Event Brochure

CUMMING SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Office of Con nuing Medical Educa on and Professional Development Fracture Management Pearls
Webinar Ɵme: May 13, 2015 @ 6:30pm to 7:30pm MST Presented by: Marcia Clark MD, FRCSC Please submit your x-ray cases prior to the webinar and Dr. Clark will
walk through real patient cases.
She will be exploring common issues in the shoulder, elbow, wrist, knee, ankle, and foot; including pediatric elbow, soft tissue injuries, and spine three
column identification will be discussed.
Come and join the discussion!
A er a ending this session, the par cipants will be able to:  Iden fy many common MSK injuries  Discuss management op ons and treatment techniques  Indicate strategies for effec ve communica on with spine surgeons Rural physicians and other health care prac oners
1.0 Mainpro M1 / session ACKNOWLEDGMENT
We gratefully acknowledge the support for this program from the Rural Physician Ac on Plan curios3.wordpress.com
Dana Young
Program Assistant , InnovaƟon
dana.young@ucalgary.ca for further informa on