AVOHLAKERRSiHGHTIRS CARRIER ROUTE AVJ 34ft ANNUAL FIREMEN'S DANCE The Press curraniiy has a roule avaliatiie IRISH HERITAGE CLUB JANUARY 20, 1996 * on OUt& S'reet • on Srockley T3GFMTQ 12 H W W r •!<['[!•; :ii!lO BfEU FOP, I SHACKS H!IL U FriGVIOti CITn si-: AYl'LHl: U S m * PHIZES. FB3 IDfllTlIiJIAL TlCtfH CALL 331-B3C5 cun:, /n SHEFFIELD LAKE Cd ttf fcfcrrsw wj nta San SSJ1& Out bcctf-COO; Q m S» ft&rtrt fnrrse Wftatst tea t-Ktnrrt H**mrt i tOt- In AVON LAKE If Interested P••: JSC> Call 93a-8i«J2 4CThVear. No. 9 January 3, 1995 Serving Avon • Avon Lake • Sheffield • Sheffield Lake ^:ui •r Community Pulse ...And Opinion RJ.H. CooymtolJitJons to area elected officials who were sworn In tbb past New Year's Day. Avon Lako reaiijlants who subscribe to cable T.V. should check out channel 12. Tns entire Avon Lake ceremony- Is boing shown this week and 1 believe residents will enjoy the meetingFormer Avon Lake Mayor John Picken was honored by swearing in Avon Lake Mayor Vince Urbin. It was good to see the former mayor included in the activities. John Pickra played it Lighting the way key tola in Avon 1-akif** history and I know ha was very excited nkoiit beinjt part oFUI* Iaiiua/> lit ceremonies. ti WB* goort io s«o all U» council members smiling and putting their best foot forward. AYOU Lake rwsidtints ue looking for alot of great progress from this Broun- Again — check out chtuutel 12 for lh« wTprograra. Th« •arty snow and cold temperatures Is keeping area city crews very busy. . In addition to the extra expense for tons of salt there is the Urns of leaves yet to be picked up. The early December snowfall has covered the lall leaves residents have raked lo the curb. To compound the Issue tho snow crews scatter the leaves as they plow too snow limbing an even bigger mess. 1 spoke with Avon Luke Service Director. Tom Leschnr on Tuesday morning and ho agrees. Tom Indicated there isn't much they can do with the leaves until they gel a good thi.w In tho meantime, his crows arc busy picking up 5.000 Christmas trers. The bike path — it belongs on U k e Rd. There hri- bc«nflintof chatter about pulling a Tour foot bike path on both side* of Lake Rd. Talk as many may. the boltoro lines is l.ake Rd- must be part of the protect or tho stato won'l fund it. So. when C". happens, look [or Lake Rd. to be 8 feet wider wilh lota of bike trafWhile the main concern for bike traffic on Lake Rd. is safety. I believe tho need for the bike path Is all about saroNew spot to dump. Standring's Aulo Center located on Lake Rd. now otters a site to drop ofT your used automotive Owner Jerry Standring has installed tanks and ensures everyone tho used motor oil will be disposed of in a clean Continued on page 16 A long-time favorite Cleveland Ian favorite Ernest Byner looks (or a hole one last time in the Browns'victory over tho Bengals in the home finale. PR£SS photo — Oavld Brandt Donna Clark (lolt) and Aileen Wood (riqht) went to First Federal ot l_ i*-7v.cert's now ^rarcri in Avon l_a*.e to receive tree luminaries m cbfiguration of th*> biink •> 'jr^rid opor.ing las! PRESS photo — Dnvid Brandt Weather stalls road re-opening Ringing in the New Year Kiwanis Club members Skip Skoggen and Bill KauHman nng the bell for Satvalran Army collections in front ot Tom-Car Foods rrt Avon Lake. Many members o l t h e local Kiwanis Club volunteered several hours in the cold durmg the annual holtday drive which netted nearly $4,000. All the money collected in Avon Lake will go back to Ihe Avon U k e community. PRESS photo — Dmvid Brandt AVON — Due lo the heavy snow, it is unclear when Lear Nagel Road is to reopen. According lo Mayor Jim Smith, the road was supposed to re-open about three weeks ago. but the snoxvy weather hits stalled progress. -The contractor needs to test tho sewers and maku sure thcro are no leaks." Smith said. "Tho weather Las slowed the line-testing process." Continued on page 16 - 0 1 FRESH PROM THE D£Lt SUB BACON / • - ft • l #— i5 $ 249 $&eer*a'*c* IB. PE«S .LS..1 SUNSHINE FARMS ORANGE JUICE 1/2 GAL- $1.89 MOUNTAIN DEW. DR. FEFFEK or 50W5HWE FARMS 16 OUMCE FRENCH OWON OOP CMP NAWSCO OOPS AHOY COOKIES.. FAMILY FAVOCTE TOP ROUND RUMP ROAST You can't get it at the supermarket! Diets £> Watson Premium Deli Mea Lower in Fat, bmt in Salt, Fewer Calories, No Preservative! Available Exclusively at OHIO Open Everyday 6AM 'til Midnight AVON 1AKE SHEFFIELD 1AKE 137 LcarRd • 933-2710 4706 Lake Rd • D49-763, (Convenient I I 1^1 that was chasun to retire the debt for thu oore soever district. Now seven ycuii after this method was chosen. Avon Gty Council-has thangad the rules. The claim is that this change was necessary to get one sewer rate for the city. The b i t is everyone that ii tied into a sanitary sewer system in Avon already paid the same operations and maintenance chargos (O Bt M). The only difference was Ihe cost of core sewer district debt retirement Now, it doesn't matter when you live In Avon; if you have a sanitary sewer • The FRES5 «ta)m« Irtt^ editor aid K M itefrs. • A3 Srttffrs *nd r*rw9 rsWws must be TYTED 00UBU-5PACE3. • Jnci*is « name, Address, pricnc number. • tWttfr* wtil b< edited for brevity *nd cUHty. • Authors" rarw can be wftWvid upon • Al (terns muaTWtrt by Thur«l»y 5 p jn. • Send near* rrieaaw *«d letters to: THE fRESS. Pi). DM XX>. A W Uke, OWo 44O2. or Ufa ttwm to our office j t C d U*rRo*d during office hours {9 am. to 5 p-m, Mond*y-Frid*y) you aje paying the core JJWUT dhtrict debt retirement. I'm not completely blameless in this issue. I didn't see thii coming. I thought the rates were going !o be restructured to require all sewer mere to pay for the cost to operate the sewer system, not the restructuring of an old debt onto people who have already paid their fair share. 1 opposed this ordinance because it was not fair to the 500 useis (myself included) who have already paid for their s«wer. If you think that's self serving, you're absolutely right. Th» additional debt HAPPY W Tblbe Editor Bnry development in the dry of Jvtoofits,faydesign, become their own mrar district. What this means Is that anyaafi who has bought • house or a lot out of the c a n tewer district has been mad* to pcyfattheir unitary aewex. In •oma Cue* tfe* cost was ba&t into the price of the tab in others, into the cu*t of the house. In the ewe of the core sewer district. no on* paid bt the installation of the Kiwants/Saivatlon Army thank you X To the Editor • The Kiwanis Club of Avon IAIS and the Salvation Army thank everyone who donated to the "red kettles" located throughout Avon lake and Sheffield Lakv during tbe month of December. Almost SI .700 was received. The amount collected In each community will be used to help the needy In that community. About 170 manhours were donated by the members of IQwenls and tbe Kivranis Key Qub iB "ringing tha baU." Kiwanls extends a special thank you to Convenient Food Mart in Sheffield Lake and Rini Rego. Sparkle Food Store and Tom-Car Foods in Avca L d e tot providing tha kettle locations Without the cooperation of these merchants, this very important community effort would not have been possible. David A. Moes. RE. Public Relations Cbmmittea Kiwanls Club of Avon Laka BIRTHDAY T» A H Tha money for the installation of these sewers was borrowed from tha Qfelc Water DereSopmant Authority. There was no final rootage assessment Tha money, coUocted to repay this debt WM to b«'based on city water conranpUoa fee thorn people In tbe Core SawarDSatrkL H M »«"«"«t of money h**"g paid back by each user varied by tho amount of city water used. A user of little city water Mid little in debtretirement.On th« otfiar band. larger users paid much mor*forthe use of tne same sewer—not a good system, but this is tbe method j I FRIDAY NIGHT All You Can Eat addod onto thmo 500 users is 567.200 each yedr based on the average use of 7.U00 gallons monthly at 51.00/1,000 gallons. The total debt retirsment for the core sewer is 5140,000 per year. Tha! means 1/3 of tha total sawer users will pay 48% of the core sewer district debt retirement. The Law Dtfictor has said there's nothing in the !;w that says anything about fairness or equality. Maybe there should be. Ted Gracryk Avon Council-Bt-Larga OURT&WN Graczyk's point on sewers RESTrUJHANT h i J.T"-Vft^ A IJO|» WAY' Lunch Special Open fie* Steak Sandwich wrth Fms—S5.95 INVOLVED Dinner Special BBQ Rifcs wit- 6 » *' 82 995 5 1/2 SUbi.~~.-~~ * HAPPY HOUR: 4-7 5WU MOJL- F-L .Rrt- Vna Pizxo AMuncfal— Any Two r 'I'joo Large Duuierr One/fan Only $10.95 Pizzas Weekly Cable Cast of... IFISH FRY... $8.95 Only $7.90 IN OUR "Wednesday just Isn't Wednesday Without The PRESS" THE rANDlNGS 933-3801 3 * a n II • • ••• •• •••••••»« CHIROPRACTIC CONCEPTS Gaofir»yA.PoyU,D.C • in nun Announcing the opening of our Avon Lake office Geoffrey A. Poyle, D.C. Each week PRESS Publisher, Rick Hemrrcr, produces a 20 minute cable show promoting The PRESS advertisers and stories d commun.ry interest readers would find in the current issue of The PRES5. The Cable show appears frve times daiV-5 *"*. 9 ajiw 2 r,xm. 7 p.m. and 12 midnight-on the Avon Lake Community Access Channel 34. •IIIIIIIII Gregory R. Poyle, D.C. 6190 Detroit Road. Elyria CAMl CrBgDfyR . Poyl ..D.a 158 Lear Road, Avon Lake, Ohio 44012 q i 6 ) 933-5100 'w -it •« <t 1 *• at, fil /f £ "-T PET CARE Phone: 933-5100 Fax: 933-79W P.O. Box 300 158 Lear Road Avon Lai*, Ohio « 0 1 2 ix Lerr&i Cnat*. TMTP«M«»« DEADLINES NEWSI^EMS: Thursday — 5 p m . ADVERTISING: Friday — Woo** CLASSmiiDS: Monday — £ OnSendNaw* \trra, Ctaiiifiedj, Advt tiling and ArtfdMU: Rkharf J- W22-1989 Thw Praia P.O. Box 3M. AvonUSca.OH 4. 12 WON LfiKE CITY SCHOOLS SCSOJt CALENDAR Wad.. Jan. 3 - SCHOOL RESUMES WHAT'S HAPPENING IN THE CLASSROOMS AT EASrVTFW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. Mm G-jbhardt't morning kindergarten class voted on a d m name and "The Eaglea* woo. Weekly themes hnv« each been based on an alphabet letter, with corroapondiss dramatic play centers. They have enjoyed working s i banian, construction crews, doctors, floriri* and grocers. The Eagles" families help them leant tco. They takt tnzns bringing home an estimation ben. Joustal btan «nd class written books. * i a . Thomas' afternoon kindergarten class has been enjoying matbaxnotlcB with fun activities using patterns, estimating, and simple story problems. They have be#n using creative ideas from the math "box it. bag If* program. These methods make for enjoyable as w » t s s educMtiooal lessons. In October the first graders In Mrs. Cantleberry and Mr*. Dcssjooys d u n s used the Idea of Halloween to sing and » a a songs. »ftfm»Hi might, numbers, and laognVaad do story retells with puppets. First graders hear*faavabusy studying about Johnny Appleseed and apy arouad the country. They read poems i •©•sons *nd the fidllng |ea*e»Utactb-as m Mrs. Ssbado**; ascend grade BZS gcaeitf-, solving profakfms,todsharpening their thisSt% J&ti&M clues are* uncovered. Their mystery wift wmBOad wtth a lot offim «nd mysterious ZiteratOEft MijUSl e* some mysteriea by th? yoong authors. To* mystsdes of fall cam* alive In science as the chilc*en atadtod Umvnt «ad die reasons far their color chanoji and rJecor&tad their own loaf-print shirt The akatatl system waa another myiwious topic that ***Timne a part of the unfft *chmnfi IWIMWIT. The young 1 n-' Qnntn,-}!' On./.irul Only ''. >°-"* • Tizzafutter 933-5570 •WE DEUUSR •K ML KATHLEEN FLEMING DR- LINDA STOLFO OPTOMETRY North FrlcwUy Professional Evecare for the entire family T O T PATIENTS TOLCOMF • THOROUGH r V E EXAMi NATIONS • OVER 300 FRAME STYLES - CONTACT LENSES OP ALL TYPES WE AXE NOW PROVIDERS FOX: ' AETNA (FORD) ' VSP (GOODRICH) * MEDICARE CONVENIENT Saturday and Evening Hours 933-3214 .ilio exj)«ri(.'ncod thu rtavtion u! iudiflu. starch and lemon juice J* ihey look, par! in an invisible flobe.I V/. Thompson m«."iiag'j MJ. M-ilh included hands-on learning meth Veterinarian ads nf diiihmvlic a* wull ai Halloween slory problem>,<JIIV ca'. owners dca't salving, critical thinking. esliniJtion. place value, r?diiza ibii their pel's arithmetic secret codei and much more. Thti unit dental jealih i> fo imjj-jrended with a ;r.dvene?r hu'it. The clufes wen> tiei into tin!. Veterinary jtudiei lbs characters from th«* literal uri* thi*y have be«n readhave shov^n that kidr.ey ing all yev long. disease is one of t'le mast Mrs. Hissara's second graders have been studying the common cauwrj tf death "ajiouj type? of roclj and the earth's four layers. The in old;r cata and newer class enjoyed designing each layer of the earth wing a studies are jhowtug lliat vou can head off major slice of wheat bread, peanut riiit'.er. Jtrawbvrr) jam. ccnmion cause of .'udaey health problems and *eand a piece of butterscotch candy. Each food repredisease is poor dental a healthier futun* fox sented a different Uvei oi" the earth. Wow! They didn't health. The tar»ai that cun* b^vorite feline. P^know tfcw earth couid be so yummy' Their class was builds up oa teeth con- your dental health care also visited by Dr. Strimbu. who shared X-rays and sists of mostly battoria. venu'va majy interesting fact* about Hi? skeletal system. They Thi5 bacteria gets inio the for your cat is easy, but learned so much they were able to construct their own bloodstream via the gums. treatment of heart lung, skeletons with the help of Kir. Didtn fourth graders. Once in the bioodsOeam liver, ox kidney disease it can be carried to and usually b o o t SCHOOL LUNCH MENU. \Subject :o Change). This message is brought cause serious health p-obFollowing is the menu for students grades K-6: lems with the heut. to you by Richard W. Jan. 3 - "Hot Dog on a Bun w/Kelc>up-Mu*tardThompson. D.V.M.. Avon lungs, liver, and kidniyt. Onioxu. Barbecue Beans. Chips. Choice ol yruit. Cake By eliminating the prob- Ut<> Animal Clinic. 124 w/Claze. Milk. lem at its source through Miller Rd.. Avon Lake. Jan. 4 • Hot Hoagie on Bun. Corn. Jello w/Fruit. Milk. preventive dental care OH 44012. Phone: 933Jan. 5 - Open Toasted Cheese. Tomato Soup 5297. w/Craciers. F:uit. Cranola Snack. Milk. Following is the menu for students grade* 7-12; -SPECIAL DISCOUNT DURING THEJan. 3 • Hot Doe on a Bun. Chips. Barbecue Beans, MONTH OF JANUARY! Soup. Fruit. Milk. JANUARY IS PET DENTAL MONTH AT THE Jan. 4 - Hamburg on a Bun w/Lettuca<Cheese-TomatoAVON LAKE ANIMAL OJNK2 Onion. Fries. Fruit. Cookie. M i l t We feel so strongly about the need for pet denial care for Jan. 5 - Pizza. Lettuce- Wedge. Corn-on-the-Cob. Fruit. the comfort and »—"Vh of your pet that during Ihs mon*h of Milk. January, w« will offer a substantial discount. Pleatse cell our 'REDUCED FAT office far details. ALL SCHOOLS SERVE 2% OR SKIM WHITE OR 1% ^ HOCOLATE MHJC Kmgal MoHcm 'COURT OF COMMON PL£AB UU1 Notic* D * SCOTT a S B P O . ' OPTOMETRIST p Y : t w v Eaaady m M NsrSi t 9 » ^ « « r In* d arid McMl H HaAMy Convany U DM cenar of md kvd ao ff to iawfano Qrir^nan and Anna Bdnpnan as atywirt. M y g y FAMILY VmtM CAM • CONTACT LOOZS GbuconiCabrari to* qljand ao eooiiiaJ V LBWivroai Oil^nan and Anna; Srtn^ nan aa.-.ta»awii1 t» t » pan* o* *Dbposil)ai • AsUgo&tfc idbcSons S Uunsfioos. H urn %M. * tk c 317 o( Loan CDUXV D«ad Hacama. Mm* warn o*>aMB, bis * * • Ibm Lorxfingj Bldg X Avon Lofca 933-O00 £aSAibfe DQQOQQOO. toorin COMy »i I M SaM olONo and IDVOTI aa batoQ pan ot Oiflnal Brownhafcn -fcwnaHp I A t and JEANE DHOW'S d Common p » t ol Law (n Cau*» B M one. • « » u J I fe. i . O k a M n v * Otf , Court* ol Urwn. and 8 M B of Or** and known aa bama part ot Original Bnrwnnaan % M V a t * U a No*, i and 2 anditamtad ac3daaartadJBta3a an*a! _ and cowwwjfltoLawanca Bvavrnan and Anna Bnn^ nan by daad daad Oaeambar ts. W3e.andMO0KMdh1Man.2a4, 10 ol tdn*t County Oead Bane* SetaTiO iyii aarta: na 9 t r Caat alone tat EHMny an* e( M d l M as tom*)«d tolMwica ftAnnatn and Anna en yuan aa fcfel l i i ii^ H M t toapomt potn l » Matfwtt ma oll Th Th* N New Kart. CHcagn «ft.I A M M t a t nghv flano 7B M fl S ^ id7B d a r ? * * * atong Ha MMhany an* of aaM iUa-a«MK MCLit HMC twnaa Hot* 0 iwaww iTWaai. «*»» «atto• » Sotfhan> ma el Tha O i d 15. I V M and lacordad rt WUna 394. P»g> w of l e a n Corty Da*d naooma; t«noa SouDarty and par• H u M Waaajriy ana ol u M land as oonMyadtoLaManc* BMngman and Anna Sringman aa aftMaatd to t w North r y * m — » ma of Th* C MdaH Plata R M H V Company: tiane* waatorly h I t * Nortt nptMfl * T h * % R a y to flia anta ol Joaapn and Sophia KrtM: Wane* Murtharty In aakj Krtu* EMt an*tof » cantor of aMt U a * RoKt twnca EaaMrty In t<o canaw of a M LaM Boad. a Jwanoa ot «O aw u via ptaca ot badrrtna. oonuin»<o aboutttOBc* an aer* of amo. aaeacang rawatoom ao mocn ol Si* vama aa Oacambar 13.1936 ant} Movdad w oriaaa but adfrdtoa> lagal Firtar knowi a*. 4loS. 4t«a. and 4t n Lbany Avanua. Vandaon. Ohio 44069; PanaMiant Paraal No*. 16-01-00OOt.iOB-020: ia-0i^O0--OM0»021: and t««1-0(K»M0»oa£ And I M pnyar a aifemdoaaat Maawi ownad by you andtorooaa. ibu am faquMd to uwm tm Compart «aran 21 oaya afar tm ma pubft-Xon ot wa noaca •Wen wai oa pubiatad onoa aaoh waafc tor •acoraacut iiiiakxThaatpub •caaon wai b* rnadaon January 34, taSQ and B^a> taarty 1 ^^! day* lor anaaw VM| commansa on ffat data. ai C M * ot your M a n toanaaaror ofrana— aapond aa nqwrad by tm Otto f U a ol C M pnxadut*. ^jdamant by D i a l * nay b* rand M d a g a M t you tor tm r*a*f damandad ai tm compart. KFNNCTHP.FRANKEL BMTTH* SMITH ATT0BNEY3 Aflomay lor Paanoit Ailac 9aal Corponriton 110 UooNi ftoad - P.O.fca210 AMnLak*.OH44O12 Hng and ODrSaMn land, b* M aama n » « o* aaa. but atom « G M PareM No. i » a u a d m t w Cay ol Vtrmaton. CDrfty ot Loaah. and S a a at Oho and a w n aa part ol OitQlnal *wnna>ii> amp Lot No. 1 and bamdad and S m ge hi M M UK ta> oanajrtm Ot t w Uaai Head at tm NanrMoal eomar of Unt oonnayad to Lamaoo BAngnari and Anna Sflngman by daad datod O b i a s r ti sV. t V MM K ' woMdadki V*mtm 2*4. Pagi "> « Lonan County naooRM: ttano* VtoMarty to VW oaraar ana ot M Laaa Ftoad. 00 laat to t w NottiM>un> comar ot and eonMyad » HwHd e Bman by oMd daan AugcM 5. it4a. *nd •ao9nadnW*aM446.Pag* i t s el Loam Cowty D*ad R K M K f fane* ftauaaty ftt awng wng *m * rini> Piltffcnad 12-20. ana ot and M oonxayadtoHanM & Snafi M atnaaUtoMofti ngnvof < * * tna ol Tn* Mdal Paia FWaay fj n » . - n i E WEEK Or JANUAKT X1M* (For your ptnonalocd daily icam D u m HMMcnpt. baaed m yam O M dBKof btrsXeaO l - W * l g . * 7 I J . Your nhoat toMfaij »W adl yoa W HATPY BOrTHOAY! IN THE NEXT YEAH- Aa old p.uftj»iual or wnorui matter may some back a» luum you. Addrouof dw k w r head oa> wttt nwnimlu arry etcbarntMnrai. Yoar batlnew msisnti wtO be opccialty keen neu Jwie. A lanimer weddini enjoyt «pecial Meuirfi. Count on • nnunclal vt»uionD thtrm dieidrd itnpmetneM. Spcadiagtoomany Down at work could jropaidlje domeide hannooy. Do not thon-chante Uauty Kit. Ox offiprinf know tnetr acedk come lint. CEtXBSITICS B O I N ON THIS DAY: bockey pat Bob*) Hull, balkrliu A M * Pavlma. actmi V K W U friaclpal. »—iwt JJULToIkkA. ARIES (Man* 11-Aprtt I 9 t h it pp*»**« ID fei mete mileage out of c m t n e Idea*. Ecnpauin «ftVckney arul recyck project). New job benefki are pouibk. Soneoae x your work pace w a n a> be more *IM> a friend. Be dbcraet. TAl'BUS I April 30-May 20}: You BU) needtoclarify your idea* or nuructionv New undtmanrtiof MCIM from a endid convcrudan. Avoid promMiag moretfMayou taa <fett*rr. Scboanhip* ant graMt arc a* aibblefardw dnerv^ig. G E M I N I (M»y Il-Joof 20): L e m from your n n u t n , B M do not t*< hung-up on them. A newcomer wuh Kmfk kkai (Men yuur life. Compliment dtit penor and « t l " breomm* jfliet. CANCER (June 21-July 22i Be cnatuMrnr m wurd jnd dred. Thov *ho o i e rttkt with their fituiKul i«inir«j. «ifl ntsm i t Your HMemt in office pt&w:* m«y buomnvut i/ you rrpnti rumor.: LEO (July 2J-AB,. I 2 t C M M id*j>t and iicndt art limply too a«am-«»rdr. fiir tHshcr-upt Do not turn duwn icmelhing A M you rUfly •»ni A M*comcf could mate roraannc o« enara. VIKGO lAoa, zy&m. 22t Go out of your ««T B avoid aaufDOM. bc pcopk and *c«aa»of drtcord. Haaw Rptirs made no* win tat* U X A (SvpL I M k L 2 t t Ha*c lunch wlih V W M O M who realty cam and my eneasm win Mddrai j m m mMgcadtt. A washi*e firoily ribtaian aay haprotc wkh dv patMtc of a n t . TMc a d a U on • fta adtcaom. Be fhaibb. S^ORMO (On. JJ-Ko*. Jlji All j a . * M axtrr h a Bar d a a n . Aa old fck«f Wp» y«M fci at U y yiMtr canli oa tac u k l t , k t r l a g noibing o«i. 3b*rt tellers tnd memo* prtne own cflcctfc* tfian SAGrr 2ir. A witliifncw u eomprowK* win imprviie /our rfcwknw win cowotken. CsodMT your « * • Indrptn mearcK. Roouocc b«rtn a cNappoiamem andtf aa naaHcke of fun. C A » R ! C O R N | D e c . 22-Iaa. I9fc Your oknt tor aMUag is-opto fcelfanportantwill opra new doorv Yoa; MKbl borinn* wkkn. More fuBiDint NtabomMpt ant pod offte picwe. Sttck eh*e to home Wtatf*. Setf-improvcairM acttvttkt «a»y tavorableinfWncev AQtARIUSUan. Jft-Feb. I*J: Hang on w upluabte profniioBal and personal tn. Rcmerabtr. royal' ry cannoi tx boufhc Try to bilancr JOMT d r u m with your moa or par«er'«. Playing, a ubxrvicM rota h nor your uyk. EmphaMTe HMeUir-nt eontorumwi. WSCES(Ftb- I 9 - M « K 1 I 2 0 ) : If* (jmily feud entpu. iwallow your pndf *nd mend the riff. Yo« could pt j ufM nit in ialing i nujoe diipwr. Rufnancr dncrvr. a tccond iruncc. T t U lo.«d one outtoduv ebee's celebrates grand opening with fund drive ELYKlA - It j ! l 'iiajtmi ;it the' n«'.v Apiil'ibef'i in E h r u located at 1540 West River Rr. ad. N.. wiUi xi\» cut)ing of the ribbon by Mjyor Micluu! Kuys. and ended with S3,2132 bo ing raised lur ths YMCA Kiiiiieig-ditun Enrichment Program. In the spirit of cuxiununity development and as iht* area's fir-sl Applebee's location. Rusty Drury. Manager of Applebee's Neighborhood Grill and Bar, presented to John Pul£. Director of tee YMCA Elyria. a check for 53.201!. Money was railed throughout the Grand Opening Week and at a special "VIP" Grand Ooening Party. The majority of funds wero raised with an Appleboe'i program of SI contribution per guest check for the first wwk i:i oporaliun. "Our programs remain strong when high caliber community neighbors such as Applobee's get involved." comments Mr. Putz. "Wo cxiend our sincere "thanks" and look forward tu a long working relationship.* The money raised will benefit the YMCA's Kindorgartoa Enrichment Program which provides single piient or dual working parents a safe, fun and affordable program for their kinder- Buy i;.irtu'n aged children. Children CJI, utluttd lundtryjjlLMi uith«sr in the morning vr dfturncan and thu YMCA proi.idi-5 iu|j*'r\is.;d cjru fur the iulf-day tlis; child in not in school. Mr. Drury. M a / u ^ r for Appleb««'i remark, "Thi* ii heaitMt tt'-iiimony that people h«r« in the neighborhood have decidedly embraced Applebe«'s right from irn; itari and we are ploosed !o be aiding in the economic devdopinent of the ElyrU area. By bringing Applebee's restaurant to this location, we are working to establish a genuine neighborhood ftwl in oui re^laurant." Plus, people are sure to be dining here quite often knowing that Applebee's average lunch check is about S5.99. and dinrar with food and alcohol is only around $& 00. Elyria area neighbors axe caw coming in droves lo satisfy their Lunger with great tasting riblels, wings. san'Iwichea. fajitaa and scrumptious desserts. And yea. they're leaviug with snJles on theLr faces and cash in their wallets, as Applebee*s not only treats the neighborhood to great food, but terrific1 prices and outstanding friendly serv —, as well. Applebee's Neighborhood Grill and * Sell * Trade N HO «TtTnhlt RAILROAD VIDEOS TRAILS Model Trains & Supplies Bdi ii ht:atud -,\ 15-50 V.\-n Kiv.;r Hu.3d N. Elyna Houj-i: 11 a m lo 1 j . n i Mondi> through Thmsda>. U j.m. trj < ' a m. Friday mid Sjturd.r,. jnd 11 a m. lo \2 p n i . Sunday, phane. 324-17CO (CJI! ahead Keating is available if d i d j Husty Drury (left). Manager ApotebWs Eryna, John Putt (Middle), Director YMCA Eryria. Thomas HaywxxJ (righl). YMCA EJyria Board ot Trustees President SEE FOR YOURSELF fl 814 Center Rd-, Avon &,* ora 937-920O lath* old! imllmnatfh.atl-QO Dennis Breecc, Owner 11-7 SU. 11-5 Sun. 13-4 APR Avon Lake Podiatry, Inc. DR. MARK D . GOULD Family Practice of Fbot & Ankle Problems u , Bunions Plantar Warts - Hammer Toes -Heel Pala - Ingrown Nails - Fracture & Sprains- Hocptttl & In-Offlce f*orje»r Most Insurance Plans Accepted We Accept Medicare Assignment 933-4021 OOctHoura By Appotntowitt Located Ai The Undine* 33730 WklLcrtU. Son* 1-3. Avon U k e D TOMO5ROW Your friend four life. NofionwWfe cthn a eomplei* portfolio of life \t\wrarK* productt ond W^icMtomeet yO»t prowttran tmd irwe^^mef.l need* Coll 01 Kxfay II* O .'" Low 6Mxonth Introductory Kate ;• v ^ . r Phone" 1-800-274-4111 to Apply Today! • LARRY VAN DER OORO rj NATIONWIDE INSURANCE STAR littitk Without I Community Clwinb.T ^ n Cozens, Co-coordinator. 7 yean Inierrtiv working ua maat#n l Libroiv Science de^rw. cainjun^, la (Rd2iy and N*llit»). aiid wnlonng an antique doU-huuv;. Uiib Weial. Vcung Adult Coordinator. 4 y*-jn int«ettJ- pianti. spe.ak.ing German. Latin music of Manzanero. Doiii Bol«n. Reference and Juveait* Materials Catalog, part-timw / years. lutereits: tooting. ushering at Playhouse Square, traveling viith the Peace Corp5. end reading. Cindy Pulliam. Reference Sub, month). Interests: training dog*. Avon Lake Swim Team, ice skating, skiing, and swimming. LOCfiL LIBRARY ...AND DISCOVER SOMETHINQNEW! > " - V •• •/ Avon Lake Public Library 31849 £l«ctric Blvd.. Avou Lake • 93iai2a fanner Peace Corp* volunteer to apeak A Bay Village native who recently returned Iron; th» Pea<« Corps in Zjtnbabwe, will ^ive a presentation about bis work, and travel in Southern Africa oo.Tuwdav. Jan. 9. 7 p.m. in the L*«Uer y at the Avon Laie Public Library. Mart Fcrror taught high school P-ngtith for two yeora in a remote village In'Zimbabwe's Easterr Highlands. approximately 20 kilometers [12 miles) trots the Mozambique bordiat The. program will'begin with a talk oQ the history, economy, political system. culture and language of Zimbabwe as well as anecdotes nod information about the Southern Africa **voo in general. Rounding out the program will be a tUde presentation incorporating Mr. Forror* travels in Zimbabwe. Krucger National Park In South Africa. Malokitia Stale Park In Swaziland and other aestlnatlons in Lesotho and South Africa. An Informal question and answex session will follow the main program. Arti&cts from the rugion will be on display. Looking wr • Good Book at tbm UfanryT Wben all of Mary HIggiiu Clark's new books are on reaenre and TOO have read all cf Danielle Steel, a solution Is aK- _ * R«E««OCB has books that c ^ ^ V y o o find other gnat xaabV ~*'m apuv-. What Do I Head Next? A Header's Guide to Current Genre Fiction wlU suggest good stories la the Myrtery. Romance. Western. Fantasy. Horror, and Science fkti**a *m*. litfas and autioo are- 'litad as well as ma|ar characters. tta« period. and settings with a synoptl* of <£• plot am Utter*, as WBD as other title* by that author, andromnarahlffbooks by other authors. Fiction Catalog lists over 5.000 ncommended adult fiction, titles. Gennflecting: A Guide to Reading i/CfitfanhasV/sstnis Thrillers. Romances. Science lFlctioa. Fantasy, and Horror titles. Titles a n Avon Public Library 37-4H5 Harvest Dr.. Avon • 93-1-4743 Preschool Story Time Children 3-3 years aid and participate in stnrios and crafts on Mondays, fan. 15,22 and 29 at 7 p.m. cr Tuesday». Jan. 9, 16. 21 and 30 at 10:30 a.m. cr Thursdays. Ian. : 8 and 25 at 1 p.m. at the Av on Library. This program LJ free. hows'.vt. pre-registration isrequiredby tailing 934-4743. Family Night Enjoy a craft and story seisioa as a family night out. Thursday. Jan. 18 at 7 p.m. The program \i free but pre-registration is required by calling the library. First MGP rehearsal, Jan. 5 Join MCP on Friday. Jan. 5 for the first rehearsal of Rodger* & Hamraersteiu's CAROUSEL. This r,roduclioc marks the 37th annual musical of the company. Dicing thu first rehearsal the entire cast will read and sing through *h^ script and music - this should b» a Lit of fun for everyone involved and will give everyone in the show a good sense of the show in its entirety. Several smaller roles are itill available and will be cast from those Mark Forror people who are in the chorus. Rehearsal are every Friday, begiinln? at 7 p m . i>t Avoa Lake High School Anyone who is in 9th grade or older can be in the show. In its 37-year history. MGP has dcnalecl $80,000 to the Avon Lake School system. There are over 100 active memmrs from area communities, and over 1500 alumni acrou th*t United States and Canada. CAROUSEL will be performed April 19.20. 21. 28 and 27. Baby is big winner in pageant Reference Staff (Lett to right} Back Roan Mary Ann CJymer. Sue Cozzens, Bob NeigL Front Row: CirxJy pjt&am, Doris Boten. Morgan Danieao Smflti Frr* poetry contot arranged by themes, such as "Political Intrigue and Terrorism" and "Animals Run Rampant." Werewolves" under Horror. Thlv book Is chock full of Lists and alternate titles to the standard fare. IX you need help locating thas* throe books—or any others-ntsk at the Reference Desk. Staff HJghOghta-Adun Ftofmvnc* Department Mary Ann C3>mar. Co-coordinator. Z years. Interests: Vegetarianism, classical music, live opera, reading, audio books, walking, singing (member of the Morgan Daniel Smith, daughter of Dan and Tammy Smith of North Ridgevillc. competed in a beauty con* test called America's Miss and Cover Boys USA on Oct. 2 in Sandusky. Morgan. 11 mnnth* old. woo first p!ace In her age group. She also won most photogenic, most beautiful and best dressed in her category. Morgan al*c iron over all grand winner of ages O-l: ;eaxs old. She now advances to state finals in March. Good luck. Morgan! A SU00O onml prize is baing oBmtwt tn a (r»» pony conaMt. opm » eMOon* In f w Awon Utm WM-Tlwra a n omi S3JX3O tnp.bac and D» dMdKwtor«ffMtaa Is F«d. 18. Wnrws »-0 be amouncad on or More Usn^ 31 and a ^ v n*ra M sent lo al eMaras. Tewia may be Mrtaan on any subiact ustng any st**.' ser> Dt Carafjn VandwUL tamed conMct dracn of HcayMxtfB Fennui Poets of A fc'W so aw ™«——. .^amsoauvHsoeraMtwMaanci grMt - y«t h«f«tt*n w*noui • poati ftat M n n M n ^ r * i i g N l 3 puMati » » nimtog powi*. W» cam «m«riaat» «nougtE Bagirraa To K M : a»nd ana poora only 21ftnesor laaa to: Frt« Rietry Conawt 162S H. VWeox A**. Sd» 126. HaflyMiod. O 9CO28. Red Cross Babysitting Clams Tha Norti C M VMCfc « a b* «*KtaQ an Cnaa'eabyaMr ~ **ng Saasday, Jaafl ftrantfi Saao^y, Jan. SO. Th» oa«a la opan t j al ana jouroaaca agaa 11 andoUacEadt youngMar «B fcoaba a ~ " .vivm vwiiihnui won ROPiNA MURRAY'S LINE DANCING 6 - Tuesdays ^-^ January 16 th lhni February 20th Cost: $22 [6 weeks) or $4 per person per class IRISH HERITAGE CENTER 726 Avon Belden Rd. (Rt S3) Avon Lake Intermediate Classes 7-8pm Beginner Classes 8-9pm Register at the door or call 779-4845 IH^HWI tt t» ctaw. Ctaw amaa wai b* i o n 1 pjrn-to 3 pm. on Jan. 6 and 1 OJB. k> 4 pjsLon Jan. 13 ard g« U n W k $15tofana YUCA m n O n and S30 torgaiaia. ^ ^ ^ ^ __1__ w o n e Moncasoo orto(acMarfarMs oasa, contact tie N u l l Co«t VUCA at 93M100 EVERYDAY Our policy is to provide the bestpbtky. The B£ST PUCES on and HOUSE furniture in Northeast Ohio. • Show Girts • Judg* Drodd • Die Hard with a Vengeance • Clueless .NOW FEATURING 5 DAY RENTALS of Thousands of Movie* & Games ON LAKE SAVE jl £eof Tovcrn in tkt town' km UJ For "Granny" Hour 3-fc3QpuMon-Fri 10% wrni rms covFOM POM M I mdtia <UMK b««Mgn Check our prices before you boy anywhere eke! Christine Robinson Call Us Al: Assoctofa Agen/ 216/521-9083 Insurance Agency 9 0 DAYS SAME AS CASH coupon OF datGMnl u VIDEO 32485 Lake Rd. Avon L o b 933-9739 l. OH. 520 Broocfwuy LorataOhlo 245-1568 W$P 0/ F/re Preferred Shoppers dub! Start The Year Off Bin hi With Chicken fines/? Gratfe Staffer moasting sf/115 t Chicken IT* _ _ _ _ ^ ^ tiOFEQmWJUEOBLE ITH COUPON INSIDE Us.#1 All Purpose Lb. Bag Sliced or Shaved rdue htkey Ham 34.5 0z. All Method Grind 6 02. Can In Water or OH Statist UgtttTiina tit 22 Oz. Loaf Schwebel Giant Bread nCStnvE TMC *WOMTTOLIMIT O U A N T T T I € S A M I COfWECT TYPOGRAPHICAL O « H.LUSTRA7ION ERRORS Dozen Grade AA StofHhShop Large EEggs TO FWO YOU"MtAPEST STOPN-SMOPCAtL W l WOO 3* f - - , r i f nlUfi'" t f l l iW T " **•*-"» IT Vll nT " * i~ " -J"i iff"l -t SHEFFIELD LAKE POLICE LOQ 14C6 EFDG£ harus^wm. R*cort 1728 - COVE BEACH-Complaint ol 0am*?T"3- Report. 2154 - WAHWCK-CwnptaW ol B^JOrt 2324 - IRVING PARK-Um cnedad on wafte* ol nwWana. C f w t j OK. O«&ificfa cf sc^-d of tra in Tw ?cdc« toga-: G C A - O O T M OnAmnJ FAMILY HA1RCARE PERM SPECIAL UTL- UnatMULocsM UVA - U c n «%hda Aoctdwd t4£ BOLO - B« or. RT) g DV-V DrMng « « * tn*adc«Bd C to C up n Otap. UnS - OttfMKfwd Una OU • DrMng Und«r ** Mhxnca Dec. 25 ea2 0021 . HARRIS Ra-Mala MTMd wtin M m n t cut ol ShvOWd Ltks Ut^oCi Court t IS! - OSTErt^w^Cor Osput*. A3 1443 - HARRIS RCNUato trmmd on wvtvtt out c* Shtfltakl Llk* Mayor's Court. 1738 - LAKE RD.-Complaint o* 2326 - STARK/FERNQALE-Juvanl* pickad up PERM PLUS WITH CONDITIONER $25.96* JANUARY 2 - JANUARY 31 *Long Hair & Specialty Wraps Extra 0622 - EOGEWATER-PoaaiU* pro«t«r. UTL. Raport 0S29 • PKSACCNA-Untl ctwcfcsd Mltaf* ot 1321 - WEST DR-V««)»Jfcnn 10 R^nrt. 1938 - EAST DR.-CompWnt 0* gir—Urtng caMLRaport 2205 - HARRIS REX-Complaint c* TTginQ. Rapert Dec 23 0721 • ROeERTS-Unfl assisted R*<*cu* Squad. OSIO • OAYLE DR-Vandalsra 10 vanidtt. Raport. 1143 • LAKE BREEZE-UVA. Rapon. 1224 • QRANTWOOO-GonvtaJn! ol ffwft. Raport. 1 M I . HOLLyVnOOOoriMrtc DtapuML R^ort. 2060 - HARRIS RO.-MVA. Raport. 223fl - LAKE RQ-R-pefl ol Stf* NCC HAIR-SKIN-COSWET1C5 N o A p p o h m n e n c Evert Sat 8-5 JllftMUIW =ONE YEAR FREE!= I: urns AT wpes 0247 - UAPLE-Repon of UOptiCU ChodaOK. 0B27 - HOOyWXXKWi S S M M fMdant h O^fflng his betonoings. 2223 - LAKE RCl-Ju>rana* pickad up lor asPmntcM 2330 - LAKE RO.-Rapon ol suapidou CtwdaOK. Dec 27 00S2 - OA11&UVA. Raport 0083 - LAKE Ra-UnwMM t M f c a M N 0925-1 2133 - »RV«O FWX2308 - LAKE RD-Cor^*rirt <* Hnnkig CalLRaport. " Jo* Wyaodd « • mttnah Ai « program crfarxoidcnfWMfcal HaltflatatHBjen TurtarJrn Jan. 9 at noon hi Th» Sam. a m i n i pnpara. n a n • • oa • ' k«ich wNch COMB S&2& Al w t a s n v 90 •*• •atoooM, but naanoMam aw nrdMd tsr M l maaL Cat 8to Wmart at 8M-4*«5 t r • * M UondaiLJaaS. . Rabat « • ba tm*m tmk amori bncfaon at Good Samartan Nuratag Horn* at t±30B«Lon Jan. 23. Raaantaaoid a n « must OMK> M Oananal 834-453/tor r'Exanc FISH SAVE "BECAUSE WE CARP9 I B TBU 9f R B UK. ML « ROS N MI1SU A KW3 PtHMlSI VBFCUS mousa xr U H O O H U I at IBWJ i-n-st THIS WEEK'S QUALITY PRE OWNED SPECIALS SAVE $13,980 $13,890 Si •950tSSCSUSL4Da. •is 0121 BREOEAOaCXERBOCXER1369 -- LAtE SeACWWOOO-ComplaJnt at M f c l l te Raport. 0023 - ELWWOOO-Unrl u s r i u d n i r m Squad 1237 • SADOLEttOOO-On* W K M Raaeua q d tfi12 - trwCXERSOCKER-Convlart ol tart fcV dog. O«na.' adftsad 2310 - LAX£ RD.-Unrt i i s t e M R«acu« Squad. T'iini 94onnruHiau4Mt rnii UHSTmXZTCUACmaiTAllS 3l<laifciOg4|0(5—1 Baftaag ai Tat Irwai HOM») 11 *•"•"••""• 247-9933 MdMJNEfJSH ZHAMKDtSMAY i—v L»aJ*iaritoW«^a%^1«^V^fcad^«VriMTi^«t»^W*ci 9 1 CaEVYfrWBUZEB 23*4X1 $12,890 $10,980 _$8»490 9 3 BWCX USUftE CUSTOM 4 DR. 92P0NIUC6UNDntIXt£4D(L •91 <88cxmsranir4D8. ' IfiftbccaavkilesiaceyM'veexerdscd.stopinttdseeBS. The SL John Wat Shore Htms Center Is a place «t»ei«ople of all ags and abiltties canfeelcomfortable: Featuring the latest ereidseequlpn^^^Cmta-faga^byatearo offitnessspedahss ready to design an exerdse program that's rl^itforj w . Joiaaowandsarel How does $299fora one-year membenhlp sound? Thai's pretty gwd, butwildoewibeoer—we're al» wahtagour regular Initiation fee. Come In and see us to learn how you can plct up where you left off— ewn If (l has been awhile. Ffrm€ntnfomaton,ca3835-6l5i. mdfadt »*^ * . iri|<»i^ wa 1 wart W «tfwpro. Hliftfff li HasitbeentiiatloDg? 93B0HNEVIUESE4DR. ttl£S HOURS: Mondn A Tbmday 9 mm.to9 pm; tfto*nrtqb Ffcta 9 u ito6 pm; SMnrt^r 9 am.to8 fun. 933-61511 835^533. 607 Miller Road, f W a O r oai ;«HUIMCHI»II SLJotoWBstStonRtDcssCmtsr cow&BBivEmms * tBusiurAnatnoGriUis 2WT Crnmr PKfa Roadfarmfrom Bm bo&tt/) 1 — ••• J \ - l - ttUUV -— * Sheffield/Sheffield Lake News Mqr'.ftKi for tha*« who plan lo attend By Raymond li. Ftlak (ho preseutbUun of Huriei and making craiu. Th« i-vem will Iw ,»JIJ on /•«!. lJ y iffiris /or f/in column may be sent to 701 Ze nil worth Aw.. M A p.ri. Call Domoni-is to i«yi«iyr or Sheffield Lake, OH 41054-1232 ^r call gel more icformatian. Thu VbtJiy unnct is !oc«t(.a in Sheffield Late at 940-2736. You can also fax m* at thi? 41-5 E. Lais! Kctdd dcro« from the number or send e-ir.ail to -rhfenShoreway Saappiag Cenler. icrplQaol.com. All ir.formction must be received by nc-in on the W'vdntuday Lorain Counly Metruparks French prior 1c the next edition. CrwW Nature Onler Today is the last Sheffield Village. There will b« u bid day to rejjuter by teiephoro for Critter opening for companl-M bidding to prv Comer: The PolAr Pear beln^ held on Saturday. Jan. G- parents and"their first vide village workrrs with health insurlo third graders will enjoy gaiues, ance at noon oc Jan. i t . All bids craila. pru:e* and more from 1-2:30 p.m. recsived will remain ,t«il*d until tbzl There will be w adnmaiau charge of 50 time. cents per child at thu door. The Crst village council meeting of Jan. 4 and S. From 9a.m to4 pin. en 1696 will bo on Jan. 8 at 7 p.m. Get the both days, Christmas trees will be year started right and plan to attend. accepted for recycling by the County PomoakM Library. Computer orientation on the IBM compatible compute; Metro Parks. Help the ecological effort and plan to drop off your tree there. that Is available for public use will be More Information on the events listed jpen to third graders through adults on or other evecis offered throughout the Jen. 11 at 7 pjn. For morp Infonnatioo Metroparks system, can be obtained by call 949-7410. calling the Park District Offira at 1-80OFor 3-5 yaax olds, storws, songs and LCM PARX fTDD or Voice). fingerplays will be presented on Did you know Jobn Yaison likes Tuesday, fan. 9 at 1030 a.,m. and 7 p.m. The program is free with pre-regijtra- Fantssy Football? Next time you see him. aak. haw he did thlf year. He may tion required by calling 949-7410. e-/en hr/e a tip for you...'liJ next week Another free evant celled Winter Stop-Up Qub fs open to six and seven from the little bouse on Kenilworth. year olds. Again pro-registration U have a great o-ue! and Best Wishes to our patients a friends from Dr. Douglas W. Voiers, D.C.S. and staff JBI? ? 7 I Jan. i t « w i Hattwrrw tr-5 Crnui Jo-rtr; fcr-5 fci«cci fta*. Uoyl . Sfft*. > bC«a3thi Ljrai JJ»7tf* !»J tv.' J J*i I j fan. I a) .Family O«nta1 Care - Cosmetic Smile De»1gn Dover Junction Mall - Learwood Square 899-1C88 * 933-3270 I CARPET SALE fit >u r ; s isi/X^1'earth; .;. ::V;: - 'v^ef .. WEAR-DATED Avon Lakt^. 'CARPET 933-3253 1-800-3^-06.18 Cut the cost of your auto insurance tf y o * « o g . 5 5 o r c V W a n d tm p « J * ^ 2 J Gal us o»J BOMMER " ^ ^ INSURANCE AGENCY 2Z19 Wisteria Way, Avon, Ohio ItUCnONWIDE I INSURANCE 934-4510 tfa SQ.YD. COMPLETE [Legal Services! WEAR DATEIT SAXONY TWIST (28 Colon) Attorney JOHN D. PINCURA 158-A HEAR ROAD AVON LAKE. OHIO CALL 95 SQ.YD. SQ.YD. COMPLETE SQ.YO. COMPLETE *Sale Price Includes Pad and Guaranteed tebdla 933-0674 HoursBy Appointment Evening Appointments Available (216)967-9400 J A i JTil—T" 1 Wlrw{m~i~ iaei iin * ....—/I- >t-.T. 1MT . •—II Distinguished Dairy Youth sought Licensed Agent S-nce 1979 Tired of paying too much for Auto & Home Owners Insurance? Callus... 933-3295 33467 Lake Rd., Suite 203. Avon Lake Th< 'itarch if un J:J. V'-^lh, v,ith ^ iijix> firm bdci-^foaim tn »n!t?r th» l'J9b Lcjrain County Dt itinsuishud DJJJ> Vnuth Contfijt Them w h ) enter th'i con".*st will rwcuivfa i cash d'.ndtion local sponsor to aii!.J! wilh ftrjjfy^ni '•''-' linry uiduiijy Thete v'.l I"1.' d.'i.iry shtj'iVS, county fmri. d^iry da vs. fiJJu jirt.-^''a-iii> Jn-J pfi-.mction.il tc (.'-ir.diiij'B' tuu*! have a dairy td.nn bicigroLiR'l and tit currently involved in duryiojj. Alsc. they mu»t be at loa?t e»pen.5*!i. 1G v.-dis of ag« by Jan. 1 and b« a resiVje youth ^iecied to bv the 199G dent gf Lorain Countv. Distinguiititd Djir>- Youth will receive Ail candidate! under 18 niu«* have a a ichotai'hip allocation of S4D0 lo bo consent slip signed by thaij- giuniian to imd at ^ college or post-high ichool tiainiog program at their cho!re, A selection committee will judgo lb« according to James Sk««les. Lorain appUcact* on neatness of application, County Agriculturw Agent written **wy and an interview. The Thii scho'iirjhip muit be used within win/*er wiil bo announced at Ina acn»a Ihree-year peiiod Jiuter high scho-il ai Odirymon's Bauquet and Award* graduation. Thn scholanhip « ipoa- DintAt Saturday, March 16. Entry jored by th« Lorain County Dairy H*rd blinks on an a%ailaole at Ohio Stuta Improvemetit Association (dairy firmUniversity Extenslo *. - Loraia County, en on an approved production t*stin& 42310 Russia Rd., Elyria. Tha applicaprogram.) tion deadline is Fab. 2. For more in£orDuring their .tiign as Dislinguijhsd Dairy Youth, there will be a nucibe-"' outicn. call 244-6261. wxteniijn S390 activities throughout the area for them V.onin) or 329-5350 (Elyria). Century offers internet access Oanchftom Sun— 490 Ka OdMtw Bh-d. CUEAflWJtTER BEACH. FL 34C30 1-«00-821-e019 If youH like to switch to Medicine Shoppe* Pharmacy, we'll make sure your prescriptions switch with you. ?<•: It's this simple. "Vbu tell us you want to transfer your prescriptions to The Medicine Shoppt' Pharmacy, and we'll take care of it. What could be easier: > • > . WUUaa Andorra. RJh445 A4 tmm Belcka Re*3 (216) 933-4000 U "The Unfinp" acxx^t mastprcscr^don mswrance plow including: UaiueRx Ask about yours! Tfi R INAUWI Century Telephone is now cUTering local access to the worldvids Internet. Tha new local access servicf. callad Cfl^TTUKYlntetJiet. will coanecl users with thousand! of infortnation sites and millions of users uouad the globo. CENTlTnintarjtft provide* bclh direct ind dial-up acens-* ior busiiujs and residenllal cttstsmetL "We're excited about meeitag tha needs of our customers by offering !ocml Internal access. With CENTURYlater.net. we're able to bring ihe quality and reUahiliry of our f,elepbaca \xeiwork to Internet users.' said Peter Lamberty. Public Relations Manager. "Providing this type ol service demonstrates Century's commitment to move beyond traditional telephone semcea.' With CEKTURYinterjoet. customers can accea.1 the Internet at eziy time oni avoid bury s&nals often expeiiaMad with many on-line servirss. Caslomwa will be able to UM electronic mail (remail) to cemnr^nicate with othA* t n the Internet, gain acoen to electronic £~oupj. March and n t n v r t i off topics ti d Lisa en a variety and the World Wlda V eb fWwW) the fastest growing segment of tha: Internet. ^^ To DSfcCE>rnJHY*tTitiff.nw*.cnrtoniei» '.seed only a personal compotar. n u d n t ; imd appropriats aoftwars. Detailed fc-iformatkm oa the sarvice is sndStbl* • b j calling 1-eOO-W7-*45l. Century Telephmi* i*" oee of the largest liidep-olent telephone compa-' nlaa hi the a i t k a with operarJoos in 14 statss. Congratulations to Sara Port, who was chosen The PRESS Carrier of the Month for October. Sara delivers to PRESS readers on Beck Road and Electric Boulevard in Avon Lake, and has been a carrier for nearly a year. An eighth-grader at Learwood Middle School, Sara, 14, enjoys singing in the school choir and Spanish class. Aside from school activities, she likes to play soccer and basketball. Eventually, Sara would like to pursue a career in singing or law. The daughter of Craig and Nancy Port, Sara has two brothers, Tom and Nate. inai '• IBMMC VtOKO $5.00 Value With A N e w Or Transferred Prescription Cadi Purchase S5 JO off ptxnpnon price i PnaaipdonCwd S5JX)worth o(Free MtdidneShoppy Band Products (Non-prexriptton) *N« rJJ wiA uijr ether efltr. | Tyw N92MIi;«U i i ' A * —- - • - • ' • » AMD OKNING SAIEi Sheppard Misseti's 7/w /?taess professionals. NEW CLASSES STARTING JANUARY 3,1996 MORNING CLASSES: •MON, WED., FRI.t SAT. TUE.,THU. EVENING CLASSES: MON..THU. TUE. Step Circuit 9:30 am* Jazzeicise 9:30 am1 Jazzercise Step Circuit 6:30 pm 6:00 pm 99* TEPI For More Information Call: Tina at 934-4475 or Sharon at 934-6614 •Child Care Araibhfe 16 colors to choose from From 20 oz. LeveJoop Carpet 4x4 Wall Tile HARDWOOD T h e Irish H e r i t a g e Center 7 2 6 Avon-Belden R d . (Rt. 83) Avon L a k e From I CERAMIC TILE VINYL From 10 colors to choose from 3 colors < to choose from "Ail prices mateiial only Offering Expert installation on Carpet • Ceramic Tile • Vinyl • Hardwood Hours: Mon.-Fri. 10-8 • Sat-Sun. 10-5 934-6140 3 6 9 3 7 Detrott Road. Avon tAcross irom Dairy Mart) Lake Pointe Construction Mould tike to take this opportunity to thanks it's customers, sub-contractors, and suppliers for helping Lake Pointe Construction to achieve the prestigious aWard of being Voted Lorain County's*.. BUILDER OF THE YEAR and French Creek Reserve as Lorain County's... BEST ^ DEVELOPMENT . OF THE YEAR BUSINESS A N D PROFESSIONAL BRIEFS ^ PERSONAL INJURY V Bodily Injury or Wrongful Death Free Initial Consultation No Recovery • No Fee 934-6543 BIA elects 1996 officers & directors Mick Mackert of Mick Mackert General Contractor of Oberlin, assumed the presidency of the BIA Jan. 1. Mr. Mackert has served the BIA as the first vice-president in 1995 and second vicepresident in 199-1. Additional officers elected are Casey Cilfetber. Gilfether & Associates in North Rjdgeville. as first vice president; Chris S. Majzun. Jr., Majzun Construction Company in Lorain. as secord vice-president; Dick Luohrc, Metropolitan Savings Bank in Cleveland, as secretary: and Chris Mead. Hausser & Taylor. CPAs in Elyria. as treasurer. Elected to serve as directors of the BIA in 1996 are Alex Bruscin-J. 2217 Wisteria Way • Avon. Ohio RIA1 I S I R H • PRDBAIE • SMALL- BUSINISS*' - ruscino Homos: Bill Commorford, Hovey. Kaisur, St. Marie Agency; Jim Coak. Lorain County Title Company; Rick Quinn, B.F.I.. Ron Schnaufer, Schnaul'or Homes; Randy Esser. Ray Esser & Sons; Jot.* Kasinuc. Rhama Homes; Greg Romes. Lake Polnte Construction: Jim Spragua. Tlachler. Beard. Wallace & Co., CPAa. Bob Yo«l( Dale Yost Construction; Lee Holztragw. Sawbuck Inc.; Ken Oswald. Carpentry by Kenny: Pat Rourke, Higgins Electric; Greg Smink. Smink Electric; and Calvin Smith, Calvin Smith Builders. The BIA of Lorain County is a trada association for companies In the building industry. Currently, the BIA has over 600 member companies that represent over 20,000 employee*. For men information on the BIA. please call 9341090. Kiwanis sets January programs Kiwanis Club of Avon Lake moets weekly at the Avon Lake Public Library on Electric Blvd. from 6:30 to 8 p-m. programs for January axe: Jan. 4 - Lorain County Leadership Training—Joel Krueck. Kiwanis. UURAPANDY,D,D,S,( Jan. 11 - Boomerangs—C Xf Broadbent. 4 time World lUcord Holder. , • Jan. 18 - History of Bells—Chrii Trunk. Musical instrument Makar Jan. 25 - China Today—Bob Obrin : INSURANCE AGENCYJNC A Full Service Agency Since 1952 Family Dentistry .General & Cosmetic Dentistry ;.\t-\uv- I BOB AUEN 9th Year of Practice . .j.i r i i v • Children Always Welcome • New Patients Welcome* Most Insurances Accepted MAUKOVHll I lot tic I li-.illti Luaa Pandy, DJXS. Walker Commons North 33398 Walker Road UnrtF Avon Lake -lii>K - • Hi i.i ! it,- m_n 0 1A t E AUTO Convenient Evening & Saturday Hours Available CALL FOR APPOINTMENT 933-2710 n.N \i 11 N .c.s *fU Insurant Companies >caJ 933-5223 • 9A0 am - 5:00 pm Daily 1-800-683-7305 • Evenings by appointment 33399 Walker Rd. SuHe B • Avon. Lake 37IQO Colorado Hpute 611 4AOII Some Say Watching Tropical Fi«K Lowers BlooJ Prrimrf 8c K c l i r v s Sirens... Albert P. Zakel, D.D.S. 20 Years In Private Practice . /••? Dentistry For Adults & Children "New Patients Welcome" ) Evening and Saturday Hours TIIPJ- Could Bt- On To Soincti Laura's Learning Treehouse Call 934-MDS (5437) Accepting Government Programs i. *. . , '?""";" Of t! " *-*"iW"«" -t««J - T-tl Ship. 13 djy -Jy«nlur« fn.ni $650. For n . u n in(orm«ti..r c«ll y»ur t.**r\ . j . n t o , 1-800-327-2601. By Mary Swindell AVON LAKE — An ex-boyfriend's unwanted attentions prompted a Fay Avonue woman lo file complaint* with the Avon Lake and Cleveland Police. Sho told local police Dec 24 thai her former boyfriend had violated a temporajy protection order and that he may have slashed the tiros on her car in Cleveland. Sha was advised to file a report with the Cleveland PD. The same day. he called her at her homefroma pay phone and demanded to know who she's been swing. She asked police to drivs by her house to make sure all was well. Another woman cone to the station Dec 28 to report that a 38-year-old man had threatened her while she was walking to her car In the parking tot of the Municipal Building. The man. with whom she is Involved in an eviction dlsputa. said: "Watch your back." PUta switch An officer on patrol noticed susyidaoM activity on Walker Road at about &1S a.m. Doc. 22. The officer saw a man get out of a white Ford U D and walk around to therearof a residence. When tba officer tan tlie license plate number through the LEADS (Law BnfatcacMffll Automated Data System) computer, the check revealed that the nltjg we* not rogbteml to the Ford. lntimat. it waa raebtaivd to a 1887 dwvjr. also owned by the driver, a 37yearold Cleveland man. ' Tbanait mid bs had bought the Ford a favr days ctpter from a wast side CMftgftBff men. >v check of the Ford's titled howmna, showed , that It was owbad by yet another Cleveland man. not tn*fluppoeedseller. Tb« driver could not pxoduca proof ofJjirfifhf'i'1*' and.nad racsntly oean jji^M Iln nrnti ritnif ifcnlh fnr tirtlTihm pUtea*ndlUa carwaa towed to beheld mrpraof of proper registration. A iV33-.Ford F15O pickup, .beading weak on Kwba Road Doc 19 at about 5 pjn.. hk a pateh of Ice, n u n around and slid into a roadside drainage ditch. landing on Us left side. "fbadrivotva 28-y<a«?-ald Avon Lake man. fortunately was not Injured. A towtradc palled bis track out of tha ^ - c o n d i t i o n s caused another drtrar to run off ~Ibe road on Tradewinda Drive and knock over two flt and a Jamppoit, this on AVON Speeders raise Ire A Vanda Avenue resident Gagged - down a patrol car Dec 26 and complained of speeders on the street, especially on weekdays when children are going to and from school, and an wuekends when kids ais out playing. SnowmobUers raised the blood pressure of a Regatta Drive resident on Dec 22. Footprtnti In the mow An I npset Belle Road resident found suspUiom footprints In the snow outside his rear windows Dec 22 at about lOJOa-m. You can iniuxe your horns wilh quality Grange [r.mtance for leu when you qualify for our majiy special ducounu. You'll enjoy lower ralei for lou-free, for having imoke delecioii or burslar alarnu, and for other reasons, too. Call NOPATUOm SPMTJ or visir us IOOQ &ra use tNBUflANCB Dubwuhm Doc 24 about his neighbor's loud muffler. Ding-dong Pranksters pulled one of the oldest tricks in the book on a Brandon Place woman Dec 26. They left a burning beg of excrement on her porch, rang the doorbell and then sprinted oft • KhchinAiiij • Ciloric • • Migic Che: • Hotpoim " VChiilpooi •CE • Jcnn-Air • Mayug LAKE POLICE BLOTTER Discover our discounts on home insurance. - W i i h m Be Dtwn penfound insurance TY-VCfl-APPuWCf S S ' / l r f 0M MX UAJOfl 3fUhOS -549-6146 36765 DETROIT ROAD AVON 934-5133 THE PRESS. . . Sponsors This Weeks COMMUNITY BLOOD DRIVE at the OLD FIRE HOUSE SATURDAY, JANUARY 6, 1996 S:3OAM-1PM for apt*, call 933-6164 Al (The Count) Whitney or 233-8827 Jackie at The Lorain County Blood Bank. • Walk-Ins Welcome • A FftlrSeld Road homeowner found that a raccoon had taken up residence In his furnace vent, this on Dec 23. The animal warden was asked to stop by and roust the raccoon from bis cozy nest. SAVE A UFE . . . . DONATE BLOOD Be the sponsor of our next WEEKLY Community Blood Drive. . . CALL. 322-5700 Janins, LJ2.B.B.,~Marketmg QnWn Jwinut nan home Dec 23 to find a group of teenagers in his driveway. Thinking the kid* wen up to no good and perhaps had designs on hu outdc^. basketball hoop, the man called the cops. Toe kids' intentions, however, were entirely innoomL They warn simply going from house to bouse caroling. * Turfed A Burton Street man complained Dec 23 that his yard was being regular* Iy turfed and asked the police to keep an eye out Cor the turfiars. JEEP Oriatanrtti day A puzzled Long Potate Avenue , woman went out to her garage Christmas morning and found a setter and a goldenretrieverpuppy there. WVB3L A laycox Road man beefed to police • AUTOMATIC • AIR CONDITIONING • PLUS MORE... Do you have an estate plan that: a) b) c) distributes your property according to your wishes, avoids probate whenever appropriate, and minimizes or eliminates death taxes? To ensure that you do, call Jay C. Ward? to have your plan reviewed or prepared at (216) 993-3&U. COVNS KLOMS AT LAW 110 Moore Road P.O. Box 210 Avon Lake, Ohio. 44012-0210 FAX (216) 933-4299 WflU • r « . » v m g Trusts • Living WOls • Pow«n of Attorney • LEASE or BUY ME ME '98 CHEROKEE 40R 4X4 SFOHT $ 2 4 9 Month 38 H0VTH3& niOO CASH OR TRADE DOWR •S8 CHEROKEE 2DR 4X4 $ 17,9?5 WRANGLERS GRAND CHEROKEES iTOCI CHRBUJt 933^500 835-5900 Prices Good Wed., January 3rd ihru Tuei., January 9lh, 1996 QUALITY MEATS 453 AVON EELDEN ROAD, AVON LAKE Certified Angus Beef high g m i nutritional value.S^ Certified Angus Beef starts with an award-wixirarag Angus Beef is world famous for its outstanding quality-for its exceptional flavor, tenderness and juiciness. And now, thanks to the efforts of the American Angus Association-an organization of over 25,000 ranchers dedicated to the breeding and feeding of Angus cattle -this high quality, gourmet beef, served in the finest restaurant; coast to coast, can be found in your local store's meat case. ANGUS BEEF® The only way to be sure bee£ ficial A * Certifeed Anyii Beef u a nttsnl load.. .no additives, artificial I color or preservative's are uied in processing. I B«f is i 'nutrient deaie" food, meaning that it provides a Urge g ihare of the ewcatiil r-utnen'j for the human body while ccatriut ing a relatively unall shaie of calorie*. In fact, a standard 3 02. Krv ing of lean rout beef contain} only 169 calorie) and 9 grant! of fat, ovrr half cf which ij unjatuiatect Beef ii 1 valuable souice cf iron, zinc, B-viumizu and protein. And beef protein a highly digestib!e-in fact, more digestible than rtbl With new breeding and feeding techniques, beef b Iow« in calories, til and cholesterol than ever before. "Surprising at it may be to many people, beef is not high is cholesterol The tody manufactures more cholesterol than that which i contributed to the body through food. While the medical controversy over the effects of cholesterol rages back and forth, meat cootinUM to be mistakenly identified u high in cholesterol. * For example, a standard serving of lean beef contains only ?3 milligrams of cholesterol compared to 76 milligram for roasted chicken without ikin and DO ntuligrama for shrimp! So Certified Angus Beel a not only a savory selection, but abo * very nutritional one. To make air? you're getting laste-tanpti— nutrition and assuted value in your beef, always took for the Certified Angus B«f symbo! of quality. MARK EDMONDS Head Butcher and Meat Mcnager • & TIM GALE Butcher :-r Full Zeruice Peli CertifUd Anfuf 3tefBoneless Tof Sirloin Zteafo Certified Angus Beef Boneless ^ — CHUCK ROASTS ib ^ H Certified Angus Beef Boneless ^ -* ENGU5H ROASTS Jb. *'*-'*z I?ether Boneless Be Skinless Lb. $2.39 Eckrich COOKED SALAMI... . . . Eckrich A U MEAT WIENERS ib Ptisfield $1.79 t. Bosell Elbow MACARONI SALAD Holmes County ib. BRICK CHEESE Daisy field Boneless Daisy field Boneless PORK RIB ROASTS Cooked Ham Peli Bacon Chicken B PORK CHOPS Eckrich _ lb. 8 3 0 t#» M A lb. 5 Z . B 9 Harvest $r*nd Smoked Tyson Ficnic Hams Chicken Roll $2.29 I t/reat Selection of Cream and Fruit Pies in All Sizes REALTORS SINCE 1903 ADDRESS. 933-3733 .. 871-0488- , 365-2587 PRICE BED'STYLE Smythe, Cramer Co. $229,000 $79,900 Former Model/4 BR 3BR/Ranch LHomm M.Hexter $246,900 $219,900 $134,500 4BR/Cotoriial 4BR/Cotai 3BR/Ranch J. Gamer CHugick LHomm $157,080 3 BR/Loft Ouster CHugick $237,500 4BR/Cobnial J. Gamer AVONLAKE326 Bounty Way 32t49 Hampton 0 . 33100 Redwood STRONGSVUE S/L24 Berkshire WESTUKE Z710WatefeH :« REALTOR, •AVON — 37140 Hunter's Trai 37593 Lori Blvd. -32020 WalkerM. Avon Lake ,CUI* *Oo* A n l n m aMad 3 bdnf*. nnohto• gmt ter.*»"«*rt thopp*r. PrtMd M $87,500. wtlh • U* 2 Wit—C*- U l t M r l f cnipiinH. % (• fm mrrn In «M|«bnl C * » lodtyfaryov |Mrton# low. HOW MUCH HOME CAN YOU : AFFORD ? ? ? Lists and Sells a House Every Hour, 24 Hours a Day, 365 Days a Year. Let the Next One Be Yours. * *: k I" M i B00C38. Oonfi par rant w*wn you can P«KV ma badroonitematorSW^OCt TNa la ona ycxi dont Wtthtoomany naw Mnga donatoR » M . cal ma and M tarn •fww you Wa r a n and aflonttMa norna. SSOjnO. SanJ L. Wftbat 03^3733. Rnd out wiwn you iDMt win one of our WtekfyOrhSfo Lenders D To privately & confidentially determine your current buying power. . Ttfc * torn, 2 bift'efwmwtak » M h tn •**>3000n MM f * g P y «« g(m you • 0»«l « » . J78JBC0. Stnd L. D To determine H you need to sell before purchasing another home. • To explore VA/FHA low down payment loans. 729611. Startntfup or Mtpptng dcwn « your naadsl Nawar tumaca. tancad y v d and 1-1J2 ear ganga. $75^X1. Carr4 J. O M C O at B71-O4S8 or B33-3733. O Tips on coordinating your sate and new purchase in today's marketplace. D Have all of your questions answered by professionals in a relaxed atmosphore. M2S96. TW« wond«rful ranch 1« ttw pcrtm^ hOT*tef« iyt FFM » « « 3 Bfi. eounfty Ukhtn «<n M M (wniyt ,toidryroom.^wdawlMnewcwiwd^ddk WEDNESDAY 6-8 PJH SUNDAY I-SP.MYWERE: SMYTHE. CRAUEB CO. 33020 WALKER RD. AVON LAKE 729849. WaiOngtoryoutet*> narty Mshtd ham* M aflan charming log axMrior. Andanan vrindow*. 3 apadoua badroom* VMAWD* doaata. HMtwfii Mng & dMng. gnunoat hit . SSSjDOa CsratJ. O n a n 871-0488 or 933^733. yajd, «62jQ00. Carol J. Omico 871-0488 or 833-3733. Find new professional challenges and rewards! 1 will work with you and for you, to become one of the "Beat in the Business." Together we're partners. Smythe, Cramer Co. is always looking for enthusiastic motivated individtials who are seriously interested in full-time real estate careers. That's how we grow - through those whose commitment and abilities fit our philosophy and style. Leant more, give me a call." Christx Mory, Manager Avon Lake Office, 933-3733 t, Jd Community Pulse.-.And Opinion rVBfg3G attorney - at - law ESTATE PLAMNING Wills • Estate • Probate Trusts • Living Wills Power of Attorney Youn NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS Hmw Classes Forming Mora energy • Manag« strvss • Self confidence • Dfadpllne to stop be«* habits ForKarat a Tots 3-1/2 - 4 yra. old Young Klckara 5 & 6 yra. old Sp*d*l Trial CotsrM S1&96 ONAL KARATE CENTERS 445 Aron BeMen RdIn The I4nv**"f Neat to Tom Car Foods Petiiatrie Dcntbtry Infants to T«m nni— i* — - — » - * ill -» -? *» *» *•»" *» ••» The Avon Preschool Parents Club will host theli fifth annual Preschool Information Night on Tuesday. Jan. 9 from 6 to B p.m. In the Avon High School Cafeteria. 3075 Stoney R'dge Road. This event Is an opportunity for parents with preschool age children to investigate seme of the preschool ;-n> grans available in Avon and nearby communities. Representatives uf various preschool* will be present with information concerning philosophies, schedules, costs and to unswer any other questions. "Searching for just the right preschool for your child can be so difficult, especially if this is your first experience. There are so many questions you can and should ask," explains Darlene Allen, the group's program chairman. "This information night really simplifies things for many people. Parents run condense what could be weeks of effort into just a few hours." Immediately following the Preschool IxiV-inatioa presentations Mrs. Wins, a Evenifyxi die; pay the Regardless of when the road re-ojHiu from Uw Avon-Avon Lake railroad tracks to Chester Road. Leex-Nagel will rwmaln a slag road for a few more numlhs. "It will be paved first thing this spring." Smith said. In addition. Jaycox Road, from the railroad trades south to Detroit, will be also be paved 3r»t thing this spring. Smith added. FREE PREQUALIFY • 3% DOWN CONVENTIONAL • FHA/VA FINANCING • HOME IMPROVEMENT LOANS LOAN LINE 933-7100. i >"• '. r Vi' 7 Ml * « The LANDINGS " David W. McCLENAHAN .OKEATER CLEVELAND noour • Aqua-Aerobics IVM CLASSES• FOR Fitness EVERYONE Center • • • • • • • • • • Higb-Low Impact Aerobics Bin 8t Fitness for Girls* Interval Circuit Pumping Silver • Senior Shape-Up Step Aerobics • Weight Training -ALSOPre-school-Ybulh classes Basketball • Hockey Swimming Lessons * Kinder Kamp Karate * Lunch Bunch Child-Parent Activities Child Care * Day Camp tolwUw or to register lor I h — r eoVsr eiosses. « d l thm YMCA at •394100 or (218) 8 U 4 U 2 . NOBTB COAST YMCA ATOM LAKE < • / : - • ; '.•:•: 93.J-3 UNDA MURPHY 7S3-A Avon BoUon Rd. Avon Lake PET 933-7044 Ctovo. 238-3588 PHOTOGRAPHER Studio portratis in tbc /instate comfort of your borne, garden, or stable. 933-3877 680 MOORE RD. • AVON LAKE, OH YMCA Rosalie Koch, aformerAvon Lake High School majorette, performed in the hamirno show at the Citrus Bcwl footbaa game between Ohio Slate and Tennessee in Orlando on Jan. 1. She was selected as an Alt-American Performer by the Marching Audtaries of America at Ashland University this past Jury. RosaBe to tnt daughter of Linda (Looser) Koch and Fred Koch. She \a a senior at Danbury High School in Marbiehead. Onto. (,u r o i MI i . - ; - - ; MORTGAGE CORPORATION kinderearton leacher at Avon Village School. will be speaking on "Kindergarten Readiniss" in the high school's library. Parents of children birth to age 6 are invit-d lo attend. Babysitting and refreshments will be available and the entire event is free of cost. For more Information «bout the evening or the Preschool Parents Club call 934-4135. Weather Ccntinuwi from page 1 930-2530 Working toward a # cavity-free generation menib*rt toot on (hose co!d five degree day prior ta Christmas to help othonMonies from Uie effort will stay within the community. Preschool information night set DET1KXT-WSTEHA FBOfKSlONAi. 8U1UMNG 2217 WISTOSA WAY "AVOfJ 934-1440 Corttinuod from page 1 and onviioruiionUlly safu mannar. CoogrBli lo the Avon Laice Kiwanis Club who ran.n the Salvation Army bell to the tune of nearly S4.000.00. Some 1-800-572-17J7 Viviano's Pizza, Etc Nobody Makes Tastier •fizzaTor Less... / • 835-1500 934-6700 ^flowers 36951 Detroit Road Avon, Ohio 44011 M.-F.8-6;Sat9-4 38-38-58-38-38-38-38-38 3 8 Today You*re Thirty-Eight 3 8 Yoa Know This Is From • P I Z Z A . - 153 Lear Rd., Avon Lake, Ohio • 933-8154 38 3 8 ' Pwaiiy Had To Get Even. P ^ J f ^ j S f 3 8 38-38-38-38-38-38-38-38 I. Pattys nominated Jt/sf open your eyes and see... to Naval Academy AVON LAKK — Attention itudeuls and parunU of Avon Lake sluricnts in grade* K-12rThere am leas than two wrelts left to submit entries far tho upcoming reflections pic^ram (the Creative Arts Fail) The deadline for unlrios is 3 p.m. Friday, Jan. 1Z. As ir. the nast, the categorius are visual aits. literature, photography and music. Tho fair date L> Sunday. Feb. 11 at Troy Intermediate School. The theno L» "JOS* Open Your Eyes and Seo." This is always a wondwrful event, and all Avon Late students aretoncouragedto participate. Representatives have been to the clawroomj, and more entry forms can be obtained by contacting your child's school effice. WASHINGTON. DC. — Senator Mika DeWine- (R-Ohic.) recently announced a list of nominees to the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis. Maryland. Avon Lake High School senior Matthew Pettys was named a nominee. Pettys, 18. ii Iha sen of Avon Laie Police Lieutenant Chailes Pettys and : Debble Pettys. ™ 'Matthew is a member of the National Honor Society and the Math-Science .-Club. He Is also the vies president of the Fellowship of Christian athletes, d served as vice president of his ''•?; joakir d a u Us) year. *' He U active In the high school foot;taB,basiwtbali aad track programs. :jCfDeWtoa remarked: ""I am pleased to the«« young Ohioan* f o r y positions, and 1 am proud of te commitment to serve this great Notes from Commissioner Blair Matthew Pettys •Victorian T*a Jan. 9 . A Maorim I t e by tw Wyiwi^ Laeoue of | 3 M i Utm Un»sd Chur* of OsM «•itehaid at An. 0.«1 ao pja. Enjoyteap n * and m a n u a l Cat 933-3303 or r ivaanBsona. Coat S2. ifcantiaaoa. aupgngegrge onantas HoMaes. 1 corahtoHa Qua aa '-; Jaat pretend you; youuaa, a n • lady latr In a o w n o< naOng aflata. adorned weft lac* and ribbons, and a i w w d l w MOD y w perfect ooMure ' #ftwn you** read* fwt stp jour w rand Mo GwynaflYt and tf» « • ouUe .you) uakmgtwpaffi b a mot* mom genie «ra of lords Ionia and andtaOMa,afternocn I M and a datgMuf con—wing of deyi gone by. <4Confased aboallife Insarauce? Rely on me to Help you maketfiengfat choices.99 eUTHORHHU tSWLLBlB0A AVONtAKE Ufcl ALHS honor roll The foacwtng EasMaw BamanOry students have acnvao nonor ioa w m tor 8^a n i l nin# M M I giadku period. Orsda 3: (AS A 1 ) JorMnan Hortman. ErSts ScCU. Danlia rarona. Maoan O w n arucs _ GarUa, _ M i l i t a OanMUc 0U1ML 1049 Eastview honor roll w»Si I 'J. n d m CMrint OK SakEfton AHean 8MAdui On***. U BaAany Rudoiptu Sam Saw* Jeaatoa DtmkuN. Afltfeaar SoutwodB. BrBon Mcoawn. Lucas Fat. Brian Bbcher.' iMWey I ea.«i. • . Mauan Zurtay taomt AWoMaTsoom OooiUkm. En*y Banadct. JOIM Aaron I t e m * Shwwt 8 R « I . Come Worship\ Nathan Haaal. Krfy Qardnar. f Grade 4: <AX A*S)Ju«e BarM. SMw* Kats. Lakao. LNeay Higo. Chandtar. LM & LCUb ELYR1A — County Commissioner Betty Blair reports the following information of interest to all county residents: • Groundbreaking tor site development work at the Lorain County correctional facility (the existing jail on Murray Ridge Road) will take place this mdath. In May. voters approved the increase in sales tax by 1/4 percent to generate funds for this expansion of 203 beds. When completed, the jail will accommodate 374 beds at an estimated cost of $8.7 million. Of this amounl. 32.7 million Las been obtained in state grants to offset the total cost to Lorain County taxpayers. • Lorain County Treasurer Daniel Telerok reports that the countyfinished1995 with roughJy $300,000 more in interest income over 1994. In October, the commiwlonwn approved contract with the United American Capital Corporation to serve as investment ddvisor to the county. • For jamfl are* women. no-eo*t mammograms and PAP tests are available. Teats and fflammognmi are available free of charge to woman who qualify due to their age (40-plustorPAPs av i 50-plus for mammograma]. Program requirements |n^4iid«i limited income, no MecUcald. no Insurance or undennsurecL For more Information and enrollment, call the Women's Preventive Healthcare Program «t 1800-443-2168. • Mrs. Blair encourages county r**niniimiHt»« to Join the Lorain County Anianc to Improve cooperation and communication among the 35 political suSdivislaas tn Lorain County. Sanh Kaaior. K ractMl KoactMl. Kyto KjttHaan Blaai. CraQ Novak. Katfiryn Thotnpaon. (AN A*a ami 6 * ) AMaon Bryant Tony Bft Ux Soaan, Ftacnal Foot. Anfliony Haddad. RonaU Loebch, Maria W H M . Dan DaRoma, Adrtanne Haaty. Jafl Ebangar. Stemo OaaleW. Laura janraaa.V1rgMBPaaae.NWwi* VMmn-. ***. Dwmotta*. Kal Ktaer, Brian FaMenhanflMr. Edward Gotten. Ashley Kangaa. Caroana FkiM. Uz Zatd- aidi LuiLeran Qmrdi 2 blocfci KKith of Cerfaer's Garden & Lakeland Dr., Avon 934-4710 Sunday Worship 9:30 am riniwti™ Education 10:45 am 'Youth Folk Chotr -Adah Choir LLOYD-MANWELL FORD, INC s.% Lloyd-Manwell rnmplete Advertising Art Studio Brochures • Newsletters • LogoJ*sl|W Ithntrauon • Architectual JtoideriM Old Pbow Pbow Restoraoon Restoraoon • Reioochlng • PuUidty Time To Soy, would like to wish all a safe "THANKS"! & prosperous new year! ffs customers like you that mok*s us tick. r oil ot you. LEASING WETZKECAREOFWU FROM START WRHISH HOURS Mon,-Thwm.tiB8 pin. Frltiie,S«lta4 871-139O LORAIN 933*3291 r See ya around Cleveland Browns veteran offensive lineman Tony Jones says good-bye to fans in the Dawg Pound following the Bfowns' home finale and what could be the last game ever in Cleveland Municipal Stadium. PRESS photo — David Brarxtt Parting shot Browns1 fans wish 17 million dollar bust Andre "Bad Moon' Rison the best in Baltimore. PRESS photo — David Brandt *m i3*:- '-• - -a* k B © aon wttccmt ^.lt v:-^v^ i l l OXlciijTl-0,t£ Blind leading the blind Browns' quarterback Vimle Testavorde consults with an assistant coach as he ponders the Browns' situation on the field during quite possibly the Browns' last game in Cleveland Municipal Stadium. PRESS photo — David Brandt Ja^aBBBBB 3 we i Youth basketball leagues AVON LAKE — The North Coast YMCA wil! offer Youth Basketball leagues for youngsters in grades t to 4 bd Saturday mornings beginning Jan. 13. Grades 1 and 2 willplay ut 11 a.m.. and grades 3 and 4 will play at coon. Tne league will run for 10 weeks ending on March 16. Youngsters ages 3 to 6 are invited to (obi our Bitty Baskstball or Floor Hockey classes which also meet on Saturday mornings. All area youngsters are invited to join in the fun. To register for these classes or to receive more information regarding these or any classes offered by the Y. please call the North Coast YMCA «l 933-9100 or B3S-9622. 1, 2 and You is «i gym clias for parents and tots ages 1 to 2 1/2. Fridays from 10 to 10:45 a.m. Classes feature gym play, crafts and songs. Preschool Movement • This class is for ages 2 to 3 1/2 and is offered Tuesdays. 10 to 10:45 a.m. The class Is an Introduction to movement and gym play for young children. All preschool classes begin the week of January 0. To register, call 933-9100 today. Sno-ball Softball Attention March of Dimes supporters in Lorain. Cuyahogn and l«tVo cnuntiri: More lh?n 4.000 participants, including men'*, women's nnd co-ed soft ball learns, wilt laU par! in Inn annual March of Dimes KlnderCamp Classes Sno-BalI/Soflball Tournament. AVON LAKE — North Coast YMCA begin* offering The fun laket place Jan. 2C and 2i in fields acrns* open regisliation for thn fallowing preschool claw* the**) thret; ctmnties. KlnderCamp, to be hold four time* pet wrnL, i* Tht* most surressful and hir>;ttst tournament *V«T scheduled at the following dates and limes: Monday W.M held in 19*15 when S25.IHW wn% niiietl for the through Thursday. 9:30 to 11 a.m. for children dRe* 2 March of Dimes. through 4 1'2. Classes will allow preschoolers to The March of Dimes hnltl* this nil nun I evnt tn HUM* develop socialization skills in a safr environment. funtU in hopes of providing heiilttiy ilarii for newClasses include free play, one-on-uiw art projects. born*. snacks, gym play, songs and movement exercise*. Money raised will help suppr^I research, community service, advocacy anr* education. To sign up for this event, call 1-800-686-2323. Line-dancing for seniors AVON LAKE — The next session of Ronna Murray's Line-dancing for senior citizens begins Thursday. Jan. 16 and continues for six weeks. The last class begins Thursday. Feb. 22. The one-hour sessions are hold at Ihe Old Firehouso in Avon Lake from 2 to 3 p.m. The cost is SIS for six k To make reservations, please call the Recreation Department at 930-4130 between 1U a.ra. and 2 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and from noon lo 4 p.m. on Friday. Bridge Lessons Starting Friday, [an. 12, fhuru will be bridge lesions for senii-n on Fridays from 10 a.m. lo noon Tn sign up. nr for mure information, please call 933-2972. i88M$mimffl& iSPI Flaunt for two Move over, Mahoney Srtmgti teotof Ksndra Flaum goes up tor a layup in AJJs first conference IOBS of Ilia season to Olmsted Falls Dec.20.The 48-39 defeat broke a string of 45 con•wcutive SWC victories for Avon Lake. PRESS photo — David Brmndt Sarah Simmons shoots over Otmsted Falls' Caiissa Mahoney In the Shoregafv' loss to the Lady Bulldogs Dec. 20. PRESS photo — David Brandt (*94) Beth Lord continues to impress at Grove City College, where she led tho Lady Wolf basketball team in scoring (13.3 ppg] and minutes played (208) through seven games. In Grove City's most recent game — a 68-42 loss to Baldwin-Wallace — Lora topped all Lady Wolf scorers with eight points. Three-peat • The Avon Lake wrestlers wont for three invitational tournament titles in a row last weekend when the Shoremen traveled to Brunswick for the Brunswick Holiday Tournament. Avon Lake began the season by winning both the Knights of Columbus and SPORTS SCOOP By Chris Ai Hitting a baseball isn't the only thing on 199S ALHS graduate Jason Hurbtnak'i mind those days. Hitting tho books also seems to be a priority, judging from his selection to the All-Ohio Academic Baseball team for the 1995 s&ason. Hurbanek was one or 30 seniors recognlzod across tho stale for academic and athletic excellence. While at Avon Lake. Hurbanek won two tetters in baseball and three in basketball, earning him ALHS* 1995 Main Scholar Athlete of the Year awani., Hurbanok. son of Avon Lake rosJdents Jim and Suo Hurbflnek. is a fre.*h- Immunization dlnlc set Jason Hurbanek man pre-med student at Denison University, where he Is also a member of the Bis Red basketball team. Lora, Lora - Fellow Avon Lake Rrad A cMM Immunbatfon a r d c win b * TwU v Thunday. J M . 11 at tha Avon Laka PtfUc Ubr<ry from 3 3 0 p-m. lo 6 p.m. This d W ctaopan lo any temtty w«h cWWrto agas birtti to IB ysara n a i d n g tnvnunizatlons. The cost l i $ S p w Immunlzanon. hamw», no on* «W b* otniad du«to»»tnaoWiy to p«y. it to ntcasaary lor O O T O I Stoaccompany t m chUd to tha clinic and bring • racord o) pravtous knmuttt Makes selling FAST CLASSIFIEDS Buckeye tourney team championships. Back on track - The Shoregal basketball team is back in tho winning column after suffering its first SWC defeat in 46 Ramos, a 46-39 loss to conferenco favorite Olmsted Falls on Doc 20. Avon Lake improved to 6-2 overall with last Thursday's 51-37 bashing of South view. The game was out of reach for tho Lady Saints following an Droning quarter in which A.L. outscored them 17-2. Shorcgals Rebecca Sandor and Amanda Chawansky led the romp with nine points apiece, while contor Surah Simmons grabbed a game-high 11 rebounds. you're looking for EASY College Club West meets On Jan. 3 at 7:45 pun. Coflaga d u b Wast m a m b t n and guasts *M ma«t Mr.Jack Huttar. a ratirad history taachar. Ha wW peasant a sOda prvsanUUon and laflt o n tha Laka Shora Raaw*y.The m « U n g wiB ba haw at Ftecky ntvw Mamorlal MM tocatad at 21012 HUard BJva.. Rocky Bivw. PRES SINCE:I.95To place an ad call: Or Fax your ad at: 933-5100 933-7904 Walk In Hours: 9 am to 5 pm Mon. thru Fri. Deadline: Monday at 5 pm Start The New Year Off Right. Come To Worship At The AVOM LAKE MUNICIPAL COURT Eftc A. £vef«n, J Henkste, Elyna waj fined S750 nnd wntoncM! lo 180 dJy* in jail en a charge nl DWl. *i!n 150 day* ol the sentence deterred, i-bs driver's Ucansa was suspended hi •wo y&n. He was alao fined $500 and Mnlancedto180 days rn jail on a charge ot drivi-ig under suspansion. Las A. Lmle, 37633 Caroline Dr. Avon, was 4ned $500 and sentencedtoBO Cays in Jad on a charye of DWl. wtn B0 dor* ol the sentence delefrsd. HK dr*»rt Beans* was suspended fcx one year. She M S also Bned $50 on a reasonable control vtalaflon. Marsha U o * r a . 010 D m « SL. Lorain, wfts Bred $500 and senttmedto90 4*y» in jal en • charge of DWl. wWi 60 days ol m* *wa»nce dntooMl Uarsha't driv«r^ IcanM wss luspendadtorthnu years. Mantha was also Snad 150 on areasonablecontrol violation. AVON LAKE UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 32801 Electric Blvd. across from ALPS Worship services are at 9:00 and 11:00 AM. Child Care and Sunday School are offered. The Church is Handicap Accessible. AianD Brewn. Xi2La/Vmooi al.Lcrain. was fined S2M and wxrtoncadto30 days tn jaJ on a thar^fl cf passing o M d **«c*. wtui S1C0 ol sne tnt and the Mntance debrrM. Tnomas M Ba«Ml. 333C3 EJectnc Sfvd . H-20. Avon LaXa. wasftrodS500 and senUnced to X days in jai on a cturge cf driwg under suspension. K*lty W. £wi*cryK 1SS7 1/3 E.31SL, Lonwi, was fined S500 arc sansancvd » 90 da-/s in fai on a charge of petty Tmtl, wnn ihe wntoncut au»pandwl. Tracy L Saistuf^. 933 East Or**, ShcJBeM Laka. w « fined S2S0 and S4nttnc«dto30 dayi kijod on a charoe o( pMsamg a bed cftee*. w«i tfw tentanoa Osmrad. Uxrte VWez. 124 E. 32nd St. Lortin, « n to*d S250 and tenlancedto30 dty» In M en a enwya of passing a bad chec*. '.it»i $100 of tfw flne and Ow aemanoi suspended. TfflS AD SPONSORED BY THESE COMMUNITY MINDED BUSINESS MEN & WOMEN CodpHmenb of DR. MARK D.GOUID -PODUTJUST BUTTERFLY FAMILY BOOKS & GIFTS COOKS GIFT SHOP AmnLtt* MOS Abtx Kd. St^irid VULMT SISSON'S FLOWERS, CARDS i GIFTS OOAvonBtUfttlU. DALE'S TV LATER is WHAT IT 1$ LAKE MWANB of yew dnict. (Nn* d BX BacW Aioa Ptra-OMtS tedU BRUSNAHAN 1SS-A U«r Scad Avon lA* CU> 500-2600 rt«U444S EASY STORAGE Mini Storuc/AU Sizes LUPE CHEVROLET TRUCK and GEO AOOLOMD A»«n U i c Ot*> Phoe»«J3-6l5l 38390 Chmttr flnd GOOD SAMARITAN NURSING HOME SS9O9 OHroM ltd. 907-COt I rtCBitd • bifiBosy ora natftDod LANDINGS AN*MAt CONVENIENT FOOD MART HOSPITAL Or. OnuU K. Rc-W* AumUfccClita ADULT CASE gySANDY THE CHILDREN'S CENTER 137 Lett ltd. AiaiLiki -fata* n whit. 1^1 Stta taalffitaafasbst ti tsD ud bkr b T ^ «fl M l j»tfar«irfcfc! Aid pfacb T M awake a jw mwater ad O o*m kaat* I* l tWteraqr Mrf mfc taflHfjk ts« penU S w t a i w* «an<«rihM - t trt « • ktelaai rf-Mtf k «fcat • h." C M I tfr te fnda« acnoas « k caeM k m IckM tar ttcvanl wt M n . G « H art lh> (riata apyarttaifts Mtaedis*i a* MadMt kj katt rf acnaai • & • * • ! at M T eaarkaKktac •*••» • ««at k h," tad vt tmd vnr OM MM* M r t m afaHdarf priHbva mi mtp, kaavssf tkal mdk aacim aaat antfata•aaaaMak la M M AVON LAKE PRINTING MUmU PlntCMSS M9 LMT Rd, Aran Lak* H e I AUTO SERVICE p Fall a«(*k* anki p AM auk** of OKS It truck* 933-EYZSor 933- 3333 AVWLOND WJ-AUTO ALLEN HEATING fcCOOUNG THE PRESS IS! Um RdvrXl PM 300 A«<nL»k«,CHo Ann now VH-IMQ 515 Moor* Rd, suikt 3 Avon Lake. Ohio 3*21* Colon*) A*«. Cowf ktt AMO fco»tr aTbi>dlH SKUGGEN INSURANCE AGENCY BONNIFS LAKESIDE DR. ROMAN BOtWKA SALON Optometrist RAY'S A U T O * TRUCK SERVICE BwuWVMB HARTS EL'S AUTOMOTIVE HVJ aWV UHDa^HaO M I I B M CaVMB* H M M HP-MC0 «3Mon«IU. FAJCLY FUNZXAi CHAPEIS 3300D Orttoit Kd_ Avon 3Z74S W4lk«r Rd. ja—toMi! y StoflMdl^k* TOM'S COUNTRY PLACE/ CATERING PAINT & PAPER PLACE FIRELANDS FLOORS wart J0jmn~ AraiUb DETZEL'S GARAGE GREAT LAKES GYMNASTICS VtOO Fhw 0>k PUkway A U k O t VmnUlon 15CB St«» J. tO tUBL f t JMPM CWHHC OMKM MB »M»1l«WI 4»«M nffunajUMaajKN camoucoum tunintu CSMUCCMIPOt SPARKLE MARKET AnnUUOMe By M*ry Swindell Burglary beil Police arrested three 17-year-old boys, two from Avon and ono Eram tcraln. In connection with a burglary at The Barn Out Back, or outdoorsmen's txon on Detroit Road, early Christmas morning. Officers wen alerted to the burglary - ••rhtm n Holly Lane residon; called at about 12:40 a.m.. saying that a strunge o r was parked In ner driveway and that three men "were messing around la a retention basin" near her horns. Police followed footprints In the n o w from Uw car to the store where they interrupted the burglary, apparently the second of the night by the same trio, according to reports. Two youths fled on foot, eluding capturn. A third, from Loraln. was arrested liter when he come to the station at the i" behest of his mother to report his car stolen* In the meantime, police had discovered goods in the car which they * "traced to the outfitter*1 store. Tha youth WM an asted and bis two suspected confederates were picked up later. AVON POLICE BLOTTER Disorderly drivers A woman motorist complained that a pickup truck tried to force her off tho rood, out went into a ditch on Chester Rood east of Nagel Dec 22 at about 3:50 pjs. Police were unable to locate the pickup. Another driver said he was headed toward Sheffield Lake an SR 611 Dec 23 at about 225 a.m- when another car crossed the center line and struck his car. The second car then disappeared south on Stoney Ridge Road. Westlake Police notified Avon Doc 23 at 9:30 p.m. of a brown Mazda head* ed west on 1-90 from Crocker Road whose occupants apparently were drinking and tossing bottles out of the car. The car was not found. afedlaae* ticket* filched fr i lib Some people who cannot honestly !^ .obtain lughlj prized t k i e t s to next .'^"•Tftjrti Ctaralana Indians' games appar•a*-. _-... 1 ^jlUng to get them using dis- tiam o r tMaree triad to etude captaily Aron PoBce in. the early m a s inehoertofDecKonhrtofind theniViw~6MM»Jfcy~yr— ft* I • offlan. idk River POUCB , cnohUa vrifli VwOlgn w e * on 1-90. When K aotarad A n n at about 425. officaw took m> the pursuit S fagttiw car toft the highway at LfiR B3. Sraed south on 83 and then e 4 n 5 e * fcr the eeitlrmnrt entrance ramp &$?*»'MO. Then it headed eest. only to ensb near tho 157 mllemarker. g« men bailed out tat were later Wectlake officers near and throwing thinus around." Things % had quiuttid down by tho tinm ofTicura vj id Tree trimmed A Lon^ Road rtiaiilunt rumplatnQd Dec 2G mat somabedy had cut down a big pino tree or the rear of his property. Assault claimed A man who claJmod ha was assaulted by another man at the Secluded Inn Dec 26 was advised tofiloa report with the city prosecutor. He came in to the station to have a picture taken of his left eye. Oh, brother Ar. alarmed Stonoy Ridgo Road man summoned tho police tc his house Doc 26 shortly after noon when his 19-yearold brother began "tearing tho huuse up ThtfPRESS 'jfeiv Wedding^ Engagement I, 19%. Tt» PRESS and «1 a mininul durj*. T M to* tit Aoaouoewmtatt *UI mppnaimafaJy aim warn »tour incnWi l so Am mam* 01 t (sBI VW^l of til* tb* annnuncrnwoi nw can t» pclnJ up at TIM / ^ ^ intla No sale A woman cane to the station Dec. 22 to report thalthfam* had stolen 22 tick•<• to Cleveland Indians' baseball a s M & o m bar mailbox, " TOM thief or rUetee sliced open the etwelope. which hod-been sent fay a ticket eaency. and took the ticket*, learlngoolr two, police said. & k ^ d woman weru trying ID get ihu car to a gas station so ii could bo fixed. A mlnivan wound up in a ditch on SR b3 south of tho railroad tracks on Doc 25 shortly aftur 5 p.m. A lowtruck hauled It out. Three can wound up in a ditch off tha eastbound ramp to 1-90 from SR 611 In separate spin-outs on Dec 21 between B and 9:20 a.m. A dark at the Dairy Mart on Detroit Road refused to sell liquor to a young man who appeared underage, this on Dec 23. The youth could produce no ID. He got into a maroon Nissan and drove away. PRpFESSIONAL^lNSURANCE SERVICE Oristmaa Day Relay Local police departments acted in landiMi Christmas Day at 1230 «ja. tocrt some stranded motorists homa to Qy-rU. Westlake Police brought the motorists to Aron where they were plcknd up by Avon Police who handed tb«m over to Sheffield VUl^e Police who took via The right experience-, therightplans~ I right now! I-flO. ' Motoring mlahape TWo men and • woman trying to get their car started along 1-90 apparently excited the concern ofonlookers with a cellular phone who thought the trio w*m fighting, this on Christmas Day at b oiuSi SAA O b O om m. . . . . Officers found the disabled car on the westbound berm near SR 611. The only unpleasant*** was the car's broken ajde, according to reports. The men and Bltly F. Smith From designing affordable ptens that are responsive to your protection needs- to helping you get fast, fair claims service when you need it. our Agency has the experi«w» rt « ! » , & provide you with the professional service you deserve. Call us Serving Our Communities Since 1978 j 1 I THE SMITH INSURANCE AGENCY 1 DRUG MART PLAZA Ml HtoflMn1achJb/nesting _ PWtt JBR. 10 el WO DJO. it t » L M y cn Bedrls BM. h toon a^Mflaii»eitnfci«s«fMaew*' H ^ u M i H M I Be en nsno B o m n m Women* CU> * J NATIONWIDE ] ? 'iiSy?^!*^ 1-800^54)523 a end *"" 9336826 ta aragtoundtodmlMrric* w r t cf Httow*** MmH Read& Use The Classifieds fttrid.Lope.MSN.OW • C«teWa«r».CNM • Mk4efcGnne.MSN.CNM Michael Kearns, D.D.S. Glean Kuemerle, D.D.S, Convenient Hour* —• [Evcnlnfl or Saturday New Patients Are Always Welcome 33398 Walker Rd-Suite "A" Avon Lake, OWo 44012 933-4486 HI 11 Ml HI primary Care of Avon Lake Otal&GcotoDr ^ 930-5010 V TL_. s ! og?,i&rtrf booKBMDS FOR IN a C-ROWT A.J.RKE OUR15WN MXMCO QUR1&WN Tte NaHsn Moms OtttfnuO] scute OSTiEMl THANKS To oUKiiVM O«BS . OPEN HOUSE SUM. JAN. 7 - 2 - S 37935 N. Doovys Avon BRAND MEW O « MARKET-!, Opw nc«*f dKCTHMd cctaiai! A fudfinal«<j b*M add*d>i-i< Gotta M * ma'$131 AVON NEW USTPiC IN AVON! ELYRIA PARK UKE SETTING S*t SO* cctorwtil 4 D o r a . tCO230 2 ear aoacnad garaga' N«*«' C/A WKi* Cook or CorU 2 3 + M * * W 934-1K77 in let. Lfl, DO corpcwAiuax Fiji a 1 1/3 owacnaa pangs. S h . t n i on 2a AVON BUILDERS MODEL ELYR1A WHEELCHAJtR Stumng 4 BFTi. 2 1-Z oath coon M i n * w temr/ & Dm. Formtf LR & CM. CaffwM cwtingif Corky V M WaonannMBa ACCESSIBLE ta mo ad rmcfi wan 3 en-* and 1 490 PKCmil Uttw 1110J30Q •34-H7T of 3M MM AVON LAKE DONT OVERLOOK T1IIS ONE! SWEDA, STWEDASc SHEFFIELD LAKE CHARMING LAKEFRONT Cabnal wrt M X ftartweca an hi U . Caramctoyar.crown raukSnga. many upondaa. Fam m MWBTP,tanaalLFt A D*t. OaraaftabuCd DacJOaOantorUndaA. 934-1000 ex*. 207 •tmnfeig panoianw JuwKarah •34-1(77 or AVON LAKE NEW1SWEETBRIAR ESTATES] SHEFFIELD LAKE PANORAMIC VIEW OwW3BRCcteraalnaa»adonlp. **ic**d totSaaaaon m . panonawcmawfari 4 BR. 2 Ifl ball CMW M l CC*> 2 ym. ow. h M M st> en or ttrtf Ft* I w w w , CfA. many •madaaf S22M0O FEATURED HOME OF THE WEEK CM-1I77ar2M-MM 3 badtoom ranch on ovor VERfMLJON SUNRISE A SUNSET VIEWS! BAY VILLAGE COMMENDABLE] Fran H s kwatf cuMM-MC Itora pnv«nv 3 BfTK 3 U l Ea* m UL kMmaf DH. LR.tamn« t i n m i i and • 2 acnoatt and parka. CnarnWiQ FP •a ks«p « i enn" C/A lor • * * aum- assified LAAWOOO OWUDt; OpwTSun, l ^ 1471 »-20 Oinon. REAL ESTATE RENTAL 05 Vacation Propatty For Rant coui^S MOVING OUT OF THE AREA? Q AbWbialr no (>«>• WaO-00 par montx ( A * on» montia aacurib/ iwyJpjd. O I « t t « 7 i CALL FOR P M C 1-800-753-3343 HHMaraAOw OUiSTliS ^ BMuOtut fNdtaaamani. 3/tm batMa. C y y W caipat. roof, drtra. awMO. tafca, kaoni A muoi S4M • Wont LWtl 371 fc 20 Lota and Acraaga ForStU AVON LAKE LOTS FOR SALE OR BUILD TO SUIT Ubnryra Tradwnaufc Horn— 933-4341 C/A. 35 Vacation Proparty EOnCR BE * tnttetiM. 2raj twa. part W t , S»»at LaaTsinkx OlUan Homa. 2144 Conaw Roaa. Awn. C21« B37-6M8 AVONLAKllOROendDii _ 3 menffv. M . 15-*pa 1 1 L UMaa patdl SBCO • 1 AVON UUCS I t a y i — Ranch. av 1-Ut ban. tvaMd t H .HOP—, <87aJ0. • A T W l O Q t ; ataoroom. tawoad flnMhad BaaamarW M f l U . Note paA. sasotno. £ofc66 rOR M N T ; Waai. a-txcfcaoraa. ma»X a n aoor. Indcnf partkig apwa, Mknr pool, 433-176: PwtodtorYour OtMoor Panyf 2ondff or xrxxf AaK lor lava taLTON HEAD: Ocaan « a » kmry «tkL ataOMom kanwiad conds ki PaioiattQ Dwnaa- S f a p a a<gM. gbvajykiUafdiSn^SOO. _ ^ O N O O KiLLSTB I S L A N D . 8*«y "» m« *»«Jrtoi o^afasan Kaiaya laland ki naanY daconaad tondpmwwn >M» pool 4 A j p wtaat. Wall la O u l f&oabb month CM « t » ORAO FtMMW aammga ol «1 J0W«ld Satan/ pha bonua, *Bjanaa account * banaSM. It you am oKjarlxad t m*rt •ortdFQ wtfc paopM. cal SKaran at 34»4MS or aonct Mawna « 114« Eudd M l I. CMvatana 441 t i COMPUTER USERS HCCOEOi! Typing i Wort Procaaaing tram homa. S43jOOOyr Iracom* pcaanoaL c— i-aoogtj-643 E X aCtaavnarRap tTAffLE •aOUSTOY J* tf» Mlrano pwgrawi ki • " g H g 0 * * count« oanalf Poiara)* aawIQB of S1C00ML I you t a n a M r far puMc p a ceraaA a ppiuMiajrnal paanwca) A anlw l> p g S a m at 34»«MS or aand U 114S EfacH M i l . Clavoland. 44119. BO HtpWantad ATTIKTIOW A¥0W LACT i U f PARK on Rooqr RMa# ">Spadoua « « d toor on* baowom •^ccrALJoarr _^_ y | * « " « rji aaajnti. ftaMir*— S1UBM3UT fiaar aacor. «330.2S1-S0SB. oto i 8aMLP>*ajnaaB. a w . c . p fcScaaaCaaTaanaaa. For • » ZeploaMn and Earn M>. Cal i-«3O4i*<ti« aat Commardal 52 PMQB. SAM » f f K 7 daya. fiand HMana a m g van : P.O. BOX For Rant CASMin PoirBBSr AVON. OHIO L000 SO. FT CIC OWOC1RT, W » T • WAMHOUU wJUadlna Dock BMfiAL PpajTIOl* "^ 'a or . saan .... __ •»*»•' t»IMa«MO*lKci«r|»rortw lUS-M lehool Vlf i f l w W ^P» • * * ! . •L, Jg, JSK ««1 K-on Sehotr. Awn. N UbiDatiki For AppfcaBontoAvon LaM ana Urtng k i m i g n , O a t 1 • aoo«os-«40i. tn. o m n , mm9PMTO onwaspaca For Rant Awn LfJw. L M 1 « . A m . O n M 10; CMttn Hwnpots, rAwn LJftft *••"*• 11:l5vO AnHoo,Awn.aa* « : Anu 0<it*m. Mm lalm OunCan CoMVa*, AWn LM<a: MkhMl Oa^rwl. Avon t * a WANTED E u W W Paorta wwad, UkaRMge honor roll TT Uhki aKNawjd honor m AMMTAWT Naw t o * Sksek EaStaraa •maaafeiiauanapla, atanj Zmt paracn aaiwal oSca knoaAdDa of cv* partanok, T l * WMduM yaM.arj laartVnQ and tw ^atoB lo handai •27 m laLTONHUDTmaiflHAR^JM. pocLkw Lake Ridge honor roll FUMina poaMton. Taam tmOm on a nknaMLOcodaaa EJcnaNniiaioadi a ni Panunnai onca. Lonan County 8aM«tMnM p Paananaa. t a n Wlrmar Road. Elydft. O«O. 44033. R16) ±8^3734. toe _^__ MAMAOEkaEWT TRAtfil TnjntornM canwvanajaaonaay lacocjrtzad mduHn/ iaadar. CaanM kiduda praeJnaw Onaaand da many pr companion P . Salary. bonus* s. tonatns A aipansa account) CaU Snaron at 34Ma«5 or aand rvauma lo 114S EuciM Awa.M11 Cl—aland. 44118. M A T U R i O A V - T I U I KlTCHlM HELP, aaay; MC< » SHt. HorvFO. KankKky Frtad CMckan atrawac> a omccs •» NM «an ban. w 107th ft OMrott. S250/mo AVOW LAiai Ona B r o M t l tutta nnaaatH. O I •iSii—on d F > l C i *>*<=* AVAILABLE. OC*I»OWB LonUn. all m pan ol 10 000 aqft. Canuct: Demy DaMareo. CoWa«B Bankat Laa Saga B-a»r C21B1323-1800 OutBOlng por»O«a»W. w m a compwlar kMMMdga. Watflaka. 9MJta, CLEAMUtd: RaakKMiat LooWBtod-pa^D^aTOra* Da,* 340M Caraar RMoa Rd. CM0. M h Can 6«honaMaMt«Maw a n icanaa. (ear not naadad) Cafl 779-44ia PMttons • 1 ••atin. Oootj hourly waga. PaM oawaiona • howav* O K r Banafca anawapfci. AppN MI 1 « RaanoM Ckjanan. M 4 W ^ _ _ i Rd.. Norwt OanakM; alao. 1S441 Datjoi Road. Rocky t*mi. Ho* cflan dd you wart M tf«M Trwm* Mtw yo/ra "nada el? M n i yew dwca w trow * n m * AMD youraafl your trja coool * FaM pacsti cro«rg comp»oy u. Beans To BClilMa 0V inoat \ apparwnar* dycurBa, c>* Kafia p p Morar^ WOT Typwg wo* cl u waai 65 *ort* par n n i a and W m w «WP P l h ^ h j t u n a nacautry 5*ia: Keaai 4 rtonawr. 3<C0 Carinr RKW Bd. SW »175, W . Oil 441*1 TREI WORJtEKS WAXTEOOROUW> ye« AMO CLMSERS CJ4J.7V-38T*. _- TEAtHEfiit; Cnwdriii'i UPDATE YOUR RESUME 55 L—rgvj Cam*. Amaneo'i uj cMM car* pn»*d«r. tmm J ooartne* H O M M M r g tatttt ai^irrnQona. E fan-nria. Coapatnlv* wra$aa. Uon-Frl. Bi WorUrg lor • nSJy Ou* K> M l O M Ttai W O > < « K » A t M O f f l D RfPORTCRttCovarcayandacnoef govanunant na4tlngs In tna o o n M M t l Aton. Awn Late, BMWd M S M M I UM. MM »HUngt taho placa Uoodfr. Tuaaday and wanaagar a nmyi, t M « a uauafy not « M M « man nan ona or two t»—Ong» w * * • * . Pottton can load M Mc«*a*ad raapenaniRUoa baaad an WflOWPH M i a w n NWiif mtf loaf cflpt I K ^•porta^, Ths PfCST. R O B o * 300. Awn L M * . Oftto. 44012. No pnona can*. PUMSE. •Mrays nan an w NOPTH SHORE RES1AIE SERVICE can r»o you WT*». « 4 bnnat yotf HMUTI* 9Jcaiy and wiiOfMy, Your R * * U T * wtB b* kapt en a * tv U M m o a n am prraad out uang a Laaar pritmr Wa can alao awMt M M ki mtkt) an «tlae»w m a r Mar. For ataoira and praaaanral aaMoa. VAHJOU1 CLCfltCAL D U T U t : Sana data t f M t "Sf^ P<pc—**rioi caa^ig clans lor Moonaaon; ccnmcanQ bcddaia wcti pnranQ t>an M M tm car%jum. Sand Haawna »v duOno aaWv mqummano: P.O. BOX 300 CLBt. A«an Laka. Cno. 44O12. •miktioi OCULEMT au-m-rurons Taacn Hgn Sctad SAT a ACT tM»nifcinni CM TcMraand L m r t Q Cariar. 871-7007. Baadtr O n . b Prood To Aanonnce Oar wuixtf E consoiVATXM joaa FXEC1TUCAL CUrrw W«rJtno, y, HarQ*r». Ex. No Eipadanca y « (rtomaaoo C«i 1 -aXKM-WOt. £ j l OH11QC. BAM-6PM, 7 Oayfl. WtUXtffcCOKMHVATlO«J O M AOAMS ELECTRIC CO. nwira»rarca. wtc NO ««>. nacananr. Now Nnro Fcf Mo Cat (31i) 7»*-CO'0 I j t 7300. BAM U P . . Quatty Swrvica « H H M n t M 366-6069 Waaonry Oanaraf Homa Pmpm F«aa Eaunam OM Artto.Dm babyvt M my h.«n*. aras In back ytwu i alfctnoon snacf. S TJ-C. THE PROS l-i'-EABWO. AVON LAKE -We Do ftibe Old FMfafcocd W«j^- 90 W»nt»d To Buy WAMTED1OT M * . Uant Amatican Flyar. Mrs. MO. p t d * t fcondacaatpiaaaeanclwooaun. WAMTE0:TOY TRAM* Any U n a Any CancHtttn. Cash paM. Call B i n , Xi3-t4aa, laa»a maaaapa. WAHTED-.TOY TRAMS Ant and.' Any Conoitlon. C«an paM. CsJl Bruca. 32H4as,*MH»a waaiaga WESTLAKE COXECTOA « • Buy pockat n W M i . man'» wrttt •aacnaa* ctocaa, and ^Mtfi and ctodt C 96 CARS, TRUCKS, R.V. s CASH ON SPOT Sell your vehicle by Phone OPEN 8 am-9 pm • 7 days a week 892-4059 158 Cleaning""" afaaft 2*3 BadnodB H9na 13 Raw immiClaWy, C H WB) 7BT3- COMMERCIAL ORAFMC DEMON fcnaca at#Kry*wig #Kry*wig t i u MOOCL A praduoaa locwajlc** n e j M . Oiapfa: Dulpn. Msardatia. L l p layout, C n a & C M d l & Lanea •»• C M you na knaga naad la auooaaa. CJ»:iai< qua quick turnaround lima and •aaaonab* >aMa. Cat Lanca nday m : HANDYMAN •nEapar; Palrang AVOML n k a a A Boouhatv*«. caMnats. c*iato«n doaata. antartalnmam cantata. •Mcnaapanirtaa. F n * ttu 933-967B. Hfc lTa S t a wtrlna. Raaaoncbla nta«. Laka Talacom, 933-B771. 1-«00fta25771. etc KITCHENS ftSATHS: Wa apjcajBa m ai pnaaat of Kasfvna ft SaiaZi7 Yaara ajpaflaaca. maorad mm 160 Construction ROUCH a FISSH OftADMn 170 LAWNMOWWQ GARDEN ROTOTUJJHG EDGWG Call Dennis Breese 933-3618 Painllng 185 HAMDYUAN REMOOEUNO PUntang. ElacMcaL Cvpanry. No Jobtoobkj ortooawal YOU AOl) M SATISFIC0I1 xa- ron COKPLtTLSY CALL CLSAN CLtAMfHO. Cwnmareiul. natdanaat. na« conavueaon. bafcxa Of attar you m m . rttt olticoa. pafwmaiu PondadftMund. Ftaa All wort guarantaad. For more HbRMfeK cal OATS EASE. K X . 327-«34a. Otnan »tnd you a 331-5749 CERTIFIED PAIKTWG ThaFtatTaMr •nofiium. knaiam. tapiaoaawwi m CM Bab xn-*1Oi o r l l M P I O-C POLOtfiCM. eaar Hou«f C«i «T-a*5otortiaa BUILDERS Ami Landacacana Tiaa & Samp natBOxat. Topplrg. Tnmnane. Bhn*J taantoB * cawa. Naa aMra. aaad orMd. 871*3823 SWEAT BROTHERS 835-5036 NEW Santc* company tonnlno In A*cn LalaitorcmcaVynaadKL aama day daitvary •anrtcai ol nonh v l D u a ffManaa) voni ona potfv K> 1J00 pound* anytiara M R C M t ^ Q Q / 1-800-531-6482 353-0083 225 Flee: poaani M n dfcraadt topy tor 132Z VMcrla Aaamah IMaiaoodOM 4 4 W » » m »» «»'«-. » ' PAINTING A PAPERHANGMG waX RESIDENTIAL A COMMERCUL BUILDING & REPAIR SERVICES ftaMati Odd Joba. 30 Yta. Eapananca. FREEESTMATCS. f71-1M R1CXJAWORSK1A SONS g P •WBtOkumg -WoodOaMng d A Raami -Owaal RapaVft ftmauOeine Roofing 191 BROADVIEW ROOFING . ALLTTPtS *Ra-nooHnoftTaaroH •HotBukhe •CerapaMaOMaarai 'toabac S«.E an-asm We buy yoordeaa, nmaiog trviksk* msh! S RUBBISH HAULING Fufvhawad AINAPAAuBPan. 19343 OatnK Rd. Rocky RX>ar 333-3334 27108 Kncftartxxfcar. Say VWaoa WANTED 228-0800 193 Rubbish Hauling SHIP PACKAGES UPS Ifcwtnoi MTER1OR J R ENTERPRISES 779-7303 ^ L k c t R I C A l k TELEPHONE WORK. Ucanpad. bondadftInaind. S u p PADCCOHATSaa 892-8696 or 930-2399 JAYCO. 734-2874 WOLSOtTS TREE SERVICE 240 CalJohn any Mia up k> 11xt7 T W PRESS ,, ISSLEARRO. AVON LAKE CMtoraaa eonKMaon, l CLEVELAND CALLIGRAPHY COPIES MADE 25 CENTS TREt - ™?**Sii***e**f*J+fml' nil Ckay NEWCASTLE ROOFING COMPANY 321-2521 TrwCaro HORVATH 1REESEBV1CC fVASOMAaiS RATES daaranp •am...— aand you aanxca. Cal Man: M 1 M.T.O. OFFICE CLEAMNG (Carpentry, Electrical, Piumolng) Ouoaw lor aapay. cMiWtam. ww*ly ii«aa. Mvnatiena. 1&m. piaca H Y nana « Cuaiom wwk. IIIIKOPF 200 BOB'S GENERAL REPAIR T93?MBia alMaa £S cowuTtLY nmSmo ONTS. Located on Jaycox Rd. North of Walker Rd. in Avon Lake. 930-2190 or 892-1634 Moiu-Fri. 1-5:30, Sat. & Sun. 12-5 A Ful tart Oattarafl 4 Mcanvn 4 eATMBt WMj apacaBM «i at pnaaaa erf KKnana 4 S f a T T 7 V a a n a»par>a<ic»- taautad wtui MAINTENANCEJNC 835-9887 •§i*jUftmJ}Jmei SintinO* %»* WO, 000 i Ii33aConj SSSaHcfc D CaltorEsMaia uaenar 4-*«6 C L t W t f l SdBWOfc O-war aw CalJMUKAN paroaiaa «M«y daanad M M . WM 779-8963 am afcxoleompany. Wm can daakjn a piannad raguiar awlnlananc* PtaUJPSVACUUBlCUANEftCa pwgrafn w CUCI aa you naad. Ws SALES AW) SCRVICI. N w and can partonn a». amnam cWarang anytraa twughoM M yaar or ka3 ptlcaa on naw ctaanara. ««• anakai mafeaa, laawawty M MtorIfaonar Youl Mfea pflda bitfaiappamnDi d and Euraka. 151t« Datrolt RA. your daan honrn M M MOT Lakawood. Pta»M» and daftvary NOW SELLING FIREWOOD COMPANY lHaM !«anSm,in M M O M , B O M B and cfianeaa. Nmm ESTATES DELIVERED: J5O00 par KcH Of t140 00F—Conl &49-63CB KZMOCHA CORDWOOO SaaawTia ScW and D a X m t . V43.0O RKM. 113SXO Conl CM X>^B1SS302B15 fXAAONEO CLEAMMQ i T C U F H O M StSTIMS. WQODFIELD B7IOSZ3 Ftnewooo. SEASOMCD AND CLEAMMO SERVCC Onkaa, Momaa. Coadoa: Oafy, «Ma*)v, MoMMy Sarirfea. aonaang raers f Financial 892-0907 arvratzadMTMca aach arna .W.'\N F«EWO0O MfUUZMEMT FIELD MOWING Wth 32280 Recbwood 1*5 SCwtistf «340,000* BMMM P.O Son 530-OM1?. . VT051O. FAX SERVICE BABTSTTTER W/10 TEARS EXMiratKCS WH.L BABTSIT your cT**»n kJl gr pwi Kna. M-F. ix«l Bpn. WM pnMla b « n . anackc an) k » el TLC. nalawnata • naaoad. cal 933^14. Firewood 196 T U M YOUH COLOR PHOTO BVTO O1AMT PUZZLES. Sard 2 t a n u tor 139 IB a»ipq SOOtft Wwl O n w J25.00: nnEwooo • J1 so a ray twhwwj CftZSTT CARD PROBLEMS? Ona low mcrtr** paym«nt di rt»n»l No ^a^*B»mart. NO FEE. Counaav Ino ••a»UClaNON-PROFIT AGENCY. NACCS 1«»-«B1-5333 EXT MS. cn *«i a 85Sltujtioo» Wantad Srnca Liwan FAMLY UAM M « £ D OF YfOfUt 23 Yu^m Emancica Uonsad n u M * Boroad AUPAJR HOUESTAT; EXPCnCMCZQ MOM «S CMOyM n Lata-aood tana, tut Kna. Uon.-ffL MO1-5W. LOV1MO UOTHEA M > can lor your cMMn.UyLaiuMoodnoma.UaaU. TLC Indudaa PTiFT. OMMI ia«n. n—iwnca*. 53^0Be«. WMJ-SAflTBTT. inHtxyi.mama. eayv. Ir. my EtyrM ttoma. ' knivm. Sfie-SOSX * MH Lcanaed, Octxlad. I Chi id Cans 83 TOTAL ELECTRIC & COMPUTER REPAIR Oanoa or amal ivucBNaa ian»*ad. Cwnara or any lypa ruDbHfMpplancaa nMno««d. ako garagaa daanad. 221-9204 195 Snow Ramoval SCMOR cmzENS Horn -Aaalaaad LMng al Ra BaafPnvaia Fnoma. 24-nour aupanrialoa 3 UaaM par Day. ruaaonada Raaii. Staia Ucanaad Tamporary Ptteatnant aMo JOHh-S SMOWPLOWmQ Local RaatiamM » U CEKTEK ROAD (RT. 13) AVON. OHIO WT-Mit0ftMT-«S7t CALL 933-7701 SNOW PLOW7NG PnOUPTSERVICe OAYORMOHT Call from 8am-9pm Daily & Sundays (216) 891-4475 i** 7 *"«*AN p ,/ •*! rt 3 r <k ^ I » 3 I .1,1-1 252 MASSAGE Special Eventi }, r*iuno N L V U A ymnari Err.anc* | w w r i Being t t3Cit-/ ^ J LAHCE CAJWXry TENTS ForR*m Partoci lor YOLT O U « I M T P XftSKt 0/ 20"x3C w 835-5042 AWbU -s Cwm» 9»<«& 340 Lost & Found LOST: LAURA ASHLEY «X SUM0LA3aE3 m rvii ano " M a call 337-5213: WOU=F TAMMNO aero TAN AT HOME Miscellaneous For Sate 345 Buy DIRECT ANO SAVCI HEALTH, RECREATION & EDUCATl II WOO PTCE CoBr Cauucc Cmi TOOAV \*Ofrt*2\ Musical Instruments 300 Education & tnatructJon ccmncD TiAocn M I uor 200 PIANO TUNING M ntoGoOaa 1 -13 •• nfipct fudyak-tafc ytacfcaMaK> (*w»H CM BW-31 SB tar and RET AJR SERV1CS 1-216-333-5026 ill •«•«. &oan»ng & Ktaal Htovwilor M U 305 Music L—sons CMUMM aaz-i na ROMS LESSONS. ANTIQUE FLOOfl HOOCL PWLCO A y RADIO • H I buinin ((cord p U j * f Thit ! ) ' • " • if Irom tha "3O»/*0» and M m not CtmC"9oo. 1150 CO. CM 833-7146 d&n. 933BAHAMA CRUtSCI 5 CBT*' 4 " C 4 . ! M LynWM Tcksa. I-6COd Mae. Mon . IQprrv CHA1N9AW. Craltiman 1ft* C u l n w/ca*« irvl •«!'» e »7SO0 9 3 X 0 7 8 PR£S3; 1M.253M tho«t» hard * « ) TWO. M ltor120 <K bMi o*t*f 7344104 JAPANESE SCflEEN-S30: C 310 Sporting Goods NOfteiCO HAK90 (Maa MS) mowa tf « M n » . NoV Tin •lli^i Catmt.833-4854. EntwtsinmMrt 'IMDMQHT- 1829 aaca *M conafcjar traoas. g i a t 77»77B7 SW-SUTT; U K t l 320 CONNCCT1ON a i f i SdBtgrta) Ster*Q» Of—«rt-»S0 948-3996 LAAOE MCHOWAVE win praM. •tam racaja Book and aft papvn. Si 00. D? ITS axaiclMt. M S . E i a r d M b * t . SID. Alt t t a m I and worong envMon. CaM Appfianos* MOVING COMME.TICUL KT-ORT DRYER. Oood Working OandMorv I75J30. 933-3219 323 335 »1OSStJS«-30a>|«S --~~m. Mttaat, Opoor CMI. f 3 t FREE •RASS Ho*i*eho*d Goods HS33 U«0 v»ry MM 356-1920 B-!om. arttarhfc* SUPtH WHTtKOO; 32 Meg coma cccMf B*c*uo orrogvi u t t C M uco n a 3 7 i ? TEA CAflT; !•«.«», (J/atening iny. MMUC 1BI9 HONOA; 12*» mi. good 777-6010 1M4 UAXDAi 3ZJ SH. * O H . 5-*pd. 3 12.100 TO9-SH2 1«M ORANO AM l £ : 63K SIAWESE tTUD SERVtCE 400 Boats A Melons"" WOODY'S MARINE SERVICE TRANSPORTATION 385 SAMDUSKY.OHK} R t t Auto Parts & Service CUSTOM DCTAOJMa FOR YOUR CAR OR TRUCK. Cat tor mhymancn and rttac Sar<». 8337381 0OOOYEAH Wring"* V* 2*i-7510* a i aaason n a i H . lOO mMs. 1385 nwottar. 356-1930 8am. -5pm. Wat ba t m « WTMT> you mad ua. TWESFORSALEI PROFESSIONAL Four 3U10.5QX15 A| Tan«n Trae PET CARE SERVICES on O m » M RHna. n Ford 5 Lug HuD »>ftow ear*. EaduaNaly fltwgnad (F-Sanaa). Cnromi Caraai Cags m l tar t v piotaasiorMl by pnsiaaaicnjriB. Lug N L M . SSSa Pnana (419) «33M S B Oayiarw or (41B) 433-3419 W« gn« TLC to your piM S your hema In your abatnc*. Pwlf kncu^H vw ncDtnnianMd. Wai tu) aarvU 893-9122 Q Fnd, 386 A-A-A 405 Campers & Vans 1999 FORD Ona Ton V a r t E x a M M earawoa 51K. air. p naw Iraa. XL 1993 CHEVY Cunan aMc. Dad, T.v, V C > i 9 4gQ Trucks For Sale A u t M For Sale 1177 UMCOLN Toamcw V . t t C Sal or m k . SmM Bw* or wagen, <t71g303 1979 CHEVT CAPfVCE Mffi raw creatiirasan 835-4892 OJ 4 F * a * & a r g » g Fntfrnawr 4 Manna Toaat Rapan Macfngat Pm(**% Ouunw Rapav Tom W w d . (419) 939-3907 AutoeWanted SuylrniUaad 4 Ju*ad Car* flunrtngorNai Fi«a I O "390 \ S *23-663i irava m«»a*Q» I N I CAVAL>£H~RS; 4 Owx. «•*. HJD Oood conaticn. Asung S430a CM avanrga 235-2S00. SLAJOSC 8TUO SERVtCE 5MlPor« SanduUv -1S7 419-6Z7-1S73 360 Anlmsl Services CRITTER CARE Wa'ra t u n anan you cam t * . Cialar C a n cMan WrxMr. cpactaUad cwmg wwtstoryogr p«t In i c u heme wt»n you na-* lotoaway. 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