Volume 60 Number 1 Published Monthly East Shore Unitarian Universalist Church 10848 Chillicothe Rd, Kirtland, Ohio 44094 440-256-3400 www.eastshore.org Rev. Denis Letourneau Paul, Development Minister We are a Welcoming Congregation . ALL SERVICES START AT 10:30 A.M. Coffee hour immediately after service SUNDAYS IN JULY July 5 “Love and Truth will Prevail” - Justin Simons July 12 Service led by Dan Bond July 19 Service led by Maurea Landes July 26 Service led by Kristine Burkwood Rev’s Reflections Rev. Denis is out of the office for the month of July, returning on August 4. Meanwhile,… Please take a moment to read the following note from our Communications Task Force. Enjoy your SUMMER! Communica ons Task Force News: Effec ve communica on is essen al. To this end, the Communica ons Commi ee, of which I'm a part, has been looking to strengthen East Shore's ability to communicate with members and friends. In looking at the interrelated arms of communica ons -- Continued .... July 2015 ... newsle ers, email blasts, church calendars, announcements, bulle n board pos ngs, social media, and more -we examined how all these can combine to be more responsive to the needs of the church while remaining within the framework of financial and volunteer resources? In seeking solu ons, we examined how we currently do things and also how other churches and groups communicate. The monthly Beacon newsle er is a great example. A weekly format would be more responsive, but limits with volunteer resources made that tricky to pull off. Once we saw the limita ons, we set out to find a solu on and found it in looking at other church newsle ers. Every week, Donna sends a weekly announcement. Would it be possible to combine the best elements of these announcements AND the monthly Beacon? Could we create a newsle er requiring less forma ng, quicker to assemble yet more visually appealing? One that could be shared, updated, and printed? One that would be readable on handheld devices and phones yet friendly to tradi onal viewing? One that would be er accommodate photos? MailChimp is an email solu on that will allow East Shore to build cleaner newsle ers more quickly and, when necessary, print out easy-to-read versions. The newsle er is not built on an individual's computer like it is now, so it can worked on from anywhere, le ng volunteers be er share the work load. Best of all -- it means a reduc on in out-dated, month-old news! Of course changes don't happen overnight. The new Beacon is in development and may take some tweaking to find the perfect balance for East Shore's needs. Nonetheless, the focus is remaining responsive to your needs. We want the vehicles of communica on to serve the people and not the other way around. We are so excited about these changes and hope this will mean a reduc on in confusion in missed events. We'll stay in touch and keep you updated. Warmly, Dale and the rest of ESUUC Communica ons Commi ee East Shore Beacon July 2015 PARISH NOTES Helen Ranney died on May 21. Helen and her husband Neil were founding members of East Shore. They were here right from the very beginning and raised five children in the church, one of whom, Jane Ranney Rzepka, became a UU minister. Helen was a source of inspiration. Nancy Wise passed away on June 10. To all those in the community with joys and concerns, we send love and peace ANNOUNCEMENTS Reverend Denis Paul is out for the month of July. Beverages and Banter There will be no Beverages and Banter in July Community Kirtan On the first Friday of each month, at 6:00 pm. OMD News: Young Adult Opportunities OPUS, the annual national gathering of Young Adults will once again take place in the OMD at Camp Nuhop August 19-23, 2015. Registration is open. Details at http://www.ohiomeadville.org/omdevents/736-opus15. New Board Member or Congregational Leader? The UU Leadership Institute is offering a summer class on Healthy Leadership 101. This course is all online and self-paced with three webinar based sessions for conversation and connections. Learn more at: www.uuinstitute.org. It’s not too late to sign up, as long as you finish before September 15. Worship Arts has no ced that we have so many great happenings at East Shore, that the Sun‐ day Morning announcements have become overwhelming. In an effort to create a more sacred space on Sunday, announcements will be displayed in a central place, and will remain in the newsle er and weekly emails. The Communica ons Task Force will assist Worship Arts in this effort launching in August. Page 2 IT IS THE MISSION OF EAST SHORE UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH to offer a loving, joyful, accepting religious community where the right to freedom of belief is unfettered by any prescribed creed, and where our liberal religious tradition is made accessible to all; to provide support for the individual in a free and disciplined search for religious and ethical values that enrich our lives; to provide religious education for children and adults, which enables self-knowledge, respect for others, and awareness of the interdependent web of existence of which we are but a part; to celebrate together rites of passage through the great and profound moments of life; to affirm Unitarian Universalist principles by reaching out to the greater community to promote truth, justice, responsibility, and love in the world. You are part of a larger UU Community Stay connected to the larger Unitarian Universalist community. East Shore is part of the Ohio-Meadville District. Visit their website at www.ohiomeadville.org for articles, events, programs and more. Beacon Newsletter Policy Published every month, the Beacon provides churchrelated information to members and friends. Several items are regular features of every newsletter: Sunday morning service program notes, a church calendar of events, and regular columns from the Minister and the Director of Religious Education. It is to be noted that the Minister’s practice of “freedom of the pulpit” also applies to his or her column. The Minister, Director of Religious Education, Board Chair, the Beacon Editor, or members of the Board of Trustees may invite members to write columns on experiences or activities that are part of the church or UU Association life. Announcements, social events, special events, descriptions of committee activities and information from the District and Association are included in the Newsletter when space allows. At times, the Beacon Editor may need to prioritize materials. Events and activities from the wider community are included if they are in sympathy with Unitarian Universalist values articulated in the Principles and Purposes. Interests and concerns of church members on matters outside formal activities of the church may be sent to the Editor, keeping in mind that they may or may not be used for publication, but could be considered, incorporated, and/or adapted, based on the contribution’s potential to support and enrich our beloved church community. Material for the newsletter is submitted through the church office, by email to the Editor or mail . All material is subject to editing. The newsletter is available in hard copy and via East Shore’s website. East Shore Beacon July 2015 Sunday Summer Camp Our East Shore Summer RE program, “The Color of Religion”, is up and running. Page 3 July Activities in RE July 4 through July 11 - Goldmine - see below Tuesday 14th - RE Team Meeting at 6:30 pm Thursday 16th - Circle of Mom (Moms Only) TBA - ESUUC Auction - RE Car Washes! August Activities in RE th In the coming weeks, as we learn the meanings of color in religions around the world, we will be making tissue bowls, felt bookmarks and lemon bath bombs. Tuesday 11 - RE Team Meeting at 6:30 pm Thursday 20th - Circle of Mom (Moms Only) The theme each Sunday will be a different color, and we will dress in that color, eat foods from that color, and learn the power of that color in world religion. Come and join the fun! GoldmineLeadershipCamp Children’s Annual Mee ng & Report The children listed what they liked, did not like, and what they would like to see added: Liked: Food Day and Rev. Denis’s stories RE Sunday first to third grade loved the curriculum “Moral Compass” Haunted House Christmas Pageant Sunday – especially the play Having the Internet and media added to the classes Did not like: The li le ones did not like that the older children hid the Easter Eggs in places they could not reach. The teens did not like that the curriculum was chosen by older teens that stopped coming to class and par cipa ng. Like to see: RE discussed having curriculum match the themes the main sanctuary. Most children liked the idea as long as it DOES NOT become like real school. The children want to keep more modern media included in classes (videos, power points, and internet) Religious Education Council RE Team meetings have moved to the first Tuesday of each month. This is likely to change again in the near future, as our new RE Chair settles-in. Our next meeting will be held on EastShoreishostingOMD’sGoldmineCamp fromSundayJuly4thtoSaturdayJuly11th. Goldmineisaweek‐longleadershiptrainingcampforteensinhighschool. AspecialThankYoutoallthatdonatedtoaScholarship foroneofourveryappreciativeyouthtoattend! Goldminewillbeusingallofthechurchforthis week‐longevent,sopleaseplanaccordingly. Thankyou,friendsatEastShore, forallofthematerialsthatyou broughtinforthekidstentatthe BlueSkyFolkFestival,heldonJune20. ThankyoutoRochelle,Amy,AndrzejandCalebfor helpingset‐upandbreak‐down,helpingvisitorsmake corkboats,recycledpaper,bracelets,and “Harmonikazoos”.Youarewonderfulpeopletohave spentthedayplaying! Coming of Age (COA) Attention ADULTS: RE is planning for Coming of Age (COA) next year. If your teen is going to participate in COA, please let Halcyon know ASAP. Also, if you have any ideas about who would be a good sponsor for your teen, please discuss with Halcyon. If you have any questions about COA, then... you guessed it - please contact Halcyon YOUTH CAVE YAC OMD (Youth Adult Committee Ohio Meadville District): Tuesday. July 14 at 6:30 pm. http://www.ohiomeadville.org/leaders/yac Everyone is welcome to join us at these meetings. Come YAC Summer Meeting and Elections: July 24-26, 2015 at UU Church of Kent. Registration open until July 13: to share your group’s ideas, or to support and participate in ours ! http://www.ohiomeadville.org/omdevents/761-yacsummer East Shore Beacon July 2015 Page 4 BoardHighlightsforApril2015 BoardHighlightsforMay2015 TheESUUCBoardofTrusteesmetonTaxDay,6pm, TheESUUCBoardofTrusteesmetonMay17,2015at April15,2015withfullcon idencethatallBoard membershad inishedtheirtaxesontime.Weare pleasedtoreportthatnomembersseemedtobe in‐ ishing/ ilingtaxesduringthemeeting. 6pm.WhileourAnnualMeetingloomsinthenearfu‐ ture,therewasother,moreimmediatebusinessofthe churchtoaddress. OurNominatingCommitteehasdoneatremendous job indingfolkswhoarewillingandabletoservethe manyEastShorepositionsfor2015‐16.TheBoard thankseveryonewhohassteppedupandaccepted theirnomination,withappreciationforallthosewho havealreadyserved. NightattheRaceswasatremendoussuccess,with manynewpeopleattending,raisingmorethanex‐ pected,withgreatfunforall.TheBoardextendsmany thankstotheorganizers. TheOhio‐MeadvilleDistrict,theUUA,andEastShore areallcontemplatingthebene itsofsharedministries –apathtowardsharingresourceswithourgeograph‐ icallycloseUUchurches.RevDenisisbuildingbridges withsomeregionalUUcongregationstoencourage moresharingandcross‐congregationalsupportnext year. Wearepleasedtowelcomefournewmembersasof April12,2015;BrianRice,KathyFlora,KathyDeane andElisabethOtto.Atthesametime,wegrievethe passingofthreelongtimeandmuchlovedmembers; DanMiller,JuliusRopog,andDavidHill. WediscoveredthatthecurrentRentalPolicyrequires thateveryone‐evenmembersandpledgingfriends‐ ischargedarentalfeefortheirmemorialserviceat EastShore.Thisseemsinappropriate.TheBoard agreedthatweshouldchangetheRentalPolicyto “MembersandpledgingfriendsofEastShoreUnitari‐ anUniversalistChurchwhopassawayarenotcharged arentalfeefortheirmemorialservice.”Seemstobe rightthingtodo. WearepreparingfortheAnnualMeetingonJune7, 2015,wherewewillelectmembersforthe15‐16posi‐ tions,establishourbudgetfor2015‐16,andhearfrom theentiremembership.Hopingthateveryonecomes! WarmRegards, NancyTozer,ViceChairoftheBoardofTrustees Wearepleasedtoagainhostthisyear’sregionalUU GoldmineLeadershipConferenceforyouth,andweare happytohaveanEastShoreyouthwhowantstoat‐ tend.Thecostis$450perperson,andRev.Denisof‐ feredtocoverhalfthecostfromtheMinister’sDiscre‐ tionaryFund.Theotherhalfwillbecoveredbyan OMDscholarshipordonationsfrommembersand friends. WorshipArtshasnoticedthatwehavesomanygreat happeningsatEastShorethattheSundayMorning announcementshavebecomeoverwhelming.Inan efforttocreateamoresacredspaceonSunday,an‐ nouncementswillbedisplayedinacentralizedplace, andwillremaininthenewsletterandweeklyemails. TheCommunicationsTaskForcewillassistWorship ArtsinthiseffortthatlaunchesinAugust. WithRev.Denis’support,HalcyonDomanskiisstarting a‘CircleofMom’groupfocusedontheneedsofmoms atEastShore.Halcyonisalsopursuingherformalcre‐ dentialingasaDRE. WearebuildingalistofneededCapitalimprovements sothatourupcomingCapitalCampaignhasacleardi‐ rectionandde initegoal.Wehopetolaunchthiscam‐ paignduringthe15‐16 iscalyearwithRuthTroup’s valuableguidance. WarmRegards, NancyTozer,ViceChairoftheBoardofTrustees Movies Making Meaning Movie Night Fridays The monthly “Movies Making Meaning” showing for July is POSTPONED. Enjoy your summer and watch for updates about the next one! Have a movie with spiritual meaning to you? We’d love to feature it -- contact Ann Jacobson July 2015 East Shore Beacon DonatetoEastShorewith AmazonPurchases! On the November 2014 Board Highlights, the East Shore Board announced that we joined the Amazon Smile program where purchases made through Amazon will have 0.5% of the purchase price donated to East Shore. Here are some instruc ons: Go to h ps://smile.amazon.com/about to get all of the direc ons, or see below for an abbreviated version. 1. Go to h p://smile.amazon.com/. Type into the search box on the right: East Shore Unitarian Church. They le out the “Universalist” part, maybe because there was only so much space to type. 2. That will bring up 2 choices. Select the one for Willoughby. Yes, we are in Kirtland but there are four ci es that share the same zip code and the main post office for our zip code is Willoughby. 3. Once selected, Amazon will remember your choice. From then on you go to: h p://smile.amazon.com/ and it should automa cally donate to our church. NOTE: purchasing looks the same as the regular www.amazon.com, but you have to start with h p://smile.amazon.com/ for Amazon to make the dona on. Smile for the Camera! Plans are in the works for a new East Shore pictorial church directory. Universal Church Directories, widely known for top quality directories and photography, has been selected to help us. They come highly recommended from other churches in our area. For now, please mark your calendars: Photography dates will be September 17, 18 & 19 with the scheduling of appointments in August. More details to follow. For additional information contact Kathy Deane. Page 5 We are what we call a "Welcoming Congregation" meaning that we warmly welcome and openly encourage the full participation of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people in the life of our congregation. If you are interested in the larger LGBTQ organization, Interweave, please visit: http://interweaveuu.org Are you interested in learning about Avatar Adi Da Samraj, a contemporary spiritual teacher? Join the Lavender Group! We’ll meet the fourth Thursday of every month, either at East Shore Church at 10am or the same evening at my home in Painesville at 7pm. All the readings are accessed online. You will need a Google email to sign-up. Contact Nancy Bihary at spericalillustions@gmail.com LOOKING FOR INSTRUMENTALISTS Did you play bassoon in the band in high school? Oboe in the orchestra? Guitar in a garage band? Is there a flute, sax or accordion in your attic? Or are you currently playing an instrument for pleasure or profit? We'd like to get to know you here at East Shore. Whether your forte is pop, rock, classical, jazz or whatever, we are planning a get-together in August, date to be announced later. Let's see what we can put together for future church services or programs a small ensemble, a duet, trio or solo. Adults and teens, keep watching for news of this important event! See Judy Willour or Marj Hill for more information. East Shore Beacon July 2015 Bring your coffee mug to church It's Time for Coffee Hour! On Earth Day, Green Sanctuary invited everyone to "Show Your Mug at Church" and bring in your own mug for Coffee Hour so we can replace the disposable cups. In our skit during service, we described bringing in our mugs and taking them home to wash. But in the last Beacon, we failed to include the "take it back home to wash" part, resulting in mugs being left in the kitchen! Uh oh! BIG apologies to the Kitchen Committee! We've heard some feedback that bringing mugs and taking them home may not be the best solution, so we have another idea, and it allows for some community-building and teamwork! We can do away with disposable cups and plates, AND make sure that even visitors to East Shore can partake in Coffee Hour, by using mugs and small plates from East Shore's kitchen, but as we are a commercial kitchen, these must be washed following each Coffee Hour. Who wants to be dishwashing buddies?! If we all pitch in (and work in pairs so it goes faster and is more fun!), we'd only have to take our turn once or twice a year to enjoy Coffee Hour every week without relying on disposables! Let's Celebrate the Web of Life together! Let Green Sanctuary know your thoughts! A MESSAGE FROM THE FINANCIAL SECRETARY Now that the pledge drive is over, and we are approaching the end of this fiscal year, which ends June 30, 2015, please mark your pledge contributions as to whether it is for this fiscal year (7/1/14-6/30/15) or whether you are pre-paying for the fiscal year that begins July 1, 2015. If you are pre-paying, please mark your contribution for 2015-16. This will avoid having your contributions posted to the wrong fiscal year. - Mary Bender, Financial Secretary Page 6 AgreatbigBlueSkyThankYoutoallyou awesomevolunteerswhochippedinforthe BlueSkyFolkFestonJune20th!Wecouldnot doitwithoutyourconstantsupport. Theweatherheld,thejammerswereamazing, theworkshopswerepacked,andthe MainStagewasathing tobehold.Itwasagreat dayforeveryone,and youhelpedmakeit happen. Hopetoseeyouallnext year! Some news about our members: One of our newest members, Brian Rice, was featured in the News-Herald on June 16 for his important work with elder abuse: http://www.news-herald.com/general-news/20150615/ display-aims-to-raise-awareness-of-elder-abuse Millennium Salon Cuba ‐ "The Great Un‐learning" with Carole Clement Playwright, Author & Road Scholar Traveler, talks about her recent 17-day tour, and why the Cubans adore Quakers and Unitarians Sunday, July 26, 2015 East Shore UU Church 10848 Chillicothe Rd., Kirtland www.eastshore.org 440-256-3400 12:00 pm: Light Vegetarian lunch ‐ Reserva ons for lunch by July 22nd - $5 dona on requested for lunch 12:30 pm: Presenta on with Q & A - No reserva on needed for presenta on July 2015 East Shore Beacon Page 7 Box Tops for Education Don’t forget about those little/ very tiny, pink and white coupons on various packages of General Mills products (cereal, Ziploc baggies, Pillsbury bakery …). Keep cutting them out and stuffing them in the Box Tops box on the table in the narthex on Sunday. We really do get 10 cents for each coupon we turn in! JULY BIRTHDAYS 1 – Rochelle Luckwitz 7 – Christopher Turchetta 9 – Barb Mallin, Cloe McCann 13 – Rose Bouch, Sam Guizlo 14 – Sharon Waite 21 – Maura McGovern, Pam Leininger, Judy Willour 22 – Kyle McCann, Barb Opie Board of Trustees Members (2014-15) Jason McCann Nancy Tozer Maggie Calkins Pat McGovern Mary Bender Kristine Burkwood Justin Simons Rochelle Luckwitz rd 16 Board Chair 51 Vice Chair 0 r2 Treasurer o f Secretary i s t l Financial s Secretary e e 2013-’15 t Trustee, s r u s t 2014-’16 Trustee, T u o f REu gRepresentative W c at or u Other t h Elected (non-Board) Positions f hMark McElroy Bill Pastor Shirley Hairston Amy Bennett Ben Kotowski 30 – Pat Butler If your birthday was accidentally left out, know we wish you a happy one nonetheless! A oa g in BEx-Officio n Immediate Past Chair Dick Hurwitz t e d m i o a Halcyon Domanski DRE pd - c e 23 – Nancy Theofrastous Assistant Treasurer Financial Review Team Keli Keyes Nominating Committee Sage McMillan Tim Ray Church Office Hours Director of Religious Education: Halcyon Domanski Tuesday, Friday, & Sunday 10:00 am to 2:00 pm Church Secretary: Donna Van Boxel SUMMER HOURS (JUNE THROUGH AUGUST): Tues., Wed. and Thurs. 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Reverend Denis Letourneau Paul Tuesday 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm * See calendar on next page for dates off * COMMITTEE CHAIRS: Archives Art Show Building Care Committee Chalice Lighter Coffee Hour Communications Newsletter Editor Publicity Webweaver Decorating District/Denomination Fahr Fund Trustees Finance Committee Stewardship Heinen’s & Giant Eagle Rental Coordinator Fundraising Great Outdoors Kitchen Marvin Detar Joan McDermitt, David Simmerer Chris Derus Jan Hurwitz Bill Butler Terry DeTar Sage McMillan Dale Luckwitz, Rochelle Luckwitz Pat McGovern Ken Schmidt Linda Lekson Ken Franklin Pam Leininger, Linda Loeffler Lynne Killgore, Dave Michel Ben and Julia Kotowski, Eric Waldman Jan Hurwitz, Glenn Emelko Jerie Green Open Brian Beck Christina Hermann, Marten Schreiber Lay Pastoral Team Membership Memorial Garden Men’s Group Millennium Salon Organic Garden Group Religious Education Chair Library Small Group Liaison Social Justice Community Meals Domestic Violence Green Sanctuary Peace Seekers UUJO liaison Welcoming Congregation Transition Team Worship Arts Music Rev. Peggy Clason Sharon Waite Linda Lekson, Nora Nemec, Pam Leininger Ken Schmidt Lynne Killgore Patricia Sinclair Kristine Burkwood (2015-17) Laura Solomon Judy Willour Rose Bouch Dorothy Lemmey Cara Battaglia, Judy Willour Ron Prosek Ron Prosek Kristine Bowers Dick Hurwitz Nancy Theofrastous, Justin Simons Marj Hill, Judy Willour July 2015 East Shore Beacon Page 8 JULY CALENDAR Fri July 3 Sat July 4 Picture Directory commi ee 1:00 pm Mon Aug 10 Men’s Group 7:00 pm Community Kirtan 7:00 pm Tues Aug 11 RE Team/Council Mee ng 6:30 pm Fri Aug 14 Movies Making Meaning 7:00 pm I D Freedom To Marry Event 11a - 4pm Sun Aug 16 Green Sanctuary Ac on Team July 4 ‐ 11 Goldmine Leadership Camp Whole church Thur Aug 20 Circle of Mom (CoM) Mon July 13 Men’s Group 7:00 pm Fri Aug 21 WOW Small Group 10:30 am Tues July 14 RE Team/Council Mee ng 6:30 pm Thur Aug 27 Nancy Bihary Group 10:00 am Wed July 15 Board Mee ng 6:00 pm Tues Sept 1 Finance Commi ee Mee ng 6:00 pm Thur July 16 Circle of Mom (CoM) Membership Commi ee Mtg 6:30 pm Fri July 17 WOW Small Group 10:30 am Fri Sept 11 Movies Making Meaning 7:00 pm Sun July 19 Green Sanctuary Ac on Team 12:15 pm Sept 17 ‐ 18 ES Picture Directory - Photos 2-8:30pm Tues July 21 Finance Commi ee Mee ng 6:30 pm Sat Sept 19 ES Picture Directory - Photos 10a-5pm Thur July 23 Nancy Bihary Lavender Group 10:00 am Coffee House/Fine Arts 7:00 pm (2014-15 & 15-16) 6:30 pm AUGUST Tues Aug 4 Sun Aug 9 6:30 pm Rev. Denis’s Schedule: Finance Commi ee Mee ng 6:00 pm Membership Commi ee Mtg 6:30 pm Lay Pastoral Connec ons 12:15 pm 12:15 pm Vacation: July 1 - July 30 (back Aug 4) Next Week off: August 17 - 24 Sept. 14 - 21 Please email all submissions for the Beacon to email@eastshore.org Next Beacon Deadline Deadline: Thurs,, July 16 Next Beacon Mailing: Tuesday, July 28 Board Chair: Nancy Tozer DRE: Halcyon Domanski Commissioned Lay Leader Candidate: Justin Simons Editor & Desktop Publisher: Dale Luckwitz To stop delivery of the Beacon, please call the church office. Printed on 30% post consumer recycled paper. Rev. Denis Letourneau Paul, Development Minister 10848 Chillicothe Rd, Kirtland, Ohio 44094 PHONE: (440) 256-3400 FAX: (440) 256-3971 WEBSITE: www.eastshore.org E-MAIL: email@eastshore.org RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED East Shore Unitarian Universalist Church East Shore Beacon PLEASE DELIVER by July 2, 2015 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Mentor OH Permit #80
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