r 4-B—SOUTH LYON HEAA~—MILFCRDTIME&—1CATNVIUE REGORD—+~OVINEWS—Thunday. Mascti 22. 19~ - Thus~y,Mardi 22, 19~—SOUTHLYON HERiLD—+.4ILFORD TIMES—NORTNVILLE RECORONOVI NEWSSB Price: ... . (Groan Sheet plus three shoppers GREEN . Tuesday-Friday: 8:3oamto5pm Household Up to 74431 circulation every week . . . . rAbsolutely Free Automotive Accepting BIds AntIques Auctions Building MaterIals ChrlstmasTrees ~ElectronIcs Farm Equipment Farm Products Firewood!Coal Garage! Rummage Household Goods Lawn/Garden Care & Equip. Miscellaneous MIscellaneous Wanted MusIcal Instruments~ Ollicesupplies Sporting Goods Tradeor Sell U-Pick Woodotoves 188 101 102 114 116 113 120 ill 119 103 104 109 107 108 los 111 110 115 112 118 for Thursday Green Sheet Friday 3:30 for Monday Green Sheet Buyers Directory Three Shopping guides resc.ntial. ShgtftNingStOn PubIcationis scc~s‘to rosponsCifty lot adOjis between indMduala rega:dir.g •Mwh~teIyFrie ads. fNen-asmmerciai Accounts only.), Pleata ~opwatabyptacwig your ‘AbsoM&y Free ad not later than 3;30 pal Friday for next weak pubScatseil, ~ . . . 7 . . . . . . ~ . , ~ -- . . . . . POUCY STATEMENT: All advertl~i~g publlehed in SllgerlLivingston Newspapers Is subject to the condi(ions stated In theapplicabie rate card copteaOfwh hell ore avatieble from the advertising department, Sllgerltjvingston Newspapers 323 6. Grand’ R(ve.~• Howell, Michigan 46843 (5l1~548-2000.SltgeflLivinOslen .Newapaper~reserves the right ndt to accept an advertiara order. Stlger!Ltvtngston Newspapers adtakers have no authority to bind this newspaper and only . publication of an adverttsemen( shall cQnstitute final cc‘ ceptance of the advertiser’s order. When more than one Insertion of the same advertisement is ordered, r~o~, AcceptIng Bids Business Opport. BuslnessdProfessionat Services Clerical ~ Day-Care, Babysitting HelpWantedGenerat HelpWaniedSales lncomeTa~Service MedicS Nursing Homes Restaurants Schools , 186 172 ~ 185 ISO 161 170 171. 190 162 163 164 173 220 225 210 ‘ 215 ~228 233 201 23$ 205 230 221 235 For Sale ~ ‘ S 024 023 027 021 , 035 033 022 029 025 .030 020 . 032 037 • 031 • . • 068 081 078 062 084 074 070 072 080 061 088 082 089 011 013 CI 2 009 016 001 002 UI; 006 010 Gteen Sheet Classifleds Appear In: The Northviiie ReCord, Novi News, Milford Times, South Lyon Herald, Brighton Argus, Uvlngston C~unlyPress, and con be ordered for the Fowierviile, PinCkney & Hartiand Shopping Guide. I Rw II ; FEMALE Chesapeake Bay ow bent lot & aeod, mtst war OEMWUL aw~~ ~Siv. putS, sgtys4 1~4 dcwi. 311Ø3-~90. ~eit (313)415.3267. ‘ ~. Ott ml ~eddt~~ Wet ‘FGtm275~nlflwn 20 tt Rdiup. tals)4!7&63. ~- ~r~iit~?;. 1±~~ ‘ ~ E good ‘ home. ~ ~ ••UU•UU•UU9 a~ii~aat;~~I ~,t:ce’:I124jiourFAt1 ‘ Sfl&~8~fl~t . . ~ ~Tlw*a r &a (!l7)6484272. I I ~ - ~ dw~.(51z548a ALMT stratA S nn old bC white female kitten. (M7)MN~t ~, Mfll 1St b~ or got, - Your COllECTORS SHOW. Over 40 . hiier0rSspma peiseve’ed tnIt;:~ ;Id River/Hac~r 1~~~ 5 I woetn S minSee. orws b a StJ*HeIPerOIthOFIePSee~ ~ . ~-L~nt~ ~ W5dOSObfSbiSSYOfWOLwHREr tE~d: I3l3)22s&s~IPtFPaS weS,a* Sdy- ~ . MWMASGSMSO%SIWIt MILITARY vets. ~ Jo 12 ki. ~.0Q((313)23l.tla ~ ~ % ~ Nowyoucanrcndtisa services. tMtt Cat CONSTRUCTION ABa, It;. ninit mkS with FREE pregnancy test and REFcboEMTcft, t_ good set Ca~ alt, 6 pn, (313)22925fl . ‘ . road. 9 am. to 3 p.m. P&6orml Quart i~~aso~ s (517)321-9401 ~ k~W ted EVERY WEDNESDAY at 6:30 pm MILFORD pntMardi3l Auto Auction —- -~%tbew~effthe— ie~ov.4ng:,~ Repoensilen -Seized . Dealer. .IddJ~dual, •09 N. Milferd Rd. HighlaS, Ml . (313) I D_ (617)546-1 Wi, counseling. Another Way Es~e$n9dw5 fljNiroondldon.tfi Pregnancy Center. TERIER ira n*. PO.s*o- a(AFTEJ~; spa~fl! ant. NOVENA to St J~doWvta SAI.EIM& ata, 708 E Grand ka~ shot LevPS neeA aS (313S44a was Sit c4 Jeeia be adored ~v_ Brçhbt (313)fl9-289~ able, tact, lbS Sdnoob 5th SSb PM( tuoREENsHEr host (3l3~4i417t 1913 ARMCHAIR. 7 en~S co$ecthlet NetS Qift ~tw, PQII 7. bts ffiff. — —I (3l3)669-21~. TRACTOR lire (yellow). A (5I7)546-ilei, evenings, Rn goS. (313$37-W. FAX Number SCUD Qfl Sliubsfl uptighl horeier. Swed Heart ci Jeea wondarlul eStee. Can you (617)648.2194. hztl N~90RNl110t~SPDRK. Gw~door, TSr 16bo~at I-me? (313)896-7fl PIW ~ tt St Jude, worker of BRAUN&HELMER ORAFTER$ needed for Mel stat USA ~313)6SIIt ny 1ev t* st AS. AUCTION SERVICE Ii..n.n.nd oliSee, BEAGLE, female ANC. GAS Stews g& nest new _v of the hcpeSs, ply S 8dM Roe~Eat 17501144. Fam, Hnfl ~Qa. Ittimaft Th am. Thsfl~, Ms. (313)3461fl us. R~Islet’, MnMa.s-. Ovv 350 dealers hi qusily Ceetna at (3l3)67b4l~or 0 HOLY t ,kid& apse s Seythis s-nvwafmesadav;by sits S - seie~~ Eth Lirber P&*q tht tWeet *Ucdol8 Uoyd a Dana ~‘ btm~ $he~ male. 4 —, net Wm~twnof Jests the ab ~ayyou; payer all be RI We gtasn*S a i~re-, BLACK Chihuihua, male, GERMAN (313) OOSVM6 nSa o~.*mn* S.b~ FLYaItoney2O1hsi~e$45, aatis4tfliw*sersel emwued. kbt~bonmwt be arniE S Sr wtw, 5 am.)erfy L. Hsim•r Seflt —U (3l3~4S1M piunined. U.K. per Pat wet or a GMwa SSkeyo~r~ ~ (313) 9944309 . A MR*PEUUC )it*SSAGE U5~ 22nd ______ in bate S need, C you I )t~, ~ Tea .Tfl.tM7.(313$74-1868~Me ~ ftie~re~uae BLAOI( Lab. Male, ~veablemonlhi. To gee homi. Dimensten Salon - ‘FREE gltt’ when makIng . n ~ ~ ,~p~~ ANI1QIJE C panel louvered well-mannered shots, go.J (313)891-6371, AUCtiON OTICE (313)888.0667. Ion ~ (517)54842W. n-qsnisib S ~Va }~me ~ ~ r~,God ts ~ven sidi tare cr4, (5l~)6485l~ PtStX%.a50%atrswl. -~ ~ WI~ ICRSE cr~aGraft fwifl, M4TIQUE ~ base-burner Wednesday, March 26th, AMCON --.. cat 2 ~ nesS .ay I hS. (017)546*1. eel (313)349W20 now. ii$Itanoe. Help me . in my slays PentuS! madS. NDJe 9Sam. Former lnvento~ oh man a ‘vii. (313w75-274t FREE personelllv test. pr~entend w01t peidat ks —p. Einan gS free~$2W0. HEE HEE GertS Rfl Center bated at HOSPhTAL bed at Mw~ CABItCS ~ we Wwgt or ft__i Pest Me mfls. Yal .--.-—-— (313)349-4610. 475 Walibigan. South Lyon. GROCERY Guess Wit’s 43 tjtnwhy? ~ w~’~ I FWUO t S& garage Contractors Equipment, U kw*,i S atse~yGJb be BLACK Lth mX is-main PlicMeLt (313)2274011, MARCH 21? (313)431•1871 or Compressors, Trencher,, . AUCTION kMfred. Say 3 Cur rethas, 3 inm ~- (3t3)878-525~ LABJSMNGER male nth. 1 WALT GOODELL miioi.s (Slsma k Creel - Power - Tools, Out-oft IW PMsya S 3 Gels. St OW4T SALt aids garis S need, team a turt Spena, whWwt °‘aaz*a S coftc*ins sat Oawflt PJnpe, SendRMa ~ or ~op.,t ms-tm. ,AS, ~syS is S at w4io BRITTN4Y stop S ~aiseerourd. tske Ma Sce~, ~t Lawi~ THURS.•MAR fl4 PM (313)SWi434& St ~er4dss on We, oo~r. (313)43 . Gil or SI-a your Sd. 1h~ness Pt C~%5256 8. GraM GIISLPs-!V tWdt~Eqiipgrady by Snify, kCn Q~ ‘Save $$$ Cii Your (3l$)6a~k LM3E ofat hazer, you Pt n a 70% oIL Etiabeth’, never been known to fail. kisS RWer, Roast. Op., I’S p.m. merit .0 16W TraD, T~L Road/ Howell Township. Gmceiy Bills’ Bddal Manor, 402 3, )~h, PublSon must be piorniset (6l~ Wednesday thru Saturday. Autqriota, Itmecwneqs T~s, 0*1 Paw )~zpefl Mn (517)546fl FUIMIt kt, 2 Moos neut al Denk you S ~.u reatveti (517)546-8975, ~5I7)548-776& ~g*~n Bures Pet pinot LEADER dog wsfi~, Ikmiane Exerciao Health Equipment. CAT, MieNgarti and PuffS, Pw~GoeS, C~ ~_ mint sSWa (313)231-1087. Sodely of 1M~gsfmi Ocemly. rrth-WoS that Had an thn; OWES Dcl Ibs~conw S Tables, Chair; etc. Partial FGY4ERVLIE 1(45044K IWL (313*7840, Qil. ~ Sew MIt STAMEY I-brie Preduca nataoiw~.-IWe~Ct~athat 1*6 SarIs Gift ~51i)54&16Z. 10 Mile and Ponliac Tr. 7150 E.OM~RfrER able . by cabling Betty. Li*d A Lage ~eJel Sap k, for Gist 1366 W OrS ~ev, MALE at, 3y~nWor*Stow. (313)231a DNIc grey SEth flu, mSe, gold (3I~S, ~n~fl kisuibry rst ~th Bet —, 7 p.m. needs affechionate adults, —‘ collar, Brighton ares, FENTONlDibblovllle Antique Ajucteilen (313)437-2741 ctolwG. &bhbn Qufli of (313)~-7~. ARTS & (3l3)~-26I4, S)~$.Deer % ~ Sin DJ Christ. 6026 Rickeff Road, M*EadS~ SHOW Saturday, Itidi 24~ 10 am. PUBLIC Auction, Sunaij GE~MNShwiS, young, £0 Tuesdays, 64 pet. ma at (313)437.~32Q slIer ExWierl wsid sye*,. L~M sa$_ WiSh 24, 10-5 pounds, Disappored Irem 5 p.m. Sunday, March 25, ‘Metal, 25, 1 p.m. Dearborn S p.m. oS&rs Cage aMa. b...~J Rats-Se sin. - 5 p.m. Fern Nd, HeigiMs, P.LAV, Hat, 25222 AUCTIONEERING 000KAPOO. Binck male 8 h-is*.~Xnat X% to Harnington, Bell Oak Rds. II Sdioeç rs ~Wçat (Sn Warren Reed, Household, rates. l1eslip Productions. CaSey tk ~ LM~Lie Tdep?crre SERVICE months, good’ with kid,, 3/13190. Very friendly. ex~ Owon Road. Mm~aion, Idlts, ~ toys and baby (5I7)64611V MuM $1.50-CWdren Fm~ 50% sa*gt (313)nla Farm Estate (313$sceft (5l~1. $2.50. Win, stats-i, ~ mere. Box Household WPLDENW000S Camp ~t to LAB, yellow female. Border N, I*.S S S ywk,~ at c~sues,~dee~sfl Miscellameaus types available, Darn J., LOWIG Photography wit do coast memborshi . Under Cclk, )eirm~bbsk and whito. RRMVPE ~na 5 f*i. ~w. p_ ~h rwss, Over l,~ *000.(313 (511)223-8572 slIer 8 p.m., al&~Dud-a Rd. Latge Rd. ‘Sling by haid. (S1))5481675, ~n J, C. kcden SeMco, 437-9115 or 437-9104 WN4TED, Sndrt~de s-aft to )hurao4 Rdt (517)546-1663 or (51 Th467794. GET ...,#i~ coolthw2 at yw (313)453.2975, in my gilt shop on (313)679-a MEDICAL Cain of Hgh~M self ~at (5t7)54854~ — ooomtml Cd~‘&çar Being. Dr. lGtIss S Dr. Ko’my LOST is-liSa Beegin. Brown S WATERFORD Crafl Show. while (smell bfock mexldr~). m niSi tons daty Saturday Apri 7, 10 am. a Hartland area, March 10. — bun 10 a.am,,ereeptSunthy. 4 p.trn .Jurled. Waterford (313)6324175. FARM AUCTiON Cs-lw, M-59 S SATURDAY, MARCH 24 1990 — 10:00 kM. MEot4ES-D~A kEM%~P. Watwcot Con,i~ wale, Golds-i refrievor, DuetotheS.thel my heaAnd,RkhaSScthmL*,I wtii seIlth.foliowlng madilneryat our Crescent Lake Road. LOST FSeiyIle ame- (517)229-This. farm teared: ia aSIa r.edh oh Hewil on, Oak Grey. Road to COSetU, Reed, than east (313)8961854. Wedding s~fat We ste Cal through Cahoct.h on Cohoctsh Road 154 mIles to KHiln Reid, thw north I mile to tat. memerable eccasslons. Light MILITARY COLLECTORS WEb~btTh‘iiiltxi-a, coiës oè PLEASE h% is ~as, 1-2693, $te leafed: 11547 KIllisi Road, OtoctS. MIchigan (Uvirç.Ion County). Or 4 mIte. LaI mix, male, show, Call evenings. S*~,LWSt a 31. See S ~ml tIe S ~. Soled Malamute, ,osAhol Byronos, Bynti Readlo Lov.ley Re.d,th.nisft crust I rnhisonLov.)oyte XiiIln nefl I Ma I W~nayt (313) Vlfl fir a vwiely of qta*y pepas to Read, that, ,outh’/, Me te the pies.: 11547 KItIn Reed, COhOCISh, Michigan (Livingston m~ (S1~. suh yaw perwnd ~1e and ~ C—. SCA)fl ta CLOWN, Wds budget TStIW S ~,tm- REWARD. Black cat male, HAY AND FORAGE EQUIPMENT: 1975 John Deere tJ3ST Hay Baler wftbraver: 1972 GohI -,, taM ~n~& 1000 Reid 0-oppor w~FloSs; JS,n Deeto flea Hayb~re;New idea Hayrake: 2 John Deere porary designs. Seuth Lyon deawet Lee Rd. (énighfli) 000,n et Far m~S Herefd 101 N. Lafayetle, (313)227-407Z S~6 p.m. Bale Wooer. (twewar) a, 5 Ton Gate: JSvi Deer. $64 Sic Blo*.or: 2 Gopi 700 bij. Forage (617)548-3342. Slage Wagcis; Badger 20 It Sfo Un~der. (313)43S11. BLLAGE AND PLAN11NO EOUPMEt4T: 1952 John Deere #8300 21 Hole GraJn Onil; J~n SOUNDMASTERS D,J,’s. Deer. 1240 4 Par Corn FIerier. Jthi Des. Cuiovator 4 Ro*: Jdin Dears Is ft W,e~D’sc; Ressnble rates. Call after ST matiegado is yw bIlr~ do open? when your Cat Jofli Deer. Is ft ffoiw John Doer. 18 ft Transpod Field CoI~vaior;Jot’,, Deere Or 6’ Plot S pitt Ks,, (313)437-5211. B& . Always listen Carefully I 71788Joe,, Deere 12 Toot Chisel P1ew Hansom F’S Sprayer 8 Raw: Hardy I ,ooo gab, Sprayer (i.e (313)8784188. new). U~CEUJNE0U9E04J~MEt4T: Now Hotand 3352 Grft’den Mxer; Mew Itnand 5512 when the operator is reading P.b,ure Spreedec 2 KflboeGreviry Wage,.a, GetI Runnirg Goats; I KiIi&aa Grw~iiyWagon coua ma. neto Oi iou Doer, Rtrth,a G~: Kilbo. ‘~dqcAuger; Cardinal Gram Elevator; Kewanee so’ ie Buiid,ng Lice,, Ce back your ad. This will give between Clyde and Aifen, Trwspal Auçec 3 p1 Rid, Soaper Blade;Jd. Den-paver wa~?s-~ I .000 goiiai Fu& Tank. Seminar by ~ ~tt :z ~ I~(313) 437.9460... ?tt &~tZ 8874239 R~A2~ ~atw~t~ ~ttJ~- . HEE ______________________ __________________ MELS AUCTION [11110 CRAFTS ô~ THE PHONE MAN JERRY DUNCAN ~; Helpful TIPS ~s~;ir ;~~r On placing an ad jn the tI~~ GREEN SHEET “GET LEGAL” you the oportunity to make Changes or add and delete words. .1~In AMNAY ~in Seryad to Pr lure or btaknea Disbtu ~;~tL. available. AnE ~ tie ~&d r*_ a btô S a S Vt~ a, l!tlSay MaSt IS at spemxlmalely 10:30 am on Gre-id Wr-u ~ S &i4M please contact L, Runkel, (3I3)X8-~0. (I an moyer (313) 887•3034 P,ipst• or the Sic?. £ ‘ .,ii 11110, Sponsored ay Co minunri y Ethic *1.0’ Piogia,,,i ii Ptnckn.y (213) S7~-3I1C - Ple,t (sax) 34~.12O0 How.tl fslip,s4,.e2at HIghland (3130 5544274 WEDDING PHOTOS 1517)5485490 Reasonable rates, Spring! GCLDEN~Rotrienr&ab mix Summer dates svai aWe, ~ s-~rise wee. (313)8783531 NFl cipoob (617)646-01 Ii baAYw~toyee~caho~~. Dean S kgaidne Raids. (51~l. SLE& aid eats Pour by Sings MALE K,.sheund, well vat ham Bsld,t, to ~rdewn mannered, 2 ynrs old. Detroit Worn 1313)256-1106. New Hudson vicinity, is. (313)2211215. (313)4374454. 6000 bu. Gran B~,C Bin Di’yec; ¶915 O,evmlet P~up:&000 ~i Grain Rn wts’ Un~ng Auger. , ~, ‘r-v- ESTATE ~ RO4ARD (DCK) SQwlor, ~NER , r ‘ tf’ -i ~ 8IIEIUDAN jWC’TION bE14V1CE5 __J &.4~_ ~7 Bill Sheridan Larry Sheridan ~ Auctioneers • Reaiiors Appraisers O!iice (St 7) 468-3381 Ma,on, Michigan 18851 (SI?) 575.2503 (517) 5214141 T.,,n,,,. ~ ., C— N~iR.w~ Ic’ At.dat — ‘*— Ace, SobJ No ‘t~n~b,.~,d U~l5,~Ic4 F,, .,.,, L_. _a, ~ 1 Stone slab -- -- 53 MIiquato~ 55 Laroo sea s~:e.rCres~word as — are niade on’ 92 Flaunts 94 Girates ~jsir 95 Flower clusters 96 Japan idIcwer 2 W&ght unit, In India 3 Moslem ruler 4 Celebity repoijer Robin 5 Keeper of public records ~ oh ~e 3TTrm‘‘al ~ 79 Wanders — 80 MadisOn SINGER Z~;Za9 machrnQ. CabSt ~ aubmtc d~J G~ model. Makes blind horns, designs, buttonhores otc. Rwossesss. Pay all ~53~h ---- — or rra~t* payment Guamn l~ BFFftKY ~e, 4 ~ ts. Ui~usdSo*i~Ce,w, ~0 waMS, wt ~td &~ l31W444~. sky mot~rdas matvoss and Ha~e~ _______ BRIC4( MISCELLANEOUS lurnitur& s.~by &~m~ty, $150. 1~~nb ~n , spas, $103. 1313)2177129 ~w m~s~o, tG-c~aimod. $230 psr ~ Ea~~nt ~ ~cmeand t_, (313)34MM. ERECTED P0*1 ~JlLAP~3S - Qua~t~mat~iais, ooii~peUbve ~1KO~ S~S. ~nm Al es, EASY Ta~eelwag S~ prices, many an fealur~. 70-210 ~!! Al es. Wnn~. 1$25,~ 41 Bachelor 8* Unbdy ne~rt ~e bat o~,Finandng availab~, Ex~lent $550. Cat 313)349-5018, despot pwties 83 AJnt — sa~alCall SIEI~A BUILD)313)fll.6375 she’ 5 p.m. 14 lAinLp(e puili. 43 Propoilion S~taineT P2F~GERATC~ W1i~good (P405 for estimates, 0(05 44 Ten per(1955 song) ~aa ISo b(rd new, FORT K)~0XGun vau~Pm~I’~4444O?5. SOFA and char, b.and res, ca,diót $50, )313)flS-?249. 19 Salt ~arkheat canter 86 MSaity, to $ll~,w~S fu $650 ~ m~ts~Vms with b~je,9te~. ROTMY, f~jse na $25. pJr &sinT~S a 20 t)imi,iit,li 45 UnlIe Holmes Cai be s~iat 653 o& l313)~-4?~. rose and peach Ilewers, CLaw teat bath tub, $25. h~mtheft and ftre, (sep ton GAMGE, 21 French verb ad te(tas 97 Indians 6 Wra~ki 47 Dogma 88 — precedent fr~mthidrat lop ~ vault FiQhlSDd, Must rwioye, Sal I YEAR ~dq~ Rbsi~a~ai(SI flV9-Th~2 22 Fibe, used iii family name 99 Drink slcwty bandages 45 Broad smile 90 V.t~erePapa ~ Cat (313)664-237, )5l~l81. For prices or brSiure, S series waveless waterbed T*1N lies be~~ clolh.making 61 Groom lot 100 Feel toncing 7 Leguminous 49 Missile sto& Dec once (3I3)4~’7l69. Lnvi m%s~ SPPIN3 ~4as-am of fbi and iraftisa. I517)648’9X8. . 23 Sacrn tolhorses, in 101 Curve of trees age structure reigned mirTu, aid rtlh~d~KEsS~EDwa~edp~oo~4x8x plumb~g ~ oh at lower . India sup’s plank8 Author LOOS 51 Noisy dis91 Hammarskjold 2 RECESSOCS p4th Quasi lent condition. ~$500, LaS shea, $1.50 sadi, Call ~nt. IbM OWrIWS Mumbi~, GThfAC ~ 24 Seed coat 62 Antelope in~ 9 Herds of pute ot al, Coni~Pane ~c. —‘ Eaflro ~ (SI 3)227-I82t 4533 E. Grand ~ 25 Rich soil 63 Rocket fuels t02 Fo hter~, ‘thld~aar*- 53 ShSed walk 93 Notched exarSe maine, Uka new, daytime ask for Ted cendftea, $245, Blue ever26 Ihe Big — ~ 65 Suffix ol on- 1D4 S~iZsnee ~ srrthad aSs SbpisSte~~~ thing 54 Nenpaper 96 tee Illumi$1 50. After 6:30 p.m., (313)2214899. It-4~ads. $36 (5l7)64S6~1. wAL1_ (1983 cm dde 10 Natrafe features nation? poet bladç $350/Set ftigh~‘U4te STEEL, round and squats t&q, (313)227-62* moviç) 68 r~yon•s toi hieri • Ii European 57 Distant 95 Closed a 4 FT. ~ 3 ~ paZ than a $170, Mt 27 Diy up daughter 110 SirajU: weasel planet hawks eyes set, and ~ ~ ~ d~t. t~_~ 20 ~. l~a 64’, ajioS, thaMek, beans, et Hi.*ff ClUB rew be~bmod 28 Toddler 68 ~Don~t Sit — corTt, toni 12 Dumas char- 59 SkId Row 100 Delicately (3I~. $6~,2 qtnize tote s~i, Ca~Rsgats, (5l7)fl~20. with of r0S*~s100 tes, 29 San Antonio the Apple 112 Reads octer denizens suggeslive $12~%~o911) Cans TANNING unit with elacis ItAly wecded, rne~jretodeo~ 70 ft n~ ~ d~ngam C ruN, tourist attracTree 113 P~&.ypear 13 Sucking 62 Nice season 102 Scatter *~ndcw 8k xiid~, $4~, ara s~ u~tPruxO war and an abundante 01 48 a 20pSa~, o pen b 106 ~i. tion m~s~egame. The, ~u be e&y 6 _______________ 70 Helium, for Ill Lovc, in tishes 64 Dental 103 Climb gSa PSflglng l51fl~. ~iai S ~npleW; 2 ~rt 8 side diS, $560. stained selected, Each ~ pg~~ etce nit ui~twith 30 Home away one VenIce 14 Prelate’s degree: abbr. 105 Equatorial silo, bqo*n k~cMn herfl table, new. Alter 6 p.m. members lCb-çsize, Xub~ ~ nit maiib& wnll ~ii ~saJnfl p~4’,~g as. NEC lest 9IJa5~, from home 73 Retained, of 118 V~ings~ domaIn 57 PrIncess oh constellation l(313)722-644& lamp, $50, Fishy, desk less ws~tSCl pS, herq oh tit~e100 Wa ln~nn~i, aerial cori~puter prInter. 31 Tall drink yore 119 — beyr 15 Western the kistiian 106 Greek godwith 4 ~apSat, WE b4 end St [aS — hsit&, s~ioo~, sindbocw, s~ (3l3)867’6~ j517)64&0250. 34 Harangue 76 Island in the 120 Expunge resort lake royal family desses (3t3)652-2l~ gets (313)686-1700. 153. 10 ft ~tood ~iuçht~m 38 Fig, expert ‘ Aeçesn 121 AppraIses IS Neglect 65 Hindu queen 107 Beaver’s dad WPXTED quasi s~ehSbsird, WEDDING invitat’oI albums (2 ski’s, So(oman bindings, ~y MAQ4Ir’E. OSn. Sheip — ~b1a$4& (5I1~4&~W. 39 Competes 78 Asicienl Syria 122 Tasue Il Denver’s — 70 CanadIan 108 Can. &adtey boa. ths sity 4 dma. 40 LewIs and’ 82 Place her 123 Mumdinger HIgh Stadium peninsula lOB Film canteaturing besutfuf wedding RS~is 9 PlE~dais oak dbing l~il &ik seed, ~(313)750-9761. $400. (313)121-1462 alter ncdal SF426. )Mntml aid So Sal, $1,~.(313)fl7-9t61. — staiSes S — 6 p.m. $150. (3l3~887-0330, WAS}ER and d~~r~bO or 42 Jolson New Delhi trunks, per- 124 Hudson stockbrpkerto 11 Shtgged~,,,,,,,i11~Tenat~ rNirto Grandma’s Hannon and IS tnstrucdon $175 jiw 6 pitt, Wa Rali ~ @4 ~ws S PING pong table. excellent (313)89 7-5666. AVOCADO p~ Sea’s 3 d~ .$nrensiL garb hops 125 Sketches 29 God of the . Rand) 114 S,A. ee4intry (313)227-2691. dignified lettering styles. Aft 43 Ajies 64 Concert halls 126 Gennan rIvet MoiJems 12 its IMuires I? witS best-S mI~gnU. socially correct South Lyon aste, $40. (3l3)341’slrJ. Epic - ~er uset 55 or 45 Soup beans 55 Wallet fdleis 127 Teachers 32 Overlaid with supply 116 For fear that Good sFmpe e Sn ~ tone. WASHER, dryer. ~enmore, Herafd, 101 N. Latayette, TIREIST Tour modc( ~j eMit recinve sipS by regt ~ 48 Bothersome 88 Positive pole decree: abfr~ gold leaf 74 Pianist Peter lie Unen vest$100. (313)229-5859. (313)437-2011. 24-PW. $l~.Jumbo driver Ii,a. M ~y ~ ~ ~insects 87 Tree-dweuing 128 Salter’s nOod 33 Cut aasgt-75 Shod, thaip mont a, yea Dt ret EASY Cth, 185. Put4ab, $4& — fl-shaii, $50. All eacellent etswenng mSS. Same at ~__5o Computers mammals DOWN caily nails , Ceiteat $10-. (313)437-4851. WHRPOOI, large sixdty ga ret (313)mw71. . memory 89 William Tell, I — oh 35 Music end lit- 76 Great Asian ~n nySe Z~5~ as makin a ~phone call, - et at. FOOtC (1965 erature plain (313)895.1 . 52 Certify by BEDROOM sat C rrettress, d7e~rcsv, $250. (517)648-4018, n~ dthae Sta mope oath • 91 ,.,such stuff nioS) 36 TV’s 1-teed 7’? Form lead-in Yfl*TE Ca~o~ed B c&oom at oob~E~Mtn des~ ~ tbfcs, 4n ~tr% OFFICE ~urttre: daM, caush, aSs, minter, Amerock ~bathreom IndSes &aser with m’rior S Take ever murtW p~nnor Farm Picita file cabinet, ihetves, Ima vthly wt ~ un* r~ghttbM.$aO. (517)549-6454 $49 cash balance. 6 year rYtigetau, ~e lIE wn~W. guarantee, Universal Sewing eiwin~. (5t7)fl . we we ~ pl3~494Th1, BEDROOM set froow n*S MITE ooithg ~nin be; p20. Cs (3l3)674-04~. rods, stereo, wte maatQ, Fraith &aw, SOxir, $450, W000EN shed. 12’ a 14 wit AUMJA My. (517)546-7794. — (313)227-1489 (cvesea& green t*S ~bni~st~door, ~ in Soot Lyon APPLES, Red and Golden wood Staves ~ ~ Se. p50. Woods Mobile llama Part Daloota, Emp~eI~nash,Ida BROWN loather couch, good ~ Simmonsoveen size sofa (313)437-4344. red, aid ~b~m sç~,,Spth ll~ ooitet $lX~(6l7)fl~ . ‘~ dubs Qrd,a,ds special tS week BRUNER 400 . series water S bag. ~. Men’s Golda, Delo.e, $tZ a Pal 2 WOW biSg stores, free softener. Like new. $250. cfubs and beg. $7 0 Mhei, open daJyS.~5~ swMng S Stan, $75 e~t (3l3)561•295~ (5l7)~-1561. ., (313)632-7692, hiS 23 Meet (517)546-4016. . 0~deROSEx& ~waUERWood S eM. WIN Si. modal md4 ape, . CtEM Stale, ego fin be~a. r~rdplcy*2bxge . qua tppor. Wags’ ~ ~ flIEod robna~ ala gloss &smnoya. ~ Farm. ALtMNLM .42. w bSWes, $263. (313)878-’835. $1.75, brass .40 and up~ IID1 G41NA esb**t 56’ vse x76’ ‘4-li estb~..$l.50 ~d, .18, ~t Fl~T~S seaS SW~ P4~bat eff~(313$32-7Xt wiwP4 sinvtler, $10., capper, ~r Clean wheat straw. rathbi, nqs .(5I~. DlNlNGfloem set. French . pam, ~ (313)6643 CanDy, breaMrcnt taWe, 6 FIRST S so~idwftkq hay, thiS, 2 leaves, , phis yads. Heltew Farms. Etcellent condition. $800. ALTEMTIONS. Men, wuhan GN~A0ESate ~ tWl*cld Sleepy (517)223-9449. S thiIdr~clothIng, quSi~ goods, entiques, colteebblos, (5l~. repair end adjuatmenis. fewelry. Calf Mary. 0000 ~mityfist ~nhiahay, $1 DINNO 5% dS ~a buffet (517)546-7580 Roth. (3l3~4485. per S.. (313)624414 .ab~6 OM, ~ W~nrtI Modern. $700 or best after. M~aRcarioBo.ifqua Resale ~ ~ ~ ~“ ~ Wow pat (511)545-9147. (3I3)4~~ W~op.(31 f229-9~. osta Yccv bass-s DOUBLE oven, gas , stove,’ SALE - prom dresses, also 38479 W Tsi L%FWI*03n HAY, first autti~lded for eoppertone color. $75.1 ~.o6Jing S tiidesxnald, knios Hills, between stod end $und (31))8?W~4. ResS~Shop. (313)22693Z. H~g5dyin Freeway Pteza real to Secretary oh State. - HAY. Sesind ~l*ç, good home EP4TERTM4ENT wiW, ad~ l.~4fl~O?W. • Pt $2.oo75per oh MainS. oak S wee,, one yar old, $29900. Cat from 9 tm a scatp MS Flgtaet HAY. (3 ~. awe bda, . ~~,MttSji end 6 p~t(3l3)568-~28. per ~xun& B rass .30 a .90 pci $l.5~ S bates, $10.0& STEM MIen maple peals) —‘ ~Ceppe .80 a .90 par (617)546-2319. able and 4 m~ eeSn Aub reMan .40 per dM $45~(3l3)~l’~ BALDWIN pin.c, $900 or bat - —. ~ Aub batteries, $LOO ~ ~ ~ ~ ~f~ EXTE~xmaS oiler, Exceltent cend~tlon, ~,, ~ ~ so ~ (517)648441L abi~3 S~’seats l~$260. (SI Si, Canpeny. RMSf3 chdccm? f~*ea few itm too sicical tate, ~.. aECIROMO-SiimriorsPVYftl.L oa 2pads.~withatend,Sofocttnin ~ 1Ut(313$ . (SI $45 ~ We sird, 4 a 8 a It ERROl Prvkalal ~ Wt~.’,&&& cocOs-st xnd~o&$2~. WANTED: 5c~copper tress, STRAW. let ax%tmy 3121 Brewer.Rqed. t4nbg sat, ols cabinet (l~h~),’ (517)64841St - - ‘ ~ ~ . . . wye~able S.s)x ~rI3~4$89otter S ~m.S Sutr*um rS aib~e en ~ $~, er~US. - .‘., wt~]iBt$l~i~rv~rnei t;)Ut?itd&1 $1606. . Bedmem suite, hard’ (~MtW’iilT:l lw~1izW-il1 SI~il~lII1ti~ Last Week’s @Mr~r1tMr.7f~(r~x-)~’x;ilz1 [~1r~ila~c.1r.Iw caned, vanltyldesk, bench, KIMBALL , Aquarius organ 1 ~~uth bench and music It1t1(~l riV~l~fl ;iP)MftlSt3l~1rii fj~ittit~~ amse, drEW S threr, 2 ~ (313)229-6113, after Petersen, 2216 Nickteplete . (3I3)47S~7. t~tlll~lf~ r~u~iar~t!al:’iL~1 (~r:1tIW be— tshltt~tami:t. 3 Solutlcn MÜi~WA[~~1r~1lhJr~ ~ @I!lIlZf[’i ~uil~4ti~tIl~p wiMr~unI~iaMllll1~)@d . Double c’4_______ . . . WkkER_switar.. able. HWTIb~arpkfoip. . t~tpr~q cjiir~i(~lt~ ~W~IIE.I I;lr~1SSr~lMfdL~I~1~IlIalE4la1~1f~l~1 GAS dtye~welts greet $l25~ Ing Floyd Rose tremfo, r~iit~t~ ~JIdriI~!ii t~jrir..uuI:t t~,itsr~ , . aim WPUTEO (5l7)468-38~ a(517) 521 btSi -3389 watrut or . MIXED (Sl7)63-3~. tinswoo, ~seemed mk*r,urn. ~nhewith hard SI ~e. $X0. ~— Road Slonia, Sblfl,ak Ml. teat 48546. HemS We next year ~jryj lit.ir~ t~lizil~l t~h’4IiI ~?(3i=au. ..- Lam~ ~ &.Giden1~W.l6~. W}IEAT detlver. Bflw for .sale, wilD ~°~‘ 4* hwOwoo& $37.60 ~154 deMiS. 5 Wex-1t-s$-aS PRMEeerd,4xBx hait*vod, ~ (313)6164631 r;r~lul~1 [3l~l.1l~.fi~ r~ir~ir~r.~ri ii~r~ years cut; split, delivered ~ (Ir~il:1 P1111(1X4Fkt11 00W love east C 2 olts, (ISSONS for AOLtT. Begin- 100% S~EEP&0pe~~ L.r3Rr~Nid ~jrx~itsS &iI~r.1l~l aibed edt S note. Guitar, piano, organ; bwt~sand, ~ decojaM b~i’d4 a 6 x 16,~r.t~~:tn~ ~Is~l:’Ji~ll;l~3 swx:uit~I $I5~PSUS pad, $fa Coffee *ble and 313)221-tSBt stone. Deilvety or plck•up. E~IItlr~1iiMlt1r~1f?ii3 lr~tE~:ii tji~x4l:f kidi SEASONED unsplit twthvood. m~ aid * $55. JVC Prxwia Mine, wHo you wit. L’ll~Rt~)N(~t:t) l~Erx~1L~JMii PEW. YerneM ars-jaZ, g~r PSor and ftdw,d, r/ihir~i n~tr~usIzlr~(:lt’J’~3rX)UI~)i~I . t.)r4rulftar~1lItN u~tw1r~iftli’1!JSTL~hit~ Satin stoma $21 Beauty Son with sise. ~59.(313)227-4576. Su_ 54001 Grand Wry,’100% IBM COMPATIBLES. . 1-96- ANDFOWLERVILLg RD. L~1hiI ti _4h1 tlnr1r~.~j ~lriLJti .I(~ ?We Findson (3I3)437.~. syarre wiToiti 1.2 fopwy. W(~l(~rl (N~llZ(ttlt~lnlslWl~J ~M* $10. (313)2290661 RANOS for aS ~ed, Good l9~8-1100 KABOTA 4 teited i2 M* ~ 64c4~2~*4Bltd 223-3721 eend(on. (5l7)548-~46. $899 IS M}*389SX me nia , GOLD riskS rSer $1~Bthy drt,e deer!, ~lves~b S P1*140 tning. Repek. Rcted& bely mewer, 4 ft. sno*~ibvw, Had $I*. ~ It!: ~ 1~4X swtIo I4rdwead limber * $15, (313)878442t from trew~ 4 ft bMhhOQ, 2Q~eItS $1515. Z 1*2 486 Sod pence wantet Jm KENMORE wasN~machine, irq, 1024K ~ IS $3999 Sin sleitcus. (5l7)548-~4t Mdcli sa Wale. (Sl7)~8Th. A ‘lad rorni., 3)699-9080, Data ~sane,(3l3)684-~~ Td-Cory LeggIng, tnt. KENMORE waS S dryer GLATfrRS warred, Miseloneous M~l~&6J:l Auction te our -misbool Sument 8e~,S~or 1~EXTMG412h~ Seats ~mon. ~edS ten 10 (313)349-5962, alter full tIme busIness •y•sbies ~ coMMa $260. 5irede, WPt!KosconipuisrØal.l p.m., plus akanth. _H~u~ohoIdi.Pam. . E4cves_ -4-p.nt-Sunday f~ ‘RASt ms-wry, eobS moniw a.sneu - uqtidotlon. A~ KEMtRE wSe S d~ --4-p.m. sysls-ii saver, II OS, noise, ad good - condillon, $150. Antique & Household-Auction—------~ew -1~SF.Afl Tr~atr,-18 lid, d*ia 5.25 inth dS, Sge — SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 4:30 P.M. ‘~ (31~y-l4&slIer 6 pin. (313~ 229-9027 willy II, oobr ptinlar at eeb~, t HOUSEHOLD: Mmna Rotifreezor, P041. Bar, Sola, ‘l . ~FfrOtt MoA~sale: FwS- 10N3 Size tSboasd, frame, Ptogmm Includes ~ft~wtaa 4BarSloois, DthlngRoomTobiee&Chalra,Washer& 4 rg Sto ba~aid Dryer, VHS-VCR, Queen Size Water Bed, Gas s_ axle, wit 44’ mn (Sl~ $1600. (313)227-5789 EXPERIENCED iawncare ‘P~°~~ t~dprint shop, I Mower, Craftsman Power Router, .7 HP 6 1~i HP Brigga & Strallon Motors. Computer Table and Mont- ~ I person. Call free estimates, ‘~ ~ muiZcthe. tme ~°~‘ sit s’deXP~ s~ end a 1974 JOWl Deere 24T wit I Ions, O’jilt Rode, Blanket Cbest, Pie Sales, Wash iS17)~4Wl. imingly~gpr0gra~lC dl ~ ‘°‘~Pat te —Stand dothes, miacefleneous. Mexoft beddng. gsa (313)226-9774. _____________ FCt~AIa Fame, 2 ~inde, manuals. rni~’fl950rCblI~Wr. meixn; ,~Ser,5 Rmimq Sales lure, 23, Balmorel, 24, appliances, 9 am. ofi to )frne, S chlldren~s p.m before 1~6lONG box hoa~e~ suing. S wood waterbed. rreWaes. frame, Warsoss, Soda shea. MR S HP oompr~sor. 60 gelbn lnga’sO’RS tank $599. —.---~~FWsr. —~--$t50d3l3)2264l06. Gina, ~ (SI7)548-0430. porbise Sushhog mM MBOR Eater Baenr l’qu~cooS St tat, wit ‘517)546.4570, 8:30 sm. to ~ ~ ~ 3 aSs, -I t ANTIQUES S COLLECTIBLES: Prtmittios, - Linens. BM~ 24 x 28, P~asiding, Oak t Lbrary Table, Mi. liens, 5 Ft. DlspiayCases,00mlc I ~ decor S ~ hemy 9 wearer, alas pem~ baggers and epilor, EaSlent ~:Zp.m. weekdayt ~ oøy, wt separatt &iso FbWtERV1U.E, Thursday S -frame, (SI7)223-9948. Frlday, P.SSi 22 and 2~9 am. ~ ~ is~ . Books. Sewing Rockar w~enedSeat. Splnnhi~ oonaftisn. P~.(3l3)226’~2. ~ :~~“~ outht to 250 gsbi sits kid ~k ~23, 9 to 9, Mardi 24~9 a 5. Cm $12a (31 t ~iool, Baskets. Gold & SiPtec Jewok~y,Orionial I ~, dismonth gurs, ~flt4 ca;~756 t~ wit many extras to list. hat S n~zlt$150 or best lions, Velour Baby Buggy, Brass Cash Register. Park Road, elf Z~ batten Rd., )ist weal of Mddeort , LAJCE QuA dinig men Ishle BUt1NG VeRa, anything oi Sit ~g, ~ hea hit wananbc (313)227-457t— (3l3)475-~2. ,, t Trunk, Vanity wiRd, Mbwr, 3 6 4 Dr. Oak Dressers, I Jeckson arid Ubetly, Follow HOWELL Household Items, C 6 uphdst Ste and frok, Exchange, $11,500. (3l3~1-24la OCMiECORE l28Mly~uiS3-P0941 9~m $ic~Swat Lois Misc., Glasswaro and Cttha, Doie 8 Toys, Oil I signs. two leaves. $800 or best, Uptown sa *es~sane tools, wnio (313)2274190. I Lamps, Oak Wall Phone (case), TaxkiermyItems, Inc. I BRGHTON. 5~ Flee Matet furniture. Saturday, Sunday, (517)223-7315 ~)OIt4 Deere 1r~t’.I~dd116. with software, make oIler, w$eel groin diii $75. Con, I Wood Duck, Ra~on,Pheasant, Red Squirrel, Box I I 6105 Grand River (at N4a B an,. to S pm. ZWI Brewer M)Ø~OWAVE s: itS. Exooi- CAR ramps, $10. Kerosene 41 it mewor. (313)fl1-X72 (313)229’~37. plaar, $100. (50)548-2319 Lots and Much Moreil ha S ~is, $75, Ping~pci~ -t (SI7)548-8270. Open Rd., tg h~S off M-% lent condthon, $75. China abis, $35, Cøss County sin’s, COMMODORE 84/128 wIth ~1_FORD tsar S WS Attend an aucU.on in contort at Lkthpsfa~COUrIfl I Road). every Saisrdey end Sunday C~ndwIth ~s dos-i, $66, NORTHVILLE moving sale. (313)349-4346. lwgesf ifl*Or auct~nfacdiUe,’ 4 ~10 am~to 5 p.m. $50. Humidifier, $50. LAWN tnt, 6 ftp. Sonic 1541/1571 disc d~ve. Color $l,&0, (3l3)Z9-?~, printer, n-oS, nto~se, Breakfast bar, bedroom set (313)622-5341 after 4X p.m. slat re.il S ~n rolS, wyl n-enD, MEL’S AUCTiON butt Sc fcC fln, software and games. $850. cs.’FT Fewlaryhile Masonic Han 7150 E, Grand River I BRIGHTON. The year wd (chest, dresser, with minor, MOViNG to sinak’ tone, mual COtEMAN generator, II hp, 50; 1313)2296699. wth ,~ ~eesor, 2 turge ~‘ (SI 3)669-2955. double bed wilh bookcase 5* 2 dotis desa Wator bed, aeJ~o ss)e. NI 5 Cisle, 7W 8. Mat LaMer, owner Melody CanIfSd, Auclionar RAJI.ROAD 1185. Womanized 22 ~m pon~scr4 maSts. I (SI?) 2238707 b~d),~pt, ~y. feed aDage ~, weed- 5,~wart $325. (517)548-6902. Gt~~_ftvy. (3l3)~-2~. Iwa~i~ . . (SI?) 5214934 HEWLETT-PACKARD Color ous milking equipment, ~vribei, n ew or used, Oc(wuy the isb, bss, toys, dotes, burning stove tools, large Membeci NatioS a Slate AudbieorI Pflaknncre I COPMYc4~,power driven, ~ I Profte~ Epson LO l~pdn~ (313)5244143. ‘Nglon’s O,~ylTh~sr.0eJ9t*erAu~Onleer ow. 44620 Mect Fills Drive chiidrens dresser, flmpefine, IL Sal oIler, Yourg BrAWq and coFXl%phnw~$l~eedi. A~nr B•26 (9 MIs and FftJW?LL sip, & ~te bar, Exanfing, (313)678-6342 or RECONDITION mows-i, mc- (313)2290661 CMu). PEith 24th, 10 am. to Gmd~ blade. 84 mower, (3l3)878’~7. 1 tots, auSments. Trade n IBM AT ~mpabble, 40 m~.Pad t%~or ~ Tha Ike new. 5:30 p.m. - - N~ i~~ iS~PSenis Piic’m DrSPUY perttde l’4tbd 4 a 8 ft Rapeirs bJle4Ø, ecu’ o~e,643c mentory, 5~/,~4 or be. I olfe r, ANNUAL CONSIGNMENT FARM AUCTION NORTHVILLE. Eslate sale, TV, wit 3 v~l~%wasranly. slgft.Lellevs. I~ed6 rcnts, ak,ai. haub- Pdup, d&~. (Ed drives, graphics card, ~ (313)437-4219 evenings and FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1990 — 11:00 AM. Pecan d~qroum ers~ 4 $2000. (313)227476 (517)545fl pet (5l7)54552~. bouohl, $1,650 negofiable. LOCATED: Sheridan Uintock Miotatlngind Auction Seylce, S miles north of GrantS River — **ul bedroom a-manSe, OM desk ~1 coid~,495c” Sc&EIED apeS S blaSt (313)2274567. F~4ALL &Jpor A 2 dx~ GmlnQ46)en Matothe Sheridan LlvssteckMark*Or, 4 reiNseuthel Pwy on M-Sato fib. tieejde Ski, M~~t sob. wlde, 44% ‘ h4t. 23’ deep. Desk rS~~l)~.Ihrts~ $2 each. & Code: beic RaJrS ba SATTUTE ~uipment. Used, — pS, cati Sheridan Livestock MansE. PatTy, MI (SNiwsiat atmly). nS~;invesest 8 ft watnut S Se drawer Sc for ~. new, tide, set and tercice, more. $2500. (313)8 1975 GMC SO® Tnidc wI1JtT~Bet a Leç Weal Base a aso cii ri Engine. alamo ooneel~ aisles, icunpe, Slot for ann S aivelopa, FRANXUN Mint Presidential Rod Rsitw, (5l7)$46-44~ Services, a~4Xpnt TRACTORS MW YEH1Q.E8: OMr 2150 4X4 Oloesi wreeb; 1979 CJ5 Jeep; 1755 Oliver Gas wood S ~ offlee deW S and built In light. $900. — Ix sblng titra ~a, SEARS 10 home pewor ralirg Customer Troow/duols (Exoo~entCendi~sil:AC. 8 Gas Tractr wta~B~e:1065 ainer 550 DiceS SinaI,, reingerator, washer, (313)299-9774. ‘mbd wP241( gold, 53, WSrngtDi inwn rise’, G~ oondi~or~(31 3)227-6 ¶20. FTcIIT mc~if r bccfr.at S dryer, snowblower. 9 Tractor w4oSec~rtematianol 300 Utity Trxtr, throtçh J. Can issued 9-1972 need, minor repair. $401. WE b~S set used hIrwido PetS M lanes Vxh, $200. (3l3p48~4311 OM ai~tiinwd ~iW 56 a HAY AND FORAGE EQUiPMENT: New Helw,d 12 ft 495 Haybre:Jo!~Deere Oft. 5480 Hayisre: had, 3-1977 Sa~$64Z 99 (313)4fl17. goat. 3l3)666-1~. (SI ~s, Maw ida 45ft. Bole Elevutoc Fox 2 va chopper I-load Or 38 Row, Now Iblaid ft S Fc.-a~e pc~1. Meóiql Fwn~sa,otood- 53 itS-a orSor4 caidasi, plates, (313)229-6165 leave Spc~93S~L SaW HAY wagon, good me~br, Chcppofwi2 Ravcorn Hsid:O~oc5BwIwo;JshnDca flit HayBaOOcJOI.i Doers ISA F~i worbjng equipment niisceta- $388, (31312274172. $12 per yard deWs $1~,(517)5464290. Choppec I 88,10 ~ Wagon; 051 rvn 920 Self-titlcodrç &iage Wagon wi3 Bowers and Rool: ~a m~ ads. Maush 24, OUTSDE 5 ~ glass door, GEPCRON U size wiiSthek, sell kinirim of 8 yanS. Road 0*5 Now ~btaMrivn 27 Sãio Blo*eq weort. Rpo. a. jo am. one 2 pin. 41655 Si Partners, $100. Mun,frajm — soot sinvaing leg ma. $12 per )ird deItieS, CS-ed kSXO~4CK13 hole gm~d4. Ceda~ 04i~ PLANTERS, ORLLO AND 11U.AOE EQUIPMENT: Join Deere 8 Raw 7000 Cam Planter: Jthn ~co.n’ae Diw, tout of Tei d~,$20. Atuatmi i~Mfix- Excellent condition, $200. sts’o2 dewed $18 per yed. pS, 2 baiü,?, 16 itt. Deo-e8300 21 PbloOS, Drift; John Deane~4 ants r~vCom Plant., l~ravsi tjqu~ Fort: Wlte ISle. west of Meadowbrook, I u r a 5, . ~*, O~s10 ft Oeen 55 $10 per yard. ~CaI (313)231-1750. n~n285 20*. Field Qultafor .liydmuk Fold and Sçika Lewlec 23ft. Krause Thw, 3k Duntsni (313)3444617. $20 ~th. Wndow afr caithwg Dee’e 10 fi~dic Col Stor Excavaling ALL SIZES P~EBUiLDING ~ LehrCuitPedWr J~Door, 2511 #e5 ~at~Otyor 121? Vfl’~atDisc; JcE’n Deere Rob Harrow; 21 HEATING contractor, State Demuse 7 p.m. (517)54647%, Kswaiee Wing Disc: øtvcr S tenon x 18’ Pl~wmydmutc Reset O~er7 bore.,, 16 Flaw PISCKNEY. 3/24, 9 am. to irit $75. (517)646~l9. ~‘S. sam frwi $~. (5l7)54&27~. MA1Ef~hLSPAD(AGES. Ous)w44ydrauiic Reset at at Land Hilth; Md Size Fethbza. Spr.Soe~4th, Owe F-lasH S Loran 2 pm. 11666 Lenibardy Count QUEEN size mattress box High efficiency boIlers from TWO lice new l~ mod~72 i~ materials at oom Etiva NEW iloifand seil.unioading ‘w~,like rot $130 bat Star, $1 360. Furrecos fran $625. inch iswnmoweri. One self cg~. Fina-cng ~ ir Pow (in P Furraw): Wire im. Rn Tyøe Field CuidyaD~Win, nYn 505 4 ~tan yr ~vfM~rsgorRd. - Cal wagsi. Taiden ,uwrmg gear SediliiraJit Paw~ Pita i-storer. Gas and S prope(cd. (313)879-6247. STANDARD BUILDING $35’x, 1517)723-7325. (313)~29Th~ OTHER MACHINERY: 05$ 5135 4 Ton 05cr k4cv wmSes; Opt. HItII Havs,d MjidvaaSYSTEMS for prices, OLEEN size n~bed, $75. rs_ St. (813)2271530. WANTED large evergreens I ,000 goL Fuel TaM: James Way Bunkne Log Spbtw; Fence chaigec 1~ 5 feeder (120ff.); ~frdr5uiic SOUTHLQYN Remodeling Karsene SW S ~i, $60- HOMEUTE chain saw, 360 16 ft - 20 ft S Shade tees 5’ I .~4444cTh~ 100 FecePosth:GoodyOW~ 2~ pyR~ar4CareTireso~Jci,nDeOreRnfl:PWrV ideai203 (517)546-5642. a swse i~ Mile ~ ~i~it 24 it bet, 2 art’ . 10’ deniew, 15 ft • 25 ft for ~a Spreader: Jd’a Doer. Hw~it, Lowest k4lbrd and OSwald dais, $203. 500 gS gas ank on landscaping. Call collect HAY STRAW AUCTION modem sob ~, $125. 8 cONS4GNUEWTS AcCEPTED UP UNI1L SALE DAY. Root. Saturday I Sunday. B~S täto drone lit $50. — wit ~ Pae 54W (313)673-I 217. MICHIGAN HORSE AUCTION 1.rms c.fl or App,e.d 10 am, to 5 pm.lnteriot ol (313)229-5679. (5l~7, ANNOUNCING: CMo- ~d ~ ir’ Ac, Pa’ne,.cupboards, appliances, o_t & ~t A~SOS- No I~TTubs th~~overruns, MICHIGAN’S FASTEST GROWING HAY & STRAW Stwritks btra, Iht f,tra REFRGERATOR S[a~s, s_c Re.— ~ ~ Were $3,695; now 51,1451 F,,.U~ *,sg. 0•y S 5a~ ~jrritn, aipG~aibiuo la~ierca-~**-t SIX. 3l3~2’5 — — AUCTION EVERY MONDAY F~a Ova wçar. (3l3)454~9~. as. s haas ~nt :.. HEWDAN,.~AUCTlON ‘ys., &¼_,, I.• REFRIGERATOP sM sieve, REMEMBER EVERY MONDAY I :00 PM bERVICEB ~kJtWLYON, Mering Sale. maMa oma~usalal oond~ KNAPP Shoe Distribufor. HAY & STRAW SALE 28342 Pon6ac Trail Refrigerator, ch.Id-sizs play- S. $l5~St.(3l3)87S2~. Ins ElSe, 347~ Wateca .1 ‘ :‘~. Auctioneers • Resltor~ CONSIGNERS WELCOME-PAID SAME DAY South Lyon Road, Webbervill,, toae, Sink ~ . WEEKLY MARKET REPORT Appraisers 5*1’O VQ~~~t~ran* ~d (S17)flZ 19911 W. 10 Mk SatrrdaY ~ (113) W40$t a’ 2214444 Bill Shiedden office (SI 71 466-3381 (511) 578.2503 asking $300. ft_I Ud t.—’ ~ IWth 24. (313$37’$72. STRAW NEW solar panel, good for Lany Sheridan Mason, Michigan 48554 (III) 1114215 e S..’.’. Gi Al &.t~, ho~posh. )31fl- B Con same 10 Russian duck 56 Assigned task 57 Ba((ol mG~e ment 58 Sensation at welt-being 3$ Ludicrous Ave. pros ~a~t4c r 014 limitation. or discriminatIon,’ This newspapr, will not knowingly accept any advertisIng for reat eatale which Is in vIolation, of the law. Our readersare hereby informed that all dwellings advertised In this newspaper are available orrsirequat-tiouslng opportunity basis. (PR Doe, 724983 Filed3-31-72, 8:45am.) . ~~ -~ h0~~~0 020thiu089 are listed in Creative Living 153 152 151 credit will be given unless notice at typographical or other errors is given in time for correction betore the se cond insertion. Not responsibleforomisstont Publishere Notice: All real estate advertIsing in this . newspaper is subject to the Federal Psir Housing Act oh 1968.which makes it iflegal to advertise “any preference, 065 Bingo Card of Thanks Car Pools Entertainment ~Found Free ‘ Happy Ads ~ InMemoriam Lost Political Notices Special Notices as Animal Services Farm Animals Horsee!Equip. Household Pets 069 Personal ~ Animals 064 078 Apartments BuIldings!HatlS CondominIums! Townhouses Duplexes FosterCare Houses lndust,/COmIfl. i.akelront Houses Land LIving Quarters toShare MobIle Homes MobiteHomeSites Chloe Space Rooms Stora9O Space Vacation Rentals Wanted to Rent 240 241 çèmetery Lets Condominiums Duplexea Farms!Acreage Houses . tncomeProperty • tndusi-Cornim. Lakefront Houses Lake Property Mobile Homo5 Not-thorn Property Open House Out oh State Property Real Eatale Wanted ‘ VecantProperty ~ Employment Monday 3:30 For Rent 239 Antique Cars Autos Over SI 000 Autos Under$1,000 ‘ Auto Parts!Service Autoswanted , • Boats!Equip. Campers!Trailers &Equip. • Construction Equip. Four-Wheel Drives Motorcycles RecreationalVehlcles SnowmobIles Trucks Truck Parts!Servlce Vans . • 7 Two deadlines: the,. kiting., but restricts use to .~ Place classified ads: Monday: 8amto5pm EDS AU lems offered in this Absolulofr Fr.? oolurnn must be exactOy lhat. free to those rnpending. This new~apQf.makes nechatgó for .— @.27 additional word) Charge It on VISA or MASTERCARD SHEET CLASSIFI Call: 517 548-2570 313 227-4436 437-4133 348-3022 685-8705 24 Hour Fax 313 437-9460 Non-commercial ads: 10 words $6.49 :~ ~.:~ w~o” e(:1. ~ V3~ _____________ ~ ~: ~‘-Uidt~SU*t I• ______________________ fl7)521.8911, I MOTOR MALL~ ~tttt CALL WANTED: ~86~7r I a:: ~ ____________________ ;~n ~t1t I t: ttV5 TIIESIER Equipment Co. C~’t (313) 750-9971 HAY
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