ECA Weekly Bulletin Issue #34-31 | Click here to see the school calendar for this month Main News Elementary Secondary FRI May 8 Main News Job Shadow Day Spelling Bee The final Spelling Bees are coming up next week, May 14-15, for 1st - 8th graders! Congratulations to the finalists from the classes that have already held their class spelling bees. The other class spelling bees, to determine five finalists who will represent their classes in the final Spelling Bee, will be held next Monday and Tuesday. To help our 11th and 12th graders learn more about their career of interest, we are planning a “Job Shadow” day next Fri, May 15. We are still looking for parents in different fields of study who are willing to allow an ECA student to spend a half or full day with them on the job. For more information, contact Johanna Reina at . The schedule for the Final Spelling Bees is as follows: Is Your Child Full of Energy? Parents are invited to attend and cheer on the participants! The 1st and 2nd place winners for each level will receive a special lunch at McDonald’s on Thursday, May 21, from 12:00-1:30. Hope for Nepal Thanks to everyone who participated, Tuesday’s 5th grade bake sale raised over $500.000 for the ACSI school in Kathmandu, Nepal! We will be sending the money electronically to the school, grateful that RCE already set up a money transfer online – that makes it easy. In chapel this week Aidyn Turk, who helped organize the event, was awarded a mock check for the final amount the school raised to send to Nepal. OBED is hosting a special all-day seminar (8am - 4pm) on Sat, May 23 at ECA for those who live with or teach children with ADHD (in Spanish TDAH). The special speaker is Liana Moguel, an ECA mom who is a nurse and certified to work as a consultant with those with ADHD. She has worked for over 30 years with children, teens and adults with ADHD, both here in Colombia and in the U.S., and she herself as well as several close family members have ADHD. Cost is only $40.000 and includes lunch. ECA points will be given for those who attend. Register by contacting Inés Rodriguez at or 320-230-7480. For more information in Spanish, click here. “Absent Father” Workshop All families are welcome to join our staff for a workshop directed at helping children who don’t have positive father figures regularly in their home due to death, separation, divorce, or excessive travel/ministry. We will meet in the MPR on Fri, May 15 at 7:00a with JUCUM missionary Steve Bartel, and translation into Spanish will be available. ECA points will be given for those who attend. ECA Weekly Bulletin Issue #34-31 | Click here to see the school calendar for this month Main News Elementary Secondary FRI May 8 Main News ¡Celebremos a Colombia! This year’s event was focused on the diversity and richness of the Colombian culture, and students clearly enjoyed participating in the various activities. They had the opportunity to show their talents and knowledge about Colombian idiosyncrasies. Parents and families witnessed cultural expressions and pride in experiencing them. Praise & Prayer Praise • For this past semester of help we have received from Jason Stephens and Jeff Hubbard. The two days each week where they so faithfully served our students were a blessing. We pray that the next chapter of their lives as they study at Biola University in California will be full of learning. Our ECA students were privileged to have their input. • For Angela Barba (Art) as she’s back at school after her iodine therapy 2 weeks ago. She is doing very well and gaining strength daily. • For Sol Pérez’s (ECA Nurse) release from Clínica Palermo this week. Her diverticulitis seems to be subsiding and she is feeling much better. It looks like she will not need surgery. • For the 3 years Adriana Aguilera has served ECA as our school psychologist. She has blessed many students, parents and staff members, and we pray that God will guide her greatly in this next chapter of her life as she finishes her commitment here. • For the 2½ years Johanna Reina has served ECA as our college counselor. She has been instrumental in helping many of our students find a good match for future education as well as helping scout out scholarship opportunities. We pray that she and her family will have 4 wonderful years in Chile as her husband seeks his doctorate, and we hope to have her back soon. • For the expected arrival of the Morales Diesel baby boy end of August! • For Joseph Hawkins, our HS Principal in 2013-14, who will be starting law school at Northwestern University in Chicago this fall. Prayer • We have several of our staff involved in providing professional development for other teachers this weekend. Sarah Trussell is at an OBED convention in Cartagena giving 3 different workshops, and Glenn and Glenda Moyer, Melody Vidal and Beth Afanador are in Villavicencio giving workshops to teachers and another set to parents. Pray for good communication and loving challenges. • For Sulgui Vanessa No (12th), as she had emergency surgery to remove her appendix Wednesday night. She’s doing well. • For Flavio Uribe’s (HS Math) knee surgery today, and for a good recovery • For Alejandro Valbuena’s (PE) family after the death of his father-in-law on Wednesday • For Giomar Mendez’s (Operations) sister, who is fighting cancer and is at home where they are trying to keep her comfortable; for support for all her family during this difficult time. • For Zayde Lopez’s (4th Aide) father that had surgery this Wednesday for colon cancer. ECA Weekly Bulletin Issue #34-31 | Click here to see the school calendar for this month Main News Elementary Secondary FRI May 8 Main News Parent Workshops Spring Festival Statistics Praise the Lord we had a beautiful spring day last April 24. We had 82% of our ECA families attend 21 game booths for fun!! 13 stands from families offering products or services Money raised by grades: Money Raised by the PTF: in May Mark your calendars for two simultaneous workshops on Tue/Wed, May 19/20 7:45 – 9:15a. ECA points will be given for those who attend. Translation will be available. 1. Learn about the College Process on Different Continents: My son or daughter wants to study in Europe or perhaps Asia, how could I help and when do we start? By Johanna Reina (Career Counselor) 2. Teaching your Child Social Skills: Do your children have trouble getting along with others or with you? Do you tell them to stop doing something, but they keep on doing it? Learn to understand and teach your children the skills we wish to see. By Geneva Gooch (Special Education) Employment Opportunities ECA is seeking a multi-media technician. Qualified applicants can send a résumé to . ECA Weekly Bulletin Issue #34-31 | Click here to see the school calendar for this month Main News Elementary Secondary FRI May 8 Main News Summer Vacation Bible School--VBS Teacher Day Celebration / Half Day Friday, May 15 ECA will be celebrating Teacher Day, and students will have a half day of classes in their honor so that the Board can treat the teachers to a special lunch and tour at Nemocón Salt Mine. All students must be picked up by 12:15 since teachers and teacher aides will be leaving ECA and supervision will not be available. Take advantage of this opportunity to bless your children’s teacher with a note of thanks! Library Year-end information from the library: • All books and materials must be returned by Thu, May 28. • Patrons whose accounts are cleared may begin borrowing books again on Mon, June 1. • The library will not be lending books May 18-29. • In order to receive report cards on Sat, June 6, all fines and debts owed the library must be taken care of. This includes Lost & Found fines. PTF Class Rep Breakfast The PTF Steering Committee invites all the class representatives to a breakfast on Thu, May 21 at 7:45 am to: • Give input to the PTF Steering Committee • Help plan activities for the Opening Day Picnic • Get updated on ECA news. Mark your calendars, and confirm your attendance by writing . ECA is offering two special summer programs for students in PK - 6th grade. Program #1 - June WHEN: COST: 8:00a - 12:30, Tue - Fri, June 16 - 19 (4 days) $40.000 for ECA families/$60.000 for non-ECA families; transportation is an additional $64.000 A special team led by teens from Annapolis Christian TEAM: School in Maryland, where our former academic director, Bob McCollum, is currently the HS principal These 4 days will be full of fun activities that encourage FOCUS: everyone to walk closer to God. Though it will be in English, this is not an English class – but it will be an excellent time of practicing English with native speakers! Program #2 - July/August 8:00a - 12:30, Wed, July 29 - Wed, Aug 5 (6 days) WHEN: $60.000 – only for ECA families; transportation is an COST: additional $96.000 A special team led by missionaries and selected ECA TEAM: alumni/students These 6 days will be perfect for getting ready to speak FOCUS: English at ECA again. Spots are limited so pay at the cashier’s to save your spot! Schedule for Last Week of School The last 2 weeks of school will have the following start and end times: ECA Weekly Bulletin Issue #34-31 | Click here to see the school calendar for this month Main News Elementary Secondary FRI May 8 Main News Fundraising Registration for 2015-16: ECA Spaces If you are not planning to be here next year, it would help us plan better if you would inform the ECA office. At this time, according to our records, there are still spaces available for the following grades: 2nd, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th. Missionary families and native English speaking students will be considered for spaces in other classes. On-Campus Registration Dates June 10: Families with New Students - 7:00 to 12:00 noon June 11: Returning Families A-N - 7:00 to 12:00 noon June 12: Returning Families O-Z - 7:00 to 12:00 noon After-School Activities Family Points Congratulations to the 126 families who have completed their family points – that’s 65% of our families. 69 families are still short on points and there are not many opportunities left to earn points this late in the year. Take advantage of upcoming workshops and prayer meetings. For any points still missing at the end of the year, you will need to pay a proportionate amount of the Complementary Parent Activities Fee ($300.000) by the Year-End Celebration on Sat, June 6. Report cards will also be held until these points are earned or this fee is paid. The last week for all after-school activities is May 18-22, which means that most activities will have met 14 times this semester. The commitment was for 12 classes, but 14 were scheduled, knowing that some classes would be canceled for various reasons. ECA Weekly Bulletin Issue #34-31 | Click here to see the school calendar for this month Main News Elementary Secondary FRI FRI Nov 78 May Elementary Elementary Chapel “Do what is right, because it is right, even when no one is looking.” Upper Elementary Members of the ECA Amazon Team shared their experience on their Easter week mission trip during chapel last week. Students got to see pictures of Guanabara III and hear touching stories of how our school served the Tikunas. It was also fun to see action pictures of the two members of the medical brigade who are elementary parents! Most importantly, our students got a taste of what missions can be like in Colombia, not in faraway China or Africa, and how they can participate in sharing God’s love. In chapel this week we asked, “Why do we do what is right? Is it for selfish reasons or because we love Jesus?” 3rd grade shared the parable of the Prodigal Son, focusing on the attitude of the older brother. He did what was right, but he didn’t have a good attitude. 3rd grade students shared original stories about times they have or have not done what is right and what lessons they learned from these situations, and ended with a song some students wrote to remind us to always do what is right by applying the “stop, think, decide, and do” process. Lower Elementary Students continue learning about the story of Queen Esther. Last week’s focus was on how Esther didn’t really want to be queen but she was obedient to God, without even knowing what He was asking her to do. Students discovered that God had a plan for Queen Esther all along and was preparing her for a special purpose. We are focusing this week on what that purpose is! ECA Weekly Bulletin Issue #34-31 | Click here to see the school calendar for this month Main News Elementary Secondary FRI May 8 Secondary Viviane Morales This Thu, May 14, our high school students are going to Colegio Cristiano Semilla de Vida. Senator Viviane Morales will be giving a challenge to a large group of secondary students from around the city to be academically excellent if they are going to have an impact on society. HS Lock-In The HS lock-in was a great start to the 3-day weekend! Students had fun and some even got a little bit of sleep. Thanks to everyone who worked hard to make it possible! HS Library Contest Make a memory with your friends! Win a professional 40-minute photo shoot! To win, choose 21 titles from the library shelves and weave those titles into a short story of 250 words or less. Read one of the 21 books. Further details available in the library. Your story will be judged as to how meaningfully the book titles are incorporated into what you write. It will also be expected to show correct use of grammar and spelling. Entries must be submitted by Fri, May 22. Contestants must be high school students. Both individuals and groups may participate. Five entries required for the contest to take place. Photo shoot winner/s will be sent to OpusStudio, where they will be photographed in a variety of settings, in both color and black and white. At the end of the session, they will choose their five favorite shots for professional enhancement. Library Contest for Parents! Parents, YOU can encourage your students during finals week! To enter this contest, borrow, read, and return one ECA Library book by Tue, May 19. Freshly baked Deep Chocolate Crunch cookies will be delivered to all 7th - 12th grade classes in which 15 or more parents have read an ECA Library book by May 19. Contest is open to all parents of students in 7th - 12th grades. Go, parents! HS Lost and Found A pair of glasses has been reported as missing since the last list was published. If you have any information about it, contact the ECA office. Remember to fill out the appropriate form when you discover something missing. Soccer Tournament Congratulations to 11th grade, champions of the high school guys’ soccer tournament! They defeated Staff 2-1 in the finals to earn the title and a Papa John’s pizza party! Congratulations to all the teams for a great tournament! ECA Weekly Bulletin Issue #34-31 | Click here to see the school calendar for this month Main News Elementary Secondary Euler Math Competition The Euler Competition is a competition among Colombian schools that involves two rounds of math/physics tests in Spanish. These students took the first round of the test and we are waiting for results. Julián Herrera Alessandro Uribe María Alejandra Yepes Camila Moreno Gabriel Castro Juan Bernate Franco Uribe Last Service Days of the Year New Costs 9th graders will serve Sat and Mon – May 30 and June 1-3 during the day at Corporation Formando Vidas here in Bogotá. Cost per person is $50.000. 10th graders will serve at Gimnasio Campestre Beth Sharon in Mariquita. Students will leave Sun, May 31 and come back on Wed, June 3. Cost per person is $210.000. 11th graders will serve in Villavicencio and Cumaral, in several OBED schools. Students leave Sat, May 30 and come back on Wed, June 3. The cost of the trip is $250.000 per person. MS students will serve their local ministries. If you are a 9th – 11th grade parent, you should have at least half the money paid by May 16. Secondary FRI May 8 ECA Weekly Bulletin Issue #34-31 | Click here to see the school calendar for this month Main News Elementary Secondary FRI May 8 Secondary College Counselor’s Corner Johanna Reina College Reps Visited New York University and Johns Hopkins University visited ECA on Tue, May 5 and met with our students to provide them more options. We had a lot of participation from our students. Martinez Scholarship The Martinez Scholarship deadline is fast approaching: this Sunday, May 10. Students are highly encouraged to ask teachers to review their essays, one of the most important parts of the application. Recipients will be announced at the senior awards banquet. Model United Nations at UniSabana A big congratulations to our three high school students that participated in the Model United Nations at Universidad La Sabana this last weekend. Alessandro Uribe, Franco Uribe, and Mateo Navarro worked VERY hard to be prepared, and represented El Camino excellently. Extra congratulations to Mateo Navarro and Franco Uribe for winning Best Delegate in their committees! Special thanks to the 8 middle school students that gave up their 3-day weekend to be floor secretaries and help the event run smoothly: Elisa Trujillo, Mariana Navarro, Brianna Torres, María López, Salomé Tovar, Juan David García, Samuel Alvira, and Santiago Castellanos. Summer Academic Programs There are no new programs in this document, but here’s the list we compiled of summer academic programs: And here’s the list with additional programs: Universidad de Los Andes Visit 20 ECA students participated in a private guided tour of UniAndes and they had the opportunity to meet and ask questions of the dean from the school of their interest. Praise the Lord for a wonderful opportunity and time! Colleges that Change Lives ECA hosted a college fair this morning with the following universities represented: Lynchburg College Birmingham-Southern Marlboro College College McDaniel College Centre College Rhodes College Cornell College St. Mary’s California Evergreen State College University of Puget Sound Eckerd College Willamette University Hope College 11th grade families are highly encouraged to set up an appointment with Mrs. Reina to discuss college plans. ECA Weekly Bulletin Issue #34-31 | Click here to see the school calendar for this month Main News Elementary Secondary FRI May 8 Classified Ads Needed: Glass Jars! In preparation for my daughter’s wedding on June 27, I am collecting glass jars of all sizes without lids. If you have extras at home, or don’t mind saving them between now and then, I would love to collect as many as possible before the end of the school year. You can bring them in any time, leaving them in the front office. Perfil Profesional Moving Sale! Dear ECA family - we are selling all our personal belongings before moving back to the States. You may view the list by clicking on this link. All instructions and contact information are available on the list. Thanks for your support! —Kelly and Heidi Boyle — Rose Mary Díaz Looking for English Tutors Give me Five English & life coaching Academy is looking for Tutors that enjoy helping Kids develop English communication skills. Looking forward to your La enfermera Luz Adriana Bello Ortiz , está buscando oportunidad laboral, en actividades de résumé at Enfermería tales como: administración de medicamentos, control y registro de signos vitales, curaciones, cuidados básicos para el paciente, así como canalización venosa e inyectología en general y demás procedimientos, con experiencia clínica en los servicios de hospitalización, urgencias, cuidados intermedios, recuperación en salas de cirugía, unidad de cuidados intensivos, pediatría, consulta externa y manejo de historias clínicas. Excelente capacidad para fomentar el trabajo en equipo y orientada a resultados. E-mail Recomendada por: Giomar Méndez (Asistente de Operaciones ECA) Classified ads can be requested by current and former families and staff and are due 12:00 noon Wednesdays. They will run for 1 week unless otherwise requested. ECA Weekly Bulletin Issue #34-31 | Click here to see the school calendar for this month Main News 3 Model United Nations 10 Mother’s Day 17 MONDAY 4 AP: Chemistry PK Field Trip: Fire Station 11 AP: Biology 18 25 2015 TUESDAY FRI May 8 5 6 Hope for Nepal Bake Sale AP: English Lit NYU & Johns Hopkins at ECA for 11th Graders 13 THURSDAY 7 20 Parent Workshops Parent Library Contest Deadline 26 Secondary Review Day 27 FRIDAY 8 AP: U.S. History 12th Grade Bake Sale Harvard, Univ. of PA, Stanford, Duke, and Georgetown at CNG ECA College Fair 14 1st to San Rafael 15 3rd-8th Spelling Bee Teacher’s Day 1st/2nd Spelling Bee Teacher Jeans Day PTF Class Rep Breakfast Spelling Bee Winners’ Lunch 28 Secondary Exams If you have any corrections, comments, or suggestions for the bulletin staff, please email us at or 16 Job Shadow Day 11th Grade Bake Sale Viviane Morales Workshop for HS 21 SATURDAY 9 AP: Spanish AP: World History Briar Cliff U.Visit 19 Click here or go to the next page to see Student and Staff Birthdays WEDNESDAY 12 Ascencion Day 24 Secondary Calendar May SUNDAY Elementary 22 Acoinprev visiting 2nd 4th to Acoinprev 5th Grade Bake Sale 2nd Grade Book Share 11th Conversatorio 29 23 9th/10th to Nuevo Nacimiento 11th/12th to The Jungle 30 Senior Trip ECA Weekly Bulletin Issue #34-31 | Click here to see the school calendar for this month Main News 3 Secondary May 8 FRI Calendar May SUNDAY Elementary MONDAY 4 2015 TUESDAY 5 Click here or go to the previous page to see the events calendar WEDNESDAY 6 THURSDAY 7 FRIDAY 8 SATURDAY 9 Laura Orjuela (15) Lucas Sepúlveda (6) Edgar Suárez 10 Mother’s Day 11 12 13 Simon Hoyos (6) 14 15 16 Laura Guzmán (15) Juan Hernández (18) Teacher’s Day Glenda Moyer Elle Carlson 17 18 Melody Walker Henry Piñeros 19 Ascencion Day Tomás López (16) Isabella Pinto (6) Juan Camilo Forero (11) 24 25 David Ballesteros (9) 20 26 27 21 22 Gabriela Beltrán (7) Jesuah Cordero (17) 28 Salomé Bejarano (8) 29 Valeria Barrios (11) Juan Bernate (18) Santiago Vera (6) Sara Pinzón (16) Jake Carlson Julio López If you have any corrections, comments, or suggestions for the bulletin staff, please email us at or 23 30 Samuel Marín (8) James McCrea (13) Camila Moreno (18) Yolanda Cardozo
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