Vermont Daily Transcript. ST. Vol. I. it, v railroads. criiioiii winy iiaiiscn:i. tr r rn i tv. . W UN prnMsunn each r.vr.xixfi. '.cf U , in flarm'i' lihicl.', P. S,0f 1.00 12.00 7" Advertisements nlmiiltl bo handed in .n early as tli" morning of tlii' il.iy of their inteude nub-'- i atun BUSINESS CARDS. A ( ROWLEY. Dealers hi Gnu, India Goodi nf every Street, t. Albans. Ver New Block, Lai.'.- 18UH. mum. ifStSX. j J. NEAT AND NEW 1' Jiavo recently JL Miipphcdwith ! SUGAR KK1T BT- - t. , GRiJElVE & NXCHOI.S. i H llitJ Vl ItJAlVJ 's HUKMXGTOX Rl'TI. VXD.VXD ltAILltOAD. tUf sharoof the pationago of feeling sure that tiey can ;iv0 goods $(m!'u'-V- , and prices. On and after Dec. 'id, 1807, as follous, viz : 11. SI' lit) WAX, Illi.V'l K'V. Olliee over Wi'.ul and Dtir,'nM DiliK store, St Albans, Vt MO 1,1 ' JSI CIC, ATTOlt.NKV AND COUNSUL LOlt AT , Also Agent for Hist X. s Insuriiiu-Companic'S, and lor obtainin-- ; Idiirs pa), Ac. Mllee over Weeks' uture. SOWJ.KS. .. 7 Attorney and ( ouih, llor at n solicitor in,n( liancer - Otiji OKI .. . v..;.....,i it.,., I. . S. Will attend to Collections, and nrosecult i aiinu ajjainut tho United States for Antais o: I'ii v, or ltounty to Soldiers, Widow's and Iny alidV u. A. . .NOIllU L"ae brattleboro' AMI WIST. tf Mam, opposite ItaiiK Street, St. Albans. Vt , (Up Stairs.) Open all hours of the dav. Siiu(layHexeept.viLV..AIJlv 'Aton'mrt turn fit-li- re FranicH, Stereoscopic'and card Pictures oi crmont Scenery, all allow prices. Call earh T. 0. ..lUHAUDSOX. and often at 11:00 AUTCLES, DYES, AO. patent SHOES mmoxciiNXis, n.iu-,ii,;t- R...I :., 11.-- ill READY MADE CLOTHING, TltXlSHTNO GOODS, LINF.N juijijAiin guarantee to satisfy all who favor us with llimr . patronage. Store open on Sundays al noon, for supplying necessary iiicuiciiii: Alba'ns, Vt. Hani and Fiiirlleld Streets, St. Alb.tns, Vt. COLORED .PANTS CASSIMEUE PANTS tkaiks. 1 ... LIGHT FANCY I" JVNKS. Dav Express Train leaves Concord at 10.35 a it. a POST, iFi.u.. iiiv..,. Im.i.iiiiii. eiiniii'ctimr witl ...... M,...t,...if.H Itiirliiiirtim. House s l'oint. . ,ii.'iMiA 111 HISR. Itichi'ord. Vt.. Jerry P. .I.11I1S 1U1 AWI1. A ..h,iiii1 Priniriptiir. This House is local iVC, aim mi uKutusuuii,.. llontiea.. ,. c... i.. IV'.. i. . ... ....... ... it va in the. centra of tho Vlllagu, near tho Clinton Ullli lllliuuuun, ii . ti... ll 10.4(j o anu jiiuh. House, Aceoniiuodutiou Tram leaves Concord at Hiver junction, coimeeunu iu i. ni., loi White ) New'1 s: .ii.. m, - in...... .!.. at Law, an ii. u uus i ,.... i.ili.iulmrv.j , Itnrton. ior iraiu HILlj.VnAl'i'OKD. Attornevs t Magog Lakes, Staiisteiiu, and , unioc, .,Lake Strci Willoughby port, ... .... .ii, .i I ...wiwti.r- - iilso. with tranp ..,,,1 i '....i! :..i....... St. A1U.111S t. G.A. Svrror.u M. J. Hii.1, Cor .Montpclier, Hurliugtou, St. Albans, ltouse s Point, Montrela, Ogdensburgh, and the West. ISristol Tram leaves iouiuiu ai u..i j.. ! Friiiikhn and Hristol. leaves Concord at .2( Tram Evenini' ....Express r .r.i.iii.ntiiii' it: i. illCl .u. A ll:lv.'irl J lllliilli'i., O. 111.. lOl' VVIIUO T--v A V T T) i ! it a W F O It 1). Hook Bind r and ........ ...11.. . .. i....l,,,tr,.iit At. lis " iiiiuiiib""'! irallts ior .uoimiciii-illlank Hook Jlanufucturer, House's l'oint, Molitteal. OgdcusfTurgh, and tin St. , vVest. . Or on arrival of trains rrom uoaion, oi i Vl'1'V wtvln Iriim t Im tlllt'.H)l'Sl T...1. iftn.llL.T IJJHlUllII I'ortsniouth. Portland, Ae. tlio uiAt costly, aiulalltluiitf nowjiWAiin tu.vins. maimer. lKmfi Doc. 20 16G7 Morning Express Train leaves White lSivei fiineiioii lor Concord at l.2b a. m., in on arrival 1MHKCK, of train iron Ogdeiisbtivgh and .Montreal. Oi. Ot THE HIOPIUCTOU Mondays at li.4;i nisieaii oi i.zu. Hristol Tiain loaves Hristol Tor Concord at i 50 a. in., and Franklin at U,05 a. in. BT. Air.VSS, VT. PJ7 Train leaves White ltiver Junction foi Mail Ci.i:nit. G. M. PIERCE Concord at 12.20 p.m., or on arrival of trauif and iver the Vermont Central, Passumpsic, M D. White Mountains Hailroads. JuncDav Express Train leaves White Hivei f T.nlu of the Arniv. c.) "at 5.110 p. in., or on arrival of trains iron. llu lcturned to St. Albans, and may be found tion , Keene, and Ogdeusbitrgh, Urattlcboro Montreal .. .i 'fiiinpi'tniL' for the present at tho American Hotel. t.v.n.. vc;.,.iu..f A.. -- - Con- i n nt i lllliuoui, I'illlS, lieilOWS loir.0--Op- - cord with train for .Manchester. Nashua, Lowell ... ......... , and Hoston. I! I ill I t." nm Kul 3 . These trauus connect at uoncoiu wnu wunir ""' i'ost-uinc- Pn-s-t OUFrS. door aVove the constantly on hand BINDING j Kingman Block, Albans, Vt. if HORACE P. HALL, S.111TH, Bealerin Drugs, Patent M"diciues, Dye StuIVs, Honks, Stationery, . Acdford, Vt. Dec, 18(W. left, t GRAHAM FLOUR. .Superior article of GrahiMii Flour, foi sale BARNES A CROWLEY, nt tho store of Lake Street. ,13341' NOTICE. New Houso at Missi- Mr... F. L. Goodspeed's ....... 1.. r.. .1... ........... I.... ,.l i i uii'ii i'i .pJOl tipilligs, is uon iLMiij iiii nit-- IJ dll'i-t- llenioved. has removed to S.rt. CLARK Olhco at lus reside St. Albans. Vt., May. 2. 1W IMPORTANT AND- f Mam SOLDIERS TO - THEIR WIDOWS. INTEHESTF.D AUK 1 1 Kit K II Y J. notified that I am 4gent to transact all but pertainiiig to pensions, bounties and back pay. Claims of tho abuvo nature can be presented, and their i.llowanceu obtained, by nppyl WM. BUltfOEH. i,,g to fnilOSK Ht. Albans,' May 10th. 18GG. 11' tht place, Two dooru West of the llousi Lake Street. Ann-iiea- n MOHTON Svwii:tr Luke !5!oi'!s Slrcel, a full A E. S. Pork, Fish, ilnuu. Sngtii New 1 Store c. R ....).'" ifcf. PELL, KINGSLEY, ROBERT - Lord, E, I) UI R ON (' 0 L L ' S NEW Hut) OK LAKE ST. AliBANS, STREET. VT. jubt opened toe largest stock of and desirable DANCES, HAVE comprising all tho newBohemian l ancy China and French, patterns, Stiing and Table Glass Ware, Cutlery and Plated are, And On othei occasions where Hand and Jlusic is reiiuueii. ever offered iu this County. Ovdcrfi addrepsod to j We also call attention to our Stock of DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, GOODS, LINENS, LACK Sack at i A CAIila. WARD it HUIINE.S. ,ifi lnsimiUt'O Co, 15. A UU h ior your ii.iiu oats in every style. l.u n, Slliltll.v WM. Sniitli's nuwHlock. CLOTHING, riLOTlIINO. ; i .... .11 .1.!.... i ' stocu oi uiouuug, . CLOTHING, ..A I.....U uwforuuu sale TT.,1.. The largest md Furnishing Goods ever ottered eriuont. is now opem: i iiv U. O.lll-- VV -- II. IX u, BEADY. THE A NEW STEAM MILL ! O- E- Bingliam & Lincoln, Vmr tlif FielKlit Ueliot, St. Allmns, Vt.. now rcad' to grind com meal. Hnc or coarse, tS and all kinds of grain for feed.. Ibis Mill ........ ..... .. . vas built by Hoiiuts in eve- - MAY. ai I ( GOODW1M. Burr, is complete ton,V of the best1 French.1,1.. .1' rt''tl'llllfr I.Wl'lltV- i.. .I...i..,w1.',ir !.... ui.,.v....v... .in wv.i, wo .lvo UllslieiH per num. can uo an neither wind or uoods for liovver, vork of this kind without liiudrance tf) our cu11'., ul,nl 1... 111111 ,tl I'l'll Til Illllllhll HU11I IHTIIIII. lOIlieiS. f' ui the kernel, or grouml, and at all tinicB trcsb . " " ' UlU as cueap us to receive orders for . i'i -- . r ,.i,ni.f.iiu. vour re- .......... i.lMAll o... I.MV.W. ...... I'litnnlr .......j with Olll . piest to give my candid opinion ol the merits if tho welden minim nnici, ri'i aumv niiicli from Dyspepsia, and havlave sulfered ... ...1 1..I ii .. mill till' live ....1 iiaii-ing exiuiiisicii iiiLi.iitio ofnianv nhvaiciaiis. 1 was advised toI found by takWater. ,rv the Welden Spring iiiunm n ,ii" a glass1 ot tno vvaicr .nmoie MM, HVMIPtn. 111111 i..irn tn nt I .'!.. ' .111.-tome ail" ...... 1.1... 1 ..I' f.irul U'lllirillt Sash, Blinds and Doors, - i T?;iiialiititt fY PVfTV life- r' If,.., cripiioii, of eh good;.v material ami workmanship .,i.v.-flu fntv. 1 . u-- JOB WORK "' ... i, mi'. iu uuv un, oilumes i.Hi,1nii,.,i T .Mil trivn fll nil... nm ....I.. ni i:onv eniouce. is n reeoiiiuieuda. ,:.iir,n .r'lu 111V .UM'll.i-iaw- " tion to every ono nufturing from Dyspepsia to I Plaining, . FRANK H. DIXON. Yours truly, business, to roiiveseiil their entire time to,,..1thonnwt Qimncy, Mass., Oct. 3, lSfiS. uiiei'exsful Lite Colli' ..l.i ,...,,.l, .i.: .... urn, inn. nviuti-i- , ol E. S. GOODWIN, Esq. panv, in... unoccupied territory m tho State 1. lloi'Ulint ..Im. fn.iliii'.a v ! niiiii.' iiwiiii.. veiiuoni. ri'i in"Mutual, ndvnntagti-it Deak Sir. My vviio has used your JveW'i great and the lo tho Plurnix urine Water, and lias receivcu gieai imnuii offers to the insuring public its freedom trom i'.:r., a oau non irom h. Itefnvf. she used it sho Had . rli?H rostrictions'on travel and occupation-i- ts . a . . -- . . c. ugn, system , premmni liberal policies-its forfeitable Hn, , e " ", an n h "r -t- ho economy of tlm nianag msU11 tVu. i auiuiai mviiiuiiun, in'"" . vcars. Com any to Agents desirous of realizing a hand -i Verv lesneetfull.v your old servant, " Homo competency ny nimr uim-- v' JOHN T. WILLEY. C L. BABCO0K, gv. Applvto State Agent riioinix Jlutual Lite Ins. J.o. t. Houhb, Quincy Hancock of Proprietor dC-Union Block, Rutland, persons can be many other from Letters aif STAGE ARRANGEMENT. seen U! tno omee. ;, , FIREMEN and MILITARY PARADES, PICNICS, EXCURSIONS, ,iud vvs.t. lleapcctiuuy. Wanci it. Dixon. Esn.. Counselor :,aw and Average Adjuster, Boston, Vlrnplll'TU 1'VrTTAVOlt. 17 Al .Utal.V..... ." . i.oston, October 3, 1808. freisbButtei i ll WM. N. S5U O - J. J. COS for Jlusuihi. .V - v..m Ot all kinds: Phrnniv Miiinnl OF HARTFORD, CONN. try it. t f.,.n..i,in .n.nnrdinliv Is lireReiiled to oner imsineAH men vtho can devote ii,. i.ii I WITH piepaved to furnisli music im TJS ,11-- tf and New Goods. . 1 1 1 r no LL the new styies ot Furs and Soails WM. N. SMITH, A CO'ri. opened at A to try the Welden Spring tas recoiuniended . ...1 .... 1...... I...'.,,'n It'll. i i ;.' ... I, on- iiiiwli iniod it bad done. UK w.... ,111 jri Ml ii , . augur, Ac, tliwwu.n ilUllIt' IIMIl'l. yo-.i- Stock of Clothing, t SMITH t - !.-- GIVE Tutu, iiiinWM.K. for GO'S A IT Suits of all kinds . . Ten, ...... tlm i 1 in bus'mesi ..r.u i ...i n r... ... f.niples iisuallv- kent ... .,r ; .iii'i.i.i ,.r n,n;.. l.i.wl 11i..licst - cash nrice .naid for Al. ........ - r. . . kinds of country Produce. U. Consihting in part of tl-- tf oi I 1 Shorts, D.UlItOW CLOCK, ST. ALBANS, VT. Fish. Ida Mkiicuants National Hank, State Street, Boston, Oct. 7. 18G3. GOODWIN. Esq., Agent Weblen Spinif lame d sease. reed O TO WM. X. SMITH WATER knowing oventuall lorn drink anv other water, T 1 . lit llthGl" Au ...Ml ..i.i .o "... ..i.vinll.1 l Will ClllU lliuihould bo benefitted by my experience, I eheer.,llv vi.(imlllellU It IO ail HUlieilllK llll i"vi First Class Groceries Porh; " . iiM.n Ci, ... r el.Tinifleilfre the hell ..... Iii .llll. wvifr. havo received lrom the Welilen bprni). 1 have been troubled Willi uiseuhe Oi I..,, ,'i.tiiv vizirs. I IlilVH l!utlMUlte( i. 1.;. I,....-.nhvHii'iniM in the count rv am ,i...... ..Ptl... Viovendei, Iir.ALI'.n IX ALL KISlls Ol Flour, r A'ater. Hons;, kecj assortment ol Ci jufet l WM. N. SMITH. A Co . VT Ulaek Sack Ida's. And ASAHSZi S. HYDE, . ,u laker es 23 MuaI. PERCY. AuinnrN. . IIl.vhv G. Moiitos, "Vormevly with Win. N. Smith ... . A td-t- f THE ST. ALB.VNS MUUADK 15AU V Street. I'llVTHllllllllll. Plum. IN. member .ow ions, W "i'-.- Nashua, worceister. nV STEARNS. Atil-nt- .1' w,-.-o'Si 1IOSIOII. Concord. N. 11. uec. i. inuo. -- lv-2- boarders. nli'l'iill' I Sl. Alums, Vt. fi'-'.- .IW'ill Vliil Till that We luve i few i. i"1v..r Cnnis cost, or oiwli .VI) will sell at a big discount lrom ('articular attention paid 1 iHouUor : ir iB f'011sir.i.lllt AMERICAN HOUSE I... .1,... DVES - FAMILY GHOCEKIES: Boys' and Youths' Clothing, v u Also agent lor (irnver nnl and all Machine, 1 AND BUTTONS rii:s, -- BOOK . toiU Weldcn Spring, St. Albans, cr Ml. i' i tins lili'li V eiucacious ii Cancer, aau ad diseases ot tlm sKin i.Imi, fur ivner:i. Kidnev and Liver Com .Inililx fil'lu rill Ac.. Ac. is now mi alo, at wholesale and retail, at 218 Waslnngtoi ;.,....,i uin.v.. liiinkM imiv in. oiitaiued contain ng an analysis of tlie VVater. vviin ceruin-.iicirom plivsicians anil otuers, luHiuviug innet'ici.i' eiVects in nuiueroiis caxes where it hiu jcen tried. With r It VESTS, LINEN VESTS. AND SPRING WELDEN LAKE ST., ST. ALBANS, AND VESTS, LINEN PANTS, - V of all AG-EN- Allmns. Vt June. lftCs. GEOCEEIES SUITS, THICOT SUITS, will : LTWAUD DHESSIISIGS AND R. DAY. BUKNES, WARD - as lollows Buffalo and Fancy Sleigh Itobcs, Fur Ladies' Drest Furs, Fur and Jluck Glove Mittens, Umbrellas, , .Ve. I N'EW tf T v. I'UH V A CO., dealers in Dry Good M - mid choice Kaiililv Groceries, corner 11ol run HATS, CAPS, & FURS lli'iis as can be found in DOYS CAIS. the State o:'.V"r!uont, touether with Itesinnids. JjOYs HATS. s. xtia-tand all articles required in a Ui'jilJ.V.ov.V ins or a..i and'every tTiing kept in well regulated Style of Fall and Winter Caps I irujj nioi ! . -- - I Iletail Dealer in. As toll ii stock ol pure A. B. A. BITTERS avi-iiw- Passenger Trains ii. B. SMITH, Putt and Powder Poves, Colognes, Toilet Soaps. - 18f,S, alo i. mint complete assortment HAIIl - and after Dec, & CO. A-- And ces-iti- y On L. JleD. SMITH 3. 1, 1 unshes and Powders, ilrushes. such as rn, iiij ... lu lliu ....I.I!. llllilll lliailliev Hair leeth, Nail, Infant. Ac, Ac. can sell goods as low as can bo bought in I'rnnk"-li- u CASH ''AID FOK SHIPPIN3 FURS. Coiii:ly. All we ask is to luivo custoniers Is complete, consisting in all tho uppiovcd ni- ( ...i ami .nci the beautiful in and lux107-t- f come in, and satisfy themselves, before pur- neties, and our general stock includes all g.mds uries lor the toilet even if you do not GILllEltT It. S.M1T11 wishlobuy chasing elsewhere. Wo have, and are i ceeiving, usually kept in a store of this kind. Head'iuor-t-r- s ll the new styles from market, oonsistiii',' for the O TO WM. N. SMITH A GO'S for vour 1 aI! of JTJST IXECEIVJ3D G1T and Winter Clothing. tin ..!.i t At 1 d2m-13- the l.VIMIIA THE PEOPLE'S DRUG STORE iidle.- - variKie-- . undalarge mid well HPlcctcn Jiurlitigtoii viith lioats on Lake Chain- - Ot Stocu ot ami .i.i.i uiul Vermont Central ana Vermont Albans, St. Montpclier, jiinada Hailroads, tor Propnetoi. im s Point, Jlontreai, ugueiisniiinii, touse .. 1I...1 Iixilllu ..ill. t. iiiiuii"! DJl. NICHOLS i. ....... till I rilV- A Wil l Boots and Shoes, Rubber Coats .vesi. .ii s. XlIllWICH, Practical Steam and md New York, Saratoga Springs, Sclieueclaily, itton YY . Gasl"itter.l5rassandIiouUoodsoteyer. nd the West. At Hclklws Falls with trams and Boots, description, tor steam, water, and gas. Gum Jheshire llailroad for Fitchbiirgh, Worcester, l Plivuixiiin ill l."'lll.l! ntHll'lllr. llailroad, Vt. Valley ,.i;;.. unwell, and Uoston. With md locks repaired, and keys litted, Ac.IW-lJiO- nil- r iif'eHsiomil , calls. ti..,wl I., :il . .11.11 l ... ,or Urattlcboro', Spiinglield, Hartlord, Now HaSt. Albans. Vt. the Wo liavo l.w cash. for low sell will we Which JJou tho Amrncau under member nun the inure, oumimi ""(uu .i n, anil Xcvv ion; tun largest assortmaiu oi cjls il'.ver, lltO.N MLU. on . HUOTIIKItS. LjUUU 111 I'l Ii OK vitltAU Windsor, White ltiver Junction, ,11 .if GREEN A NICHOLS. "- C l.VXTS. ewpon, i.imvi""! .t. .loliusiiury, , GAPS t Agncul-AND ramt-Mouutaiiis. HATS .v'uiti Gliss.Oils, Naila, in ...., im- t in West will 1111(1 tins a eueap, & a low cash ligiite. irai tools, which wo oiler at If you don't . . pleasant, and expeditious route. and .Main streets, U iriier To be found in Northern Vermont. . wu. t'OU TlClVliin, Him llll UCCUSOUIJ immm... lelievo it, call ana see ior youisuivc.-St. Albans. March l(i, 181! 1. e.nplire at the unices on t no line. Dealers in alll kinds ot Jlothing ii Xew and D.Mirable, consisting ot Watch tll.VUl.KS VY.UA.V, dealer in SPRING I i es. Clocks and Jeivctry, Steii ug Silver nop VTOUTllIill.V KAil.ltll.VD. spnixa SUITS, iinivr I'l it."l A'. ire. t'.vuuv Goodi ii great va IN OVEH . . . . . . . . , itt xi i ti tana ii W.H..1I lli.ii.iii'iii'' "and Uiiurav uu. St. BLACK SACKS, t,v Goods Just Received from" New York and Boston. To be admired, thev possess ueauty ami Iiite.Iigence. one bus intelligence, and let ai tides. Tin. new and fragrant Slnj o. and tho deliciouv wood Vloli other choice and fiagrp.nt pcrfuiiif u. oau stock or Line of Furnishing in Town. 5d-t- f I.OTIA.V, the latest and most wonderful of all the cosmetics. Jlv its use all moths and freckles are removed, the skin becomes clean and transparent, and the cheek roseate with the hue of voutb. The Paphian Lotion can be found at rEItFUMMlY, TOILET CAPS, BOOTS AiYJ) AND II 1ST. 1PC.S. 1.5, ALL CAN BB BUAUTITUL Our stock DI1UG9. CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, HATS AND nu' t. in., I:!.) ,V U:iU . Arrive nt Mellows Palls at 12:00 i. m., and :,". i'AO ii ml D ji. m. Leave llelloivs l'alla at 12.:!."i p. m., ,"i:4,i p. m p. io.oo ui. Ainvc nt llutliu:l at :i:io p. m., J:00 p. in. 12:3.i a. in. l.eitvi. HtiMuii.1 nt I. OO ii. m "il it in.. 3.21 i. in. 1:30 a. in. Arrive at Hiuiiugton at 'JM a. n. ;,vi,i.iTit v. it'll viiusox's 1'icTUnn JL ItOVINO I I- pKiisioiis, Ae., Ac. will Leave P.uiII.igton at8t!0 a. m., l:3."i p. m. :J:?f :);J."i p. m. Arrive at ltutland at ll:2,i a. in., 1:11 i. m. S:00 a. nt. 12.50 a. m. Leave llutlaiidat 1:00 a. m., 12:00 in. Arriw lleiiows 1 alls at 7M0 an:12:20 p. in., ,t "1:23 a. in. Lin Hollows Palls at 7.50 a. in., 2:25 p. m. a in. Arrive al 1'r.itt.ebnrn at H:.")il a. in., !:20 p. in., 1:27 .v. ni. J-- tf -- VINO SOflTII rains I in ii s i Ily GOODS, AMI VT The Host omiti admiration. .Most a .satisfaction in consist h of 2bici. j?i I S II IP EVERY IADY I ! Jlest Line of Overcoats CUSP and HADDOCK. DIIUGS AXI) MEDICINES ! FUliXISIUNO -- jf7tc COD. St. Albans. Maj B W. P. WILSON. The best line of Suits in Town, MACKEliEL, The undersigned having nlculv fitted up tho st ore in the American House Iilock. on Lake St and stceked it with a choice assortment of CLOTHING STORES I) ! IIALIIU'T, ' I RED HAMS S II Tfc BTVIiXIS OF OLOTHINQ-- Drlrtl mid Siiinlctil lloef .'.HD n, I. M A X, 1 K X T I S '1'. - Oilice in the Li. KIXOMAN I1L00K, Mi. in St. , opposite the t'oii!,'rej;ationnl Church. C IT ' ail liiii... j 1 THE NIW hand, a nice lot of j U7-- I and Siiuag(n Now ou Tllr A BI No. 2 Darrow Block, AND SEE Ti . C. tIENTOX. refitted my market, which is the best cf Drug iStoro on Lalu Stri'i'l, Table Delicacies of, (lie Season 'pivot action brace l.tntu AT 7Ar AND ALL ' 11. GAI.LAIl, IN ST. ALBANS, f A I, Uiiu..titdt.' T.ty Jl;i,'tu rir aih-t- r l.uavc St. Allmns for Montreal nt li.10 .i. in.. mont, uneqnali'd braeo for the Shoulders. Always a AinI i:,r)j p. in. l or Route's Point, Ogdetisburgh ' Its o a. in., and 'J:l."i and 0.5.1 Susiiender. A braeo or not at iileasiiii1. FAHHINGTON, ATl'ORNKY A and tho Vi:mI at Minilieitv, durability, easo and convenience WILLARD at Law and .Solicitor in C'hau-errv- . columella it to every Lady, Gentleman, or Yo.ilh. Day KxprcBS leaves Uoston via. I.uwull s.M Ollifo with II 8. Rnvec. Braiherd Block, Kxainine for yourself, au'd be oonvineed that all 2I2-l- v in. for UniiiiiL'ton, SI. Albaui, Moiitri-nlif 'Albans, Vt. Ok herein stated' 1m true. Prices, 7.") cents, $1 CO, uensunri'ii aim uhi. ld-t- f $1 2.1, f 1 50. .Mail Train leaves Lowell, 7:0)' iloston at via ADAMS, ' BULKY, IIAVISandASolicitors a. Lawrenee and Ma a.u-.7.H0 at in., I'ltuhbutK in 'hi)iieorv. .priiiL'lleld at 7:J." a ni., fur ItnrliiiKtoii. a..d Ollico ill L nioii Block, St. Albany, Vt. All.n..u ANA 11. IIAILKV, tH.V. St.Aceoinniodation It. C. I'AUKHWIS, lraip leave.i Northfleld t 7: IS a. in., for IJuilinctnii, ltutland, St. Albans. USDPI.L.V mXUHAM.Attoriir-Vat Law, so's Point. -- ON , Canibridfif, Vt. and Solifiiow in (.'hiinci-ry- , NlL'ilt hxpr ess leaes Uellows jTnlls at 10.10 D, iiia s. m visnr.i.i., it. A. MKOIIAM. a i.. recidviiij,' passengers fiom Veriiiont Valley i .i leaving New York at IS.lfi p. in., and 4 SMIKI. S. IIVDK, Dealer in all liind-- i of fromroad, Cheshire llailroad, leaving liostou at f:3d LAKE STREET. Fannly Groceries, Darrrtw UlocU. St. j.Il p. m., connecting at Wliito liiver Junction wil.i baiiK, ernio. t. train leaving Doston at o:o0 p. m., lor JJm ling-toltonsw's Point. .Montreal and Ogdensburuli, It. A. TIHIIAUI.T, PliNsieian and Sur- - .oiiiiecting with Grand Trunk IV.iins for the I'con. Graduate of the Universitv of Ver. West. iVI ( I IC ;Y Ti CV V moot. Olliee: Pairtield Htivot, over ear Sleeping to are attached both the nighl riotliinj; House. l7-l- y Kxpress traiiiH running between St. Albans ant K.NTDX A VV1I.SOV, Attorneys at LaT, iloston, and St. Albans and Springrield. Through tickets for Chicago and the W'et (01 Having bought ot 0. W. Hlodgett his new and and Solicitors in Chancerv. Olliee in entirr stock of .New HlocK, St. Albans Vt. Attend Court" sale at the principal stations. G.'MEltlilLL, Sup. ie,ulaiiy in Franklin, Orleans, and Lamoille CLOTirrxa, St. Allans, No,-- . Jjit, 18GS. t"0-t- l I'ounties. Mesrs-P.laisdell- C. 188. o O Hi Slciitd, W17IT. j jSTO. FULTON MAlUvET, J and 7.20 p. in. Mail Trulii leaves St Alluns at 6:20 u.m., u nil councils at Burlington with Rutland lto.itl, al White liivcr Junctl hi and Bellows F.iIN with iraliiH for litistt mf Worcester, Springfield, anil It It., arrives at Now with trains on Pasatihip.-iiVoii; at luil.j Day ExprceB Icavi s Montreal at 8; 10 i. m., St. Johns at lU:u a. in., Ogdctisburgh at 7;).i p.m., lodge nt Malone; leave 7:li, Rouse's Point 111:15 u. in., tor Boston, Ai'., arriving in Bnstni fin. Lowell at 1U::JU p. m. Ntlit Express luav'M OgdeindHitgh t 11:30 a in., Mnulical at :I.:W p. in., House's Point at fj. lt' p. in., St. .InlniH at 1:60 i. in., arriving at Boston at MO a. in., connecting nt Bellows Falls with. . i.i... I. nouni ior josioii aimi Worcester i iii'Hiinu anil with Vermont Valley Railroad fin Springlloid, Ac., : Pi r v. nr. in advance, lx tiiontli'i, in advance 1 In cp mo iths, in advance, 'iiCith, in :nl vmitf Vc.-- t UlMU!.iN T1I.U.N8 UOI.NO SOfTJI AM; KASr Lo.ivoSt. Albans at G.2 Ja. in., 12.0 17. Davis, Proprietor und Ikiitor. RNES B and Barnci' AltK AT-- S3," 1S6S. DEOEMDER OMETHINO J OimmoticinR Nov. 30. W'cW.iW, terms i'iiiirt Jz'r:Iy- JL - - Matching, Turning, Scroll Sawing, Ac. lnebinerv which i HOW and ot tho latest improvements. 'With these fucili- - r..,. i,, lieS VO with glVU V. (lUllUUl' sharo of public St. Albans. I'uD.'il. BOYS rr ,iV.o..ii-..v..., - t L NC0LN iu-- CLOTIIING ofall kinds just received WM. N. SMITH. A t'O'jj- at IMiAGG'S Instataiit Boiler nd speer a utan Bitters at t i,lVlll"l.D, U1U'.1'..N No. T. Iil-- Streit - TTa tr NEW ON AND AFTER MAY 25th, 1868, KXTKA - j UDlf E. S. GOODWIN, Agent, H Washington Street. Hoston. Just ITfOOL SCARFS of every description, WM. N. SMITH, A COVS. W ceived at 1LOV1.S, ULO V 21 CROCKERY CROCKERY ! ..,. ff i and quality new prising.. hihuw uen. uiuin. ii.iiai,u ,.?.;. iiii and Cutlery, cueap. nense eu at l 1 o ot Hit kinds, of all kiniTu WM. N. SMITH, A CO'S. in WM. N.SMITH, A CO'u for good Cloth- ing cheap. COATS in Short Frocks, and Full rnRICOT I nil biiwlu mill PAlflfH :lt ...... . Ih'ul flllll n Invi.n Int I lie I a IlllVO WM.N. SMITH, A CO'S Olt TO China Ware, conv of Stmio second GOODS, FANCY .i..i--two aim r.ieKuiu , ' W . foi T as Sheldon, I . . Will rim tvnm St Mbans to for Fall and Winter, Just recuived Aluf. n liirtrn fttni'l; Ol ...It WARE. SMALL CLOTH G new " AND NOTIONS Block. WM. N. SMITH, ACQ'S lows : for I oiler which Ware, Stone Glass ' .... ... .. . . .1 ..., . l,,.f,,,.. ,ii, ..! i ft u will rocelvo prouiut at si.-& Co. Tor good bar-Vm. p At tin- frniiiout Ilmif-oo'clock mm SMITH, Tho undersigned would reject fully announce 2 1 N. WM. j.u. at i...i....i O AHwu-fVodav sale io Leave.St. 'i''n In Hie lllllillll t lilt IC I IIIV C l'lli)iui:il l iiv Ull'lli Airlve tentiou. gains in c'othin and Hats and (;ap, aud o cioch p. m. ing elsowhcro. at at Sheldon i ot PRICE. SYSTEM, and ONE everything in their line. At the old Farrar Block, one door north i 0 to Win. N. SMITH A GO'S for your Hats Leave Sheldon at 8 o'clock a. m. Arrive at St, George H. Karrar's. Driseol'a Now Block, Lake St. St. Albans, Vt, 1 .'.ii L rt SHAWLS J ust received .nd Oimsfnr their stock is all now. Albans at 111 o'clock a. in. WM. N. SMITH, & CO. H. JENNISON, rronrietor. VJT at Wl ROBERT KlIsUHLEY. 13Ctt 18GG. -34tU. Oct aU-t- f 8t. Albnus, .P.G.SU St. Albaus. May 25th, 1868. 99tt GEORG-- E. KINSLEV, SMI H H (FOREIGN j AND WHITE OOAOH Ifour-hors- e j I 11 , rv IT poll """rif. r i
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