C HAIRMAN ’ S W OOD -R IDGE H ALL OF F AME MESSAGE As the Chairman of the WoodRidge Hall of Fame, I am honored to announce the 2014 inductees. The 2014 inductees were chosen based on their athletic experiences at Wood-Ridge, character, citizenship, and sportsmanship. Please join us on Sunday, October 5, 2014 as we acknowledge the inductees during half time at our football game and our Induction Ceremony on Thursday, October 9, 2014 at the Fiesta. Go Blue Devils! Jason Cata HALL OF FAME COMMITTEE Robert Biegel bobbiegel3224@aol.com Jason Cata jcata@wood-ridgeschools.org 201-933-6777 x5605 Jerry Labenski flonjerry@optonline.net Georgette Pflug pflugal@optonline.net 551-486-3655 Edward Rendzio eddierendz@yahoo.com 201-978-8402 Ken Schoener kpsduffer@msn.com Dr. Richard Spirito ras211@verizon.net 973-934-6619 O CTOBER 9, 2014 6:30 PM T HE F IESTA 255 R T . 17 S OUTH W OOD -R IDGE , NJ 07075 2014 INDUCTEES John Bischoff - Coach 2000 - 2008 Russell Christiana - Class of 1987 Jennifer Cole - Class of 1990 James Jencarelli - Class of 1979 Kevin Ketcho - Class of 1980 Henry Klein - Class of 1960 Andrea Tutulic Marino - Class of 1988 Trevor O’Grady - Class of 2001 Howard Olafson - Class of 1961 John Rapuzzi - Class of 1960 Daniel Rella - Class of 1996 Paul Sarlo - Class of 1986 Robert Talamini, Jr. - Class of 2001 Damon Tutulic -Class of 1994 Thomas Valanzola - Athletic Director 1992 - 2011 1979 Basketball Team Joseph Callamari Herb Cohen Anthony Davanzo Michael Gibney James Hawthorne Scott Ingham Joseph Jadevaia James Jencarelli Fred Ketcho Kevin Ketcho Fred Luberto Frank Porfido Jeff Ranges A D J OURNAL Sponsorship Form If you wish to advertise in the Hall of Fame Journal, please check below for the type of ad requested: T ICKET A PPLICATION I wish to attend the Hall of Fame Dinner on October 9, 2014 at 6:30 PM at The Fiesta ($75 per ticket) Center Spread = $300.00 Back Cover = $200.00 Inside Front Cover = $200.00 Full Page = $100.00 Half Page = $50.00 Please print your ad copy or include a business card and attach it to this form. Name: ______________________________ Address: _____________________________ City: ________________________________ State: ____________ Zip: _____________ Please remit form with check payable to: Phone: ______________________________ W OOD -R IDGE B OARD OF EDUCATIONH ALL OF FAME C OMMITTEE 540 W INDSOR R OAD W OOD -R IDGE , N EW J ERSEY 07075 A TTN : J ASON C ATA A SSISTANT P RINCIPAL / D IRECTOR OF A THLETICS If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Jason Cata at 201-933-6777 ext. 5605 or via e-mail at jcata@wood-ridgeschools.org. Final deadline for submission of an ad is September 1, 2014 E-Mail: ______________________________ # of Tickets Requested:________@ $75 each = Total Amount Enclosed:__________________ (Table Requests Can be Made - 10 to a Table) Please make check payable to: W OOD -R IDGE B OARD OF E DUCATION H ALL OF F AME C OMMITTEE
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