Hayriye Gulbudak June 11, 2015 Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Biology, 310 Ferst Drive, Atlanta, GA 30332 +1(352)871-4294 hgulbudak3@gatech.edu, http://ecotheory.biology.gatech.edu/people/hayriye-gulbudak-0 Education Ph.D in Mathematics, University of Florida, August 2014. Advisor: Maia Martcheva Dissertation: Modeling Avian Influenza and Control Strategies in Poultry M.S. in Mathematics, University of Florida, December 2011. English Programs for Internationals (EPI), University of SC, May 2009. B.S. in Mathematics, Suleyman Demirel University, Turkey, Advisor: Serpil Pehlivan Dissertation: Linear Optimization July 2007. Appointments Postdoctoral Fellow School of Biology, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2014-2017 . Mentor: Joshua Weitz. Affiliated Researcher School of Mathematics, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2015-2017. Research Assistant for QSE3 IGERT program University of Florida, Spring 2014. University of Florida, Summer 2013. Research Assistant University of Florida, Fall 2013. University of Florida, Spring 2013. University of Florida, Summer 2012. Graduate Assistant Suleyman Demirel University, Turkey, Fall 2007. Instructor: Department of Mathematics, University of Florida MAC 1140 Pre-calculus Algebra, Summer 2014. Teaching Assistant: Department of Mathematics, University of Florida MAC 2312 Analytic Geometry and Calculus 2, Fall 2012. MAC 2311 Analytic Geometry and Calculus 1, Spring 2012. MAC 2311 Analytic Geometry and Calculus 1, Fall 2011. MAC 1147 Pre-calculus with Trigonometry, Spring 2011. Hayriye Gulbudak Page 2 Publications/ Manuscripts Under Review • H. Gulbudak, M. Martcheva, Forward Hysteresis and Backward Bifurcation Caused by Culling in an Avian Influenza Model, Math. Biosci. 246: 202-212, 2013. • H. Gulbudak, M. Martcheva, A Structured Avian Influenza Model with Imperfect Vaccination and Vaccine induced Asymptomatic Infection, Bull. Math. Bio. 76 (10), 2014, p. 2389-2425. • H. Gulbudak, J. Ponce, M. Martcheva, Co-Existence Caused by Culling In a Two-Strain Avian Influenza Model (Preprint). • H. Gulbudak, J. Weitz, A Biophysical Model of Archaea/Bacteria Dormancy Induced by Viral Contact (Under Revision). • C. Browne, H. Gulbudak, G. Webb, Modeling Contact Tracing in Outbreaks with Application to Ebola (Under Review). • N. Tuncer, H. Gulbudak, V. Cannataro, M. Martcheva, Structural and practical identifiability issues of immuno-epidemiological vector-host models with application to Rift Valley Fever (Submission Pending Completion of Complementary Manuscript). Invited Talks Modeling Contact Tracing in Ebola Outbreaks Center for Disease Control (CDC), Atlanta, Georgia, March, 2015 An Avian Influenza Model with Imperfect Vaccination and Age-Since-Vaccination Structure 2014 SIAM ANNUAL MEETING The Palmer House, Chicago, Illinois, July, 2014 Coupling Within-Host and Between-Host Dynamics in Arbovirus Diseases The QSE3 IGERT Annual Symposium University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, Modeling Avian Influenza and Control Strategies in Poultry The 38th Annual SIAM Southeastern Atlantic Section Conference Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL, A Structured Avian Influenza Model with Imperfect Vaccination 2014 Joint Mathematics Meetings Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, MD, April, 2014 March, 2014 January, 2014 A Structured Avian Influenza Model with Imperfect Vaccination The Fourth International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Populations in Biological Systems: Mathematical Modeling of Complex Dynamics from Cells to Ecosystems Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, October, 2013 An Avian Influenza Model with Imperfect Vaccination and Age-Since-Vaccination Structure 33rd Southeastern-Atlantic Regional Conference on Differential Equations University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, September, 2013 A Structured Avian Influenza Model with Imperfect Vaccination The Society for Mathematical Biology Annual Meeting and Conference Tempe Mission Palms Hotel and Conference Center, Tempe, AZ, June, 2013 Modeling Rift Valley Fever in a Nested Immuno-epidemiological Vector-Host Model QSE 3 IGERT Annual Symposium University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, April, 2013 Modeling Culling in an Avian Influenza Model SIAM SEAS 2013 Annual Meeting Oak Ridge National Laboratory & University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, March, 2013 Hayriye Gulbudak Page 3 Modeling Culling in an Avian Influenza Model AMS Fall Sectional Meeting Arizona State University, Tucson, AZ, October, 2012 Bistable Dynamics Caused by Culling in an Avian Influenza Model MathBio Seminar University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada, October, 2012 Seminar, Colloquium Talks Modeling Avian Influenza and Control Strategies in Poultry Mathematical Biology and Ecology Seminar Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, October, 2014 Increased Disease Prevalence of Avian Influenza in Poultry Caused by Imperfect Vaccination UF SIAM Seminar University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, November, 2013 Coupling Within-Host and Between-Host Dynamics in Arbovirus Diseases Biomath Seminar University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, October, 2013 A Structured Avian Influenza Model with Imperfect Vaccination and Vaccine Induced Asymptomatic Infection MAP6487 Biomath Seminar 1, Department of Mathematics, University of Florida, October, 2013 Modeling Arbovirus Diseases in a Nested Immuno-Epidemiological Vector-Host Model QSE 3 IGERT Colloquium University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, October, 2013 A Structured Avian Influenza Model with Imperfect Vaccination Biomathematics Seminar University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, April, 2013 A Structured Avian Influenza Vaccination Model Joint SIAM/Biomathematics Seminar University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, February, 2013 Cross Species Transmission of Avian Flu Virus MAT 6032 Seminar in Biomath, Department of Mathematics, University of Florida, December, 2012 Culling in an Avian Influenza Model SIAM Seminar University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, November, 2012 Complex Dynamics Caused by Culling in an Avian Influenza Model Biomathematics Seminar University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, September, 2012 A Branching Process of HIV Immune Escape MAT 6032 Seminar in Biomath, Department of Mathematics, University of Florida, December, 2011 Workshop Poster Presentations Modeling Contact Tracing in Ebola Outbreaks Ebola Modeling Workshop Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA, January, 2015 Co-Existence Caused by Culling In a Two-Strain Avian Influenza Model (with Joan Ponce) UF Graduate Student Research Day University of Florida , Gainesville, FL, October, 2013 Hayriye Gulbudak Page 4 Asymptomatic Spread Caused by Imperfect Vaccine in a Structured Avian Influenza Model UF Graduate Student Research Day University of Florida , Gainesville, FL, October, 2013 Modeling Arbovirus Diseases in a Nested Immuno-epidemiological Vector-Host Model Workshop 2: Rapid Evolution and Sustainability Mathematical Biosciences Institution , Columbus, OH, October, 2013 Imperfect Vaccination in a Structured Avian Influenza Model 2013 Workshop for Young Researchers in Mathematical Biology Mathematical Biosciences Institution , Columbus, OH, August, 2013 Awards and Honors QSE 3 IGERT Research Assistantship (awarded research project with an experimental biologist) (Spring 2014). Research Assistantship (NSF grant DMS-1220342 to M. Martcheva) (Fall 2013). QSE 3 IGERT Summer Research Assistantship (awarded research project with a biologist) (Summer 2013). Research Assistantship (NSF grant DMS-1220342 to M. Martcheva) (Spring 2013). Research Assistantship (NSF grant DMS-0817789 to M. Martcheva) (Summer 2012). Turkish National Education Ministry Fellowship (2009-2011). Turkish National Education Ministry Fellowship (2008-2009). Graduate Assistantship, Suleyman Demirel University, 2007-2008, Turkey (On average one Graduate Assistantship given every two years in the department). Travel Awards July 2014, CLAS travel grant, UF, $300, July 2014, CAM travel grant, UF, $600, January 2014, NSF grant DMS-1220342 to M. Martcheva, UF, $700.00, January 2014, GSC travel grant, UF, $300, October 2013, QSE 3 IGERT travel grant, $200.00, October 2013, MBI travel grant (including lodging and airfare and taxis), $573.24 (plus lodging expenses for 4 nights), October 2013, ICMA IV travel grant, $500.00 September 2013, NSF grant DMS-1220342 to M. Martcheva, UF, $967.18 August 2013, NSF grant DMS-1220342 to M. Martcheva, UF, $ 139.01 August 2013, MBI travel grant (including lodging and airfare and taxis), $600 (plus lodging expenses for 4 nights), June 2013, NSF grant DMS-1220342 to M. Martcheva, UF, $500.00 June 2013, SMB Landahl travel grant, $500, June 2013, CAM travel grant, UF, $500. April 2013 , AMS travel grant, $ 250. March 2013, CLAS travel grant, UF, $ 300. March 2013, NSF grant DMS-1220342 to M. Martcheva, UF, $655.09 October 2012, NSF grant DMS-1220342 to M. Martcheva, UF, $591 October 2012, CLAS, University of Florida, $300 July 2012, NSF grant DMS-0817789 to M.Martcheva, UF, $1004.20. Hayriye Gulbudak Page 5 Graduate Students Mentored • Bradford Taylor-PhD Student (Fall 2014- Present)(Georgia Institute of Technology) – Project: Virophage Invasion and Evolution • Ilan Rubin-Visitor Student (Spring 2015)(Georgia Institute of Technology) – Project: An Agent-Based Model for Contact Tracing in Ebola Outbreaks Undergraduate Students Mentored • Joan Ponce (Fall 2012- Spring 2012)(University of Florida- 4th year undergraduate student in Mathematics) – Weekly meetings. – Guided for thesis preparation. – Prepared and submitted a manuscript to a journal. – Prepared and presented a poster. Synergistic Activities • Reviewer for journals: J. Biol. Sci., Math. Biosci., Plos ONE and an author of the blog “Modeling Avian Influenza” http://modelingavianinfluenza.wordpress.com/ . • Vice president of UF SIAM Chapter (2012-2013). • An organizer of 3rd UF SIAM Conference (Mathematical Biology Section) and Poster Judge in 2012 Graduate Student Research Day at UF. Mini-symposium Organized • The 38th Annual SIAM Southeastern Atlantic Section Conference, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL, on March 28-30, 2014. Mini-symposium title: Modeling Infectious Diseases and Control Strategies Organizers: Hayriye Gulbudak (UF), Cameron Browne (Vanderbilt Unv.), Abhishek Pandey (Clemson Unv.) Speakers: Hayriye Gulbudak (UF), Cameron Browne (Vanderbilt Unv.), Abhishek Pandey (Clemson Unv.), Gordon Akubidillah (Oregon State) • 2015 Society for Mathematical Biology Annual Meeting, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, on June 30-July 3, 2015. Mini-symposium title: Modeling the Ecology and Evolution of Virus-Microbe Systems Organizer: Hayriye Gulbudak (Georgia Tech), Co-organizer: Joshua Weitz (Georgia Tech) Speakers: Hayriye Gulbudak (Georgia Tech), Hal Smith (ASU), Jeremy Barr (San Diego State Unv.), and Hong-Yan Shih (Unv. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign). Memberships Society for Mathematical Biology (SMB), July 2012-now. American Mathematical Society (AMS), August 2009 -now. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM),September 2012-now. Association for Women in Mathematics(AWM), September 2012-now. Mathematical Association of America(MAA), August 2009-now. UF Graduate Mathematics Association(GMA),August 2009-August 2014. Skills MATLAB, Latex, R, Microsoft Office Programs, Scientific Work Place, C++, Webassign, Sakai Hayriye Gulbudak References Maia Martcheva Colonel Allan R. and Margaret G. Crow Professor University of Florida, Department of Mathematics maia@ufl.edu http://www.math.ufl.edu/~maia/ Joshua S. Weitz Professor Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Biology and School of Physics jsweitz@gatech.edu http://ecotheory.biology.gatech.edu/people/joshua-weitz Scott A. McKinley Assistant Professor University of Florida, Mathematics Department scott.mckinley@ufl.edu http://www.math.ufl.edu/ scott.mckinley/ufhome/Home.html Kwai-Lee Chui Lecturer University of Florida, Mathematics Department chui@ufl.edu http://www.math.ufl.edu/ chui/ Page 6
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