Summer Credit Recovery Information

200 Elizabeth Street, Charleston, West Virginia 25311-2119 • (304) 348-7732 • Fax: (304) 348-7735
Ronald Duerring, Ed.D, Superintendent
Summer Credit Recovery 2015
Kanawha County Schools will offer Summer Credit Recovery to any student in grades 9 – 12 that
needs to recover credit(s) due to a failing grade in a required course -- Math, Science, English, or
Social Studies. Summer Credit Recovery will be held in only two of our high schools—Capital
High School and St. Albans High School.
Before June 11, any student who wishes to attend Summer Credit Recovery will need to have
been pre-registered by their home school counselor with the course identified to be taken over
the summer.
Students must bring this completed registration form from their home school counselor along
with payment to be made at Capital High School or St. Albans High School on June 17th or June
18th from 7:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Cost will be $100.00 for a half-credit and $200.00 for a full
credit. Payment must be made by either cash or credit/debit card only. No Checks will be
accepted. A 50% tuition waiver will be granted only if the student’s name appears on the
Kanawha County Schools Free/Reduced lunch master list.
Summer Credit Recovery classes are 100% on-line. Students must complete the course work
independently throughout the summer and report to the chosen registered school location
computer lab to complete any tests.
Computer labs at Capital High School and St. Albans High School will be open from 7:30 to 1:00
p.m. on the following days--- June 23, 24, 30, July 1, 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22, 28, and 29 for students
to report and complete tests on-line with teacher supervision.
July 29 is the last day for all work and tests to be completed. There will be no extension of days
provided. Any work and/or tests that are not completed by the end of the day on July 29 will be
considered incomplete and will result in loss of credit and the cost for the class is nonrefundable.
Any questions or clarifications on Summer Credit Recovery should be addressed to Mr. Mark Milam,
Assistant Superintendent-Kanawha County Schools, at the following:
or Email