GARDEN FIELDS J.M.I. SCHOOL,Townsend Drive, St. Albans, Herts. AL3 5RL Telephone: 01727 890440 Headteacher: Mr C.J. Jukes email: web site: twitter: @gfs_stalbans Dear Parents, On Thursday 11th June 2015 we are going on a trip to Butterfly World in St Albans, to take part in fun educational activities linked to our topic, ‘A St Albans Discovery.’ We will be exploring the gardens and taking part in a workshop linked to our science focus this term. The children need to: Wear their school uniform top with jogging bottoms and trainers. Bring a waterproof coat in case of rain. Children will need to have a packed lunch. Please indicate below if you require the school to provide a packed lunch or if you will provide one for your child (no chocolate, nuts or fizzy drinks please!). We’d like to say a huge thank you to the PTA for their £300 donation towards the cost of this trip; however a further voluntary contribution of £4.50 per child will be necessary to cover the cost of the coach. Should there not be sufficient contributions to cover costs, we will regrettably have to cancel this trip. Please return the reply slip below by Friday 22nd May 2015. We have limited adult places so do please let us know if you are able to help on this trip. We will be leaving school at 10am and will return to school by 3pm, ready for the normal 3:15pm pick up arrangements. Yours sincerely The Year 1 Team ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Butterfly World Trip Thursday 11th June 2015 Name……………………………………………………….……………………………………………………Class…………………………….……… I give permission for my child to travel by coach to Butterfly World on Thursday 11th June 2015. □ I enclose cash / cheque for £4.50 made payable to Garden Fields School. (Sorry you are unable to pay on WisePay.) I can/cannot help on the trip. Please delete as appropriate. □ Please provide my child with a school packed lunch □ I will provide my child with a packed lunch □ cheese □ ham Print Name……………………………………………………Signed…………………………………………………………… PLEASE RETURN BY FRIDAY 22nd MAY 2015
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