Application for Space May 16, 2015 8am-1pm *** Please print legibly---must be filled out completely*** Name Address City State ZIP Phone E-mail @ Requested number of spaces: $30.00 each = *****Please note: Full payment must accompany application.***** Space size is aprox 9ft x 18ft We cannot promise an exact location. All spaces are sold on a first come, first reserved basis. Space layout is subject to change based on demand or at the event organizers discretion. Breakdown cannot begin before 1pm and space must be cleared of all items by 3pm. What type of items will be for sale? Household items Product or Service ( This includes any home-based business such as Mary Kay,Avon,etc.) Please list type of business PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU RESERVE SPACE Space Location cannot be guaranteed Electricity is not available. Space cannot be reserved without full payment The event is held May 16, 2015 with a rain out date of June 6, 2015. If event is moved to rain out date, event will be held rain or shine. Once a space is paid and reserved no refund will be given. No exhibitor may sell: Firearms,weapons,knives, adult ent, or live animals. In no event will The McClatchy Company or its organizers be responsible for injury, loss or damage to your property occasioned by theft or other insurable casualty pertaining to this event. Cash (do not send cash through the mail, cash payment may be paid 8:30-5 M-F at 100 Midland Ave, Lex KY) Check or Money order enclosed ***Make payable to Lexington Herald-Leader*** Mail contract with payment to Herald-Leader, 100 Midland Ave. LEX KY 40508 ATTN: B Jarvis Credit Card (If paying by credit card, call 859-231-1460. For security, please do not include your credit card number on this form. Credit card payment are subject to approval.) Herald-Leader Use only Date Application received _______________ Method of payment________________ Requested number of spaces_____________ Space #'s________________________ Notes:______________________________________________________________________ LOCATION The Lexington Herald-Leader parking lots, 100 Midland Ave, Lexington, (corner of Main & Midland, across from Thoroughbred Park) Parking during the event is available in the rear parking lot. SET UP & MOVE-IN Saturday, May 16 Move-in 6am-7:30am. Vehicles must be moved to the rear parking area by 7:30am. Do not come earlier. Spaces are approximately 9’ x 18’. You may bring tables or displays. All your items must be contained in your space. If you do not keep items in your allotted space, you will be charged $30 for another booth rental. Check in at the Exhibitor Desk before you move in and you will be given your exact booth number and passes. REGISTRATION Please check in at the exhibitor desk on Saturday to receive your booth location and passes. Each booth purchased comes with four passes, one for you and three complimentary passes. You must have your pass to come in and out of the gate. Once you have signed for and received your passes, they cannot be replaced. The staff at the gate will not know if you are a vendor and you or anyone assisting you in your booth will have to pay admission to return to the sale. If you have more than 3 people helping in your booth, they will have to purchase an admission ticket on Saturday when the gates open. IMPORTANT: You will be given your passes at the Exhibitor Desk when you check in before you set up. It is your responsibility to distribute the passes to anyone who will be helping you on the day of the event. Passes cannot be held at the admission entrance to pick up at a later time. ADVERTISED EVENT HOURS SATURDAY, MAY 16, 8:00AM-1:00PM You must occupy your space at all time. The Lexington Herald-Leader and The McClatchy Company are not responsible for loss or damage to any items during the event or because your space was left unattended. Cedar Lake Lodge will be on hand to take away any unsold/unwanted items after the sale. MOVE-OUT SATURDAY MAY 16, 1:00PM-3:00PM. Your space must be clean by 3:00pm. By 3pm, NOTHING should be in your space. You will be charged a removal fee for any items left in your space. TRASH CANS at the show are for visitor trash, NOT the items you didn’t sell. Do not throw out unsold items in the trash cans. NOTE: NO SPACE/EXHIBIT MAY BE DISMANTLED, in whole or in part, BEFORE 1:00pm SATURDAY. The ticket booth will be open and visitors will be attending the show until 1pm. It is not fair to the visitors to see booths taken down before the 1:00pm time advertised. (If people stop coming and it looks like the crowds have died down, Yard Sale volunteers will alert you if the admission gates close before the advertised time. If you are told you can begin to dismantle before 1:00pm, DO NOT bring your vehicle to the gate before 1:00pm and park at entrance. Even if we stop selling tickets, the entrance will not open to vehicles before the 1pm advertised time. QUESTIONS? Call Barbara Jarvis at 859-231-1460 or email Exhibitor Move-in– Important information No cars or trucks can be driven to your space except at the allotted time. IMPORTANT: Please unload your items and immediately move your vehicle out of the area. There is limited space for people to move in with trucks and cars. Please be considerate of other vendors and unload quickly and then move vehicle out of the area, then return to set up your space. Just as you like the convenience of unloading your vehicle next to your booth, all the other vendors would like the same opportunity. NO DOLLIES OR HAND CARTS WILL BE AVAILABLE. When you move in on Saturday, you may only drive up to your booth between 6:00am-7:00am. ALL VEHICLES MUST BE CLEARED FROM THE AREA BY 7:30am. Due to safety issues no vehicles will be allowed to enter the grounds after 7:30 am. Vendor Passes and Security All yard sale participants must have a yard sale vendor pass. Each booth purchased comes with 4 passes, one for you and three for anyone helping you at your booth or guests. If you have more than 3 people helping in your booth, they will have to purchase an admission ticket on Saturday when the gates open. IMPORTANT: You will be given your passes at the Exhibitor Desk when you check in before you move in. It is your responsibility to distribute the passes to anyone who will be helping you on the day of the event. Passes cannot be held at the admission entrance to pick up at a later time. During move-in, all yard sale areas are blocked to people entering without a badge. You are asked to take precautions in guarding your exhibit. During the sale, your exhibit should never be left unattended. It is up to you to exercise prudent judgment and to safeguard your personal property and belongings. Hand carry small, valuable items to your booth Saturday morning. The McClatchy Company or the Lexington Herald-Leader are not responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged items during the event. What can you sell, what can’t you sell? You can sell almost anything except: • No firearms or weapons including knives of any kind may be sold at the show. • No live animals of any kind may be sold or given away at the show. • No adult entertainment items of any type; this is a family event. • No alcoholic beverages are allowed on the premises to sell or for personal consumption. Rain Date Information If it rains, and we need to move the show to the rain date, then move-in is as follows: Sat, June 6, Move-in 6:00am-7:30am Unsure about the rain date? We will contact you if the show has been moved to the rain date because of weather. REMEMBER: Rain date is only used if there is a major storm. The event will be held if there are showers or sprinkles. Once the event is open to the public and admissions tickets are sold, no refunds or credit for the 2015 yard sale will be issued for any reason, including inclement weather. Yard Sale Important Tips Money – Make sure you have plenty of cash and coin on hand to make change for all your sales. The Herald-Leader won’t be able to make change for you, so come prepared. People will probably be coming to the show hoping to use checks, credit cards or cash. What you accept is up to you. On large items, you may want to accept checks but get driver’s license information, etc. The Herald-Leader is not responsible for any checks or credit cards that have been declined. Pricing – It is entirely up to you what you want to charge for your items. Have prices clearly marked with stickers or tags on your items. You can always negotiate prices, but having items marked makes it easier on you. No early birds – The show opens at 8:00am, not a minute before then. You may have visitors trying to purchase things from you before the show (as you’re moving in) since we anticipate them arriving before the show starts. Plastic covering – Have some plastic covering on hand in case there are showers or sprinkles. You can get plastic covering or a tarp at any home improvement store or at Wal-Mart, Kmart, etc. PARKING While most businesses around The Herald-Leader may be closed, there are some that will be open. Please respect those businesses by not parking in their lots. Unless the business owner has given you prior permission, they have the option to have your vehicle towed at your expense. There will be parking available for vendors in Parking Lot B (at the rear entrance on Midland Ave) of The Herald-Leader. Main Street Parking Lot A Yard Sale reserved spaces Check In Lexington Herald Leader Midland Avenue Indiana Avenue Come to Lot A for booth location and passes Parking Lot B Yard Sale Exhibitor Parking
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