Third Call for Papers Information Literacy in the Green Society 3rd European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL) October 19-22, 2015, Tallinn, Estonia We would like to invite you to the 3rd European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL2015). ECIL is an annual conference initiated by the Department of Information Management of Hacettepe University and the Department of Information and Communication Sciences of Zagreb University. It is organized and hosted by a different European partner each year. ECIL 2015 conference will be organized by the Institute of Information Studies of Tallinn University and held from 19-22 October 2015, at Tallinn University, Tallinn, Estonia. ECIL is an international conference and conference committees include over hundred distinguished experts from over sixty countries. The language of the Conference is English. The conference abstract submission system is open. The abstract submission deadline is 16 March 2015. The keynote speaker is Carol Collier Kuhlthau. She is Professor Emerita of Library and Information Science at Rutgers University. She is internationally known for her groundbreaking research on the Information Search Process and for the ISP model of affective, cognitive and physical aspects in six stages of information seeking and use. She has authored several books and has received numerous awards for outstanding contributions in the field of information science and library education and research. Invited speakers are Gobinda Chowdhury from Northumbria University, Mark Hepworth from Loughborough University, Heidi Julien from the University at Buffalo, Mandy Lupton from the Queensland University of Technology, Eero Sormunen from the University of Tampere and Olof Sundin from Lund University. Aim & Scope Information Literacy, Media Literacy, Smart Lifestyle and Environmental Sustainability being the main theme, ECIL aims to bring together researchers, information professionals, media specialists, educators, enviromentalists, sustainability experts, policy makers, employers and all other related parties from around the world to exchange knowledge and experience and discuss recent developments and current challenges in both theory and practice. In the Conference, additional to all aspects of Information Literacy (please visit the Conference website for a detailed list of topics) the contribution of information literacy to the smart lifestyle and green society issues will be focused and explored. All participants of the conference have an opportunity to participate and set an example in this process of smart and sustainable development for society. Important Dates First call: 10 December, 2014 Second call: 12 January 2015 Third call: 10 March 2015 Abstract submission deadline: 16 March 2015 Notification of acceptance for abstracts: 27 April 2015 Deadline for submitting final versions of abstracts: 15 May 2015 Registration starts: 2 June 2015 Full-text submission deadline: 15 June 2015 Notification of acceptance for full-texts: 1 July 2015 Deadline for submitting final versions of full-texts: 15 July 2015 Early registration deadline: 15 July 2015 Author registration deadline: 30 July 2015 Conference sessions: 19-22 October 2015 Paper Submission The conference will be composed of several types of contributions, such as full papers, posters, PechaKucha (short presentations), best practices, workshops, panels, invited talks, doctoral forum, each has different requirements and restrictions regarding the length, time allocation and content. Contributions should be prepared using the templates available through the Conference website and submitted electronically via the conference management system. At least one of the authors should register online via Conference website and take part at the conference to make the presentation. Contributions will be peer-reviewed and the authors will be notified of the outcome. Review process will be run in two cycles. First cycle is for abstracts and the second is for full-texts (only for the contributions in paper category). Final copies of the accepted contributions should be sent in by deadlines indicated above, in order for them to be included in both the book of abstracts and the proceedings book. ECIL’s proceedings books are published by Springer in CCIS series (agreements are yearly basis) which is indexed in Thomson Reuter’s Conference Proceedings Citation Index, Scopus and other indexes. We are looking forward to your contributions to and participation in the ECIL 2015 Conference. Contact: Conference Secretariat: Sirje Virkus, Co-chair of ECIL 2015 and Chair of the Local Organizing Committee Serap Kurbanoğlu, General Co-chair and Co-chair of ECIL 2015 Sonja Špiranec, General Co-chair and Co-chair of ECIL 2015
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