S I N C E 17 0 7 Auction Week October 2014 Federico Barocci (1535–1612), Study of the head of a lady in profile, oil on panel, 43.4 x 33.3 cm, € 80,000 – 120,000 Pietro Antonio Rotari (1707–1762), Portrait of a young woman in peasant costume, oil on canvas, 45 x 34.5 cm, € 80,000 – 120,000 Federico Barocci (1535–1612), Study of the head of a young woman, oil on panel, 43.4 x 33.7 cm, € 80,000 – 120,000 Attributed to Sir Anthony van Dyck (1599–1641), Portrait of Hubert du Hot, oil on canvas, 114 x 98 cm, € 50,000 – 70,000 Pietro Antonio Rotari (1707–1762), Portrait of a young woman in a cap, oil on canvas, 45 x 34.5 cm, € 80,000 – 120,000 Attributed to Jacopo da Pontormo (1494–1556) and Studio, The Madonna and Child with Saint Elizabeth and the Infant St John the Baptist, oil on panel, 121 x 93.5 cm, € 200,000 – 300,000 Auction Week October 2014 Old Master Paintings Tuesday 21th October, 5 p.m. Apollonio Domenichini, the Master of the Langmatt Foundation (1715–1770), Venice: The Grand Canal with the Rialto Bridge; The Bucintoro at the Molo, oil on canvas, 54.5 x 89.9 cm and 55.5 x 94.5 cm, € 120,000 – 180,000 the pair (2) Palais Dorotheum Vienna Viewing from Saturday 11th October Preview of selected works: Munich 17th – 18th September, Brussels 24th – 26th September, London 30th September – 2nd October Frans Verbeeck (1510–1570), The Mocking of Human Follies, oil on canvas, 135 x 188 cm, € 900,000 – 1,200,000 Jan Brueghel I (1568–1625), Coastal landscape with fish market, oil on panel, 15.5 x 18.5 cm, € 200,000 – 300,000 Enquiries Old Master Paintings Vienna, Mark MacDonnell, Alexander Strasoldo, Tel. +43-1-515 60-353, -556, old.masters@dorotheum.at London, Damian Brenninkmeyer, Tel. +44 (0) 20 7009 1049, damian.brenninkmeyer@dorotheum.com Pieter Brueghel II (1564–1637/38), The Wedding Dance, oil on panel, Ø 20 cm, € 200,000 – 300,000 www.dorotheum.com Online catalogues, object search, auction reminder, auction results: myDOROTHEUM – benefit from our online service Giuseppe Vermiglio (1585 – after 1635), David and Goliath, oil on canvas, 143 x 109 cm, € 150,000 – 200,000 Paris Bordone (1500–1571), Allegory of Vanity, oil on canvas, 87.5 x 72 cm, € 100,000 – 150,000 Master of San Jacopo a Mucciana (active 1390–1420), Madonna and Child, with saints, tempera on gold ground, a triptych, opened 55 x 60 cm, € 80,000 – 120,000 Bernardo Cavallino (1616–1656), Allegory of Painting, oil on canvas, 105.5 x 75 cm, € 180,000 – 220,000 Pietro Liberi (1605–1687), Allegory of Fortitude and Temperance, oil on canvas, 98 x 107.4 cm, € 50,000 – 70,000 Jan Brueghel II (1601–1678), River landscape with jetty, oil on panel, 37.5 x 61.5 cm, € 150,000 – 200,000 Lavinia Fontana (1552–1614), Portrait of a noblewoman with maid and small dog, oil on canvas, 113 x 92 cm, € 120,000 – 180,000 Jan van Kessel II (1654–1708), Still life with monkey (illustrated); and Still life with guinea pigs, oil on copper, each 17.5 x 23 cm, € 80,000 – 120,000 the pair (2) Auction Week October 2014 Old Master Paintings Tuesday 21th October, 5 p.m. Paolo Triscornia (1757–1833), Sleeping Cupid, white Carrara marble, 55 x 30 x 34 cm, € 22,000 – 30,000 Gottlob Mohn – A cup, glass, Vienna, 1812, signed G. Mohn pt., height 9.7 cm, € 16,000 – 20,000 A neo-Rococo bronze mantelpiece clock, “Lepaute, horlogier de Roi à Paris”, France ca. 1870, height 110 cm, € 15,000 – 20,000 Thomiere – A vase from Paris, bronze, fire-gilt, height 73.5 cm, early 19th Cent., € 7,000 – 9,000 A Russian plate decorated with military scenes, porcelain, Ø 25 cm, St Petersburg, Tsar Alexander III mark 1881–1894, € 25,000 – 30,000 An imperial coffee- and tea service, porcelain, Vienna, Imperial Manufactory, 1788–1799, € 100,000 – 150,000 A pair of neoclassical console tables, probably England, 1st half 19th Cent., each 93 x 144 x 57 cm, € 30,000 – 40,000 A Baroque escritoire from Italy, Venice mid-18th Cent., ca. 265 x 139 x 69 cm, € 20,000 – 30,000 Enquiries Antique Scientific Instruments, Simon Weber-Unger, Tel. +43-1-515 60-269, simon.weber@dorotheum.at Clocks, Peter Hüttler, Tel. +43-1-515 60-293, peter.huettler@dorotheum.at Furniture, Ulrich Prinz, Alexander Doczy, Günther Minichreiter, Tel. +43-1-515 60-291, furniture@dorotheum.at Glass and Porcelain, Ursula Rohringer, Tel. +43-1-515 60-382, ursula.rohringer@dorotheum.at Sculpture, Christine Masser, Tel. +43-1-515 60-331, christine.masser@dorotheum.at Silver, Georg Ludwigstorff, Tel. +43-1-515 60-363, georg.ludwigstorff@dorotheum.at A library globe with ornamental frame by C. Adami and H. Kiepert, Berlin, 1871, Ø ca. 71 cm, height ca. 165 cm, € 30,000 – 50,000 Auction Week October 2014 WOrks of art Wednesday 22th October, 2 p.m. Nicolau Antonio Facchinetti (1824–1900), View of a bay near Rio de Janeiro, 1896, oil on canvas, 28 x 63 cm, € 25,000 – 30,000 Francis Pieter Peters (1818–1903), View across Constantinople, 1864, oil on canvas, 55 x 69 cm, € 45,000 – 55,000 Vincenzo Irolli (1860–1949), Holy Communion, oil on canvas, 198 x 198 cm, € 70,000 – 90,000 Albert Ritzberger (1853–1915), Family Idyll, 1892, oil on canvas, 92 x 133 cm, € 60,000 – 70,000 Gustave Emile Couder (1845–1903), A basket of flowers and fruit with a landscape background, oil on canvas, 130 x 98 cm, € 17,000 – 20,000 Arthur Melville (1855–1904), Old Enemies, 1880, oil on canvas, 165 x 112 cm, € 30,000 – 40,000 Auction Week October 2014 19th Century Paintings Thursday 23th October, 5 p.m. Conrad Hoff (1816–1883), Venice, View of the Punta della Dogana, Santa Maria della Salute and the Piazzetta, oil on canvas, 108.5 x 193 cm, € 25,000 – 35,000 Stepan Fjodorowitsch Kolesnikoff (1879–1955), After Mass, oil on canvas, 89.5 x 116 cm, € 30,000 – 40,000 Constantin Jegorowitsch Makowsky (1839–1915), Seated Nude, pastels on canvas on board, 89 x 51 cm, € 50,000 – 70,000 Ivan Augustowisch Welz (1866–1926), Winter Sun, 1919, oil on canvas, 71 x 89 cm, € 40,000 – 60,000 Franz Richard Unterberger (1838–1902), Castellmare Golfo di Napoli, 1876/77, oil on canvas, 75.5 x 144.5 cm, € 40,000 – 60,000 Enquiries 19th Century Paintings Vienna, Dimitra Reimüller, Christl Wolf, Tel. +43-1-515 60-355, 19c.paintings@dorotheum.at Rome, Gautier Gendebien, Tel. +39-06-699 23 671, gautier.gendebien@dorotheum.it Selected Auction Dates An Art Déco diamond bracelet total weight ca. 22 ct, platinum, French gov. hallmark as of 1912, € 16,000 – 20,000 An emerald ring 26.50 ct, white gold, brilliant cut diamonds total weight ca. 0.60 ct, € 65,000 – 75,000 An Art Déco diamond brooch total weight ca. 5 ct, platinum, white gold, French duty hallmark as of 1925, € 6,000 – 8,000 A diamond and emerald pendant, white gold, gold 750, diamonds total weight 3 ct, emerald 22 ct, € 30,000 – 40,000 Auction date Auction 09/13, Sat Hunting, Sporting and Collectors’ Weapons 09/16, Tue Oriental Carpets, Tapestry and Textiles 09/18, Thu 19th Century Paintings and Watercolours 09/20, Sat 20th Century Art, “Studioglas”, Design (Prague) 09/22, Mon Posters, Advertising Art, Comics, Film and Photohistory 09/23, Tue Art Nouveau, 20th Century Arts and Crafts, Vintage Costume Jewellery 10/01, Wen Furniture and Decorative Art 10/02, Thu Master Drawings, Prints before 1900, Watercolours, Miniatures 10/06, Mon Antiques – Antique Scientific Instruments and Models, Classic Cameras and Accessoires 10/10, Fri Jewellery, Watches and Works of Art (Salzburg) 10/15 - 16, Wen - ThuStamps 10/18, Sat Vintage Motor Vehicles and Automobila (Salzburg Fair, Classic Expo) Auction Week October 2014 10/21, Tue Old Master Paintings 10/22, Wen Works of Art (Furniture, Sculptures, Glass, Porcelain) 10/23, Thu Jewellery 10/23, Thu 19th Century Paintings 10/29, Wen Musical Instruments (Favoriten) 10/29, Wen Hunting, Sporting and Collectors’ Weapons 11/04, Tue Art Nouveau, 20th Century Arts and Crafts 11/05, Wen Modern and Contemporary Prints 11/05 - 06, Wen - Thu Art and Antiques (Linz) 11/06, ThuDesign Palais Dorotheum Dorotheergasse 17, 1010 Vienna, Austria Viewing circa one week before the auction Mon – Fri, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., Sat, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Sun, 12 and 19 October, 2 p.m. – 5 p.m. Information Tel. +43-1-515 60-570, client.services@dorotheum.at Catalogues Tel. +43-1-515 60-200, kataloge@dorotheum.at A pair of diamond ear rings total weight ca. 19.3 ct, gold, platinum, 1st third 20th Cent., € 80,000 – 100,000 David Webb, two brilliant cut diamond bracelets total weight ca. 6.6 ct, gold, platinum, ca. 1960s, € 8,000 – 10,000 each bracelet Auction Week October 2014 Jewellery Thursday 23th October, 2 p.m. Enquiries Jewellery, Astrid Fialka-Herics, Alessandra Thornton, Dorothee Ganter, Günther Fröhlich, Günter Eichberger Tel. +43-1-515 60-567, -204, -336, -205, -368, juwelenauktion@dorotheum.at Dorotheum International London, Damian Brenninkmeyer 11 St James’s Place, London SW1A 1NP, United Kingdom Tel. +44 (0) 20 7009 1049 damian.brenninkmeyer@dorotheum.com Düsseldorf, Petra Schäpers Südstraße 5, 40213 Düsseldorf, Germany Tel. +49-211-210 77-47, duesseldorf@dorotheum.de Valuation days 8, 9 and 25 September Munich, Franz von Rassler Galeriestraße 2, 80539 Munich, Germany Tel. +49-89-244 434 73-0, muenchen@dorotheum.de Valuation days 17, 18 and 23 September Milan, Angelica Cicogna Mozzoni Palazzo Amman, via Boito, 8, 20121 Milan, Italy Tel. +39-02-303 52 41, angelica.cicogna@dorotheum.it CONTEMPORARY ART MODERN ART, SILVER JEWELLERY, WATCHES Information, Tel. +43-1-515 60-570, client.services@dorotheum.at Lucio Fontana (1899–1968), Concetto Spaziale, Attese, 1965/66, waterpaint on canvas, yellow, 46.3 x 55.5 cm, € 450,000 – 650,000 Rome, Maria Cristina Paoluzzi Palazzo Colonna, Piazza SS. Apostoli, 66, 00187 Rome, Italy Tel. +39-06-699 23 671, maria-cristina.paoluzzi@dorotheum.it Naples, Giuseppe Imparato Mobile +39-335 592 52 33, giuseppe.imparato@dorotheum.it Brussels, Honorine d’Ursel 13, rue aux Laines, 1000 Brussels, Belgium Tel. +32-2-514 00 34, honorine.dursel@dorotheum.be Valuation days 24 – 26 September Budapest, Réka Kovács OREX Palais, Andrássy ùt 64, 1062 Budapest, Hungary Tel. +36-1 413 3742, Mobile +36-20 545-9856, kovacs.reka@orex.hu Paris, Joëlle Thomas Mobile France +33-665-17 69 37, Austria +43-699-10 38 86 40 joelle.thomas@dorotheum.com Prague, Maria Galova Ovocny´ trh 2, 11000 Prague 1, Czech Republic Tel. +420-2-24 22 20-01, klient.servis@dorotheum.cz Tel Aviv, Rafael Schwarz Mobile +972-54-448 39 78, Tel. +43-1-515 60-405 rafael.schwarz@dorotheum.com Zagreb, Venetia Eltz Vukovarski eltz.vukovarski@dorotheum.com www.dorotheum.com Robert Clark Indiana (b. 1928), NUMBERS ONE through ZERO, 1978–2003, aluminium, 45.7 x 45.7 x 25.4 cm, € 750,000 – 900,000 Imprint: Published by Dorotheum GmbH & Co KG, DVR 0105104, FN 213974v Commercial Court Vienna, UID Nr. ATU 52613505, Errors and omissions excepted Foto Credit: Dorotheum Auction Week 24th – 28th November 2014
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