2015 INDUCTEES Sherwood Allen Robert Bullard (Posthumous) Woody Andrews Memorial Award Ron Colson Don Grotheer Roy Hagadorn Hasley Hood, Jr. Hubert Platt “Lil’ General” Woodroe Josey Jim Kerr Jimmy King John Livingston Mike Kosky Ed Kowalski Frank LeSueur (Posthumous) Larry Lombardo “Nitro” Nellie Goins Della Woods Sunday, October 18 10:00 am - 12:30 pm 12:30 pm - 3:00 pm Vance Granville College Civic Center - I-85 @ Exit 209 - Henderson, NC East Coast Drag Times Hall of Fame - Meet drag race legends that participated in the sport of drag racing in the ‘50’s - ‘70’s. Visit the scrapbook and memorabilia room. FREE & OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, Everyone is invited to attend. East Coast Drag Times Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony and presentation of awards. Reception for the Hall of Fame Inductees and guests will be held immediately after the awards presentation. Master of Ceremony Bret Kepner. 252-438-2222, www.eastcoastdragtimeshalloffame.com or vctourism@gloryroad.net OCTOBER 16, 17 & 18 HENDERSON, NC VANCE COUNTY TOURISM DEPT. 1-866-438-4565 www.kerrlake-nc.com • vctourism@gloryroad.net HENDERSON, NC FRIDAY AFTERNOON SOUTHERN STYLE BARBECUE COOKOUT 11am - 4 pm Cover Charge $10.00 per plate (for Car Show & Hall of Fame guest only) Satterwhite Point, Kerr Lake I-85, Exit 217 Host Sponsor: Vance County TDA www.eastcoastdragtimeshalloffame.com
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