St. Mary Alumni Association Hall of Fame Committee Dear Friend of St. Mary High School: On Friday, November 7, 2014, St. Mary’s Athletic Hall of Fame will sponsor its 19th Induction Banquet. It will take place at The Fiesta, in Wood-Ridge, NJ. St. Mary High School is a Small, Personal, and Catholic institution. It has been the educational choice of thousand of parents and students over its eighty five years of existence. Today 98% of St. Mary High School graduates attend four year universities earning over 3.5 million dollars in scholarships and grants. The financial success of the Hall of Fame is very important in that St. Mary High School is financially self-sufficient. Our Committee and Alumni Association play an important role to meet this end, and ensure the continuation of the quality Catholic education offered at St. Mary. We need your support. If you could purchase an ad in this year’s Hall of Fame Journal it would help ensure our success. Ad spaces are available at $125 for a full page, $75 for a half page, $50 for a quarter page and $10 for a booster entry. If you would like to increase your support, you can subscribe as a Gael Sponsor ($1,500.00), Gold Sponsor ($1,000.00), Silver Sponsor ($500.00) or Dinner Underwriter ($250.00). Our Ad Journal is posted all-year-around on the St. Mary Athletic Hall of Fame Web site. You can view the 2013 Hall of Fame Ad Journal at The underlying purpose of the Hall of Fame is to encourage youth to become actively involved in sports and to promote pride in St. Mary athletics in the future. The committee’s objective is to honor the great St. Mary athletes of the past and their contributions to the fine tradition of sports at St. Mary and by doing so provide financial assistance to the high school. The 2014 class of inductees include Bill Stagg ‘52, Pete Ryan ‘79, Michael Whatley ‘96, Paul Johnsen ‘98, Justin Soccol ‘01, Joella Pounds ‘04, Stephanie Brodo ‘04 and Andy Conte ’74 as Contributor. In addition, St. Mary’s will also induct the 2004 State Championship Wrestling Team. The Hall of Fame will also present their “Special Recognition Award” to the “Unsung Heroes” of the Gaels 1990 Football Team. If you have any questions or would like more information about our Athletic Hall of Fame or St. Mary High School please call our Development Office at 201-933-5220, x270. Thank you in advance for your support. St. Mary Hall of Fame Committee, Mike Sheridan ‘77, Alumni Director Brian Higgins ‘72, Chairman Jim Kelly ‘62, Vice Chairman Mark Giordano ‘77, Secretary Jack Gillooly ‘48 Bob Jones ‘54 Jerry Frain, ‘55 Rich Vuyosevich ‘68 Andy Conte ‘74 Valerie Esposito ‘99 Jessica Pounds ‘99 Ad contract on back 64 Chestnut Street • Rutherford, NJ 07070 • (201) 933-5220 x270 • ST. MARY HIGH SCHOOL 2014 ATHLETIC HALL OF FAME ADVERTISING CONTRACT HALL OF FAME AD JOURNAL RATES ___ GAEL SPONSOR ............................. $1,500.00 (INCLUDES A DIGITAL SIGN THAT WILL BE DISPLAYED AT HALL OF FAME BANQUET. FOUR TICKETS TO THE HALL OF FAME BANQUET, AND ONE FULL PAGE AD IN THE HALL OF FAME AD JOURNAL. ___ GOLD SPONSOR............................. $1,000.00 (INCLUDES FOUR TICKETS TO THE HALL OF FAME BANQUET AND ONE FULL PAGE AD) ___ SILVER SPONSOR.............................. $ 500.00 (INCLUDES TWO TICKETS TO THE HALL OF FAME AND ONE FULL PAGE AD) ___ DINNER UNDERWRITER................... $ 250.00 (INCLUDES ONE TICKET TO THE HALL OF FAME ANDONE FULL PAGE AD) ___ FULL PAGE JOURNAL AD................. $0125.00 ___ HALF PAGE JOURNAL AD................ $0075.00 ___ QUARTER PAGE JOURNAL AD ......... $0050.00 ___ ALUMNI BOOSTER (NAME, YEAR, TOWN, STATE) ............................ $0010.00 ___ BOOSTER (NAME, TOWN, STATE) ................... $0010.00 PAGE SIZE: 8.5 X 11 AD SIZES: FULL - 71⁄2" x 10" / HALF - 71⁄2" x 41⁄2" / QUARTER - 31⁄2" x 41⁄2" Name of company or individual placing the advertisement: Name _________________________________________________________ Street _________________________________________________________ Town, State, Zip ________________________________________________ Phone _________________________________________________________ E-mail _________________________________________________________ CUT-OFF DATE FOR ADVERTISEMENTS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014 PLEASE RETURN FORM WITH YOUR CHECK PAYABLE TO ST. MARY ALUMNI ASSOC. Attention: Hall of Fame Ad Journal, 64 Chestnut St. Rutherford, NJ 07070. Please attach camera ready artwork, or ad copy to this form. Please do not staple or tape over artwork/ads. Ads can be e-mailed to Mark Giordano at or PDF FILES PREFERRED. Soliciting Agent: _______________________________________________________________
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