EMORY UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR REQUEST TO ADD/CHANGE/INACTIVATE A COURSE Use this form as a request to add/change/inactivate a course in the Course Catalog. Complete the appropriate action (A, C, or I) below for this form to be processed. Sign and email to the Office of the Registrar at DPSTAFF-L@LISTSERV.CC.EMORY.EDU Date of Request (mm/dd/yyyy):______________ School/Department: ________________________________ Subject: _______________________________ Catalog number: _____________________________________ Action requested: A. add a new course ☐ C. change an existing course ☐ I. inactivate a course ☐ * For A, enter below all the information required on the form. ** For C, enter only the subject, catalog number, future effective term and the change to be made. *** For I, enter below the future effective term when course becomes inactive, subject, and catalog number. 1. Enter future effective term:______________ 2. Short title: ___________________________ (limit to 30 characters, including spaces and punctuation) 3. Long title:_________________________________________________________________ 4. Course description: 5. Credit Hours: Minimum Units___ Maximum Units___ 6. Grading Basis: Graded☐ 7. Repeatable course? Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory☐ Yes☐ Student Option☐ No☐ If repeatable, how many times can be repeated:____ How many total credit hours_____ 8. Permission to add course? Yes☐ No☐ If permission: Department☐ Instructor☐ 9. Permission to drop course? Yes☐ No☐ If permission: Department☐ Instructor☐ 10. Requirement Designation (only for Undergraduate College):________________________ 11. Course Attributes:_________________________________ 12. Course Topic (only if course is approved as a topic course): is topic, yes or no ______________________________________________________________________________________ 13. If course is to be permanently cross-listed, enter all cross-listed subjects and course numbers below: ______________________________________________________________________________________ 14. Prerequisites/Co-requisites:________________________________________________________________ 15. Course component (check more than one box if applicable): Abroad☐ Clinical☐ Discussion☐ Independent Study☐ Laboratory☐ Lecture☐ Music P.☐ Phys.Educ.☐ Practicum☐ Research☐ Residency☐ Transfer☐ Seminar☐ Tutorial☐ Studio Art☐ Supervision☐ Thesis Rsch.☐
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