NON PROFIT U.S.POSTAGE PAID HARTFORD, CT PERMIT NO. 5224 EAST CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL O2014o HALLof FAME EAST CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL O2014o HALLof FAME INDUCTIONS & DINNER Join us as we honor our 2014 Inductees INDUCTIONS & DINNER SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2014 ATHLETES Jim Wehr ‘75 Ann Temple Pronovost ‘82 Address Service Requested 115 New State Road Manchester, CT 06042-1820 FRIENDS Bill & Marie Baron High School FACULTY & STAFF Sr. Bette Gould, SSJ (posthumously) Cheryl Spillane East Catholic ALUMNI Stephen Carter ‘69 John Donohue ‘70 Dominic Fulco III ‘77 East Catholic High School Cafeteria 115 New State Road Manchester, CT 06042 Cocktails at 6:00 p.m. Dinner at 7:00 p.m. Tickets: $60 per person Proceeds to benefit scholarships at East Catholic High School EAST CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL O2014o HALL FAME TICKET FORM In 1992, East Catholic established its Hall of Fame to recognize individuals and businesses who have made significant contributions to the school and the community. We invite you to join us in honoring the 2014 Inductees by attending this year’s event. Proceeds will benefit the Hall of Fame Scholarship Fund and the newly established Sr. Bette Gould, SSJ Memorial Scholarship Fund. of SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2014 ATHLETES AD RESERVATION FORM We invite you to show your support for the 2014 ECHS Hall of Fame Inductees by being a sponsor at the Patron, Blue & White, or Gold level, or by placing an ad or congratulatory message in the program. Proceeds from this event will benefit the Hall of Fame Scholarship and the newly established Sr. Bette Gould, SSJ Memorial Scholarship. All ads MUST be received by the Advancement Office no later than Friday, October 31st. Please submit electronic files or camera-ready artwork along with payment to: ECHS, Advancement Office, 115 New State Road, Manchester, CT 06042 or email Cocktails at 6 p.m. Dinner at 7:00 p.m. Recognition of the 2014 Inductees to follow. Name:__________________________________________ Address:________________________________________ City/State/Zip:____________________________________ Jim Wehr ‘75 Ann Temple Pronovost ‘82 q Tickets, $60 each ALUMNI q Blue & White Sponsor $250 Includes two dinner tickets, name in program, quarter-page ad. Address:_______________________________________ City/State/Zip:___________________________________ Stephen Carter ‘69 Phone:_______________Email:_____________________ John Donohue ‘70 Dominic Fulco III ‘77 FACULTY & STAFF q Full-page ad or message, $250 q Half-page ad or message, $150 q Quarter-page ad or message, $100 q One-line congratulatory wish, $25 I am enclosing a check in the amount of $_____________. Please charge my credit card Sr. Bette Gould, SSJ (posthumously) q Visa q MC q AMEX FRIENDS exp._________code__________ Cheryl Spillane q Visa q MC q AMEX Card #__________________________________________ exp._________code__________ Signature_____________________________________ Signature_______________________________________ Return to: ECHS Advancement Office, 115 New State Road, Manchester, CT 06042 I cannot attend the event but would like to make a donation: Hall of Fame Scholarship_______________ Sr. Bette Gould, SSJ Memorial Scholarship_______________ For more info, please contact Sarah Adanti (860) 649-5336 ext. 6234 or email q Silver Sponsor $500 Includes four dinner tickets, name in program and displayed at event, half-page ad. q Gold Sponsor $1000 Includes eight dinner tickets, name in program and displayed at event, full page ad. Checks payable to East Catholic High School. Card#_________________________________________ q Children under 10, $20 q Patron Sponsor $100 Includes one dinner ticket and name in program. Name:_________________________________________ Credit Card Payments Phone:__________________Email:____________________ Please indicate the nominee you are coming to honor: Bill & Marie Baron _______________________________________
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