ESLM LM Webinar Press Release 041415

April 13th, 2015
Dr. Lowe
European Society of Lifestyle Medicine
Lifestyle Medicine Webinar
Lifestyle Medicine Strategies for Weight Management and Prevention
May 5th 2015, 16:00 CET
The European Society of Lifestyle Medicine and Elsevier launch first Lifestyle
Medicine Webinar Series on May 5th 10am ET – 1600 Central European Time
Paris, France—April 9th, 2015— The European Society of Lifestyle Medicine (ESLM)
and Elsevier, a world-leading provider of information solutions are launching the
first webinar on Lifestyle Medicine on May 5th 10am EDT – 1600 Central European
Time. The webinar aims at raising awareness for Lifestyle Medicine strategies in
weight management and chronic disease and obesity prevention and further helps
to improve education of health professionals in order to reduce the burden of
lifestyle-related, non-communicable diseases.
Today, lifestyle-related, chronic diseases (NCDs) and obesity represent a leading
threat to human health and development. They are the world’s biggest killers,
causing an estimated 35 million deaths each year - 60% of all deaths globally.
Despite their heavy burden, these diseases are preventable. A large percentage of
diabetes and obesity cases could be prevented by eliminating unhealthy lifestyle
behaviors, mainly tobacco use, unbalanced diet, physical inactivity and the harmful
use of alcohol. Unless addressed, the mortality and disease burden from these
health problems will continue to increase.
The World Health Organization (WHO) projects that, globally, NCD deaths will
increase by 17% over the next ten years.
The webinar will highlight important aspects in the prevention of lifestyle-related
chronic diseases:
Lifestyle Medicine Strategies for Weight Management and Prevention
May 5th 2015, 16:00 CET
Awareness about the potential disasters effects of overweight and obesity is
increasing globally, and weight problems have escalated on the top 10 list of
chronic life-threatening conditions hitting the world in the beginning of this
millennium, not only in the Western world but also on a global level.
Obesity is the end-result of a chronic positive energy balance and we see that both
sides of this balance are affected; energy intake and energy output. Physical
activity is at a minimum in our mechanized society and we have to re-invent the
wheel to find out ways in which we can introduce the energy-consuming physical
activity that once was a prerequisite for survival in our ancestors. Food is available
everywhere, and a generation whose parents fought starvation just decades ago is
now overfed.
In reality ‘lifestyle medicine’, changes in lifestyle are the only tool to ‘reverse’
obesity and help to alter the energy balance of individuals at risk in a positive
direction. Although global health authorities have signed a declaration concerning
these matters, in reality almost nothing has happened and many experts now have
developed a sense of despair realizing that what has happened up to now is mainly
lip service.
The new evidence-based branch of health care, lifestyle medicine is emerging to
address the underlying causes of the obesity and the modern lifestyle-disease
This webinar is an introduction to lifestyle medicine strategies for weight
management and chronic disease prevention.
Remember to follow the European Society on Facebook (ESLMlifestylemedicine) and Twitter
(@ESLMorg) and submit your questions using the hashtag #LifestyleMedicine so that the experts can
answer them during the webinar.
The European Society of Lifestyle Medicine ESLM is a non-profit scientific
organization dedicated to advance research, prevention and treatment of chronic
diseases (syn.: lifestyle-related diseases/noncommunicable diseases) to reduce the
burden of those diseases in Europe and across the globe. ESLM provides
leadership in research, prevention and treatment of lifestyle-related diseases in the
fields of nutrition, physical activity, psychology and public health. The goals of the
ESLM are to prevent lifestyle-related chronic diseases (syn: noncommunicable
diseases NCDs), improve the management of people who have these diseases
through professional education and research, and develop guidelines, standards
and policies that promote optimal patient care and health. Health professionals can
join the European Society of Lifestyle Medicine to be part of the global network to
advance research, prevention and treatment of chronic diseases.
Elsevier is a world-leading provider of information solutions that enhance the
performance of science, health, and technology professionals. Elsevier empowers
them to make better decisions, deliver better care, and make groundbreaking
scientific discoveries.
This webinar is co-presented by:
The American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM) is the foremost professional
medical society in the United States for physicians and medical professionals
dedicated to treating the cause by using lifestyle as a therapeutic intervention for
the prevention, treatment, and, often, reversal of chronic, degenerative disease.
ACLM actively promotes Lifestyle Medicine as the essential foundation of a
transformed and sustainable healthcare system. Visit for
more information, details about ACLM’s annual conference, set for November 1-4,
2015 in Nashville, TN available at
The American College of Sports Medicine is the largest sports medicine and
exercise science organization in the world. More than 50,000 international, national
and regional members and certified professionals are dedicated to advancing and
integrating scientific research to provide educational and practical applications of
exercise science and sports medicine.
Founded in 1954, the American College of Preventive Medicine (ACPM) is a
professional, medical society of more than 2,700 members employed in research,
academia, government, clinical settings, and other entities worldwide. ACPM
provides a dynamic forum for the exchange of knowledge among preventive
medicine specialists, and offers high-quality educational programs for continuing
medical education (CME) and maintenance of certification (MOC), information and
resources for ongoing professional development, and networking opportunities.
Exercise is Medicine® (EIM) is a global health initiative managed by the American
College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) that is focused on encouraging primary care
physicians and other health care providers to include physical activity when
designing treatment plans for patients. EIM is committed to the belief that physical
activity is integral in the prevention and treatments of diseases and should be
regularly assessed and “treated” as part of all medical care.