2015 EAT! VANCOUVER – SIPS TASTING PAVILION EXHIBITOR MANUAL EVENT LOCATION BC Place Stadium 777 Pacific Boulevard Vancouver, BC V6B 4Y8 SHOW DATES & TIMES Friday, May 1, 2015 Saturday, May 2, 2015 Sunday, May 3, 2015 2:00 pm - 9:00 pm 10:00 am - 9:00 pm 10:00 am - 5:00 pm *SIPS Tasting Pavilion will open at 11:00am on Saturday and Sunday* IMPORTANT NOTICE All forms that you may require to order services are underlined in blue font and are linked to our exhibitor manual: http://eat-vancouver.com/exhibitors-manual/ SHOW OFFICE An on-site Show Office will operate from 10:00 am Thursday, April 30 to 7:00 pm Sunday, May 3, 2015. The office is located at the East Entrance to the show floor, and during the event is staffed two hours prior to daily public opening. This is where you may pick up your exhibitor badges when you arrive during move-in hours or during show hours. MOVE-IN PROCEDURES th Your move-in start time is 3 PM on Thursday, April 30 . Please do not arrive for move-in prior to this time. If you show up before your appointed time you will be denied access as your booth will not be ready for set up. You may also set up on Friday morning from 8 AM, as long as you are ready before opening at 2 PM. Please move-in through at the EAST entrance to BC Place which is located off of Griffiths Way. Griffiths Way is the small road situated between BC Place and Rogers’ Arena. For a detailed map of the area, please click here. Vehicles may drive in, unload, and then drive out (park) and return to set up. You will be able to pick up your products on Friday morning starting at 10AM from the storage room located beside the Show Office. MOVE-OUT Exhibits are not allowed to be dismantled prior to the closing of the show at 5 PM. At that time the aisle carpet must be rolled up, vehicles will be allowed to on the show floor to begin reloading exhibitors' goods. Removal of goods by hand or dollies may commence immediately after the carpet has been removed. Please keep off the carpet so staff can roll it up as quickly as possible. All goods must be removed from the premises by 11 PM. 1|P a g e PARKING Parking is available in public parking around BC Place Stadium. For your convenience, parking passes for the Show are available for purchase through Imperial Parking. The advantage of a parking pass is that you receive in and out privileges with a pass, which you would not receive if parked in one of the other lots. Order forms may be found online at http://eatvancouver.com/exhibitors-manual/ EXHIBITOR REGISTRATION Eight exhibitor badges are issued free for personnel working at each tasting table. Additional exhibitor badges may be purchased at a cost of $10.00 each. Please note that reprints and name changes (if they exceed the 8 complimentary badges issued) will cost $10.00 per badge. To prevent delays, be sure to complete the ONLINE Badge Order Form no later than April 10, 2015. Exhibitor passes are prepared in advance according to the list provided on the form. Badges will NOT be mailed, they will be ready for pick-up at the Show Office after 11:00 am Thursday, April 30, 2015. We highly recommend picking up your badges on Thursday to avoid line ups on Friday. DELIVERIES DURING SHOW HOURS Exhibitors are allowed access to the show floor prior to opening on Saturday & Sunday starting at 8 AM. Deliveries during show hours may be made by access through the East show entrance. Deliveries will be accepted until 5 pm on Friday and Saturday and until 3 pm on Sunday. GARBAGE Garbage cans and recycling bins will be located throughout the event for visitors to dispose of their trash. After you have set up your booth, leave all your garbage and unwanted boxes in front of your booth and the BC Place staff will dispose of it. After the show closes each night, place your garbage and recyclables in front of your booth and BC Place staff will collect it. GENERAL BOOTH & SERVICES INFORMATION Standard booth space includes draped back wall. Draping will be black. We strongly suggest a floor covering i.e. bar mat to protect from spills seeping through to the Astroturf Each tasting area is supplied with one 8 ft skirted hi-top table. Additional furnishings (tables, chairs etc) are available from Goodkey Show Services (for a fee) Vacuuming of aisles surrounding the booth is provided. You are responsible for keeping your own booth clean at all times. Electrical services are available from BC Place Stadium, cost varies with type of power required. Internet/Telephone connection is available from BC Place Stadium for a fee. ICE BC Place Stadium does not provide ice to exhibitors, so we have contracted with an ice company to deliver ice to the show. We can provide you with ice, but only if you pre-order. You may of course bring your own ice. We will be providing 20lb bags of ice for $12 + HST per bag. Please fill out the Ice Order Form and return to us immediately, but absolutely no later than March 31, so that we know how much ice to order. Ice will be ready for pick up each morning before the show opens in the East entrance area, near the Show Office. 2|P a g e POUR SIZES AND TASTING TICKET DETAILS Pour sizes are as follows: Beer 4 oz, Wine 2 oz, Spirits ½ oz. You may not serve multiple servings to an individual, one at a time only. Show Management will provide wine glasses, but beer and liqueur vendors are requested to bring their own appropriate sized plastic containers. You may charge up to 100% markup over the cost of the product in a liquor store. Taste tickets are valued at $1.00 each, so round up or down to the nearest multiple of tickets. Please have signs made for display on your front counters indicating your taste offerings and priced in number of tickets (not in dollars). You must keep your collected bite tickets in a safe place, (they are like cash!!!) we suggest taking them home with you each night and returning them all to our show office after the show closes on Sunday evening. Bite tickets must be returned between 5 and 6 PM on Sunday evening so we can reconcile all sales and issue refund cheques during the week of May 4-8, 2015. THIRD PARTY PROMOTIONS AND RESTRICTED SALE ITEMS Vendors may not advertise or in any way promote a third party, i.e. a supplier who may have provided promotional products or support such as an outside mix or glassware company. Sales or give-aways of full bottles of wine, beer or spirits are strictly prohibited by law. INSURANCE The vendor assumes all responsibility for its property, including any and all loss, theft, or damage to displays, equipment and other property while on the premises of BC Place Stadium and hereby waives any demand or claim it may have against BC Place Stadium, BC Pavilion Corporation, Executive Event Production Inc., all service contractors, including its staff members and officers. Vendors/agents must advise their insurance companies of their intent to conduct a public tasting of their products and request a rider on their insurance policy to cover their liability for such activity. A copy of the rider must be submitted to Show Management. (There is no fee for this from your insurance agent, so please don’t put yourself at risk for liability.) You may also purchase insurance specific for exhibitors, more information can be found on the exhibitor manual web page: http://eat-vancouver.com/exhibitors-manual/ YOUR PRODUCT PURCHASES Vendors/agents must purchase all products to be sampled at the show through the SOL license holder, which is show management. This is a critical regulation that has been enforced by the Liquor Control Board as pertaining to SOL licenses. You will find the purchase order form attached, please fill out with item number and quantity and return this as soon as you can, we shall purchase all your products and have them ready for you to pick up on site at BC st Place Stadium on the morning of May 1 , the first day of the show. BC Breweries and wineries may bring their own products, BUT these products MUST be accompanied by a completed LDB Form 60 and the form must be submitted to show management upon product delivery. We thank you for your cooperation in this matter, these regulations have been in the LCB books since the inception of the SOL program, but have only recently become an absolute requirement. 3|P a g e SECURITY & YOUR DUTY/OBLIGATION AS A LIQUOR VENDOR/AGENT BC Place will provide security guards at the entrance to the show who will provide ageverified tamper-proof wristbands to customers who will be sampling , so you need not worry about underage patrons, HOWEVER, it is your duty and obligation under the Liquor Control Act, as an agent, you may NOT serve anyone who seems to be, or about to be intoxicated. Please be extremely careful and diligent as it gets close to closing time as problem drinkers will be attempting to binge at this time. All sampling must stop 15 minutes prior to show closing. The times are posted at top of this document. SHOW MANAGEMENT Fulcrum Events Inc. 508 Lawrence Ave West Suite 201 Toronto ON M3A 1A1 Director of Operations Chris Seeney Ext 134 Operations Specialist, Events Heather MacAulay Telephone: Fax: Toll Free Phone: Web-site: 416-504-0504 416-256-3002 1-866-688-0504 www.eat-vancouver.com 4|P a g e
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