F. C. DUNXIXGTOX CO., fc Voluntary communicalics, containing inlcrost-n- g or important news, sditited from any quarter. News letters from tie virions counties of the State especially desired. All communications should bo addressed to tho " Editors of tho Vswx and American." Pinion and SUimcan. wi:iixi:siay. jt'Xi: VOLUME XXXIII. i:it'( ATio. oi'tiii: m::ko. 31i'asiirH Ux Cilizens imic. ii' Ox Tliat the time has arrived when some iiicftsurcs should be adopted by the Southern i'kxians. tiii: people themselves lo provide the was and TlK-l- r liir'i-l- l 1 Iliilliilo. means of educating the freeumcn, is a con which we have been led by the chldiou The following document-- ! were iwuwl by followingto coniuerations : : Buffalo on Tliurwlay leaders at tlie Fenian 1. This people are now thrown upon their moOLAMATION UY 0I2f. IIUIIN3. own resources in a state of freedom, for To the officer, 18CC which they are to a certain extent unprc- Uuffaix), June find mldkrt of Ike IrnJi amy in liujfalo pareu. received "BitOTiinns: Orders having 2. They consider iif, their former owners. from IVutiileiit KoiiniTS reiiiitiii;; yon to to be now as we have always been, their nat retuni to your homos, it become my duty ural cuardians, and their best friends. . to promulgate paid order in this Depart3. It is our interest, an well as our dutv. ment. Having been but a day or two among to diffuse the blessings of education as wide von, and witnessed with pride your manly ly as possible among nil classes, of people in Itearinp and soldierly conduct in refraining our country. 4. If it ever was good lioliey to keen them from all acwof lawlawnew on tlic citizens of tliin citv. it crievm me to rnrt with von ignorant, it certainly is no longer so, but the m mooii. 1 liad ho)cd to load you against very reverse, o. The rigiit of suffrage will, in all tiro the oomraon enemy of human freedom, anil would have done co had not the extreme liability, be given to this people at some fu vigilance of the Government of the United ture dav. 0. Ignorant voters arc the curse of our Males rustrateu our limim. Jt ra the United Siitt, and not England, that country. le-turn our onward march to freedom. . If we do not leach them Mime one else to your home for the present, with the will, and whoever thin benefits them will conviction that thin iiiijuHliment will koou win an influence over them which will con he removed by the representatives of the trol their votes. notion, lie firm in your determination to . li we penorm this service then we renew the context when duty callo you forth. shall secure their identification with us in Let your prcocnt disappointment only promoting all our interests. prompt you to renewed energy in the future. So much for policy and interest the least Ho patient, bide your time, organize your eleavatcd form of the argument. Let ns trength, and an liberty is your watchword, look at the subject in its moral bearings. it will finally be your reward. In leaving 1. The Church is the UglU of the world; this cily where you have bountifully shared it is therefore hound to illuminate the sur the hospitality of its citizenH, I beg of yon rounding region. There is no special in to maintain the name decorum that has char- junction to enlighten the white race onlv. acterized yiHir action while here. In Kill we are to preach the gospel to every thin order cannot refrain from creature." "Search the Scripture" is the thnnkx to tien. IIakky for his command not addressed to our race only, but intrkctl cxMirtexy while in the discharge of to mankind, dod "commanuetli all men his duty a an oflieer and a gentleman. everywhere to repent." Wc are unquestionM.W. Hl'iuw, ably responsible to God for our influence Brig. (Jen. (omd'g Irinh Army at litiflalu. and ability to do good. "The poor ye have caki) riKJM 8i:xATons KrronitAi.n ank always with you" is the declaration of our M'AXI,AX. havior, anil by Ins providential arrangewc arc constantly reminded that we lvrvM, .lune 11. On behalf of the ment Irfeli army which has rendezvoused in this live not for ourselves alone; the coloroed city for the mxt few days, the undersigned race are now emphatically "the poor among beg to return their moxt profound gratitude the people." 2. But do wc not owe it to them as a debt to tln citizoiiK of Huflalo. Coming among you as Grangers, and stig- of gratitude? Wc remember how they, for matised liy thre in British interests, the our salccs, endured heat and cold, wet and dry, summer and winter, cultivating our eonrtoriy and nid'you have so generously extended, is xhurefnro the more appreciated, fields, minihtering to our comforts, promoand is characteristic of that indomitable ting our wealth, improving the country, and love of lilierty which is a prominent feature actually advancing civilization, hy their in the American people. Those who have physical labor; attending upon us at all llni shared your hospitality, aro now com-Kll- stages of our lives, nursing our children, to return to their homes without ac- waiting upon the sick, gomi: with us to the complishing the object tlcarest to their burial of our dead, and mingling their tears lieaita, and for which they were ready to of- with ours in the open grave. Can it be that all this is forgotten? And is it not a small fer up their lives. That the present effort has failed is simp- return for all this that we are asked to ly owing not to the British bayonet, hut to make, when it is proposed that we shall measure give them that modicum of instruction the extreme winch will enable them to read, or at leant adapted by (iovernment officials in maintaining a neutrality which has long since to know the way of life eternal ? It is un ham ignored by England, and which the der the pressure of these and similar consid American tieople are under no obligations erations that a few of the citizens of Oxford lo in anv way enforce its stipulation. As have been moved to take the initiative in the isMie is freedom against despotism, wc this enterprise. We propose the establishment of a Sabhone ere long, with the aid of true men in Congrans, to be in a position to wipe off bath school for thn oral instruction of the ovory vostigo of British rule and interest, not colored people, as well as to leach them to only in Ireland, but on this continent. In read. Wc have organized this school with conclusion, it allnrds us pleasure that the more than 100 pupils, and twelve teachers. conduct of the men has been such as not to Regular preaching also is provided for them fliagrat'O llip cause and to merit your general by the resident ministers of the different churches of Oxford. Wc desire to enlist in approval. Very respectfully, this work all our as there is J. W. FlTZOIMtAl.I). room enough for all, and work enoujh for MiniAiu. Scanlax. all. In such a work as this, no doubt, the TUB VJ2JIANH JO!NO HOMr conviction of duty, and the command of The Bulliilo Erprett. of Saturday says : God, should be sufficient motives to actuate "About 2,000 Fenians have now accepted us. But while we would not plead for the Haiiky (Jen. from the Government of trans- authority of great names as a sanction to our portation to their homes. 1,00(1 departed course, or an inducement to others, at the by railway night lie fore last, and during yes- same time, we rejoice to find, that in many terday and last evening it is supposed that parts of the South, the prominent citizens about 100 more took their final leave. and official dignitaries are actively moving Thus it will be seen, transportation has in this matter. In South Carolina, Gov. been furnished to about 2,900, all told ; Onn and the first citizens of Charleston, while it is believed that oOO or thereabouts are urging the cstablisment of the comhave since the Fenian raid, returned to mon school system for the freedmcn. In their homo at their own expense. Alabama, Mooiik and It is beliuved by those having the best Cujiky are engaging in the movement, pjMirtniiititM for an accurate knowledge upand elsewhere in Mississippi, this field of on the wibjoct, that not not more than about labor is occupied by some of the most disoiitMclc 2,G00 Fenians from the city have tinguished of our citizens. All this shows beau in Bulliilo since the movement that the influence is at work which is to put With few. if any exceptions, all into general operation an effective system of have departed again, and we are no longer instruction for this people, in sacred and in in tho midst of a l'e'iian camp. Peace secular knowledge. Let us, therefore, enreign once more ; the "green" has pretty gage in the work in earnest, according as nearly disHpjieared from our idreoU. The God shall open the way lor us, and as you Fenian campaign of June, IStMi, is a thing consider your duty in connection with the f history, and the red coated wairiorn of work, we ask you to decide upon that course Fori Erie may repoc untroubled with that you will probably approve when the dread visions, or retire from the scene of light of a coming eternity shall be shed upon their glory. the subject. N. AVadiiku, T. E. B. Pixnw, Tin: iuoiom:i ri: toxri:iti:xci:. J. S. G. Bukni:y, Wm. I)i:lay, The. following is the textof the note trans- A. 1. QrixciiK, J. W. McPnnnsox. Oxroni), Miss., June 12, 18CG. mitted by the French Ambassador at Frankfort to IUronJKiti:iiU'K,the Austrian Minister, in his character as President of the ( icrmaii-i- c AltUKST OK MAJOIt HlIXKY LEK KOll Diet, and i, of eour'w, mutari mutandis, Cnuiniixa for Jeit. Davis He is Rethe text of all the invitations to ihr Conferleased ok Pakole. On Monday evening ence : Captain Henry Lee, brother of General The undersigned, Envoy Extraordinary FiTZHCGit Lei:, being here on business, got Majesty, His Plenipotentiary of Minister and in a difficulty with the negro ostler at the inFrcncli, has been the Emperor of the stable where his horse wxs quartered, which structed by his Government to lay before the came near resulting in a fight between High Assembly the following communicawhites and blacks, and which irritated him tion. The difference which lias arisen bcr to such an extent, that on a guard coming tween Autria and Prussia in connection with up to arrest him, he denounced the Yankees theSohlesswig-IIolsteinquostio- n has becomea generally, and hurrahed for Jefp Davis. Public Major N'iroiiEMCP, the commandant of the subject of gnat anxiety to Europe. opinion is alarmed by the possibility of a war post, and the Mayor, both happened to be in which so many various intcrcMs would be present, when the former ordered his Honor engaged. France.li real Britain, and Uuia premptorily to have him arrested, which he IIhmum'Ivos could not without uneasiness condeclined to do, on the ground that he was template the possibility of an armed contest not subject to military orders, and did not which would array against each other Stated intend to obey any. Major toward which they entertained cipial friendthereupon had Captain I.KE arrested upon ship. Tin' highest consideration incited the charge of inciting a riot.and telegraphed theni to Feck Mime moans of staving oll'that the fact to General Tr.nuY, who approved danger. The three Powers have his conduct. among thenisclves, having the same night Judge Moxccke, of the Court idea of peace and conciliation, and afterhav-in- g of Appeals, now at his home in Staflbrd, intercliRiigetl their rwH.vtivc views, have was applied to for writ of liabctw a corjius, but formed an agreement to invite to a common he could not grant it, because judges of his which dolilKTHtion the Governments are or court have no iurisdiction in such cases in which may lie implicated in the dispute vacation, nor have single judges even duthat is to nay, Austria, Prussia, Italy and the ring the session of the court. Germanic Confederation. The object of these There being no circuit judge within condeliberations is one that must impress all venient distance, the writ has not yet been winds. obtained. His Captain Sidney tit is in the imrrost of peace, to resolve hy Smith Lei:, of thefather, Confederate navy, and Duchdiplomatic means the pictiou of the his brother Gen. FiTZiU'dii Lee, both of ies, that of the Italian difference, and, finalwhom reside in Stafford, have been sent for, ly, that of then forms to Ik? introduced into and are expected hero llio Federal )ci, so far as they affect the We should not neglect to state that, on European Imlanee of jmwer. If the most the Mavor refusing to arrest Major Lki consents to Mnior S'iroiiEMrs threatened to arrest him. MroHC (Jernianie Confederation yield to this piel. as the tlinv neutral This the Mayor defiantly dared him to do. ooMrts witeltnin a hope that it will, its The affair has excited considerable interest, can in Paris join tlioe of France, not only on account of the family connecUreal Britain and Utiun. As to the date of tion of' the jmrty arrested, but because his the meeting, it is desirable that it should be friends here knww that, when not excited, as early as jKusible. The apirchensi0ns crehe is incapable of a breach of decorum, ated bv thopreeiil crisis cannot be too soon much less a serious breach of the peace. Uitpclicd, and a pledge of security afforded ('apt. Lee was Division Inspector Gen16 KuroiK. The negotlaiions will present eral of cavalry, in the army of Northern Virgreater inwpK'U of success if thev be not ginia. He is confined at the military camp dispelled by the clash of arms ami hy the of Poplar Spring, near Mary's Hights. MiceptiUilities of pointn of military honor. Tho military, we understand, take the Tle Governineiit of the Emperor relios that ground that 'lie has violated his parole. in absenting to the proposition of the three FrttlcrirlAnrif Gw. JOckmoml DLyMtcfi. Courts the l'owers which at this moment are Major Lek has been released on parole engaged in making preparations for war will to suspend those by order of (Jen. Terky, to hold himself show theiclvc disjtoi-ojireparatiwis, even although they should hes- subject to the call of the military. itate to restore their forces to a Hce fiKiting. The Government of tho Emjieror awaits with earnest wlicitude the determination of in i. vi, or our.NUs. a it.xias The under-ntffiiethe Germanic Confederation. The Missouri Dtmeerat gives the proceedhas the honor to request his Excelings in a Fenian trial, in which one of the lency the Bauon hk KsiaiHTic, MiniMer of Anslriu and Pnident of the Germanic Diet, witnesses dopofed as follows : to transmit to that high assembly the invi(. Doou know O'Jenks? tation of the three neutral Powers, and to A. O who? high of assurance his very reodlvo.thc Q. O'J exks, the prisoner. A. Oh, Junks; yes, 1 am slightually acMay 2S, 1S0G. quainted with him." (J. How long ? A correspondMi Aroi'STA J. Evans. A. About five ten at breakfast, but fully six feet about lunch time. ent of tho Maeon TAyfA wys: ' We spent a few hours very delightfully, (. I mean for what period of time have a few davs since, at the home of this gifted vou known him ? A. Since the year of the Conwntion. I Sonthern author. She lives about four mile from Mobile, in a modest unpretending cut his acquaintance after he took the the twttage; yet evidence of taste and refmc-iiiw- it test oath. (J. Did you hoar him make a speech at are everywhere visible. We were agreeably disappointed in her appearances Cahokia on Tuesday night? ifso, relate, and manners. We, somehow or other, had verbatim, ct literatum, et punctuatum, et spellatum, precisely what lie said, and imiimagined her a htaid, didatic kind of porsc-- n one who could write octavos and talk fo- tate his manner, actions and gestures. A. He fitt sat on a cotton wood stump, lios a nort of walking enclyopcdia, or book chin of reference. On the contrary, hc in easy with his elbows on his knees and his Gazand cordial in her maimers, with mirth resting upou the palms of his hands. loving disposition, and entirely devoid of ing into the crystal depths of the Missisiiedautry or indentation. Wc ere told hy a sippi, he said : liomans, countrymen, and leading publisher that "Benlah" had finny ones : if to love the blue eves of Erin's reached the thirtieth edition Hiifficiotit evi- fair daughters if to have a weakness for Irish whisky; if to hate being gored dence of her popularity a a writer. She strong ntlH pursues her studies" jsyMcraatically, and by a ball named Joiuj : if to have been tfli unwearied assidutv" She is now en- - with SiinnsiAN to sec the contrabands ; I will Tie ready say, if thus be treason, I am n traitor,and accl on a new novel, which the Executive Attorney can put that in his or publication in uic iaw. i, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, pipe and smoke it. lie then drew from his vest jiocuei a round quart boltle, and poured the contents into a hole ? Q. What sort of a hole? A. I think it was a rat hole, for it could not be filled. Q. Did you hear him use this expression, 1 intend to walk into Canada," or any thing like it? A. Yes; he said there was a fellow named Kennedy who had tied a tin pan to the tail of his" and the first chance he got, he would " walk into Ken nedy like a thousand of bricks." black-and-ta- HARDWARE. DRY GOODS. WH im-ed- 1 el Auction and Government Iit Pitcher?, Spit Also, Plate?, Diahcs, Tca-pot- .. Jiea-pan- s, toon?, Lliiitnbcr?, .iuirs. foot ana Stomach Warmers, Foot Tub?, Tin Plates, Pans, Collee-pot- Measures, s, Lanterns, etc. Wash-pan- l'rankfort-oii-the-Main- e, No. 18 PURCHASE SECOND SPRING- COMMISSION MERCHANTS, - AND SUMMER LARD. PIG WON. Bonnets. Flowers. Etc. NASIIVIIXE, TENNESSEE. T Executed. NOW RECEIVIXQ fEa ARE large una compieiu AND opening biock oi Consisting in OF DISEASES. IS CROWNINU HI.M WITH SUUC1SS.S I. AS IT IS IN OTHER STATES. NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. IN THE TREATMENT DR. McGILL'S part of BECOME SO EXTENSIVE PRACTICE HAS been compelled to engage the ser- PRODUCE, Carpenter' and Blacksmiths' anting 27 AND vices of an experienced Physician to aid him in in preparing medicines for his patients in distant Tools, Farmers', and Shoemakers' Tools, Mrrclinuttt. 25 ' . Horse and Mule Shoes, Nails, SOUTH MARKET STREET. xasiivim.i:, tex.v., Files, Saws, Axes, Plows And Accnts for the genuine "Walter A. Wood's" Combined and Single REAPER. SELF-BAKIN- G Combined CHRONIC CASES Squares, Spoons, Steel Whips. PISTOLS All cess. Those married ladies who have been so un fortunate as to miscarry, or prove abortive, can Cutlery, Brushes, Scythes and Cradles, ham) n vitr.it am) rur.i: iftcv,Riddlc?,Shovcl?, and Spades, MACHINE, GUNS, Said to be unsurpascd ns a Reaper and Mower. Also, for the "CAYUGA CHIEF," constructed wholly 5f Iron and Steel, with double Driving Wheels, Hinged Finger Bar, mid Folding Cutting Apparatus, and is also highly commended. Also or the STERILITY, OF AEI. HINDS. may2 2m Which we will sell on the most liberal terms, Give us a call anil sco for yourselves. At 3m mar21 E. A. ALLISON. RECEIVING, BUCKEYE W. O'BANNON, Clarksvillc. Tennessee. BASC0E. MOORE & CO., Gallatin. JAMES ANDREWS & CO., Columbia. JNO. D, FLANTT .t CO.. Pulaski. LITTLE .t FRIERSON. Slieibyvillc. GILLESPIE. W ATKINS .t CO.. Chattanooga. PENDERGRASS .t CO.. Cleveland. W. W. WOODRUFF. Knoxvillc. Tho above named parties aro the only author- tod Agents for Hies lie of tho "Buckeye" in Mid dle and East Tennessee. We can furnish, on application, tho names ol farmers in nearly every count)- - who heretofore ticd this Machine, and all who desire to li.ivo the G and most rcliablo BEST MOWER aro invited to call on us or our Agents. HAMILTON .t CUNNINGHAM. No. IS Collcgo struct, Nashville, if I.MV NOTICE. COLYAR, Of Winchester, Teim., AN OFFICE IN NASHVILLE, HAS OPENED Cherry street, Coloiinmlo Jliillitliig, Boom 2ii. whero he will contantly bo found, unless abcnt at sonpc Court. He ha associated with him Colonel A. S. Marks at Winchester, Mr. Jas. W. Ncwmxn atFnyottcvillo.Mr.JamcsFitipat-ricat McMinnville. and Mr. Stone at Manchester. Mr. Colyar expects to attend the Courts at these place, and will at h'u office, receive and transmit Claim: for collection, giving assuranc that thej will be promptly attended to, and he will faithfully attend to such business as may be intruftei-tjanl-6him in Nashville. V J. F. DAVIS, WHOLESALE DEALER IN Pain Is, Oils, Mne and Jlacc Streets, iy. 31. NOS. & CO., NASHVILLE. IIAKmV.VKE, CUTLERY, Ac. AGENTS FOR HAVE THE LARGEST AND MOST WTF 1 V commodious Warehouse in the city, and arc now prepared to BUY, SELL OR STORE GRAIN GROCERIES. AND MERCHANDISE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Consignments solicited from all sections of the country .upon which LIBERAL ADVANCES will bo made. Prompt and strict attention given to all bus niar24-3i- n ncss entrus to us. and Sexaal Vireutet, clearly delineating alldit-eatr- d condition, with full Symptom Lists, fur two three-cepostage stamps to prepay postage. Circular for Ladies, rclatim: to Diteatetof Vulcrtv, Menttruntion and Pregnancy, 3c. an23 lim W. MILLS. Directors of State Penitentiary. Tcnn. may2-l- m 1MV5. Nashville. May 24. and Lever Power and Sulky Cotton and Corn vator. Public Square. 4 Insolvent Notice. SUGGESTION CO. HAVING BEEN made to the Clerk of the County Court of HicVutan county, Tennessee, that the estate of Edward D. Easlty. deceaseJ. it Insolvent. Notica is hereby fiven for all persons baying claims against said deceas wl to filo tho same, legally authenticated. y0x Mi.t Clerk, on or before the 20th day of Oetooernext. in order that a division pro May 21st. rata may b had, etc This P. M. HORNBEAK, Administrator of h. V. Easlcy. deceased. la. HA WINS. J. F. O'SHAUGHESSYSCO, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Culti- SUGAR MILLS. AND EVAPORATORS. FARM MILLS, AC. H. WARNER J. Jf. SUACCHSESSY. - 2. 7 O -- S O o u ai OT 2 s a EH 3 0 Co. fc Late of Memphis. C. W. UiCKig, LATE METER otton WAREHOUSE: & UACEAt, Memphis. & CO., Factors, Tobacco Opposite N. andC. R.R. Depot, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, EXTENSIVE. WAREHOUSE IS track: which enables with ilo cars, rapidly, and gives us ns to load and unload promptly forwarjlingfreigliU for unu.ual facilities dirpcnsing with cost of extra at the same time receive storage. on drayage. We will No. 03 Cnrondclct Strcef, OUR feMl-S- m New Orlcnnx. COTTOX SEED. V V V TTAVE VfVKr TV CTOni! Tfc-SAND bushels of Cotton Koed. Planters to trite w a call before lanlT- -tf We ask Sugars, of nil kinds, Coflccs, of all kinds, , L i. I i , -- 11W, h.b'.. VilUUlK, . IIICVII HUU iltU. Oysters, Jcveral brands. Sordines, English and American boda. Fox s Starch, Indigo. Copperas, Madder. LIQUORS. Otard Brandy, Henncssy Brandy, American Brnndv. Port inc. Sherry Wine. Madeira Wine. Clarets, Champagne Wines. Old hiskies. Brandy reaches, reach and Apple iirandy, Holland and American uin. CIGARS. ETC. Carolina 1st, 2d, and 2d. Peru and other brands. Chewing smoking and looaccos, rickloi, Knglish and American. Sauces. English and American, Mustard and Spices, Crackers, Candies. Molasses, Syrups, Nails, Glassware, and many other articles too numerous to mention. ROBERT THOMPSON. may20-321 South Market Street. EYIN & PENDLETON, WHOLESALE. marlS 3m. MYERS HUNT, & Carriage $200,000, South Side,) - - TENNESSEE, NASHVILLE. WOULD INFORM THE OLD FRIENDS OF hwin. l'cndlcton .t Co. and the Dublio gen erally, that they ewntinuo the wholesale Drug business, in its various branches, at their present stand, and would respectfully solicit a continuanco of past favors. Beeswax, Uinscng and Feathers at tho highest may27 3md.Vw market rates. RKOTItEKS UEMIXGRAY, .L CO., MANUFACTURERS OF mar2S 100,000 Shares of $20 Each. MARKET 72 NORTH ST., STREET. . EAST SECOND 20 wGm Cincinnati, Ohio. WM. B. FEARCE, W. B. TULLE, First Payment $10 per Share. N. W.SJIITII.CommisMon Merchant, Louisville, Kentucky, This Company owns tho famous WELL, On Spring Creek, Overton county, Tennessee, now producing nil in quantities variously estimated at from maylO - ItarouchcH, rplIE I TO RENT PROFFERS UNDERSIGNED ... I L' t I ft II niJUTTii iuvciu oiuiiut J1I.I.CII lllliXI, l'LALI., L CINCINNATI. OHIO. FUIIX-TUII- "Cut .t nil tlii ZCtitesit Style. Which we have on hand and are con stantly manufacturing, BEST MATERIAL WORKMANSHIP. dministrator A Jno. 11. Beech. RECEIVED AN ENTIRELY HEW and williteeD eonstantlv mi hand n of Custom made Philoilelphia and Eastern work, which will be sold at the 5- Lowest market Prices. 1v"ill fill tlons or Uoods. orders. for Customers for all descrliiHi-.rVr t'llAUUti. - m R. M. BISHOP, E. H. EI3II0P, TT.T. BISHOP, BISHOP & CO., 15. 31. B. F.C.Smith. No. v.. The county of Sumner. Tennewee.and the Lou'lle and Nashville R.R. Co. Same. bik-- S 3m fc HUNT. shares Bridge- Stock. NALK.-.- 00 - 1(M) feet on Market street, op ITMiR SALE. Isaac Paul's, Km U SALl,-7- .-wresof Land, on Tennes 70see River, in Perry eounty, every foot of su pcrior quality, SALE.-- In a large JCheapNashville, Lots. North. Southland West number of desirable and SALI.-I5O.0- llO acres of Mountain ITMHt Coal. Oil and Texas Lands, as well as a large rtuantity of ether property not mentioned. I neo hh. Johnson & Smith, Anderson, rt. Same IHIE JL J t0. iv. COUPON-HOLDER- S XCE5. E HAVE FOR SALE TO ARRIVE ANY , amount cl PURE LAKE ICE. Parties in adjuining towns, withing to lay In Will do well to give us a call. LIKE KIVGSTOIV ICE CO., No. f. North Colle sr street. f. PJlGS & MEDICINES. w. J. & H7W. smm, and rrescrlpltontstit, MSH & CO., St,, rusTii.i.r.its OF eOLOONE, NI'IKITN. ALCOHOLS, AID DOMESTIC LIQUORS DEALERS IX It O It K WINES. AND It T K O X 0E5rISE C O V X T Y, nouituo.v, iiye, axo .noxoxoAri-- i WHISKIES. Proprietors of the celebrated brand of Orange Valley Whisky, may IS 19.1 19. dly S.J.EEITII B. T. HEV1.1S. K. EIREPATXICE Kirkpatrick, Nevins & Keith, No. 19,10. (sCCCMflOILg TO HEKPiTEICE NASHVILLE, TEXX, INFORM THE PUBLIC EKSPKCTl'ULLY they have junt replenished their sture with a earetully sclented ami large stock of PURE DRU0S. MEDICINES. CI1HMI0AI.S. ESSENTIAL OIU'J. MEDICINAL LIQUORS, of all kinds. All the popular PATBNT MEDICINES. WHITE LEAD. WINDOW (1LASB. PUTTY. L INS BED OIL. SPIRITS TURPENTINE and DYE STUFF Ourstoelcof ARTICLE! AXCJY We are agents for Dr. Swayne's celebrated Preparations Including the Lnnden Hair Restorer. We invito the eeuntry trails ts make us a visit, and examine eur MV, beArn rHirehatiiig TO I'JITSICIAMK. It is oor aim ta spare no pains or expense In supplying everything ptrtainlng tn our PRESCRIPTION DHPARTMENT. Medisises will be eatunded and dispensed at all hours of the day of alglit. by careful and reliable Frererlptluaists. "ir The eititens it Wert Nashville will find our store very Winvenlent, and particularly so at nigbt.as the bll U always answered promptly. Olvn us a call and we guarantee iuttsfoetiou. marl 1 lo BANK OF COilMEROE, 0. F. NOELL. President. Q. II. WB6SEL. Cashier. k CO. OOITOK & TOBACCO IACT0ES, . .f?' Cerner Cbureh and Vine streets. S. V. KUBPltT. CINCINNATI, riMIIS BANK IS OPENED AT XO. 51 COIXEGE STREET, OF THE SUMNER Gensral Ccmmission Merchant., L r 1 and is prepared ta received deposits and make collections on all the eitiM. Buy and sell HOLD, 41 VXIOX STREET It. F. NEVIA'S. 23 SOUTH COLLEGE ST., NASHVILLE, anlt-t- t V. J. JLBIJSGTOV. ?ILVER. U. S. BONDS, and UNCURllHNT NOTES. Bank ot Notes redeeeed in Greenbacks. Otflce hours from t x. it. to S r. it. maySt o Abw. Exchange en. all points. NEW ORLEANS. r. S. AURA. Com-tser- II. T. W. RABTtKT. Wi UrvwlitHy. se t tCKTT. Si A'ut i'uaitk. Eurtlcy TENNESSE Tennessee Coal Comninv. The liticatioi. AEEDTGTON & FAEEAE, which has hitherto rendered these Mines of so little value to the poblie hal teen letued. and tha. baxtirn Interested now eenfidentlr exsect to supply Nashville and the other towns in Middle Tennessee with coal. They believe it isonly mcessary for this coal to be tried to be generally used. lor manufacturing purposes and for En rirjes, th'.i cool Is believed to be superior to any NO. I'UllI.IC HO,UARR, thtt eaa be hail in Tennessee. They especially woo work in iron, dsstre taal uiacximtuisaiid all should try this coal. The Company working these NEXT DOOR NORTH OP CITY HOTEL Mines feel authorized to lay that thepecpleof Niuhvillo mar relr noon them for a CERTAIN supply oi! Coal ut all times, and they hope, by N A.NIIVILI.E, TENNESSEE. being liDeraiiy ratroaued to reduce the price of ' A. B. COLYAR, lnagft-- tf CHARLES A. PROCTOR JilW-- tt -- MYERS poll I'EUEU.IIEKY AND IlealEKtnteanilGeneralAKcntH And particular attention paid to boxicr and shipping. Wo also have s lance force employed in eur Repairing Shops, and are now able to meet all demands made ujon ns for work in that de-tacnt at moderate prices. T?on SALE. A splendid Residence , miles .L from Columbia, on tho Mount Pleasant Pike. acres of superior Land, beautiful lawns, pond well stocked with fish, etc.. etc 71 al Nos. 17 and 19 West Columbia With the production of the Unit class Cor-riaShop of New York, Philadelphia, or Cincinnati, and invite the criticisms of may2-- 30t judges, for we are satisfied that our work will be found equal in every respect, if not COAI.2 COAX!! superior, to the best, and our prices as low The Scwnncc Coal MIiicm TN FCTCRE WILL BE WOKKED BY THE work. as any house making first-claI e. s, 3. Jf. K48II. POOTE, county. Tenn- -, Bonds of the Louisville and Nashville Railros.d Bonos, are hereby noli fied that by decree of the Chancellor of tb' Louisville Chanctnr Court. Kentucky, made at enteral this day, joo will file your Coupons in tht aboveease within thirty days Irom tnis date, iue nml nttarhril in these suits in the hand of tLe Lenisville and Nashville Company is by said decree totbe distributed tiro rata among all the holders of said Coupons, who appeal and file their Coupons within said time. This April am. isoo. TH0S. P. SMITH. Commissioner Lou. Chancery Court. TWELVE MONTHS, valuable Residences in of ground attaehed to each. Is very extensive and equal to any In the eity. JOHJt T. roOTE. I.ouiMi ille Cliaueery Court. v. CHALLENGE A COMPARISON OF OUR WORK Very cheap. CINCINNATI, OHIO, IT AVE fcblt-C- George Thompson, AND SALE.-T- wo 100 feet 1 1 Stock", In me line : E.T.Uuih.1 THE SAT.I Two line Residence, Nos 17 19 South Summer street, recently refitted, newly painted, and in splendid repair, in a very desirable part of the city. Call fer particulars. jVb.50 West Pearl Si., beluten Walnul & Vine, may22-C- 1.0O Storage for sixty days or lens, per bale. If) " for each s uccecdiDg month- l.W) Felling Cotton tier bale..-- .. l.W Buying SO Shipping insurance and uoremmeni tax extra. All ITotlnn Mi'd throuih our houses, excent (bv a regular Cottcn Merchant.) will bo subject to the above charges, whethcrsold by ourselves or by STRATTON. POINTER 1c CO. the owner. No-To- Ol" It. 3IAYS. marlS 3m. fallows Road Sulkies, Light Express Wagons, p Buggic, Reeidenee en JJeuth Vine Vi rooms, all feet Trent, 10. 30 1?OL DritffffM CINCINNATI. OHIO.. and after this date, our eharee on I?R0M sold through our warehouses will be as - street. No: ncceseary Co.,) Can be bought by tho lessee upon reasonable NOTICE To the Cotton Planter of Ten nessee, Alaliaina, A. C!cor;Ijt' Out"- Buggies, Square "Cut Out" Buggies, Bevel J? House- Tennessee II. APPLE A CO., A NO. 36 MAIN STREET, (with doors,) Square Uox Buggies, Bracket Front Buggies, 1?OH SA LE.--nc JnnO-l- IMKMIXG IMM.E3IENTS, AC, F. Stag Buggies, E, terms. Apply to tho undersigned on tho premises. Phaeton Buggies, tent. ITS mayi2-3- Wholesale MtOVEXOK, Tim Sent I'urk I'lmeloix and running baek Boots, Shoes and Brogans, in cultivation. commodious rooms. Tho Tavern House has in good repair. good upon place also, tho are There first rate stable?, and lots; good Blacksmith shop, and three distinct settlements, besides tbo Hotel Place. It will be rented from one to Gvo years, and immediate possession given. Dccoiiium or Bowl Buggies, Itoekniraj-s- o improve-m- SlDOIElt SUPPIiY 77 Southwest cor, Pearl & Vine Sts. out. iiiu Yaclit BuggiCH, Jump Sent aeres of Land, new Floe ItIcnee on Sonlh Vine 1?Oll SALE. No. IS. all in geed repair. 40 feet front, 7 tUlOLEalLK IlKlLEHSIX STOCK, , 7 miles from tho city, on the Gal ITS ts, fine Cistern, running Water, Una Blue (Iras?, etc. Hosiery, IVoUons, Etc., E. J.. 1IOFEMAX, President. lm On the Franklin and Nashville Pike, VA mile from Franklin, and 11 from Nashville. Thcro areJK acres of Land, of which about ISO acres are Albert Buggies, Track Sulkies, Jagger Wagons, Skeleton Wagons, Pannelled Rockways, TlOIt SALE Pike. ICE. All the Square Box Buggies, K REAL ESTATE AGENTS. DRY GOODS, s, Carriages, SALI-2miles from city, en Railroad, tju acres of Land, hue improvements, never falling Well. etc. 170K STAPLE AND FANCY TAVEK.V A1YD PJLAIVTATIOIV TO KENT. !, the AND ENLARGED HAVING REFITTED and Salesroom in order tosup-nl- v the increasing demand for our work, we reupcctfully call the attention of the citizens of Davidson county and tno surrounding country to our Urge and varied assortment of A Vaoant Lot adjoining the uii iiiu eucvw 'iuviijf 9 JR. 1UPOBTEBS AXO JOBBERS CT (Successors to Davis, Apple 185S.) SALE. Jolt t'M((iviii Tor Vnrtlcnlnr. mil A. 16 HOLTO.V, TUOII. IIUI.TO.V, Foreign, Domestic, NASHVILLE, TENN. EV and Fnnklln Pikes, as riehasany laul in the county feb22- -tf 240 to 720 Barrels of Oil Per Day. (ESTABLISHED SALE. 50 acres en Brown's Creek. I70K miles from the city, between Uranny White IVMiK FRUIT JARS, and Ia.iitenis- - Chimneys e Commercltl Hetel. A barfaln TOK No. 19 Public Square, No. NEWMAN Manufacturers, Edgefield, . located DRUGGISTS, COAL OIL LAMPS, T0BIE .t WINO, Bankers, Nashville. Tcnn., pf THOIT. , GKOCEItlES. Flint, Green and Black Glass, BE OPENED MAY 19TII FOR Shoes; Hats, Cutlery, Cc BOOKS WILL to the Stock of this Company at following places : tho 55 imo.vi sTiir.irr, xa.suvii.i.k, TENNESSEE. the finest Sprint; in the country. Thereby offering inducements to dealers and pttr- charers seldom met with. Among his Stock will be found tho following: LEATHER, BOOTS, Every Job Sold Warranted for XASIIV1LLE. GROCERIES AND !IQJJORS, Bacon, Queensware, Holloware, o a rplIE SUBSCRIBER IS NOW RECEIVING: A. another addition to his already extensive stock of PEARCEJOLLE&HOLTOH, GROCERIES, 1VE Vi CO R. T. TOMAN. W. ft. MACRAE. GRAIN AND PRODUCE. deliver in can without At very low rates, and Dray age. cost of jnajl dim MINING COMPANY. 6m miles frem the city, on the SALE JOIl (Sallatin Pike, a fine Ilcsidenee. and 4 acres . of superior Land, all necessary and POU SALE.-- 05 acres f Land, with splenic did ininreveiHcntri. 3li miles from thaeitr. on Gallatin Pike, fine Orchard, cood Spriasr. etc. Wholcsala and Retail Dealers in c CD CD NO. 24 SOUTH MARKET STREET, IiTAIISILEI ISIS. STKATTOX, VOIXTEK o e AGENTS TORIAN. MACRAE And Dealers in May, Grain, Flour, Etc., PETROLEUM A. H. HURLEY & CO,, OF RAILROAD FLOUR, OVr.KTOX COUNTY, TENNESSEE, Coal Box Buggies, S1IVILLE, janZu-- tt CAPITAL, ttra-bcr- Cigars, Tobacco, etc., AviTir. onnr. To which wc invito the attention of the Mer chants of Tennessee. Georgia and Alabama. Strict attention will be paid to receiving and forwarding, and to the sale of Groceries and all goods on consignment. Being in the large and commodious store and warehouse, so long and favorably remembered as the houso of Johnson Jrbimtti. and afterwards as Fisher, Whccless 3c Co., with the immenso sheds and storago rooms, wo feel prepared to handle all Uotton, lobacco ana uencral rrouuee, or goods on consignment, on as favorable terms as any house in the city; and expecting to establish our business upon a permanent basis, wo promise, to do all in our power to merit a liberal share ot public patronage. iAuuiiu ajnli nurr. always on nan SHOES and HATS, NO. 1 INN .BLOCK, aitijcvtiox Description of lands and samples of oil obtained from tho property, may be seen by calling at tho ollice. No. II! Union street. Nashville. Tcnn. Tho Secretary. F. II. Colton. Nashville, will re ceive orders tor stock, and will lorward certificates by return mail when the money accompanies the 25 boxes-Raisin50 hf and qr bxs Raisins. 50 dozen Painted Buckets, 500 reams Wrapping Paper. 100 dozen Brooms, 20 dozen Sieves. 500 kees Nails.l AND LIQUOKS, SAI.J.-- A See Farm la Marshall eontainme 202 aeres. HJ aeres el eared, ant additional in Blue !!ras, ballanee heavily loit house with sblncle roof, five rooms, finely fenced: all neeeesory seven acres in Fruit. X .SALIll4,ChcrTr-trret,-sdjo"ramr-th- - xo Minir. NiKcurvroK ivii.i. m: tki:ati:i Refidenco SO LoU in SAI.J.--30 I?OIt every part of the ton. This is a rare chance for lona fide operators to tiniaiu icu.es on lerius mat win oe amply remu nerative. Terms made known on application. dAw XA TEN N ESS EE. FOR LEASING THE CONVICT LABOR OF TENN. OF PENITENTIARY THE STATE CJEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE BECEIVED by the undersigned for leasing tho Convict O Laborof tho State Penitentiary of Tennessee, till the2Sthday of June, proximo, for tho period of four years from said date, with tho prcfcrcnco in NASHVILLE. March 10th. 1SCC. favor of tho Lessee for an additional four years over other bidders for new proposals at the end of T7"E ARE NOW RECEIVING THROUGH tho first four years other things being equal. The Lessee will bo authoriicd to occupy and take ncr .t Co., 377 Broadway) tLe largest and best ascharge of the shops and workhouse in said Peni- sorted Stock of Spring and Summer tentiary; to put up such machinery as he may desire, and shall have the privilege of buying, at DRY GOODS. BOOTS. SHOES AND HATS. such prices as may bo agreed upon, all the tools, fixtures, and materials on hand, both finished and Ever brought to this market, and having purchas-oi- l unfinished. Said Lessee shall also be bound to tliisstnck at lowest Cash nrices since the recent hire all the able convicts on hand, or that may decline, we can offer you our Goods at figures that hereafter come into said Penitentiary during his will enable you to compete with Stocks purchased term of lease, excepting such as may be necessary in any market in the United .stales. to keep up tho establishment. Said Lessee shall We solicit an examination of our Stock before kindness, purchasing elsewhere. All orders entrusted to us treat those hired with humanity andregulations and conforming to such rules, will be carefully filled and at the lowest prices. as may be established by tho Directors, and work EVANS, FITE .t CO. them not exceeding ten liours per day. For each marl3 d3ia convict so employed, the Lessee shall pay into tho payState Treasury tno prico per day bid. said to 3 S ment to be made quarterly. Ho shall also give bond, with approved security, in tho sum of fifty Tennesthousand dollars, payable to the State of 2 see, for tho faithful performance of the undertakg 2 a ing hereby imposed. The convicts will be provisS n4 s The by Tennessee. of State the ioned and clotned present number of convicts two hundred and very twenty which number will probably be O largely increased at an early date. All communia 3 2. ' cations may be sent to the Directors at cither tho O ' " City Hotel or at tho Pcni.entia M Thresher. may23-wttprfeo- $3 PRODUCE. EVERYBODY Cun crt. in a sealed letter onvclon. inv Theory. Symptom and Treatment of Kercvun, Urinaiy cq Threshers. maylft Ira TOBACCO. COTTON. J. P. O It.VI.IS Celebrated Reapers and Mowers. Om nwl Two Horse Railway Powers J. TENN. a retired spot in the centre of the city. fimnuttnttmi roouM. and room for the accontma dalion ofiuch mtienttarequireieruonalattention. A. B. SHANKLAND. DEALERS IN Xo. MARKET STREET 32, SOUTH m mar30-3- m ST.vrroun'S ETC. 2 FROM THE ORDERS SOLICITED and promptly attended to. Horso ETC, SRAIN, ivii.i. hi: i.kani:i on do WESES Box EAGLE CREEK 03T J.0TS 60 boxes German and Family Soap, 50 do Pickles, (qts and pts)t 10 gross Preston .Merrill's cast Powders, 50 boxes Starch, 10 cases (K) Sardines, mar23 Office manieiest at North Summer street, ceutainine 33 on 1?tm l'rcs't First National Bank, Nashville, Vice Prcsident-- A. O. WELLS. Secretary F. II. COLTON. Treasurer WM. C. BUNTS. Mining Superintendent C. L. 11EQUEMB0UR0. Tho property of tho company consists of leasehold interests in the counties of Overton. Fen tress, White, Jackson and Warren, in the State of xennessee, amounting in tno aggregate to over eight thousand acre. The membership of the company and the Board of Directors comprise men of business experience and reputation, and of a thorough and practical acquaintance with the oil mines of Pennsylvania. Tho mining superintendent was one of the first explorers of tho oil fields of that Stato, and struck tho first flowing oil well in the country, well known as tho llequcuibourg well, and to which the oil interests of Pennsylvania, then in their nascent state, were very largely indebted. The company will lcaso portions of their valuable lands, in small tract,, to privato parties or companies, lor unediato development. do air o CINCINNATI, OHIO. Two runt Tour DEALKRS IN reputation, having life, and has a Unin-wid- o been lonutr located in St. Louii than any othci Chronic Disejisc Physician. Much of his practice has been of a private nature, isirnhili. Gonorrhea, (llert. Stricture all Urinnni Ditaenei.SiiTihiliticorilercvriiil Affection of the T hroat. Skin or lionet; Orchitis, Hernia or lliipture; also, the cnects ot a Solitary llnbxt, ruinous tn Bodv and Mind, nroducing Uotchet. debility, impotencv, dizzincm, uimne'iinf tight, eon-futiof idcat, evil forebocing, avertian to society, not all these in any lout ef memory, iceakncu. on case, but all occurring frequently in various cases. Accommodations ample, charges moderate, ruarnntecd. Consultations bv letter orat office, free. Msst cases can be properly treated tcithout an intervieie. and medicines, secure from observation, sent by mail or express. No hindrance to business in most cases. Address Box 3092. St. Louis, Mo. Hours 8 a. li. to 8 P. M. 6Wic permanently located at No. 65 St. Charles street, between Sixth and beventb. one square south ot l.inilcil ilotel, do " Coffee 60 " choice Irish Potatoes. 150 " Table Salt. 15 " Molasses. 25 do 25 hf bbls 25 barrels Syrup, 50 hf bbls and keg Syrup, 50 kits Mackerel, Nos. 1 and 2. 25 hf bbls do 25 qr bbls do 50 boxes Cheese, 50 do Candy, 50 do Star Candles, 50 hf and qr boxes Star Candles, by-la- Window Glass, Putty and Dyestnffs, WAMEE GENERAL MERCHANTS, PRODUCE, GROCERIES. LABOR-SAVIN- H. &. COTTON AND TOBACCO F A C T O K S, J. J KIRKMAN, & FORWARDING AND Jielwetn JAS. P. KIRKMAU. ALEX. ALLISON. COMMISSION Reapers and Mowers, y 0. Ewing & Go,, DOCTOR WHITT1ER, BRED PHYSICIAN. AS his Diploma which hangs in his office wijl A REGULARLY the OIl Nic.liol Stand. show, has made Chronic Diteaten the tutli of hit ALLISONS DrttRS, Young man, stop beforo you further go. Of all iscases subject to man, there is no disease so hard In euro as .irht. Kimssion. and Physicians aro scarce who understand treating it; and to you I can say that I have cured hundreds in this city, as well as in uitlcrentstalcs.wno nave speumouar alter dollar, and arc now well cured by me. I am daily receiving letters and sending medicine to all parts of the country. In a word, all that are diseased in any way.and willgiveacall.Iwillgivcsatis-fnctio- n for all of tho diseases mentioned in this advertisement. Tho best of references given in this city. All letters should bo directed to JIK. Jlct;il.i.. box ,W iNasnville, xenn. Office over John York's I'ook Store. Union street, between College and Cherry streets. apr!3-l- WE HAVE ESTALISIIEI) THE FOLLOWING Agencies in Middle and East Tenncssco for the sale of the A. S, at WHOLESALE OK RETAIL. NOTICE TO FARMEIiS. niaylfi ETC. ETC., ETC. Yniinir married ladies whoso misfortune it lias been not to bring forth in duo season, remember (Jod has said sou should multiply and replenish. If this is your desire, you can consult ma cither by letter or in person. No lady over thirty-fiv- e years of age need make application. All communications by letter or person strictly confidential. do do! a) hf bbls Cherry Brandy. 'J) keg3 Lemon Cordial, do 3J kegs Ginger CO baskets Heidsic, (pints and quarts). 20 boxes Sparkling Catawba, 1(10 sacks prime Rio Coffee. 75 barrels New Orleans and Island Sugar " Crushed 50 do " Powdered 50 do XIGIIT EMISSIONS CURED. Pishing Tackle, House Furnishing Goods, Purchasers aro requested to call and examine these Machines and see testimonials. All warranted to pcrlorm as represented. Agent also for Cider .Mills, Saw Mills, und tho celebrated Hand Loom. McROBERTS .t BAIN. THE LADIES. affections of the Womb treated with suc TO AND 'KIKItV MACHINE" Also, tho KIRBY CLIPPER MOWER, the light est, cheapest, strongnstand best Single Mower in tho world gooil on either rough or smooth ground. ic be carried to their full time, if found pregnant, by giving mo a call. AMMUNITION, KKAI'EIt ANI 3IOWEU. States. Dll McUILL in .Nashville, Tenn., has the larg est praotice of any Botanic Physician in the United States. The unbeliever can be convinced by calling at tho Adams Express office, where ho may sco the largo amount of medicines he sends every week to different parts of the United States. Dll. McUILIj trents diseases at any distance. He treats the following with satisfaction; Rheumatism, Affections of the I.unss. Diseases of the Throat, hwcllcu Joints. Stiff Limbs, Pleurisy, Pains, Ulcers, Cancers, Gravel, Diseases of tho Heart and Liver, Inflammation of the Stomach. Neuralgia. King's Evil or Scrofula, Deafness, Diseases of the Eyes. Debilitated Systems, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, and together with all Privato Diseases Consumption and Diseases of the Urinary Organs, All Syphi-listDiseases treated at any distance, and a euro guaranteed. Collar?, II.une?, Wagon and Plow Chains, Lock:, Hinges, Screws, Tacks, Brads, etc.. MOYVIXt; hfbbls )hf bbls DOCTOR M'GILL, Robinson County Whisky, Old Rye Rectified Cognac Brandy, do do Holland Gin. do do Now England Rum. Ginger Brandy, 'J) hf bbls D) kegs IJOTAXIC PHYSICIAX, AumciTirritAi. imii.i:mi:xt.s, NOS. 10 20 10 DEALERS IN mill I'oru " ' " " hfbbls 60 f6 HUCCESS WHISKY, BARRELS BOURBON 75 0 JO barrels HARDWARE, TRADE WHOLESALE uiayG THE UNIVERSAL A CO. Grain, Gntssand Garden Seeds, THE FOR Onlrrs l'ronijilly ami l'liltlifnlly Ha' South College Street. CominlsMioii GROCERIES, MEDICAL. MoEOBERTS & BAIN, I and VARIETIES, AMERICAN AND FOREIGN LARGE ON HAND A anu wen seiecieu siock oi AND IM.MESTHT NASHVILLE. TENN. OFFICERS.- A. Q. SANFOItD. v- President Merchants visiting the city arc invited to cxanv inc their stock. For all sorts and kinds, now is the time at that cheap Store, Storage, . (3ENERALLY. wholesale and retail. All orders accompanist with the rash promptly attended to. Xo article sold until paid for. Nashville. June 10 Street XfE WILL KEEP Post AGEKCY. rooms, besides wash room, bath Mm servants rooms, stablo and mrriajce house. Ua.4 and water in every room of the main building. F. II. COLTON. ofTcnncs.cc. WM. C. BUNTS. A.O.SANFOK1), O. L. HEyUEJlBOUnO. of New York. DELANO T. SMITH, of Minnesota. A. G. WELLS, of Michigan. ALSO. Also. GROCERIES, etc.. etc. I. M.K.HIXG Ofticr : No. 2? Union street. .11, .llUUIIIIIi! XtUU. DIRKCTOIUS. SAI.I--Tb- 1'MIH Capital Stock $600,000, NASHVILLE. TENNESSEE, I.IXENS, DOMESTICS, COTTOXADES, Most of the stock was bought at a great sacrifice and will bo sold very cheap. Prices shall suit, IS PllODUCEGEXEHALLY AAZ N'oi. 9 nml 11 IlromI Public Square, Hats. Mass ?, FRUIT. rOKEIGX py City Wharf. Treating 352 wer I.tX-Ln- 11 EXEMPT from ALL PERSONAL LIABILITY. LADIES' AND MISSES' S. Side Fancy and Staple Groceries, m DRIED ESTATE OK SA feet. f Tennessee A limited amount onlv of the stock thus annnr priatcd has l;cen placed in tho hands ol" the officers of the company, to be sold at $10 per share; and as the ftoek has all been issued, full paid, in jiuj-u-oi jiroperiy, n is not increiore uaoie to any luture avscsmcnt. BACON. Mi WHOLESALE DEALER IX 1SAV (0 00 i HEAL ESTATE. ROB'T THOMPSON, Divided into 30.000 shares of $30 each. 7,500 sharci or imi.imj n.ive ocen appropriated us working capital for tho of tho Property of the Company. Cotton nud Tobncco, Wlicnt, Flour, DltESS GOODS, PRINTS, barrows, etc., etc. A: June Sth. PORK. Also, Bath Tubs and Wasli Tubs, Knives and Forks, Spoon?, Carvers, Jleat Saw? Sad Irons, Scales, Brooms, .Mops, Scrubbing Brushes, Coffee .Mills. I)esks and Writing Tables, Easy Chairs, WheelChairs, Office Chairs, Split-botto- XoS. iii GltOCERS. &c. MINING COMPANY, Special act of the Legislature $n - Weeily Proportionate rates fer shorter periods. Subscription invariably in advance. SILUIEHOLDERS s, d tl & CO, bed-tick- s, d. con-wilt- WHOLESALE OF Linen anil cotton sheets. 40 conts to 52 00. Linen and cotton spreads. 40 cents to $2 50. Comforts and uilU, SI 00 to 2 00. 50 cents to SI 50. Linen and cotton 10 to 50 cents. Linen and cotton pillow-caseCheap towels. 40 cent". Feather and hair pillows. 50 cents to SI 23. Shuck and hair lnattnuvcs. $1 25 to $7 (fJ. Iron bedstead?, 75 cents to SI 50. Dressing cowns, 50 cents to SI 50. Shirts and drawers, 25 cents to SI 00. With many other articles in tho Dry Goods trade. i OIL CO STRATTOH,POIHTER GROCERIES, LIQUORS Tennessee and Cumberland TUIIUA3 G. POINTER, BKNJ. P. SUV. CHL.NF.T, For the sale and purchase of ORDER TO 11EDUCE STOCK. WILL BE X told at atoiiiiuing low ratu: v. s 0. EWING fN Cup, J. PETROLEUM. ARE RECEIVING THEIR GOODS. fellow-citizen- ai: GOODS. HAMPTON Irby Morgan, )'Bryan & Co. n, SAJLE OF GHR.ICA.T UADIS0K STSATTOS, DRY nans: Dally NO. 167. &o. . Office, Uxios xi AurniCAX Elock corner Church and Cherry sts opposite th Post Office 1866. GROCERIES, UNION ANU AXERldXX. , INCORPORATED ET lx-c- pleii-iptenti- TirE SASimi.IX DAILY DAILY UNION AND AMERICAN, EDITORS i-- PROPRIETORS. & Burnett ATTORNEYS AT IAW ONCINXATX, OHIO, I OFFICE. may223m 2T "WEST THIRD ETIIEET. . A.I.OlIAniWOKSK. CHADBOURNE t. a MttW. & CO... BULZBB IX I.U.lIIJJJi:, I.ATII, anil Nhiiiglcs, Csrner of DemumWraBeand a pl-- m U!ghtmU. NashTlUe.
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