ESS 305 North Cascades Metamorphism Spring 2015 10 May The North Cascades have a complex geologic history, many of the details of which are still undetermined. Nonetheless, the general picture is of a series of accreted terranes that formed elsewhere and were docked onto the side of North America over the last few hundred million years. Most of these terranes are a mix of oceanic igneous and sedimentary rock that have since undergone physical distortion and metamorphism during and after their accretion. To complicate matters, many of these rocks have undergone significant erosion and burial under their own debris and that of nearby areas, have been offset and restacked by numerous episodes of faulting, and have been intruded by magmas and buried under volcanic activity. Of course, this whole jumble has been deeply incised by glaciation, too. Today we will make a single traverse across part of this mosaic of materials in order to become acquainted with field exposures of a few of the metamorphic rocks found here. Considerably more of the story is presented at Take I-5 north to Exit 230 and turn east onto Highway 20 (North Cascades Highway). Turn right onto Concrete-Sauk Valley Road and stop at the intersection with South Skagit Highway. The outcrop is at the NW corner of the intersection. As with nearly all of today's stops, watch for traffic. Stop 1. Darrington What is the texture of this rock, and how does it indicate metamorphism? The protolith of this rock was shale, which is to say deep ocean mud. Has this rock been greatly altered (highgrade metamorphism) or only slightly altered (low-grade metamorphism)? What is this rock now called? Identify the silvery, shiny mineral. What does this indicate about the protolith? Return along Concrete-Sauk Valley Road. Turn right onto Highway 20 and drive into Concrete (the town, not the substance). Turn left onto "E" Avenue and right onto Main Street. Stop at the public restrooms and note the local preference for building material. Stop 2. Chilliwack Formation Boulders Surrounding the restroom are a number of dark boulders with white veins. Identify their composition and describe your evidence. What is the protolith, and what is the rock now? Search for "O" shaped fossils, which are crinoid stems. These particular species place the rocks in the Carboniferous, approximately 330 Ma. See sketches below. Return to 20 eastbound. Turn left onto North Everett Avenue and bear left toward Lake Shannon. Turn right up Baker River Road. Pass the Lower Baker Dam and bear left. Bear left then right at the next two forks. Park at the gate and walk to the quarry. Stop 3. Chilliwack Formation Quarry This quarry was the source for the limestone which was used to make Portland cement, the essential ingredient in concrete. The quarry is in a pod-like body of limestone, which finally played out in the late 1960s. When this happened, the concrete-making era in this area ended. The limestone unit here is part of the Chilliwack Group, a Paleozoic island-arc assemblage of basaltic to andesitic lava flows, breccias, volcanically-derived marine sediments and limestone. It was accreted to the continental margin in Mid-Cretaceous time, perhaps 115 million years ago, as part of the Insular Belt terrane. This particular section is part of the Mississippian Red Mountain Subgroup, which contains extensive limestone beds (particularly north of the Nooksack River). These are biogenic limestones, the remains of reef-type colonies which developed in the waters around the ancient Chilliwack Islands in Late Paleozoic times. Those colonies consisted largely of crinoids (aka “Sea Lilies”), which are abundantly preserved in fossil form here. Most typically seen is the “bulls-eye” pattern of the cross-section of the stalk of the organism. The Chilliwack Terrane dates from pre-Mid Devonian time, was subsequently amalgamated with the Insular Belt by Late Jurassic time, was deformed in the process of accretion, and was again deformed as it was included in the Northwest Cascades System – a regional stack of thrust sheets developed in the obduction of the northern end of the Melange Belt terranes. The rocks quarried here end at or near the extent of excavation, and the sloping wall on the southwest side is rock of volcanic origins. These rocks have been very mildly recrystallized at sub-greenschist levels of metamorphism. Compared to the volcanic rocks of this suite, the limestone units tend to be relatively undeformed, preserving a good fossil record of that time. From the quarry, one gets a nice view of Mt. Baker on a clear day. Mt. Baker is a Quaternary stratovolcano of andesitic composition. It is largely younger than 50,000 years in age, and last erupted in 1870. Pound-for-pound, it is the most heavily glaciated volcano in the range. A major danger is from lahars flowing down this side of the peak, into the lakes impounded by the dams here. Also in view here is the 9117’ peak of Mt. Shuksan, directly to the north. This peak is comprised of greenschist and phyllite of the Shuksan Suite. Describe the rock type and fossils found at the quarry and speculate on the depositional environment of the protolith for this material. Also note any folding or faulting. Return to Highway 20 and continue east. At Rockport, turn south on SR 530 (to Darrington). The outcrop is about 3.2 miles down this road, 1.5 miles from the Rockport – Cascade Road, about .3 miles past the Illabot Creek Road. Stop 4. Darrington Phyllite and Shuksan Greenschist There are two rock types on display here, including a greenschist (Shuksan Greenschist) and a phyllite (Darrington Phyllite). These are rocks of the Shuksan Suite, part of the northern belt of terranes which were thrust northward over this region in mid- Cretaceous time. The greenschist is a meta-basalt of ocean-floor origins, while the phyllite presumably reflects the pelitic suite of ocean-floor sediments which accumulated upon it. They are part of a larger assemblage (the Northwest Cascades Group) which includes ultramafic rocks (the Twin Sisters Dunite) and various mélange units. The Shuksan rocks, while not particularly evident here, are locally metamorphosed at blueschist facies, the signature of subduction-zone conditions. Given the general character of rocks in this package, it appears that these were the components a coastal subduction zone which was tectonically exhumed from a southern locale, likely off the modern-day coast of southern Oregon or northern California, in Early Cretaceous time. These rocks were transported northward on an oceanic plate, and were subsequently obducted (thrust over) the southern margin of the accreted Insular Belt. Here, that southern margin consisted of the Chilliwack Terrane. The Shuksan rocks overlie the Chilliwack Terrane along a low-angle thrust fault known as the Shuksan Thrust. In the San Juan Islands to the west, this same thrust is known as the San Juan Thrust. To the east, its counterpart is the Windy Pass Thrust along the south side of Mt. Stuart, east of Snoqualmie Pass. These rocks overthrust the continent perhaps 90-95 million years ago. In Eocene time, the eastern and western portions were displaced by right-lateral movement on the Fraser Fault. Formerly, they were coextensive. This stop lies with a former divide between the Skagit and Sauk Rivers. As described above (c.f. Rockport) , this divide was eroded away as a proglacial lake in the Skagit Valley overtopped it, flowing south into the Stillaguamish drainage. During the early stages of the various glacial advances, this served in an ice-marginal river system as the waters of the Fraser, Nooksack and Skagit Rivers were diverted to the south. Return to Highway 20 east. Restrooms at Rockport State Park. At milepost 109-110 park at the pullover on the right. Stop 5. Marblemount Meta-Quartz Diorite This is part of a late Triassic island-arc complex, which extends for about 50 miles along the southern boundary of the Skagit region. These were likely coextensive with the Cadwallader Arc complex in British Columbia (now offset along the Eocene Fraser Fault). It is uncertain whether they developed on the oceanic rocks of the Bridge River plate, but were likely part of the Insular Belt by late Jurassic time. The rock is metamorphosed at amphibolite facies. This stop illustrates the abrupt change in metamorphic grade across the (Eocene) Fraser (Straight Creek) Fault, just a few hundred yards west of here. In places, the rocks are also deformed in response to lateral shear along that feature (total, about 145 km). This is one of the major geologic features of western Washington, offsetting all older rock belts. This rock intruded as a diorite approximately 220 Ma, then was metamorphosed 90-100 Ma along with the rest of the Crystalline Core of the North Cascades. The greenish color reflects the conversion of plagioclase to epidote. Chlorite fills fractures in the rock, and biotite has been noticeably degraded. Describe the metamorphic texture of this material. Also look for dikes of another material. What is it, and are the dikes older or younger than the metamorphism? Stop 6. Newhalem These are intrusive rocks of the Late Coast Range Orogen, which characterizes about 80% of the rock in the Skagit region. The mid-Cretaceous – earliest Tertiary Coast Range Orogen originally developed with the accretion of the Insular Belt and the inception of the Coast Range Arc. The early phase of the orogen involved crustal thickening associated with accretionary tectonics, and large-scale intrusion to the southwest of this region between 100 and 80 Ma. Arc magmatism then migrated northeast into the region, which developed between 80 and 60 Ma. The rocks at this site have been dated at about 70 Ma, and were intruded at depths of 20 – 25 km. Continue on 20. Beginning at milepost 115 there are four pullovers across from exposures of the Chilliwack Batholith. Stop at either the third or fourth. Stop 7. Chilliwack Batholith Despite the similar name, this is not part of the Chilliwack Formation. A relatively early pluton of the Cascade arc, part of the large Chilliwack Composite Batholith to the north. This is known as the “Mount Despair” pluton in that group, dating from about 30 Ma. It is a biotitehornblende granodiorite. Notable is the lack of metamorphism or deformation, in sharp contrast to the older intrusives of the Coast Range episode. Relate the timing of its intrusion to the timing of the metamorphism of the Crystalline Core rocks. The Straight Creek Fault, one of many in the area, is truncated by this batholith. What does this suggest about the timing and location of intrusion? Continue on 20. At milepost 122, look for signs of a significant landslide. Restrooms are at Gorge Creek Overlook. Stop shortly past milepost 125. There will be a large orange weathered patch of outcrop. Stop 8. Skagit Crystalline Core What is the grade of metamorphism found here? Describe and name this rock, making note of any prominent minerals. During metamorphism, this package of sediments and intrusive igneous rocks was buried to a depth of 30 km and has been subsequently uplifted and exposed at the surface. Continue on 20 and bear right over the river at Diablo, past Diablo Dam. Park at the overlook past milepost 131. Stop 9. Diablo Overlook This is a fine vantage on the Diablo Lake area. Across the valley, the peaks (from left to right) include Davis Peak (2149m / 7051’), Elephant Butte (2249m / 7380’) and Sourdough Mountain (1816m / 6106’). All of these peaks are comprised of the Skagit Gneiss, a product of the Late Cretaceous Coast Range Orogen. Nearly 80% of the rock here is orthogneiss, representing the vast quantities of tonalite (quartz diorite) intruded by the Coast Range Arc. These magmas intruded country rock largely consisting of the Napeequa (Bridge River) and Cascade River (Cadwallader) Terranes. These rocks were metamorphosed and preserved as “rafts” of paragneiss within the intrusive orthogneiss. Here in the Skagit region, maximum orogenic development was likely achieved by ~75 Ma. The outcrop across the highway is a biotite – hornblende quartz diorite orthogneiss. While these rocks have been metamorphosed, most are largely directionless. They appear to date from 65- 70 Ma, making them relatively young for the Skagit suite. By that date, deformation had apparently ceased at this level. Several different orthogneisses are present here, cut by sills and dikes of various ages. The most recent features are the large light-colored dikes which cut all other rocks. These are pegmatite dikes of the Challis episode, and they are found over a broad section of the Skagit region. It may be that a large Challis-age pluton intruded to underneath this area, and these dikes radiate from its cupola (top). These dikes have been dated at about 45 million years ago. Just west of here, Thunder Arm of Diablo Lake heads on Thunder Creek. Thunder Creek is a large drainage with an unusual north-south orientation (most features here are oriented NW – SE). The Thunder Creek Valley is cut along a set of north and northwest-trending faults which control its orientation. The master fault of this set is the Thunder Creek Fault, which can be seen cutting through the east ridge of Colonial Peak at a prominent notch. It continues north through Thunder Lake on the other side of the hill across Diablo Lake, and across the Skagit to form the valley of Sourdough Creek on the far slopes. The Thunder Lake Fault is an Eocene (Challis) feature which cuts (and is therefore younger than) the 45 Ma dikes seen here. It is in turn cut by the ~36 Ma rocks of the Chilliwack Batholith to the north. The fault is a right-lateral strike-slip feature, likely driven by concurrent movement on the Fraser (Straight Creek) Fault to the west. It was probably active from ~44 – 40 Ma. The most dramatic development here in recent (geologic) time concerns the origins of the upper Skagit drainage. Three million years ago, prior to the recent ice ages, the ancestral Skagit River had its origins on a divide located roughly where Diablo Dam now stands. Above that divide, what is now the upper Skagit originally drained north into Canada, down this wide, lowgradient valley. As the earliest episodes of continental glaciation commenced, a large valley glacier descended south out of Canada, flowing (what was then) up the upper Skagit Valley. As it did, it impounded a large lake here, much like modern day Ross Lake and Diablo Lake. Eventually, that lake overtopped the divide and drained west into the ancestral Skagit River. These waters cut through the divide, and cut the deep Skagit Gorge into what was originally a headwater valley. As the glacier finally retreated, the valley floor had been lowered enough that the upper portion now flowed south and west into the Skagit, reversing its original course. Many of the remote summits of the upper Skagit region were the sites of fire lookouts through the 1950s. In that last decade, some of these were manned by people like Gary Snyder, Philip Whalen and Jack Kerouac. These were the avant-garde poets of the “beat generation,” taking their inspiration from the rugged grandeur of this spectacular region. In time, their works have become widely acclaimed. Gary Snyder manned the station at Sourdough Mountain. The rocks in the roadcut on the other side of the road reflect a long a complex history of intrusion. Structurally, this roadcut lies in the very center of the north-south trending Skagit Antiform. The light-colored pegmatite dikes in the wall are part of the Eocene Challis suite of magmas, which seam this region. Speculation is that these dikes radiate from a large pluton at depth under this region. Like other plutons of the Challis suite, is uniquely K-feldspar rich in comparison to the Coast Range or Cascade Arc rocks. Sketch the outcrop to indicate the distribution of the pegmatite dikes, which have been dated at about ~45 Ma. Continue on 20 and cross the bridge over John Pierce Falls. Stop 10. Alpine Roots The Skagit region is broadly antiformal in structure, striking to the north. At this point we are in the center of the antiform, and thus in the deepest part of the Coast Range Orogen here. The rocks here are spectacular banded migmatites (rocks which have the appearance of being partially melted). These are rocks which were subjected to temperatures of over 700oC and pressures equivalent to burial at over 25 km. They were probably not actually melted, but were deformed and metamorphosed extensively in the presence of high temperature / high pressure fluids like water and carbon dioxide. These events took place at the height of the Coast Range Orogeny in this area, probably about 75 million years ago. At that time, this region would have been the base of the thick pile of igneous rocks accumulated above the Coast Range Arc. The rocks here are a mix of orthogneiss (meta-igneous) and paragneiss (metasedimentary or metavolcanic) types, but a mixing of components during metamorphism has produced all manner of intermediate forms. Much of the rock has been recrystallized as a banded gneiss, where the felsic and mafic components have become segregated into distinct layers. The most distinctive features here are pods of metamorphosed ultramafic rock, typically tan to green in color. The chemical reactions between the magnesium-rich ultramafic rock and the potassium, aluminum and silicon-rich surrounding rocks produce silvery talc, green tremolite and actinolite, tan phlogopite (a mica) and other diagnostic minerals. The presence of ultramafic rock suggests that the Napeequa (Bridge River) Terrane is a major paragneiss component here. Tectonic slices of ultramafic mantle rocks are common within the Napeequa Schist. The rocks here are migmatites, which span the boundary between igneous and metamorphic. They formed under very high temperatures (720°C) and pressures (depths of 30 km) at the base of the collisional zone. Describe their textures and explain why only part of these rocks melted. Return westward on 20 to the large mass wasting event just east of Newhalem. Stop 11. Mass Wasting This is the site of the Afternoon Creek rockslide, one of a series of events that occurred in November and December of 2003. Examine and describe the repairs and remediation efforts in this area. Return to Seattle. To Hope, B. C . 40mi 64km Sk ag Rive C o lu m b ia Wa s h in g to n it Chilliwack Lake B ri ti s h 3 r MOUNT BAKER WIL D E R N E S S To Glacier (U S F S/N PS information) 4mi 6km MAN NIN G P R O VI N C IA L PA R K Mount Redoubt 8957ft 2730m 542 Hozomeen Redoubt Glacier Little FOREST RG E G orge Gorge Lake Dam N E W H ALE M Newhalem Pyramid Creek ic ct Ar Diablo Lake Ruby Arm Overlook Diablo Ruby Mountain Colonial Lake Creek Ruby Creek F ourth of July Pass 3501ft 1067m )( ee B oston Peak Buckner Mountain 9080ft G oode Mountain 2768m 9206ft B ooker Mt. 2806m Black )( Warrior Mine Cascade Cottonwood Pass Trail Rainy Pass Lake Ann le Rive Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail r Dome Peak 8595ft 2679m Mo u CHELAN NRA d oa R Val ley kin Shuttle-bus Rive r route S tehe Harlequin ai nt n p oo H ig GLA CIER PEAK Devore Creek Trail WILD E R N E S S STE H E KIN Stehekin Landing North Cascades Stehekin Lodge Golden West Visitor Center C astle Rock 8137ft 2480m hw a y W E N AT C H E E La ke s rr y 10 Miles LU C ERN E il Tra 5 ad FOREST Fe 10 Kilometers N AT I O N A L re ho 0 5 Railro Creek Glacier Peak 10528ft 3209m 0 War Creek Pass Moore Point H O LD E N N or t h r Old Stehekin School Buckner Purple Mountain Place Purple Point Company Creek Trail L ve Rainbow Falls Weaver Point White C huck Mountain 6935ft 2114m Ri LA K E C H ELA NSAWT O O TH WILD ERN E SS LAKE Tumwater High Bridge E arly Winter Spires ) ( C opper Pass )( Twisp Pass Twisp Pass Trail Dolly Varden Suiatt DARRIN G T O N Creek Bridge Creek Shady 530 Rainy Pass ) ( 4860ft 1481m Liberty B ell Mt. 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