Library Hours - East Longmeadow Public Library

The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more you learn, the more places you'll go.
— Dr. Seuss
Library Hours
Monday - Wednesday
9:30am - 8pm
Thursday & Friday
9:30am - 5pm
9:30am - 4pm
(Closed until Labor Day)
It’s not just for kids this
There will be weekly prizes
and a grand prize of a
Kindle Fire! In conjunction
with the Children’s Summer
Reading program, the
program begins June 22.
This summer we are offering
a summer reading program
for adults and teens.
The guidelines are simple:
 register online or inperson at the Information
Thanks to a generous
 submit a short review for
donation from the Friends of
each book read (online
the Library, adults and teens
or in-person)
(ages 13 and up) will have the  earn two raffle tickets for
opportunity to participate in a
each review
fun reading program.
One raffle ticket will be
entered into our weekly
prize and one will be
entered into the grand prize.
You must submit at least 3
entries to be eligible for the
Got Email?
Let us know if you want to be
added to our email list, contact
Upcoming Events:
eReader Sessions
Way of the Stars
Writer’s Group Panel
The Rewrite Movie
Mentalist Rory Raven
Evening Book Group
Kingsman Movie
A.M. Book Group
Say Hello to our Adult
Services Librarian,
Lyndsay Johnson!
She can be found upstairs
at our Information Desk
providing readers’ advisory
to adults and teens,
assisting patrons with their
electronic devices,
computer related
questions or
helping patrons find
answers to
questions on a
variety of topics.
Lyndsay facilitates two
adult book groups each
month as well as planning
and scheduling all of our
adult programs.
move to a secluded
lakeside Welsh cottage to
escape her grief following
her husband’s sudden
Lyndsay is an avid reader.
She’s currently reading The
Silver Witch by Paula
Brackston, an intriguing
story of
artist Tilda
It begins
On this same lake in Celtic
times lived Seren, a witch
and shaman. As their two
lives strangely mirror each
other's it’s when Tilda
comes under threat from a
dark power, that she must
rely on Seren and ancient
magic to avoid shattering
her life once more.
60 Center Square
East Longmeadow, MA 01028
Phone: 525-5400 x4
Our summer reading theme
this year is
Tuesday, June 2
11am - 12pm
Thursday, June 18
2 - 3pm
Drop-in eReader Sessions
Learn how to download free
eBooks and eAudiobooks
from the library’s Digital
Catalog to your mobile device,
laptop, or eReader.
Friday, June 12
Friday Flicks
We’re showing The Rewrite,
a movie about a writer in a
slump who leaves Hollywood
to teach screenwriting at a
college on the East Coast,
where he falls for a single
mom taking classes there.
Wednesday, June 3
6:30 - 7:30pm
Way of the Stars
A presentation from author,
Jane V. Blanchard about her
2011 five-hundred mile
pilgrimage on the Camino de
Monday, June 22
Mentalist Rory Raven
Our summer reading kickoff
event! Neither a psychic nor
a magician, witness a new
experience unlike anything
you've ever seen. Sign-up is
encouraged, call the Circ.
Desk at 525-5400 x1511.
Tuesday, June 9
6:30 - 7:30pm
Writer’s Group Panel
A public reading from the
members of the ELPL Writer’s
Group as they share short
selections from their work.
Did you know Overdrive is
the company that helps the
CWMars network offer all
those free eBooks?
The digital catalog now
has over 15,000 titles and
we’re adding more each
day. Patrons can access
the catalog at home or in
the library with their library
card. There is a link on the
library webpage under the
“Books, DVDs, and more”
Wednesday, June 24
6:30 - 7:30pm
Evening Book Group
We’re reading The
Thirteenth Tale by Diane
Setterfield. When her health
Beginning this past month,
the digital catalog now
offers magazines, which
can be read using the free
Nook app.
Each month the library
has two drop-in sessions
for patrons to bring in their
eReader or laptop for oneon-one help with getting
begins to fail, the mysterious
author Vida Winter decides to
let a biographer write the truth
about her life, but facts need
to be verified since Vida has a
history of telling tales.
Friday, June 26
Friday Flicks
Join us for Kingsman: The
Secret Service. This action
film follows the recruitment
and training of a potential
secret agent into a secret spy
Tuesday, June 30
10 - 11:30am
A.M. Book Group
We’re reading Chocolat by
Joanne Harris. An enchanting
novel about a small French
town turned upside down by
the arrival of a bewitching
chocolate confectioner and
her spirited young daughter.
To learn more about the
icons below, stop by for
one of our sessions.
Don’t forget, the digital
catalog is a great place to
find an eBook for our
summer reading program