tours will be given at Western Technical College’s passive house-certified home. Recycling Fair Live Worms Interactive Display Trail Building—Earth Day Legacy Project by Great Lakes Trailbuilders “Scavenger Hunt in a Box” and “What’s That Smell?” Games byMayoClinicHealthSystem– Franciscan Healthcare Monarch Butterfly, Milkweed Seeds and Display by La Crosse Public Library Pottery Painting by Generous Earth Pottery and All Glazed Up! Nature Activities and Crafts by WisCorps Flower Wreath Craft byViterboEnvironmentalSustainabilityClub Face Painting and Much More! Hosted by Firefighters Credit Union Emerson Elementary School 2101CampbellRoad • Electronics Recycling sponsored byDynamicRecycling:cellphones, stereos,DVD&VCRplayers,TVs(first two TVs free, additional TVs $5 each), computers and other small electronics (no appliances, thermostats, or smoke detectors). Households only. See additional restrictions at • Paper Shredding sponsored by ConfidentialRecordsandLaCrosse Public Library. • Bring nonperishable item(s) for WAFER food pantry. Healthy Kids Day by La Crosse Area Family YMCA • PhysicalActivities • Arts/Crafts • Snacks • BlenderBikes • BigSlide (weather permitting) •AndMore
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