HOLY CROSS CATHOLIC CHURCH Father Donald Ruppert, Pastor 335-7551 – Rectory 335-4071 – Cemetery & Religious Education Offices MAY 31, 2015 – THE MOST HOLY TRINITY REV. DONALD R. RUPPERT P. O. Box 1325 839 Church Street East Bernard, Texas 77435-1325 MOST REV. DAVID E. FELLHAUER BISHOP, DIOCESE OF VICTORIA P.O. Box 4070 Victoria, Texas 77903 Patsy Krenek – Parish Catechetical Leader Faith Formation email: holycross.pcl@hotmail.com Faith Formation website: www.hcspirit.weebly.com Evelyn Vacek - Cemetery Administrator Cemetery e-mail: hccemetery@hotmail.com Donna Cavness - Administrative Assistant Rectory e-mail: ebholycross@gmail.com Parish Web site: www.eastbernardholycross.com Diocese of Victoria Web site: www.victoriadiocese.org SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: By Appointment SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday from 4:00 PM to 4:30 PM ADORATION: From 7:30 AM Thursday continually until 7:00 PM Thursday SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: By Appointment After Pre-Baptismal Instructions Rectory Office Hours: Monday through Friday – 8 AM to 12 Noon – 1 PM to 4 PM Monday 1 Tuesday 2 Wednesday 3 Thursday 4 Friday 5 Saturday 6 Sunday 7 Sunday 7 Sunday 7 6:00 PM 7:00 AM 7:00 AM 7:00 AM 5:00 PM 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM No Service +Pat Smaistrla +Bessie Kramr +Lee Hillmann, Sr. +Mary Jochec +Edmond Andel +Delores Marquess & Tina Enoch Parishioners +Albert & Mary Rejsek WELCOME TO HOLY CROSS CHURCH! LITURGICAL MINISTRY Wednesday 7 a.m. – Ralston & Hannah Chumchal Thursday 7 a.m. – Colby Jedlicka, Ethan Rejsek Friday 7 a.m. – Kerrie Araguz, Callie Dusek Saturday, June 6 – 5:00 P.M. Mass Servers: Brent & Brooke Babin, Samuel Coker Lector: Gary Krenek Ushers: Joe & Mary Ann Morse Eucharist: Host-Patsy Krenek Cup-Thomas P. Vacek, Clint & Jennifer Coker, Janice Polak Sunday, June 7 – 7:00 A.M. Mass Servers: Caitlyn & Jared Fuechec, Lane Kolafa Lector: Monica Kubena Ushers: Jody & Darline Polak Eucharist: Host-Helen Mica Cup-Janie Mendez, Doris Brandes Sunday, June 7 – 9:00 A.M. Mass Servers: Nathan & Jonathan Anders, Layton Swoboda Lector: Shelley Popp Ushers: Kenneth & Janet Stasney Eucharist: Host-Bernice Cavness Cup-Billy Cavness, Martha Prochaska, Gloria Demny, Cynthia Dusek Sunday, June 7 – 11:00 A.M. Mass Servers: Zac & Brent Vacek, Blaine Sulak Lector: Rudy Vacek Ushers: Donald & Kim Buxkemper Eucharist: Host-Ann Kramr & Yvonne Naiser Cup-Tyna Vacek, Tim & Lora Faltysek, Eric Youngblood Mass Attendance Last Weekend: 597 Your Gift to God Last Weekend: $4,824.50 Parish Development: $286.00 Sanctuary Lamp burns this week for: Jimmie & Georgie Losack in honor of their 56th Wedding Anniversary. Fr. Robert Guerra, Sr. Elaine Braden, MDA, Ann, Michael Allen, Sue Allen, Joyce Baranowski, D., Diana Barnett, Edward Bartosh, Tammy & Shelby Bradford, Frank & Gloria Buxkemper, Bennie & Anna Chumchal, Ned & Janie Crane, Carson Crosby, Avia Daigle, Cayson Davies, James Dusek, Joyce Dusek, N. Frances, Dan Gertson, Grace, Ronnie Van Gossen, Angeline Grigar, James Harbich, Richard Henning, Norbert Janis, Morgan Jones, Sheri Jurecek, Mel-Roy Jurek, Teresa Kelner, Yu Kelner, Karen Klecka, Anthony Kolafa, Bernice Kopecky, Callie Kopecky, John Kramr, Joyce Kramr, Celestine Kucera, Linda Kutach, Don & Bev Lauer, Liam, Agnes Litvik, MJM, SJM, Andrea McNabb, Bill Marik, Agnes Minks, Annette Novak, Joe D. & Annie Orsak, Melanie Persyn, Joy Pesak, Daniel Pilcik, Pete Pilcik, Jody Polak, Rick Rohan, David Rives, Sharlene Rybarski, J.S., Ella Mae Seydler, Hannah Slaughter, Georgie Sliva, Awald & Georgie Stelzel, Beatrice Stelzel, Lil Talafuse, TK Treme, Madeline Urbanovsky, Patrice Vacek, Dennis Viktorin, Jim Wark, Summer Zarate Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament begins every Thursday after the 7:00 AM Mass and closes at 7:00 PM Communion to the Homes: May 31: Donna Cavness, Helen Mica June 7: Tim & Lora Faltysek, Monica Kubena Please call Evelyn Kramr at 335-4467 if you need to receive home communion. Altar Society: Margaret Smaistrla, Henriette Jalowy, Jocelyn Mrkwa, Mary Hennecke If you would like to join the Altar Society pls call 335-7551. Your help is needed. Second Collection: Peter’s Pence Collection (Collection for the Holy Father)- June 28 Sacred Heart Spring Picnic – Sunday, June 7 – Flatonia Fried chicken & stew dinner – Serving at 11 am - $9 per plate St. Mary’s Parish Picnic – Sunday, June 14 – Hallettsville Stew & sausage – Serving 10:30 am - $9 per plate Our Lady of Guadalupe Festival BBQ – Sunday, June 14–Bay City-BBQ brisket–Serving 11am-1:30 pm Knights of Columbus meet the first Tuesday of the month, June 2nd at 7:00 p.m. in the Holy Cross Meeting Room. Please call Grand Knight Daniel Karasek at 979-335-4821 for more info. Donut Sunday – Sunday, June 7 – Hosted by KJT #40 – Thank you! We welcome into our faith Ronan Antao, Gabriela Isabella Aguilar, Victor Manuel Aguilar, Olivia Rose Miller, & Sophia Grace Miller, who were all baptized last weekend. Vacation Bible School – June 22-25 – registration forms are now available in church and online www.hcfaith.org. For more information contact Sarah Kramr, 335-4274 or 832-758-0785 Peter’s Pence Collection – Be a Witness of Charity Embarking on the third year of his pontificate, Pope Francis continues to call each of us to be a witness of charity. “To love God and neighbor is not something abstract,” he said, “but profoundly concrete: it means seeing in every person the face of the Lord to be served, to serve him concretely.” Pope Francis shows through his actions what it means to serve our brothers and sisters and give them the love of Christ. Let us follow his example of service so that all people might have the joy of receiving Jesus through our presence: “And you are, dear brothers and sisters, the face of Jesus.” Parish Fund Donations: Scholarship Fund: Evelyn Cochran in memory of Patricia Smaistrla. KJT St. Wenceslaus Society #40 Scholarship Fund: Jesse & Amy Tovar in memory of Mary Jochec. Frank & Gloria Buxkemper in memory of Daniel Tesar, Sr. Kurtis & Kim Tielks in memory of Henry Hlavinka, Agnes Kieler, Chuck Sklar, Joseph Labay, Oscar Litvik, Sr., Pat Smaistrla, Lucille Ferguson, Mary Jochec. NOTICE APPLICATIONS BEING ACCEPTED FOR MAINTENANCE POSITION Pope Francis said: “Let us invoke the Holy Spirit each day: He guides us along the path of discipleship in Christ.” Holy Cross Catholic Church is accepting applications for a general maintenance position. The position includes regular cleaning of buildings, room set-up for classes and functions, minor repairs, assisting office staff and church volunteers when help is needed, etc. Applications available at the church office. 2014 Parish Financial Report Each year in April the parish financial report for the previous calendar year is submitted to the diocesan business office. A copy of information contained in this report is available for parishioners in the church foyer. The 2015-16 Registration Forms are waiting in church for you to pick up at your convenience. The forms are preprinted for each family. On Tuesday, May 26, all remaining forms will be mailed. Complete and return by June 15. Please disregard, if you have your forms. Holy Cross Community Blood Drive – Sunday, June 7th Anyone that gives or attempts to give will get a $5 Starbucks gift card. Thank you so much for your gift of life! CDA Priest Appreciation Banquet will be held on Monday, June 15th at 7 pm in the Holy Cross Meeting Room. Holy Cross Bazaar – Sunday, October 11, 2015 We welcome Bazaar Chairwomen Kimberly Sulak & Lana Chilek & Co-Chair Jan Kutach & Kaylan Kopycinski. We thank you for volunteering for this wonderful project! Saturday, June 13th Come join us to pray THE HOLY ROSARY TO OUR LADY OF FATIMA on the 13th of each month – May thru October at the GLORIOUS CROSS at the home of Eugene & Theresa Wysocki. Starts at 7:00 p.m. Turn on San Bernard Dr. (turns into 2423 Hargis St) Please bring your lawn chairs or blanket to sit on the ground. Retrouvaille Marriage Healing Weekend: August 14 to 16, at the Diocesan Spiritual Renewal Center – Info on bulletin board – Brochures in vestibule. Contact info: jbvjov@sbcglobal.net 361-580-2770 Happy Birthday to Father Don – Monday, June 1st We love you and thank you for all you do!
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