1 EL CAMINO ACADEMY Weekly Bulletin Issue #34 – 30 | Friday, April 24, 2015 eca.edu.co bulletin@eca.edu.co This week’s bulletin is not interactive. Links may need to be copied. All School News National Honor Society Induction Ten new members were inducted into the National Honor Society this Tuesday, joining the 4 current members. Jesuah Cordero Current Members: Daniel Frank YeJae Kim María Camila Moreno Ximena Pérez Pablo Bautista Margarita Pinzón Vanessa No Sarah Suárez Julián Herrera Pablo Trujillo Alessandro Uribe Franco Uribe María Alejandra Yepes The National Honor Society was founded in 1921 as an organization to recognize and encourage academic achievement while also developing other characteristics essential to productive citizens. These ideals of scholarship, character, service, and leadership remain as necessary and relevant today. Now, more than 90 years later, NHS has become a prestigious or- Elle Carlson, HS Social Studies teacher and a member of the NHS, gave a challenging keynote speech. ganization, ranking high among administrators, faculty members, parents, and colleges across the United States. Membership is both an honor and a commitment. Our new inductees, along with our 4 current members, pledged to uphold the high purpose of the NHS: I will be true to the principles for which it stands. I will be loyal to my school and maintain and encourage service, leadership, and character. I pledge to maintain high scholastic standing, to hold as fundamental and worthy an untarnished character, to endeavor intelligently and courageously to be a leader, and to give of myself freely in service to others. In so doing, I shall prove myself worthy of a place in the National Honor Society. 2 Did You Know? The following Faculty and Staff are members of the National Honor Society: Beth Afanador Laura Beach Elle Carlson Brittney Diesel de Morales Hannah Gravitt Annie Johnson Jennifer Johnson Glenda Moyer Rachel Osborn Liz Paddock de Parada AnnElise Pate Johanna Reina Mark Rogers Sarah Trussell Melody Walker de Vidal Joshua Wright Megan Yohe Flag Raising PK Congratulations to these students who were honored this morning for their extra support of ¡Celebremos a Colombia! K 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th The class and final Spelling Bees are coming up during the week of May 11-15 for 1st - 8th grades! Word lists were sent home before spring break and are available on the ECA website, under School Life / Resources. Parents, please help your children prepare for this academic competition. No Bulletin Next Week 8th Next Friday is a holiday, and there will be NO bulletin that day. Our next bulletin will be Friday, May 8. 9th Employment: Seeking a Multi-Media Technician ECA is seeking a multi-media technician. Qualified applicants can send a résumé to: human.resources@eca.edu.co. 10th 11th 12th 3 Praise Prayer For Angela Barba (Art/Social Service) as she started iodine therapy this morning to combat her thyroid cancer. She will be out for 1 week in total isolation. Pray for strength, as she tires very easily. If you would like to send her a note or food, contact the office. For Elise Azevedo, a possible HS principal for 20152016 who is hopefully making a decision within a week whether she will join our ECA team or not. She is currently in Lisbon, Portugal and has served in Vietnam and other countries and we feel she would be a great addition to our team. For the splendid time many had at the two festivities today: ¡Celebremos a Colombia! and Spring Festival! A lot of hard work went into each event, and good lessons were learned throughout. For our needed teachers/staff for 2015-2016: kinder or 3rd grade, MS math/computers, HS science, Learning Center specialist, guidance counselor and HS principal For our new SENA worker, Claudia Valencia, who started this week. She will be with us for 6 months, supporting Community Care and especially Human Resources. Please welcome her! For our new teachers as they get ready to come down this summer: Hannah Anderson (Kinder or 3rd), Rachel Shine (MS English/Social Studies), John Dougherty (MS Bible), and Zach Dalton (Educational Psychologist). They have a lot of logistics to work out for an international move, including raising support. For those of our teachers who are leaving ECA and returning to the U.S. this summer: Mark Rogers, Joshua Wright, Carrie Bergmann, Geneva Gooch, Kelly & Heidi Boyle, and Hannah Gravitt. Pray for their transition, for them to finish well, and for jobs/new doors of ministry for those who are still seeking the Lord’s direction. For the student teachers the Lord is sending us next year. Lisa Polillo will be in MS in August, Amanda Lincoln in Pre-K in Oct, and Carly Detzner (5th) and Aaron Hultstrand (secondary math) will join us in the spring. Be praying for them in their preparations and time with us. For the 5 years that Martha Ortiz has served on our ECA office team in different capacities. We are thankful for her sweet spirit, her gift of serving, her initiative, and her desire for excellence. We pray God will bless and use her as she moves on to her new job! For Katie Zevallos, a science teacher coming down to volunteer end of July to help with summer school during Teacher Orientation. Congratulations to Josué & Sarah (Lindberg) Bográn, married in October, on their news that a future member of the family is on the way! Sarah, who taught high school English at ECA last year, is due around November 30. 4 Registration for 2015-16 If you have not finished your Online Registration by midnight tonight, there is a fine to do it later. When this article was getting ready for publication yesterday, we had 97 families still not registered. See the list at the right. Put these on-campus registration dates (below) on your calendar. Be sure to pay matriculation and bring your receipt to ECA on Registration Day, when you sign your documents. Regular Registration Dates Wed, June 10: New students 7:00a to noon Thu, June 11: Returning Families A - N 7:00a to noon Fri, June 12: Returning Families O - Z 7:00a to noon 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Alvarez Alvira Anento Aristizabal Avila Bartel Bejarano Bernal Beltrán Bernhard Berrios Campos Cañas Arboleda Cañas Escobar Cancelada Cárdenas Manrique Cárdenas Zipa Cardona Waldthausen Cardona Sanjuanelo Castro Bedoya Cordero Dager Díaz Cañas Fernández Figueredo Forero Martinez Forero Velásquez Frantz García Martínez Garzón Gómez Turner González Granados Green Grijalba Guzmán Nikkel Hanson 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. Hernández Gómez Hoyos Jiménez Jones Kang Kolar Landínez Lizarazo Lugo Marín Mayorga Medina Mendoza Moreno Muñoz Moreno Daza Moreno Granada Muñoz Bueno Muñoz Robles Navarro Lozada Obando Orjuela Ortíz Pachón Páez Parada Pardo Parroquiano Patiño Pava Peña Peñaloza Pérez Chica Pérez Jaimes Pinzón López Pinzón Martínez Preciado 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. Quijano Ramírez Murcia Ramírez Restrepo Ramírez Salamanca Ramos Sandoval Rangel Recio Rojas Rueda Samosir Santiago Sepúlveda Sieber Silva López Soper Suárez Ramirez Talero Trujillo Parra Turk Uribe Vargas Fonseca Vargas Galvis Vargas Montenegro Vásquez Vergara 5 Staff Day Celebration Last Friday we celebrated Staff Day with a lunch at nearby restaurant Hacienda La Margarita. We thank the Lord for our 32 staff who support our academic team and His faithfulness exhibited in their lives. Teacher Day Celebration Friday, May 15 is a half day to celebrate Teachers’ Day. The Board has invited our teachers to a special lunch and tour at Nemocón Salt Mine. We encourage all families and students to write an email or card the second week of May to the teachers that you have appreciated this year. Words of encouragement are so special to our hard-working teachers! 6 PTF Class Rep Breakfast Fundraising If you would like to help the Fundraising committee, we invite you for coffee this Mon, April 27 at 7:30a at Jacques Bakery, Calle 109 #15-48. RSVP by noon this Sat, April 25): fundraising@eca.edu.co. If you don’t confirm your plans to be there, please do not just show up – we need a head count in advance. The PTF Steering Committee invites all the class representatives to a breakfast on Thu, May 21 at 7:45 am to: Give input to the PTF Steering Committee Help plan activities for the Opening Day Picnic Get updated on ECA news. Mark your calendars, and confirm your attendance by writing PTF@eca.edu.co. No Car Day This Week Thanks to Lobena Transportation we were able to open five new van routes on No Car Day this week, accommodating those who needed rides to and from school. In total we transported an additional 100 people, counting students and staff. We give a Way to Go! to those who rode bikes to school. Those who used public transportation reported there were no problems that day. 7 Summer Vacation Bible School - VBS ECA is offering two special summer programs for students in PK - 6th grade. Program #1 – June WHEN: COST: TEAM: FOCUS: 8:00am-12:30, Tues-Fri, June 16-19 (4 days) $40.000 for ECA families / $60.000 for non-ECA families; transportation is an additional $64.000 A special team led by teens from Annapolis Christian School in Maryland, where our former academic director, Bob McCollum, is currently the HS principal. These 4 days will be full of fun activities that encourage everyone to walk closer to God. Though it will be in English, this is not an English class – but it will be an excellent time of practicing English with native speakers! Program #2 – July/Aug WHEN: COST: TEAM: FOCUS: 8:00am-12:30, Wed, July 29 - Wed, Aug 5 (6 days) $60.000 – only for ECA families; transportation is an additional $96.000 A special team led by missionaries and selected ECA alumni/students These 6 days will be perfect for getting ready to speak English at ECA again. Spots are limited so pay at the cashier’s window to save your spot! 8 Elementary Do what is right, because it is right, even when no one is looking. Lower Elementary Upper Elementary Chapel The 2nd grade class led the chapel this week. Their focus was that doing one small thing for someone else will begin a chain of more small things that will make everything better. Their slogan was “I will follow God’s way,” to choose to do what is right, and in this way make our world a better place. Chapel We continue studying the life of Esther through the VeggieTales video. We are identifying the main characters and their actions, whether positive or negative. Ask your child what s/he is learning! 9 Secondary Library Contest for Parents! Parents, YOU can encourage your students during finals week! To enter this contest, borrow, read, and return one ECA Library book by Tue, May 19. Freshly baked Deep Chocolate Crunch cookies will be delivered to all 7th - 12th grade classes in which 15 or more parents have read an ECA Library book by May 19. Contest is open to all parents of students in 7th - 12th grades. Go, parents!! Job Shadow Day To help our 11th and 12th graders learn more about their career of interest, we are planning a “Job Shadow” day on Fri, May 15. We are currently looking for parents in many different fields of study who are willing to allow an ECA student to spend a half or full day with them on the job. For more information, contact Johanna Reina at college.counselor@eca.edu.co . High School Lock-In Back by popular demand, the HS lock-in is next Thu, April 30! Permission slips and registration fee ($10.000) are to be turned in at the cashier’s window by this Mon, April 27 at 3:00p. Remember to bring a Nerf gun and anything you might need for a night of really fun games and hanging out with your friends. What better way to kick off your 3-day weekend than by staying up all night having fun?! T4:8 Outing The T4:8 outing to Macadamia in La Mesa was an awesome and stretching experience for everyone. Praise God for safety, great weather, and an amazing experience where students were physically and spiritually challenged as they learned that godly leadership starts and ends with trusting God and His Word. 10 Upcoming Events Wed, Apr 29 Registration to visit the University of Los Andes UNIANDES closes today, Fri, April 24. 8:00a 3:00p. Click here to register with UNIANDES. Also, click the link below to register in ECA’s Google doc. Please pray for all of our seniors as they enter the final steps of their college decisions. College Visits this Week 11th grade families are highly encouraged to set up an appointment with Mrs. Reina to discuss college plans. The Council of International Schools - CIS Tour was a true success this last Monday. Selected ECA students visited with reps from 25 colleges at Colegio Nogales and gathered some very good information. ECA was invited to Colegio Anglo Colombiano this Monday to meet with reps from Vanderbilt, Northwestern and Cornell Universities. What a fun time with the students, and a big thanks goes to Hannah Gravitt and Megan Yohe, Vanderbilt alumni who participated in the event and represented Vandi/ECA. Thu, May 7 Harvard University, University of Pennsylvania, Stanford University, Duke University, and Georgetown University reps will all be at Colegio Nueva Granada on Thu, May 7 from 7:00p to 9:00. This is a private event and ECA has been invited to participate. 9th, 10th and 11th grade families are welcome, if they meet the requirements. Students must: Be strong academically - GPA 3.5 or higher Attend with parents Register with Mrs. Reina to be on the ECA Participant list. Fri, May 8 ECA will be hosting a college fair from 8:00 – 10:00a. Parents and guests are welcome. To register for either of the first two events above, click here http://goo.gl/0Hww8n and select the tab for the event. 11 Martinez Scholarship Thomas and Paula Martinez established a scholarship to reward students who are graduating from El Camino Academy for their strong leadership and scholastic achievement, and to encourage them to pursue God’s calling to fulfill their dreams by attending college. This scholarship is open to all graduating seniors who meet the stated qualifications: Application deadline: Sun, May 10 Requirements: 1. Graduating senior from El Camino Academy 2. Completed application 3. Photo 4. Biographical sketch 5. Letter of acceptance from a college 6. Copy of transcript 7. Letter of recommendation This is a merit scholarship and selections will be based on students’ scholastic achievement and their demonstrated leadership. If numerous applicants have equal qualifications, need-base will be a determining factor in the final selection. The final recipients will be determined by the Martinez Family. Students will be awarded $500 - $1,000 USD to be used at their discretion for college expenses. These recipients will be announced at the senior award banquet. Students must e-mail their complete applications to Mrs. Johanna Reina at college.couselor@eca.edu.co by Sun, May 10. Click here for the Application. 12 HS Library Contest To win, choose 21 titles from the library shelves and weave those titles into a short story of 250 words or less. Read one of the 21 books. Further details available in the library. Your story will be judged as to how meaningfully the book titles are incorporated into what you write. It will also be expected to show correct use of grammar and spelling. Entries must be submitted by Fri, May 22. Contestants must be high school students. Both individuals and groups may participate. Five entries required for contest to take place. Photo shoot winner(s) will be sent to OpusStudio, where they will be photographed in a variety of settings, in both black and white and color. At the end of the session, they will choose their five favorite shots for professional enhancement. Model United Nations at UniSabana Weekly training continues for our ECA students in preparation for the Model United Nations (MUN) at UniSabana Fri – Sun, May 1 - 3. There are only 3 delegates (due to conflict with the SAT) and 6 middle school floor runners training for one more Saturday at Universidad de La Sabana’s School of Law and School of Political Science. Required Extra Study Hall All HS students with grades lower than 70% in any subject will be required to have an extra study hall this coming Tue, April 28 from 3:00 – 5:00p. Students can check their grades in RenWeb, and notifications to both students and parents will be emailed home on Monday. Exceptions must be approved by the teacher or the HS Principal. ... 13 HS Lost & Found The following items have been reported as missing this school year and as far as we know, have not been returned to their owners. If you have any information about any of these, contact the ECA office. Parents, if you know of something else missing but have never reported it, have your students fill out the appropriate form. Date missing Item 9/23/2014 Wallet, light blue and green, with $20.000 9/9/2014 3 gray ECA shirts Apple charger, in good condition 10/24/2014 Apple charger, white 10/24/2014 Apple earphones, white 1/26/2015 Apple earphones, white (new/clean) 2/26/2015 Nikon camera charger 2/27/2015 TI-Nspire CAS, black graphic calculator, Serial # 2689000-142 P-121OI 3/27/2015 Comforter, yellow on one side, squares on the other 3/27/2015 6th Grade Visited La Luz del Mundo I love going to La Luz del Mundo. The kids are nice and very fun. I like seeing them so happy and running fast and being crazy. I learned that I have a lot of blessings and sometimes I don't see it. I hope I feel the same someday and grow in Christ. David Garzón, 6th 14 Results: Week of April 20-24 Mon: Tue: Wed: Staff defeated 9th 3 - 0 (guys) 10th/Staff defeated 11th 2 - 1 in overtime (girls) 11th defeated Staff 2 - 0 (guys) The HS guys’ championship will be played on Tue and Wed, May 5 and 6. Tournament Schedule: Week of April 27-30 Mon: 10th v 12th Guys Tue: 9th v 11th Guys Wed: 10th v Staff Guys Thu: 9th v 12th Guys Upcoming Championship Game Sports! Soccer Tournaments Congratulations to the 10th/Staff team, champions of the HS girls soccer tournament! They defeated 11th grade in the finals 2-1 (overtime) to earned a Papa John’s pizza party and bragging rights until next year’s tournament! Congratulations to all the high school girls for a great tournament! Missing from photo: Cristina Rueda and Sara Bartel 15 Classified Ads Classified ads can be requested by current and former families and staff, and are due 12:00 noon Wednesdays. They will run for 1 week unless otherwise requested. Vendo Casa Ubicación vía Bogotá Melgar a 69 kilómetros y 4 kilómetros antes del peaje de Chinauta, por la entrada de Solaire. Lote con 1584 metros cuadrados Casa 216 metros totalmente construida. Tiempo de construcción de casa 8 meses. Primer piso cocina, sala comedor, zona de ropa independiente, 2 alcobas, una con baño principal y baño auxiliar. Segundo piso tres habitaciones, una con baño privado y aire acondicionado, un baño auxiliar, estudio y espacio para sala star. Tercer piso terraza para BBQ. Resumen de casa: 5 Habitaciones todas con closet de piso a techo, 4 baños, estudio, sala de star, sala comedor, espacio para cocina integral, terraza y tanques de agua para reserva. Servicios públicos: energía, agua de Chinauta para riego y de Fusagasuga para consumo, pozo séptico. Todo el lote está con cerca de piedra, malla, corriente eléctrica y cerca viva de limoncillo. Siembra reciente de 10 árboles frutales, jardín interno y externo. Casa para cuidandero con una habitación, cocina, sala comedor y baño. Dos pesebreras modernas. Precio $750’000.000 millones negociables, venta o permuta la permuta por inmueble bien ubicado en Bogotá. Informes Henry Franco 314-237-12 12 ó 520-2092 Padre de Josué David Franco, 2º grado Mas Imágenes Aquí http://goo.gl/5X15ZC Informes Colombia: Elias Mendoza at elias@dburecruiter.com 16 Classified Ads Classified ads can be requested by current and former families and staff, and are due 12:00 noon Wednesdays. They will run for 1 week unless otherwise requested. INFORMACION DE CLEC CONGRESO DE LIDERAZGO ESTUDIANTIL CRISTIANO Preparados Para La Conquista Quienes Pueden Asistir: Directivos, docentes, alumnos y exalumnos de colegios cristianos OBED A NIVEL NACIONAL Lote Eje Cafetero en Condominio 1.857 m2. Para construir casa quinta. Apartamento en condominio para vacacionar o arrendar a 3 km. de Melgar, Valle de los Lanceros Apartamento Cartagena, Hotel Sonesta: semanas compartidas (4 al año) cerca al Hotel Las Américas. Informes al 310 5515768 o 6 736897, Katy Rojas. Cuando: Sábado 2 de Mayo de 8:00 a.m. -6:00 p.m. Donde: Colegio Cristiano Semilla de Vida, Calle 1F Nº 31-11 Barrio Santa Isabel. Inversión: $30.000 Incluye Plenarias, Talleres, Almuerzo, Refrigerios y material. Información: PBX. 2774511 Ext. 101. Recepción Colegio Cristiano Semilla de Vida Cel. 3102230262 Profesora Diana Torres. 17 18
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